Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 21 Oct 1904, p. 1

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LbtvlleLake County.I!lQnois,1 Friday. October 21. 1904.-S Pages. $1.50 a Year. i 0 For tht Annoying the fonnoif 1 Hacking Cough in Wýý PAieTar. Qnkk reiuf for o'ongba. eoldm, bronchficaLo nous and ail affliction. of the throat and 1ingtK. O-. -0VELU'S-DRUG STOF Hfeadquarters fore Schoôl Supplies... Libertyville, We wilhave made t measure and de t oFREE. one pair of Cownie's Celebrated. Ki-nghorse If you wiII bring hn;thÎhebiggest pair of h. in Lake lÇoynty. wu Sr>..ianck stock ,LAKE COU NT-YNATIrONAL BANK CAPITAL. - -6650,00.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 5000-00 DEPOSITS - - 330,000.00 F: P. DYMONO, PfiuiaîeueT G. A. WRIGHT, V. PAECIOENT C. F. WRIGHT. Camto .1. S. (Isi«îEY I .. il DR. FMBERICK IL MARTI QYYC i V ESt siii'ru & A ,VIs .TI[tV iap-Sno10a. M., 1 t., a P. nM.àant OàS ' Pon. ;, Iexideénce 'Phone 2013 Liliertyville, flir«,im DR .L.TAYLOR. OFFICE <VER TUMin<g &hTAYL«ItS vos. 7t 10 a. in.. -jft) 4 nu,! 6 to 1)p. ni. 'R«e,.te on Bro:adw'ay. op1poxite Park. DR A, l. NICHOLS. DHNTAI. OFFICE 01tvL0R DO<N'Ii i<iITit & nAVIB' STORI' nou:-Wedtifecday <fif ea,-l< week frein 8:00()a. ni. <i G:00 le~. M. Lh!lwrtyvjlle. llliî,:!s - BENI, IK MILLER. ATTIORNEY AT tLAW. 'UâTii ttLoi. TEF'iONE No. 26. I Ubertyville.Illiniii,. - * DR. E. K'SMtTH, DENTIST. -orr.PFeOVEIt I.AKE tOUNTY BANKC. "gee8to 12 a. M. anuit I to 5 1). mi. DAII. - DR. Ç, R. GALtOWAY. OFFICE ovxa LOVF.I.I'e Iq Rr ert. ~u-rm1 to 8 Andl 0to 8 P. ni. Libertyvhlle, Illinoi.. PAUL MAI2 GUPPI. ATTOIUEi AT LA*. Lhbertsvilîc, Illinois. puu Unen 1. First National Bank J. L. TALi t FRAK 'gi'iitiil ('ah'.er Lbertyville, 'Illinois Accounts of lirais anxi individîîal~s are -solic ited -and'- wiibe re- ceives i pon the raout favorable ternas c- istteîit with conserva- tive bAtking. - Proctor Bloçk LibertydIlle -Illinois GO TO I Boyer B ros. . Ivahioe. LO jury flous Rr\ flanni el PUNISHRD MR.BARNtTABLE flaturday in Judge Hfauef s court in Chiicago, a jury viadicated AMrq. Daniel! William,., wife of a promirient Antiocb mèer-aat, for whhpping a mnan who bati Irsl9- eai<l elanderon,. thinge of lier dalîglitor, Ir and thuns the .',l<'rat<-îj'ai.e wae in lier favor. Ail Lake "<unty kwe tiitIc, thue trest4.d in the case, and lwuile in Artioilî eentli.qt le <llvi<led, uewsp)aper a.','îîiita <of tbe, i E i eldet ton vi netid l ewehoread:thse t., lîiîn. Mrs. 1Wrilliams hormewhiî,îied Jaimti, ni. .Iune I1903. Sheclaiîued )whad ii<ade remiarkei reléctirig<n <lie iiodety of hier.r dauglitir. Mise fRuth< Williarm.. liarnetable w,-t to Wihlij<rii<e'l iinri t. ý-pa iàandl rn<--ivi,41 a numb.-r of i xemavromethe fa,- froni a lorsewlip weiddby h tic' nig-l inother. He sc ud fr 2,40Sf>and th.- ' <ae ever<tually eaut otrilin <'licnii<,, tl:ri,,gia ébA g.. înue. -' --, The h.i- ago <'onri ro:r, 'sas erowdl.. mon ot f hat woek dlîrirîg the, trial. Miis' William,. 1,. lm yeart iii!d. Thie ..ic pturned oniithe - leint. ' Di,! larasitable g<:scip unl.I-aatly about liver thîeyonng wi)man?' 'lhe- jury tl<ouglit lie dit]. It wnî< whî.wn that Barnextalle hai] tolti frlirdm hlii a<l eiMiss Willuiaî,<e latbinx in a ereek near Atii'lk withoutt the cligt.îiliary linbifin«-niti «f the batl:ing l<car.. larnmLal<- suck t: ii,. taie, and it l,'aked out lat.-r tlat, a a fat, lie bat die,-ov,-red two y«îîug wonen bathing <quietly nndtr the wilowm of the ,trm.a. But, a,, it alIe develop,.d, neither was ands Mise William.. rr IIOISE. Vatnabie Record@ Talgea Away and Trensuror5.6 Ofice Wrecked. NO CLEW TO MOBIIERS. IT',rd#IY <igllii r,:l-r.4pnt,-ne! the Du bu-w oix-il th.:. lnrg.-safF lu tIé' <ounty tn-nmasnrr's «fim<ea'iti, dynam i te. wr,<k- ii<g tli,- int-irior an,! breaking almîomt ev.-ry winoa' in the !big hbuilding: 'lh.'work of thé-. ribh<rm wais .-amy. T!(j.s o:,e<f tiî':ît hi<ueeare <ever locke<iand it wro< «ciiirî1lbl#iattpr for tlicen, tuî ply tleir tri,lin athe,-d<rki,<rd,. Thoy olti<îl«o i::nf-y as a-it of tleir raid. Ibut <'rinii,,,et ail tle îx,iltym,, <<ea, v a,ndul,-,,,the,- î<ale-îs <re r',<ora!na 3public' and prirat<. affalirm, îîîccf lawe,its and ti- sal <-tt rileimft-r,, ilay g«et lut.> a The' ri:îe-r'. ut,-<' a hvnvy charge oif dynamîite ini !linig opeithe safe. liait tIhe t,î's'u of Wh<,atoi< îae awaken- cd l'y the expîlosionl<whil<'hr,-eult(4jandi tIi,- rbilxlcre i:itajied laittî ý ta ,'îîiîîîte' satart <of t1i-I ,preiiere. SýIieriff llir w,<sune of th,-' tiret ta) reucli the- .'.,o<f tle expîloionlii. He gaiinl <a pome--texgo in iiimu<it. The- bandlits- wi<-e tra,'te4l te) tic. Fox river, but tlhetl<ir triail îvasl<:,.t. Ail day lonug tIie ueîglierho,,,wttm eard-i,-,! without restait. The îouuaty treamurir <111-elu vlik'h tne ,xplueioîi <i,urr.-, was wm.'<kd ait'aiitevery vi'inl<r Inuthe ,'oirt flouîse wam 01iraik<-r<. t1<m tlî<uglit tiat the< gobi<eri< <ýxî.e'bît4îe)fi nid a large aî,<ount of i<:<n<-y fil.tiie-Vauît wldnha <ou«ty r*eortls em a riiyett'ry. It leý hint- Pd l ein<conte.îîrt're a in<t 1Iw nacm:raui!eri iiay have be,',î «-r.ii 4iereste li:morne suit o trma<'ac .e t'iransaction <wh<i would 4 -glai.lta, s,.,-the:. re-orile dem. troyed. The, only bî,î.ty of aî-gttiable valuec wlîiehlthe lnrgla,'e î,!tained wac sorne, jctve!,-ry ral,:<',! t aliit *30)S l-I «g- iag t.: LoisiE . Ellswoîrth<, fîri«rc c-uuty trn-asr4'r, and n<iw ity elerk «fj Wheaton. Foa tiAh- ' iai-ket witl, large1 tiotel tradi! - ai:,! euniecttngn btsiaii-se. liefrigratar, hors,f., %wagons anti fix- tures. Ili-ason for slllng, iseolving1 partnermeliip. kFor î.airtieulars addr,-es L.1 mmnd S. Letwini, Lakte Villa, lit. r,21 F'RANK. FORKE Jndetàk. & mbalmer EXTMION Eletie -BEGINS. BlereBond B.tween Liberty. ville 'amd4 $ockefeller to be îonspletýed thie Fait. OER VICZ l8Y JANUARY1, Brighît and esztY mondaly morning work on the roadibed for the extPrnsion of the C. & M. elpetrk wùst froufn, Lib- ertyeilie to IRockefleWl'va bgun. It w,,e ol Saturday that :rwea'e agrepd upon by thé, eompmyîa and re- pfetslétativem ot the. l>*i ,nd estitte, Thim reuv4.d tbe-nly <...i',iiimpi.di. ment ini the waj of, ontinuatlio n of <on- titruction work ti] fié]]. 1It jeunder. ctood ai! otiier rlght-of-.wa>- e ..eurped or contra.eted for andl ofit,s*rm of the, <o6iipafy are -aittbirlty f.,r the etate. nmet mrr wiII he raanning tu, lùxrkteller an6,toîinectin wth thle Wie<oismin G-n-< tra! rairoad afforded this faÎ.l Early aurveys iwcated tH,. ent.'nsùm north of Mechankm Grti,» lit'ad. tie iighlwy Itweea n <,yvlea. Rocekefeller, and the latt.r %illatge a entereti ..onmiderably nortii ot the bnci- buiit Ila,!',t,, th e outl, of teIliglway and the vî1las,. at w ti< othii i- uliki !!Lindau)&& *taakrî atiJ of tihe Wiceýonia 'entrai depot. Tic-r, j,.faut a doulit of th-- mmay <incerp intention 0t buidàîieeti,<- unle <hi,. fa!! and if large gange 0f1r,. two stcalli tihoveils, thrNetor tour b.lotvsand! uîunb.,-rleee «modern damp - '<'e will tavail cold wPat!ucr will land thie thereal,,iute- of track i<salw .î,~foîr opera- tion, lolec set and trolley wre i'a! are Of Amy Ev.r SeM 4 a te Coaty. Sunday SchpE Workers EVERX SBSSI" A TREAT. Lait*e ounty s&ael Iwork,.r,. nlever before uc!!msu.'!,a <onvenitione tic' tlirty-lourth armnai «vent whi,-h met ini twosdays enseionnat làilx.rtyvjll,. Tbnrsday and Friday out htet aeek. BunfJ<y sclîuol frnt. every parto<f the tounty-were repretient<'d and ntarly 294)0 îîtb'u.laare. plamiiig but the taricluspro gratit swene f<ifirîrîlisa enit, tiei:11 tl<umiawa,.inepiring «ià.w)ene,,,! g<<:«idI'- riv,-d sure to recufit il, r.'- tio, il oftihegrejit an i,] erdid w,îrk L.ake c'ountY Sun(]',îv.%-io<&strir,r plicling. Thnr.<day it was "-i jlut the P r<eiy- terian eliur<'li auilit'ritln would ro. iaadetjuate an(] îiin <111-iug it va,.,i- <iledl to traisler tii,.,'rvi,-es ti the - ;, i,îa <'lînrnl wv<-eth, lu rgetit ««'eting 1in t1i, listory <il t1wl<:'rgar<izati<igiî %&a.<liil. .)v,'r 400 beii.g , As î choei r of tliity voit, <rgarimid nring ti,.aller- lion îy rS. IL of 'r.<. thic<îg, <i I.,.h A% naddrec,. w' hi, i n<lesco<îat--il am <mie, of thie'betta!<îî,>, jl.-iii,,. <ver lj-ard,! - forn- the . nie,iatigni %vit@ that <if tii,- evî'nisig by Dr. li t'. if Chiengio. le spoke on niene ciace ,vrk and toi,! the meponiubilitiel (f tii.' work, Thies c moveiaent wlj,.,Ilis i«ing earri,'<lout tl<roughl<ttt! tis,te n iian effoîrt t. g,'t yioung nien i:t'r,-t-I', i tlî<')ndlty, Il.- t.ild Iloîv t., intit mt en in t!he îvri. and! tien l«<w to,<il<.1 tliiefialiter gettir<t th,'iiîin. lt-«aid! t is hiarl t) get rmoiî iitresited-lent t«<<t e bard ae Il) li,k fiem, after tliey ir<' i,,lced t,, tik<' «j, tIie w,îrk. The' rvv t , ho!.] tIle «<Ill' to liee <ouverfe<! to lli..' <uire!,,lie eoid t!,at oilly tlre.'f <1w i,'2.00) tlat hli< tieWi e:r,,llelli y iii ilavp reiuaiiwdin , the clneitIie ti'y î .-not cn veýrt,', lathofle <'u41,1-!. (ii.ri,îî l<<nt lî<*1 If wa n lil i t. <u.tali aieti eî::,r - î< n ,-nti<in <i thi, -m îty and)cî<r rmomencit liiy 'y li-, ..lar-gei'cly if ,'g,'i r i.h,'tr the vîîrî,imi I<au:cers anti a<llr<'ep. Bridge IBonds for Sale. S te o <f IiIiu i, S'int3- of Laie, ms: TIi, iundtermigied ,iilw-rv-1.4ir aîîd tuai, t-I,'rk<if tIhe tian if V,',ri<i:, will iiffr t.f<r sale t., tht' ligom'sr ie st idd'r fior cash 5 t-<,,p<' irnds <of n iîî hundmeI dotlulars iý!44444î cli runiig froin ni<e to i <v,' yt'rs anti bearing r, tereet at .-4 .< eet ue i aiuui, intereet Payab:le' aîîually. 'Sal' te: tai.' Ilace-iut the to's'n hall, in lif I)îy «t <orne do,'.ek oîn We<lnes<(liiy <1,t. 2G, 1904> . Said to.îw offliil r'rv.. t1i,'rigïit t:. re,-tel any or a!! ids C, fl C, Giiîis:in- , i<.iEiciis. Town C!<'rk. Sapervimor. IIt'tifm seekers ihxe-,rsliiticket@ sol! t.: k5L or né à-rpins $2 foîr e~u4'tnI~oodfor. 21 day. P or for- apply at ticket le DENtEN COMIING SATURDAY.ý At Wankegan fbons <»50 to 11:30 la moaulug. Cauaty lu. vlted to lieet nilm. OTHER POL!TICAL NOTES. Charles,.8. l)&,neen, candidat.. tor gov--rnier on the' republiean tie-kct wull visit Laike' ounty Saturday nit. Froni !,51to 11 :30> o,'lock on the ta..rning Of tlat day li.- ail! lie eatertaiucd !,y tire Young Ma'm leîublieau in!, I)of Wal- k,.gan in tire large Aruîory building la I)f>an-will holit àa re<s-îîti<,î-and- delier i: ddre,.l«itersminouneing the* event are! ing distributed tlîr<ugh- onut th.- couity aun! the e:Onntv ecltra! conàrrnitte(! im îrakiig-au etffort to bave on hand a big i'rî,wd to gr.-.'t thi iing gover «or. The 'Armory MILi i le al,, <at frquiî 3.504) t'i <4I leovlà, :onîfrrtiî!<ly an<d <f the. aserrblig<' tîmatwil!! gather no ilonlit a large liecertuge will lie from '"out in: the (rouutty.'* It wil!lic. t!.. mon. illillortant meeting la Lake' 'ouuity of thi- !<-et ianipaign. '<oi an:d your fri,-nleare îflitted. Attend Monitor Chicago RaI!.1 Thioce r«eivirg invitations 1in lAke TI:ursday evcniing ol lamt w.-ek iu the' tiret regiment arinory building with, but few ex<'ptioum avajled theiemeelvem of tbe oîîîeîrtunity t.> lwar 'U;nele" Joje anuon oif Illinois, iieator (harles Warren Fairbanks, Vire nlr'edental candidate and., .1. Atdam llrde, of Miîîîîn,.ota., Fic tb,îu<and people. Were fiî at- teîîdance and it is .etimated that of thlat nulb'f abordt1664lauquv.ted wlth the. Marquette duin inder wliose austâce.. tire- event was e lld. Coîîgreminîan Fuse bad fe,'ured plat..,, for him Lake county f rieu nattf..udanc.' andth ley enjoyed the -,caillou: to the ouiiinot. Thome attending wep.: A. L. Rende L. 4). Irock way L. P. Hanna (". K. Suitil and %vile J. L. Taylor James Andermon M. T. Laîney and aile John Morrow A. N. Tiff any W. K.Davis B. H. Miller Paul MatUuffin. At Highland Park and Waukegan. Jutigy (iromeev-î<î,W"cunahle tr kL-081) his. allpoitt:u<-î<It at the H-ighlandi Park rally le.l< in fiol<ltirg's. bail and the. audie~nce wamnie <wlat tfimalpointed in '.Hsqaîe.low<'ver W. T. IUnder- wood «<ade n n xvlleî:it sip~echpendiug tir at-rival i«f.('«î<gregmniaa Frisé;wh.o «jade 'the e addriree 0 f the evening, and whit"il wne a îaxtorly effort, con.vinîing aîî<l iuttcreeting. lie wax hcartily ap- îlauded trom, tif,,' to tiin, and the. meeting aproved une of thebest held iIn the v'<uut3'. Sat:îrday niglît at Waukegan the irat rel«îbiliecn an mut'(lftire, cavn:laiga 0.rur. ini tlîat <ity wax hl.,ld ln Selwartz <>l<ra lIouse.. A g«odly audiene grv'ited 1V. J. Calllourk,,of f Ciago. Who avas iintrîîdt<<<I i<y CIaiinn Whitney ,,f the :'ounty central eoiiiiiiitte. He fle il «ouid Iaud eo <<<niniîg ,tpai.rîln.h- «<g him largiii:e,-itc in a way that gave gruat w<iglit toîw bat t«. sai.!. Many t,,,,:,tlig,, <'rîîy wer,'(lait and toilîcar hijr<. I'rbahîly Istore tire. <ampaigu vles,. aijothler rally will lic leld in Libert ' ville-, and ei ,learriangied for Barrlngto,- ijut the iatem bave not been .definitely PA-ttl,'d. TOBUILD TEMPLE. Work llelnng iou Magnificent Structuare et ZMon City. WILL COlT $flOO,OO. Uin iiiZn CtY îrk lha i.iin,',c îîr< at etructure <if wi,'h Lake .'onnty ieui<l« have be-ar<I littie, tIititglî it 1,. :leectied to eictIh-- <Iiost niaguilicerit and i'<<e-tly blinuîg inithe<- ouîty. -Aptst- h" D<iwie lias plane fî,r a to.inple wit'h shn<Ll <xc..]in iigil.etearîythiîg ihl i1i,. Wi'st, andi tiitaqiy <rin are drawiig' ijiteriai for it.,,fîîuîîdati,îî:c. Hug.' piles of s<oid andt gravel are taken f rîîî th. laite short. an<ld piited ouvcni<-it tw tIh' mite of the<- lroî<tieedtempîle-. At tiret VIi. i- teîîded i'<idiag ia ste.,] itruitnre !,îli as eihaaged hie îplans be r eause oft tIi grv'tt expelsme an.! ««w l,. mini>unccst!<at n'iieît, gravt'I and,! trne ivithi oueidarahàle îtîariIc ai Il lx)e eiri- s tend. ile. otf the tentures <f tithe 'îîlh'wili tW ja to a'er îtît i'l irie' mle,:. ,I504 fet alijve the blîding. Ttie ip sit et., b.. jist Ii<,rthlu-t o fti,lei)Na-rît Slîilt:ljTa- 1 t is nniiticctl tuai 's'<rk ion the bhg stri,'tnnis tii start wltiî ni. eiit«rtiàou, fir-e the iret <il n"xtut nrth i, a wilu b.. ,iitredail wiliter, tlîue ffurdiig eu- îiiuyiic't te li&indrcds <if 21.., City, rémi- th,.eW wil k. runalng but hlaI fore.s, which t iiheçaaeeveaOw la Sor n«a 1~**"- lfurniture is Right1 and so is the FIr ce W. M.HEATH Furniture and tlncertaklng Libertyville, - - hlm :Stoves..I Cali and examine my Uine of KEATI STOVES, RANGES and STOVI ACCESSORIES. (Jet My Figures Before ois B Dealer Ini Hardware, Stovez and Far 'M Implements : L.IBERTY VILLE - - i F. LISERTYVILLE, SCHIWARTZ TMEATREGRND 'D Waukcegan, WINOFIELD. ROWLING"& (JLIPFOIID SUNDAY October 23% 1904. The big a&H pew nelodramatic Farce Comedy, by Joseph Leflrandt .1 "Mer False Step" A play recltlsig the sufferiugs of a way- seard girl. Brimful of thrllling scones and atirrw.g climaxes. Seo the daring reïcue of a child fedimn a large don of fierce African Lions., PRICESte 75, 50, 35, and 25 cents The Schwartz Theafte manage, ment ha. amnged yuL the aC,& M ElcectricIL R. to rua a specialt-ain, leavini Lake Bluff et 12 p6 m., the. night of every showi givlag Llbamyo vill theatre gom san oppoetmity to arrive home at god seamon, w-- . 1.P-pLEY Auctioneer- LIbertyvhllQo, II.. EII*ID4 SATIJRDAY M October 15, 19 Muscby prof. I PLAN. TO %ATj Good Time A» Libertyville "- -No. 3. Libeatville, Illinois DR. CHAM. M. fiis,î J<î bîî,' . 41 '<H'st«t F. P. It tioxi, F. Wfti<.[Ii 1 KI. -r

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