Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 14 Oct 1904, p. 1

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I Vol. XiII-No. 2-. LiberW~vi 1e,. LakeC Illinois, Friday0. October 14, 1904.-8 .Pages. ve7ve For that 'Annoylug theform of Haeklng Cough in -White Pine Tar C- n -Qîick relief for coîîghs, colds, bronchitis, hoa noms and ail afflictions of the throat and lugi. 18 BEST. LOVEL'S RLJGSTOIF Headquarters for School supplies... Libertyville. WSCONSINo. ýWaukegau' sigtive, justice Ovealaken by Deuth. BODY BROUHOT BACK. George P. sbataweit, whome wlîere. abouti had tben unknownexoept toa tew latinite treuds and im isrotatives4, dicil ab, Win., tast weeî, tfront what e ue the telegram tbearlng the informa- tion dld fot itate. Sletswî.lt it witt be mubered snuddi.nly lj4t Waiîkegan ras- altong bhounit ïîer to the grand jury IT upis a merious .charge. Gertrude illter, a ni chili! h ing icomfplainant andl ébtefwltness. <.?ny lest week prepara. tions tu proéecute the case were pcfoc- tdby State, Attorney flanna, wbo liai boeu n tformned t ronîi a meeaiingly rî.iable --that- Jtiatmwelt w4uutd ualyte. tare andl stand trait et the present term of cout. JJ Tlîursday Trpd 8liatawi.ll, soft the M Glove ,Côntest We wiIl have made ta measure -and deliver ta you, FREE. one pair of Cownie's Celebrated' Kinghorse $1.00 Oloves, If you will bring in the biggest pair of handa' in Lake County. E.W.P%4 201h C.mtaoy Ch Dtere Schanck Block LbrtpulIlci LAKE COUNrY PNATrION AL BANK CAPITAL - 00.O SURPLUS AND PROFITS- 5,000-00 DEPOSI'rS - - 330.000.00 F: P. DYMOND. PogmînsoT G. A. WRIGHTV. PageSDCNYr C. F. WRIGHT, Cassatit Dl REGTORS C. F. Winnauî, J. S. Gnîa Gi. A. We;anUT - _ LA DR. FREDERICK EL MARTIN OFFWKICZ VLR IT IIvil& lAViIN sTiMEL UoL'é-8 to Io0e. ni., 1 to :« p. ni., and fil toM P. ti. Office 'Phoine 55. Ieiea lm 0 DR. 1. L TAYLOR. OFFICE <iVR il (OS g& TAYtIiR*f. nous:-? t) 10 ni.n. 2 te 4 and fi to Sm. 1). [lexidenes on Btroadway, oppomite Park. Lilertyville, Illinoiis. DR. àA. 1. NICHOLS, DENTAL oFFICE BUTLER BLOCK<IVRit XTii& DAVI' $Tot a<irRo-Wediiemd&ytqofe cd wefront 8:00 a. fi. to 600P. M. Lihertyville. Illinoits. BENI. IK MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. KEATH il<W.- TELEPHONE No. 126. ,iliert.VNIlle, llinois. DR. E. H. SMITH, DENTIST. OFICE <iVEH L AKE <NINTY BANKS. urouiu-hto 12E. ni. end %05. ni. DAILY.' Libertyvitle, Illinoi.. DR, C. R. GALLOWAY. 'OFICE OVERIÀ)LVIL's DilUe sOi(E. Bouffa froin i1tU) 3 and 6Ilto 8 p. ni. ,ibityvitte, Iliniuas. PAUL MAC OUFFIN. ATTOIINEY. AT LA&W. Litjertyville, Illinois. DL 0. F. 'Mn'TMRFIL. 'First iNationali Bank J. L Tàvi.oa FRANK PRocTnOR Vice-Pro.. H. G. GAlInsEJi Cashier Libcrtyville, Illinois -Accouunts of llrma aud iudividuals are solle lted and will be re- ceived upon the mont favorable terme con- sistent wlth conserva- tive bankiug. Proctor. Block Llbertyvlie - Illinols la Ow Ifne pÀnetYOUa W i" unad 1h.m m. trn pIste lias. o Cirmn1ite Ware and IKâchen Utnsils tt Weil known citizenanad old soldier rSecorsia teligraini hrieflly tating tbai biet tathé'r bai l ied at Woiater, Wis. lie went iliiîediati.ty Vo tbat place and Tuesday retiîriieîl witi thbtody wlîict wami interri'd ini the cenetery at Watîke- gan,' brki servies being lîeld tn thé ,.bapel at theI- iuryijig gronnil. BllatsKWO.l, uowlifp.ll wam a groat sur- prime ta baismcjuitac att îit1P.r LaIe .-Ounty. lie liait for yearai l".1 justic-e of thé pente in i akegan and aited as lien. ##!oe attorne~y. seîîiring for (M «Itfîierm in ail setionai o et tnty lpensions and att,-ndtng te tle legal dutiesm in connee. 'tien, lRe wam wî.ll thought <f and tiiere are stilt îîîany Who refuse to ieive iîim guilty oft-the î:larges brougliît ly thé. Stati'é Attorney andi nstt lie woiîtd have Lhon aidie ti prove baim inut-eee wbeu the caseenime tsi trait. Oied of Heart Trouble. Fred fhatmwtdl wbo brouglît fbis tather's, reniainm. ta Waukegen ex. plains that it was beart dtseas.. wiic caumed aits sndifin death. On the niera- tng of fbis deatihé waa itting iîutmiule thé atour ot a mimait houés at whtciî hé was stayieg sand suddonly droppeid over and calleil toais riend, n Id soldipr, wltli whoeîlie livoil. Théelnd burried ta lits amadst.anée sd tonnai Mr'., Sats- wei breatbtng béavily, but hé regslnedl eonms4elosness anough té say "l'm dylng, siend word to my son, Fred," and passed acta'- DEMOCRATS HIAVEA CANDIDATE* Willam e .ey f fibia u- Park for Circuait Clerk. BALLY AT PT. SHBRIDAN. The. democrats havé a candidate ta replace Thtomas Yore wlii witbdrew is naine fromen lîir ticket aftter bing nomit. nated ia conventiiin frer 'r.nt elerli, as nîîted lie a previens issue. William Don>. loy, of Iligtitand l'ark is the one selected tîy thie denorntic cennty ceantraileai- rnltt*e, enid li'ie uia ni f ability andIn t every wae apable. Mr. Dootey secititer of tlie Il igland'Park ban k, and vrery pop. 'ular le dtEity and along thé Lake Shore where liela beet kîiewn. Ilonorats are geaty lyîeased that Mr. l>oîl,-y hlie nwnted ta unake the mia and f-eel tlit li-,witt adi trngtb ta thîir ticket. He i. a Illte long deuno- cnat an!aEtnîist tleaant aed eltahie mail to, itiet. Hear Candidate Stringer. At Fort Slieriiai Park Mouday nliat a ronsing îleîioratii- raily attructi'd an audteace et about 500 Iints'rosted listoners andLîlawrone B. Stringer, candidate foîr g<iveruor and James Tünoek candidate for cîîagressi fromn thé lOtlî distriî.t on the siauie ticket were speakers of the ' veniag. Candidate Stringer is a toreeful andl captivating speaker alis amralgament et the repubtican îîarty w4s based on charges ai corrllfition iii state institutions. He spokieforan heur and avotded nîatioînal lsues, whili l e sEiid siioli hi'lettut those runniîlg for national îilfles. 1Mr. Turn'k took occasion ta critice l)e wi,' i n eno ncertai,î vuirds. lie said réforrieg to theIi. toe City leader: 'It l&ta ho deploreil wben a condition eximsewhireîy eole maia c9unty eau by theunod of Iiim i. i.d con- ttbl <1(10vote. i.c ntwbo bas set aside holy prcclints in your couety, anîd cau ftb ispeople' ta vote sioltd itlier "ay, as hoetuilîs., Bye and bye ho will be etle to<'Iet Ilits owel tiî'koetila ceutity affairm and to luene cantrolliig voiles ta cingrîemoîiealc- tiens. Heme lies yonr danger." BuiffinButter Market. Butter rémaineil unchanged at 20e on the Elgin Board of Traie .'Nonday, de. %Pite the fut that Oregon iilterod ifity tubs and Wlverton btd 20%e an the etrb. Naosalés reporteil. Butter men yJw the market as botpg .éxtyemély étoong at. quotations. The utpnit for tée isct <uring wué679,7W. GRKILIY - RESIGNIS. Viret Rural Route «la Conaty Uméder Hie lRegîme. HI@ ASSISTANT APPOiNTE!). On. Monday thlis %vOek Congre&siîîan oeo. Edmunil F>., forwarded to the pont-offlî deîiartnlî.îît et Waabington the redu'Mation teiîdered f6y J. S.«(lrlty an pouam"aer et Prairie 'llew, and at thue Rino timé e..îîînàend,.d the aptietat- ent di Catieriti-. T. Mosaon, the pros- ont assistnt, wtich is witbin thé spirit or tlhe cvil service ruaies. UndiMlr. Gridleysx reffimp, ho havtng boen po.t-master ut Prairie Vtew for six- toe yebre, the f te rirural dilivery route ln the. county wal éstabtioi, opi- eraiiig ot 0ftue rairi- vi0fewche, end h linthie pioeW.r et the rural servie. Tli, Prairie View o.îiiî,. ow bua one of the bemt rural #lî.ivî.ry symtenis ot any ta the couaty and 'lue te théeltfforts ot Dongressmaa Fosaît Mr. GridIl..y. .WO nIîuprled lîy our reIOrter am t4i bis neaso)n torresignitiwdm. <ridley said tliet wisi0d toa ho reli.Vi.dfroin the servlî.e test spriag, but lii'ailiî< et bis etimrience witlî thé rural .i-i'ry iservi.' h4. Wa urged t rmin in i barge at l'rriî View Zxatllthen'-1iiiiîleocunty gsstei .wm< inotalleil andiin wîîrkha riger.. It refleLte crodit iîjîen Mr. iiriîicy tliet off-IiaInsat timc..'fiiiiîtiing the' s.rvie geInernhly througliiiet the iuuiat.y. ret..r- rëd t,)ost.uiaters îivisiîng informiation te Mr. Grltey's e alnd nîany f th.n vi4it,'dPrairie %'i-,%%, nntrilsietinof l tion. MEDTIODIST PASTORS PLACED. Appontmeus o f Interent te, Lake Conty People. ADVOCATE LONG COURT8HIP Th ' arpAdItig of aptiiitment at minis- ttotatlirnew cbarges eat a tate hour Tuesdny znWt» eded the sixty.tdtli Rock River onfr e ild tn Evanston. The aiplîointnîents ta the Chicago Nortliera Dtitrict et p)articular interent ta Leke County Is.uîPle are fas giv-an telow. .'ntioch .... . .... . .v...... W. GC Cewarth .trlingtaîitoe Heights .....I. B. tolîinwon l)iamoed Laike...........J. W. Hollanil Gagéis Lak.................... il. Morton1 (iraylake ..................H. J. Shulta Glenview ................Jamnes H. Lewis Ri àkory .............. . C.W. »oag ..........t........ ;..... IL.C. leongos Lake Bluff ................L .... .,Fisher1 Lake Vinla................ Joh lît liiîcok1 Libertyvilte...............H. tF. làiwIer1 Nortbh tiuî................E. E. Shal Northi Priri, ..............1). M. Siuipmon Ilavinia ..................It. C. Doengem Waukegali ..............J. A. J. Wbiple Wilniette ..................'. C. Bronson York Houm,.............C. lHarold Clark 1It wilt lieIlouîite<I tbîit Ib'v. Rtobinîson loraerly etft.iiertyvitle anid ltî.v. L.uwter pester et .'rliiigton Ileiglits, .ixlalige Long Courtship a Remedy. After jrîîtîîiged disécussions laxting1 nearly a wevk, tie report (Pt théecmai- aitee on liarriage andl divor.,. was pro. I sentait et the tamit iomaent at teIi. .osiigi sefflion ioi the confereace.t Thi,- repoîrt r.',oimpnded a loîng eîirt-j sip-leng eîîlî xhtatest te.îiiîtity t lec'q. Thiimi iportance, of tlii' .'rilali. onice<4J thé mariag e de wesaq llnst asi bavig a (lircut tuaring on<irliiiiiîîn de-c veloprucîit. Tlhe' cominlttee was îîîîaei- f mous tn a nintaiaing that a niar-riage was inrîie "uuil deatît d,îthli part." Thi.tebond was dec-leredtiiet. inii disîlîîbte, i. ui ne ver teio pe î'tvred i ju Il irreverently î.r ueadvtsedly.a Thé.' pinvipal contention tiiet diideila the conuiîittî"' wuas upon te ueNetii)flof recogniziaig as a candidate for scionil marriegle tlii. innocent party to a di-. vort-dveerce. The dtsctslon was a em- promiise. A rielutîon was adîiîitcd ta thé efiect ttîet legistation etîglît te o b a4epted foîr the' purpose of îîrelilbitiîîgc thé roniarriage ot the guttty nmatrimninal t partuer te a divorce decre.' dnring theot llf.'tîîîîe o e I>innocentpimirty <if tie îý ioe tentien.1 A Rooml*r Ciri. JanmsIB. Martins tbree nit rural comeily Thi Heao*ier Girl" will have ce egagemeunt otfone nigit et tuîo Swartz Theatre Sunday Oct. 16. 1It lias iede a big tilt .'vîrywliîre and taken an amour- ei plaie' as oîîe of tlhe conuî.iy ciinesses ol the agi. 1Crtainly tiere in evî'y ras on tir its .u'is.Tle play is nî.v'l, leverly .iitrui't.d aed spl'nijldt acteil, and that it is pleaming iwi siowe liy the acked aid jaiiniod liouses at cvery perfoîrmiance Spxeciat sconcry is carmied se, as toeonahie theémnagemient ta re r(dnc. exact views eoft tii.'enes ot t p pavin iithe booster itate. I1îîliana. f5 ou are u>tbered wltlî fnaciel or 0 ietic troiublles, bundîe yeu"irsltni, tkéIle "TIti' Booster Gil" and tue wiuu warrautthithéioreothépîay lviî1nèartor oér youwtli lîa've torgotten tiieni. The Behwarts Theatre macegnent bave ar- ranged - witîi the C. & M. Eejicnf 1 omd a ma ulrai- tiîfefitm La M.9 fto Llhertyviiéthe' melt a1 eauh show. Leavés Lake letS it 12 p. i. arsbugatLbstvi.1185an. GIRA. miaule Hernsenlug, Buppoeed ta0fHaveBen Mardered, Rng rHersait. LAOT RITES RRPUBED. Junt alter Tim, INDEIPFEtDElNT Went ta prim letstweek ik developed1 tronith- t-ODfsstn Ot John Harieeeieg, brother iof Ilinnie, the girl wlîo was s4upposmed toi have bSmn mu rdpred tn htr fatters barn near Ilitatine,, thiet the girl lied endeil ber own lite by hanging tront a beain in tlhe barn. The young ma tulil hin father that when be and tthe twoyounger chitdree retnrned te the barn f rim the field, as explaine in t our ast issue, th<'y tornnd the. girl hanging trkoa- hn.iam l> a- ope, doadl. They toi the body doiva, ho sul. iid the ruîpe and toliltheti story wbiehl ed te tthe thî.ory that sitelied beni urdered. To mulisqtantiet4tà», te ry the boy wen tot tlîe lott oft theman ad produteed the ore witb wlîîchliéticasserted lit himiMter kîlleil herseti. Ameatiîrt ber substantia- tion ot lie stîry, the bo,îy sbiweil marksi on a l'eam in thi'baem causeil ly the. tigiîtening of the rotée about the weodlen support asintbe weigiît .ofth.. bod<y tuas tlirownupbon it. P'ossesosd iwth tenir tliet t1î'-ir piarent@ woutd sufer htcrm fronitIi.' .tioek, the chitdren kept their terrilii srtet éli nîglut wbite isarchlng partiesé were sceour- ing thie eîuntry for the- supposemIemr- derer. Tiîursday young Harinentng broke ilowu andl ttlhi, fatiier the, tacts asé ulî,ve stated. At lrit the old gentle- mian refm taîsel lievi. the Iîys story. Hie coutilt etvî.ilp biniseif to betieve bisi girl tiad sîiiîided. Refuse Last Rites. quînday onty a prayer was na id for tis sont <if Minnie Harmening and ber b9dy wam laid in uneonosecrated ground out- »Ide the gates of the GermaLiîtheran enietery at Piunni (rove. The ptead- ings ofthte tather were minale ta per.. sunde the pastor to preacli a lierai sermon. At the lest moninî'ft the cigregation, t4oncbed l.y the appeal of the girl', tather and mother, retented and tiglîten- sd le a inemsurothe blrdgp !_1ai . grîaèe w1lib-a-atem chnrch law)ïipoe. lttsing soleniely in their jiews aet the nîorring survies. they voted tlat Ntinnie Harmnening slîontd receive a lesit bene- dirtion, proeouoted under the rooftift the cliiîr.l. They wero powerlss, tbeyatid, te permîit. ber hurlai in thie coesperatied grîîund in tlhe clîurcbyard. lnste-ad seein thé. Mnat Hople genîetery, un lti. ote ii tteeditlie, was ai-ét The pamYeîr of the dead- gi'lW feîeiity in permiit the, body to be taken inta thé iliurli or t<î lie expo.aqed te vîew in the Preltence ofthte coegmgation or carried over coueerated ground was retusl. Procession Files Paist Church. The fun eral .processIon -flet] hast thé cbnreb but diii 'lot pantioe'. It went on1 te the naltOwei field aud topîied. As the coffin wasl owerod it th le grave tlîe tiliîg <of thelîe m i bell caine tg) thié, faîiiy <if the îlead girl acros, the pîlot et nouuis cd grave stabtîswiiero atiiers witliet igeuliny weme laid. It watt the test clipter la the stury ut -Minute Htr'iîeaiag. It wýas the,' generally accepted opinion that thé girl had been pecutiar, and it was an tbis ground that the eongrega- tien bad voted in the mnorniag ta per. lait a unief service ini thee liurcui for bol- Tlîe Hev. C. E. Ziemer halld statod the ,DM I) bis cuingrogatioli. lIiiiil told thî'ai the churcii lawnd h ad-ennlod witv a derijition of the apîs'aýnIadU by tlîe tatiier and nietier. "DO Yen wiélî a prayer to lie sid for Minnie Hainening in fuis clnel? e asked. Williami Heeyem, a trustee, bal ni..eýn id spoken or thé girls liweili- aritles, perlsips er irropoesiliility, and ah aeswerod "y.'s." Famnily la Psrtly Comfortêd. Aillarrangements bildbepc made. to bal the flânerai et the Harniiag tarm. When thé aiînouuîceînent canle at neon that a service wouid bépermnitted ln the cbureb the tanîily was emtnorted. The funeral proession stung out tom three-quarI&rs et e mile acress tiein'~l- Uîne hlI,. Mtaypers<)m a liai e inu farmers' Itaglins4 rom ttantuiles etvey. Thé littie Mt. Luke's l!vagelical Lutb- ern ehurcii was crowded te the. dim. On one @ide set the long bearded (lemnian tarmors and on tue îîtier ivoee-tleir wiv(es. There were tet c iliren preosînt. Froul tie field where tue hurlai ball takea place the promoiton etfiounem, lieaded 1)3'the nuinimter, cr<îsetii tiith ehurch and entered. The .unual cbar- acter of the l unenairalutylîi-litheî.bodîy %vas flot tbe central tigin, ittipreso-d the gathering oseneighh)rs. But ,tlîey ne- miaille-] stieaily uiiiived. It tuas a serious, aliaost tregli, sileiiee. 'The service was short. Thio pastor Opoke a kw words <if cîîtrt te. fathor and miler ndtta tie tb,'mis. trs and two broti.s et the dend girl. Ho dii net teutb upîun the e eto the ~lsdgeli ltpaydor ber sout. INDEPENPENT Want ada bring re- mIlte. TrF the "ýwant celume.11 Jskmrv Stmbov r. Cai and examine in STlOVES. RAN C Get MyFigures Betore' p Dealer ln IHardware, '8* t: andi Farm Implemeki rLIBERTY VILLE - 'AIL LISERTYVILLE, Waukegan, 111. WINGFIELD, BOWLING & (JLIITORD SUNDAY October 16, 1904 The Fu WOufr.t fRural Comedita IIOOSIER GIRL PRICES.. 75, *50, 35. m4. 25 c"a~ The Sdiwartz Theatre manage.. mient ha.saranged th the.&r-F. M Electric R R.trun àspetialtrain. leaving Lake Bluff at 12 p mn. the nlght of every shows giving Liberty,. ville theatre gom aua opporbuailtef arrive home et good 941110130 W. M-. APPLIEY Auctioneer SatisfactÎoon Guaranteed Libertyville, I114 SI.50 Year la, furaiture is-I à is due Furniture and Unrta:eki Libertyville - - DIHH' October Muslc by r PL"N To Good Timo LibertyvUil ReasonLu ttçw -.1 la P. lh moxii

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