For> that Anuoylsag Hacklng (ough1 the form of: c.f Tar Qniek relief for cougbis. colds, bronchitis, hoarse- nems and ail afflictions of the throat and lunga.lIr 18 BEST. LOVELL'S DRUG STORE Headquarters for School Supplies... Libertyville, II * OVERCOAT libe of Overcoats, 'Duck Cbats, Cravenott Bain Coata, '>Sweaters, Men'm WooI Un- derwear, Meî's Boys' and' littie Gents' Clotlîing, Rîîb- ber goods of ail description, Mlshawaka, Wales Goodyear makes, Iuelt, Boots, German Soi and Leggins.11 1 Remembe the place CSWOtff1904 av E.Wu PAR% UR; Schanck Block LbtVISlhlf --I-LAeE-COuNrY N.<oQNAL-.&NK. CAPITAL - S50,000.00 SURPILUS AND PAOFlirs Seooo.00 DEPOSITS - - 33Q,000.00 F: P OYONOPssnsw G.A. WRIGHT. V. PaSSI...? C. F. WRIGHT, Casoitn DifiiroCtOs J. S.OELT Gi. A. WIîuowr j F. P. I)iîaxNu C. F. WMGi' DR, FREDgRICK FL MARTIN OYFJCE LN 5imIANCK BUI)CI. .aoca-S8to 10n. m., 1 tua 8P. M., and 6 to 8 1). ut. Offie'Phare' 55. Remedene'lPhone 263 LPIe. rtsville;Ililinois DR, J. L TAYLOR. r ,OFF'ICE OVER TROIS & tAYILOR' aouue:-7 to 10 a. m. 2 ta 4 and 6 to 8 P. M. Residence on Broadlway, opposit» Park. Lbertyrille, Illinois. DR, A. 1. NICHOLS. ut ChieRgo DENTAL OFFICE BUTLER DLOCKOVER CIUO&*DAVIS' STORE nouss:-Wednemdayte of each week from 8:00 a. in. to 6:00 p. in. Libertyville. IlÉinois. BENI. H. MILLER, ATONEY AT LAW. RIEATU IU.OK. TELEPRONE NO.2. Lihortyvilie, Illinois. DR.,E. H. SM[TH. DENTIST. OF'FICE OVEIt LAKE (VOUNTY BANK. nouas-8 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 5 p. m. DAIL!. Litiertyville, Illinois. DR. C. RL GALL9YWAY. '~OICEOVER LOVELL'S DRUG STORE. moues-trom 1 ta 3 and 6 ta 8 p. mn. Libert.yville, Illinois. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY AT 1LAW. Lihentyville, Illinois. DR.01O. F.BUTIERRELm 48uiAs'r #TATE VE1EEISAB &Ibo" ios Fiérst National1 ýBank J. LTATtoit Pres. FAru Paocrox H.G. GARDNER Libertyvilli, Illinois" Acconuta of firme and SIndividuais are sollc. ltsd and ViII b&- re- ceived upon the most favorable ternis con- sistent wlth conserva- tive banklng. Puoctor 'Block "d v th.d1e moet como plete une of IGranite Wart an( - ,Kjitchen Utensils 1 m -uscet Da.Uglitr - s, matby 'Par«et P1er et Lake Ve c sil.50 a yod furaiture isRg and so is the Pri-gce Lake Count)y lbmrise Ov«, 01MibJd Pârk 01.3 %»" u t Ftal 111out- Ume AErs7. Two Itaim msausding a mûe. veet al Higiléad Park at the 'nov station "IBiudgWtt," on the Northvsstern short dun 1w.m Majiir ta lakte Brtt,-engaged tu a fgt fiaturday etternoon, and alter lb. "ounfer 0f Lbe mon, a more youth of aintoa brs, had been terihi>' Leaten and abussd b>' hie antagoniat hé drew a revolver ta, protoot binself and whlcb va. dischargsd klllng theémnawho vas admlulstering thé ieatlng. Victor Pardi, the jounger man, had lissa couirting the fourteen year old oaughter of1lMm. Della Mille, at whone homoehaine the dsad man, EhlacIÀloni, boanded. The young lady le sald ta bave disllked thé attentions af Lawloni. Who vas about thirty years of age, ai a quanrolsonis disposition and vhom it in likol> wauid have been arrested for home etoallng, a0i vhlch Le le sald ta have Le gult>', Ladbhélived. Pardl's attentions ta thé girl infuriated Lacionland hien. ma11>' ordereciLte lad awa>' from thé Mille' premIses. A figlît follovoil, lÀcioni infllctîng terrible puisiàent vith a sMt ai braseknucklée. Fearing le vonld ho killed, Pardi drev a revolver and whieh Laclani ondeavored ta wrest from, hlm. 1t vas ln tue eocramble Lthe veapop vas discbalged, saome caim miter thie aider muan had necured lt, and others hold b>' Pardi. Thé police after siftlng Lte case thorouglyI> ncline ta the theor>' Lacioni aMcdental>' @bot blitteli miter grasping the revolver. Aftor the shooting Pardl, amcatpanicd b>' thé Mille girl, hurried ta a physieian's office vbere [île vounds vorednesoed and hé va& soon miter arrested. A bearing vas arranged Lefore .iudge Hlbbard and Assistant States Attarney IMillor at- tended. Pardivas cbarnedwvtit murder and the liearlng postponed a 1ev day, hé in the meantime being hold lu tn count>' mil at Waukegan. Pardi le a quiet lad, asaking Do Eng- Ileli, and Las Leen in this country' but a short Lime. Ho le Weil iiked b>' hie countrymen Who sympathisle vitu hlmi lu bis trouble.. On tue other baud the dead mam had ait unsavor>' rfpqttom. il l9 likel>' Pardi vili allege selfdotms andl IL t-q belieoal hé iay ble able o a er bmseil Ifproper>' defonded. uii. I)owie Hon a second AUSB A NBW TRIAL. John Aloxander, "llrst apostie of thé Christian Cathoilc Church ai Zia)n," bas not givon up hope off euring efi5,000 leit hlm b>' thé vili of Fred Outton, a rlch Nov ZaMandor, although a jury in Judge Tuthll'secourt in Chicago Saturda>'de- ided that Suttoii's . will and codicl are Lnvalid. The>' vere imade jmet hofore Lb. ,Nov Zealander died at thé Zion City' bos. pic., lu Mdarch, 1902. * ý"We bave asked for a nov trial," sad .V. V.- Bars, leoding counsel for Dr. Dovie. *,Ifiinledenled vo yuli tse san appuai, and if thé viii miall>isturovu out ve vili praduce anather viii, made b>' Butan lu Cape Tovn. Thé viii mande lu Cape Town aiea let t ail of Outtan'el pmoperty lu trust ta Dr. Davis."1 Thé Cape Town viii aiea le said ta con- tain a provision for a homo for women. Jule F. Brover, caunsel for Èluttan's relatives, vho contested thé viii. eaidhée dld Dot apprehend that bis cliente vould solfé fron the introduoction of the Cape Tovu -will. Claimi Mmd Was Unbalaned. "W. vant them, ta subinit tbat wll Iln evidenceèl" ho sald. "W. vill ho able tu prove t.hat It vas mades by a mme of un-. sound mmnd. If thére le sucit a viii I 1don't holleve it will1 evor Le lntroduced." Butn, vha ma-de hies Une raîeing s-b.9, b.came a convettto Doielin .whuiolainNev Zealand., After atriparaund the worid ho came taoChicago and dted fin the Mion hospice, Later a codieil vas .found leavlng Lo tLree brothers and a .sister-John B. Stutton, Gerge SuLton and lir. Ellen Eldrldge-.ii of Nov Zea- land, 012,500, @huanad @bars alike. Fetred Poislilng hy Women. Witnessesfor thé contestante .testitied tuat SuLtan Lad a delusiou that vamen vere constant>' tnylng ta poison hlm. eThé>' eald ho saled froin Nev Zeaiand la ea saling vessel hocaus o i red ta vo>'. agwitb a waman steward. At Limes hova ai d 'ta have destroyed ciothing "t ta cL foared b"d hoon poigoned b>' .women. Ho le sald ta have hepn under treetmont for mentai -diseases in a Cape 1Town sanitaruin. That avfàI grlidlng, .tahblng pain la the back le troum yhc kldneyo. A dose of Pinoules viii cure lt over nlght. Pinoules taea no dscover.yputup un nauew way. 12-UOUR CH FORSIODY Mies.France rst, darighter af voathy pa; aAding at DanvemeIIL, and a stude0t 1* ery Hall Sonary, Lake FonN14t **Ïý vned ln the takeoif ferry Hallpler9 a>' of iaqtt wg Thé Young w as lest soon aivo about 10 'eo* ut-rda>' mornlngýnd at 10 o'clack inthvning berdisappoar- &oce sreports $o the police, Who Ws oued a generai ml r eearchers. Parties vere Mmedaup f c* itin-ns, University' and acadoin>' tnte tand thé troaps atationed at Y.or*4 idai. f midiate- iy moarchéra vom otrted maldirectons. Wôrking b>' Lb. lght of lanterne and tanches isfgl partiesof searchérescoured thé beach audwvode trou, Higblanà Park ta loke luffl, but tound no trace of the mlilng girl ln til Fnida>' morning, vhen Enginer B2d and bis assistant fonnd théeitdqy la about twveive teet af vater. Itvhe lN aed Iy mansot a long bandled raire. Th"eonyfAccidont. Mise Parkbur*was fond ai valking, and it vas hér ouÀto ta ave thé col- tWe bail durlng tWiantarning aoach day and valk dova té. a certain atone pier jutng ournt s !lie lake shore. This vas§ hér favorite igot. The girl vas a tsemi-intalid. lienides hing tronbied vIES a diseaso f thé bip shé vas subjeet tmàittaekm or eudden and overvlihlmng dliessM. Thursda>' shé va sien ut about noon výaJing ftém Ha> ll tavard thé lako, as vas bW vnt. ft le smpposed tâtat ci,, valked out upon the stane plan, stnd there ton a short ime and biamtoe seeled ai one, ai ber attacksaiofdigines', causing ber ta laujuita thé vater ddrown. Thon thé bady drfted doi ta Ferry Bil pier, vhére IL vas. hnaii diëecvered alter a fraudec sarcb. Coron;Taylar hel4an inqnest soon alter the. bod>'vawu nkLand t&e orrav stricken fathor arr*ed li ime ta ho pres. ont at the proeeo«Iug. Thé verdict vas '"deatbb>'achi s4ldrovning." Iluehs'cke Beetàem'. Invite Couaty aid Mumicibui OUere and Politicene. WEDNESDAVOCTOBER 12. Otto and Charies Muehrcke, prbprieore of the large itotel condueted ab Fox Lake %iodor thoir namp, and wba have for sovoraI yearq given to count>' officers and paiticlanà a gaune linnar at close of the summner, &gain lave lssued invitations for thé annual i-vent vhich this yoan accore an Oetaber 12, and lncidentall>' have arranged for the usuel badger lighit for entertaipnient of their gui-sts. Thé train whkii blaves Chicago at <9:30 and arrives at Libertyvilte at 10:45 viii on this day unn an througiita Fox Laike. A large contingent vili béave Libentyvîlle an myors'lake on tLat train ta enjoy- thé hooîltltofathe geulal liuehrcke's, and IL le »W dman>' tram Chicago are ta ho prent Prominent monnla lmnet every tavu - sbip et the count.y bave besu sent a numb«r ofiInvitations anid te> bave te priviiegue of distrihutlag thoin among théir friande. Plates must ho resorved lu advance and are $1 ewi. WILL * THE RLURN? Woukegan justice Who suipped Out BodsodH.eWonid stand tlit PROSRCUTION 18 BRADY. Whon George P. ghataveil, veli knavn Jueticeof the l'once lu Waukogan".qkipped ont" aller belng bouud over ta tîje Grand Jury for allegodporverted aend crmminal practices lu whlcb Gertrude Miler vas vlctim it vas claimed b>' hie frienda hée wouid appear betore the. next circuit court and face trial. To those about the court tLis wo.k IL looked as thougii thé states attorney>. looked for Bliatsveii ta show up, as it Lad been clalred lhe vauid. -Thé girl vith lier mothér and an at- tendant front the Huane of the Good Shéphérd, vhére sho bas iteen dotained, ,.re brought to Waukegqn b>' Sheniff Powell, apparentl>' ta le prosent at the triai Iu vbidiî Gertrude yUll of course lie principal witness, if it coins. off. -Shatevel? ln repartêd te Le in Minne- sota noar Red Wing, vîtu what truLli itieà aot knovn. Thére are thao i[Waukegan vho believe hlm ta hé innocent and qwem vitn the opportuni,> ieresents ltaaif b. viii ha able taona prove. FAIR Attorney Millier Ha. Came Di*- mameamsudlght E Mde. OP NUCU INTEIIEUT AT TI19 Monda>' ln Wankegan Attorney' B. H. Miller took the necamry stops ta have dropped the suit pouding againat prosent officersof tlb. "k,(ount>' Agrlcultural Soclet>', and brought b>' another set of officers and who clamed ta ho regulari>' elocted. It was a suit to oust one estoc olllcemsand plae in controil heother. It viii he remembered that at the annual eection of officers ln 1908 a eleyen>' planned coup vas executed employed b>'the eleetrie road campaur and construction cotupanio enigsged at th. time building the road frore I4ke Bluff ta Libertyvilie vere voted, the dollar mombership tee being depomitpd by me. who wpe engin eering the de-al. It vas stated and generally beieved the purpose ln view vas taolbtain control of the management of the old Agricultural Association, then taseill Its present hold- ings, lnvest the mone>' in :new building& ta Le erected on land loamed of the LibertvIlie Trottlng Asoiation, and hold future Faire on the nov grounds. Farmers wha gathered at the aunuàI meeting were nonpiumied b>' the ap- pearane of the large contingent of mon who Lad heen quietl>' gatbered ta eleet tlhe new ticket and were outvoted live ta one. 1 Thon it, vas dkcovered that Secretar>' Ciiurebill Lad issued the càii for the. aniais]meeting af the aid association for a wrong date. The socletys rulos provlded a certain date for holding of annuel meetings and Mr. (hhboli tbrough an overmight lssued the caîl for a date semoai days to oariy, On the. propor date a second election vas beid and eui>' iu the morning. Beoe Lb. firet»fficrs elected knew of this second election It vas ail over. The old officers Lad and retalned possession of aIl books and records. First action vas iuneU tuted ta obtain the books, and 'tbh followed suit ln the circuit court ta unésat theo old oflero. -Fundi vere contnibnted b>' fare aad mon interestod lu tho Fair ta flbt the case and Attorney Rusel, 0ai eigu won retained ta represset tl.ti. Thé proceedîngm ae n p anud Judp asked that briofs Le suhmltted b>' othor mide and ho would lator ronder a decioion, intlmating ettheb.thn, bowevor, the complainants a adbat littie stand- ing in court. It isetuslatter action that Attorney' Millor hue had dismlasod. This WEEKO. R.pulilcau Candidates Touutug the County. Congmeamaa FosAlong. AUE NOT SPRLL BINDEIIS. This week and next various villages la the count>' are to Le visited b>' the repub, liran nominees for eount>' offices, and with them is Congreuaman Fons. Nev aur count>' candidates are ail gaod foie lawa, and as thé>' make Do; protensiot ai being speilbIhndens, we wili forgi* them asnd ho satlied ta iston ta the. hm etatement tho>' are candidates,vent to Le elected the. voret vs>' and viii 0BU the office botter tItan an>' othér mon possbl>' can. The>' ma>' sandwich ln a store and thon lot It go at that, nd we viiiLeho at.' islled and go and vote fr thera in Novein- lber. Cangreesman Fose in depended on ta do the Luik of the "taking," mnd ho has a, way that Iinteront@ his audience. lie ca handie thé national Isues intelligontl>', and when your nelghbonhood ls vioited don't fail ta hear the Congressmen and to shako bands with the count>' officere. Hors are the dates and places: lion City', Otaber 5. Antloeh. Octaor 7. Graysiake, Octaber 8. Higbjand Park, Octaber 10. Wauconda. Octaor 11. lhbertyville, Octaor 12. Att Zion Cit l>ral>' wo understand Dr. Dowle was ta have delivered an addresa and set Jorth hi@ views on thé national capin but as ta tho purport of hie remarke we are not informed at timne of golnx ta prose. Dilssolution of ]Partuerahip. Public notice le heoeh> given that the partnership heretofore ezistlng htween Oscar ani Fred' Hauri le titis day dis- soived b>' mutulionsent. You cannot cure pilffl. I.>'externai - - - -4, -. ----- BARUAINS I Gasoline 13K1 Ihandie Fairbanks-Mornelainons Porta- ble and Stationary Englues. They - lead them ail. It wIll be to ,your advantage to get my prices before gobS. elsewhere. Can, oeil you a 1*-H. P. Englue for 888.00. A. LICH-TFELD, Prop. 'TAI LU BERTYVILLE, You are1 Invited- te- subscribq for COUNTY IND&P5NDiENT., VolXl-No- 1. W. M., HEATH- Furniture and Undertaking Libertyville '-- lln a nd- umes -We have pri hand a few Buggies and 'î that we muiît close out at a scrIe in Oý make ront for a new lins. While attendlng thre Fair coeiluansd Pshow you My Une of Bugges and 8S-urdes, au negd Qf anjtblug -on whei" I vi§!Mqud Sprie« as loy au thie owo4 s ýon"Mri eFrlday, October 7. 1904.-S Pages. - a . 'l LlbertyvlIe, 1Il -e... 1.