..4.LIbrtyivlle. ýLake COUntYN [ We have just recelved a stock of school'room nff suies, such as BookS,'Taý' Writing Ma±erial, Etc. LOVEII'S DRUG STOF Headciufrters for Schooil Suppi<es... Libertyville, JA TIIIS WEEKY AII The 20t'h Century C'aah 8tom & prepared to fi wlth a si!tof Clothes from $10.00> to $15.00. Men's Fine Shoes, Mayer's Milwaukee make, in 1 Colt, Vici, Velour and Box Cait. Fancy Boeom Shirts, 50e and $1.00. Coliars anîd Necktles, every style. Tobacco and Cigars. We are headquarterti. Schanck Block jergilI j AIK QUNT-y NATIONAL BA CAPITAL â S50000.00 SUnpLuS AND PRionITsSI5,000 DEPOITS - - 330,0t00.00 FP.DYMONO. PRE8amma? a. A. wniaHirT.v. PitetomnEN C. F. WRIGHT, CAawsigN DI RECTORS Du. ci&s. Ml. G(IÀLWAY JOHN GO(LDING J.. S. GIDLEY Au. I.&IWEkMA.î(G. A. WeauaeiT F. P. DYIIoNV) C. F. WRIGHT DL FRDDE1IK HMMArTIN OrFVICE I SANC L 1OCK. zocî-O@to10a.flm., 1 taS8 P. M., and . 6to 8P. M. ookie 'Phono 55. Besldenoe 'Phono 260 Libeatyville, Illinois DL . L. TAYLOIR, OFFICE OVES TÉIGOS5 & TAYLOR. mouns: to 10 a. m.2tWo4 and Ote 8 P.aM.* Beidence on Broadway, oppoite Park. Liboertyville, Illinois. DL A. 1. NICHOLS of Chicago DENTAL OFFICE BUTLEE 13LOCMOVER SUITH LOAViI'UM0E nuass:-Wednodays of oach vweek from 8:00 a. M. ta 6:00 P. M. Libertyvllie,Illinois. EEN. . aMNILE.. ATTORXET AT LAW. "SEATB BLOCK. TELEPROlitE?(0. 26. Libertyvulle, Illinois. DR. E.Hl SMITH . D ENTIST. OFFICE ovER LAUE IJOUNTY BANK. uoucss-8 to 12 a. m.. and 1 ta 5 p. m. DAILY. ' Lihertyvillej, linols. DR. C. E GA4LQWAY, OFFICE OVES LOVELL'o DEUG MILOE. sooos-from to-8and 6to 8p. Or Libsrtyt'ille, Illinois. PAUL MAC GUFFI.- AT'TORINEY AT LAW. Libertyvilie, Illinos. pROSE 88«. DL. 0. P. UrRWD VOTERINA.E 5*GUN First National Bank rATAL Adam MORU" tle NceveCharge au R. A Iewethearl to 4*s04 the 'Pair- Adlstvepiag a0eiet oecurrod Thura-j rm lte« n es t 4" of Adaâi Rentier,t b proiinet young farmer Of thate vlclity.e Rentier bail gona ta the home Of bisr sweotheut,Iiss Emma Lavins toank t ber if abs vould attend the' Fair ekt S Libertyvile vith him. lu bis Ilbaud (Lcarrie a rifle,and as lueie 'd outhe feues taiking, vitb the' young lady tieis rifle vas lu sous unaccoiuntable mannera dimaharged, the bail pircing bis sale butt only just under the' skia and thoni snergng entered is temple anid made a long aud deep wound. The. man lived a1 day or two but neyer regained fl conniousnes.- Coroner Taylor bed- anï inquest llunday aï wlieh Mdiss Lavine0 kestified sfoliova: '- Thwe asident lîappened right at onur 4ate-. Ifix tlebrother 1sd Oaes91f My( isters wère preSent. It vas about 101 uciock Ttunrday morning Mr. Rentier approached our place. Hé carried a gun ln bis baud and as h. came- up saidi 'goo morning.- W. sçtood talkiug, he vitb bis gun lu hi. ieft band sud tihe stock ou the. ground. Au any 111111 brother came close ta us Adamu eald1 furnish 'don't-tancb -thei.' ua- ut11«Aadd thon vent toa.a feues poot anid haned the1 gun against it vitb stock on the ground.1 i had my arm on the poit and ha taok1 Patent my band lu bis.lHe' vas tanding vith 1 bis cheiagainat the pot. lie said, 1 Emma wilyou go vith me;' ha gt u oi furthor as thea gun discharged at tbat moment sud ha feU. 1 do not knov what ha iuteuded toaoas me but tbink ha vsnted me ta go ta the. Fair vith hlm vhich la heid at Liertyvlie,.but ho did not finish bis question." Ur., J. L liobb, 0f Wanconda, vas sumrnoned but did not reach the man until severai houas aler the accident, sud found hlm in a dying condition. It vas impossIble ta do anythlng tbat vould smvo hlm "Of&doetou a"o hl aéis-Wpossa1îe, sud ha dlad pera The Coroners@ jury, conssting of K. V. Werden J. M. Palier, J. W. Book, (Io. §mis . Brougbtan, W. B. Lampheïe and 0I. T. Lues, bronght lu a verdict of -"desth by the accidentai disebarge of a rifle." Rentier vas an enterprlslng sud bard %N Niworking youg aan about thirty-flvo y"aratà& ge.etéémetin4 poputarltu- the tirèle ln vbicb ho movel. Hi@ tragle deatb bruga sorrov sud regret ta many lu entral sud, vestern lAie couty and caste a gloom over bis scores of ac, quaictances Who are aItihe Fair. IIUSTLING AT NEW TRACKO Iii J. LU 'AyLOu FRANKGC Ocro Yic-Pres. i 0. . GÂsus-su libetyville, Iliinois Accounte of firme and Individuale are solic ited and will b. re- ceived upon lb. most favorable terms con- sistent wth conserva- tive banking.' Proctor Block 1.bertyVllle- Illipole- LiOW QTO iWili B. la Readisema for Firet Meeting Sept. 12-16. A FINE COURSE., The Librlyvils Trotting Aocion la hurrying ta compietion the various buildings atit lisnov grounds anid thorn la not a doubt but al il iiihol readinees for* the firet meeting, Sept. 12 ta 16. The large grand-tand can ho finishod viiu ten daysanmud veather conditions viii not bave ta rockonsd vitb froan nov on as taselbuilding ia about ail lnclosêd and ths roof on. Outslde valso o! Ibis structure are being flished vith stueco hicb gives a suhtalutial anid artlstic appearance ta tas building. Ilasides the tbres large vinter barns which ame finisbsd thé 200 box @tale aiong aset border o! the grounds are nsarly completed, so t4ere viilhocpienty o! etai roota for ail the borsee that may cOins ttho opening meeting. Theasteel tover on vbich viii rest a 45,000 galoa tank la ujp sud vel driliers bave hord ome 75 feet for vrater but have as yel failed ta get sufficîst, though no douhi taey vill vithin a day or tvo. The track la being 'vorked" and la even nov lu good condition taougb Dot vbat hitilho vben tas opening day arriives. It la certainiy a grpgnd course and borsemen vho have visilad II, muid thoy are mauy and frou ail sections o! .the country, are mont etausiastlc lu "er expresions o! surprise an( grati. teatian. Not a fev viiose opinion, becauiSofo!thir wldý' oxperlonce sud ~practical knoviodgs in tala lias, la re. rdod blghiy hav" sad_ ta theavilter theylieved lie course- woiuld cXci suytbing la fie couatry. Superintandeat of Speed Trimble writ. t WirPflUWIt laàtn nuaer b@yoýdbids 'exoef**$W .No Whit ta soin !ON. e Fuir Wi Others.. BIG PiULWOV HORaES. Nev eein tlueR.êsY o!tht' Laie Couty Agricutural S*dM bau there been SSci a field of borne *MW idn tiheraces uasP tais year.llieuse mlirneas ovetsi euteed88 hzop i -h mes ihiat i every CI&ala iSwitli mi )e baving 0soa many tarters l nas et aquestion boy tha judge triliM get *0 away." With sncb a splendid opu pr,sram lit la novt oly aquestion i <i ieat l'r. aud if. uala favorable thaiar of 1!¶14 wilcert i ho aril orhe. Tlwre have boon le mis fast --vorile ut the ga'ounds a' sud the INDnzg*ffT prl ssoma of the mot thillionýtesi 'ver vitueased lun Laike couatyr.., ,Not alone viiitfe rares h. auperiorV but fer mauy 700SU tht.,.' haàfDot beau I masifest theolintin lu xhibits 0f borsesC amd cattie t ut lioi iro ogs- sud t seeSp. The suprnt-iib'nts of thec deartmentsaram - tht-wr vità suds Pm tho J.iNEpzEDEgfi t', pres Wedneg- dÀy noon) toafmiiiPropi accoM)Ino11dO- tion for the saOl exhilits of- stack. Theas departuaits .ar' goîng. ta o b Worth seomng tillajoear a. tiei. a iIme8 interet in Iproductaof tlw faran teetnat ho revived *. sucb a mid-Way j'ounevcrr sav. The largo shovwsIindo« a minstrel combina- lion, a number 0< ?urks with a Strets of Cai oexhlR.aid Wild J11-'-with bis great viid voit show. Bedldes ar8 innumerabis .s@nifier attractions, the usual cane ghd.baffe racks, doil racks, candy iltha 'resbrnent stands, lice cream stand, etc. Tht' nerry.g-roundd la aireadydaiqg athrlvingbusines. M1fr. F. Gunnereo, -ci icago, a m-s01o! experieuce l int liaU o! bues basthe diuing ball pivilqe Ibis year, thongb E. (i. Payna vWhofaW00 msuy yoara bas conducted tie i.bub ail bas a couple of lunch counters the' grounde. luý the Main ILl ladies are buey giving ths iast tanches to the array o! painting%, fancy vork &s u w anshadlvofo ail kînde. Despte thae fact lt la a littas eariy for a ir uxubition of agri- caltua d e h t in a etion yst a mer'csdjihie display b ta o sain lu that departusut. It la a great lPair, sud you viii regret it if yau miss Friday, vhlab vii ho one 1of the "big days." rThe lady ernants are on tht' grounde vlwth thir parpiierualiâanad tiueae la nu posihillty of ths management hIl 1disappolnted tais year by failure o!fileir POUTI. .4 INT T A %Iows RepubliemasArrasog or Pri- mafi« Under .uew Plan. @Oo. daimm matic Sceatorial Cmaven- lion Irregular. MAY IMEET TO EE1CTIFY. As the. Independu'nt goee ta press the rapublicnancounty central committee sud township couimttee fromn Varions precinecta in' i * oO ar lu session plaîuiug forfi.the, a campaiguand arrangi detsWafor holding of repu tliean prWiaraithrough- ont the county on ýiep>* Q, and vbich viii ho under thte msatlny adoped plan. Candidate 1. L. Taylor, o! Libértyville, antertains the'con uaitt effa en t iuebeon atloseo! tas efflun. Litileopen opplodi. tion developea to holding tiei. pnianit' as arranged by the' cointy ceîtral coul- mittee sud if tihe'nov miles are ual satiofectary it im probable they viii ho ameded lu the convention Sept. 10. 1 Candidates for the office o! States At- torney, tas oniy one Vrar a coatest la likeiy, gai together la 'Waukt'gau lest veek and drew lots ta decde the ordor lu vhich their lamnes "hi appear ou the pimary ballots.' The reaulta la: Persons, tiret; taauna, second; ut'ydeck- or, third; Baikit'y, fourth. Was Adjournmeui Irrogular 1Speaking of the' reMalDemocratie Sean- atonial conventiouu heid, la Woodatoek the. Harvard licrald la"t vsek aaid: Flndlng out after balloting util after ri o'clock that tlaey voe no uuarer a nomination tban wben t.eyilirat couven- ed. they daclded to taie a rosu for tvo veake la meet at iarvard, Tbursday, Sept, 1. Tis vas carWe by a unani- fosvtbut a!lter tley had 1sf t the Malil vas rocauied that bo*ih the lioone sud Lako county faire voxd ein session tie *esi ta vich thag took a receos suad tflo« there vaimoii ekirmleihu-on l of path!e dellegatîîtam tbeee coun- is euthIe aatter'oUimr tl anotber vb*, 5bp..$8. This- Wwué qred ta, but a0tu) la*as takenq&,te mattbr nor dui the dobigates con véeé teact thoreon, uan'o! lieu Isar '16 *11 ho uocassary rotsla rie~ t avla omplica- U tb M aI t itam LA&Mi geation the LAkE Nlow Cif sese et that Place Want ed.Wsrumst Naval THBY W1923 MISIN O1MED. ÀAfter ail the fuse tbeY made -oer probable location of the Naval Training Station at Lake Bluff, citiseoflio!tli. village nov doclare they voe mbia frmed, that tbel vaut the station Snd are "sonry they fpoke." It la flot Improbable, hovever their .bitter lenimclation o! the station lu whicb bhey termed the recruits "the 5<.ura 0( the eartb" bas eugendered a feeling ci bitter resentanent arnong high1 naval authorities vhlch peludes ail poufi. bililty of the station niov belnx laeated In Lake c(>unty. President Cornisb of the Lake Bluff vilage board met Captain Rseder'and lIr. Waite, o! the naval commission la bhicago Tlmrsday and explalned ta hem -bis -position. lie said: ",né aitisens of Lake .Dluf labored under nisapprebensîonm. jPu£ as soon as the.. prapoariy uuderstood vhat tlt training sebool rasant tbey becamae ethusiat caiiy dommltted ta the ëea of their villagea a site for the naval station. statemente about their feeling,.lu tIi. natter bave beau gros.ly exaggerated. No one ncw more than tbey demiretthe etablishment of the training echool et L.ake Bluff., "Cptuin Reeder vas incllned ta be exosodingiretieent about evorythlg ezeept the fat that ha vas The naval autharlte, uo once it il uderstood, bad prectically declded ta ehoose Laite Bluff, have novwzMarly letermlined ta bave the tavu ta Ie pristine innocence mand ta uelect nmu other site for the training echool. LAMGE Big Strctu ra North of bute Forest Lucha Water 14UN13 R PR URSl £Lvr building a$300.000 boardlng gc;...uuoutha laie ahore north of Laie ruîott, the sisteurs th*a'Sacred lisait tIaI tbslX Day home iacking lanou [artkclr-the lainDo valsa la the êtructure. Work on the building bas beenlu progrees for .flarly a yeur, and iii wus the hope*of the nune that every- thiug vould be lureainssatis uonth. And everythlng vas, except the vater. When the oversight.va@ diecovered lu- mediate @tep@ vere takon ta bave the aupply, taraud on. The bWig >ng vas completedl; evory gleamuini white bath tub and nickeled vater faucet 'vas in place. go the amuns gave the order. ",Turn ou the vater." No Watar main ln Street. Then another dlscoverY vas made. Therewas no water main lu the street pauslug the couvent gronds. The main euded at the' adjoining prüp-rty Negotiations nov are beiug ecprried on with the Lake Forest; municipal authorities tu soCire the. extenslion of the main. This, the omnaexpect, viii ho done at once, although if a specia a. assument for the vork la necemsary property ovuers may protost. The membere of the aider, hovever, are. d&termined ta have the building readY jfor, echool next moatb, wvbatovsr tbe The couvent bas been but under con- ditions unique in Ameria.Alcott frm the Urne ground vas broken outil tihe lent bit of wood work vas put lu Place, every stage of the' Work bas heen doue under the personal supervision of a smeuher of the aider. With tvo feiiow nous as compaulous, tuis nun bu iived inu a manl building usai the achool, aud day by day bas& inspected the vork of anasons, carpentere and plasterere. lier tfather, a Belgian, vas an architeet of rrénova lu Europe and bufors aabs gave up tho vorld for the clolier asevas greatiy interested lu hi. vark. Tima tted for the place, ase bas directed it for nearly a ysar. Ilidepeadont at the Fair- S The INuFPINfENT viii bave hsead- rquartera at the Fair nuit week, usai outrance to the grounda. Subscribere cau obtain receipts for subocription >t4aere. We are going this Yser taoffoer during the F?ýlr ta ail subscribere vwho epay op mand ta nov subscribere, the ahUeqgo Daitu Jouaaand th ii. gi*, PciexyT for $800. This makeW the aJoural coa t you but $1. 50, an nubeard of price for a fluetélans Chiaimgo daiiy for ria year. Taie advantage of the offer I I You are Invit 10 SMbSC$'Ib NIEW'MILE, '!ACK and will offer an opportunlty to e muW. of the best races ever held in the ,AW *.,W The new track la eaaily reached bl,, the Chicago & ?diwaliIkee electrie raWt road direct to the gtoundo, and by the. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul L. RL Speed Prograun Tsestaw', outila flunisy. SOPS.as No. 1-2:80 Trot..........S )00j No. 7-ý2:15 Pace...... No. 2-2:25 PaS., e...........506W No. M-2:21 Trot ...... No. 8-2:18 Trot............1000 I No. 9-2:15 Trot...... No. 4-2:12 Trot . 60 No. 6-Fiesl-For-Al Pace,.. . No. 10-2:24 Trot......... N o. 1i-2:20 Paçe ... o 12-2 :12 Face .. ...... For entri tist or othbar information addrffs sticretary, J .GBKDLEY, Ibe*vle JO" &RTBOMPBON, Pm.. When. attendkig the Fi Libertyvillee take a.100k at o the tblngs you are go-InÉ ta û F. at~U*BtSu~ jand We have oùlu band a fe# B à a sacriflce ln o mhak e romusfosewoune.t While attendfng the 1Èair ea1 in sud lo show you my lin. of Buggies aind gqrries, andi need of anytbing "on wheeis" I1 vill quotè pries as low as th. lowest, conaiderIn&400d&. Libertyville, Illinois O s tTA!~LO LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLIN ýcouNTYv tD$PV0NT. Aie Friday. September. 2 1904.-13, e.S mie _1- il ý 1 1,