wio, " U Pahà Suls. e a n mie Peu s ateti'taM nobçl 910file EPule o UI-m lo'marded by te proeut X. i aounlau o by th '~ llqutt heti ju@ a tesélsion an bsriiig usai Dr. W Plnk irPilla fuorPM*-Peuople lit Ibmfelsacsud enlorsas tht Vlue -Iblu readywlîhaiauthîlority'wlale »0 me .wlll Ventura tü question. Or. Laosis Louer. --i Certif>' ta" 1 have usulilDr. Willa'Pinîk Pilla ltu four Calles of th simple sziooeî iîf tltrelnp- met. At'Aa fuir weeks oif treit- ui, t ctall eIcanl' op g M .poaio.Furi-thit raemuR telbofUde st Ibidiaibio ppaurionui flot o1i17 lau th. troatmnit tof tier foeus0t1tt ecgegof tauwnii.s tir clogAts bt alin e asesel neurvdk- tbsuiliAai .1k. , <igmsi l Guaxri LaPMit- . 1 VIa dot m aeci 882. Bore. The "simptlReuinni ot ulvelopmoill.- refrri te b>' Dr. l.ppunilaofCoeur"u, - ts& l«..iUgula Condition-« !yfung girls. irbos iuvalopineiilteowonanlood in t.riymAndlwhoseeheallb t tlhst Perlod, la ueo ten lmpisrled. fIS opinion of *a svea» ofe Dr. Wllqu' Pink Pilla OM Palee plletaI ht Lime la o!fte w8igtostadeetiflo aultori>'. aid ilcon- fime tht many publisbed asles ina mmcl - uammiansd ter disoase.of the blooat, meuh s e o0« diseluses Auch asu er- 0 usprotration, neuralea.s. Vian, dises, jaral>al muid noomotor Maxia ha-*. bàean .ei b' tes.pilla. Tht> M»reàommenied l totepullic.tor thir eflency lu making Lieu, blooaaani ar.afheulng weak nor-vou. Af er ach su endoruanut the>' mli ha ne- asllidb>'tht iietilaul anid cieitillt woeid aitteoir full vuine. à Notreb>uuitLady. 1I ili send frý i-e.wth full lantructluos. nmn et Iis simple preriustoui fer lia. cure et Lruit'rriaiea. irtiuKls placements. Failiaîg uftua 0, ttsi or pglutul ltiiI.Tuosior ur <icutha mot Flashe,. Lit-ire talu iCr. -îiaiis peeling netr tttitte. t'tîiu inlthe- ilî,,-l and ailt 'eieailes.to &il oseuî;i.u addresu. Te utiailîtrw ut aufernug ilsai ter$ 1i aili eîàiîii licessful [tome Treatmeîît. tf yn ideride t tau l !lji cuti <ot aisint 12, cents i9ant-k ta esraite. a tr. Teil oher ulerpr- tL.A eaita1 Iask. If thé abute Ilu teresta Fou,.fer pi-ot aii ]aa ii.. I Sur4auere. Box lori. Nofrirelie. luil. 1.ord Atrdee' service, te ('unadi have been recogaized b>'t1je pr"etIlitot te oue et is daugiters et a gotti net- lape made ut Klondike golt. W Su0so.fi '.: '-X t dat<atr peepW . jguldtt hI tbft tUC 1 01 0 followlng dic rl OUf bhi. dscverd tihe romains oeth11e rifle sud MY tuimit. )My hauti wos la a horrible statte. Tht aat tl'eixIsa wruttorii astimnen. The legliwax itauging iit uta'lps. Ibled likê * alauubter.ed cut.» ]Kruger matie bis wny tai t e gaitsWho"aurbis wifé anti sloter-la-laWwtt-e slttlng hy tbe lireo- The si[atertis-iw Pointtd tû itbs baud. beela sltW~Ug" site snid. sud Quit Vatt imu - i ,thw t ieie. -Ikttmmv tank 70t tloiskulfe andtislearons. tht hall Ofth tIIIIIunîb. reitovtug u naiaebas was gwecesaur. "'intite> kle a goal. teck out te stôinlich andt eut I; *Veiî. 1itat My 141)tttI lto I tl Iiiei *an iworm." andt'i i sWC$ the vonu belat." Bute Cur9 t I.ta. -LIowrenct- CeunI> la mimëst dily lui F"i~Ciit of treeli evidence thît a mure>< "tae for ail Kidjie>' Troubles bas t1 inst be-tn tuud. aist that cutre lai UodWVs Kidue>' Pilla. Ainong thot Isio tiave ressonrto bisi thie Great Arnericon Kidîte> liiedyt la Mr». L. B. ikt"-ftt t ls V 3e irs. Baugett bai Dreper.1 eldaKidime>' Pilla curi ber. 1 -1 watroubitil witb mi khineYe' i lire. llnggett says bn reeommeuduiigà IDodds Kitney PIinIs to ber triends.i "iny urine wouud barili>'pas. The - doctorssaid 1 i tdDropSy. 1 bave1 token Dodds& Ki4!!e>'1'ilis as directed end ni n ow a weii womun." Dotitis Kidue> Pilla cure the id-1 neye. Cured Kidneys $train ail the lut- p»rtle* out of thte bloond. Thot ineansn pure blonld ,ada menit.energetle body. D)od'i Kiduey Pilla are te greteait' toulc tbe worid lhas ever kitowil. Farmer Waybàck-Vrn glad in m ot la bî.1nexsain the etlt 'iva-bai l 'but tweuty suummr bo«er4 ttins smeno. andi evM oneeof 'mes biedte rush bck l'- r*xt memnin' fer test stocks woutt fu or sontiiing Net oeetf'emul tan tisçk. Pitber. Guese they iitt be in the ieorboiise b> this Uie. Dy the way. do yen know ichers 1 kio gt a mati? >Neghbr-W4iit sort 0,ivork?' Farmer Wyback-Talut Much ofa jot,. 1 want "an n o blp me mole the pis-pen i a littIe, nostin ake moum frs sie orchi off the parioe. .065.500 lu Gala Coa Wili bu palitl itprtes tu those COM- li; iît-resl uait etimatiing the, pald iaI- tenîdance authIe -St. LouisWVorifs Fuir. Tb@e aboes amount In depeaited wth the - Missouri Trust Company. as per the otliil recelpt oet h. tresaurer of Iint laudal lustitution end pubiish- ed liat te scbeduie of prites announed efitwbere ln this paiper. The Worids Fuir Content Cenîpsu>'. Deimar andt Aieltide Asreutien. St. ouis. Moi.. are effering tht-se prixes sud there la no dont of the cash hela o auk to psy te 1iiaky witiners. , Thte ontest closs Thotouàblr Esperlencre egmeLi-Yeu, ws bave rent fur a fewi diora le U roat gourd#. Und an>' ripe- rieuce? mtswwoyotreet! Whe up! Do'lheii dey: Steplivell! shsai)eg! flore l mehCLe 1hnl s t &OM of CW &oar ta IL sIbe disoes PuttmU. Mrsd ioiiOlsae.sai recibsttn resdiet. sa"by otantit taiale c0 ure wliI abatir.msstuuea.ptsoelsuiIL imttTble. here W rslsnualri le b.ea tiits" ii li- FOI'Cupb@wd COIDw esan er requn s*itos îucol. Hl*#iia Cerrai Cr. ai5tT b'. .1. Ciela *OP.. relede. <1h1. te h. e=?e 1 tiitu"curs ae a arie et.- Il 51e leti wla iidoms.fruei 0l e t apoa ti. il st. dretO'en theb i lsud msua sur. StJac boO i elte sy«a»alote nshude kriht m.t Iobet eilar m l toa>'atuu. effhr so iu0, b'sae rete fory. J.usd toK bousbel remdi an ld b Dnui51. â RhouIn tISIhDoueieoliappinese. M.Neighbork-Men bav-e diffene.ît ri"uaaJmaspiraIs ways uofuiaklug borne happy. Lusmba amO m Nir« M .. tair-Ho-w %o? Dscace rnaI r-.-Neghbo-r-8'.nîe doill' XRY Sciaica ftffes. iug at borne and soute iv tayinc aWay. The lîte Attn Teleectîiff was an ut!-~ Prattencs. 30. 0c route frieuti of Guri aud T.htoi. sud il OlO sthe euirk iiiies-1 cfthe tanere ----- 11» thst encouragel im iuntahi# .iteriiry E forti. 0. N U l. 411001 Souit-orfthe bt-enies etf Persit dec, À AT a Oe5- ra.ts tht-r faces by painting igurs. ut IT 81% =- r..animals sud tstpntes l unu s u m.- Ibo Kind You Hues NJwmys Bough Bears the i..i ptUmm ITIC. -v-au t' la * neosand rats' "s' Thirty Ysars. 811IP BORED BY DlVER ATT£94PT TO RUIN BATTLESI'IPe -#ADE PrOM OUTOIDEt ,UMou NueW iet ist à am tek- lin 1ev> Yar fou Ae in luius noewel,l. Wt No -IV"s Loul. That th. laisel etlenîit tg) injure or destro> tise tttleahiîî Couit-titlit, "aý. uccortiliht e îi4 Newr York leraîli. madîîe front the outie h as#tt-enetaisiibctu t the satisfactiou ut the Xofla-iila et tIne 'tai'>'yard. It la believeal tit tt-hela- whicb resulted lau iieoslig alite otfd11- watr-iiit eotmpatnents outhe ii.'alip -t-s bureti b>' a dit-tr. Tis tl.trr,wrv tht fild orIf nvestigationi. Foalkaitig >toasel>' opon tle. «tin ieai.lte te-- tirIug comanadant. Itear Aîliîiriil rt-il erick tlodgers, cailiiot-uni lite ptriîtienta' of the empltoy'eziu rte -ot-aIthe tkiiîecll- eut, a mnu bu aiai ulitail bt-tn a workmen lu 1he yard sias uirresteai. Thet arreel canuaiunusuai a,aitiintt-titiiii tbreats of umomar>' puîiabmrett wt-re matie, aitheegi t*er il wa-s forni lia-t tht- alfaIr Wasus niîarlat. 1-titgIn i a auxpu-iosis muser, tht- lutin i ilt'ta 5tt- h' the marine gutard t-naît-es rlil-,tUý aSus eut saitliont betng uctia-eti. lti'.aace ot titis the corporse rt<ho gîterai lutine plut-c i lutnier arreat sudi brotiglit 1dm befere (31pt. Hemiill * Sa-t-n' ifies-- tioning brought the tatieî't lta it i uDane Wa@s illiam C-are>'. M, yeens olti. anti âhat he lad Wbeeas taiehiist lii tht- yard anti emptoyeti oite hî bititlealiP It- dania for lte Isat cigit mîntita. lie garea thé ranme et lis foretlait.lautltnt-flicatter couiti net identif>' beiitîad tut-man ota. ejecteti uurermetioily front, the yard. RTNI VINO IPOH PItINANTS. Standing et Clauslin theTio re ni- put Leugues. Foilowlug la theo taîatiaîg ofthe clubs la the Americun Leaguet W. L. W. . Newr 1'erk.Oti 47 SCIte. liis.... 75 73 CilicesQ-p ..01 511 Ireîkya ..é,'(;i!K; Cincinnati ..84 115 Bo«oi 5 Foliewiug ls the staninig of lte clubs lu the Amiericon Letiguet W. iL. W. . Bonton -.91 57 ptId!puf.7M 017 New York.. .811541$t. tIntas ....Xt4 NM Chicago -.... 86 613 It'l6t ..1 S4 Clevelandi ...81 (64 WasMngoi. 110 TOWN I>KVABTATED BY FLOIJD.l Water Three Pest liee Douns Wrbcngh Street% ef IteeltîN. M. lItoswell. N. N., l as m'eue of dep,Ia- tien. Tht- flood taIat tirteti Thîirmda> uight ba» necealea. The daînage trill tic oeen100.0W.lO'For dtiîYm it %vtitI"- possible lu gel lu telegraalierouitttle tieunritit eut-aide poulat%. The elecetrit' liglit plant was lilade4,i analthe î'itY wss- lin darnuos. Wster wiri tiet- ft dot-p lu the ma-itntpart of the ct>'andalnî lu fitreami tbrutth reaitieuce anal boi- ait-ns bouses. PWRIL 119 CAST*OFF CLOTHINO. physe'ut i»n lecarueConomptioni le At- trtbutaire t, te as-e il-ew etofseeoud-liaiid eithiag!Titis mas thse iartalutissiued iL>' r. Charlesa H. Hughes, etfSt.Le'uls. bt-ore tut- i teruiîioil Ceugreas on Tutterenis aut ii he IVaridsa Fir. lie declurasil iha scores 0f casesofet eenitîtion eau ha- trac-a te the use ot catit-tiff umîpant. anal cht t450 pt-rsontst- vr>' as>tied in tatiis ceuir' ron ltedisease. I'resldtleiF. J. Barrit- etToéote, alviaa'tti tht- eptabiahrnt,t tpublie sai-itarluii. Kilbet 1>' the site or Wte.. Rtock liiI toleacie stas "clatt a taI Iillel1 tfMrnaînbai-ab tiir Ilactîrti, KY.. -bile on blis s' a-ine s-lit l is s ite tit so brothe"r-in-law. tittiuiIntut l"li mite separtiteil stoutaat -r lgi uiandlie jut ibe-tme ree'uuciiesianal st-art-ratitrn- te otalitiitiri« i tit Iai Ofau u t ti i e c-as jittaii tint-iltht -t. Changie of Venue Giantt- I riiittu. tlae. ta r i-'ti -i . ut o t tac>- qf- tct 'lreeaircr Ntitt aleit-Stkag I ('i- coutil'er Il wîî uit îîîclettlin lit litattig aofthe- lest. lîcI îttt'tttig it.'i le cOîok connu. s-îlti u .1 tuge Kei-te-a't nuliîîg ilu lilt'tgi- Faeeus SeuipturrPaiaes Asa>'. "redonk Au1guteIltitloli, lIi'scu'll)- ton, fld !l'Ptris.îiest-as 4hi.itin C'al- uir. Asace, iApril 2. 134. [He Ieiltimld andul e'eittc t--tat'ta' tf IÀt n'i stasujelaNews Yoark litri0r. Suspectai Mu <lila Iiimialf. Jsta esIetutît. a free-Iatîlar tiflta- J...N - ssbaie il(Ial ti-to iramtl-r Invet-sigtattin, aas-aind isuîttcIi.îi tl hbaiome rt-at-lt y, s%*ils ftttîatl litI bail enalea is life t-ilaltiliit Pontmantei t'enerai Pa>ne Dieu Henry' C. Pa?'ttt. 11,,tuita'ter(ittî et the unites Itîti liiintu IIttiiutg ton cf haut -t ftilat e att.tr :ti illita I' i tessthaua Oîe ut-i-. Nem Yerk tiakers un tike. Batker-a lu N--a X'. t, t-ala.- taIuuuier if anre (bs-n.14X). l'atCaMuat-Ont i t .ti cver the qitttstituaOfut lttrî, andttLetattt Three Uis la Traie Wreck. iret Diu i sit-killetl sida itîreti in- icicall it-atrt--k ut a stoc-k traitai it-an Btiautrek, . . t Ende Lita i Kuneuu 01>'. Tbeniia Allcen, att ari-t, 47 yeurset agc. stho corne- ttîKatlatai tly fritîthi- "gso sttar t- ttiig1-t--àa i Naew yonk. eostuntteted ,îiu-lîltiniis1-aeltiu i uwailos'îttg oistut. lt-e trai slt-tatdeit. HocklulutiPreideait Reaiga. I.l' ,uittiresiaent oft hu e ok Matiin 1 Olu uttuit, i-'igtaeil til tlis iclitaoita i-ire ltilis'ie î le t cII tatî- ue. te drztsv a 'aulan>' ut $75.(WJ0 i 3-car -for follairan attluio sili r-uinili catît illius ort*-500.000, Itaplinhig Oas RuIn Bultdiug. A tw.l-stair> brick buildinliet thte ur uer of leat stra-l tî1l laî-i ti'îa moati, ('jeIt-vtlttîI, tls îy Ithe EatilOllo Natural lOas (ýI)IaIIPt5ty 1t4a t ili'ittigt ittioni* n'as ala'ttolgltd tutu twua c' meet I;rîiîitll>' fittily iiititreýl tas a rt- maflt o-ta -tni -ti>ile xlotitn tif g-s. , cach of WVhageo la Heur>'. L'lseittitIt-t juve bt--ana-atltcul dia ~5iFruociaco iithe cateit of tlae Parit> mualing feet, Teflaciet wlntereai CecI ou -Point Bearruiranti ou sept. 0 the irutainx altiSeTbltt- asstibc pottSli "Mort* ltee 00ch andsso tl lthes Heur>'G,-, l*t%#hIter ut aseJlince ft the Demoeigtleitatoilation for y"c tremldent la brut, sanl thiecanUddtte's coutuemtumio thé ia Istiesoofthe im tilgu have thi e ulIeiîeas and,. ln ser rai ingtagncea. Itsstaruittue- oft mr-, siuai notes. lie ileroteu as perahra pli e atothe Settanes of overuuicit. the arity. Pana- ase, iuipmariatn. binai-a. itaal self-gev' rament. artatim. the civil service ant bis renuingMte. Altoît B. Parker. T'o the %abjtet et the tarif lie giveaib tree paragraphe., 1 The time' are ptoyjbiet for t.1e reiu-- ttsteinent "fthl. ern»om'tic Party' ln- oiti-oi of the gO elitt,' tmasMr. Do' vis b>' ira>' et Igt4utou. "TII. -%l. Me mhid in being dlWlusioneil et the Pre- aik il lp< r ta dite wa th an il te li 'ts un i ta Ist Îs tr pr i ut cul ou aD mdl se artogantl>' matie, taI te mette J~ Co [ai proalperity ofut 1e country dependu s -.Th-- on lits oetvu uendar. ThistgifWilIn tl patlte peesl are hecontlugmoe th tal more tlstrusîtal o elie betand su, rsonailt-ment ot tht- pretsent udn1uWnla ation. anti are more taia wiibngte Ose la Srepineed b>' se t tat better recogelizes c oustiutjonai mai etbier lewful ne- < raint-. Tlaer demnanti thet tle prettr samtful extvarsee liiithe- t-peudifitnre fte moue>'. dnawu by taxattion truieI at luàdutrnicut tielt-t'*hall eai.,c id thet econoc u id hlit.y lu the j 1Ma~ tube servtue ashai hoet-tailtregards! us - itues l inte WhtPlaces of te goQvtn- uert." H a lti u g a u s U it h th i n e r o f a » ie- a ad te itt-epliou of the Work ot bili nglu the phlp Hiehlora. fleur AdmirilU n t B wth ilsu canai. blt dîlr-ating the s- Stels N ur '. st oi ra nm W shiugton- e !o erthle aduains*11'iot ss'ich Inflict- »a., as tolowu: wl a wouatiuu ournaiontali hoer b>' "A fter the us.ef Peinaifora short a nu disregard et the ntritq ot a meaker P ~ o o hlr i «m i mllen," te Democritt'candidate for P.rIid yerI c a be rfful7 re430c0m8 t lt-ce President closes Ibts ParagraPhiOn whlo la la fra of u IvigOraUit a Ltrieui>' repulîte ut-blî ts-eselpicea No reui-a>' -en ryel devisetblas ne-n a reseat." cie oti;gitdflg rm* Muany tiniwrranteid tuir,lu Inte apiua i-al sut-h ii a'ted cutand from se -f ou et Mg;. Dasu st lia'regardedail~mt> eisut ttue uimlti> àe iet rfruits ot'luWeriziiein.andtshiwm eniCsa. Penuna.b ow fast-e are tirttit t %a rd tl a6euî- 0r iran>'anti tivy are tl, naturel sen andil eeurallzed ne protectione et-Our eouutry. Pentues la 3fr, Dais deelat-OS tht it taiff nu'te naturel protection et the arumud loitedi>' la bu bigýLa api ut-b articles ntrî la the viissituades et climat* uni Is teumanufactuer l a ttù)i atIl cht-bp axpoue- 1 I Pr ibroas titan et bom.itte Rt-t-trout If >'ou d d ont-ie prompt and sele,' rt-ut-ut ondtIons, he saysi, ecut c ee açten>'reanita foui the use ot Penu . * ni>' tbrongoli the @enu'a-t-,f thte Douas- ritt il once te Dr. Hartmsn, iinis at ctilepart>ý 'h factrugtait .4 hdelared.ta,<ii t ttmit ait our cas, nadt h lie is tave itr>stn up unit-r Rciîublica i-atle, lie plessi le glys jen hie rîluahie &d' tndit jte issiteiltitrsoute ofthoraeutvice gratts. ire se condurtai aacti tî-erii.'uious anti. Aidresa Dr. ilartmuo.President 0of aruttul ta te generai tatereata." The HarTtutn Spuitariuzn, Columbus, AID ~onOhio. M F OR RUNKARDS. Thbe Man, Who Kieir. enivslieelsts Hav a Noe iPan ton mati>' aonies are tbld o u Juiea iig- ltegeneraidm nluChicago. D)riikant, sare ta re,'aive lu Chicago norance. b.ut huire la a goed une ot a this st-luter s- iegret f att tai- att en- chier juatle st-ho ii net affect Ignor-0 ion nos-t-r lestowed niatîe.îî ince aip- anc upon tht-bout-b, anti who ln cou- ornaaorcrtook tle de-etiWat te tesequence suceeit-ti ln cleerinfg up e ccupanuts'oa etln'i garteti. A "etretel- scandai sîbteit ias beattig coiniel anid se coi-ps" la being orgutauzeal b>'te Sai- wituescs. Sir John Jervîs hbai beZore vatiou avant-for relief w,rk amons the hlm n youug man mite batibeen merci'- vitimetsoLl'rong drink. tertre te troat icsl piiagei ity s-gang et seoulli base ur 'tht- sutiut rast eaveete srcrk Jervii tort- aside the uetwonk et sophia- s'il be tu4he- org-anizeiltl a ntIufaitl bst. Te "gattrer sosIs" st-lthbas-e touittia tri~nes mot-en round the eat b>' eun"Io frit-ua. the>' wiii hý pi-kea'ilu in te ton the biat-kleBs. sud skiltuli>' etuci- iiglit, otian iri-esponitîte ad aut able datai tht- cyptegram employedt t keep ta t-are tir thenaetves, tt aidinte more- a record ln theîr note-bocks shosriit lug justetul of receivitttr ai $5 fne--to htue i sactious wit lite "pigeon." TIen tvonked out litilte brida-st eh-tht-y anil s pack et carda mus put la, toi r wtJSat bu- gis-eufilvt--iuitte tti-t-tarcs an the et-rua tainneas the detcctive voubeÉL . uf timnkettarie.-the lt--trrr.îbeiug te evstothmadlhi u Ig SeIs'stion ai-na:offliceria lta ounth,=i- etrsto to n u i nm atoricuteil tilt prt-tioua..es-tuiug analPse- uP suiti, "Gentlemen. I1 lii engage te ed tent luint-t-e beles-i-- tht->-nigit te telt yen witiioutl tokieu< alUicth ee enteral. te norme oft crn> tartln a ispacbLa" Equippetl oitit street-ers tht- squattdaHe wsas aigond las his mad.The,'&em et tClirerxa e-umlutinig te trotkards' utfte t-unis ere fagongi wlth maath reacuers slti maire lte iroanaisof-tht- xndfuones. mIt doW aM slies ail sqtald distnieta utt e-ett>' nt night, eer. lln.herlghf-èpmi eornw 0<mch pick ap those wa-tip~per toae eotnplele- a 1>' overeome ssth liquor and tarr>' tht-eus a mail fumwer. The kiaig bai no tei ont-et tfcte rt-atbotle. meineainei b>' iilii>'dot& eacb, ths kairUo uMea>'. the gaivatioti ar-.ty in Ciciago antiln the at-e andi queduteir due nittalici mic'h more tliea 2Zt,000 gueulast-ena go ltat >'uthiallbut te look ai tht back acoanmeat-dlalut year, 10 5ses tpluini>' ilal lie bat mu If the Iun-en bu hta-Ior home naittalut-al b>'cardeatiera lait face teppet'ntest pon the Staîvatiot iitraiy ci number (if rotaus tht table. mil tesel asîili' for hie spetli lltriose otratcotti;dnttit thee inebrnatet-I er.qons -Pour Placé lit Pots. - who mu>'belroagitl lu hy tht- strexeller Pott-l'm goang tae iave <lis arien- coi-psu inte iaiglîl. Atter te>' bave ne- si-t-ci>'pricaI couitnY, It's nu Pace viri Ibeir uat-tesaut adresiiee will be for potet. takeit- Ift tut->havt-boutes nutîlare .Fiend-Wliat'a lappeuci? susceptible ot iîtlltatîiire-and spprtîtri. gain Pott-Yesterday I vistodt ail te noms- icqueititauce s-ii bai ternît-ilantid îtlpeper ortices I could indfat a u burlsau ,visite adae nt uthir resident-es. li tlietown.anti et lent succeet luinpersuati- s'a>' te eut-lt-us il ho lai for futai-tr ing un tler te tskre satem 'utt ifti werk, srhlash, theî' ti tii'tthortie't te- c-nts. -Wt-il,. UthardI>' naît-ed the lies-o. wli iipen intatnu effeet-ite s-li-e curbatont befors I1iras annestei byjihe ef i'etorti. uchlorilies for peddlng goodis iitIiont a - "-papa,"sad'littie Artitur, stten lis mether hati piuWe binhl, -mli ycu do sornetbing for mer "hhla 1ht out maitî' ~~."TM a> ouïebeuî'aeue, sud I'd w ou't pick eut grîntima. bocaunsates iaa skwd ai e.,,"-Chicago Record' Kerald. ___________ - ~ ~ i.J'CAN 0RINK TROUBLE Thts oae Ws-t. 11 . l Altiehtonh le>' mon'ladmit il .msny Tottuiage iiîttuttco lu Iuprtit-oou the people wmitr uier from stcklek butsche eil-bauatsl lit il .andi other ailtagel tiuii truight trom Utlilltysa are 1, "elittg lictt.-t-c-îtathe coilee tht-y drink andi Il la cash>' eetr>'corner oftrt-tieuglobe. provei if lt->ey enot aftraidtate love l Textasuc t etutît,tirat inth ie nirtau t a le'st as ia the case et a lady ln nila-age ut ail the t-ittt-5 iiIt-luita cenneiîavite. At St. îîitîî i t-t-t-ek fentet-it ticket - l ldbeeta esufferer trom sick briakers sstre arrilt'ellfor deatiiug liitin-' laadachea ton tweuly'fivo >eure anal Trnute Ral ickt gstrut-t i ean il'one mIe bas et-enhiat a bai uat-k The tiýsaii overmentwil itpen uticite kacira miat i sUfféedt. Soite-- fur 0,0t iiitiitditte imprivseltacdtal imes tht-t-odaiys in t emeck I oulaI ois he ran-Sierýn rilwl.iavet-e luremal lied, ut othen limes It las praet'tiIly t-en ucreetrât tslite paseugr aýïý-ittius illconin t icouida't lie dowm thc pain moult bc cil'g>' peruitl ftor tht- et-r 190. se great >1>' lite mus a tortura, anti (,oi'. littile:irul or Loulsiaîtata liai - 1 a wImentcasme>' tr oredeui ton a a provealthliIaîtinttibill. lireetuil>' tasseti nwd an ukmn-uct ia b' te Legîilatire cf thart Siee-taii-a- alilse, iîg te pcwears tf the- railîriaiti utatia- ..One day I a tellilttg a momÉmu MY sien o s t,>ugite il cotrat aIrer j.,iiitt troubles antilie tolti moe ckîîOltaI throtigh ratel ttiîfreigit aid eàPreatsuit mas preliabi>'coffpec cuseal IL '811e utttter, sud itehlld etu curai b>' .teppltig 'Te Weateiti eaai'taat ia i'andE-tere.anuiung iîOstttntFOootiCoali et-n Ohiaolttlt'Tiraille Atittoi liai andI urgeai me te tr>' 1bis31o0didrink. refused tii gratttht- tienati ofbiîutaîiiî- Tlharet hum Icame ta senti eut andi cits coat oitrtttlre for a reduatiîua or10 get séetPosuunandi frout thet lime per tent lti reittittratas. Tht- rates I've never heesu mlhieut l,-fe ttr IlAf have beelpti î.trtttt-aifor inotdI en -t..m at Ld a nlYc dalo A pecaaiisr cniltion. lu -rilt'on(itig ex- mir laitroailas tAlIrt i>'cuwast jet,, lu Ciltît. sîlereteIaos"nzer ci-. n> 1 tribeaIIdt ase c elIaI. utifrifcuîtXa tet be tract lest-e out the ceffet undtes asud drink i ruigbî treinte. 'l'lt- reasou fr.thi is mt 'ellmatie Pesnumlu litsplace, This utaasutl stute cf tuituirl 1-4 that t-l it- 'citange bat tdouse mcmore geodlItia nt-t-bave nti t e itît-tthesupriarity evenythlaig cIsc put logethen, of rail ct-ct'..lier lrakns;torWtiaîut to:' --Ournbouse irasike a tinug atone. iieranlaitlie.-'Asthet- iS'ttii l iirel'e tut-my ituabsud beuglit eoeyn>tlilg le thli uI> rtioit ta H graduall>' ert-o. bt-andftiet belp ne ilbout dtilg an>' Silice 1i111. 1 a Iccretasaetf 21,30,000 goond, but when I liegan ontltte Poërtunt lu ii-r eaniitlaur1;1bi ut-ttreported it.s(lte Myteadaches tcsaei anti the other nîlililtyi ft1tIiUnitecdl stalea attd thetrobeucl Iapne.1bv conutrai-tincîtaait he tratei largni>- t-i ) touthe uu bar' il as p-rt i hure ,errt-cnt-ai-a-tf $îl.t75.MOOon tu ré ttuiik a rlenti ihobaaucpieDê t 'litre, $3, IIt.4JiJi01t'tItittl' tseee' il ke mte anti Poaluiticurai ber just suait]> l'aeltî' atiýL MM Ooittheîro i-t i as il titi me. li tht- r.itidlt- %'*est.saaste Neit- Yrir ,postum ut oply curodth ie btad- Es'ealiiig lPost.eac ,but s.>'ge4lV beaith lus beu .fr ail te ri in ~ uAtrica rat the Impi-vd an sd I an mut-b tronger tbaie tient-mItinte.ait-tt ity pt-r cent liane butora. I u.m cuje>' deltctotti Poitit Undoubted>' the urcauualiIti la primat-ai statC e wt. ,î.tae specitii 01 )f pby51ci maulloojl. L. .J. 12tl.1 W"u han madie a i a.-.îneil iaiZ:lit 110o troutier ilAstor?. ixîa tund ti at stfore the Itîi a.- cî-uîttîi:s.te y the whtite î-tî- tht-. r tit!re i. culosis. gout, . .. .i-«uty i-t ls dueases tînt :.c: "r I C tl nd hloudti atctitl.i - i I1:n, LchaieiI:te saris matie'su, :.. î ap:Iînuiioa te ulimbers nt- u. .,t, It ne, Thte Only bo.i> :..111Y V;!:(*:tlitD. tbat tue orI .î.r ot.ti' wre feyers antidtî.cî" i rJttu d lt beîtmagliatat. dyltc t i. tii ui ottîul from accidetsa V-*l.. t. Nt-aIiy the nemeies of the I1 Lttit. î eati- ple andi few in nuîta!,t. \% i -n ,aniu Indian nefuseai ail Uitlt - til.nulzt- ug aliments, but drîu. ofe4t, propen caethe Indiant t'a-ncite.i tu ung. and i naliy. wben ail ra.Itsialeq geemedti tebc Ineffertual, lthe :tdîîa -n was calied la îto, try'is t.'ttt and Incantations un lthe.patlert.. Ttiobt'utethiofetcure tare at;ll ne-. sontetite ameong bliknket Indiens oho are removeti trout the influenceA of civilimation. But bloe t-we muIe or cndenatbesepracticei we aboulaI con. aider otan own Itistor>'. It waf onlY a rew gencrittionsa ego that our Ideas of teedIcine were alinosttast-rude as tbote of the indians. The more Inatelligent of lte w'hitepeouple-tholn,-9t coUrse. diti flot resort tu magie and Incatatttionsa. but the- concoctions whicb tbe, manu- fictnrei to curne disonses altnoqt Pass belief. Oliver Wendeli Hulules. 11 itsa -->Medimoi fistory of aiabet" has madie a permuanentt record of saome ofth11e prictcea then prevailing aneung tilacolontats. Qovertor Winthrop was a dct'eut beliCrer lu tie effli-Y et sowbugs, white lthe Rt-v. Cotton Ma- ther used upon bis sîcir frieuds sucit saurd ind fouI pellets and mealiea- menti s no lndion ever tireauîed eof- Kn&nsas City Star. TI-OUOHT SI-E -WOULD OIE. M. S. w. mflitset Colorado @prima%. DBan ata iauathe Worst-DMo id- i ne> PllseSu-vet lier. Miar. Sarah Maine. ut 428 St Vraie atreet. Colorado Springs, COIO.. v.'ritcg: Il suffered for three yoars é-0ý~witr - ae v e" bachuclie. The dector#,told me Muy kldue>' - wtt. if octet, sud prescrlbed medlclies fo r ma, but!1 tound that it was eomi> a Waate et Urne anbdutua> tu take theut, and bagou tu tear thît I would neyer get Wel. A trient a*rlsui me t I r>' Dean'@ Kld- ney Puil. Within a week itter 1 lie-, eaun usit them 1 wis su mueb better that 1 decidedtotukeep Dp the trent- ment sud wheu I1liii used a lttie ut-en 1w.' boxas I w»u .streiy uiL 1 hays Dow en»jyed tii.bout t ofheath for mort thon tour montha, sund wordu eau but poor>' express my gratitude." For sale b>' ail derniers Price 50 cents. Foster-MIihurn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. One-tbiid outheic indsourtace Of the globe lu coveret wltu ire».. ~~hBUEI DIR@I'IUS pou Usi - WWl.JeMk moued la the W&Wsc CONNT CLOS Pisia'uCure te« Cit oires lniait-sle I'. L', EBien mai L.. 1 i.IUOL IYeds, West,rb E:glaetbFm O but for w wvcu u niduotheruIre ot atlmesa drimui# iaction tram a%4 kuei unidthoroeilyriUïbWa .II have uocn man>' osen wmn doctoedt for >'aorwl* mntuenlibencflt, irlowerreauMl tittire. monttts afler Vogelabît Comnpound, mId=. wore dlinoulni "lncurbW og em4si, hippy. BitS la uj l a;;ï a ou V itrb.4I dite rnistoues u eti en*io Youn edici t lic m fouai tras, lineS I'inlt - Mu31E.A.A4 euXu,M a.ld sSid.« fiai tndorsstaot ro ottuf las mil a record of au id I ogres sui4 a end Iw i s ae . .. . . . . . ...a. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . ...it i - - - - a .. m . . .... ... .... ... ........... t-a Bt. <agiS î..î..a................. ............i . ... i,.u ima . . t- s t, ..î n . .~ a .. ..u , e u ..-. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . ,:,::: : do............---- -------------------------------------- 10 a tta o htIi Tua. .111> -tti.. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . u. .. .. . . .. .. .. . .i .5..i ..s . u fi. e ' .t us . P f 5 ii t. . , . . .. a.i . .. . .a . ii... ... ... ... ... ... .. @£Nueed.aas..5.,iShudPatdtatinpeiieaua es 5 r CI, IhraI AM*Iaifuol, Len 1 v.ua pa