Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 26 Aug 1904, p. 7

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oevmi #BÂTTIiE TO DEATH. Impsaue Soti GrCS Mme» Of Mm Zm tes trmotboid Msu Tomee -MbtS, la AttWk-Msu, Tbeusu topuffltis SleS-aecu cma"- 0" averu Mikadoo Ofuer a" De- ~a" naWili lieht testha Lt- nomaobtate lu D em e « a.. Rgasclue Part Arthsur gsrrlson bas-- hg i'ejectud Japan'i demand for sur- ruséo, It rss reporiedt t itihe tait- s«ý rmy et once began sleamlig *9 terfese. Wban tise lent degiuite ueWr-from tise beieged lly ram a1- tained tise Japanese bai caplureti las- portant paeltons. andi nt close range sure thraring siseilà luta tise fortres la preut number aud ectting rou ln teso CItya AItiesaume lime eserythihn wus lu resdiueua for tise issai charge lé thse ieiglits non tise demand for as-tender ras tienteti. * be.apunue, aisng ewept aay 511 exterior tielenses, preaaeti onward 119Aise latter rammdvutlguo of tise cita-. dol 10 lise aflufantts-y amlt. Tise Moelle frosm Japsuesetgags,'explodlug nWitiin tise City$ rals, set lire ta lier- o11 docks, sud lie confagration @prend uneesie. Tise oh rwarebousex, <sLtESAL 8mTO8Flsx sliiarly igalteti, burueti nitS as ire thst timeicuoti wioleiaie ties'station. liods o! blaaiug oit pouredt isosgi t e treets Ito tise barbor buriu, Vises-e tise Bot ai anches- ras mence&ti by thse sames. Tise ctadel. under a pull aofemokte antidame, fae.idthse dm81. danger of bolng nipetiont by Me. ireswridi.tliswails, anti razol by tise pontieint andi merfu in, r of @belle fs-c.atis e suons"gins. DY orter oetltte Empoesorols es mm oflicer of the. beleglng adm7 uder1 M gag of truce conveyed a formai de-à mmnd for the surrender of thea garrison t. thse Russlan Unes. Tise word sur- tender seeiued not ln thie vocsbui*ry f, ten. *toessel. Um aultimatum to thse Mikado £ demand for bi*saurren- dot. received under a fiag of truce1 WItiin (!eni. ogl's Unes, conveyed tise amont t'iivssisous deiissnce. 1ln thse coolesl terme 8he expres'd thanks for thse eneîssy'm iumanitiariais 4«« to grant @Rte conduet: outisidet the lises to non-combatnts ritieithei1 etty, but refused in consider the poai-1 buity or capituilationi. It ivouid be, bu à "Ibtimated. atilit in îhedeatis. 1 progreeof thé War. &Thse paet week bas been une of ne- ovity lu the. Far East and severe bat- t$emlaqe been fougiit both on land0 1Thse Japitiese etound Port Arthsur9 %4mewed tiseir assasut on the outiiiusgt 4^ .e"»@on the towa. Witis TEkUMOMBp >iOwition U5 feet. on the nartheast aes N0jW'teitage grounid, tisey kept up a con- homliisiierig on aIl tbe eautern efm atie enemny. At tbeýja . Urne, I"bthe opposite ftnk cet the besieged., bietv7 attack was deveIoped against3 ~forts con Lauti Mouniain. Liauti- ~anle 1.512 feet b1gb, being by se.t- b lundred feet the grehtest eleva- liè nthat part0f lthe penînmula. A ý,iery rnatntained on top of the bill dret a plunilng tire upon mil11 tdons witiln rangp. It la un-c là wbetiier tise Japanhe bhaved to taketise bill. Tise Chf- v . 9 porté are cnrdcoy bave beets many and circuan-1 #irepoa Uatethse une ofland C ïfftborpamia dtma. Tnc'h. > <:4-t. Tise iocation of thse boit ofnmrnsgtgus atisat tise Japaem establisiset abont Port Arthur ia indietted.ltiste map. Commniîng biegis that the invademruocuplud-inelinig. pit... nortis sud rouI. Bueilyen a"tileng Nouuitalul la tise mutnest-tisé .Liauti HIlia andi WhiteWolffMI, ad la the eat Tuksuasn-elso ean be tIiscersaed. "Oln Wolf Hili, a 1111e te tise nortisent of tise fortrees, 100 cannon bielrecl4 deati ansd detruetlon m te h clty, la the triangle between Wolf 11111. the ailway aud Port Arthsur ths country la comparatteiy ievei, anti fromt Iis direction tise fimail sauît ras Mode.- troy auy large qusutty of troope ID opcn. order.1Bide lire ls lent dramatie litais latid su- miaore effective. EArly la tise week lie JeRpsiese gaineti teayveaypao- ouatidde--hbe-mala disai1 f forta, but et tise COofa many lis-es. Tise chinoeetoporItntit e Jape took Fort Psiiciswsng, ucar the rail- roi, but the subeequent evemaîng a ortie tirove-theni out o! Il &gain. Tiiey retree e, t nlueyiag.- Tu,.adaiy mornJnig tise Japanemo sent an officer under a wisite Bag to de- maud tise surrender o! Port Anistur. Tise tater faucifusiter-ma announa-'et isy lise('ines. refugeem, tisaI tise liee sisouiti ise tùrued oves- Intact, tiat Ile 2t.00,defeutierse migisl march out wltl, tîteir arma eud JuIn Kourssîatkiis 'army in Manchsýrîa are not cnltr,:tod lu tie officiai aceousa reeeived fronti Tokio. Ant aiwer -atit dematadesi wilisin treuty-four isoure. Wiatever Uic terme. they nere e- leced isy (enerni fitaessel, us-io broke titrougi hie habtual tacitumuîtY mb profanity a, 8e couidereti tie mia- tures-hea s-ar lia become more o! a eleuolie eud leue o! ait arm if Il can b. matlsemstltiny demontraledt 10ascom- mandes- Ilat be la bcpeiemmly surroun&i cd anti outunabereti, that bis, reciat- cure- wiu met-cii proloug the sufferlus cf Iemou, anti tii t wil nuaccota- plisfr no gondi 10 bis couutrY, Perliapa riLen tiat Urne bas cont te as-rage etisen nuiitrow up bis baude lu 8cr- ror t aIhie.generl w iscrefuses 10 be bowneti by the logic of tho situation andi viseprefers 10 igist a iopeieme IKAMI4LIRAIS VCTORY. AdLuýiaitl Kcniniart'a vlctoryoars-tise Buselan Vladivstoks squads-oa was wa treaty iltu fri. tis e ongt cfrIores in lhe northera part of thse *traite. il rax et tisa* point the Rai mas tuakt.A&- mirai Kamimura roucueti about 1MO et lise Rurik** trew andt bahetlo aBas- cisc iefore sterting lu pusitt u eese- isialanina sîips o! liesetquastron. gseThe. délIvertîl a se- or etleet *1.or tiern-on pletin.ý-waa h tcraîng enoutyl t0 pincse the au0ssoe. wletàgrdu ally wthdrew. bill4. ItR (conciusiii. slot long atteriW0te. tihe uiister'a hos.eW.vrnais a buriclar. i@ gave a graphie aOCo5p1lt of tise affaîr 10 bis friend.ti b.dos*lr.anîd ended Liv saying: "I hadýA~Id al ona lisiàsmtk. 1i tdd hlm s tg bu ld unot move sa lnch." oGoOd!" eelcaiuedthe attier: "but. iii; denr *Ir, Wb*$ 04,plendaid i tpoi.u- nitr thist w.. ta l4"idelivered t10 us 7%.ur lecture ont 1 t% e TORTURW *PAIN.'is ft 8h-Wouit IMare Kilted &Yta aieobut Dlae. .1VdUlm"51. A. C. Speague, et<ikdeier. cf Nor- irai, Ill., writes. Fo .io Iole >eara Iwaas dolig bstslg iut buylng Ms'dl *CinéSta 10cure My kidripyn. i do flot thinzk liant -any massu ever sffareti as t did a nd Ilveti. Tise pain in ry bacIt *wns go ai ta I atauld nest A. C. aràia ieej aut nîglt. 1 >co u 1ldaot ride a bornse. andi ometimes wg% tîabie even ha ride lI a car. Xi7 catadtlon was cltîcai sehen 1 ent for Doca'mKldney Pille. t ucodti ireboxes and uiiey curei me. Now 1 Mn goannYwiere and doa mucis a, anYbodY. 1 leep weii ani feel no dimamfaîrt at ail.' A FIlER TRIJAI,-Addren'a PFoster- illibuçai CO.. Buffaio N. Y For cale ty ail dealers; prie* 50 centm. Froc ostae, 4v eaî 25 ladien a ropudtrI p ticket ru lihe St. Louis Expocltim. n. 0hie aidie, la eacii cf tise follewing States: I1111 noie, Iowa.Nk. Kau a nd 8Mis. court. Whio wili mené lan the laritesi .sOmier o!ft-nde rksft eut froin a tent cenot. 16-unce«package of De'ilaitt-- cxid water iaundry statrît . Timi mens from your own abine. anywiisre lu tise alsore namteti Mates. Tiset tr.ade marks muet ho malld ta andi reeiveti is.thlisetiupe Sturnii Co. Omaha. Neit.. before tsept. I. lent. Ctober and 2Nosembu' lii ta,.tise Iiat maontît to10 sit. the ejpottlou. te,-. î, tint -Doane. e liste ouiy ,g.tarcis put uit 16 es. (a fulllx ioni to toe package. Yoa gmt cia,. thard more Awtrvis for tiesamie woney tisas of nuty utbu'r kind. ands Dellance sever stic-ks Io the trou. The tieketa to tise expo- sition wlll be ment by reglsîtered mtail sePI. 5. Starcii for «Je by ail demi- ers. The Teacho,' Was Popuisr. Rtussellivsa usu*tiiy a gaîod ýboy In vlisool. but ou Ibis partic slair <L'y lae c-)nid 1501 eludy. URisuilnd îaeraisled. 1i. wauderug. andi bis bauds lut dodg- kug about to work mscisief. lie did s.0 tenut 10dIsobejr bis toch-er. for lie 'vas sery fond of là«. îlut asfIer lie baid been corrected actveraI time lise Iseard lise Item voe o! M16s tlaak ponounie Ihiq-doom; 'tusettl. c'ore to n4y desk. Noiw stanad Ju.'t go." Tisenlis Blackt took 4qowa the long talier. Once. tie., three tUnis feuI tise stick. Then a 11111,. ery came. saut froni Russell. bul fl-osa the testaiter. Andi sise grew dessdly Inie,. she laai iburt ber Wrist. Itusaell was seutlsu M&l menutheliseacisoo wns dis- missed for receiis, The Icu minutes were up. .Thse girls were ail lis t pasa, but no boys. «iiut Was,.keelîligtise boys no lonsg lia ,ise baséjentiC iregtsly a processio.s. ineàt bjy tIhe weefflnaaRutsselli lîra al)i tiesegaim adt Ilooliese cbooiroosîa. --itusseill.are 3-ou eti;î et-yng<'si- ipuuIL4ised solis' I,th-arýiser aglked. a repruacifiltoises. -- Tîsental ber sristise bigga ýt boyacsspoke tilt:*--lit--'a-ryIig 'entlisle 'aS lisosîsped belaie tthelis'la-emeul ti l art iut 1." Tise rest of lise daiy Russell usas as taodei Iboy »At ellt, i-lice of se-ioot iii ellsie tfter'innil f-sa1Blairk spoke s er>- - KinltdI-1alien. atiathalieteleia,.sua- - salased ienbt lie sa l s'îdcd tise data - 'sits str-b gosisi itisaiot. uromt ai duzeis tlitriatîsin conuvert cassa.tliseexpianalioti. 'Tes, b iti - ta be gooti for yoss. 'a-tise us- toletias if!be wsn't s'e'd Iaktagtslu afIn- ccioo.'-Yi'nstis'e <'sitattion. POlIT AkTIàUR DITIINO 9B1OMBAIIDIEN T. Ad EASY Neuds Oeiy a Lithtl Taklsg. baille raisler-tishot surresader. Snelli bocks 1 Port Arthurat are lu a bad nay. Tise foodi o! ebildisooti ofleâ tecdes a general w1h hosn 8e otaleti a blood- ý4u1 aince.thec docky4rd-s are withn tisether 055e li; t gras- up rel u nur-d Wrot~y btisier, a barbarlasi, a ipecies range of tise Japanese lad battestes,.seti anti ieaitsy air 5taik as ir'kIy of as-atilus. But tienaUime lias not tisey canant 8e repaireti. The Itaflan frouatluaproper foodt.r cmine el. attaiche o tise Japsanese arsmsocae lai iI'ut as as5 Pto ti Ie one as. lieC The ibattis In the mratg o! Korea, tissuof. tiese ships liave.beau souk. Th ise bIer. îalrosidisu-e gelilaiproper Mstr. s-bore Vice Admis-ai Kamiamurts, svil e esperor lans orderedthtianie o! tileul, A WiseIsphysielas Ilse he Dever c- four arusoresi tcruisers. tiset tise -tirceemuetrltaEhm is e Ibands of lise jap- loctor mlso isnes- aIttittifoo1 cou ae- c armoreti cruisers o! thse Vadiv-ostoki nuese. W8cn tiseir capture wseom i.oitpli,.is rosders. pîîV!iletithse patiesnt squadron,. resulteti ln tise lssklng or naIsent tiscy mustaiîl ticdam«ed e, ;q- uuiliig thoblepaadus-hI cal ouly one, tise Rurik. Tise Ileussin sd Grosi- souti iope o! rcpair by. hir os-n Ma-llrfoodi. f aboi returnedta 10Vladivostok under crewu-. Sîsettisinan o! titis i-aie.,tisemotiser i their ara euglues. If Kamîmtura badl Nul muei sacs-sls tcone lit concerta- salit ber llte four-yi'sr-old boy s'as fougbt bot a ittle liarder, alle iilog tbe situgatn arouiss Liaoyang., sufferlingfroainaàisectiliaar dérangementtn icuer.ani alitIedosrlicReala'rThere ibas lacest sno rmosfigtig. andi)t!file stussacb, Ilises- and kiueys, ant i anti Groroboi rouiti neyer bave gaI ltardly n ekirmlatîs. et oneUime the bis Ecchet S-stue 50 assolîlen Ihe couldu'tV bacs 10 port. Tiseý rere lu a teair- ilussis t it comnîlete toucis riti tise taise 5h tt'P-. "e c afla-l adocter, s-fiati, fuiiy battes-ed condition. WVby lie quit Jâltanea.e, but tise outpoata are lasie-. 1e-id lit once 'tue sîtit s le.tory cuire -A lightiny w*ben the Muecos-ites. accord- tact asos-,te Uic Tpaaneesc ireen beeling fui as lu -11h dlet, as isilrolier food tuas in Iag ta tiseir own reporta, utere aIl bat ts'etsty milqs t sIo!fJiaoyazsg. Tise the ossîs cause oftls saakses. uar. siailg, remas, a myster->. Ife die rual bave Togo's excusa that lie mut Jspainese movements ta tie mest cf tise esîtcs'lIall>-. ike orîida.- preserve. bie obipa égalant tise posal. - riiwai3tare sîlîl myattclous. Tise Rue- "Sa tic luelor uîade opt a det, sud bicaIseuta!tise Baille quaùmslasnus aay Cisinese bandits are opeat- the prinelisal fond Leclreeribel masl TW obad lais-saison bis ligltansd ltt<lantiis 'eglon iutier Japunene 010- Grape-Nttttansd ta'eis>y. nso ws- tise Japaneocommandi o! tiea-ses, ascet-s, -liat la happening behind tUic s-mY ¶lotcf seet tbiiage,..10k tise smureti. As l la, tic Rosia anti Ia=raU cr the .apanoe fus-ces e un-. Grepe-Nuls easilîs. uisout uddlng d Gi-mobl bte ocaJoiset ahViati-kaown. W4îetlter thse Japassesecoucou- Lny sugsîm. iflocor expaIsialtint lise I s-motk by the flans.anud probably the ~~trat-tou le taking place ortis or Lino-,-s'e aG-îiLts, i o 1mlik Nos-IL If liso mas-continues Imb uez a ing. %i-tiali e aject o! bellsg osut cante orbeet sugar. but I5lishe natteraui p yeaer, as Il pa-obby nIl. the Vladlvo- écruis tise rauurit' nd O uttlug off ieto iegan- loi sequadroa iii ibave four cruisers t10 Kouirptkirsi mrentcol,1lea malter 0o,!1- w. sas' lg insîîraveinntbi. a rt prey ispoa Japanese commnerce. setmese ouI>'. Suci wotild seexte, be .er laye, anti nos- lirsie-.buts are Atiditional reports coning lu tiunIng the obvioua plats. Thse Japaisese hat.e most bis oLiy fousi. lintd bd la onceli tise s'ek rezardini Togo'a récent vi-et iI iree stekas go by nithout atote geore i iseaitjy, ishapy., rOs-ciscoked t tor asie1 o- retg n fIng Il. TliscoReucinus be nt l ougste-, s'ilseevery prospect ta grow is torpédo bola sprobablysaunktis e tbhît tise apas-ouiti lise ta saoru 19Inê ii'tgieatis>' i-iail'1&mfc N cruiser Palladat. O! Uic cigit Rusuan tiem aiout o! Liaoyal itonisot a - 'en yPo.înCretPa.Btu destroyers waseleIseft.tise -isas-or ses-on Liao3-ang noublémirie-er Witb n- reeis. >icis. mlii b. cout of action for teUicteftta! ter quartem- 'Butasella not; as PhetoStgar,1 s'az- Tise bahiist czais-ritèbets Arsti - a IeWln tlltgieisIf Klesou bon areen dlsuantied by tise tei'JiCOI i5lottlitlOas on ewanosa e eine tis lses *-Skeilay lusmatsTis re Azkol.,protectei e.r'utsacrificof tisuuseida s om m ldar 's--bOl prifflkeei. FaiStisea 'orwheèb racbd Sangbiewonesse jeingtegqa »»Mlof UW*-fb an os,~~~~ 'T'hoi reacssl Siangisi, rsgis-e te .ybal@i blli f te onut a o r«t na s fr tars. m *to - *4mile - wtg dmais or l MI 1$_ àqii ltbe smr 4h u «seg cml for lgmg NZIm A ek- 'IFORMATION ABOUT 11f PRÉ ENT WAR la COuTLY. Pubct-lel Par At the Rate et e010, 0000M Par Xesr-T5ss caser X" le mmvg-oui.of tue NtaS. cem- r.aspondents. Little dose iepublic kaow et the ellorsssaus tetotrwacnewsý-of thc atoue3 lta I l% paid ouIt or of the bard- eltipa sAnd sa.rlauthle tison comloe- el tu gasteintr formsatson ntislte" Front a iureis commsercial viewpeisft. Iti i.e'isaie' *nervatively tisaI the uiesveltaar.. antiweekliem otfthe .worid art- Iîaimai, f.rnews. 0t tise Rueo-Jap- anese upvrtsaio tala Msuluria aiti" rate of $ ayelr. Mlie f tu eamosnt as bot-sae iy itubliciltiont prialed i nglat aindi iy fer thse groeatIem la the bil lt l eleigraphtills, at aheut 50 cent-s n Word. N a-uthse wasr cerrespoaet- boy tise anals camle up. o!flte deadà sud living: l'Xrbe-s. Crane anad Raiph, -wie are gosse: Etzelkilîidonly a tfo r uas aga bY the t-'Iia's; Middleton. dosé et flever las iasln ;Colli.whit dilila Cuba: Va llier.,. ilsrleigls, Mcledgitt Britadie. Eamtrson. 0. K. Daisl, Palmer,, relinan "a4 D1usu anti Ham thse photqza-îq-a,laer, Stirknoy. wiso wc on lthe bridg,r--theilsymvapia w'itis Dewey fit Manifl s stu-boW tlse nanes o! t-home mon and I sciof t 1otiierstcornle ialnd for nissîat t1y dii or wisai they aredo iiig. . Noir. la ia Igriug tise crtofa!cotte- spoulettre, aoss trlahIe a iag I, Mantualas u n a i,.s ft-instance-lb. açerage lelegrtasdi toli uper traird i lt50 cents. Tiie' rate trais,(htfo. Shanghis assd Ien-tmilisita N-wYork lo 42 rente per word: IrmaitTau'ki,t. 54 cents. Est-h correondent ,iaboutatt 1.000 s-ardu a weok. ý Ifl..t'-.'i- ia 1 oatlssy afaboutI $10,000)pa'r st vmensages. Ilh. "CM) ovre-$5aiw"! .i à"aka 815,00'. Tisoir inasrîretera. servants mes" Ass foscitierequire abot l$15.000 Incldartlt brin.- tte total autlay upto 8150.(me a week fer taie addi- tion. sev-srail iý%esp.pers eiiiloy dimpatch botuitifr ss-iia'i sbe y î.,.isetlsiug llke 91,500 a %s-eak elhtoria-laurIer aut ndmaa- Thichsti ii expeuditure for thse fLuamo- Jîparlece srir nsaty sInike thse ordiunary s-cadet-a tt'îrravoxantly hIiglis.Il ls't ex- trsatagasa at ail ssesttosupareti r118 the actuti l iilaîy ut50J)11) a week iy ou* bewlalaer duttiug tse lpannimb wsar. WHEAT GOýES 910ARNO.G Crreail tacs-eaillgent Pris Sina th. Funiaun Leiter De"i M13Y wtat blimie ail records for t-be lest six yenr-. ta 'liago i-risay Whoeu il loaii-Ited l andith ie excilemeai ou tise llairal airTrasde. s-liea bas bona ticredisig Iailî -uaeaaîvr-re csop rs- Portas ezattîtîaasgisafrat lie North.s wert. re-aciseiita Iteiglat. Not *Inceté famous Iriser 'a e t o I15. mises riseat saîlalfoar $Le,. bais Fritnys figure- been rea-seai. Closisag Tbtstsdn aIt $1.0()%. tison nere isundreai o!fat-dem. ifrôla the big bouses before the Boaird uf Trade gong at-uck for the ouseing Fsiday naorning. andth tis iret qisatatisan for the day wam $1.11, esioagh or s jump luaseltishe pit ad galieries rtld. On fraulie isuying orden rot-slte -oulaller, as.weli am di. prafesslonalq. tise prit'.s-weut up iy icapo sud bosintsutil 135% s-as reacisot. Tise big aI-atire s-as duett th1e ieavy raiae la tise Norstînwesl, s-hieh s-lU doubt- lent croesuore *rttW' and cause aveu tdamage tissuhabrouen eporteti. Tisomsa s eslin, a Minlneapolilsexpert risc reuraed lt-tam tisîl rlly rîti a part: of millet-s ws a-Ialae made a tour o! la- spection trouotsh Ie Nortbs-esh riet rossat-yv, esaia"te tisaittitres Statàe-.- *Sorti Dakota,, Dialsikota anti Miane- sots-w-ll nDot havit-a osabineli >ieid o! -oser IJ00MliOt) -lushels. FIais. laabouit out--JîIà f o! hniasît s-iaisuate i s: useeka. ago. snd uinda I ac-ideal effertl open tise markset. ,Tise Iîykssg of out'giUere anti emallers- eîpientaçtfroua Argenstine te Eutoiseau Itori t- et-e âdat tsoagfac- tarat u in h as- ll i tors-seut. Cura, ou lte aîser laatsd. I'eeaft,'a by tises-eatiseir canditio:ts sisal daiaged svîaeaiî.' 1 t 't Tise trt,thistartmff aud prosperily as-e duauctiaset I encti t is te Itpuiucau csmaign toast book. Repre'etatlve W'llhiam P. Hepburn of Ios-n wii mstie anaumiser o! speechese darna- tise csnpaitaa. Tise Demecrelin laie conrention et Parke-eba-g. W. Vu.. natuinateti Joisa J. Comus-ell forGosrt,. Eugene Parkes. brther o!flise Demo- tratie nominnee foi Président, le a gro- cery cler inlaAstoria. Wasls. 's Nebsraska Pr-ohibition Stile cou- venîton namîietidClsrence P. fs-auder fus- Gos-ersior. Womau suffrage, la de- mandes. Heury Gesses-a>-Davis, ln ile speech accrtiog.lae Destnuemîtie nomintion foc Vire Presiajeul. efter lIae fortmsi notil- cation nt Wh'ite SîtîpurSat pçifl. NV. Vs., vrtieises i the Roosevelt admînis- tion. sas lai it I s tt.-svagaaL. Me pt-aises isitisuB. Partker-ead express"es essuliticr in lteearsuea! tthe ticket. Seusaat- Dolliiar of loas-a, os-ig ta tise lests of!ieaitter-ina-Is. wiIil tik camapaigu apes-ei iet lMinsueforesao Hsle. A deis-gatian atf lsittlsiaus Repalliaus caleti on tise 'reeideal. They ses tise, are seekssg a seuîlement o! tise faction*) diierensces smatuï tis e Bpuaieans af L.oulisia. Thomsas B. Wat*on, lna ceepting tise Pouilit tnluatiaa for tise pt-enideacy n Nes- York. delîveretià smcatltiog îr- teigunas-nt cf bath the aidý pollîkail par- tie, chrbtging Wall strettiraiesuad lise is-trassal o!flise inters-ete of tbë--peopie. Senalor Gortasseft Non Yark City for Sanaloga. Itlài expectel tisat sEte- a mouds aI the sprsugs lie nîlII au tq Nes Yes-k ta h a ntonds wi18tte cen- paigu coamittee. Former Benator. H. G. Davis of Womt Viriinia. ths Democratie esudiate fai tic. PMelsent tires-e ta ?ouatai'Vas' Par'k. Md., ta speaiset à1 a ialqa meeting on "RobËon day."- ---- Benjamin B. Johans«. tormerly eéltgg »d s llfe-li4 qRepohllan aubI1a PmWae bomeemki*lesdièe of thei. DlsêCeuM s rssî district &i a untébte emmw 75amdBeau%àaga 1 %iSd tlide at h.eaute; Y«a âm u 0m ntnthe woiut et men or J40 among lse best, And ie.ut Ml liat every persmn la pre- Eee beiisves titat his reuli cailg la siag Mmorn tser lune Th"ee » l etncaiwhicih Ie's woring- 1 ake. for Instance, yours ani minle Fromm thse meanest *nie.-tffl" crealare ui tbe leader ofrte mois. floes a unirorsai craving for "the otb- S ertfeiiowrs job." -rat.Prie, te deaierasL T efflcoatmMeme tise, ths but Do more tiss- q gondl 5e ciii CSI. Lewis' lctory, Peorie, An oye the îspper M o f whi iorisoataiiy at-rousitise pupil1 mentalabilify,. ___ Pio uefrCommuasptiou la medilueI bve*ver toonalJts sud coW&dm.- .Osmar TrlppaIN M a,,, Muir an Tiare are millions o!tusota ions in tise- bumy worid to-day,.fl Raeh a drodgc taohlm riso halais tbut te hlm sho doresut.uplay; RverF fagairas brOhen-benrttd tlisa la- Youth lie mlssed bis rail, Whlle tiasaine5w.unasppy faitstes- ilte cmv, o! un aIL AaI tuat Yosscare tu mentionaPst-, vssntiy btlt- lot Tisa.tise anc espeelal scsseliing s-lies . lin sppen te have goi. Ties ebnt ope' sur-e rsy ii tisotiser lEnvy'e iseartache and iier sois: K@eP tue, iias. et your as-n. ta s-uni "thseariser feiios mjob." Bbesuting Thoir Praisei. -ued of Blatdoer an" Kidney Trou. bic aflor 26 years o!f «gering. Res-. M. M. Hatais. o!thum place. lu teling thc Publie the goati uer, cat sbouting tihe psa--ai thtie-remedy- thate4 ered bint -Dalle Kltiney Pilla. Rey. Mr. Esîcis '-i have beert suffering ftrmBlatider andi Kitiney Trouble for 26 years andu- -lZaehIl a bave trlcd everytblasg tisat people lai f IJIyd*I, N.LY,Qb woul do mue goond. îBut otiting diti 1 ~ me nygondi exeep MoItis Kldusey M WbsMd - M Pilla. WeCT.IJ., tds heur d "I saven't frit a pain ine. i touk edbsfa ur 0 DoddOs Klduey Pilae. Tiiey gave me «Md y *0 M . istallis and i feei like a new min ualto- YiihUIs VOIC I getisor. Dotde Kiduey Pille are the "Dm1 MamPrrtuàsx: bonti ireer hati." lo Visê of Ail Urlîîary and laldder Troubles no baire iomntMm=bwo are consedl by diseased kidacyiq. Tise o!Lydi)S &Pbhan<a nainral way to cure 18cm Is tu cure te fCOni4i. M"adWig - kiéneytt . I)de Kiuiaey Pi5m aeu-55 tlsak j« irnthé Un.heué fait tu cure dlaeased kitineYs Ila aîîyWhui Uw»UlMty-wr staige or placei. Tisey aîwaym cuir fr d saese backa 021a Rachuache andt uey are tise onîy srceË,, 1çarngdown p.ab ;j4a1 tisaI ever cureti Brlgst's Misense. _'wupbtrouble , 1ua«very Olleut Tiseater tu 1 th e untry. I aFbraisgo h Th'ie oldest tiseater luakmerlen, lte IL 1tock oui ysil:bottles,bun padeured me estrely< Walnut Street Tiseater uPiladeiplisa. l"x7 donlliY andir, la virtualîs tu - bc lot-n dows-a ud a5 ___ nysa putuictas1 modersi platybouse sustIstuteiii. Talse cos ie>harit=obla'!i tiseeter bas roudeti out searly a- cen% pramtiou, and was cousit tory o! lile as a pssrveyor o! amuse.- able. litho t0k your Vegu ment 10 the people o!f11,8 Quaker Cîty. possnd and ti lcas-ad bloisu it was built ln 1»00and about ail o!f8crbe e barpeet ay e tise great Anserican actors and actreas- badedbhtrs imel eu no liav-e appeared before tise foot- I mnc a s-amben ofi ghts rince tâtite liavse rodtaiivbos recfdos boardà. fmae trouble, MAl uni - yorCoMpoula eenbu A Notre DamoeLa.4foridaâ omei, .. usX 1 nU atend free, niit ful Instructians., 1014P, U4M Mme o! Ibis simple Preparatitse for te cueofLuerhou -rain.D piacemsents. Failligcf tise Wamb. seanty or Palaful l'e-ioda, Tumors or (iort.- Hat Fiasies. Desire ta Ct-y. Cs-eepig As Feeling over the Spine. Pain l in.bu ckit m and ail Peinai. Troubles, ta sîl send' a 0" stidresa. To asotiseru o! sq«erlug danani l ters Iwmii expiai. a Sadeemafol leeu Treatmint. If 3-on devitie ta continue it miilouiy cm & bout 12 cents a s-eàk ta Mww 1garantes a care. Teil ottsuifeters etfL t1etla ll 1amk. If the &bore lu.-. lt-curti jou. for proo! séd-euM m Summem ,Box 105. îots, D"a. id. A Long @ep Dés-raté- Mr. Biaisa-tu spile a! ail Misa Fine- mnd'e talât about aatncee roma n d isigiser educatlon, fe in la mmlas fond o 0£ a et a as- otiser aid mail. Ms-s. BinkoF-Tez but ase pi,ékc f Il et "a -domeeticatei carnivorous quadro-- peoth ie fainilly Feildae andi geasP., ak'uiestica." For Your Perfect ComoerS; At lit, MiL Loisa Exitmtieqwlk. v . souere npon the fool tuebs e tk i pos-ts-fos- Hot. Tivd. Acbàn& moi IF, MreîbtaxFeel.8t. 30.4mtentimebld î90 irml leoiatim e. DON'T *CCRPT A ui 17t41'TU'IS. Trilal package FRIM Ad.- b Aleu ILen5. ls.ed. Lu Roy. N. tI-L Profesait- Voatsasr-Vath-8f yoa deme? s Little Daugitei--A box o! candy amidg a bsook o!fatpera aira. rAC "Valters? "*Val!, Vosi natks'sosrseif aick mit sas 'iucttes sas-t staî t .ath1e ibook ave>-.' l Where Muaey Talis. D"t 'Binker»-Look nt tisai sshas5amillion- E9 sire. Vou- casa'î judge )a masiby bste bs-oms. -- W .Winserf-s-No, but you e-an julie bim 87 ila nife's. i CASTOR IA nes Kh ib mm k . bolmg t- ~a1iorna and back Rate eut in two August15 to Scptcer l Se mlcaque miel Ash Qenes-ul Pamoigr, OMeu Atchîson, Topeka & $ont& N fRdiuay.

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