Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 28 Oct 1904, p. 5

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adora. 4~" ât it éontaita 16 onUDilS,l antion to what v. mnolli à n what you bay. W. sunit un about nusato. yon-the w àlght'. TOU a Pound of à ail godd. OUÏ' aliuaction. foil like to hrve you J.ejlTIG ,Jewelry, Watches, .clocks, SiIverware, Stationery Wateh Repairlng nîy opeciaity.1 and have had a +4ei'expevience with Ieading city firms as î ratlcai Watclnaker. ANDREW HUSS Libertyvïlle - - Illinois T funs o.wiheevhn Ta Fo end o n wte ethnr 4 calfs for in ang fine,. _H«avyCov*rt CorduroytUn.d Coats Fleece Lined Duck Coats 4 Ail WooI Cardigan Jackets4 Wool ierwy Coats AFull Lin. of Sweaters We are sellin a good S$1.00 Sweater 4 as long asthy Iast ........ ...... 75C 4 Duck Coate from $1Mooup.4 Union Overals fron, 600 up.4 -Men 0 (iloven and MittIs from 25e up. 4 Gentleman's Fine Gloves In kids, lined 4 and tinlled, reindeer anp buckekin. -Meule flemele ud Uderwear 8 bits up. 4 Mens. wool Underwsar front $1.0 and up. 4 Cali and see us-we can save 4 you mo;ney. TO Omtl^où. *1A0 D.surm Pion e iw 0.0ot L *mNew Depos., Lesu14lhgyst~ A hlS llo. LaeCh, MlteLbrtvIs 7;0. &C.LS. ......... ..........II ~.... :sej.m. lii>. lu . 10S. . ..... 9:a.m. - 13 . I~ . .........:..... 3 "20.i1...........8.. I? "> l4 . ...........tsa> m IM0.... 1'p. m13u.. &le. mi,............ " tp. aM. WBAL 33.S'*hn........... t:0 > .a. .u....OW1 IBL.......... .n ~~AB V4. U 1 m......... 8:9le.U1M: o.1p.....S 143.I............., ............ 2 P8. M. .7040 p. an 1 13. m *tm......,&7&.an D.pawt P*om Oid Depot. ArnlY M Oid Depot. L"',. Ubot#VgoJ Arrve Chkmag. Leave riv Ibrtvll N5n.. *.i!18&ma.............. 1:30 1 . la ..... #e4*- ..........oau le lu . ,Ml .........$:sa L Us ...... 4iWba.U..........- 40P.u lu ..... am P, D4 ..........1,40 p ....1. U . .......... 7m p. M. Nio. lu ....tu ILm . .......... rIL ci. No. 133.ý..-Vm ma. ..... a:46 a. tm Sstirdsyongly. LIaveChcago et 1 38e. M. Arrive UbOriVll 2~ . ni M W. E. Davis .rîeteto ts,61PY Mlslew l'hotopie u4ttue pr.elbtpnu,. ome on Lake street nîtut woeek. on Sanda>' ugbt will b, l the. Bible .lay Morse movet! into hi1 tîtw lioume'trait?" )01 arc e lSmn. itaoloSL)ilsîastrektiiswooe. Have yoû asonret yoiir tititet for the.- Frank Locke le erectlrg a saeea roomn Libartyvilla Lecture Couirsel. Taey are oume onhlis pr<îerty on Stewart ove- oIn 0salitbal tores. Il not, do it now 1 ue. .Acme ilmp Forester Teimin to gîve TIti' Woodmn aTn e t havi. nmoq~i~-titi' Irtof a senlu oif ixt.trdparties, on lent for NoveMber, raking foulr riant _Wedneeday nlght, Nov. 2. Prises will lave been akipj:ed this year. bc awart!oî at emeN eveCit witha a grand Mise At!tle Miller, it lm sait!, coattem- rzathesdote latepi.diseontinuing ber ste.nograpbar's Sermion subjets at te Sethoillmt hiee eliat Mlle naY tata- np tt e tnds of chnrchSuuday wllll, 1-"Salvatu ausie. Tbrougit Sufferiaag"l lntiti morning ant! in the evenlaag "What je lour Lueé.' B. Il. Mller, wifa. ant ibly, accu-Vlios r odllywilimeB I panlet by Mitas Niable. Clles, lat Wdns. Vsrvir@ares. dal weie i lay fora two weelCs ruasit with relativui .era±-fn peunsfo m.~çal i low andSouti ll~ota.four different postitîs ait ll-wiî-k's Frilay evonieag (t4ia-iglit) at tlaeTown Studtio fan 10 day. ourily until> Nov. il, !alocus îe eoaItmuc ndr u-onily. 4-1-d!. aies o uthbcWitý .4 titlaletie Associa. <Onte eeigfNvmte> ettn ion. AUl iîavlttimi. lMusie hy lirtelta nigiat> returus wlll W Nir,,ivpd at the. rulastra.Town Hall orer a wire lu b- umn front Ktepàii iuindt tînt qîtitinoent at thme the. depo)t spe<ially for thnt etrix'mot. Aim Iembyt&rian chaîna-l Nov. I3,liîy bLase tlaey are reeeivet! thent turne wîll le loiet! girls broaagat lîy nlmionaniee potatet! on a largo bliitIt.liund. The tain Africa. Aamiffit.ti aio 2e ~enta. p ulîli- ielivilt! tandt! tI.nt' ill l- no Charge. Tihe repaihitanrally iut Long (moi-e Tuetiila.y niglit insau! idtlhav-eliteen ctint tof tite atainded andt! iît enthus. imtic b'elt! in the eunty during tht. pres- senip caînpaign. Attîonni'vMiller lilie- i n g c n a t a t t Ou n a i l s id e n f o r i i l titos from sunrusading townta turnet! out in large numberit, packîng tînt hall. A photographer seat out by te elecý trie road compsay to bake views o!frei. denmept.and! buinelS.boumaes lu Liberty- ville, whieh are tobe areproducet! la an "lborate collection of views tand descrip- tive matter, iii sellng lte>aimoït every honebolder wbere ho took vjews, pic- turettof their nommes, and! bisirntleq of a vary bigh la9§aii Mînday uigitt next in Hallowe'en. taok ont for the, boy. hy à lb nobbing isnbit about whlch they mam get awuy wlba. ILet the boys lok out too, tiat tbey do utît carry their qlx)rtt b mnelau anexteut tey willXet lu tniluble. IVa"n n desruction of poperfyin lea long way froua 'limai' and " elîl flot it toleratel. Bpswiek's studio wilf make penny. pie- burt-t. froua noir untifl:Nv. 6, oulY. 4.1-t!. .Thé anitai piartitIipntPl «luby pupils of Mas. C. N. Duran t thbie Union eclînii Fnit!ay nigbt wes namontat excellent enter- talament and titeru le auglat but te higliest praise for tuep pupals anti lire. Durant!. There wvas nîtt as large an ant- tendiane. as bhe voe ietamment0 nacitt buta more appretiative sud thorumglly satimâet audience eeldotn galbions in Lib- ertyrie. Every nîîrritour mas maIl ran- deret! and be4rtily e rtoret!. Reports trou te iiaslpesâ mnsawli bave on "alant the varions stores tick- etis for tint lecture coumse Indlcate Ota enci of thea four entertaiumentg miii bu preseabeil toe anîwtlt-i ltae. Besson tickets are selling rnlîidly. Tuenday, Nov. 1 at 9> 'clii wili be placet! on vicir the plat o!fte auditorium, at Luelsdrug store tant!ail willitbe alfondet! au oppontuflity te> reServe thein seat. for tint course ut an addltloua coni of but 25 aetut. Youcansaie your seat reservet! any ime alter TtmodijW-sd te earller you attend, bu it tse btter choie you for titis exceiut seres of euertanant-the Lest evor appearlng la Libentyvllo. Dont minste trot neu, Wednestay eing. Nov. 9, Dr. Chasse in bis debervedlY fanitons leture "Trilles, or StrawasPicked utby the W&y'uido" iNaît quudi'.Oct. 30, "Dora Thorna" will bha ena at tht. Scwart Taeatre. Waukegan. The play of "Dora Thorne- irbicla bas boan attrting consideralile attenili an accouait mf the, popuiariby of te novel. "Dlora Tlaoruo'tm atsory lm too wmou tuomu for commliet, but lb mutt be admitteil that the playright lues improvet! upon te plot ta sucb an ex- tant that the play ls far more Internait- Ing than tint book. .)lr4matie.liee pis môntemiat telasti' u tinas. tau"y tae faut, aut! lu the, play bhe mnt dramablu, sud axctiag pointe oetbthe boot are itroughb out ibudeuclelve Action and powerful clearnnes; non la the comet!> louat! usanting, aiuchia umor f. inter- minghaît witb the altisodes o! the drama. A, conapauy o! players maiel sulWtet t theîr respective noIes bave been engaget! bo interpret the mail kuowu characters, tint! g) aetanjoyable eveing's enter talamout la proninmdt bail lovers of the 'goot! snt best inait arîemente. For ac. coammodtiou oi Llbertyville patro .a nu li OI 1 is ik ti Pn cil firi Cildren 15 ente.. Lynné C(olby mov,.d bliq oumeltoit amfets to Chcago bIis weekc. Be in en- gagad in the jeweléry trade ln a wlaols sale way,-having pureubase an estabi- lahot! basûwes. Mn. Colby boy* froyn tim manuifacturerm ansd seill to retallers. Chicago huspital lest week whe re îh. unf derwent an operation for tint remontai ofi an absem bas so far recoveret! as to be able tb ho removet tu, bar boume. Mer ne- covery in now ouly a aatter. of a sbort ime. H. Reet!, oi Washington, an employo lu the governmeut. printing pffice, wan in Libertyvilla this wffok visltiug hbis wavfe'w mother, Mas. William@. HP le back t te>lîlintîje to vote, ant! will rptura after imeeecîltoat. Mrs. Williamse aceom- panylag hlm. Comilying witla ft.e pebtion preanttot to blaeai the bighway comleioaers Wedneoay vaeated (>rulart! street be- tweeu Sistia and! Seva.tb str'ets. It i.# objeetortu werp pri'sent aud thea're"ead uit aeaon refuming thé paition. Perrcy Oaidlî'y iro for four yea.a@ cont!uctpd tint larg farmin nar Prairie Vlew ownet!by bita father is advertiming t eil sai hielieronal property t itubit' atîction. Thetearin ban beau rentet! to (*ooding Bros., wlao now livu on te oit! Gaunon farin fleur Rundout. The (Irit!- loy fara lme ti of the lageet lu tint eounty, ctabainiaag 427 aeres. Chtas. Woolrlulge, Snr., Itrouglit t the, Itnrttncvottite moule tinte minceaa potato vint' lm ving orn is top or that part wiib grtîws aboya te groubd a aumabun of saalI potatçoos growing as woult! large hernie. Tho wusal number of potatosai iri'taken froua the bill ttii. grevi lnand theaimail potatoee on the vine vine are rertaiuly a euuiotity. The vine wus given Mn. Woolntdge by George Traut, of fremnînt. and!minte froua bis field!. Twenty.flve Scnts gets 24jpittures, four Positions, at Ili.wi4'k?@ uottl Nov. 6, ouly. 4-1d. People who knowu littlea about a sub- ject somebimes explain lb more clearly than thosa mati know ail about lb. An oIt! salor lait!beard la n burcb ann- themn5 whicla greabîr pleaust! bina. Ha mas telllng a sbuîmate, wbo astet!, "I say, Jackt, mba' an anthena.?""«What," repliet! Jacit, "do you matn toasey you dontt tuair bat a banthela la?"- "Not me." "Weil, then, lilal yer. !f i1 vad ta May to yer, 'Ere, Bill, give me that audaipika,' that wouldu't be à -banthena. But mwas h toamy, BiII-BiIl-Bii giv-glv- giv-gly me, giva that Bill, gir me, .that; bant!, give me' that band, hauadeplkce, spllîe.plka-Bill.giv me tiat-that bant!- haaudeplie, baud spika-e;plke,,splke ah nmn; Bill. giv me btat handapike, ah mini' that would bu a banthena." Dsimo.crabic candidate 'for congres. James. Tuneeok snns bhave single! ont Dr. Taylor froua among the candi- dfates for counby offices an the republican ticket and! lu a speeçh at Higlandut Park uspsclally empliasize thein advisability o! electing tse democratie. nommnee for coroner ia bis plac, e. aausee Mn. Belloirs le froua Waukegan wieui Turnocit argues is "bte rapter, of mut teaths wbica re;îuire a coroners attention." Howaver titis le not bbc case. Lilwrty- ville is isu situabedt! iat ona tan reach ail parts of bte cony mucit butter tmon froua Waukegam. Violent or uunabural daitaoag bt ie 68ra in!Ilb towus ontalde o! Watikegana xceet! la natation by a great, matiython lun Waun%,à. 800h au agment lte Mni. tLime. Boye% Who uat4erweatl @ergwcl Rmablon Lt ber home ln *5 villap aa short tlu>u ainoe lR slowly s promses to bat greatly improvet! byth operatton wbhwas performed ib proinnt Jhicago surgeonl. J<,hn Waller, of Argyle. Wls., ani lienry EnIeon, of Rax-kfoad, Ill., boti former e mployeee of P. J, Boctkelman: and! well acqualintMi in Libertyville à dozen yeam'. ugo, were in towu th in weel .baking -baude scitia oIt!frienda und wondering st the wonde-rfal gro>vtl oinet' tilaeywerê bers. Elgia Botter Marnket. oIn te Elin Board of Trade Monilny hntttr watt quotet! at 21ep.r Ili., anut vufice (if W- over tîe iluotation of lut week. Tîtere wan 'no offi'rings on tis aurb. Tht' oubput for tîndtiet'tdur ilhe weê'k waw 4668 600 Iboi. EATON LAND SOLO, speculatlon I. Rife. RUMOItS AREB DENSE». TIlit&aw-ehk W. T. Eston, o! Cicagl Poit! to Mr. flluat!, Vira Presideit oc the C. M. & 8t. P. Railroat! companul Il(; acres of landl emut ol téeplpainoo river and betw,ain teailroad compauyý ant! electnlc rond comnpaay'e rlght.o ways. 1Mr. llylarad atates eauphatileI, that ho alone in interestet! in the des and! that the ct)mpany bittanuSc<innectlna withia t. He ae'aerts lac airnpfy boulai bhe land as an iavestnaent. lloweverià tomeafrom varions source that a great industry ls to bu locatet! W, t lie bîig proîtenty. Men in a position td. lititui, wiilý t thy will nitattllowi he us tif blair nattnes, infer bliat butitreds of thoiumande tif dollare are lu buolitent b t %vi II tot disclime te natutre of the , pruvement. Ut bha beau lintadt iat titi St. Plata will loc-att. lipe a car iîtoîts an, rt-pair workm, andt frita tother miout comape the. opinlion lb is to bu a larpý tifal tract. This latter theory is feaalbl more because a fine .tprlng le on the pr1o perty, but that it liaua iudustry of sonW kint! ie more generally bellered. Noir that tbe land! ls purchuset thewi tan.0noNslbe moivefor wltodu the tacts, if there le anybblng fis-tth speculatlon that le rnb, and! probs.bly a sbort tim.e wlll bu annouaet! mat whl te land S bo beu neet!for. COUNCIL PROC EEDINGS. Lan-itTyaviLtE, Oct. 12, 1904. Board met in regular adjouru.d . Mlon. Members prenent Boyes, Gjuduer, Grabbe, Kaiser and Skinner., On motion by Gardner and Boyena, Alderman Grabbe wutt aelet'd au temporary chsair. maatý Aloved by Skinner and Gardner th&t the village furnitah and lay 6 inch tifs on ewaW itede of Stewart Ave., nortb of the C. &.Ni. electrie road and 84 Inch tUe on Ramne -ieof Sait! Street sâb uof the C. &,W, eetrie rail roand, location to lie de. slgnated by the. etreet committep. Motion carniet. Mov Wt by Kaiser aind! Gardner that Mr. Shaw make a reccomndatlon to theè board, Saturday night Oct.,15i, V904. an to the seleition of a gasoline engins. Motion carried. On motion by Kaisertand! Boyeni meeting,',adjournet! to Stiturday niglit Oct. 1t. 1904. P. S. Ks, Clerk LiBarITVaî.a., , L,, Oct. 15, 1904 litard met in regular adjournet! ses- stin. No luoruni htein«. present it was ino<ved by <irabite and Kaiser to ad. jonan b Morida.yziight0et.17 1904 LABEarTVII -LE, OCt. 17, 1904. Board inet 'ia regular adjouruod se.- sjon Fulîl board passent exc«M Trlg.. On reccom mê4axjgn tivyMr. Shtaw trea miovet! by GJardnier aud Boys. that the Village arat the bld o! Cavanauga sand Darley Zollirnisb a Colunabla paolne enginet, provlded a satWaetory eoitraei ean ba entered labo. Ayem-4rabbe, Boyes, Giardlner and! Kaiser. Naye-. Skinner. Absent Tr4gga Motion car. ried. Moved by Glardner and! Boys. that meeting adjouru. Motion carrlsd. F.8. Kmnç, Clsrk. X Dealer inX Lumber of ail Kln& BWt Fade.of Coul, Dowe., Gran.Sus ewer hm. Drain Tub ALMHA PoV LANU D EIE. Um Dues eatom gwt-ý- Cota sud Cob or Musai' StLfertyvIio --Ilîlinois k#oYulg cs - r luiL - 1 1 Woari - i ! t' M lE VERY LATEST 'in Gents' Fumiîsh. ings. WC can SURt you in Price, Make, and Quai- OldStyleJ Ne hav" Juit purcbaue 25 Ladil. Mlem eJackesmrbich aa 11111. off i but which ame made of the oatu iad. wool goode and for actualwea nlwrt be as good as garmeiîte for whlcli you *MI five times our prie. Were lb ih le, f , - Rnaks. Theme Jackets would ssii from44 Sis.oo, but au we sidd befor,whlile tbe ow valus la there, the style ien et. W. bave divlded.these garmaente in lotsand vIll ssii them at $100$10!50, $200~ THE FA-i-l Libortyville - - MIIin That we have a complote.lin Stovges, Steet Rangese Cpt« noard and Soft Coal Me~ie Anything you want ln the' Stovelline Corne in It ove,.' ISC,.HýA illb IAnything' for I1 .- 1

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