j 4vEr325 emct- - 1-35 Roos-velt. 327,; Parler, 151. Titis fftala hi- sor th gr-ntett epuit- Ileau-an isîîlide lihi- hitor>'o e la uatltii. Ail h iluhitfîl l States evt-r>- eeet fh[ie. weut lApublie-aî. Ni-sw York and ianîhîia exIK4-tIUhIY are ever- wheiiiliigl>' ltîîulitiita.Ni-w York !)Y 185,01.Ind liana hl'îtrobliblly 1j10} Higgin, Itepîîiilttiî. fer tieertilr ot -NevwVîr. wis ttb>' 11M.419)ov-r AHer- r ick. latte Nationtal Aeîgr-as. ohAt toHoanad te Hi-mte uili has' Aucesed tfl inhUhAcuîajoltieil. At a lote heur 1 Tilst1t>iigit the nlt-I tile bs vtit 11 it- Leer lionne a-Il stad: tpillt =Ii 5;: IeMecratu, Prentdu-ut RoteeltI bas won the Ummt rmuiraiep eliAial victor>' et Urgetaeatietî. lie bas eirrîed ever>' Otate lu h North. [te bits iamil Mairyel. i. lîlcb iat! lhei îah but cuit- _ta LWParker. He basnt-irried 'New X lrk. b>' au,,nImArp-tedly. i1 rge. pîpra lA7, mnnlilg 'a-ehitouard 2L"),000 anti bas svept-liilzgiwIîs irte Atogui-ernr- elp eiong itl bl. Ceîtuotii'itt XNcw vJersey. ls.l:îa-are. Wet vlrgiîa-i ,a. Indiana. Vllraîde. Ni-idMou- lina-th iti- tt-atRiu"A tienttel HAte- john the asaiîina.l-lt, tot fhi-m îalîe la lrgu'r pluralities thalî anyoue. es-on he iteoaîlblit,îuu nulîlagers, bail looked ftir. Other State i-t vîe asteuîid- Iggngte4bllcat ai tjerîties. The aet lioiue oft Ie[reei-ittiea wlli LielA-- publcîun b>' a itrger injrtY tlîzîî titA îarty baitnhe- lr-ci-ItA ltonne. ilhIîuelI4 la for Rooevelt't- t>h.lin- preedetetl plurait>' et 210.09t)0.lu- 4Ml lm ov eer.5,li(j jiiifor IRoose-velt, it te iti-puhlii-ns hlîtyt-aclarge inaouit>' ia the legislitutrè tus secnnlng ta-c Ltjlë$ae Senatora. Ocie bom gîven tb brgest plurtilit>' iu ls buter>'. IÀ VoIoette mina liis sensctienal hattle tuik'iaeoiîtiiilt. au heik- epnlcans ei t*1èfrGoveriiorainluMichigiatand qarites ts.i-rtiting bitture it. Pl*tutllY1 olin Coln alord1.I dult.but probithi> iletnittt. I-' ioik. tiei-l>îeiratie' ru- fornier. tlii-îelti lit Mtissouîri. Penn- cylvifia hbitsi-et îa li-w- îgî-iater rblatk -Aith nioetan 300,01> for lu Ni-w York it>', wlter- Ah.Dent- ocAmte it- nure of 125-.155> te 140,(K»O. hby ave about e41000. C'hicago l' probabi>' th banuler teosci-elA i-lt>'of t.e country', wlAh =11000 W'îîrilt>-. Th 'iereturns Ilitet Aat IRoosevelt ,willlý bave a greater miajority ofethe .popular vote thon hMeKtnleV bi lit - .tAbor18>1or 90. iii majorlt>'over Parler will pi-obaubi>' inn ver a nil- )ion,. White Mt'Kiley crrici2M etat it ryati's 22 ln 189, ami 28 la ~ Br>'tns 17 Ilii l»0, lRoosevelt Hfeu 'Chai %,z tate# te Pcrkc'a 3 joilge Aarker la verse beaten han n y il s by McKinleey ln 1900-be %wors* beaten titnan ln> candidate r h pirelient'>'bits beexi since h. et fGrefcie>' b>'General GriIQA lu 2. teesevelt apparenti>' bas 325 rai votes ta Prler's 151, gilng vet 115.27per icet cf h. lec- epiege. agalinat MKnley's 05.32 rtet in 190. bis (0.82 par cet lu R»AClevelnd% 6 2.31) pe, cent lt .OuI>'Graîtt'îpereentage Aln 1872 s14-hbeutsth.ARosevelt figure. Choii Densorats have probahly elect- - 4Goùvarur nei West Vîrginis, Ne- ýt*Baand i iontait, Atigh h. vote -elos-in al Abic*e States. One et sunrprising tentureis oeth. newusla *»,ffrtedu election et a Denotiel *ecri IMssachustetts. 4nottMr of h. aurpiiea eft h. day _ï%çtreumenious pinralit>' fer RBees- ,ýjl-j4 New York tate. lA amaies --Ssee t ocf Abs 11.W lCu. aiU mAais.ta. hl i tltàW ltlt STATES VOTED. FOR RAOSEVELT. ('tlîrt............. .......... 10 lîiie........................... Ittîa ,a... .. ... .. .. .. .. ..... .1 Kunsas.....................1 .a.t........ .................il3 îhttryai i...... ................ 1 Masuîthtieti......... ......... 16 3t-îni...... ................ 14 Minnesota ....... ..............i Monîitana------------------------.. Np-Aias......... ............ Nevada------------------------.. Ni-w- lumîtchire--------------------4 Ne-w Jersi'> ....................-- Ne-w York .....................- 3 Northt Dakota .........--....------4 OtIe......................2 Oregoni.... ..................4 peulnsylî-auia ......... .......... 34 l(leii-Isttl-------------------...4 tAlili.............................. Wasinîgton ....... ..............5 «eu'ft Vinglîia-------------------t W'lct-tnsin .......-........------13 Wyeling-----------------------.. 3 Totl ......--............-... FOR PARKER. Alabama----------------------....i North ('arelina-----------------..12 Arnns ........-.............---9 Soutb Careina------------------.A0 Floriuia------------------------.. 5Tenussée ..-----------------. -- 1 Geergia-----------------------....13 Tixtîs-------------------------.. 18 Kentuck,y ....... --------13 Vrgîtîla-----------------------..12 Loulitîni---------- -) Iibaslgnl---------------------....10 'rTtal---------------------..11 lMissouri-----------------------..18 Ne Alw ork.- - MiLJ < presient lAoftlei, bus raii-ld New ____ Yi'i-k hy a purality of l)i'2.This iri-entdu t lide lots r-iri-dil ig- tpi-a' gl. t-at, AI epuhitan -noiui-t' tfor GOi-- iia Ttal lAip. Dem floep Dvi i t-itr, hle oBue b>' 78,703 itiit3' I-Aîîa na .. .. -9 S tutgh le nait fîr hlrtîc he ,i- 1t nt i ni Aa A itses....... ikeit. Ev-n entluit i t tlii l )li cbu-ns alf.tréla . tg 2 ui' suipriseill iytiiheumanit udiîl-et ithir 3itr tii 2 1 vitoi-y. A5zeieint ltoac'si-iA crrred ev- tît-î,îâ-- . i. r,- i-eunty Antiti-Stte tut Nia- York, Flot-tua-------.. Que'ents nit Richmndtî.capturing even (eIi-t'-tt. At...Il - Ktitgs ([rokhs'ui by ciot1.12). al1 liniits. .. ,..r tlhîugiî the Aît'ni-iat» exliert-.it carry Iiiidlaiti. -.i.I.... Niuggahy a .iitîlity cf 251>7 X)ta 30000. .....---------tilI iititteret-urs traonu Gicaler Ni-a-Ki-ului..- Il.. i- Yuk tlîa-ilîîtParler bac oi>'44.60 .olîa(M.. i;îiraity in thCity i-t>. uhue te tepulili- Mliii.-----------.-4 4 2 cita camue down tat hi-e onaith :U.J4) ar;tat - l4 2 Y", et, w 'toit-I Ohio. Ohio bas broken htr record. Ilaseul on i-uni>'retiti-osthe-StteAobas giveît 20,- 000 plui-aity t to, osvet. TIt i tghesA itreriona Repuhîicun itniurlit>' wi-as137.- (S0 luIii 119on as saJï vote-. uhile tat et Tuesdcy awus na Ici-ote-. gre'ithy exceeduig 1,0.00. (.LanA 3c Ath. M' pubienpluralit>' titr-Gov. lterriî'k ot 113.00M. Ate second it-lu-ct in te bistîr- efth Sste. wal-aIcon catal vteAi inuuh em ithAlan a milljin. The lartest p]uratly Ohio ever cav-e auj P1r-siibnt wacc(4k),030, for McKAnIey four years cge. IlhinoIe. Titicdore.Roocev-lt lisua rnilite Itate f Illinois b>' an esinutetl Plural- lA>' of 235.000. lin re-i'veth 110000 n Cou oInA>' ad I123000 lu h. State. McKileys plurait>' n I11) waas94,924. Charles 8. Deneen la electeil gevernor b>' a pluralît> f 225(.000Hle i-no a lit- Ae hehîntu Rooseveit An h. ciA>' sud luit about even Ia the teate. Yates' plural- il>' in 1900) a-ca 61=13. Tue entire Re- publlicn StAte ticki-t l pi-ted. but b>- auîchier fSgures hanhefo fr Piesident andu (overner. Indiens. Incomplet r-Ahi-na fion a repreenuta- ine nunîber cf coutea in Indianashilow Alit Proaldent Reosevelt bas carrictu the1 tate b>' apitiralît>' lu ext-raiof Abt re-1 cutivotub>' Premideut MctKinley' An 1900. The figures nia>' go te (10.000. McKin- ley' pluralit>' in 1900 vas ,4. Milchigan. Rtoosevet bas breoken ail reoc i-tsl Micitigatu antu viii bave a puralit>'ofet 143,000, ahile Aat et Warnor, Aepubl-1 cau, for Govemnor, a-lu h. 48,000. At least eeven ent oet Aelve Congrsnen aili becAepublican. _____ Use cf Votiiig Machines.' ýin other Sates, but luni-i-y fi-a, andI nt in all toe distts. h voting me- chane vas usedi. Tin A a cttmparative- 1>' monet tepartuine. andI i stîi n ilAsex- perimeutai stages, aith oplinAon ns tu ls foaulilitA>'divituetu lu sene eiection tuistricts a Aousantu or atoe notes vere eoat. lu others onl>' a hundreu. AOne district lu Ni-vYork CiA>' yield da seli->' ballot, nuad vas nuan- iions ,for Roosevelt. BuInt ieSt the[ liyillelin ore haut $S0Ote de- ilire.tAbs icunentar>' pimeof cfhebofrac- tla"% j".0 ilbe diluAit hesqutartema !e'k w o*City' d tbmthr usa~~>l,<-"tek, - - xtiisalitt.ppl - Miontauna-t Nebtraska-....f Ni- rla .....E Nea- York - i North ('aruliîa ..10 NotAh D«uttýii... 2 I)hti. .... ...... 21 om-igttn ......2 i*i-iîîia 1.l- d ... -. :., Soutth Ccro0 . 7- Siothb 1ktata.... Texac. . . 'ic-tuottîl - vAIgiia ý. lit.. 4 wuasiicgta .... h Wemi-t Virgicha - Wyoming. Totala .... Majenty ... Iowa. White theIi AitepuliianState central colnnittee rlîinx Iowi Aaa b>' enh' i,00 pluralît>' fur LteveltIt hi-early returnu itîdicti-il limA at'ho s'euId Dot bave hi-s ttan 150,000i(. TAhe- euh-e Republean HAte ticket iii ýtt'kI 'ib>' phutialities.t-at us-lu tull but lutth' laliwtatihi-ad of the ticket. Titi ovarwlielming Republicaît piuraitles bn-ah ail previeuts recoruls tn lewa. Wlsotiln. Wisconsin gir-s ARoosevet îîpa-rd of 70000 pluralit>'. The enrh>' retuimnsaIao Intuiate Aat La Follette a-lucrry titi Sate b>' 20,00n. 'ontpleie retAns fron hirA>' eut of tue seventy-oeceenties, h. returna lu part estintati-tu give La Follette p3tralitie% of 17,676 andI Peck plurnlitiea of 9.950. '& Over i4,OOOOOO Ballota. Over 14000,000. ballots tr-rt-at fer présid-utitlanitetiis. As tii.stnmp speaker usouid su>' in mierringta tethe pepular vote for Preaili-ut siee ItCîo. "Hge boa- ae grea!" The vte litas h-eu a Yen r Vote. is.......................04.789,Tt leu......................... 5,10i 1872 .... ................ . .43T.211 Imso----------------------.. 9.1,44 18" ....................... 0 ,c, sTa7 ........rn COST OF TUE ELECTION. T-enty-ive Million Dolars itiimie*d a. tbe LeitiateEx penses. Aj eirefui euItiie e tof -î'o tfliold- lit nt lîctA 2' ,aOO si ient t,> ite Suite.,,andtîlielilit i-e, t.îWntiip5 e ii toouloii i'giinalt-î o.se..This ,li,î.n,, i-td'e l its for election- verink or hy iy of -tihe i- îiitiî'îîi parties, Ne'w York ,'aiied lolntA1-l,-t .NiO.tfO. >laoiIîiîî.expendeil 'itor ssoo.o0. i!liîîîis ia cult h i.(AJ.1411iatti. goetA tuais nt raia long lu rtîuuiiîg upnthe- lit oi forty Ovre States te r.'îii thei-$'"5410.- lm.4. îlark. Iun adilit ion Ati tistoeStates pay te i-ost tf tfii' uteelingsofet iiilemibeiirs et Ahe- îirlidiititiaI l ectoi)iiii-oii'le9" Itou hi-y a.ather :Iltie fl..Ste îaîition he ieeiiîîilMiittîaiy otJanuary f)llua-ing te rrusideiitiali i-iotiat. Thei'lieil gev- trultai't pay* the mileagei 'aindîleuues and i-r dii oîî the mi.,iootgeof tif eb elt-,.tîral Sltleg- to o arry h. vote te thl, i-i-tiiiiit of the Unitedl States sen- att' nA Withiutttoii Tihe- apptintinlt fme*.euger is mucb Miltes.i-ti. A inîviesai pleasant trntethe etIi-1itte of te aovrnmeîtt. andloi eu piiy for :1 ice tecsk. espeelali>' tiithe ain ftUsMine.- or Oregon or California. NO TH-IRO TERM. Pi-eaideut Romert S ayalac Wii Net .- Aoet'intheir NoQïàl iloi-. Prtesidet ttioî i w-tInt cgaiîî be a ctîndidnte.ie iaitiiimeed titis detilîute- ly Tiîesday ight iifti-i iie knew tlae iee- lit- ofthi-e tlltry liaitl everwlielîiiiy electet ihlamt e lliglt-esAoffice witblu tîteir gft. Exprî-iiig Iimtelf ns deepily sensible ofthtii- hotir dionc hn, lie die- ated te Sertri-tiiry Loebhetti follown ig statene'nt: 1 aum deily per..tiio f tIte-honoi-dttue aie laithAlAiairbia ' u tljuinm ciai icg tht-i -cltii -i ýat t baive'dtote atl lihavei-edi 0te . 1cai iltoto the fuil tht- soteîîiti r.îîcliiyti. oiil- drueiti liaos upori and t Alîl lait do titi titt Il I - >'li !t1- 1 ýtato if-fitAiIl. tin hi- fouii rib ol iuýt 1Ihllthave -se-id Arie aitl ai ýlf y -1irs d idlts tht-ie juindla half vr-i , 0i»tilt-t's Y iuCst Tht- wlae-tcoit l Ihlimitsta hePi-t-i dent i, la-o lt-roi-ii atshe atlstiîîace and nfot the ti-i. titI tîtîoî e tirr-ui- eluat-es alui li o a amtdaate for or a-ci-pt aiother niontiltit, Big Reiiutratieit. The total ofittauiii e renAi-r New Yoi-k ias (M,8849 vote-. lit 19010 il w-as M(;441-A: n 1>1.031.1 74. TIt,- i-trvit. oi tietifrottîlui.e ik thti ie l.rîttglio tf thlii-cty o e N i-w rk iuvolvtAii -ar te expei-ure ' f $St.l1for the t-ig- boaird et elietici- -a---atlii yiir $579.- 210, inltlu i a lair i-so f tnuîiitit-,tiers. clerks. etc. In Chiicgoteituio regirittlon renadi- pi-i 407501, agaiti-t 40...077 lho lA(k) anîd 3W,.245 in ISAI. 'Tho -ost te hi- Ot>' tf Chicago fer recit-l.'ing sattipollini- h. -ote a-as îîearly lIai saine ns lit New- York City. St. Louis sbovol a foifing off 1le Ah. r-gigtration of vtitý.'r-i. OuI> 112Ti7are en the liât fer 11 & le compari- il wtl 1:1,02 for 190)0. Noes.et Carrent Evauts. Alexander ICi-i.. a tiie-arrnad, one-ieg- gi-ilanud one-eyi-d Aiiiîganu.as liangi-i ai Newton, N. J.. loi- tieit uni-r of bis w-ife. Charles V,('tlietr. agi-tu30, toi-imir- 1>' an attorney ofii Washiîngton, 1D. C., nmade a-bat wili iîrobtitily prove a site- eesful atteînpt iii contmit suicide n Pittaburg, Pa. An eoitcrie er t'ai F l Paso. Texas, juitpetuftle itii-k witli tVOtyQ-e les. at-grs sud rail ilo t',el. Rio (lidiie river. Severai Iltai-lliri more inju-etu, but ne oue wat< killi-t. The Supreut- t'tii ofi theKoiglitts and Ladies oetLoiiîlii. At Seuth Deiln, Ind., l-cteil OrmotîtuKennedy oet Aat mity eounseler anuduJ.. I.(4uo6ll, Jr., ut Chicago "oituatrd. The nilitia a-as witioliawn front tii-I hi-y. ia euhurh et Norfolk, Vsu, uhere tue>' wore sent lin aiceitit tif tîte aasoitation of te Alnetgro pOitielauitMoiunt., Tih. leader.ofthi- modrcie party antI Aho Havailîtini-w aitahtiritbave reîtiwetl Ahi- pi-asure upon 'rt'sident Palme te in- dit-te to ehil party lie belonigs. Thte ar A>oPtrtltleflt I$$ erdereil a meiulal hord te examne Captain (;*orge .W. Kirkmait. 'i wonty-ltith lutantry, vth j yie te daeinfillg bis sünob>'. Comnpany'. wblcb plans a AuI lue.frein Cideago t. lAew Xorlmbas arraitgd . h evsepl *Mulla tg the ii.Pil~ BIB cii pose: :sî:us ssnîs:î: îî: s is S i i I ............... !U8 PrOWala or VISION. MWfier. iMarcsa. mg Whare Aber. la ne vision Abs people parisI.-YProverbo, mxxix., 18. There seeqos tc h. lu Ah. gclng thrcngh cf a dafinite, flxcd routine daY aftr day and week after week sema- thlng whleh sapa and robe liteetfAbat whieh la besttand ohiemt lu ILA.Cor- tain>' Aboie whe adach a lire bave. sou@ mcre, soms leua, Abeir vision eh- .cnred and thetr' horizon contrae&d PerhapslAit lnauete iant cf rncI>, porbabe te want of stimulus. What- aver Ah. cana., Ah. fact remains. lA As generally admlftd Abat ouneoftAhe dangers cf car age là Abat lu oui large usa cf machiner>' w. ourselves are lia- bla'Ac become tee machînelio. Wa bave lItAi. regard for w-bat la bncwu techuically as.Ah. "rlalionar man,-, bueowhat We reaily disiike la bis lmpracticable. net blm visienar>' aide. gueesaful men arc ail more cr Iegs vigionar>'. ln tact. there la perhaPS ne *ther quaIlity se Dre-eminentiY essen- diai te mucceis as Abat faculA>' wbich abiO5 on. te look abeadti teforeseeê and torecait the future. W bore there la nb.vison re fait. Thora As. perbaps. ne better emaniple cf the powrer of vision than Abat cf Ce- lpzubuo. Hlstory telle us bowr patient- ly and- persîstentl>' be iabôred te me- cure assistance te fellow up his'vAsicn and mas lA rel tte .werld. lHe la- bcrsd te gain bis viaion aud be labered ta realiseIl. W. irender thet sucb a gReons vision should have remalned go long neen. The rogson la appar- qnt The world*s brlghtest violons are réservea reirards te persistent and palngtaling effert and te diligent and untig research. lA Ia a miaale tt AlulAt a Il Im- portant visions have alreai>' been secol snd realized. There mAi11 are wordm te discerer andi te conquer. Brigbtat vis- ions Aban thome which ane nntelg theOselvcm An aur day and generatien tbe world bas neyer seen. Thoee irb are catchlug glimpacaeto themu ie call g«enluses or wmans. But the>' are lu rcality thlnkers, merlers. At is Abus Abat the> maine their Inspiration. Visions indeed bave played a: migbty part lu Ah. wcnld's hister>'. The>' bave lad Ahe most temous wunion te glo- rions victen>'. The>' hava givan ns, troin the pohe bsmost gitted poets and men cf iettel'5. our cholcest bila cf literature. The>' bave advanced Ah. worid sud aplitted Ahe cbureh. ei tail buildings, cur grat bridgea, Or marveleus modern Inventions et machiner>', Our almeat magie Moinse trival and comunication b>' Asan d b>' se. Aret ezAici A n mind as VIsin cf futur., peslbility. Before a mhovt mas taken An band or a atone o uArPel Ah. greât: underground rail-va>' thrOugh our ciA>' eteel out au a coumploted -bea before Ah. vislon 0f mous mind or. miuds. The objective rai18As larAa hI>' Precefci bY the subJectOIogsai. ChriiVs vision cf Ahe. anAvefi hrctherbasd ms of ail vioils the Mot aplendid sud glerleus. We are learuhhg mor*t& ucre moUI...butme do Dot ho- gin te -aLppreciate lý jet. lHc wbo cruxshec and robs Ah. poor cannet b>' puttiag usa.>' se gainai Anto autitu- tiens, bewever ged, catch aveu a glilupseocf Ah. beantitlvision whleb Christ Mmm An Ah. brotberhoed which Hie cuomeanearth toestaabllah, sud wbicb la te hava lAs final and completé MBEaUsnmtioa lu beaven. At te a fearful thing te hava Ah. widow's tears aud Ah. lah.rar's bleod erying out trom ths ground sud reacb- lng ap ta Ah. ver>' ear cf (loialnaBt uurlghteeaemis miand-gotte4 gan. The rlch uaik uho bas maie bis menaey henesti>' andi ho la merciful land 1h- erîl aeei net fear when theise comoes to render op accent of bis steward- ghlp. Vîilon$cf a camai standing- b.- fora Abs nieils e'.or of DAves (Il- Ing te Abrahainm éILarus Bndi nt trouble hlm. Religioni furishoa us bigher Idéale. breaee unr sympathies. npliftm eur minds, gAves us nspiration and strength An our dair l>'eortS.furulahet just that whlch Ah.eirerld cabnot gAve. In the spirituellfae cf that rightt»us father and of Abat saintly fother (Who, perbape bave a pssed te Absir blemsed rewari) me caugbt glimpses, of violons -vialie which rcvealed semetbling of Ahae divineanmd whlch neyer bave , rs- e o ta iccon un baveuward. W. hava no tear of perishiug, be- canae wa bave visions which lemit us onirard and upward to Abat "building of God, an bouse net made wAAb bauds, eterual lnabe beavonam." FOUR LAWS OF 'STIIENGU1. Ny Pre. wi5Iard ai-ce i krp, Quît yen 11ke men, be etreng.-t. Cor., xvL., 13. The ffret quautty lu a resîl>' atrong lire la somothing *e cai depth. The Iceberg la steadlei be-cause Ah. great ma"siset Asbullç la is-eeitb Ahe sur- taom.oAh. 11re cf Ah. streng min musA go deep. On Ah. surface are fash-. Ion, convenitlenaift>, Abs current talk aud gcssip, Ah. ichemes et popularit>' sud advertisemeuthe Ah.brawd adaptai tien er meapa. ta anis. The mai uhose lire consita»An Ahens things le essen- Alali>' a superficiel min. But unier- neath ths surface lie Ah.greet prîncl- pics Abat endure, Aruth and justice and rciue .a h. Abînga Ab tasfer sur.ho Aa l Asle st. Mare trilles bo- coma magWifid mAc signe of the times becon» tAh" 'happen to lie immadiate- ly in his, field of vision. He beeûmma 'cnfimd end dlotracted Abat soi»etbiMi$ 4 desparate muet b. donse t OflO. AUl the». amamarks of weaLknes, urrA- vals cf childhcod. A few men stand- lug frina' b>' woll consldered loyalties. net eai11>' oxcitcd. wlth quiet coati- ilcace ln ticus, in human nature. and la God, eau accomplish great thinga. À third 18w of atreugth la remponsi- bîlit>'. An empt>' shlp, be it ever mc well bAilli. canflet ride wel l n the atcrm. And the ame la Aine cf a man. The ver>' burdeus we are carry- g ing are a part cf car strengtb. Von 1 wll neyer find howc much there la la your lite until It la oaded with a tank Abat taxes li utmest cap*cît>', It leaa man's miafortune If lIte dons net lay- lis beavy band upen hlm andi compel hlm te tale hls place ln the ranka cf Ahose wbe are carrylug heavy burdens, lu the bomne.. In business. ln ths church. ln Ahe communilt>'. Ila 15net without reason that Ahe men of real etrength, th. mmfupeu whom you cau alwaym rail for new snd grenter service,' ara Abese who arc already loadefi toeh weîer*m cdge. The habA ef carrying responslbllity wvlAh quiet remerve cf power bas lncreased their strength. A tourth law of îtrength la the 1mw ef co-operatîcu. Most of the wcrk cf lite la work Abat han Io be dons wlth others. Here tla Is Aat many a min otberwlse weil equlpped tals. The 'min who slipiY say-s, "I wlll do my share If the rest wlll do theirs," eau ne-Ter be a strong leader of men. It la rather Ah. mac wbe gays, "Now. men. a long pull and a pull aIl tegether, andi we eau put thîs thlng throughP" whc bas the strength of leadership. The mtrong -man -for co-operatîve work la- th. one T.-o lnatlnctvel>' se relates himoeif te others that he Io continuall>' maylng, net **l and Ahi>'." but "we." Let a man. thon, sArile. deep util ha feelm Ah. Abrobblng cf Ah. eternal lawm: let hirm hold himmelf eteai>' AhroUgbe the vicissitudes cf Abs dey as cao wboeclite ls to ,udure through ithe eternal yearm; let hlm 'lcadhlm mhlp down wlAh Ah. respoualblllles cf lits ntil il acquires lAs foul momentum; and Aben let hlmn remember Abat he la flot ajonc;Aat bis ahlp. la oeeof q great mquadron. and that there la a signal at Ah. mamtbead of the. flagmlp upqn whicb we must keep Orr . ar lixed Abat ail me>' nove together. DANGER IN NO? VOTiNqG, *yor.or. J.P. UrssUegu m The dangers ta i repubîlic do uct lRé lu th. so-callel Ignorant forelgn vota, but lna- he apathellc inOlfferencescf thé alleffad gond $it -g mon, Who la so At- torfel An the rush for prlvt,.ePair *et ho bas né Aime for prlvate patriotam. j Dutfy, "stem mi- , Arasof Ah. volce cf yod,11 paUleever>' elm Of the Uann Abs pulls. Ho , nid net gola a 'Waif-hearte, facies- MU MMUNMhPU.X dalicl way, but wlth entflu ansd prcfound convic- Abous examin. cf Ah. rigblof, trio- chia. a republic canuot qndureOther tonusetfgevernueat, when Abs rempon- miilit>' reste upea a few, are "oNr- ent. America wIil alwap r need a great standing army cf goed cltlîenmhlp srnied, not wltb bulletm-ai the lustra- menAs of *or. bigt armed with ballets, the weeons cf pesce. Good gnver-ý ment la net; eutomatlc; "Eterhal vigi- lance la the priceof liberty'." God fer- bld Abat Ah. great body of Amertcan clirons aheuld Aurn Ah. nation'& future' cver te uen whc are politiciens for revenue cul>'. The danger dees net lie in ho* rlght-minded people shahl' voes, but tu Abat Abey saol iul te votaeait ai. >ru Store, »mai bý O Mune Pceook WIA diacpw lm rHESE COWMANs aR» the ou M NECW CANON ON DlI-ORC& ft air. "a smm fsa Aueng h. questions te vhlcb naucb atItatien tËBRagiven ît h. reccut Eplaltopalisu convention lu Boutcn maL - - Abt si marrflgs4 ivorce. Thte nem P eau« ma Is lA' e A.imposshIe for D gs an>' fflutrlage cf iiverei persona te Dgs tale #lac ln u uEîcepai churcb. Aew This pft315 ever dli. Atilever ave-r vili. nome11e «4l.121184t cf h. uciraPaers, ueparing.fron th. fond- It poili.. taken geaeral> b>' h. prena. Abs 1mai 7" bave cendeunci this attitude mn o $maCbs cg, sought te diminlsb ls Influenc, b>' ai- thotandatc legi.ug Aat, after ail. usriage and di. cnred Ctert i-once ire questions ter h. tite and la unequitlis net for h.eburcil. - 1 à't1 loue religons cerelupu>' soile oui- war aid visible siguAlst I1.d la-blas- Pira oury lut their marnige, Mont peugie deolre. Thii . oA1 Fvcn dlvcwied veepie getting- ron*t- >'i. rlei net lntseqnemtiy r> teosaetheir conscience lité soeurs euis- ia dga-eof respectebilit>' fui teIr,éçndncf b>' lu velng h sanctian- et tîisue huncai lA docs mea uuch uýhéîa igreat, hls- toical cburch, seaul> if Aat munr.. II riaige of divorceed person 3êmroog sud sahal not Mnîs plicf.atIAUt- MOTIVES'-IN DELIGIO. R Aeligion haf. bw«A, subject te amilas st-li subjeet tle- 51t>l attiVe@ . à A tw preticuinate. Al it 'A rlsIIonie. The tradittonal Abdlogy, vas- buùt li ehiel>' 0fr teer. Te. appemi or th, pulpit w»mas te eutralmaon. ls- FP ne longer creates or 'bantait) h.- chnrch. T1h c4h'chict-bas tAeor- ganimed;- naehlsery cf religion, eziatg trou, higiier motives, on . A meci- oi lve te tihe creatîen l moa malitenance ocf'Abs cbuircb as the ex. is ponent of religion le soelet>'-Aba de. ira for'conipanlousblp. Th liaimai ý lt4bte ' reU& u mibab meu Aë. am-w flo 1s rO THEODORE ROOSEVELT. CHARLES WARREN FAIRBANKS. 'ktd âH kai dl io4moe~çp1 r.amoeablq pd~ WIJY NR Huploy Y.ui Ilom.mes.. -FOR YOUPI Tesm m Umai Wu u" ubas. mà . SsiI Mi~5s a-~ - is*fl xaBisi »M %4i B seId i mffli