me LIIO@RVSLT. v. PMAAN%8. ta. 1311*0. k T. SEMAIO. ~ A.~moeL MCVLWOOH. BUALL. g E..a13Afl.. ~pioau. N.1OF0ANY. III Voua l L. TAvELle. L ofý 4110, e 1w la Uewba. I.e, -..... .....0met ms t 0&*#19* v. «4«m m » t et A a SI. ~uIvla rir. do. -MtfalneW& lwte- i* lw soMt thut 1*mm vn**uiMd-Ob and givec-6 emngg tw tWSie.. wbo uodsiiuaMn :*u Mi. gdnoms of tbe vibas ha "I tlulk yau.brs theineefflt kWi ofc tmblev1 vsse. Thi. cort wge goIm 1a l e.o o ble ibmcb 1 sbon do ovmeilg la eMy pou ee't me Itet tora ta thf euey MrTm compln elî the poflm, dalarsithat ho eau mors alen&tdby melm" cea --1nlag-«put up »Slatacis-èbuuco- gai. it ho ve aaof beiug beaten hy lie barber. -Mot tej.oça at Gr&yiloke-The Bal- Is Ce, Wbeei Company ba ccrst Imme. upon lb. buIlig., la the Nèv York Pluyl011ug Ca titor7y on Water St àantiSholdu nd andmi ýrlitk.pOusweson o! thophlmr. Thlu la lie soaceru 1h1 t a rangaite~ àOeau et OM7 bibt It voultsm eIionàtmaldaohedto o 1 lela woue kogW:e lr. J .. laPreitue a go eompefh vl ho euduÀ mperla tamIseOf iLie.phgl-.i- mea~taryi b Joro.Marwris, bath of Woukogea Aîràt$liuomw eybaloa Ontroctu Do". Arrested for Surglary-'lnuoao of proauflpt fMoiles tMcHary, Ilu:, Urr £Wrue, AllitO Mile, niAI. butort L "MW vers um 04it*a0us B. vootillocee. Fridite, cergei vil ýioo«i UM suio boraetipîKcmient Odoelauea Sfoi t lii. Theoja lat boe asbawOsifhr ab lnalta.. «M hi&4 bomn tiad ai du lake agit --waiuhfesr. vil ie r*0lt t5àI *oywoe. fpuudottisbowu. Aqi Iha bou.hai habvebon enlMmrs*g bfflghss mearofff Willim Latflet <lAhi Depuis SerlifPaerut $b. Im" Ueson tapsuile, "d4 ube- tisl!eammmad liai howould in Um ocm.' lunlvqýotber iadae for sambusof MUlom aha*allg poMut forgn»ueouSSt «athe Uap psof the lie Morom a ion. t a hW eoar Iom etmssieiLbumuslaMW ail Wet nusi.lla teiiile du' mi 5IUL lTh. Plus h té have duhe. nowmmnla! d nomae m a ls tbe mldalgbî boas lu à teiloa lé vil aubes la ti e yrjunitMWWh"c Do"ia hlevueohobu M of tdu saut iaporloAt yaarID he uhitor cf 9I0e. -tbW Z.uu« mt be*uotl-he enqmball mu sa" ........... 10 "duti ual"i4lllieulovei the .priti ,f4eO'LOt0l"_ tegs1iuhaaUgliehýMit lahopeitby 1. q ap0Puah. J 5p 5mm w v avboe hupsi tottock due me Io a ai'.S" coaut y !th lb. birde 1h. thea. .......... Mli a WP hanta i-s oiiiua«at tan t id g . rei* obeu~~lu li b.. >jet, liaI liii wlllllow t t IN Vea .tUea -anillMd nitocrr dueouvth" ia .e............. 'ulu Use t l in bevlU$qcoit aUo ...... . . -àlap h b W eP lkýaMO l1 ad - a ae mpror à bu li Sxpa *............-i te On I b duhantert atsy auteus "»,ta4 lon, soct ta t"ulrbeotu'nt ent. - si *a .. » Io lue Uman 'lur.DX -AMOND, LAKE pUVa%«'0 m vI h. a bhuiW« ociMaa ire llir . T'. D&eb's, M-or ikty, 81, i1904. * Kusr~ Abus us Evoboity cous &ndtbave aoduaitAes, f -te #%ruelop4, § el fS 15 te bauaeutb va*. ft 5 jet sy.0- bu te leuit î. Shylock was the MmiWho- bw sIenl jei.- 1 wanted a Pound CIE humasi aêeaat; ultsh. -Tbere are lRany w et O a j» Shylocks now, the vonvales. ..u.... ...cenlt, the, cômumptiebe .................. l sîckly'cluld,_jhe poie young et~o oe ias woman. ail want. human flesh l- U .. .. é.... î.«and they- can- get it-take ge D e n9hu IS ~ s ai Itfeds tb.nerves, strengtheus Ii M the digestive organs and they uJitsIs ag~ feed tihe whole body. ..............0 Fo eaythry ea SiDo u M"Fr'narythry e .......... se1 m ScMtt's Emulsion has been the *** »9 0 eW -reat giver -of human flesh. We in e dU Ua apiu. iS M*tsuu m mefflatIUI 1» pa fei luerM four er mo spat. .The lW oeta4 vos held at tVa o*dûoek Bupaq'. Tbé. lat. lers. MotlllA zm aP"of, we bor at Uteliai, N. Y., la 10«?. In 1861 thé vue nuOrrictut . .mie. muim . tourwlI àmtlloJëu~ko, chia coaaty, and thIbro liredim ni ltMrt - mors.d".alu, ieaaho reoand bers. eorge,mm.. B Webb, anit Ada, ai lal lbp lt.y. itliseunderatoodi that Mrp. MOutinmrs an M Ifur many months, tbra.u uïlousful- operatoïs -hnving- heen perforaned upon hor. - Bd Palterson, the MantWbo , a w ab,&*c by a tant freiglt on the Nortb- western Frldy eveingat air o'ctlock, iisit at oght o*otock Il anday tuigt at the xev Jane bMeAliter Hospital alter bath limbe' hait. hoon amputatoit. Pat- temon drovo a beer wagon for William Dayh, .theoMiler aent, up.- 10 Friday. Ear l tho evenlng o tlat day b.iJe saldt tahave atartsd acros. tho North- veatarh tracks. at Maiison ,aInsI. tboh lag te bis iattecaent. .4fter. ho pansémd thé ýgatemnlauJealoa u bae ieit ual kuo a the t faut boerfet lhtfront Milwaukee vus eomlug, 8Ianti ao aght on the main trac"s noar lb. went ide of ths croming, hiug hurleit under the grintilig vheela o!f. ecar. Earty Monde>' morning the tug Hau- naSa Sulliva .vas unk La fourteon lut of voter uttte uocth end af the harbor slip, aun no nàrrowiy encapedwith bis lit.,. LighasoSullivvan as aboard theb croit but dit not know of ber condition uti a waohuau ovor aI the Oreal lIakeSlut on theoIlanditled on hlm te have the boat ane vas fihIiug. Sullivan ea4 apdnsilyty o the sore an th. ýbout vas flot yet ORi m mugh tu eaui.ber inklug. A ev iomoteafr, boweve, ah. beelsd over a 1111e, the valusgaied lotober bhos, saitd se. LWy cm the labo bottoam othe.cou <ok. aeily bersmaoke stock and câa .e1lrflilgover lte.simrace. SucIt 'aednt~u are out of lte oriter au. Wau- keffl "tr, but 'aamnot Araded ma e*fhlllseamong maeum. Huit su. ,uub flu du propasa et cetorin out la mid laho, Iherre voltibavs beausa dksste. Aaitle.tberevillnothoouc tfolhie oxperieestln resiug ber,*unit alb 11111 notmbUarmqeb, the iuaehlfen3' fla.DyqppiaTablets curs indigo.' auoU ntd strecato b ât ui~ by W= EHArmE Gmïautom au Fgat.___1 I i IRAMK FORKE Updrtaker & Embalmer Bia* ami Whli s sa ÇOVYIlNs AND- CAnKETS -à vas AWJJ ý'b Round Lake, elw plie a business tilp toa 'Bust la upeudine a 1 Mmm0 Foneiaon. Ilbiton sn tetab iouffly of Chicago.' f1rarvey vlalt ** .ýWedne@day. , er andE. B. Nesille w. , business Tnesity. Tbompaoan iddaq ed relatives r.t Lihoty Alln NeLehiau n a afriem tIrgm, oble4m w" o ut lbuntiu g s amola*a d W. e4awblap, Who bam reoeutlym.- 'tnstiSt(ome Calilornla, fsbent saturdal amd lidg ts Iufiarreon q(log. o. The Ct" hoirannuel social Wed- bhali Mon, of Rotlnd Lao, vawu phesoen olrhors Tnosdaý'. lirs. M. B. <Ierks. of Wauconda, @pont Mm. Eriebsonreturnsd. rom Chicago Tuesday alter spendlng noveral days tbers. F. D. Battersbail vas lu OCblego Tusdayon btsiness. 'Urs. rnery Adam@ ln entertalnlng, a ousin fr0. Wubington TerrItory. lir. Moyen, of Waukegau, calle on f rindu hors Temday. UmsLifla Battereball relebrtt. ber tertaining about fikrty of ber litt1e plIqv- 1untes. Ail suJoyed ra pletantalter- Doon. lias Noule.godfrey "pnt Suda>' and Monday tluttllgfrienda a44lhborty'vlls Mm. WiV. Wlinlngton and Mm . red Huceor of Rollins vere hbor rdiig wltb our morchants Monday Mdisse.Fîceseand Aice Strang rm vis.ting their uncle andi family Gase Tovuaseti of Long Lake. mmra Miller of Chicago, undt ber father Mr. Frses, Or., visited bore Saturday and Mrc. Ca"r and Mlr. Miller olWaaconda wveMrs b Ôf'onbdainees Monday. Carl Brickson bas a fine apeimon of an ongle whvblch an clnt noar Waueandal. Thoodore Docker ofiEHydo Park Mmnt sumdy bers.'I SJamme . Shemaun"at a trip ta Trevor oq u iups Saturitay. A early noir chainlese Cresont bicycle for sale ebeap ut E. B. obecnusn's. I es.os.Shrmen HhgIey,*ad UMcCal .kud vivesattendeti tii he8rlnorsbanquet la WtukegaFridskeveug. Mrli. andi M.. Oea. Thompean and non tjbaaUs.movell loto ber hoino reeently vaoi" by M. Manou. Dr. Çram tspeut Snay iri Chicago. Wr a a.liC. irbompaon of Fort Mill veri caltea bers MoUadda D. D?. Clevoand of! llanesille Nef t this lot 90CxUti nigC. L*tadlng orn of CItars.,O OId M Florda ose nid sce:,155wd saei 6u o wr M tr imbade s, rNov. Uaow.'n Party. à& Haelboen P*rty ylt begiron by Mau 11a11, uaey eoau, oct. 11. Admitmàon 26 smnte, leladlag 'barfeet sapper, Attendifyouwvata goodtlne The mmàoahof ti he Congrogatlonni cch r"d frits of liraEma is"' art tenderet! ber a farswell réception at the churci pastontlent, Thursday eveuing. Ai sujayet a tory plesaent ovening nit e fin. supper. lir. Harveybanmourad ta Wauteegau vhoce mie viiimain. Il bot buse wftbber tiagbter -lu point ofaw aertainodpapuletlad- p"apiilulC t thée cties aof the Orient b eiug estimoted. andi practfrally un- kanyn. Wttb 2.000000 tubibtanta Il- onolamtroabl la larger thon tlity atnte lu the union. Bly thé coulsus of 10 It outetameasittwenty-six sates. Chicago now exceetis lu population the combitied eites of Nortb Dakcota, Solh IDakota, Wyoimlng, ýcvide, Uiotgno, Idehba, Uta0h and the terri. torles of Arizona and Nowv Mexico. Tire corponiteé limIta of iclienito caver 190 square miles. The arcu cf the ilotes aud terrItories mentioned la nosrlî'1,0000» square mlles, aibout IL- 000 tiaus larter titan tbat of the City. ChicagoAslatrytng minI to get an adéquate charter: It vouiti seeni Iut tbs la hlg emugb to have cit, nd lte peopleofa lte tate ahoniti al vois for ,th. pouding itonstttitonal omeuti- ment. ibis beng un net teçessry ta, enable tle igllatuce tb grant sncb a charter.__________ Wblle rlviiry batvoan Chicago undt PbIIadelpbOaon thte score Of paPule. tion eassi a nimber of yearà azo by the liiofe motropoils fotging far ibset, lte . tili eylSts a rlvefrY more favorable le lb. Quaker City. Tbila it nthe matter of Public improtemoents suit municipal candI- dions, lli tes.especta Chilcago IL;ta b. ahliifurlien ectlpetby Philadel- pile, for tute latter City f;le iauiitg Illu.- 0W50,00 f bouds, the proceeds ta ho cilfoi puilie beltterueuta. <'ýItcna b«s té.make'"a11 ber permanent- Im- ptov.mte-.sU for *-the lest haIt en«tury--ont aci lIhe urrent tax lery. adt bit accouaI. Iurgely for lte pour. eoïlttm tunaber streets asd déicent polclne. The City hapes. liovever, threagh tbe rolileoltlon oiflte pend. lMe costttiomial meututeot et the 14oventlr election, ta ho reltoveti from the prm nt congtitut inm 1retrlîctlons. anti tlerv'by ho tule to use ber cc-dit WuICIoursly t lluproviitg lier 0coticlfm. P'AUL MAC OtIPIN. Attira.y. S~T ItjTr'ta 1,,theircileurlt LlteCit . tc- tIint atTLitl Daele a Domintnnda: . . 'bw Ute o~iiI Me eby aMihi WCe, 0f the Amrst It4mo ibward. à Abottla o! ,de.syu vlSbe St malfut oter>' reator aiths 1 r h" lamuer ln lulbani l= ofIkIutdIsses, or suadous, any tm foraia! a, BiW or daf kBeodlug Pilai, Semonta> B, T~te, ~ bera Itcb, bucaru&, Balla, Blooti ]PDj. osu Forer Sons or z" olber Srai itseaor $rèons a a nain.amature. OW revtiir i ho polalfor omWea .,, .of EtatlutIla Dutp pianapl>entait W4 iFa e-tune Eo-miae Ul luse ay mots umor cure . otdI ct aA hi .Ilaa BPW§eie diacovrmti Mawoq-yacht ors »UffJ l Mesmoanti kîntirsi ed sesuntillRo W» wusa sdisovereia1ùd no* lianualuts ïï ~am e ntdally. lisogi w"n%,bat ypïa Shav* tilemi; forgel thebouimode by ollair remedie mdual ou tfor FIE $ntesi AMPLE of-esdue, *wJa lre" ysgives iMsellefa apern»msea1eer Intuyt cune 8kim SoapI thebouat eeplo ao J mstp matis. It Win chopayilthIs- vIU detroy mmio û(iuas f sdrcfk falg hait, son bosi, heait.andi W%1, ppl -Ad btakhedu-*fohm and moko- 1*4 *Iitaaoth. -T&n1verU.uPtic bt *a Wuww..o u tailt! UitofbeWttatew 017. r arlb ......... Gnb"nuv eire or detlmeesof Nev Mat'yUsMai, par lb........... RicardW. Ibb ali Ebard.glhho SilIpèeufat aop, pet Ilb...... deeeased" lire. LouIs.Fox, *"Untuva(ae ea, n I> ... * bleoaiavss.-eUlao-t. Jo romui péonai,-prlb .......... ul.Mresit""lauvaaurso-b- apî ........ .. notas deseo la a Trut-Doit poordei Levi' Ly, per eau. . ln Bock 18o 57'" Golit Dost, large pkg. .......... "lYnînu bl, r1e0 ilBara Lonox Soap........... e*Unknown belrs on- derlss a Lin.l10 0. . Mlle ait sermon l'rsnch, iteoasei," "Uniuôn ooers 10 " malt Wool Soep,....... a! or pacsons lutersutInlithlb RIald 5 « large lrory Soap .. Eslatedewe nlb the b.BiUlof CompWalt" 10 ]1h.1LAuudry $tarch....... anti Atiion il.Patritige sauo tnaIfut GrandiPas Wonder Tir Mpr li so tbat procescoimot ho serret upou MonarcU faktng puwdr, pentr.,. Iheinion eltbtofa!thom, &antta b.D.-r'wn" ~ " iedanàta PnnnkSlslnsdanlralliraYuk CocaUcoooti 4apa , Par 1hZ Stoldonfetr, WOliam B. ýD. Gray allis W: Poney Oalonig T.,p b ...... 0. D. Gray, Ionisa H. Fox i ellslita.e s aba ofe a b Lanlas Fox, Bonae eB. Partriige aniMl., nJva Cola, par RIb.. Mttle R. Partrd4go. bIs vile, andidMart4a Boston lcaat aaCds ii Partrlige areDual reidont. i lb.9 tah e & Arm & Ranmer BrautiSodas, perb. o! ltinlaa 1 Llbo4Idoeines santisioalg MunSt. oihanp . thollI of lte Clrk 0o! miaiCurt.. Caton, patbott...- .......... * otic lantbsMfn hreby given ta t4 Ivot ixit Piles, per battis .. t id W. B. D. Grayf "UuniOwu bore Or Cbow Çhov Picles. pr bottls..-, d"Ies.orfRichaerd W. (libb lia uns maI berlas. pe httU,........ Richard Gut>bpdeceami," M.. boule 1-lb con Tait Salmon . ... .... Fox "Unitilvu bWmOr. tidevIse..o!fMatadfrd qtle, i ..g..cous. elle a O.Jahnson, deoenei " Unknovu Dôrestie SardUinl 011.........- avuora of the notes dsacriP Inlua Trust Clfrt i. u g Doeeti nordedIn lit éait 38 of Mortggp , nheu e ephusPeaU... '...... Po 57," '"Unknown boire or aleviteos 2-lb mou ilwst Cois............... Ora.If. Tcuoesdeil, deceaust," "Iuniovu 2ib eau tltrlngBeana.........» .. hin or doulasses ai Daniel R. Schnck, 2.ib eau iÀmMan ..ue ........ d@eeaust," "Unkuovu boire or devisses cmo White Wax Beens........ eImmuel Frnchb.,mee," «'Uninovu 2-lb enIlLed Kidnsy Bousi...... . ovuera af onranns=' . sei u b.8-lb mc o aatoe.. . balEsétoeac inue t he Bill oi a3-lb eau Rbot!à :*B............... (iooeplalu," Adidison B. Patri1g, ilk -lbcmusSlrre Sor te ...... slelionfer, oliée Frank 9titelder, 3-lb eau Ballet! Cocnu.... ............ William B. B. Gray alls W. B. D. Oray, 3-lb coin W, Il. Pngapkin ........ Louica H. Fox *Hisé es. lr Lulase FaŽ -lb eau ludepesdtiee F Plume ..... Iloreco E. Partrlige ondi Nstle j 2-lb cou SlcetiPinippies ........ Pertritige, lis vile, anti Maia Part- 2-lb cai 1d ÇVel................ itigo, toeudanta an uioramûdti ltIthe 2-lb cmati berrlsa........... "hove nanuei compant 1usd i e Bill 2-lb c eaula Rasphecries.:::***»** a! Vomptainut in nuid Court on the 24tnb uEarl.r Joue Peau.....**...e Cbancory ide thr»Of, anit thal a 2-lb cneniuccat............. gamions thenpon I.ed nti ocf cMli1-lb eaué Aisotati Soupe ........ Court egaluat lhe ubor, mometide.-____ duTem f heCicutCouta 6 K E.E. El- Lsw oR Oouuly t o e edut 1h. Court bouse ta > LibMt*vIW., bIhiols Wukegeâ n" .11Lakeb tro nlya l._______________ 11.1t lioadayof iecemuber, A. D. 115M4,8an it by lav retîiind ut hieb cuit le oalî iA0UU~.£1.5. pouding. Der tom lwia 0. BIe.wAt Clr.e vo of MÂmOmsuîy Coînialnnt~ latpter of te totatesfPop _____________________ " Amtli rat.4sait slsie a sNdeomasl t ~- qe - parNoëFe Ce fer.a Isls iiaoia hlia yiS r PX ORi lENT -M lines ix SII ~ ~ '~ ~ ennilisTneib-1 EB J lIIa nd Teplem raile t = F08 ~T-U ar. era eesPrariecesse conitIn.Ad-rns lra rh B>£nuer.1 N.w Keiie vo.<> "va»-P . Cn NAet IILU ttts FO11R aTla tca.iaiahanse. 7.P Oruo z. obrt_ ILLJANEDoil erM- L bomrtl. q%-- U.-#-0n.. 00stus IO -eta tîtn.9 Acitalm lsitIn -». ec e o Fo~MfZîi~nils bave..I ne O'd e fseW,É r 1fit e* e '>. ýa FO Bc E T-ÀIfltwai: halia i il. adplae rm Iiusa ire ;' .UbBttiüle.Ro u1"faws.e4a1P i VJÂMF.hi~#îlj~,~nemtrludwck c assit.MFI The building eason la here, antd ve are prepared *4 Lnrnioeh yin.with everythi'ng nueceuary lu thialin, Le nfigure '*fth you If you are going to build. It wlliceW.1ny (pay you to do mo;- Feed >DepartmýLet Our Feed Department le complete ln every detuil, and your luspection of ouri linesla dired.- Our new Feed Mil l le mning every day,and - iillud auy an& al hidE of feéd LUM&ER Co 'z .1 & i.ý .1