s = 44 >L.ake Cout.ty. it. Friday. August 5. 1904.-S Pages. LOVELUS DRUJG STORE t LibertyvIlle, 111. This spacebelongs tô E. wu PARKHURST, 2oth.cuitury casb __ti Schanck Block Lbrgil,!Ini Our Fali Line of Clothing and Men's Fine Shoes wili ail arrive before the Lake County F air, Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. Watch This Space for Pau'ticulars LAkkECOUNýY NATIONAL BANK CAPTAL - ~ -s 50,000.0u0 SRLSAND PROFITS 5.00;00 DEPOSITS - 330,000.00 r: P.DVMOD, PRemeT G.A. WRIGR4T, V. PRgsuDeNT C. F. WRIGHT, C^UHicn Du. Ofaui. M. <iAi.UiWA' DI RCCTC Juins (l Atu.. fi. fi sa EutIAN F. l~ DSv.oMu ORS (.A. Wluiiiiu First 1Natio nal1 Bank J.L. TAI tON Fi,,uX IuOTIsR G'ici-Pres il.G.OsintEu Libertyvilke, Illinois Accounts of firms and1 Individuals ate e 8011f ited and yill be re- celved uI)oflthe most favorable termeA, côoud sistent with conserva- tive bankîîsg. Proctor Block Libertyvilie - IllIrols pei' doi. ia Trade Woek: . .I M FMUERICK iH MARTÉN -OFIE tu WiAWu\tuc Bit.. w aus--tlO0a. in,, I t.)I P. n., ans> 1 t 8 P. n. OffreS'Phitue 55. et. tidùn'ue Pluuîîue 1731 DL J L.TAYLOR.- noun:-7 ta) 10 . n. 2 ta 4 tutu) G ta 8 p.um Essideac on Brosdwuy, sppomfute Park. * DR, A. 1. NICHOLS. o! Clulago -DENTAL OFFICE BUTLE LOcROVER tiSitTH a DAvistiSTORE f:f0 . n. te 4100 P.tu. Libertyvibie. Ilîliois. SENI. FL MILLER. ATTORNUY AT LAW. .*ATW tock. TEtEPIlONu-. No. 26. ALibrtyvîlle, Illiinois. DR. 9 . LSMITH DEN¶IST. OrFFEOVEis LANFE cou tTY uANK. WOMu-8 tsi 12 a. n. ans> 1 to 5 i. ut. l)AIL.Y. Lientyvilie,Illinois. DR. C. R. GALLOVAY, 4IMF WE stLOVELLO natta STOuSE. xu1to-frouin to 3 ans> 6 ta 8p.In. Llbeutyvilîe, Illinois. PAUJL MAC GUFRN. ., ATTOBENEY AT LAW. oz; 0. P. oui àRé~mlw. New Tr@ti4% M»«Itto* wlu ibid pt%*J9 tsept >VR 07,0M0 IN PUSitils. Every effort in bulfldrOftd ta gsttlug l reniullse othe outrffines ID tle of reurtioniuatt iseltortyvîlle Trotting ussociaàtianis grounclo lu tirue for ths rst rat omting wblhîcli ta lm e ld set. 15 te la nciqueile. At a nmit.ug f ulirei'tîrs it wsensdecided ta Isuila leur nays meîieting ans> tu 'ftart tiîrse zums PaulIj day hesides a ruiSuinig race selieb wil iconvlide each day'o pregrani. I lareh thse opee pro)gran lns arrsuge>, lsuiugit the rouillai;g races di,) not show. Ai.1ur-!i' f prolb btîrteîîr four hsua- ru-il dllars wili Le hulîg up em-auifiy for lié routiers'. WES>SEugiuti', SEPT. 1:1. So. 1-2:410 Trot ................. ,00 Ni. 2-2:25 P~ace......-............ 500 No. 3I-2:18 Trot .. ....... b.......... 1000) No. 4-2:12 Trot., ..................6V04 Ni. 5-2: i oê ........................i504 Ni. ti,-ree For Ail Ilieý... . ... l rtlltýRSJAS, USEPT. 15. No.M-2:1 Trot...........,.........#0< X-). !f-2:l17 Truot.... . -. ...... 500 Nos. 10>-2:24 Trot ................ l600 No. 11-2:20> l'am ..e .......... ........ -e) si). 12-2:I,12 Pi .................... lm (isnors of Dan Fatuhilundt lu Dilloi the grentet paveer uni] trotter, re»pist- tivu-iy, lin'tIe worid have proguillisl te fart tlieme tiao hor;Ws ut the openiug veut îîf thie aew aiéuuiation.<Of morne lie Miroitasse t ofÀu ilioiiinisy Prove a bar ta titis tenituu-of flieiueeting ilut tue stiser Lorminlîay bli en'. <Jtlsr isarfiei if natiotnal rpputuflîis will atart lu thse racem aud &Mlin ail it wilîLLe te buét §pee prograîn cP",n arrags> for a course in Illiluois, iutoide of Chiciag. 1Th.eimeeting seul lu ne way eonillet with tbhe Lakte O.uuty Agricultural loitsanomal fair, wiilehoccura two weeits arlier, but it dome cone onitI_ saute dates as the big Waiworth eounty fair ait Elkharss.. if ths aine progresin maintaue> tisa sow cxists ut tise groundu. the baildings wili Le rensly Iu tinte fer thse meleting. rThe steel1 structurai work la about tuiishs> for thliegreift auupistbeatile. and wîtiî thre" large baras camîsieteil ans> twoa iundrs> utalltinitider csuutrairt ta Le lnimis'leluIy Ifeptoember I1iîothing will pueveuit hoîlding the uipueeug at the. fine doecide,,l ulon. uier the ampisithure sm Kutfieiput mslace forurefresisuent stands, uami lundýhi ousuferg, wsieh w!li ýerve juntil theecli)liousi'rats Le lulit. A Uniqne Austo-Car. Ths average î'<llege graduateisnotlîing if fltîsîoriginal. Nîsw a nuinilser of niedieai roilege graduates ha&vi'planised ésouetling u.utiru-y ucewfiorUiiuuis uistess uinter wliî'iitise>' iiteilta pruusont tii the Iroquîois M--ait(irial ussoclatiisu uoin- niemorù,tivi' of the terribile tlheatre lire wili l Iaimîeu si) insny lives last wiliter. Titi'aliiiini tif thei'lHarve'y îvening nîedivnl iisllege hiave iiuoiaitated tisar associatioli. unid are bîîilt iuug aituso- bospitul. Au'ording ta the dm-igus4 now under ciînwiîeristion, it will ilettent an add aispmurauîceiii thse treet; of Ciicago, If praîlises t4) lie a lianilsume vebLe,ý however, large and> of nevl designu. It wiileo'iîtain an operatinz ro<sm, wbiceh wil tiltte fronît anti qîilleiof the ucar, whlîîe a Milîîîîly ispesssary wîll neupy the muii!eîl. 1 li wiultl it sel luesaosie nine fuet, inii leîgth about fifteen t-et. Tlîe car will switng a foot frontî the grsiundbletween thîe wleeis. witii Stel und openingoittu ue idiewsidleenougîs ta ailssw a piatientlit u a stretxiher taolue cturried lu witlut truble. WIîile a patieut Ii lulxs i-rate> an, wliich wsell lie donc alu thse qpot of thé eacIdent, the siules of tise iperatiiîg reous seul Le cIoseti, ligbt hts'iî admitteil frisaitthe teop. Moar ioîser, lieut and urtilteil liglit seul lie t' îriiiied liy eiet'trivity. Every favility will lie furniuhied tit tlin lue fîsundin luany iii tiselarge iîîîsîitnls, for anu sleptie îîleratitt. The auto-lsosîital wili be constantiy lf' readiueus for actisl, witlî a surgeon and traineil nurse in attendance. Utftil th( Iroqsuois Miutnurinl Hoîspital is ereets'd il wlll be use. by tise Harvey Meslitia College. .Woodmn To Pîcule. Yau'il miss thse timît tf yenr Ilf e if YOT art- nit on bonîd ut thse Wauîdmen'î pieiiie ta Leý givets unuler aupires oft th Foa-ester team o<f Acîne Camp, ot Liberti vile, ut l>iuisoiîilLAite Monday'. Aug 15. Spseakers of thie day are,(C. T eyekrand> A. K. St*arno.5'tif Wau kegn.A Inos h al gains betw-1l Libertyvilie ans> [vih<ie .nlnes, foue rakesans> atlietiute coets for aV p1ý1ropriats pîiseoand> dancing aftârîguo Navalcoele1I 0 aLake luff. Capt. W. l.lsdof the, United statffl Davy and> hie cti~,Willam M. Bradley and eW Id' . Wiie, opet Meuday mornlsg tMng ii ilau- Lake Bluff. Two ew on I~la tIii' neigbbor- Iioi>iI Were wspoeteLTi»i, oriîîitte refused ttemaire ânynYtîiîîqî-lt as to tlw.ir alaptabilltv for Ilw prîîposed naval Station. . . Old CulaisPiotecîrd. lu the' udjustmeU* cùf t1wi.qlaries of rural carriprs ln thse postal m-1 %ie it las boee dlî.cided tbat..ail carri-.ý t. isîîîinltod prýr t1 Jane 80, U04 a iii, were entitw e) t the mazimaai l'j'y îof t$fwoJ, onder .tlie ruies wbxlh gvî.-rned the entablismlent of routes na l.at tiie shat isvivetthe maximuîîî î'yo'f $724) but tlit the sehedule w i lieame, effetive July 1, M94, iaîîîl Neently auu'ouissl, shall prevail ili fxinîg tIsel eiîmlenmattin of afi earriî'i . n iioînted Edlerly pkYid FEPires. At an î'arly hour Mîiîyîiîrning deatii cae i. ta r. 1D. W Tylo~y.r, Miiburn. Il, un oi ettier id widely kYftwn and ieuved throîîgl4r w il. irty. lleart trouble was the ofi.. iis i demime and his deathm was s-i v sudden au.J uneXîsete.d. Dr. Taylor wus borts i Ilm2tik nd ,Wus over 7m years oid. Illi s ticen à reident of Laske cofflY iii.tiie close of tlîl'war, and iras iîiie, hnsee througilout thub reglon. li- leavem tei)lîloura bIs s l.S midssk thse widow, threeS l jo'î: line jamieson, ot St. LouIs; ltilh Taiylor, M.D., if lily Lake, i.,ilil E nn Taylor, a lawj'er luhagîi. .Dr. Taylor wam thé. oldest îra.tiviuig phymkinlti in Lake eqsnty, IiHuîwing Idée Priofessuiin aite,<fry 4Ils ilisitli The fauerai took 0paM at Milllînr"n at 1 p. mon auWedneday, Littit PevllaAbout. Lowii- galre a new solutioîn for the canaiwii tWarin welor hi i ls Wsermon sunîiay ut Zioin City. Reic iiiîl lue iiiîîid and î,p1îrtiuive liet VANi liii te thse ir. nîlutise air dg milinm of littie decil>,, snt Ieýre Iiy the evil one tel annjoy sinnerm. Tihe goos> olirits, tbwy sliritiî of the upper reiols, lic sidv6,I lluisl away by the littkledevilm mauil Chiltn * -ukeuî the cvii suiinte amsnd 111 hilni to i l, thiug eiittlslg goii piritt'Otri ntirn te) thse realmwlere tiî.' roami. lu sulstuntiatiori of tlils eluiîîîi De pcntAiute) tChýrits îxsreleon î;ziîilî'. Hie sais> Christ iru.liukpd the a avéc be-aupethe peuijtii wV. et <Sjeeil. aitl liT50 oiu elasel u. tsthe ltilecIlýîlm svhich elfeutpil tih,'sto)rtl. Coi* Couiy Vetenaus Comig. TIse Cook eounty %Vteraus' Annuaîn li-union assoiation Ill a meeting lilill IMonday iglit Votul te) ols> ts fit aainuul retînoîllit F I tSheridan, Se'pt. .luîvtatloiss wili lue ,\ýtins>O ta il]<. A. R. ptsts and> kini î ýrgiUisizatiotis ini nourthenu Ilinuois, I iti i.uîa, Visu.uisitî andi michigun. Tii"ltles soiaiu uni' thse Lai>euio tiI iti6(. A. l.t-ti' wollien'ms lIiuf Cuti., the Sons iof Veter'n, thei' auugliter.qist Vetqmuns, tatd tIhe veteuans oti'itisuAueknwar. Colonel Wt A. Whiltull. coriandi'r of thse amy ponl hui iw fluted 10 do u lueh eau te is> lie caitunsittEutls inagkiùg thse meîilou e. ucems. île lias Ï>fmisî-d te grant îaIlthse conSmissiutinei Ï ury. Tlîe cauîp silile iou'ateul onttie orflimslIe aif tise fot, Fincetli gi'ounds on tils mille are ncii.mut t1wlîultrrucis, thti rifle range antitIse îuuîtuîh groundls. Tlwu stldiers o! thse fort nvili Iouiid a ultfoit forn the speakers andi rovide refru.si. Gond Attractions et Pair.- 1 A usee-tig <of tIwi iiiritsrs oft tue Laike Cant>' Agrhcultsuitsl f4uiietY we hlil hiii bihertyville I"tt icel forrtte purpiusu' ut nrrangtng for spei,(ial attractions fur theu eamlng Fuir. It was decides> t-u,if-r $100for ' lia's hall ganeotus Yetstu il whie lttius tsi t'outtsst miut le fruuttul u-ke County, twrc wîil lue no bar ta lItitig outaidepli's Tise uusual tuttuY silouw slli le lîu'lul ils Vsuai sith a ;ireiuiuutui o! $7 fuir, t1ii' prettieolt baby in th.. uuiutyt', unutli'r if $5$ for tise wSmns> usuu' suetes>. A eomimittpe wiis seecteil te) tilla' i'iarge ai securing 5îa555 Roadslr spItitl attractIons frouti iwy and lu ausufluîr Isslue it wll lut' 1sicietle 0 inliui. whal fisW ' silI te. S Privilous neveu sulu as tbe.y ami'titis yeuar sud tise uid-way %siltII Le ue uîîst dkwor@iÉIld uver on tiai grusiundis. A Maycor RecommandestI. Mr. Paut S. Fusuin, tueo popular uuayor of f4coln 1lit, wuî'ýs tisafoll,îwilug strong. indorssuitiit <01 Relo Toniu' tu t I h ave uses> lie-(ts l L ea u~tve ly u îî in ny f . iiy fo r M t thewyears ans r> r ,d it as ua lirtic OPEN GAS 5 CAUSE Popular Pt. Oberidon Sold1er Coutîitu Fatal Error. IN SWIMMINGODOWNS. Aiphonne ilergéron, a soilier nt Fort Sheridani. wus louas> îled in a rooni ut tlss'l'urk Ilistel at Eigiîwixl, Suu.Iay *morning. Au opewn gas jet anid strong odor oif ga in lathe, roi un expiîned tlie cause ifd uettii. Co)rouiýr Tayorwas eniles ans> helul au laquent thu. sautii' ly andInt fi rnt it wuo belleVed tt i fsalsl in iîitti.l sîîiilel. Testiusony of îîfiuc'rs at the Fourt au.> émpioyuSs o he o! .'Liicl îiîi tot stain this tliuory, li.wi'vir, tini] tiie jury brought lu a verdirt îof aiiln suffocation iith ilumiuîntiig gui." Ilergerois wus n lshiiîar muan botlî ut the Fort and> ut lligiîwîîîs where lie was» well kuîo)*n IiHewax ut a jouvial dimlpositiom nd s>thelat mnim u acqiatiaiis' souil uMrx.epi-t ofdh<is lHe aie ut tlh'*Park llti late latuîulay eveulug anid neku(i tfor aisoni, a" lie lied doue on nuîîîerous pre'.ious oa.xassuîîns when lie did not wisiî to wulk to tuie Fort. He was perfeetly solur and> lins not ieen drihiking. It In helieved the mns got uîî du'riig -thse ight to.close a window whieh wan open When le re- tins>. lus aiteuulting ta) light the gas Leý proiialiiy turnes> it on and thon for nome reissiai dis> not liglt it, but put the wiîudo)w lown uns> rttîrneutl tabu-. His driasiness douistiess i iuses> ini to naku tulis tailcitis!, as Le in known tu, have bu-n Issiîliar with thse use of gas. mi peakl ighliy uof te matn. He fought ln the Phîilipipineus and had a goond record as a soldier. Bis tuther lives lu L.eîistou, Me. i.IT"lLE ROiY tiROWN.. Harould ul tid, of Highsland> Park, ws druîwneu' nniar tlic lrekwater at the lake frOnt lu tlîat itY Muuîday afte rnan wlile lu swimuiug witlî three corn- lîannons. The boys ranges>ilunee frouatesi ta thirteen years and none' of Action of tus- s'iter ut ens> of the iireukwater bas> tornies> a. îilts some eiglît et deSp while ail about tise water waî nut more tisan thrée or four feu -h ueptî. Thée lboys knew ouittiisbut Harsoldî*m w ns itees and ti fslpme<1intsli huîie anI wns drosenëdesifure ansutauce arrives>. A laborer natues> Maroway wiolhiippened ut t le pang hlias ttle îififely lu fiditsg tise luauy but it Wam tisa ati' tus hring fuho oyta ulit. Ituip Ltudiue of4, aî Ih.sruelusi liittan'tl all is Inotîser tf titi'accident andts -ie wuc soiewlîut -lreiiam~d te ro.'ive tii,' buody wlîit'i was taken ta Use fuuiinlua cisritige-, bat thte wroiue 'ilusuribes> a#4isart reiîuing whetî stroug liris liteil tluelittie foiuîrufrous thse iisîvcyfince attdl iarrleul it ilito thue' boune. t Co r 'l'uayluîrhlui an iîiiiîistTuemday anud ua veruit o I-ii u'il'utai sruwnig wsa rIileiî. ELGIN CONTROLS BUTTER": 11Gw the Board of Traàee Makes 1'rices Bach Week FOR ALI., THE W<>RLD. etului't'ek lm ut iuil iitue I'uts'1 fsN liii îri'î' tfhIuttuir uictisies>by tise ligitu lfiiurl uf'lrusdi. lus you týver staîs tus tiliik.tisat t' l izirsIuf Trusle nt lgin the w.sril. Tii,'tmaurket rultr' ofitheii'try produuct lm fixe.) in et îsiuliutr uvey ever>' wek hy thte FCîgia n uu iof traausu. norganiration iviti 23(1 tiu'tifere repru'fsting 44-0 i'mis'uiutets wiit't'u- liuttî't' fi. otie> Tlîu urul uuets i'very Mîtîda>' noua wiflu uiuîut luI' ie irsuîut pru-.nt, .montei Iliiug i-n uitlu butite.r tsi st41lan thitirs Xcv. Ysrk, Clicagîî. ans> oller lurgi' ities. Tlie uuuanuîrY tiiul rffer fur sali' v(tli,i'sluts oef fleir î'tumudity, anti is are mna.'fir tlueîus b>'the wotîlt- s- liirelisers. lii, e mmeary nf thue board n'ni(s son a blaekiuiarsl i'ueh iiuil antd juut lefous 2:30.fil.tu,Who'us u'ttsngtii raie, .th iseluudituI. lospe, ,ailse furfinal lido uu ak ul ele r if lu, ie.meîitite .bis>madle fuirlis huuter. 4lanu of uitlul, sehier iepuit, uthers iilliiu, andI ail theu trafflitctiis aie lat ,,,, record. Theîtît te quuîtiul liii coin- lit tue, cusinlosu-.)oiifirs iieies,iretint, tsi aituadjoiiuing -mous, tstsuestht- primes bld iaud thomp dematitleel ans> also fuie eoaditiaus et thenmarket, of the cattie, ni tIse patiu, etc., dus>molnt reportse tu tise Qpu-n tbonrý[ ejat 'in Ifs jtigneut lu a fir pries for butter. Tise ý#rgue in sel dotermnadans>lm j acceptes> sitliost demtur ans> pievailse for tWreinain&dottb.hee-k. On Ibis b«a puicbaa î>9 made for bolh1 51.50 a Year iri Advar~ce. For Sale by W, M, -HEATH FurnIture and Unctertaklng ibertyville M- Iin~j -S1n!u il i '4 It le au -established fact that a GABOLE$41I STOVIE lu any kitchen is a blessing the.. waM2 dayA. t'ow to be doubly bleeeed you ehould bu>' a stove with a réputation. Our "6NI2W PROCESS"e GASOLENE STOVE le undoubtedi>' the best etove on the market, AutEl as 1 -have eold them lot yeare J know wbat JEam~ taIking about. Pricles range'from $2.75 to $20 Cali in and se e thoin. It will b. to your ad- vantage. We repair any and ail Uinds of staveg. Libertyvliet We r ishipe Furt baiitd elatitl FIy Nts, andà mer ffIÔrse-ý reelved thfr week our annt* )menit of , uinmer Hon ilhing Goode, (aiid the>' are t LeomeRt we have uver had) cm Èg of eHorse Covers, Lap -D Sew linà of Mesh 1N0 M. 100 uuadlather fi*net. .. .. .. .... 90 ... ..i.. 75 ........n.n '60 ... .. .. . .. .. The colebeated VagaurTeani 4t, W t poi. OKHA76 K.AI1$1 Horse Furnlshing Goods Llbertyville5 - i rBMRSTQW 1~ MAN4UIrACTUREA 0 O Marble and, fraite Monudini & Cemetery Work of, Evcry Description Correspondence Solkcited 126 Geneme St. WAU KEGAN 114 short 1finie ugo 1- was ftaken wlth a violent atfîwk iof diarrlsaca ans> hlieve 1 would hiy'i' îiieîlil Ilias> mut gotteot re- lif, àms3 jliiîJ. Pattion, a lomdig ofien iiPstm.Ahi.- ~X.rhe- tne.nleul Uliionerlaiul'uiCole, ChoIera au irhe tlld.1lojbwentyJfive éent lsottle and> alter taklumg thre.udm« eof iii wau ýtirtly eip"d. 1 onider it the but runody ln tb. Wo* Ifor. bowel coinne>u., For es» S z IL B.O4cOL1s.Ll4 SATURI Augu music, byProf. orche4t PLAN TOip Good' ..LLL.. N ~ -4Q. a Year inA.dvatice, 711 ý 1-i- ý 1--"« é--O' - -