Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 12 Aug 1904, p. 5

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In'the bestand cleane ut ta, suit you. WiU you let unshave Your way8 ILL. - JeweryWatcbes, Clocks, Silverware, Statlonery Watch Reparlng îny spÂcialty, and have had a Ilife's experience with leatiing lty flrms aa practical Watehmaker. ANDRFw4W HUSS Libertyvl le - - Illinois Atla lu lms been awarded more* Prmiums "at 'OtLake COUnty fair than any* other flour ever, handted in * Ubertyville. Àts Flur therefore, is unqqestioably the bist FýOur sold in the county. Bread oý patrieS r made from ATLAS are un. .S'Urpassed, and when ent~e* you have used thts flour youwîil bave no other. NOTICE à Each and every sack1 of this celebrateti tForcontains 'a letter. $ave thenm. When ? have tjie word e"Atlas " complote send t t he ipili anti receive One l)ol.r in cash as a. premluff* *A C.MAST. I~.MI3 'ir Dooar¶ Prom N*W Oot. Leave Llbew&vISà.. imveOlriesao. lm.SM lrS.9....* %s.àm. 140. 0.6l m......... 1:1 5I.. M.48.11405. ..... .. ,.8:0P. CF NOlu.. 8:5.6m .. .........p 5. 140... :8 ............ la .... V5.20 M- g.' 2p-.M- Mir.l'rack Protin.. le confini tabisr lirrme, rufering witir irart trouble. Mr. I'rotineS condition is serions. Mrmn. 4). E. Churrliul i lrbget an a tirr-. week' visit wltir re latives in Boone rr.arrly and otirer points lu '"Iraska. - irt]lIo CmsterEger le v.ry irîw, tier.-re sut o ti oplictions wiirir olowed an attnc-k aifscrlet fever. lii'sarevr-y le gaid ta ire doubtful. Tire lo-ai W. C. T. U. ini pince ai treïr- regurlar ieting'ireld a pîctri.- at Buler'» grave Tuewsay afternrron, amnuasot dr.-igltfnil ime wnrs enjoyed. At thei Mthadi4t irîrr-hirmurhy marin- irrg Dr. ltrbimsan lviii prear-r on "Ater witl le- "St. Jas- Merriagrs.- Amson wa our rn rec.-îrty tri Mr. and .s. IL l. Do hle, ai Pike-. S. if. Ms.. Piole wililibe rernenis-rr-d iry many lu tiriji ~ ~ dn c-îmriyar>lrsElaMeOlunn. Mn.. Wnr. Ski n én trtainrd lier nephew. Rapir'iawlr-y end - ev. Beckwitir. ai Lagrange. Tuesday; tirey were rnroute ta Miiarrke- on, their Dr. Robinsorn tien a uice neat matrimnuiali1,11-)t for-n Yroung roupie ir--iîraway. strarîgers, Wednrsday. Tirey gave tirir name as Le&roy Stewýart and Blanche Prentiteý. yoîr going ta lire Mllenry Caunty Fair, Aug. 28 ta 26i? Tbe direetons ln. faim rus tirs>'are ipaving 11o stane un- Inrnpd ta maire bis tire best fair ever beld in1 MtHenry c-untv. Gardon Sranî-k and Frank Rermington have rented tIre toronirall for fair week and roil-orduct dances on Thuneda>' andl Fiday nigirtr, Sept. 1ad 2. Tino> have engrrgtd lilrte's orchestra rad1 lrroii a gord lime to ail vira attend.1 Mnirrl-uîa Elizabrethr Young ro mrrnrilrt the oule "r nf irer lparent§ an we.lnesrlay ofi thi week ta Mfr. Paul wiuklier. Miss Younug l§ weli known and iigiri>' reeeted b>' elarge cireeai atquaintances. Mr. Winklor- tends@ibar et Endrlinm miliajnrtud iked b>' ail whqr know uinr. Tire viuug toupie wiiI reside iîx.Libety ville.. Th ire dmacrtie 'souator-lai cônventian i.; ralled for- Augîret 18, at Blvidere. bennlie . G(luîi,.ns. Lare eÀc-uty's candi- date for tihe D iii1ntiIri, wilil be opî,osd b>' Wrn. Denof ail-en ry, and Thom. Dooleof iiloonie, and the figit will lie a nrerny 0one. M. (Gibboans le wartiry tire ir<nor, and iis Lake t-ou ut> friende pro- pose ta do ail irrtirir paower ta eele tiret ire wcts it. Cotriirutirm tri tir.'Frirrtir iiJul>' frndrinir1I903 meitiild errl rt Prrkiurst'sq tore, airer-e nvorn-Irer ~tire reirate due tirer iiilie imseed. nandri ip.,rliresenta- ti<îu r. saine ta J. W. Miller, treei-urer-, tire>' ri lie.paid ninet>' cent@air tire dol- lar of*tbeit original contribution. If you ar e r tire nîrmrer rail and get yonr rebate, a- it is ,iosirr-d tee settle p tire muatter. Commencîrrg Angnt 1IStirtiho Nortir Shore E'ietriLeComrpany' roilinaugurate lu Llbertyvifle a rontinrrousiigirt service, or lu airer- sords, the eletrie rurrent wili lie available t) ail users twonty-farn bonnurs eé day. 1 tires been a great in- canvenience toarve tire servir-e off aller Irolve ocelockat nîglît, more particular- iy dîring threrinten montbe, and tire cauIan>' eaiiug thi s -o ocluded not ta wait utii tirir paie ino froar Lake Bluff ta Libertyville i.' up irefamînaugur. atlng the continunus service, but ta tour- menr# immediatel>', on as muoan as noces- mar-y arrangements rau ireotmade, roiici tirey write us will li f.'tire 151h onrire- fom,passlbly. Thins action isappreciated and shows a dispositionr on the part of tihe ranpaaiy ta le- nccomnradating, wiriclr sbould remit lun a largel>' inereased business, gnd wroc l-lies.-it roi. . Tire lyetENET is lu reeipt oicrnm- niunicatious f rosa twoa ,imcernm iacated lu COiragandeiriirg ta rovo Inta came smalil>' araterity. (Oie, a giove and Witten iuanrriact.r-y, le an especi1ali>' attractive propoîrsiton, and stops ililie taken ta juter-et tire lroprirtors and en- ourage tirem n a cte ber-s. 'Tire>'em- pia>' 75 irauds,asud are nt nittera bonus. Tiroir reamon for denirlng ta get ont ai tbeclty le because ai labar troubles. In- dustriel (lommissloner i)evenport ai tire St. Paul rond iras iWitten tire INnEr'ENF-z Du,(,# asking ia business nrenÉ's associa- tion existed fier. tirat ire mlgit take rip wtb tire proper cannmitte aitqr ai se- cnlng sites for coelpaniee wiîth wiramire lajn tq uChi. larYT~~r ~. r ~~id'fa llveirunsiuesm el'.orgmniatloa *1..... a-this t. c and t in Bâdérs. I44*444oI~O PrOM OI4ICAco. Arrive at td*w Dr-pot. No.1i .... 7m.85.5.... ......:396 M. tu 1..:01 p. n ....... 3 4P. M. in .. 400p. m .........flP e M ... :p.......... 7:02 P. M, No.147...0:5 6 g. ............e065. lu ..2:0 . ......... 3:0P. M. im ... . .......... 7:0295 lt-e rentir SodqataI lii ,%, 1, irug Store. Mat Peterm.trtedfor St. Lrr:rr.Tîr- day ta vimit tire Fair. .MNiss Addio Mille? r. et. ' r: .rrthtie Mit. Loi.ris Exxoition z4ext w i. .M. Mlire Davis. of. Gcîrnrr, . ýVisitiîrg witir ler iter, Mms.Franrk iartirre. Iiss E. A. Bush lm rrr-frornrîan extenderl viil witim Cliuaw,.r -i:ti ve. Jaîres Gray nove4 inr-r iis rew residpere lu tire soutir eaxt 1IorTt of tawrr the fltet îi iir.week. M*S.. his-rt Lucé and twrrr lrilre-n .fl forglt. 'àuaîlrnd Mnrffltr)i i- i ..-r-t ,! tins sverk t.. virit relatives. A Ir.-rutiiul niglt hoîrin2.rrr blour.i,îrlest noek at Fr-r-] Srrinîran'm 'home ettr-acteda greadpir:,i ttiton.u Ti. fraur. for T. A. Wrl-' i-2v r-Wirrars on Co>ok ave-nue is-up, and rrrtr-rnrod- ara reidenre e aésaed 11-t,î irîular street. .N..-are rerîed ta ib rr rr-ent et tire re't r-'gurar meetfîri lr. hrrsie aflernooi. A ugur.t 1$. Mn.. i>r. Taylor anrd clîri--rr ýjoined Mrs. (LI l. S.-ianck ae rriter-Nlay wiro are srrrrrraeng t St;irgou ry Wis., ttirsrt of tbis week. Mai Koliner eft Suaiday rrgit for St. Louis ta) spend a weok aItirhe Worids Fair. During iis absence lue.' Jomie Wood i. r-lrking at bis starr'. Waukegarr rnrlae iiry -anrd Antli oidg.. oi the 0 . 1 . froid a pic-uic i Electrlc Park, %Warrkgau, Tbure.lny, ani a iaî%e nuuriber ai tire loca Star. were in atteedalr' . P. W. Par-kiurrtin hair-g a c-rie put auniis bouse wlriir wal greatly inr- proves ils appeurrrrrr l-~tirhe tiare M r. Parkir.r-t biîlt hies r'use it wrr-r rîrite the tbing ta 1-ave (i orÎ cif.lce- ut tire departure ivai. irri:lived, boire Mr. Parkhurst'r. deternrirratirni to erîrtire Justice Britler wrr t -rirnae Fr-idrr vin wbicb Juliure Rimers irought ar-tirru ageintst Ciras. Alirelit. tlire malter- inrg a diiagreemet growirra autmofa a fe deai. Bath parties ar- fi ra Ternînir îrti eaeh bail a guodi> nurriir-r- aifriirde irn baud ta ierantire I r'e.rin igre- raot for $4243 roar. r.-dered ageirret the defordant. ina. Furller- and w]!.'. L. B. llryrrit and if oeand Col. F. 1 i ewer ndnilbis wife, tirelatter have 1:-arr 'isting ire- for e few dnrys, le-rr' Satmrda>' fon Boston ta attend tIre Natironal Encarrli- ment ai t'bwIl. .A.lil. Leslie W,-bl accomparriestire ar-ty rît hirisdestin- lion le Portland, M-,%% lt-raire goîe t. visit relatives. JOs. Deliraye, tire Northr Chicaga r-c-n- tractor, stili iras-rt lar-gr- gig of mon rt wor-k building cemi'nt siai km hore.lHe firas r,>utro.rttsfor muet ai tir.-wiilkw tolire rAid &long soutin suie aiflCàureb street, and titis week but wss-îrfor E. W. l.arkirurt and Win. Skirtiwron Milwair- kee avenue. ;A ir-mofaitrmra, contrai-- tans ias entered th ire ,-l tead irext wseek woi begin work ou alnk aid curîr ion Dr. Galowe.y. Tlrey linivr- a number rf othen contracte and do tir - wor-k at tiie samne p"ris nMn. Drlhiîyr.or- WI r-,'ts paer uere foot. Tire picuir given il ss'week b>' local Catirnlies et tire Fair (ir-:rîds r; ons tr as largel>' ettendrd nas i oulil bave boen though tirer-e w-r-r.fair --rowdsm during ,tire aiternoori ad eveniug. Interest centersd iiir1tire bal ganre between tire Libentys-ilin- Wirte Bax anrd tire itlouersroiclir r-.riit4d Ila e a-ri- ai 10Oto Il in layon of the whrite Sax. Tiren lbhe 'josh' garrîr- ietweeu C. N. Durnnd'a aine and tiret 44 C. F. Sanies: roas funny enougir to , rsase, mairem mon rore victonaous. l'lie dance wa-, Dot largel>' atteaded iriti evening-ttor, irea tire piattoria ras rîrrilare erngir ta acwommodate tf r- rrowd. Torry l>orflerwaronetiiutnadir- t,wir lutire ;U>n> race, Frank Mi.:.runalag bIrmrs 4eng l.4rred BAirDotiri tiie.cha". Latrr M. Miller lot Iis brrr-nego egeirret Darfler's and-it roui a wrlk-away fan tir, former-. From an finariial stazrdpoiir tire event roas nat tire sir,-n'.,5t blen r liaped h wouid pr-rvr-. tbougll e neat suie roaa cearod. ThbstI. Comîpionera Notice. Noti" la irereir> gieir tiret pen.ôns ire'slng (lqoaktiistlse ,rr thoir proje-rtv mtuet eut or destro>' eanw arnd not alirw thin apropogate or- go ta seed,tirudcr penalty oeaffleeaif rît legs.'than ten aIr- mare tirai, ou@ irundr-r-rldoliari. Tisi note epplies aliai tri prblic iigirrnym e ati Ir-oad rglt ifr nlatirs townr of Ltirntvilio, and tir'irgreyrm ai re iaMîe for thre mui =of tirii uor-îlatss iq tlie TbiqpeùbJy for non-iorvnce-o! tire ia àob*e6apIM vded for î%Irouds îs.ïF.tynuO r "tian eTihe- Uhiagrr. Milwaurkee & St. Paul r-a.tilr-oad iras .rranged for a low.rate ex,-rrrrirn tai Kilirrnrn tÀa enabie evpry- MWer t0 ser- tire wouders of tihe Delle. Tire r\rinir(ou tickets incinde steamer ride unt tir. river. A spr-<ial train wili leave blrelrtýyville at 4:45 a. in. Snnday, .%rigust 14 and returning will bave Kilboumr at 43;00 p. M. Tiésiii an excoellenit riliortuaity for a trip ful of inrtructiol., ealoyment and reereatio. Rat,$2.St) round trip. for tickets and fur-thtr information apply to thre agent of tihe C. M. & St. P. Ry. Train lesxea aid depat at Lilertyv-ilie. Tihe Junior C'. E. tili give an lçr- cream mçori4i at thre PmWibyterian churcir on F:-iday evening, Aug. 12.- Ice creara and 1rrke 1.5r. Everyone weleue. Tire Ladies' Aid Society of theeNi. R. rirureit wili give a literary and musical entertainmeut at thre <-iurcir Tuesda-y evr-ning, Auguat 23. PEverybady- wei- caie. Admission 25 ents. GaRAND DANCE MlitDay SATURDAY NIGIIT August 131904 Music by Prof. Herte'es Orchestra PLAN TO ATTEND Good Time -Assured .W.,.hat you want LIZZII AVENUE. Prealdeot Prost Appears Defore Village Board. ir PAYS DAMlAGE. Thulr.elay evening of last wr-r-k tire village ,iroard met in1 simicIn session ta calirider thre requret of tire lectrie- road manageament rlaitive ta allowting the il imlprny ta lay tirir rails on Ste»wart avonuie in this village. 4slow tire emtitlilisirr-d grade, or rn otîrer woI115 ta mn kr a cut a! sx tet attirat point. Mr. Jouie rBaliarri was oo baud rrpr-meting tIre objectorm, wlra lied filonl a ptitian with thre hourd anklng tbat thre request of tir e oupany iore rfrnsed ou tire pia sncb a eut would lio a damrage to) Propentx gin tire stret.MId. iBallard sAid ho only desirod it 'rndertood ho would bol(] the. villa"e for any rdamage ta bis property. Mr. Frost lu his "talk" iid lie woulid pay any <aniage Of loweiutirrîWegrade of the mtreet and lied prepared a boitr] of $,Oîwhieh lie would file wiîir th.ý village, lndr-mnifying it in eveut of any damnree eitirlie farther tati ire wulil mettle witilr cIr property owuerni wirre it»was elirrdrr damage atnrrlly exir.t-d, witlront taking tire uatter- ito r-aurt, but tirrt if excr10ivo darungem we asktd tlireIltire inatter would have ta Ie septtir-rlin utire courts. Tire atter wa..thieA,tir-ted n by thei -broardi and tir. rejuet 'if tir.- r-ourpany grttntr-d by unantinrour. voe. Mondny %wark an tire ext.-srrirwrst- wantrl tire èrace trat-k t-iirrîrei,-e.l and a large nunrbêr of ceairr tire r-ugaged graditrg tire rigrt-af-way, tietr,-sîrpl dint bingreruoved totire barns out the Trottin« gmssocation's grounda wlere a causiderabie amount ofi lling ls required. Tuesday a pawerflt teanv illovol wag set-up near tire Stewart avenue eut and excavation comiueuoed Weduonday for tire rut tli±re. mJ#Y tire lait of tii week rails wili have liern laid nearly ta thre rare truck, tirough of course anly temrpor-arily and ta allow of using dump rars ta fdcilitate tire work. It wlHi not take long tu balast tihe trac-ks, however one tire proper grade i.. attained and cars will ire abie ta run on tire extention in time for tihe opening meeting of tlie Trotting A*KOCiationgSeptemberl2to I16. At. 'Peul Officiai.Mair. Tuesedayv a numiier af bigh affkli-ais or tire C. M.. & St. P. raad were ln town on a trip. of inspection. Tire lurEta le arus their visit wam prirnarlly witli view ta iocatiag a side-trrrck wlieh éhahl tenad ta thre now race coursie. Twi-tliirds i the Chieaga peuple wira wili attend thre race meetings wilI t-oune tW [,ibertYvilie over tire l$tPaul rond and tint officialis of tiret .-onpany bave confidenîce rn ltre future oi tire urw trac-k le sirown by tireir doterination ta extoud tirir rond ta tire groundm, sq ait ta) ie eale@ta afford thne begt acca-mrronda- tions ta tireir piatrons,. They anticipate tirey wii lie caiiod upon, tu carry from six ta ight fhousand perople daiiy during re1134-e nimeetingrs and this patromae warrants the inten&àed etension of thioir lia.. Jnrrt tbeIr. rolporre Une is ta brandir front tlire rrrrîîrrornd bas uat ieeli divil&ed anrdilim.a rrtter (if imu-h sper-uation. The Dellei of thre Wiivuusin. For the Lake Cou nty Fair: Waiste at 98Ç each- ,Nearly all of-them are white Prepare.... Now is the time to get read] for the fair. Getyour Dishoi andTàble Linen- réadty, have a large- lune of thès things, s0 place your ordo early m.n.gomw */ 'PHON~ 29 - LIBERTY VILLE rLI - - lU Shirt 2~6c andy&O~ We are coengout.tfi balaice Ôf our E walète at hait price and less: Ail out 50e andi 76c Waste, ini lawns ~ and percales ...............-4 85o andi $1.00 Shirt WAista, in dimities à andi madras................. 5 Small sizes Dressing Sacques, suitable. for Mimse@s........ Small Bige Wrappers, No. 32 only Go at...................... Lý,bertyvIII - - Uh tTA4 I L 0R' LISBERTYVILLE, - - - i- IL TaIk Is Cheap. Let un install a, telephoneO at an e"p you. &H out of proportion to benefit- a venlence. E veryone- la putting -them In' - Buoinen Rat14 0". Per Cly i M Reoaldonas RatQ g o pu a 4%' PI, î LLZ2 TO CiCg>oo. . ROM OIAGC. IWfflPDAI.W Ais. Dmpitrt Proim Old D.pof. Arrive et Ol DirPot. Leave lbotriuN Amve <hwffl.. Lava hieug.' AriVe lirtyvilli.1 lu....o<0 m.....1... :.i:1:39rIia . . 141 ..5:30 & m. ........l 16111615 tu ....6 .m ...... e»& slàa. 1.... 6:0.5L. ........6:0 D. m. > m ........ ... 1:48 . M. *U13... 6:u P. t........... 7:0 P. M- , SUDAvS. en*Ie AYi Ne. Ise..... &U a . .......l 16 . ino. lu..... rol 9 . ........ u a.m Satrday doIs'. Lerrve Chiurcn aII1:6 P. mr. Arrive LiberyYitiB 2:27 P r A NewWh'

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