Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 28 Oct 1904, p. 1

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*..Â. NE... l, Lake County'. Iois. Friday. October 28. 1904.-g Pages. $I.502a In Ad 'lor. that Annoytng theftormof Haoking Cough li Quick relieffor coughe. cld, ronchltla, hoaru ~amnsd aU affiutiona of the throat a.nd lungs. IT ONILLS1RJû TORE love .C"tes W. willI have made to measure and deliver to you, FREE. one pair of Cownie's Celebrated Ki nghorse $I.OO Uloves 1 f you will bring'in the biggest pair of bande in Lake- County. JRSTI UbeutgviUIe, Illinois G#CouNrr vNATIONA LBANK CAPITAL - - 500.0I SURPLUS ANMD PROFITS 5,000-00 DEPOSITS - - 330,000.00 r. P. DIMONO, PRSletnNv . .wRiGKt. rv. Pa«tcnN? Ar; .St-iwxatuue F. P. DY]40ano --ML FZMMCK LMAR11N f Bêt 'Pou ~5 lesklenoe 'Phone 268 Lhbenrtfyvilia>,Illinois MDL I.TAYLOL orra iI avIreN(;$ -&TYLOE'. gems-7 ta 10 a. ni. 2 ta 4 anal 6 ta psimnuS on Broadwnay, opposite Park. Lltrtyville, Illinois. ML A, J. NICOLS et Chicago DENTAL OFFICE @avas:-Woeatndsd of aiech week fmon 8.00 n. nM. tO 6.00 P. nM- Lbertyrils. Illinoias. ATITOENEY AT LAW. :.. LJlsoetyvlillinoif. DL IL FLSMITHL -PCEOVIN LAIE Cousry nASER. r , ta 12 a m.anal 1 ta 5 P.M. Llberlvmelllîinois. m1 to 8 anal 6 tea8P. x». iývvie Illinois. - Atn,. MAC GUPPIN ATTOBJET AT LAWa trhertyrlle, Illnois. (.A. V'ea-IMT J. L TAYLOR Pr"t. Feit KPoraoit Vie-Preg. FI. G. QÀAuRrE%, Ca.hbier Libertyv illet Illinois Accounts of firma and individuale are solle It.ed and vill bai re- ceived upon the Mostt favorable termis con- siten.t with conserva- tive banldng. -Illinols Law- PRICES lu Aucîlon'Sale Bille. -Ti nm-mxvjuidpartunent titras(bu atunutiuun sale bils qui-har, ýbtter as eW.wlier-. anal ii ýaddition w. pnuhuRiifree' af charge a utîtice ai sale ana litsof pruiparty lunte heu r, bie illsa are prite4l by use. e lenaEnnhl-l)NT reaches, mare larmers tita any allier paper in lbe counnty-it g therefare meainr-ta 1"veetis a ae. fu gel ueute. - 1-1-t! TheIN9PNDHNT maidbbc oka- Il ! MFRàRÀN behorne "Ua 'SUICIDE, ýÀutopnmV Bevilia Condition, Whlch Indua4 Ierrlble Act. WHO la IREUPONSIBLR? Coroner Taylor wan u>lled 'ta Wau- regan Thnrsday evenlng laat week ta )mi&..and taquest ovor the.-bady of Miss label Sa fesiiy. siaventeen yeara aid, and who iiad aulcideal by taktng saine deadly lr,îg, dylug jttlefare the. ulct4rs wla hll bean u amoned arrveal. OsvolopmentB et Inquesi. iWsaenb7 n'as subjeet tus spalicol nelanhaly. B-r imotter and fatha-raon- fea- this relnctantly at tihé influffst, in lie intervaig ot their heuart ra-nding grief. Thaurmal the.girl dineidl ina very bheerful inood. $110 even joked w iti, the illier>, at the dinner ta,!>. Alter the limhes seera. wnlied, ah. tolal lur inother "i it -wa. going upstairs ta (lust lier r00i11 anal #et it to"riglt,-. andl tus she, <,oing up claitrs sac or-a atrsink ;liat w,,. tilleul with lierinetdiXal passe- sians, l.tter@, ujouveniire, trinaketa that sa-Te mniarnntasofaipi~py hiea. Shli dusteul th rou. Hier inother hourd lier aaiiving about for oeal-ly n hour alter ie- a@eende, i. taire.Tlwn-a1 na. Mtill. . Five u,,lack'came. Tfh.îiothet caikal. 1 t wax supper lime. Neo ri-panse. $bci -ailu-alagain. MOIini> animer. The, inatier was frighteneui. .Acending tihe durit stairway i,.ente-.-l Othe tiuy raim, a girl'» rooni, with la,,km aaid pku-tir-. anîd ribbans anal mirrî,rs. Tii. lid riioni wilsoiff rom tLq w. lOn the. bed iay'extenut'-l the girl. SI;- lay an ber âtfeaehl, lîîr lia-ad burlea lin the. bed clati,..andal nîîîlhew pi'555ed tiglîtly ahave tiir. The. trugady n'a. revu-alpi. The. mother divine-i the.terrible solution af the.girl'.i position ail ta quîuckly. liii.prepareal milk and a-ggo, but ,ould not farci tler down the. axpiring girl's tirant. Sa moisaln id waas summoned with the. reault relate-i above. The. girl lait beind utterly nothifig ta give a clu>- ta th. di-fiit. cause of ber deatb, no vial or box that migbt have containeal poion. Not aven a latter did ah.e write. Timi. mnT isogf lthl iiest respecta- bulity and, iatlir andl mather ame pros%- trat!-I teCaule af lhe tragedy> ,"ýSui,'ide l'y taking soa unknawa dug wblesuiieringoi acute melanchol)y" W"a the. verdict oi the coroner'@ jury, but an autopsy n'a. fýîund nemessry tu determîne fully tha- inume af death anal the coroner andl hie jury helal a ponttnmar- ,tenu, whlk brîcug>ît farti, the startliaig revelatian thtat tke girl wa in a letI ('oudition anal that lia pîldy wlîat caumeal. tiir condition aifnielnilolia. It w.. deaapair that drove bler ta 1,cr dealli. it ta thauglit tlîat sha- cither purcitasea Iserself or sanie one gave ta lier sonie drug ta produce abortion anal tint an overdase ai the stuif cauuaed lier virtuai nuarder. On the ather lînalsheznîight have poisoised lierseli outriglit, a.s ynip- toms ai arsentical poison were i-vident. Hawever, ther. i. mna inaterial evidencé Ptô show taIcite took any drug. This phone oi the eantire affair i. -lraudedin the. deep-sItmyatery. Do.. Anotiier Have Guilfy KnoWledge. la Wauk.gan there in a feeling liat.ail In not known ofthei death of Mise Bses. by. Her condition wassucli that thore n'a. ample renoa for lier te~ desire tu put herseli ont ai lie way, yet, aItiihe sane ias sucli-that athers lbe aides herseit î,ight bave iiad a bond in the pllan ta either gel hi-r ont of tii.way or tuaa.sit hi-r iii geîting out ai her trouble without anybody kmîawingabaut it, and not sus4[,ectIug the %wful reuli tollowîng ta lie a posmiility. The polic, have no clue upoui whicli bo wark and are doing nalhing a. tli.ii Jdues not seeni ta be aloposition an part ai th. relatives ta talion'tIhe matter up. The. romains ivere taken tu Bristol, Wls., Monday for hurli. Chamberlain'* Cough Femedy. Naon. wha i. acqa ainteal with ità> gaad qqltl.s can lia-surprise a i tith ta'opjgsrily af Chanuberlain's Cangi Î720 nlot only cures coldsrand gri lly nanal* permanently, but prêvente tii... diseame tram resultlng b tpneumania. It i. aiea a certain cure toi croup. wbooping caîtgh isnot dangeraum «wheu tuso renieuylye given. Il contai.m no opium or other harpifalinstance and nay b. given a. conflden ialy t> Il baby as an aduit. Il isaieo plea.ant Ja teks. Wbn ail af tii... tacts are talc., tt consideratian it i. not surprisins Iluat people in foreign landls, au wl a at home, esteein ti. rem.dy very hibsh sud very few are willing to take. an: otiisr alter having onze usea ltI. Fai asais by F. B. LoveLL,Lhbqrtyville; wrthaut iessenlng lia apseal and plungeal into the air. Making hall a revointéan forward, it tell bottom aide up with bath men underueath.' Apparently the occu- pants of the. car hail no lime ta lump. one witness saial Mr. Bennett evldntly palal mare attention ta the. tam la the. foad tlîan ho allitu i. machine. He tauched a lever with tthe intention of stopping the. automnobie, but in bis con fusion caught the. wrong one and turned tbe machine sbarpiy ta ans aide. IARMER DUES IN MIAY MQWè, AGEI) PETER LEIST OF BUFFLO OROVE EXPIRES SUDDEP'IdY. Bad Not Been Slck. Thuraday norninig about f) ai-loi-k the. lwody aofMj. John Lit-wean nd ithe. Lay Mow ai hi@ barn aitBuffalo G rove, by hie. son. The- man bmd been da-ad for sanie tima-. HP, lay on hii. faep an the. hay. .Peter Lelit wax 64 yc.arm ai uge und bad always enioyed the hliat(Ai health being uita lthe timue ai hi@ deatii a hard working ma n. Weanedey evanlng h. camplaînea of not feeling waIll lutThursday morniug GIVEN xlrtlatABTIC RE- CEPTION IN AVIKEOAN Turnockaimseialenge. i)eqitp the lactAt wa. nc->rnary tu change the time ni Cadidate DIenee'O vigit ta LIake couuhy frainSatuTiiay afternoon to the moWnngof that day, andl whiih preciuds the 1,reeihiît.y oi mai17 frîîm the 'country" 'vtting ta waikegan to gmetýtiie coring gover- nor; ýa. ooadcrwd wa. on hiîml., Congreffieman FoaeSdf>c6nlnWl Mr. Deanmi tram VÇbiçcagqý"sd they vtere driva-n tram the. depot té) the large armairy immedîately Upon thejr arriva]. Captain Smith, chairman of the- Young Mens Rapublcan club called the. meeting ta ordér and -iutrodne a Fa.. whojn a short apeecli tolal of the carea-rof Charles 8. Doneen a rai lid hlm up as an iasIiratiO ata tfi-' American youth. lie declaidh.ewoull make just am magnificent a record as <,overnor as lie hal n litateoe Attorii(-y in Caok ecauuty. Mr. Deneemn wsa r.c.lved îvtl Pro- longeal aplîlause the. au4ien.- riing andl wildly <cherinig. EU»s.poec waR 011;e Of the hast ever heard in L.îk. count.y, ireateal of national.#ftseanal loal i- s ucs -andal-sill.ndldhy iuc-Iî. -It wu. nece.aterily short s. h. lail ta take the, 1l o'tloc-k train bock to Ciaigo. cý Visita Zice. City. We-dnegaaly, tMr. iemun aaompanied liv Mr. Maulden, (auMhate for (hangrea ini the Fl'irît congrnsota isItrct went to Zion City. At Wam*egtïiiey w'-re met hy lieaaon JudaMd anal ion CitY station l'y Dowie, btnibai 1siity plhae ii. Ziongnards, hi. ,oluîr bearero, andl the.' aftiiaofhi% ton',> and churcli. The candidates iwein driven ta the tal~er- namuie, wha-nt tbair &tdltoe n ns waitiaig. - W. arc neitiier rebulcan nor denîn- cratic.",aaiu i owie'boeeineet lu caun- eil anal pi-k ont the. ht man. Zian CitY wili vate far Theodpre ltoaevelt for prc>ident andl for Cbarke* -. Ilneen for go)vîrnir." To proo* that lie knew wliera-i h.i spolie, Dr. Dowia- calleal for a rising vote. -AnI those wlîa vote for Chares . De-). mien for gavernor of Illinois, stand up," Dr. l>owie ordereal. Tiiere was an upheéval intheii congre- tion and Dlowte s-rutinixeal it cloffely. lie wn. lqoking for a single oro-upied "har, liat coulgi nat flud it. Zion City had votad aoidly for linme. Turnock's Challenge. Jiamesa Turnaclu, da-moritl nomnéne for congrese li this district bas iîsuc.d n challenge ta Cangrt-mmaaxFoos for a jint' dl 1ebate-bult ta wlîieb Doattention waa paid lbs Mr. Foqs, whotip tie b enttra-iy takien upi witii oýier appoint. menta. tMr. Turnock uesireal ta diseuse with Mfr. Fans national and local issues. andalesignateal 'a&vwhuIQeodtelda-of Zioîi lj ty an 'the place ta tiolalthe da-late.', Evideutly the dcinooratic nominei' does not think muchaof lowie and hi$ .People. Bout Remady toirC onstipation. Tii. finet remsdy for constipation I evèr usea l1 Cambrlains Stamach anal Liveg ville, N. Y. Tbey ctpgti ana wttbout Il f'ursitw'e is Wight end so isthe Price W. M. HEATH Furniture and Undortiaklng Libertyville - - *~mmmrm*mmr- -mi C ail. and examine myý lino of HOA! ACCESS5OME~. <J1et- My Figures Before YVon LIBERTY VILLE 'lýTA ILU' LISENTYVJLLE, dal nuit comiplaiui although ho aid not euI any lbreakfast. Alit 7 a'celock h. ^t.. ted -fWrthe-bharn-and-thait Wn ast sa-en oa itn mali. Hie son John wliavan at th-à hone wlhis u bride of a fen dnym, trainkMinnesota, wnt tathe. barn about 9 î'clu-it and fununaithe. body tais -ribeal. Coroner TaLylor n'a. natil landal ia an inqaiest. Tiie jury cousiatea af Ju. ichnidh, 1J. Il. Mpoorlein, Jacob ltanp J1. GJ. Weîdier, John tirehin anal W. A. Kuebker. Ater h.arlig the. evIdeuce of the. son n'hofounal the.body anal another son n'who was at haine attIiehlti, tlisy braiughtin a'erlctusiet fen a- ural causa-, proably cerebrai . henor- rliaga-." Tue bleit tamily i. highly respectea lu Vernon township, anal the deceaseal who wa. a mendier of the Catiohlie ui'ch et Buffalo (Irove n'a. regardeai by ail who knew hm s au ]zonent, uprtght andalna alustrionq fariner. Risosaidonadstli n'a. a shock to the. conximunity. Tii. fumerai was on.eai tii.largest attendhal ever hi-lainii Vernan anal attesteai the calt-ani In n'hich tMr. Lelat n'aa belal. lie sida-s the wlfe, aine cidren survive. WORK ON, Exztenset 10 Rokefsller Deing Mur-lsd to CompletIen. 8014B TEAMUTERSB ISSA. TISFIRD. Construction af the roadbeal for ezten- 1sli)n ai the elea-tric rond went ftram Llb ertyvilleht Rcke-feller progresses rapidJy anal the. adl ance gang i. worklng on tii. WIeeler farn west oi tan'n. There wu. a short delay th6 tirst ai the. week on'ing 1ta a mi.understepdlng between là- Wbeeler anal the company, but who waa quickly adjusteal, ana laneteth construction gangs have beau u In the. work with al posubis sposal. Tii. compauiy ha. been paylng 45 connte an hour for man anal teani,anal Tu.sday a nuniber of teanisters demanded $4.50 Imr day or the. saine a. they bail been gettiaig hut wanted ta wôrk ouiy aine tiours. 1This the company reinssa gre. lng ta pay but 45 cents per haur for whatever tins put in, afdalu consequence a fwofthe- men quit. As munt of the work can ho doue iwlthaut auy great nunîber QI 'teanis litle lucouvanueinI experiencèal. Theisteani sovel loaths dirl into dump reflwih are d revahI trains of ton care ta where Il in desireal rta I, anal dumpeal. Of course there ta uquit@ an'amount ai teain work lu place but tus ins eomplebeal by teamnstere 'ho aid nat qutt anal of whlch there In ah preseut a suflie nt number. ,f en and team@ at work ou the grounds aio the Lliertyvllle Trotting Association b ave been assigneal work on the electric ,fraond right»of.way ana li1111e more wiii 1ho doue tuis iall toward putling the graounals of the. Trotting Asocdation lu tshape. I*owver, lhor. remaine only a smaii ariionl afunflaîsheal grading anal kiflingto comploe the work tiiere anal that eau h. finishe n lthie pring'eu t money ln Fat CaIlle. " A 1)00 ta 1000 pounal steer chablai "gain 800 ponInt 100 davsi. Choies fat ha-e..areselling at 16 anal npward At gaod market.,for your carn,. Figure e or youroeives, analcorne ta (lrialey's 81auî-tion at Prairie Vie'. 41p - -. I liii 011 MssefSts. i CUsresW. jLibertyvllU,ý T1%9 hast vmSofer to c lii W .- -J.APPLËfl Lml Auctiouuoo Satisfactin 'Ouarat Libertyvi i M w havick Block lCT0RIS bn (iainni C. F. Wuaai Sfirst National Bank SCHIWARTZ THIAR Waukegan, II WInerGaIB, iBOWLNG à (JLItoii October 30. 1904. DRAMATIZATI ON OF braftd Novel DORA ThIORNE PRIESso 75, 50, 35, ud 25 cents The Sdhirz Th«eaic»mahg. mut hue marged with duoC. & 14 Ek* x &to rua a .qucIeItmwa loe.intLak luEM et 12 p. ». h Onlgel .ley .owi grm~t saiv oa ooet god soute, 1- 1 .Other Ralles ths Week. Tua-sday tîte couey candidate. anal Congressmian Focs wci-e at Barringtouî, Lake Zurich anal Long (irove, holding morn ing, afternaon anal evenlng maet- fJuge at the respective places. Attaraey B. H. Miler ýaccomiîauie theni anal made an aaldress aheaauh of the places. Frlalay -a grand rally 1. ta b. telal la Waukegan anal while the counaty candi. dates wHIii te e. ongresman Fa,. t. ta defiver lthe addra-s.' I lai ouly a liti-over a week ho alr- tin anal iew mare rallias nill bch aluiin tihe county befanu. it i-i'AIl aver." MIL ROUTE. SUP'T' KILLED Mau Who lInalleal Lake CouatY aystetu la AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT. George Bennett, Supsrtntendenî oi rural mail deiivery routes in'nortiern Illinois, n'a.hille! aid hi. cousin, Rolert Wilard. a wi-althy manufacturer ai Marengo, n'a. îîruîably fatally Injatreal in an authmoblle accident, at Harniony, twelve miles nurtliaut o1 Marengo at noon Saturday. î Mr. iBennett was li u-hargei ai thework of laylng onI nul inauguratingthe sys- emn af rural routes aperating li Lake counly, anal bis uaficial duties brought i much in contai-t with postmasters throughoutthu- ciity,Ihy whoa h.on'a. grpaty likeal. Accounts aifIthenacidefnt reveal tint whule the. auto was ruînlung at a terrifie rats and approac-ling a bridgea Iarmner's borné@ becansie frighteneal. Bath mien gancéd bac-k at tliraier wb.n the. front n'heelo af the autauîîolle truck tie tirt plank lu the bridge. Bye wltnesses declafthlaI the teering gpar wa. o wrseUtsiitinBennett'. hanal anal hta aide. So great n'a. thesmontn thal the. car swept lthe railire.Immias bridge i

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