Il - is J u qution which, neomyuto eh Of wbat yffl. oy. - Wbi e o you-tàePoud I meat It conttaïno'16 ouncen, anIt alal good.Ou attention te Wbat weolil nmureè aatactlqu for yolî ln what you buy. We would 1k te hrve yon couu s about'meats. Succosor to Trlggs & Taylor -~ ~ ~- -~ w w - -~ Jewelry, Watctes,* Clocks, Si g verware, Statlonery Wittchltleairlng my mpecialty, and have lil a life's.exp)erlence with leading city firme a,;, itraetical Wateclîmaker. i ANDR[.,W HUSS Suousur I. D ro .. ibertyville - - Illinois LIAI. . IUEE I I 1 W JUIN UVU J JUIN U - UN NUS f. Some extra values just rocclved Oîrnew fall stock of shoes in thebout ever f.workmanilp Every pair warranted te 4vq f.Men P AI-Americ, patent colt Rkin f. ioe14; the shoe that Batiefles ...3-7%5 f. Men'ii AII-America, vici kid Shoea easy wearing and comforta.ble . 50 " * Men'm Walkrlght patent colt akin f. hoffl. notbing Ilke it at the Pries. .450,* f. We have a vici colt skin shoe that givos a very 4 f. dressy appearance, and at the price2 can not be bout.................... #5 ' Ladies ' Radeliif shoes are becoring more pop- * themaut..................... . 50 Ljadies' Stan'wood shoes, t hoeases f. shoe, we sel them at. . 2....0.* f. Ladies' Lilly shoes, medium priced, buta good serviceable o.....1«(5 Se w4 We are prepared te fit the boys; and girl.s +* wilh the best chool shoea, the kind that,*ear fi well, at a very low figure . .St. P. TIRE TO CICAGO. PE AIR. Dagua PeomNew Depot. 1gev &dbadfWBOls rrive Obleago. NO. T.M*. MI.......... isa... u ... & li. ua. ..........:.., . M...Ose . ........... lo:lb6 M. kW i......?ip. m. .......... 8:09 . M. Moli miam . ......... 9:64 sa 1......pluObe . ...... ...... 0:14=0 le aiers,;1 PS*OSICI4ICAOO. Àrrffl. *t New Deffl. Le.,. obleo . ArrIve Libetylle. No. isa....VÉ6M.........:a m. *la.... S41Ip>.m,.......... 3:0p. m. lu 1..40le ............t:82P. M ?à@.k0e m . .... .......ansef ... cgeeM ............ 1:020. uM. Bol~?. .a............ ,., M lU 5 ............3:40 P. m *~~~ 14 . e.n.........1:M8. TO CH-ICAGO. PRotti CHICAGO., 0.9.8-t Pvpns OId Depot. Anrlve alt Oid Depot. 1gev.Ubutyvilis & Arrivoeso. Leave Obleage . Arrive Libertyvllie. N.1u suItM...........7:» a. m. * 141... o ilU . ............ O:IS a. m 4m0 mia.rn ............. 3:14 e li. *I... &: 1 . ........... 0640 p. m. .u....a:mp. 6 .......... 1:49 . . lu... t8.0 ........... 7:0eP. m. sW»Ays, VUDATS. & 16Jlau. ........... 8:18a.. .No. lu.....@m 1 M. .......l104616um i4aturdal oeiy LeAsve Chicago et i12 p. mt. Arrive Llbirlyvilie 2:U7 p am. 12-mur Oouglk.urp nt ilackley'm. il. J. Weblb andfil. %V. (iumnîltt i th Lakealde Cemetsry Assîsiation wili tll.Ir wves are u't th- tftte fair at meet MmrA.d. WeiJs on P~riday next. Springfield tu W.t'k. and it ii pomoible VUIlageBoard Hear. Ail Abouî met. niof eliine Eniin.. TO LET CONTRACT FIEIDAYO, Monday night wns the regular tiàeel-' lng of the village board and asidi. fro.j routine business ili that wam àanog pliaewu s tu open bide for a gatialins engins anud l1tio)rupremetatii'es ci a liait dosen concerne ex plain the mutrit of their respective engines. ln al tbeve were mettentépn ljn!s sub. nitted ranging in priti- for a'thirty lînrsé power, from $850 tu *$1700., The board was unable tx) decide in the Inatter andi aC commnittee was appninte'd tu ,iet Chicago Wednesday, vu-w varions engluesl in operation and report at au adjourne<I mting Frlday nighît, at whieh time the cuntraet will Le Jet, Tht-n wilI have been acconipliehu.d thaý purihawe of the let igk in the inlitil plant of the new water worki% systemr. rWurk (i erertion of the steel tu wer andi tank mliîould hi-gin nî-xt we.-k and in Nov.-rl,er the power pliant wilhilie fl-t m Oc. 7. te it' nt a -ils - "' n' "" l -. te- tait, when al 10- in reuilineseta H. D. Calvin of OWsrlin, Kan., and an tuilling. rend.-r mervic'. aid tîme lýaksennty boy. in vieîting bis Fi-id Parkhurst 'cho hmlialeen in ulster, Mira. Ueo. Vowler. South Dakota for - oral wes-ks an i HoÙi.e ,s-kt-rs excursion ticketes old ta Daunmsat the Town Hall toa 1nighit, 0.-t.annouai bunting tviî. wvritî-.t that hie i 9 poilas south antd wemt, by lthet'. M.& y-th iWhilte-8oi AAtlti.isoitn.htig neoirgnn-titatStML 1'. railruad, for Ont-fareplu. 2 7 yt roundw tin.iltrip, goieifor 21 tnym. Fier fr iood mnicand a gond tîime. dutikt are eili retisrii't tierinformanîuîoîaiply i tic.ket nire. Th scton(f ouletrmk f heC.&wben il "ireexeq up.** Lils'rtyvill.-, Ill. 5- i. ele-trie raid frottn tii. nrth toate Lynne Coley of Uoll.v & Son in under- sOutb limita of Lake Bluaffwafltt putop. stalle] t have ae'..'rP.îî.ime onnpetionSrhnfo a. station this week.witl.thebusiness and iece)t.41 aI pom 1 avefor sale rhm r#.tion t u uaisee. ioniarCelago.Ciri nbefliàl ,irk- Ila quantîies ifflOf-gallons or entre, 50 Mes.Durad'spupis ar tagive a n-cl-ing at CaIby's havi'i,a -oniet-ne pfron cents i-rgloel". la iîn, lai autihe Union ciiiin-Uioutober 21. I.o" Antioe~h wheî.eli lie a .'iî workung fur rgaln imth 5aios mal and forlgi tai-ni will apuist and a lautes Swan. 'ume 40 cets ir gatlloni.. .E program aof uniîual Mnit May lit ex. E. E. S' t w r C you shoalt inago. fue enttat]arrangi-ti ley ilo-rtyrville business Foi.t SA.--(niotio, ut 75cente pet youaboligo.mPn wili lie pimcet on xtaiP t' & Il store,. bumhel. B. M. Fx Liberlyville. 5t-4-p Work (i excavatiiîg for Chas. Knimer's Foer the four entertiiiiiiiititm Von puy - new double store builuilng on Milwaukee llt $1 witli 2S~eMts atîditionai for r-- retl-5 e ad avenue la ln progreue. one of the ittàii-* ering hie ticket foer the foit I i-s. ret t$S R wa ban bei-n rnted by W. C. Triggs, wlio îjtt your seat early. Tirnt'- and Ida"e (if A hottle of ec-zine. wil L e senat frfetat -wlll riniove front titi' llanby hui 9g1 n-.srving tiekets yulll b..n'ttei n'-xt wcet. cvs-y reader nf-luis palier who liq su,.en. andthe otbt'r store wil L e occupleW1 )'y ing witim any kiuîd of ekin dime-ale or Mn. Kaiser forlbis larnft-es businesýs. iBe Nou <an hiar inationittI eîitiî-s ant i i -nruptionm, any fbri if et-r-na. IBlindtor bas not as yet r-nted the pussent uMr- mu-s di.-iseed( of anit-v.ttaboualtue t1w lPedîng Piles, SciLUt-là, ltten. tsi-a bis business ot-tupies. istanet1iese days and %,--" are tlin e .ltarbere lob!, Rinigwni'ui,, hoile, Blood Supervinor Miler brought ta W t avrea rt a 11 î ..iv on. <Jihf . rî'oison, lever Sorem tir any otiier <eri raTaiENT office l-aturday tenle aitns thon tht-se cirelea of kîtls.tiiere le diseaeor sorts of an)y iarnis.îr natur-. whlcb welgbed 14%4 pounds, andtlse gttxidcaeayfrn $50 reward will le paid for any cae pleet up larger on»t-efrainthe fil-d titan thte tliargyi that smeeits ta enguff the tof Eczema titat isnflot prounptiy cureti thos ehown us. 9n an acre anda quar witbelle canipaign herLikil.,.t. witit Be-zine. Fez-iiie teili heia any som, ter <vi land le raimeti a littieealler 400 Tomi Hitidieton, of iliglîwnt>d.n'as in- or cure tihe wots kin andti ate ht look bueil of potatopm. This in certà%inly a town Wi'dnesday distriletiing bills for a lite vei.'et. Heretafîîre ttie.leas been no grest potato year. Mv. Miler'opotato-e dance whiehin l the firmt nf a si-ries, ie Specilie dits'overed tiîat wuuld cure are on exhibition at the 1iNnEpEi.JE)NT itaving reritedt il pavilion in the park Ecienia and tindreti diseatwes until Ec. office'. at Higfiwnod for' the %%iint-r. Muni'-isa ifle watt discoveret anti nov thousandu A large audience was on haud at, the fturniheti hby "Prof" Ilii1tloonlies- are cured daily. Never Minc what you Union elhurelu Tiiursday eveulug of iau trn, anotiier indicatioîn dit 'Tomin bgo«- have lniad; forget thie failuren madie by vweek aut tihe sehool entertaimnmt by ing Dp ifl the world mâlie bis departure tther remnedies andi @end for FREEB Prof.8Siavere. Illustrations of songe end frttm Liliertyville. SAMPLE of Ec-zine, which aiways givesà lecture by meneof a moviug picture Frank Wilson andi Merle Young who relief andi a permanent env. machine adtied ta their tielivery by Prof, have bec-a for severai moints engageti on Ec'.zin. 8kin Soap intsettantisepie Shavere, andi the. audience vas dlilghted thte coustrt-m h of au automobîile ex- Mieplrmade. It wiiteroase anyîiing- with tAie progu-am. Proeeds Were for pet-t ta le reatly for a triai mun in a weu-k viii destroy Microbes ai dandruli, falinq eneft of tihi- u.hooi ibrary, anti a con- or sa. They tuilit e auto lie ito entin- unir, more hi-ad. bandeanad fi-t, pimples ilderable nom was realimed, as the enter- ety, engineboiler gear and botdy. h is aan lchdsufcendmkte tairaient was patroaized Lette-r than two momd affair, îtropelled bl m xannd skin sunoli. The f.nly antiseplic sLav- bas beu ont' lu Libertyvill- for a t-onsid- a bal home powe-r steain engine of twxa ing mea made, guaranteeti ta cure gerun abletim. cyindr tye. isea»ees-$0 if it don't. 25 cc-nI n able miilclîertpe ae. Write to-day ta M lr. John Austin lias opened teis new 'luetstay in lte Circuit Court chIariltr B V IElC L C subdiviaiona djiiig tWKim4i rP p-~JUstiSe W. F. Weimm United, ian iarriage B «' ilALCo. erty. 'Ausitin itoati umsthrough theJohn 0OPP, nge 27, andi Ea Kotîp, è Rand-McNagby Bldg. property train easl hu weat, and there agi. 24, Loth itft!Cook -nunîy. Judg.t Chicago, InI. areni soun pieuditimiiesfor hoties tiereou. Donnely vas tînc of the witnemiwe, and ti or at Mir. Austin titis week soitiil, n Chcago the conclusion tif the- cereiony tlelivereti .Frend-Wlîat' a happed? Boardtiof Tratie man .503 fiet onit thenew an-addtres;ajiprm-iativs of tht - i'ougratu. poct-Yesterday 1 iitai aii] tii.neW- treet and Chas. Austin solti ta the sanie iatotiymis antite-ring titi'feasilility paper eofie1 coutl d l iia àauburbau man, whnie..naite-liq Viît'r Pehermýsix ~Ofa law ta rmîIthe u>ffilating nitîgi.. s » nia et ncee aprud acres, for n-uit-l lie receîved $11 (tianacs-re. trate andtihtti"..itneeses to> leartily ing an editer to toile a pocn t flN>' et-uta. Weil,.'i hardiy reaciied the. For the lots puncluaset of titi- eder. Aus- sante tite- iritit. curbatoute betore 1 w. arrested b>'lte tin Mr. Pet-resu paid $1500, Auother Président Frottf tiiheet'etri.' ronim e iitb0iitien for peddling gooda vithout a sale of land in the subdiviisionn nas 200 having preitari-tI ait -inhorate iilnsmtr;ttt.dlies. fiet ta Mat Pestler, ronsiderahion $6-00. hookiet descrijti v.-ho the territory btis Aa '. ____ Monday oeeurred te hurlai i . ~rond penetrti-'4'. andt t u . <outtfor a Marna ea Miler. Attornes'. Mar.*mcemter Wakffrtof gedPhotographer taki:'119Pictunes ni a large Adjindicatio'no4etice. Mr3"s lemsof radukegaa. I agetnumber of hinmcvistweil ase martv landl- Publie Dalles la herebi- ven thatthle soni. 1ie it-,yofi osot.Ms eile i eec;ofit3elti ndaot8rbr dmnsrte.e h h lanxi vas eliltyy-are nid ut the tteofibei-r the sni -etsn *itEsnudnt t ai< of Ca1rs th thi- wiil itni-xi- tieth ntivasoneni itever SistLibertyvîtitis w.'t.This is certainly attend tse ounty Cou9ý f Lake Ooune, at deah ad as ne f he erytiât tenithereof tenoibe sthe. nit deirle adverliming for lýibertyvmile,. lonela Vaukeega nut! <outy. oun the nettiers tloduwer ierndd rstMonàdayof ovember neitl. 54.Ubn aàbrBé igt eou, ersted esiteti m-The eletric rm t -mpany le aima lire- and allure 41i etvsnzk&iavlna ma aaut ailbe ifeitgii>'repetet iy ii.cot-parlnig ta st4_t'niaticahîy ativertise andi nid Salai.are nt il d di1 or a tod munit>'. The laie Si-s. Keliity ieave tani-eent the M a a rt Moura her losa two sans, JamiesantilintdesLibPsjrtve miera w-hir 0< sf. 0.Vnasa. Adiuulalrtor wlth the Thomas anti a daugitter, Mr-. John B a. g h'ba. lteWitt an,,xd nof Btai. iof Char"lVs . de Bradley. Ail rt-ide lu.liondont. - Mr. Business Menn havi- coutnilitedtiet) a Wae#~gau. Iii.. Sept. 17. l1904. 613-d Kelie>' died in 1 «3. Saiinn i iglu masslefuand Leing rai." dlîY sortie of tite ix'al vas saiti over the emain-i in theCatholie ladies ta op!'a reuding roonitfiter nw - AQj5idcation Notice. churcb ai North Chitiago at ten Monday particniary Young onas, andi afforîlet. Publie Natte~s le hei-eitv even Atbat the pleaantplgc tampen th winer ve-i3uboSbet.AduinetrirxotIr ainto li maorning anti afterwards irtermpit tc ok ia ased h it- vr-G-n. 2avisondeooaed. w 1 attend the. illcenlge outsidthe tt- .aloitng. The srtviiv Outi Court 0f Lake Countv. at a terni 10 e a eholoidetta e ourt Houas lu 'A ompny f SlvaionArm pepleauthie fset'.tutinr tif ncaitit's bhui-tanîtiWaukoa. in aidtounty, on tale fina lion- la>it ni forsatcueoa f my eop, it lehcl fiiihdan upi day 0f noveuber ne-lt. lent, Whon and abhers holingervce aitueluin ituchndwith boots, Iinltrra d nmagazines. ama nothled and u-siueaded t10pressait the iso(damefi viii ut ther1 iiioeti antiaand ' ainse ta snid Court ier adjudloatlon. pm)abI>' soute out-tion meetings on the îies illie f exted nu, ail in aei WaJeaans iel. 11. 1108. 81-8u.4 attaent as la titeir vont. Youngse-re andtéidéeil§an___________on._________________âti_17__9& aii rowtiies vio Itave in thei- pont tielightédet I.effavr viii sufficieuti>' poîpula. lL tu interrupt street services viien tht-y o warrant extension anti that a hîvl- GRAND DA C ing aile>' uay ue ot- of the attrationsD NC bave beaattempteilunLibertyville, I*iii ta Le provitiedt inesilsfuture liait. hi. prompti>' anrested If the SaivationislsT hoMtitis hri as-cod ane iterferedti ii. Theîr's le cctainiy TeMtoitevrh a rwe a enmmendable wnrk of the practical Suntia>'nigli t t lesar Dr Robinson",e I1118 Tfl'fl h10 kWl anti vhich acc-nmnpilhemuebgooti. tareweli sernmon. 'Plit- Preshytenian tn l___l~ "sy are entihied t4) tht- respect. of ail. gregation adjouri..'d and wlhh theit pas- " " R P~ LO Wlatever crepet Ment try to promnîgate tor attentied lt'e rvicea autti-e tlo- Hll Day hy street meetings. and ihave secured iti îe v.Rbinsnarei-ne t hebistsermoni conent of poper officers ta hoiti saine, Drthinson drivuListhepastateofn balottons conunct iwhiie the>' art- in o»ses- nid: "Wheng anis t o te.e y- .lan wiii Le suppresset. si: hn1(-li ayutreyam SATURDAY MN lT la.a grni ofîîueros e-or ahtheaga there wene- about 150 mormters. Of In.ur ganomero nsti 5nna3ot.é' ut.e the .thiaa iuniber iîad bts'n retaineilon tht-etb r ~ 1 0 Fairgroind Sudaj'tUêhom tein e-honte though gtur.- awa>'. When their O tb r8 10 feateti North Chiralgo, by a score of 14 absence proveti lv'zmanent 1 vas î'oîîî- ta 19. Iiowever tiiere'im naothing ta peilei b>' ourru-vs ho mark them 'gont ul b rf llre' hiMg of anti the Northi Chicago aggre. vlhhonh btter.' I have added 38>4riantesMui y Po.H res gation sitonitifi-el their défat keerily 1tti- chnrch btook. i haïe givsu 14)rcesr Whou it is conaitiereti the home boys$i-e pchtnrci. letterm ta tItis..remnving. I haveOrhs a unable ta do anything te warrant it. atieteti 32 funerais. 4 of vhililî ert-tif Thite SebwarUaTheaher management iu our ovn umabtrs, nainel-y, Etiwin (',)it, Waukegan ha@ arrangeti vit t hue C & m Lo»is Galden, Dr. Glaiioway. gr., untI PLA N TO ATTEND electnic rond ta have a train ieatre Lake Mary J. Ray'. i]lavte atteudeti 12 wî'î:ab Bluff for Libertyville Sunda>' ight ut 12 dingu, anti thene are- otiiers who onglet o'cioct for acconimodilon of those vhox ta Le marrieti.1 i sha report ta thte t'on- tisir t vtusathi opla potnttin-frene amentbermi P t 130. Titis yt-ar Good Timne Assured dsrtaWmt heOi Cos opad prodA tionm- 1have matie 650 catie, and-inthetshurt- "At theOd rssRas. t is- yeara 19402' Conî.'uting hi-e ati: "Tht- bouse on Monda>' n1çt you cau es oni>' favor 1 have astet ievas an :Pr-,r- Eveyýço m dto tê in-bme Vuén ble- ore ad acaao &hitian 54 1 sa~~ta douLe aaoonemewd*om Ibiuvidait>' emu on me unrINDEPENDENiT Want «eadaiir ro dmt&«o rîàd1o 'he &ýoff. I abalwAvys ramnember te the etcomn< vu Itp t& vdniu*b m 01 yoa 61V_ 1subis. Tiqhe - Il clmn0l to Wear 1904 V ~In~JDESIÇ%NS MEVERY LATEST InGents' Furnish- -ings. We cao'Sudt you. in Price, Make, and Quait. ity. 'Pl4ON9,29 RTY VILLE --I. rflINEWOOL Ejt 7 We ha-le juat recelved 6 pair of -nIfiiA Wool Saxnple Blankets whchve an. iyo lems than the regular wlzoleaae pricea. 11A 4AAl Vo.! Culibfra l akets (orne white m 2 gray ornes> worth SU. 50 at .... .. ... . 2 pair Grey Auil l Danfra. woth $6.00ai 1 .&S.Army Blue Grey Blaket. aightil da.' I We also carry a full lino of CottonBlmnk-. ietà in White and Glrey. Good welght l0o4 BDikets. ful l e... . .. .. splendi Values for . FA........71r c 8 Lirtyvil Don'tFgt That we have a complete Uineofo Stoves, Steel Ranges, -Cast. Ruo,~ liard and Soit Coal Ileaters Anything you want in the Stove Une wo Corne in and talk it over. SCNANQK E Anything for. sale or rent? Pendent Want Ad. The."u ih gidg.