Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 2 Sep 1904, p. 5

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Interested Its *a question whlch Interaea yu-the welght of what you bny. Wh.n voel youa-pond ut' ineat It contalnua 16 oUnue, and its aIl good. Our attentigutQ what we maoil meitus stiaation fer 7011 in wiyubuy; W. wouldlike to brve Youi £ EL! toTRIg &TorS li as i lew ei Siui Watlý uda lite'l . a practii &NI iberty% ry,' Watches, Clocks, verware, Stationery li Repairitig îy sîsecialty, anîd have ti experierîce with loading city firins ial Waklîmaker. :)R4W \HiUss viille - - Illinois 's.fiIL 1A3à1 *This Week * 1- Psair Week f~ And for the occasion we have on * * bhaud a new lino of Men's Shoe:4, + * . Shirts', Golhïrs, Neý,kties, Ilats, 4 xx etc., of the latest and most pop>u -4 f. ~ ar makea that are saure to please. f. If yon are int need of anything lu 4 f. . the lino of G*ents' Fturnishingo * ~this ini the pîlace to bay them. 4 fCati in and be convinced. + For the Ladies + We have a nice 1line of ail the latest popîîlar crations for ladies * wear. ý.Bustez-..-Brown Collars,- * x Lace Collars, White Side Combia, * ~i~4~' Shoes, Hosiery, Etc. We know that we are mure to please yon, as * we carry the most line of Ladies' lFurnls hîigs In town. 4 *When visitiog the Fa ir cail in érnd, *see us. Speciall barçgains * for fair Week' LlbertyvIiIe1 'lilinois C . .5 T. 10. TIMlr li t I uy 2SSs"4, TO CIlÇAGOl WUSK flATI.1 D.p0art Proni New Depot. lm" aye tywlSB. AriwtyoRIoao 79 6.. S M. ......... .$Ï95 8- . 0*116u. S L ...... 9M & .. 148.5 a. m,.... .l71:16a. M. T. UD!8..... 8 ...... #:u16 . . .....10:116.. . t U ........ eSz6P. M. ~Redoes ArviVO tNew Depot. Leave ObleieM4 ArrIvasLiberlyville. No. utijU...........S8:a. IL M .0 m . ....,..........S;Stif.5., M- SI. n a. ...........4:6. an .a..... m . -.........04iPi. * 143.S~Vt~5............ tVii &YmT. Un. 147 ...a,6*80M ...........8:16 L m « .$-ose %L ............ 8:40 P.iSm - 148 ........... 7:02 i.lfl Miss Ethel Glb>u, "f Cisigai, spaat Stifday witis ler iOtlýire tatlh. Village. f hala.a.Prailiehny iS.50 spr îton wlaile it lasts. ).cAT1, t At1 .F55. 04.- You tan get tsll în aîj t I(larka's Hotal, tint atfreiglif delal aîl lia. St. -Paul railroad. Miss Jennie vUek, ofîai l:agai. tarmerly of thls tale virlted he:.-1 naialays ltsietirae flrst ofaitrIe week. Miss Ilattie Minlel, awilatag , i ml swnepriîsgr at Round Li:aka ýs rte gucait t MlimIaVern Babm k- bau-aiareA- :lsa-a "ia>~~ ~~ 1-JsjQ 1Q~S~la nttarnoaîa alaîrirag Fair weekniaa a i luttt Fair. s waarl<an the nelv a-Hi t:aas to tise Mlacasroni tctry ire lirg rualaadal tIsaripaansjay iarranga:ag naaav)ri anotlser story titatheir laaraing latumie nartit ot tire tactory. An *electrieiga, lia liiet u t.I pArtiavular linaI. Mortesi,- ntrance luo Xeamatle Hotel. At 1îaailt it attraa-tj filrst attention aâme traiy4rgars -aie halo town. It is very niiat inalyetconda- sic ioîsw. TIsa.eleetriae road hlis ntalia.ala large roatry couverter at its Lfibartyville alepot. v. lich grse*ly ina-aaies the power on dteLibertyvlle liise, saving a murprising penesitage aot urreat tiser. wieeforet. Z The eitatement in ontr ivat issue in ettect liant the poilI@ at rtea. ra-ubli-an îîriiaaria-s for Litaarty silla- townshiip would lie open firaisa 5îa7l) p. ni. wap lu arror, lu tieat w. ailaaa:ahava. sial 3 aaeloa-k p. ni. iastd iii of ola. Thli pasihe wii lie froan tbnee to ire, Frlday, Sept. U. itepîiblicans tira out. Tisa.Liliertyvili.. flglars wa-re telp agaisatmt tise cai tling In their ganae svithi kt-gana, Suada. .The,- home liiys alli îot play tîseir iasual gnîiae and thei viiturs tead tlîings pra-tly iiaaia- their aswis way. &-or%- 13 to -, aie(]l t ight ia- iara wore.. Newberry Avenue Owneru WiII Resort to * Courts. WANT SEWIERAOB STOPPED. R1lO.dte ot Naewberry ayénue afflert~ tha-y wil bring action agasinst thse village if waiotlng hi not cdoue, and imuediaté. ly to divert trous thse opina diteis,aiuug tiseir street tise aeweraige traron thata psortiOn <of the village wtieh fSuds ite outlet in tige saki. ditch. They deelür. tis.y have imploreal and resao und au longr as tua-y iatend txi, and Dow will taleé stetas to forue tihe village to atop up ail w-wers lpading int the big dilcis. Wle understanal tiey have engaged w iawyaar who >will filit their cawe and, agres t4) aid an coawneatiou nutising bat onea-ia ofthtie damages lhe teels certain will be allowed tise cumîuaiuaate. lle5ial eaitsaae'lainages the attorney village will Ia! enjoîneal froni aliowing any drainage to empty in theé op>n ei awer.1 It 'vas the first intention wiseu recaaaraae ta , îSOtt 'as eousildered ta laring a- 5liona, gaiiIst th.. individuaW whwlîaa-eers eînhtled into tise NawberXy abn: liaa aut tbi-r attorney advies iug the village and aompelling li antisoritias ta, closae up the sawera wie tisiy go undar village atreets wlaiatlstey ail do iii arlr to neasi the ditela la aquestion. liae ailieves l uieker analmorn certain satistaction will resuit iay tis methud. Tiiougîstise village bardi takiug preliainary atolmps k>king t-,ward puttlîsg ln a pernîaasîsnt sasver front th, river to Milwaukee avenue, aine branélh ot wici will cusue up Neylarry .avennei yt tiseprd(,ucge iae aeeesarii\ a slow .aue am -41 1)iîssproveints auder thé sApearaffseenseat plan are, anal it Mi doulîttul il aitustl work will ba,,woin usenced until late fua], and poasibly Dot unatl spring. lu tise interlus residi-at% of tise street îîsentiamaed densaw al al seweru lie eio»eal wlsael terminate ia tise open ditria. What tise outa-oifue will beienu eveut aë.tiain is brouglil againat the village la aiMeint t)aatiîaiate. Nooie cansblame tise rldaets of Neuls.riy avenue for protestisag andl yet it will lie a ,ra hardship in nsany instancesl if thse sewe are sunsuarily ordered elem~ed. COU NCIL. PROCEEDINGS. LiIIE5TYVILÉ, JkUas. 17, 1904. Buard met la reglaradjounued essaion full huard lireaent exoept Trigp. Moved by Giardner andl Grabise thata thea bld of tisa, kaeves Brun. Co., $3206, be, awepted, for construction ofa ta te4l tower and tank and tîsat tise Preuulanti andl Clsrk lie authorized to enter into coantract witla said iran upon tiser fnrnisiug a bond ot $4000, toward seeuring of whicis bond tihe village pays $10. Motiaon carried. Il votiug aye. Xa.cIly frabbe and Kaiser tisattise li . ivers lie alloweal ta mn busseg w:gthse 'ondty 'Fair, Aug. :10, 81 anal S-at. 1, 2, 11904, witAtout a lcease, upaîn iarsaitiaisatlaat the fee ahaýrgi.d is flot to 1-,- over 19) cenîtsa ta the fair groundas anal froan ail points aithin the village liisa. Motion csirriedal flu mution byKabesr and Moyeu tisa rnéaiing adjonined to Monslay aigit Aug. 22, 1904. F. S. KEuss.CIa.rk. * Miss lBerthia Shiiîîialle.oasCiciaago, hm sîaaasaiisg a wa-k witialitsînfiilyitYo p.. lynd nalimn Ffla'at aad Mf. 11, Caîlliy all a mou flar-n( ia- i aa at tiseSt. l.aisfair. Wli-ilyucoulse lotas tia. Fair gai W ilasirki-*m Ifolel foîr iieaals. qnia-k service aildtaa lia-t for yiîur naaainay. Ai ut oobilae aml conte4t waaula have p lroven an int4a-re'ating tentureaut thie Fi an a naothi.r ya-ar tise dil-tiara wiiH ala, w4I t', bear tiiiaiaind. Mrin. If. laily, ait Chiaais, a re sqteli'piis'g et Newcanstle H1100-, attravcal tii Lils.rtyville by lUs faiaaaatss iisral vatersi ait wlsii-is lisey are driaskiiîg. 'iliaa.Mafleury Cojunty F~air at Wood- ottick lan t eek wmi a great succeua tise attpii.laiice rivaliag tiîat ofaitiy Previolun yaéar. J.t lemestd thae tisssaiatioa vili lie abile to p~ayniff a guiaaly lasant oaithe large dit it-lmeraa. A aiaaviîsg ricture iliow lixateal 'suthe lait just naîrtis oftthé,- Prua-tor hloa-k attsa-te gooalIly saudiessees. 'Illuetrsated ,aaiîs y icolairealnliaisare a partoaithtie praîgraas, minc is nIot -aalf no ld" and fi-ae ait ubjectliai taattires. Nýow if tise Newiaerry avenue peuple âue tise village we are lîsternteal la knaiwing wviat particular psart of tse tavu, goee ta jail, iiu ava-at ut au adverse ilecisain. Wisat'm tise nntterwithAttorneySnrasd jiertorîiiîg that tuuction? Sup't of Privileges Sîsisitis liashielianais full tisis yeux. a li as rented usure con- cessioans than ever la tise hiiatory aithtie Fair. leell ru ia suc hSya wiii lie eaornuus aud tise Fair ailonld lie a ti iaii-il casa-ceiemif ever il vas. Na-s.-r wae tise *aila tgwn" as fulas at pi-assot, lviseu tfull ut peuple. It vian imsibile lactonethe influx ufthtie usual Fuir contingent 1.0 final rooma andl lodagiiigii uteala-oaithe,1 istels and muais ufth tisi me 15-tliey tiare crowded, liat rsow tise itraiigar lasaîkiug fara«>comioalationé lu larivate famâies is siîupiy aanp agaluet Lt.- are isinse to belowsid. Tu taailitate a.nrisg for tie Fuir craumals tiie electri- rondi lias isal built a lslaUuorn at tise Laiertyville station aloug-tise nurts trnack. ,Imëeident Frost iii doiîîg laie sisare toward snaking tlae Fair a miaeceea anal las said tu the directinaiou tise aseiataîîs lievould carry ail viso deefreai ta, i-oasa- thisagisit mias uecessary tau nsaintaiiis a a-n aminute ,u-iiedule. Mis. Jilîisfasllara l'Miasgid taîlavemeattleda with tsaiila.i-trlirraonad caîsialy iii lise1 csaie wiiais as npleaied hay tise ciipasy and miserein Mn. IBallardl wsus ailowed by tIse jury #:la;iiifur' te i-rgit-iît.way coîiiaaesnol svar lie Park avenue property. We are istorusealtise prifie paid IMn. lialaril was dO .Tis haves Mr. Cha. Bulkley tise unly Que ut six proîaertyowiiers mîsose cases were appeaieil shi iss îat settled. Hevais allismeal luthsa-cudeusîatiun suit $2000. ltaad-iaster Bark, ofthtie St. Paul systot a ass ireleaseal tor a 1ew days iay offlllrs ti ftisatcolssiany upon a-eauest ait tise preiliautftise Minerai Point & Nortbernflailroad, tse latter company demiriug hie services lu tise starting of cuastruction îvork ou a thirty.tlve ise road tO n nfrosu Muserai Poisnt t Highsland, Wis. Mr. Burle isone ut tise anut expereaceil Inen in tise contry la thie lia ut wuk and tise nsauest tor his assistance ia tuis instance in but assother mecognition ut hie abulity. Tise localW: C. T. ILis leuicitiisg Ilnancla idout ur business mn atoai aist thisssn establlshiag aîsd maiatainiag a reaingrounsforYoîung usen. Lt iatlacir purpose if ail goes mdl toi provida also a gyusnneiuus Iater on and tisey hope tai -add a bowlIag aliey. Tis cieuffMéses tu us mont cusiiseadableand aine vîsir-i should reasive support ut ail, andl it le sinasrely dessirea tlsat for tise bena-it ut ur you g aiea- sucis a ruons witis fleoeaary apfinntena-eeq ho establiiiaa, tise sooner tise ietter. Mn4 Mares, ofthtie Libertyville Trutting Associatioin was asked by a village ofislaltur tiselonof tieflneimsaprinkler just purcliseil .by tise. trotting assmocia. talon for use un tiseir tracl andl groundis. Mir. Marsis onsented etladiiy andl lieues <vilae sretsWllbeképt bspfakIeda dülng lFair week. The intereet and. dIspositIon to "booet" tisé Lake County %ai on pari of aleers oftishe trot4mn aaolation lbas isaapparenit qver *Incej prasitkni.ferthe symat. bae bie *tvdr =undr Oy:.> U thrsla &agylM Mha O î >)i %tbo pa tais "lthe (hat -you want, New White l~rthe Lake County FPair W. are closing out our Sur Waists at Nearly ail of themn are white Prepatre.... Now is the time, to get reai for4 he fair. Gàt-yoiir Dis and, Tab.le Linen, ready. have a- lalige Iine&bf -th things, io place your ori early j. '/ IPHONC 29 LIBERTY VILLE - , IL First @hipment of New Outlng F:u *nels and Fian neIette Juet recolved.. Our OutiugF1annelo compriime ia ful *W *ment of colora, both light mad dark, in st*r a kd plaids; alffo plain bluesplaapas abrowüs and wliltef. IIn'Fla.nnelettes we *can show l0u thi nur ipatterns, suitable for . Walsts, Dresses, Sacqu 'Wrappers and Chidrens' Dresese. We are closing out 10 pieces 86 and 40 1g Wool Drem otoda, worth from joe to 60c a'yard, at........... ...... Llbertyvllle - - - Iln Don't 1ou ]N. A Surry or BIÀ- For the Fair? Corne in and talk it over. Anything for sal. or rent? pendent Want Ad. They'fl ho tO OCHICAGO. Pwot CHICAGO. VEXDAI& AT D.part prom OId Depot. ArîlVOMt Oid Depot., frayeMLbettrvle AMrIv Obtoag. frave hlâ0* Arriva, Libertyille. No. l .... ,l*lUg. ..........1IM. . .....0. f141 8UM ...........1l:« a. M. - 5. :5............ 8.s-. -15 i ........... 0. Id .. 144. p. M ............ . ....5. 18. 4M .fl.........?:P1.M. a.. =5..658 ...........18I.mNO6 ... . *0 rai ..... .458a. m Mfr. anal Mr@. Wsiliam .A. laqxxare isow ÀAboy y baby iibol i tfo %Ir. anal Irm rVitsitiasi aIt lhiomea.afMr. i8. 1. Polle. E.M-Dnahil TiWday 1 aîninig. To availd f-raasa-inasttis;e 4a.fat-llr raonda thes C &51f. electrit vimda->itd" u pp 1aa 4talripoaflanîftay'-.anas a~nd strigisten sut tua- lais*y. Tîsis tiiy have been unall. tia do at teiansstla-y cunsialenrigit ana lm aeala a'analiai-nsn aation proceedings wiliIleaisait. Mr. Peaiman asks $3,000o for tha. laîndalnl question. Attmaev Ma-(aîtiaathi vek oid to Johnsa Iittns-r, itf la icagotisa.lait an ,Milwauskee avenîsa ailjg Attei4lga.em restaurant. Mar. ltittaairwill'aI assnie ereet a tvo ataarv bi-k bina h-k lari-aa. Ha-il y-conaluet aa -alason on llaa hast Clour andc ilve is raaaila-aet tise rear. TFie bsuilding lu ttu lie 2.- lay 90. ' Two litas mwiii be finhieal oaall iove andl yul lac renteal. Clarke's Hotel. iaar St, Paul tréîglit depot li the plua- us toip dnring tise Fair. A ruinor wam pra-valcant on tIwsa.trea-ta Saturday tisat M'i. Fuller, viso wlthilie mita. liqenjoyiag a talla la eêaterîs aita-ai, goiug primarily ta attend- tisa. Grandl Amry-union at lBostoIn, lise] bei-n meriousiy injurcl, ano anse knew luit ia(a5. Thais so<M grem inta reports of lis deatli anad no little eocoarnaivas teit by Lilmrty. ville friande and raatives ton a tisse, it was impossible to traaaaitise numor to is source, but tise iret itise veel a letter arrive an ad al lIaI. Fulterisbaai 10 ay was that lemas *iaavingtlietin&o f lis lite." Ifliecisad exiaîrieneod any Sariiia accident lie talla-ai l aention it aad "-hile l-ie dlInot staati. whether hp alive or deal, tua- Ltter set at r#mt îiae taise nusur. Chiscago paliers oaf .epteusber 25tls a-Qn- tainead notice tisut tise circuit colrtet decission in tha-é-a-a 0t Mlatyre vs Triggoï and Analsrly liand been sustuinaal by tIesa apellna- a-aait. Tis swiî tie- remeanhorea as tua - anse vherein Mrs. Meinutye, widow a af tiae tnanliso wm founal deanls a lîssaijiar yard ut Liberty- villeàm hndvosa- aýl aii mas dealarcaI lay tise croneris jury ta, lie due taal-haaljin, saea B. H. s-l. tisea proprieîaar ut tise Liliertyville llata-l andl'bar wihere t vas p rovuin NMlntyre obtaineal lilaor thibllit oft lis deatl, and, Mr. James Trigge, ovuèr ai tl- buiîlg reate(]l'iy Anderly. Mns. MaltYré mas giv-an 02500 lasnagem ila-the circuit court, and wj.,1i'ggs appasi tii.e . It lai tlilm ileeWorntisat la oaso tlitalled iay thea appnUe court. Accondlag «ta tîisa C a aitnsale jptopositiaia ta rnabndbg tai a salools keeper. INIr. Ap"sry bas nioved ont of tiese tate anda le uîot 5'goodil"for themeant ot tise 4&ma. and 1Mr. Trie vil have tu ým-»s _bordez.or a.p5 1tau-i% tmn Repiablîcan u nals TIsera-liullicils p. mmrieslair tisa.tcîwn' aof LiIs-r1,yvilla. wili lie hlcs]lu the toma liall in the village ot Libertyvilie un Friilay, Seiata-insisî1), 19014. Poilai op>e tfruas tiaree aîa-io-k P. îss. tu sevea o'cloek. Vating le to bIi- iy balloit aSder tise sew lsritaany plsan, as adaqita-d ly tisa replWhan ai ility central asînsnittee. ilelegsita-stas thai-Cauaty convenîtion toi lie ielcI in Lisr.vl,,satirdny, Si-pt. 10 are ta> lma:aleatel. TasvasSii' COMITiiurEE, libertyVilie. Tisat amfual giadng, atabbia pin In tise baùki trous tise lidusys. A dose o Pineules vili cure It over niglit. Plneules ji IL ae discoverntu n ua new way. A1 deligiatful rennsdy analIIspeifle for ail kidaey anal bladder tronlîles. Sasid ay WsLL iIAKLScy, Lihortyvlise DrugStore, analat OAÂSL.&xx PEAIMACY. ANNOUN4CEMENT. I ana a candaidate for ircuit Clark, subject ta the deision ufthtie Republ- ana Cauaty Convention. 40-tf-aI JAME4 M. WOODMAN FOR CIRCUIT CLERK. I shah hoÎ a candidate ton rrina- tion. ton a second terni. to tise oaiae ast Circuit Clerla, subject taitise decision ait tise lep ublcia.n Coliiity Conventionî. -LÉWIs 0. BROlCKWAY 4<-tf-ai Budtot Bitter Flaiht. iT u pisysicians baal a long ani] staaiî iaarai lightithl an aiScesoanamy rigla t Iaosg" vrites J. Pf. IHughes, o u >uonit, 'Ou., "anal gavai ue up. Evaryaoaly tisougit my tinne lid coine. As a liait reeort 1 tria-a Dr. Kiags New l)isa-overvy ton coaeuinotioaî. Tise benetit 1f n-ceiveil1 mas strikiag and ' f mas on aiy feet lnaa tew daye. Now 've entira-ly regaineal ame isealtis.î" Ilcuaquerm aht couglie, a-cldis aind tisroat anal lusag troublese. (iuaiùatfi by F. B, LOvILL, Lihorty- ville, GJSÂY8LÀKit PB3AgICv. PrimcOi aad $1.00. Trial botties fn-ai. Notice. sealea-proposalais i bi îs.aŽa-veal nt tha offica- ut Webater Tumlinaia, a,.biitect, ramails tli--ill>Steinway lait, Chicago, until 12 uciock, noon. Wadnvealay, ý@pt. t, 1904 for- tise fti'iing ofthtie labor andl uaterials anal tise rectionair tise cisureliof Sta..Peton usaIPasul. 1ev. P.J. Scanlan, pistai' et Libertyvîlle, lit Pîtmandalapealflotlon sy be obtaisse dbtbs Ârcbftiav. o001. 1 1 -- --- -1111- -,- - -- - - - - . . q

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