Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 9 Sep 1904, p. 4

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a usinwhieh intr" yoi-thiO wtight. tiWJt 711bny.Whmnw slyuapudo LWntoli to what w. sell Insurea - satiafactiOn for rou la what you buy. W. would like to hrve yoIi ifnt uâ about "e.> J, ELU TRIGOS S oesr toiTrlugs & Taytor,- aie! ldred Qteen, n1 West.Pulran, Store- am VLçtîng Idm. Tlh- EP.Wôrth Ail std)nw la UbôiStyvlle will elose nuBaby lteoeptln at p. in. hsreaiter, tda allow Sept. 211. of tbé e leautd empB>yees b aving ne 11ev Qn»Ywm halieside Oneiery AsoSIâtion wiIll 'Vaiiity leair:", mm.t wlth Mi. -Farnaar on Friday M.Gog ) I * ~ ~'~ ~ arrifA $2OOO ing and a ful attnnck@isd0sired. oxunnodr Il. J. 41~l, ai »urllngton, Wis., wbr oonnore hie. hnaI mesrai yeaffmexporiew nthe C.N. Durand h lîîuîliinr busiumssbonscaeoed a8poition eon4ruetlon of0 wit l~e Emois-Mrer L imbe O. of lib. 1?ltwaikg Wrn. Satry, employed hy W. A. DeneiwWml. Knnke-," bas bous mdUrk>usLk Ucwitlî b0wel Mondity morEl trouble, butinu bnproving. At one tbis to Mim. Mary Ma it wag belleved an <qieration would . be v."o withli er IM41-,»M3'. atlier'sfarm Doi ThIi'.ni &M*erY er St. Paul freiglît Waltd.r Anhes d helng repired by Winm ant' n and! le wll nove bis ,îî<thine mbop tir. %chn bas a froria the Amerleas W. CO's building iluand gays cemp il le W daysbarvpstedl 45 bu waffl Jalwor Day hy elosiîig ()ftiý ._pt_~ offimp. O t .erw iau the 41d1Y .s lt j~I~ V ~ <lucve<liii oui village, lr.lally asw u have'. no lxcal lahor unions. Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Sirvrware, Stati6nery Wat.cb Repulrlng my olpeialty, and have had a ife's experlence with leading city firmig a$ a pYacticai Wat.cbmaker. ANDREWLIUSS Libertyville - - Illinois .loln Austin P.ft , ontliug over aà hiuîî(lre dolfar» lu a jo"' of un oh'! finir of trumusru at lb iii'st oiitliof1 tiîwî, Wblîl.'lî btvëm ianagied to fini] wilule lu" eas ut the.'Fuir «rne day faut We.k. 'oI Seçtember 141 ut tlhe.Union r'lureh'e a i' m ce tlie-b..givî.iî for Fhenëfit ofm hakesi.lî' Ueuuet.ry Aesasiut'b.oa.Adiels mi. ii 25 and! 37 cents. Tickpts on sai. t,- L'lel dnîg star. .4. srve .yoiur oeg ..arly. Sabbath inîorning l)r. Itobinsou'm se'ruîîon ut the IM. Le. uîriî will lie "Thei Guuuty Fuir" and 'the .Clunîh)ianf Expeto In the Pv<ning fixe snujeci ivili lec "Those Goofl Boys aud Girls of! The..Lilu.rty ville Fors ber teaiof Ar-me <auîp uf Woodixtua t f$t. Louis. 'rhirteen tif the boys joi!i<d fie purty1 an'! it is umelesu to Wonder iftlapy arei lîuîing agood tiute. Youcc e"tst în1 auti yolE willi wîn. Tliey willllailt tleces1xositl<,f a dee-p re.. IÀ.' Lyneix Who for a long tiene lias endjure'! thei.h. rliipsRît aà cumufle ear truhile-, lias be.'n reli..vsd o! lis suffer*ing by un oîsration peiformed b&Y Dr. lihlk., of <hbsg,,au'!Dr. Martn. tMr. Lyueh .b r eguiuiuîg bis normal bualtb rapidly. George Lamont wbo for sevarul naontlîs bas .,nducted a egar manu- faturlng buines in libertyvilie lest wuek oid uont ta Obharlex Garland, a Clîlcago nian. Nir. Garland lu nîîw in c-harge oi tiî place andax Mr. Launont liasereatel a coniderabla demiantl for bis igare. mhul foniu a tbriving business. C. WV. Taylor wlîo reoently sold ta bis [<rtuer .J. E. Tr4m bils interet in tlie maîrket and gr..ery they su lonîg con- dastite'!, liai. càpositiona luthse -ajihier. tir. E'! Woorldge %wlî o uw Jîîhi he'Iîition bas ullo)t d<'nita,y àu.iddivxt hoe li' do. tMr. Taylor hb :-ut '!mpon lus new dutk«. 7(. - ie'rzniek, tvho edaims ts)i li frori Chic-ago W le wîîowas + plirpeluided i flinetaf o! iiîkingaun Antio-b muîî'u îxxuket ut the. Fuir laut ê ic'-k an.! arrui.te. .HP ivag akeii te + jail an'! IcAin iu isndi. oh *20O< vih fricuids furiiihe<l iýeuash. Tiîîsduy uas m et for hisili-ariug lbut if wueu îsistli)ulle. ht i i iocuar tw't.reJlustiee Wisir Friduy P )n wiiing tf0 uevommuu'!te + wiio cii ix l i ril and romuu i n Li bcrfyvil le during fthe' uming riuxe meeting ni theu Libertyviîic Trottiuîg +Affsoiation are re.'uuted ta laave fliir nomaes witbh.LG. (lardn,'r at thea Fint N ationa! Bank. fitia probable a gret +m"ny w il! be uuable .to securu uioiations ut flichofels wlîlu'l will lu. + srsthauï illuil <o tieir capacity, ani' the uso-i tioîî isbsii.taprovidi' roonîs; un'! hourd for tih- "overtlliuw" at hrivnfe +houmes. + John R. Tifoupson, Pr.'sidi'nt of flue +Liertyvihîe Trotting Association bail on exhiîbtionuut thie Puir lates ',.k smonte +stoek tbMt took, bine rubboun'!n wauc as fine ns any in the eatthe barns. tMr. + Tbompon'a linterot in the..Fuir is of the. +practical km'! as is tir. Maris ivose beises belpu' muku fthe races a suecess. +Now hfin ptuah! ltotatru out un'! meke flue opexing meeting of tlaTrotting Association, Sept. 1:3-16 au unparulhl'.i one. Latieaoutnty nîut do ios siare if +the scw courses wieh hLe attrucfing atteniof hom bre ownerw ,ail aver the + osstry, prove'. a puying vuntuxre'ln ite .inclplency. Kfr. an'! M.: Jolin Murpby, o! Elgin. +fil, Mn.. Frank H. Juat au'! sos + Larre, of Libertyvilhe, were oceuhinfs of a» automobile whicb ovurturne1 + between tockufehher an'!*'Liberfyvilla Irdyniglt, and! wbila a&Rbut LuBarre 's mere , r bksbruIs.'! s'! injure'!, tira. Juf sufuesu sev.. hlurts, +In ihc-b lu l, bowevuu,, recovring sy.. Murphy *ho wa ' drlag + fiebcine, in au endevor ta aval'! lnnuxg Into a vebiep, the. driver of wNxbcbturuud tu tieWiug -ide '0!fie rond, was obliged- to. re biseai late aidltdeh #iuois W, tped utc?, .*0 oupauta is ~lu paauuiderneatà uti mon urnes'!and! llf**be iaacbhM OP , gtbuy 0aldle ý Mf. lJ leaders. ; 1444*4*44 liAiiUEY5 Drug s î<lanrng n Fril,îv eveiiirig. "bt t fl'resl.y- jsf0 wîu lie.! ffi imday ha* luet 1h< î'îuntras't for 00~1eunt walk in *front kpe p~W<i'îropertY to l x,8 b'î dy wais ors [&Wtnmîl. npp stoliman, 7 ul i"'5 os bier rth@mtýf the. village. qilrtfl'N 'ltsa-v "rom t~h s.uë"î,and l>akv)ta. a .«lit 1<1 c,.former state Pa fU if'ý tli.'re.. Ont. Bllaph i)urbv hbu bi ru.'eily pur- ébaseid 20 sacres Ofilapfil arm land! in tire vieity 01 Ftd1W3f ., iu th#»ucur future bI lle ii ' hic ls'riîan' u borne. 1Mr. 650.Btiiilf <s witlî wbom Mir. Darlîy boards *MiI W'. f'ifli iîn. .%u 1duriag th ibu j i f t'<,F'rank Herrilîgtouu and Gordoiq fhni'k <il! Pouduct daiieemMt ti." Town haill Tbursday und! Frldap' i i -a îet wek during' fthe rues meetir g. Tlicr have euugoei Offi-4 ag uaje P', t ie' orcion und! proinmeal wotti le sî. n' îf a tirfel.Yoa.mi. tirs. Homo tS IukIey difi nt lir r imue in tliîs village MÔnday f tiiii"rculos'is. Coiîilplii',ati'f with «ùJp)y'f'rff. Shu lbar] be4îi si,'k a lonÈ timnu ui ivfiîlî ie asC<1 a relief, althoughli ub wits lait 27 yarm ofago. mm.. Bulkw~ wa. à kindl.y, lV. îng woiiiiuîasd Ui e'r: fellîisland has thje iuîipatby 0< al if hic afflicution. Fulieral serViefflWom h0bel'llîîrs.lîy ti w.loofl oppned Mtonda rid lthe' littl.. fills 'ilied upon tli"îir litie-m wît apphare'nt jîleaiiure udSi i i itt'r tlieir long r.'t. Quito a o~i f f littl,' .ýtt4 'ritere(l the .primary 'gra..' îoîîare lîuvhig tlîeir firit ex..i i t s.'hoîl. Thie «civ týao'aclrs &MaNIe. ,lf'rw-,uod, a i)ter <f (.ountY iUP't. "ignwlcu bs thîe fourth. room.'-as d iliBaiterson wloio lasitant la tii.' igl siliconl. Prof, c. L SbaVmTs lathi-' i'w princ'ipal. A rppreetative of ti' Northî Shore (,us Co. wau itdwn <i 'dnesdty and! îifoldried a reporter for t1ff Lx iE'NTN tiiat altbîuug llebbcomipany iad e<n- eoujitered msorne dIM(~ty ait Lake Bluff li tihé way of ueeuthuW ti-! right to lay tiîir îradin t!irougb eaîî'rtkuîî o! thul village that by tall th@i.rîaias WOUld b. laidliinto Lbsrtyville. ;j,. safil arrange- mentm were )I[out 4),ipletérd ailî 1 of thei. ke Bluff coîincl and! work "il the ext.nii nts i lmi-rtyvilIe wtiihul- lx, beguui in a wsek <r s<undu! uslil t, t-onilitloa asrtiiy an posibîf'. George Dav#iqomt firesi. 'Thxe -wrY -.ldu.i ia;Igtbi of#-Mr. 1'. Daviwiou whiU< ittiilx lu a chair at liw home iu Lilurtyvilli' 4unday alts'i'uau<i wae learn'! o! witilîrIemre srruw lu' luero nthe .villuqge.tMr. iavisoii ale' fi n poor hi,'atli. for a coiîsider- .ll fine aun'!itiva, known be .'uuld sot live long. tiiouil wheu deuth li ii, î'outilif vas a sliiuu'k iui bis nany friuls. (iforge DouglasDitîvisonn was lui' ow'twber 28, lIM2. i-ar COnilt4iuî.hi Co., Ili. lie catit,' ci th bis Parenîts îî. 117q5 toake ro'~ u uity ad tbey sýiue feurietiitn. 1h' fis ithus brougiit ui ona farm.Inyiu)iiiig riniood lie vins aîvay faoli))iol*ll r < iitjoSlolîjgu' îand mecuireul a gond iivuuf ducution. on Juue 2;1, I>'. Ifewumurri,'il tî AdniieC. Pelton, duKugter ci l ufii pltiinai ld'!sett4ce. 'nee 'ere hou î ta tileul two duuglit-1u'r'<lm.lY M. noirv deceased id Juusic J. *huo ln ut hfoli". Hie parents, fourlirotiiefu ajxd twsu shters survive liiii. Six yearei-s oti. faxily ceame ta libertyyýll. Mir. Duviaon iva8 su bullet ta inflainnia- tory rheunutisinA vitîcbbrouglit (li valvular beart trif),fiuhf'Thfs latîr î'eiý' guddeil~y an'! un-!xl"'u'tudhyprovi'<l fatal on Sabbatlî altwiiifiu, Sept. 4 at 2 oelock. Rie ivasa b'Ifieî "r ln the bile uiand i-irltiaiity; and! w'<. a enber <ot tl<i<t ,-xeelhnt order the iufu<eMI Woodirieii. Thie faneraIii n nWedn..sday ut 1:30 ut fixe Unîionuu uiuitsi. Tite Vo,d' mnulwurc lu charg" .of thecrniuu' and Dr. Ro<binsoni fl-iivuled tixé di8ouî ce. Bide for Gasoline Bagine. Bide wil lx-. ref'fif'id by Frank Kî'îqî, village clark oft lie ii' ihgecit Llhirtyville. for a tbirty uctual ilffrepower gat3ôliiio englua with friction luteli. Bide are to lis oîie at the vilhuigf' hall on roui 1 at8 P. M. Righît tii reet Auy or cl bide la reuerve'! ly fixavillage, mus it deemgsbest. Ahluv<ahI bîdu toanrok 1Keru,i;b.rtyvilh"ý. Ill. 1 49-I1-il Speil Train-RlktRoru Fair. The .cbicagou. Xilwuuuke & St. Paujl Ralway wil!!ruiiu Icsviiig Lbertyvllle 7:31l a. iiu., returuing li'. Fir gaounudu5:45 p. n, Elkhorîi 5:50> p. ni. Hpt)rib.'r 1 5aîod 16 ini addlitiuon tu regular trains. Excurioln ticýki'ts unt onu asnd one thîrul fari.. BepIs.rnbnr 12 tu le inclusive. Ghitfxlta returu -uoutil Septenibur 17 to 11). For tickets isk agem tC. Mf. & St. P. Ry. COLIIuCIL PRUOSPDINGS. Liurn-ri viu.u1u, AUa 92 11904. f odmtinrguaaouxsseii ~uubrprucent e0éo. Boyes and b 1z K ' en «lGw' twIIn rfilaI be»AM Mbotion '" by Qabbe usnd »Maner that thie h1M o 4a ille~r oonts elshit of Mîlncarrisi! b sb M ai nd st 4 )ner thut ;M68l be poàoo&Motion Private Drains to be'Closeui la agi Parts of Village. BIOARD) TAKES ACTION. ,;ewlu.rry ftvi'fuie ruiiit'it alpp.airfd bef(», tl. village hoard at lh. regniar meetig Monlay iwth an iînî.ra- tîve ileuiand tht,thte village t4kePaction to, ahate the sewer nuisanve on their, strqeet. The Initter was daxeussed at lenkgtb and fIually mPee. 3 f an ordiniuicu d..hlnng nuit#anem, Wau lrouglît 1tiith attenltion of the Board with the rpqueât,ý duit if lx, ..nfojcud. To tîjis the trustees4 agrix.d and tle're the muatter suet.. T<i ir)o!rlY enforce the fsec.tion in question it *lit bu'e (4i4ry l#rat ta stop ai) ail draina at tle'ir outlet into theî Newl beiry avenue Fsewevr. Thon' Broadw:zy r-midentt whie likî*wioe bave0 refîpt.atlly requtetd the lmenerd to eford, relief frotiî a lk.. nuisance lon their street. ray ix exis.cted tu dernand that ai dririr'.lx' stoiîîs4d whieb dishaffl intO, tlîat tro't. Tiie. board <ail do nothing but Iliu<nuas tlmey hve the. ,iewlwýrry av-nue rfflidentm and tldes w!! ,îiî'an tii ."lsig ifia greater irtiobî of the. priveta' drains iia tihevillage and nefflmitate imiiît..building <oi outleb' mew<'r..tii the 'river. .'ctjin3 il qithe ordinaneîiil<r wvihdtUe hiîiar'ilwili clase th,-uraiîîc lm um fullowx: Any ditllr uitchf-r, grocepr.v. livery- tabî, sîîloi -keei-r or aay othier peci wi hah <«4e or 'su"miffer any ffal. llt l huo r îny foui or uiuusftîuu, liquid to u, belichîarge<1 out iof or t iroiii any jr î ocuîw1îed or usu .7 lîjîi or t.; le tlrown into, deiomitisd or Wt it ii ny of the streetm. ligliways,. 11114,Y14or Ijeublii' grounîlu ,witlîiîîthe. eîîrlcraielimîite of ti..village of LibertY- vili, lisahl e'd..nsl 1guilty <f îreatiaegil nimicnu'. and IN.- fined njît lemm tlian ton dollars l fo>ir ends hi offs. wirti îîiunAy tsi know. élie Sunduy 1Record Iferafd 49-4-d su'. thé iuîeest tlîing ouit, l)enrikw-of'a, Or.lluanee No. 107, 1 Levi Ia ic 151<'x..' te lerar ail th. -lLîî ' a'Lli< adiluaSth" oaua» 5by the prou ruatsea et the villas.0 Lore tg heraby leve cuverai .amouxka I The salu appropriatilon of four tioisauid doiirs4 ( or continunt rt eziurac ini i; teeha.suimated asiuunt of thlrty- iWehijudrel d.ilars(Ble0) Co burecelveul br sa 's;ig as. followe yomm saOon dlen el(eotinated) $5M0 %i'.t Lii ,0îtam'nt go esil il go10 bu ",eqved v. tarohy =pElr ildfer tue îu.i pose (- .licetîIlut.u. ilevn ,A H affmouat ti.. suaie! 'ea fdfl 4doa (IsuueitO ta raieud by taxation. out n1 sncb ngc osnt fonud se appropitateu %lllieb l'aid theiii Pi roportioni of meeial Truciss. ais pîii,llbailonf iProueedile.'...5... .1 YIillas.'Attotim ..................... 0<0l For the curuieeoftmatlng. nantano vllag e i.' iisreil (Suce> dollars as folows Ti..etc.. feur r,Dlalrlnu'eiwira 8leu. For the nurPuce r pay'hig foir repaira. muintaui<Dfnw. hmlrovemeiit and eontrue- dbin of sirf.itu. aile> tubhiwiiv andl avenues oh <bu villageeh01b.'rtyyillsiand for lue uhîIce protctionthe auto of one tlionomixi Siaur,) tohows: Saory. extra mn ........-.....-...... m n Graveh ............................ 00m(f0 For ho piirPose cf PtuYingthe PIeeqs if lglthcg tii.. iiwsyc ad Publie plane'. of i. catr,sam l.l vllhigof LluirtY- ville the suon, .fi iii" <liaonSeOee hnndrcd sndi lfty li($110)dîîlgrs as fellOva: pacs.dsestud Are lîgite al. now lccate'hfor (D 1 Fot'uroi, otui ngtwo wa;« workm bonda cf uvsjundreil ollorUsci uubetcu 1 and 2. tosethur wiuh lii.Intersat onte utn nusthonsanu tw<o hundru'! su flftl (01100) dllru as tolueo:. Amnunt fltubonds No. 1 and 2i...... *10000 tiitrest on $5000for oneu . no 0O maklu gln vhe agux ate the ouo Revent7ifvC lunlreudoillars nie e wich four thoncai ISiloo) dollars la tu ho raIl.ed by taxation. Enci of caif I911M'.nt mouey anud <b iuirffl atthcreot areoi ed nseesearY bY tlîe oard ofTrustesstu dfray lis ,,cqsrvt'iand IlabilUes of tie on v i = mi urlug lte, aial yar uIden Amri! ne. giq fr e .respeivel ;lirpo" auov0 e ëlflIleil otf. Ozu'. 2. Thot sali variOns an1MOte 01,1a,0v6 montone'! te buia aed bý uIo lr ar r irt rated sasropordonate trauxlonuf 'eO 1oal mount of ssld four thunsu($v-) 1dolat "ad la0 nue Of falltercelva or uoilx sald auggregate soiuaorftour ticu'.and dollars ($4Mo) the, d,.l)cle»ey shoIai te idued Ipro rata troua sild varlougsouis. Suc. 3. Ail unexpended appropriatiouis and cash balanoes fort hale lailiear uiiu Apitrln 9,1904 are Contlaued for the purnose for wili ie r <iv re uprorrlStsd. fL Sc, . That the VI Ir lealho angulite la il'reby dlreitd tufie *Itswi helii. tsr ulerk et Lake <JOuuiY. IllInola. a ccpy of liii erdlian5s. IMMurovîded by S"ec. I cf Article 8 Of au, At O0 tie Generel Ageeubty ofthe ticate of Iili.,'ntitlud utile& andVlluee & pMvudA prluI. A. D. 186S ut tie auseldinaute tereto- BSn. o. TaI is heVhiI- asIrit cause t<ils urdinante t bu ubllaPd ue I ltua oaa meonti afsr tictussage o tic saune lits ».wfapiiL Cgbllao S out uluated lha-io vIlg !Thatt liqordiare siali bu sud tha uefeinlrd l u force snd affect trou ana ter Its Va~ 50sud Publthos acrdnr o a . Pu ~Ished. SePt. 9, 1004- Y B. ei I'uudoent. Attuist. F. SEIMM, tlaim ClerL' Oridnance tSo. ISi. An dînanue .xuaag a Bcoard of Local lm reviumis. naulsi1i.'.members and f otru'l,.tee lq berehu etabllehed s Boànd of Lus' Il venic.ts wilut shah ,eni'.t f ot tic Frestoth livllise Wie fhl ia e upssdutof sali lucatisud twe u'pOislers h lic Sard e Trxaesa bu -Ready to Wearj Cthng C IE ,VERY, LATEST in Gents' Fumnish- Wgs., We can suityo in Pnice, Make, and'Quai. ity., "'PHONE 29ý LIBERTYVILL.E- -of à at km tyess kW plcs b m~ 4~ mSu . oerin qualty. ulot in fibWe had to.ebuy.* w &= mflaf4in'u tg few izea. sud teimfoe kowf0O UtW 1your Uaermw. *Wb t e .eV"mawS in çCoon. Fleced c« YoL d. mwitk a 1m u you lu mzd efabd" gar"wvwm*64 aceeas tiieprverbWas kth"wyuiof oto.1904, buy from msun un oe prve t. o "aiu Don'yt l'ou Nt Surry or IB For the Pair? We' have a few we'wt Corne in and t alk It vr' SCHAI4I Lbe4D&l.A1 '~ Any- for- 5umv. Waoslsut. i

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