Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 12 Aug 1904, p. 1

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Liber Yen pay $.00Oagualon for it a 6 contas gallon. Try5t Oflà 7011 IL INV#4TIGATE Il ,LOVELI'S DRLJG STORE t; LibeKtyviIIe. II. E.' W. mAdmRS Schanck Stock Our Fali. Line of Clothing and Men's 'Fine Shoes wII agil arrive before the Lake Cou nty Fair, Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. LAIt CONT;YNArION.AL. BANK DeposgiTS e- 33o.000.00 t:P.DYONtsoi g.v 0. A. wiq1GmTr. V. Pstiagrav c. r. wnîowr. Cag DISECTORS Dn. cUAe. M. <laLUiwiv Jttux (Iuî.îttin Aîas. O. 8iIIWEUMAN F. P. Dvsosu4 J. 8 . Gitiîcsv Gi. A. WMGT - 1 C. Y. W<UUUT I _____________________________ DL FREDHRIC H.MAWMI bou-8 tao1a. M., 1 ta 3, end Libertyvils, Illinoits DL. J. L TAYLOR. 0511(5 011en TilItoURa & LO ouai-? to 10 a. in. 2 tu 4 and 6 ta 9esideuce on Braadway, oppoite Pam*. Lhiertyvtlle, Illinois. ef Chicago DENTAL OFFICE 17as:-Wednendays of sncb.woek frein 8:00a. M. teGO 60« r BENI. . LMIER * ATTII$NEY AT LAW. &'$BAIbtyL Selilttl. DR . B H.SMITIL DENTIST. 0511<15oviit t AS cOLNTv lItAN. ROua-@ te 12 a.,n. andi 1 to 5 p.. . Jllwrtyvilie, litiole. DR. CILR. ALLOWAY, 051*131 OV ma LV0LR.'5 1>1150 STOR. mona-fon i teoa ind ate Ubettyville,Ililinois. PAUL MAC OUFPIi ATTOItNEY AT LAW. First Nabo nal Bank J.L. TAYLoit Prm. FRAuRsPaacroat i.(.GAUnpNri ibértyville, Illinois- A&cconta of firma and individualis are solic tedand viii be re- ei'tred n pon the. muet favorable ternme con- simtent with conserva- tive baiîkflig. Proctor Block Liberty3Mite- Illinoisi .WPRICfS.ý IN TODO" Dlmcusdg New Prtnary DO" ?LXI BTHBM. "Rasveyou esai a inte lsasm'sxtjg tii. ttes ta gavera Our prpuarlss ere- 'aller"l la the. quai-y on. iboers in aU s eo0f the . ant>' Whoun two "ielcmasmeut Mid tiers la but littie vrlaa in thei. slituttivermai repl>', 111 dan't lMethe. essentisi pointsasa dîspoketi a! b>'the. commite., andti n mati> changes are nocessry." Banie republiaes ai-e ver>' bitter in their denuaclatlon af the central t-o)mnittee's "ncto, wiub. tieru content tiiemnelves b>' remoivIng tuaasuist in amending the. raieslns canventior, There never was an action by a caunt>' centrai conimittae in Lake éounty wbich stirred np MsuaIsateti discussion. Thosm wiialait the calesl were drawfl ln the. intereate of certain candidates sud who et irst declare t tey would flot abide b>' tiien, epm upon second thougbt, ln ionbt as to wbttt action, ns ite comlng piïinîaries are <-aneerneai 'ntt then-ameniiling tbem satislacta6rl> nt tii. convention, wbuie others favor holding tihe printaries mnas man>' tawn- sltips as tbe town coitmittees wli agrs., under the o'aidstemn,andti tissWhoue turneti down la thes convention, appeld. ing ta the. state Central commâitte. It la uaid mny of thse tawnshiip conimitteme are en bîtter>' oppo»kmi ta the, lsw sypternthe>' wlli gladir amust laic i concerteti actiontato ifeat th:* ends of tthe touat>' centrai contînitMée. A. circular letter le heing dlitintedI broadeasitbtroughout the. couaty, and fatiiereti b> John Dos, wiik give, some' Ides of the. situation as vlsrwed b> the. mare dlsgruntled repuhlleans ti ib ers are mon>' lathat c"aIs: er. il;le: Lake Count', Illi., Aug. 9, 1204. DERSm: B> thi ecment ac-tion cif tihe lepublbffl =Cut> Central Couttt,tiugt th e pctlefaorts of itvse halai, cmmnttemelt of tiin.ev.rai tciwn*i bave heen plaSd ila a position ta ehi tu the higistbitdorthi tegain f roin ther , mwral, onsis t is amlouft offemo for the delegation. A comatittoenmai 1 erve the i.rgbt ta an>' or ai] bides, 'on the g rounds tat new candidates, with more coin ta spae, ia> enerthm iliia.nd "maise tii. t. ituati(,f. Udr no circumtgne;eu besa accepteti. If a dend-lock occurmin. tii. convention, you wl libe oiUi.-d t "uml" the ebairnian of the. Count3r, Central-, when i u aul pro,ï babilit>' the.«"rate" will h. raied again. Il you sam not a candidatesfatoit ne0f tii. varions the, count>' and wiwb to become one, 1 wili gay that Voilier existing conditions qualifications at auykind *85 unneuuary, tUn.oni>' reqgirelnent belng "tihe prioS." This itaa ver>' eum satory arrangement f or the. ébairmazo and -nome ofthtei members of tii. cotmite., as it i inesum'u a fl in dt.,o tthe Coint>' Central Cmmnime regardiesa0ofttii.wsh.s 'f the eitiiena aiOUthe, townuhips iep. rmuntod?'J foplit;that iis uetiad ai pulun i. te saa Politien 0o! i». Voity uli met witii yont uaquà1ame You~va.râiu7rly Joux Dos, comilenma 1WA U K E A 14 w Dolgs ai the Cotiy Sigem kerqstoOsw t P stoseter C. A. -Murray' wbo' lia beasicit for a coniderabie lime, la salti t. lie 'oing graduali>' orm, antibils 1 uniame mach worrieti over bis con- dition. P onilet Frost ai the. electrie rond contributeti $10l0 towarti the fond raiueti letot to, open theii new Jit McAiWs ter Isaspital, andt iis, attisa!ta sanie minai subscriptiotte, mad theei b.noase- ary 090I wbihwas dteficleat. &.cauue disreliltaile lontwere banboreti about tii'- Place Mayor pearce Widnesday i-vokti tii. lictînue of, Mms lieli,<i Sntl<i'n-tea'tee.A nunîbea. o! questionnbli- mlirtterg were lostiet ta iti'tii'iii -oniliquenelto f l#e investigationt. Wni. Iagan, formier ciruit dlent of Lait e outvblas dittpparet anti relativte anti renabe to qtate wbsre lieim- He. it bas Iteet gone two weeek. hr. Ittixmitwas cirutm lent for ian>' yeall- prior tii Mir: Brocitway, te C rent ia4!umupti t. Re ta wefl i kown the. eonîttY tandkttawledge of is duap eaance. wii be receiveti witb =mprse ai regret b>' al.;Tii. lemiiiyil t-cil knîîwn sant tir itan>' friandis grievu' wit the n i their trouîble, *Bradibuîry atnd Mliley's launtir>' as vwtped olîm of exisitpee b y r whlcit was duscoen-tiat iidhight lest week vWetinesdn>' nigbt entai ing a lose to the lauontir>'of froint ta, w$5.500 anti ta tit, building ofa bot1,800 iiiso to onooil.& about 010. Tb* I eat cause o! lb. fire la nol itnowa but il la thonght tliaIIl was due to, y~naus ecotabotlaitwiiclm ot Mn:, a tbeiaundm,>'dryrodaitloosIsaila goi Cortlsetm r Wth "Miao t our i, Friday. August,12. 1904-8 Pages. Litte Ovfl O9r. Ai- 0001) &~P]ýPROGRAW. Its oiy a U Over 1t'1,weeka tô Fair time. am clo>ms palauj lirektÔ toet are .bnay as bffletking tri'- ai, ail the littie. dettu ile tlatgt>otuuwkt-up the big RL Bock, supetigtenïti t af speed asurem us b. WIllbu al)l tt liievery clama titis pear asi-t iniz ut saine 09 the races iwWbe Wrded. Ofi course he wili not at tbis tb"i di%-î>gt- nattas a! su>' of the eunt4lis, but v y thore aies oome fmtoanas. . C. H. Simth;. vialmi n -arge ai priviieges s,4an d 5ioIn again this year bhm neyer bati m naev inquiries for upace on tii. md.# gant i e is eelectlng the. bet anese. Xi Willi pt an"Ilthe largCutandib t~-Way -ver.lie bus given especial * nti t7 o iecuring a nierry-goreuad aof., eiont apaCit>' th accommodate the Jletl f iks tiisyear andi doelres b u otrltd wità one ,uf lut 1 -t lieit'business. skcrtari bvbilla -lugeti witii - nidipndactI« rei'l* "',ti. U ~eId tretintbiu deparlmenta!ftIllotiF isyear. The aid timsluIàn a abensian, mati- ernied by a darkag»àmecitte droisata ho a feature Mor'ea interest sacit attemnooa. '1'bs Se taiti prsvious ta eaeh ansoiOvWpeli, rmon a higb tigiti wire before tW'opli'thpatrs. For base bail #1Ç lé oailredth iis Jear amti wbile ani>'I eoiuty clubs can. campete, te>' wil oW .-arretifront secnring playeru boaawny ta flliioat titeir quota. Titis emm neat b&U." Arrngme ts tog ii uing races on Tburad>' sd FIý S-eflot complet., but auitabie prissahta l- ung up for TWO PECUUIAR DEATIIS. Boy Drowsa laesCrack. Aged Womna xpirceeat Depot. 0»» ClitCUI&STANCBS. Frida>' moring Coronpr Taylor wa@ 9 uminone t t Fox Ltake toi bait an, laqunt over the. remnsm'of Edward~ Vanfloin, a Chicago Young'nman Who Wa drowntqd in Nippermtnk Creek. ,týfter tdi nqufflt the Coroner watt unmoned to the aid of an aged lady wlîo wau etricken - th aIXpoPiey just maSshe aligittetifrrnthtetrain. wbiebh hp Wat about to bo. ard tii go to hi'. homne in L.ibertyville. lHe wils onable ta revive fier andi helti aninqufft forthwitli. .Edward Vaulioi and (lt-t. Strna han àrrived t Muerecke's Hlotel. Fox Lakte, Tinrsda>', andi Friday torning t1iey 'Oscired a boat and went to Nipperminit creek ta 11mb for bull bi'ads. Bt.-coîting tired tite> decideti to go in swimminig. Strachan ontereti the Water irst anti Wdd acros the er*k, where hi' etooti watching a faner who wau operating a nîowing machifte. :?Bis attÉ%tilon watt attractet b>' Vaulýorn's cry f or leip and turning h. ýmir" IlUlem tru«llang iddle oftte ,,crkesi .evidently thaving attemuptedti a cr& t$apoint wbr tki. Iatr lm deeer - thm wbere. bis coffipansan hat gais. over, and not knowing how ta ewim was unabie ta ranch shore. itrachàan rîe t tabis aid sud puqhedth iele boat witii reacbing distajtce, but the niant lnhi@ frantie utruggles and qçciteinent lot hi, beati andi diii not take hold of it. Ait aar was then ehoved out ta hini andt its aiso b. oeetned ta igntore. -lie watt bieeding t the noue bSeue of bip exertiona, and llnally nank, andi witbin reacbing distanoe of aid.,litelfalure tw ýgral the. on, a4 aiea the boat luaàttributetd b> thns. Wio 58W it drawn ta bis, uusmiag hysterical condition. Chas. Muerecie was caileti andi soon bad tiie body 'ont af water but wne unàbIe ta revive the mpn VanRom Wa& 17. Years of age his art' tiin chicag.lHe mas a pos11io.i.tii'it>'anîd is drovining, No 8ixiiiO lainZion. wiicb seisoù 0uneleme, io a terrible Arpart wus Pumbbm kVuit Obsiockit'Oathe relatives. Tuàta' ha vs e on n itEs <n coNlt'VTolt'ttAIttI3. opitclelanZion City; ".nty tauit>' As Mis. Mai->' PeaeSocit iRichnmond, aesbaving 1ee0foti iqu*y o! t eIli., was heiag aWsitet fron a pain ami Zio Oi>' uthrllserauttiontanFoi Lake b>' Continctair Jobn Kingele>' uioita ettiaitha* 181w. -were ait>'lie woulti bave illep iad h'not caugbt casas"@ ) aI im is _s. èie town. , ber Mdnti wtba ata- . hle ii ibi Club Houas 3uM& ar-ma. (oronerTaylor, -Wlto ad uXjûM Fn-etrtig hio-t>' elte nt o'lok oardeti the train rnered inîtiediate' Mond saring nari>' 411=t-oct-d iti, but it was of no avail. boanse. f thrmoor lOai clat, .n Byron im.Peacocitbati starteti on en avenue, a hall uii- wéat ai f igbiÀn unannouncet iWjit to ltter datigite r Ir. Park. Thi. baze htartet inh tht dining Lsse Noili, of Fox Lakte. At Spring -roola. The ilarge wîîîden sthmutiîre wu Orove Mre. Nisb got un the traini afi v&iîîeý at more thatn f41400, atnd -wu w" gresabiy iorprisedto wtind lier es'ettidonl' rr-eixly.Uni> a thîte niother andtu w icaof iber ittenjetiviei .20(1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t ,nabiawr ntu~cuawiatber boint'.Vii. agiul lady apparentl>' the lire wattdiscovercld. WiPii o td ptW'Und tfS deigbter Tii ~Itati not titioust l inttmiati o! ber Pmbiiitio Pienc. cg tistb. At Faf Laite nutr teninteenthantuai bestot piCtit of 041111-11ipo~ tniel a iss Lýaiteucunt>' prahibitimînist le to tutbhoi theit iielderi>' lady froul ber set ta the, la Wrigt@ grave lut OÀs»,Laie 0onplatiorat anti batiput heipet iber to FrIda>',Augueft lt 11). ff Ir. Patton, aiigbt tram lie steps whoenelle sant la ranstidtefor goVIrnrwllbe principal bis arma adexpired. epeaker o! tii.av. tititoupeaxers and ti the lnqpest lre. lNelbtestitietiber gond minglng. Relrt'slitnit served on motier hati previonfil> bal two %ttaeks the Igronais.This ."Ut .maksthe of apopiex>'. Mms.Peacock vwa% 69 Opming nf the. campaign wiilin ttabhoYeaMof0agi'. vigaronsi> waged in thb e couut>' b>' tite prohbtlISiua u Ak & IIU ITLIN%p F ra a omp Cata forda me c - ductet a branch bank it aIWsncnda antiT N E wh0 waà arliated lu t wSek-io a charge *- of tsisvig tiepotits for tiiu Kenosita TrSt Vaunyffl alter the coapaisW"t mieleîs, wtt rougbt leiletice - S ,datadaon . a pre. ilmits~tiat'mg.The ai oni Scresof Stnian sd -Mlb et vs.~~~~ aaasd ntL& he anti Fonce Under Way. bota WA geét tl OUt nl i ai COM PLETS lit 81'?i i %»turne toll>U.- .. Two re eba sen tdpý progW ' at thi. .v..A.J. Whipi.e, pestai af titi nev irgS courue lu ibtert~y tIjU etse t Mutodilàe chrcît. ni Waliegan, may wek. Ootnktors Büo'e& Wellia . becomie a lainier for Saturda>' le "it a large gang o! mon building esvunl.llve qmqlve noticemtht flit- le one of titi' stalle an eust lin. oi titi'graunda, ttpd are Jtussones hio trews a qmuarter aiea -sagageti cutting ittinior for the iiaa gtimlain te lainons tos-bud fonceta enrronnd the graunudtfor wbicb reurvat in laSoutht Dataswitoset.Ti Mdoeb opali uring the pistlisw rwesitshas;u 'baea o ta bniâtlu don b> aitaewunieral ttmtiiLHO umfuraishes power for a ciroh sSwm anti rew.m ottethat lie th 'O ucr t it tins. nut tait. long t6' prepare tihe out. and lact. bis t,-tmtr-160 acre. iumiir. alfd b., expect ta leave tIi mitdle of Mortimier & Tapper, wiio contracteti taismoitt. Hie nunh*lâ24, utean- ta baud 125 stlle b>' Sptepiaber have hn ibat tstIe,224 -11etontu b. commencei tueur tasit thgûggno u far aiiwet f1 seecthiela _)-heiiwil aunir Wijîhthat prlt.1their wôrit be bcateti in GregorY *ou*-, Souti as tise iret nei '10"%or. Coun- Dakota. tracter i4clonal sbnhlg ~efences Jams PrieUwlttte.~pI reîtoMid" in cigoingthe. race courile ,eolitede and (iurmsio, but whoil as. lx mt ioti o lmalte the vcourue. I2ii naktes tie- Cuieigo, hansdmii. pîilar iil beatettlaces *Rin coumcrs(ittfconstructiotn. mile. l'artel drew itn4fer T4, witicb 'r ie tul truteemK iet.îîulî'tlt Qnite6ijýt7a uate oetémof tht. ilin I adnoîy. csrrenterm ;,te ciotai llanain tii'- ,-.-eration.,aitîsati-ti enggi-i isd01thle wOsýttWot-k ofitI1e on a toieli ite, tndttimur>, increiws.- trn(1 uit. 'lit Ittt-iliti5 littlc tîtIlbI innele>'la valîs-. &gUon ,ut' lie-li it> i t h'Wtttio tptîlt.v i ear b 0 iegotîl lIti-it, -.arreli 1-t Wilie i-otiîpltîhl. - 1ttenîitu-î- i ,1mý. fattif.vas ta <tt'mtt hied~~wug. Thii Wei-k i w -(lltract.lftr tii- tutt,-r- 'Thu'ow ou amH S-%lld voritu cyst-rit ftr -a- t tou Miss race Eici'xleth Gregory, tfti dti tiv;etr ilîxiîufiwtitrùàg Cotlipaîny tind iliandi Park, ivu-iaeth n front lt-r tinte la tte Of'tti~'a titis -îîtil mauint wbie ritinîti.Vitb mollie ,-ttt- e-ng pivit'dl tttlte %vttrk itîltet lit- panonsat ai,' -tt-"tTinreaytittti toîipieted l'Y llept. 9. W. J. Mit-er suetalning Injuries lt-ni W"lcb ite diet tîd %4vt't ittiiotwllpit tlown itlibjuna !ew tîintît. . Sbe witiî T.kt oix ichil tu 0gotitiWatt-I. .1large Lelg#htner, Blair t-nai-iasti Missm Ii>' tank tioîtitéot a ilasteei itwer willl lSterling wereridiing tigether anti wlietî m ply, water liiialpartit o tti- grunîls. near l*e Swif t place:tuti lu« ieyond tite-i peaiig of the. opening nieeting tf Club Houae. lerli1on-t- boti, rbreak ing thei' uaocatlttt n a lilcer aii: "Tliîie lota aswi!I-run. Mr.L.lgbtlnsrfilhtîwed will ho no liqutîr muid on tii' groutnts, laxtediatel>' anti sit lo d te iiîmt ltIanti you lia>' sausLite i;ttttuii' bar itr was camghLî41Titi prev.,-îîtîd Thie agit-tion ws in r-îly tu tub' Oi g.inouirol ofi thé.liais, ant inl reporter'@ query il titere wtt -thyling ili omne mainor slWa-' tiiW'in. Sitlnl'am umors Ilînt a bar wau to lit operaleti ridibps nîeit anti tte ltarsevasber îwtî, under thti'. grand stamid. uring the aW prw45ý fae ,aIa.tie.titig. r', r< e On arkis Jobn SWitnbFotigl, or WtufëlTir, bas, betlwo(tieesati nti tl tÏl tl 'moves beon appainteti perintendenif. of lte lhe hat socIet> altdg t tuelaie Shore. grountie isud trafk.-Re le to have chtarge Il.Sts-was 570M O-w f age..(of putting ltrack, mb condition fur *t0070r0i elti tl5q e5?ureda> aiaalr i unt ver to the s*srdn*lthabhavergi0flie goind. ,-Wtth a,.5 aYear i'Advanc J AP-wA*LAC Fo-r-Saîl-by-- Fulb r itur1 utUndertiL 11u u ci.' il It la an establisbed fact thali - - ASOLEÉ STOVE in &iny kltchen iii a blessing thée anw days. Now 4 b. doubly blesaed you should bu a stove withi a reputation.: Our "6NI2W P ES GASOLENE STOVE, la undoubtedly the beat itove on themark4ai* as 1 bave soId tihem for years1Iknow bat 1 ai talklng about. Prices range from $2.75'to $20 Call luand see them. It «Illbu to jour W vantage. W. repar anyand aU ida of sdom - We-eoi'Oedthi week ont ainuual shipçmeât of Suxuater H<o Purnshlng Gooda, (aind th.y an the' handoomest -we have ever had) cola- sIntizzg Of Fly Nets, Horse Covers, Lap Dui ind a neW lune of -Mesh Net* 100la1" rowwi 1,"à' fy at . 50 t . Hors. Fýurnlshlng Goods LibrtyvlIle, - - - 1 The besteon the n Oet otir prices SOHA I-il,' 4CK oi,,Lake Counft, 1l 1 -,

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