Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Nov 1904, p. 1

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.A 'I .Ibortyvitle Lake County. 1*Iknois. Friday. Novemiber'25. 1904-S Pages. SI.0 aYar là Adi For #u~t A*iollug.Hacklng Cough ln the z0m'of > Tar Quick relief f'or cougbu, coldit, bronchitis, hoarse- um and ail afiletlonu ofthtii roat and lungs. IT LOVELL'S DRUG STORIE Hoadqtarters for SchOOlýSùsples... LIboryville. M.I Ovrot- Kedquarters * Sheep Liaed Coati Duck Coai $150 to $200 S;reatrsOc te 52,50 Montas fBuck Gloves and M itiens Hand Uaed S.25 and $150 Gdlf Faced Mitte, 50 to $1.00 New lot cf Mens Winîer Caps iust ftcevcd W eARKHURWTr uick Bil1ock Libaitpville, hiols MEt COUfTY N ATIONAL AN CAPITAL - le S 5,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 7,000-00 DEPOSITS - - 30000 A habit that grows. The ate it grows The haierif gel s. mil thet ime that 3 pert nt ueresf keepo pilng up. Star) foàda1 tus-Mt10 a. M.,1 t a p. mi., and 'low . Rodene'ione 'First DI. J. L TAYLOR, N to a 7t-. 10-. . n. 2W o4-an,) 6 to & - p.M. bans-e on Broadwvay, opposite Park. DL A. J. CHOLS, o! Chlcago DENTAL OFFICE ut>-Wedpsedayn c!feeh veai trou, Lbrtyvil a n i. .te 6:00 P. iM. - Llbertyville, Illinois. ..- -M L NELU ~Account À 4TTORNI&Y AT LAW. Individu »1=t. TECLECPHON1 NO. 26. ited an Lletyville, Illingls.-- ceived U M IL u H.SMITH.favorabi DiglvnST. aitentl OTESLAKEcoumrv SgE.tive ban] P- .12 a. mnisd 1 to 5 p. ni. M-c. GLOA, Li bertyille j*m.1to38 and f6 to 8p. ni. ýMi MAC GtJPPIN. MMONE AT LAW. paoNs 83. à'fr aemo.-., J. L TArtea pres. FRANPROPaacro H. G. GAsR»Lua le, Illinois 1s of firme and uaIs, are solic id vll be re- upon the, moet 4e terme' éôn- with conserva- aking. ýr Block Illinois E Saer Adhr (I .II ,n IL COUNTY Tratllng StU e te 0o11Pettill mU"t. 1089 MAKES lEST SPEECH. Mondla' r aeme Stewart, acting on- hhalli f the Commercial club, the Moieniate club, and file Chicago Con.- MatécW am apcatiou, threw a bomb into the camp o9 the represientati vaof states contendrng for a naval training sétation on the gnêat "laMe when Le offered to prfii.iil W dia -mment-ftre ol togt, at lake Bluffa site conslâting of 172 acres of land. This proposition, whklch wvas wrfiting alter an effective ispffl -hb>' Bapreentative Fomm,, who inaabroad gauge argiîfîient in favor tcf locting a tation whëre it woîîld L mnt useful Wo the navy and to the eounltryý Other Offers Made,- -Notwithetandîng thim enferon, oIt r,1 v'bich will colit the Chi;ngo organi'za- tdons about $175,000. there ile still coîîejderable îloult ane t., wbat the fitelenion o! the eormniismion wililire, as reîireéitatlveq of ><ukegan have offi'red a sitp of ») >arrés of land with- ont cQmt Wth ic. governîfrienît. Tliq wae a great offer and d id not lecome knownt uimil the hîîariug wael adj<rurned.t Mr. Stewart notified the vainmimilin . t.iat lie would like to remerrve trom n 5k>'1 tO mPvent> feet of landîlouxir gthe. tracks1 0f the 'Nortiîwextortirailiway si) as toW provide for tire cextelîiirri if tSheridan drive. Wlîen the' driveway ini con. tinnî.d it will ekirt tie rteserviiti noffered tW the gîrvernment londeiy for a navalt trainiîng sitatîrn fitafi loerfit a lttie nortîr of iettibolî leek <admill cI ro, tron tihe Northwesternî trackst,,t thé lake shore and tibm. coîàtinîutî<telWaukegan. The a#rgtîîîî.ents w. e îîîndcat tIm, uer> poin ted iidi1, vsl.î s-sta site. clîiui d i ~rg.iî,iî lar ii eles-were sylu ajia, %viit<)aîlviiated the seic-tion ofo the. Erie bâte.9 ..~.Eoa.MkaGra±speech. t J. J. Finney, ad vocated thieslection ofa a site at Sturgeon bai' sud calle< ut-, tention w the faut that the governfnent t airen,)>'owne 1,041 acres of land whicb could Le utiliSe, for the purposes of au naval training statioîn. it vas traI>'acknowlsdged. *that Itepreie.tative Foari Lad made b>' fan the leen qpeech of Present9tion heard b>'the c conîmiesion. He revieva,) the legfliài-- dton for the estableisetkif a station and dwclard that if the ntation phoaldi ha located at Lake Bluff it would Le -in thie conter et a population pomsesed of sirategicatud dgeographical ailvantagea, an fit vas near Chicago, the terminal ot twantytwo ralronds, ail of vhlcb could ha ubed b>' manne of a hait lime Whlch wonld traneport the men going Wo the station witlioüt the neaity of having theni pans through the cit>'. Chicagoant Naval Graduates. lie aise deelara,) that the moral tone o! the situation was cf the hîgbeet, as e numhar of educational institutions vere located flot far froin the site offere,), and that there vas a naval atmospliere in Chicago vhlch would do, a grent deal to support the training sehool. "Man>' cîtisens of Chicage," smi, Le, "Lad grnduated troin the naval auademy, and tise> would taire great intorest in the institution. Illinois Las the strongest naval militia ot an>' state ln union, numbering 700. <'lurfing the Spanish war the Illinois naval reserre did not insist oÙ prenerv- ing' its state identity, as di,) siîliar organisations otiier states, but the>' lenlisted lu the nr>' and serve,) vith crédit fliroughout the var on the battis- chipe 0f the nar>ý' Lake Bluff Accessible. Thie site at Lake Bluff?, Le der ,lare,) pos. sesse,) treedoni of navigation, sasthe seoon for navigation vaa open lon ger at the sorithern sud ot Lake Michigan tLan on an>' otber section of the great, lakee. It vas accessible fromn the Atlantic caet, sud il the station ehoul,) ha Ioeated at Lake Bluff the goverwi ment vould be able ta get ail the men It needed tor training them for service In ths n>'. iebin,) the naval station would Le the indornîtabla spirfit o! the people o! Cicaoo, whieL bas transforme,) that cit>' trou. one bouse to the nilghtlet City' o! the West. Graemne Stewart', Offer. Graeme Stewart made a speech vLlcL vas ezceedingi>' une!, but rigb t t the ntfor Lernmu>'sai,) that the peopis o!f Cuilgo demine,) W tollîîv the exanipie of those who lîad presented the ]and on wbiurh Fort Sheridan nov stands, and deeired W inake the goverrnunt a present of the site at Lake Bluff and that dis geverinlent vould net La p ut tW the expense o! one cent 'in acqriiring tins pootas hewas prepared tu au bit M ritng a proposition b>' whlcb the governaient cîîld aequire the piroperty wlthout the expenditure cf-a penny'. Lafan lu the afternoon Mfr. Stewart enimitted hle prpositior inlawrlting, ~aÊam ow la Z <onadimktl. 'the comisusion, WbIch vwiii maire Il. delslon withln the uext tan days,,and) *119izfid1ent vii approre e. isreco n-. CL!ARED Aniemal aiectIs of01 1eev. Next montb. pggb.blo Candi. IMPRVEMDgT8POSBIBLEC. Treasurer E. W. Parkhurst of the Leke Count>' Agrlcultural Societyjias comipile,) bis report to let pree»td at affluai meeting of fihs ameuatin wbIch ocurrs earl>' lu Decemuber. Mr. Park.- hurme'ereport in àa remarable showing and lndicate the hsaithy condition of the organizatlon. Ik followes: Iln treneur>' lat report.f.....424811i Giate and efltry fees ......... 844 35 Booth rente and panDitit.... 1544 33 iltate appropîriation............ 200 00 Other source.,................. * 4 * U38 Total.,............. 10123 17 Pai preiniums............. ..1367 93 Pu@m ... . ..... ......... P 25iri50 Improvernenta .................. 7500O Orirrent Expe.nsea. ............. 2372 73 lu Trenelury ...;.................. 1710 01 Total ..............8.10123 17 Altluugb aevording to these figuiref the net profit for 1%P4 fin but $1229.90 Wo that aniorintehoul,) ha added $328.50 whlch amount was.steu'l4ed.ia liquidat. ing bille alter thea atnld tatement for S1908 wam renderad snd thum brixîglng 1bi hé etutiu 01558.s40. Electuon of Officers Soon. Astteatiiiuà election olfecr, <ran,, fleur le Li.ard eohàiuierable sl,.nulation am, te, pviliabl. cndidate.. Foir tic.presi- d.?nf. e>' es Il.s J. (inter, luisent in- combent. W. E Miller, hie, îîi.eisi ffieftiîiiei. (). E. <Chuîrcill twill fbat 1, a iaiidate. for M4eretfti«v 119-11 andl w&bhouvili 1whi. 511< ai u rf.Jy aliai ti-r e,r,î njeture. th. ?e'relor. Now for Improvements. Witlî rvt-r :i7M3 fiiithe. rîn.îaýry inrl> Mprinig Iî nu nit>n,.ee thé iumîîi&Wrtidonî tif innîlrtarit uînnrovemeints rît tIt fair gronîîil, Firpt and) muet essetial in tha aîquiring«of additlonal land). Then a new and large gi and dtàfd , Lqneçded. lkiiie8 rparing tof ehede and stables there shoul,) hi Liilîta poîltry bouse and arrangement of some of the buililnîigila neeffsary. UAt otflcm-sto Le chosen hi. men who will accomplieh these necesar>' inprove- mente and there le no renson wL>' Laite e>untY nia>'not Ihave the very tbiet Fair lield la northern IitIo1e. SEEk TO. STOP THE Il ECTli C ROAD. Attomney' Colby i>'Wl Argue for Inauctfion Pendlng Ad- jnatmeag of Rnie WANTM DEED SET AMIDE. Attorney' Wayne Coiby iensaekiug an Injunctin tu retrain the Chlcago & Mil waukee Eieetric rond froin operating over a emai! tract o! land pnrcba4-d b>' thein o! John AttrJdge and on whlch thefir right-of-wamy in iocateA. The land in question lelocated at Rondont. Mfr. Colby aileges that hi. Client, who in don! and dumb, sfigna,) the dsed tranmderlng the strip o! land lu question to the rallroad Company vithout renila. lng mest.wit Le vax dîoing, that ho was not Com ptent f6 transnet sncb a deal and care for bis interests propanl>' and that ha di,) not receive justcompensation for the propert>'. Ie was pald 8100 an acre and the tract eonq)o-;ý somethiug lme fLan tan acres. the lajunction prnceadiug comas rip hafore Jide Trie>' fIn Chicago Monda>' o! next yack. -It leq Mfr. Coibys idesn W have the dea,) set aside, In spealdrîg o! the matter a represenfa. tire of the rond eaid hie vas flot inclIne,) te f reat the preeediugs ainioil>'and thatt teeure an injunction rectraining the rond frein operating worild require an enormous bond which ha Lelleve,) the plantif? venld Le unable t furnfieh. liea decared the land iiold b>' Mr. Attrldgec vasnw th lage: evan bock]and ta n. pa l)va en> m:or thn t aswoth flowaer atar.iy- for the rn r raphytede :h" ' hostan . Prom One Who iCriove. Tue, following statement trou, J. H. Heibld. Pli. G., and manager eft teEco -nomicail Drug store, Lincoln 111 viii ho o! irteret tW rendoers in lis «locaijt.', Re saye: '!t have knîow and oid Hart's' Bons>' sud Berehound for airerai yearh, and Lelars It te Le one cf the bet corig'st preparations on the mnarket, It l l ver>' pleasant to taie, vithout an>' a! the uaumaing sffSa Ctomman te snme, and hmbas inu'friands viierever It fis un,. As a cough medfiine for chiIdran Hart' Bons r an,) Honirinî i9ato abi>' thé' cetL t% noe sours). I1 cures Croup, Cougls. Coldesud Wbop 1~~og.50e, 0 6"*1.00 hot- LOy a1vSLL J VV) Ci ty Pape"a Claim Pool Boom la to lho Iocated fln Lake Contt'. 18 TLRLAD Chicago papers lent week Lad more or lese W eaay relative toa mûrement on part of i.everal norteofli abiem to ,operate a pool room fin 1411e count>. Que reporter hail the stor>' thus. "Juet hayon,) the cit>' limiteaua li.- menoe switchboard'-for gambling pur- p ose le being contructed in deflance of Amistant Chief of lPolice SihuettIor, antd 4la ketour it in saidthat-vgpw~l. rooni building le being erecte,), and will Le runnlag fullI iat within a few weoe. I'There bave been poolrooms la Lke corint> before, but the one now hall coin- plete,) in but a lew mnilés troni Wauke. gan poWsbi>' at Libertyvvjlle and le anai to Le feehioned on a more magnilleent plan th"an an>' ever known." It lenflot improbable theai Jiunors ne- fer to Lorilared the pool roomi locatsd near Deefield and wbicW created macih a @tir througberit the tount> while lu operation. The large structure stillI stands and frequentl>' it bas lie e . po-rted waastu start up agiu. CI RÇUITI COURT IN SESSINe jury Ifieurlng eCam Araigu. mient of Paisonre. JUI)GH DONNEI.,LY PERBIDFlS Circuit court hLa be n unseion tbli irep- . linîlay and Tue»da. as mccriplil -witlî the 0'Donnell, adminîs- trittir. vs ltrriie Ire Co.- caee ivhlrh ivent t4p tlîî jufry rueeday afteriioon. 'Ilieuitî>llowcî thei, iiuîpaimelitîg of til juryv for dthe Tomîîklni Vs Cic-ana& r, %%o" .xeneleed fIn selection of jury- uns-a Andl t is lwlivr.d the tcawsewill ha on1e of greait importance. Tonikins, fit leallge, as Injure,) whîite riding..aeroee theti orith Geowse stieet bridlge lu one ot the eomapia.%y'a caro; ies vas ettlng -on theiîý tt»S baggage car, as the @tory' gise, whan a polo on the bridge @truck sud hurt hilm. For thp eîjîîies lie seaidamargas. Wlîile the jurynien were haing chosen, Judgel)onrîelly arraigned tlitueIndicte) for ct-niial offenses in the precedlng terni b>' the grand jury. 'T'hr more inîportant ones vere:. -1.-1- Casm agaiuiet George satawel stnijen off the docket. Victor (ikar charge)- with aa manît witb a deadl>' weapou, pla, not grit>' and announced that Lie wag rend>' for trial. The sante did Deuseaberry, who nnnounced that Le Lad tretaJned Cantweli o! Chicago Wo defend hlmt againat a (Larg of rap. People a vRuLen lBarry Stripe, .;j counte; eniastilement; trial. People vs Nelfle May' Marshall; trial. People vs Dennia, Conrad; running elot machines; trial. People vs Yaggian; defendant now fIn lfassachustta. People vs Lynn, (>allaheonr, llixby, Loguidis and Liel nn, ccusre, af vire mlipa>' roîlltufingr planfot guilit>; noue ha,) counselezoept Logridis; otLers requested appointient of Orvis & Edwar,)s. Loguldis out on hall. People vs Lawrnmoa O'Neal; burglar>', plea, fot grill ; trial. People vs Edvard Faite, burgar>', plead met gnilty, trial P'eople vsaigarl.kek & Kukar; con- tinried b>' =ment of counsel; charge,) witb obtannng moue>' unden talai pretenas. People vs Frank Adamîs and Jass F'ord; burirlar>', allege,) tu have broken anto Rlgbvood box -cars; plaind neo guilt>; trial. Perry, Quinlan and Smith, indicte) fo larteny, also plea 'flot rilt> sud e'ere rend>' for triai. Otto Barch, mip for malicioris mischia!, pIeu,) not gnuît>'. MAS NEW' PlLA14. eoanty Maperinteadent Wepta Ail Mcbool Moutba Uniforin. OTRER MTAIEM LIKE PLAN. Surperintendent Gaggln fis nov bus>' establlehfing the twenfy day montS aunong the schoole throughout tLe count>'. Thfs nien tbat, the use e! the calander uîonfh as a systein for Malfig reports sud regrlatiug cours o! situdy viii hadiscontinue,,anddiat a month o! twenty days, four weeks of, firs da>sacheih ies,)e. The new systein ehortens the echool year about efighfesn days, as the achool year la of nine monthe, sud the average ralendar îuonfh centaine about tweuty- two day,no that b>'llppug two day. off each moth. iswbo e 001 iyear le shorteneuthat m«. Te teachers viii aise reeve the anme pa>'. for a shorfer fi me. The objert cf the change ins W mals al the scbol Oi nths uniforni, thris makiug soeamais on vhich ta compare re- portsi, etc. - The scheme fla vellnecolvèd, althoug I&semea opposItièu aeffouats.s* be highsr sehaci authonfities tiron- ont the sfate are backfiay<1% snd If ha. bainfi tu u iWlsoufa,. lnuot&< SM tlaq Autb" a stià rs me Uust The most acceptable S19f approachlng Holida4yo- le, aon at once uoeful and beautIful, fràiture Is "t There Is nothlnà else quite so Approprlati appreciatedi. Corne inand talk furniture. We. cai pleas. vou. W. ma 14EAT4M Furnitur. and UnctertakIng .LI- I Ieý jfi; Cali and examine vyiy lino of *Ig4Te4- STOVES., RAIaQ%$ 81WS!IVt jUe MyACCEÉÈOIMES. AtM Figse ir "TYVILLE - - .1 M"M= Cï '7 I L~ .IBERTViLL£, Wauk.egan, II WINOILBWLINGh LIVR SUNDAY Novemnber 27. 1904. "The PrIe of enor'" 4NOTIIwThbiS omeotoul goo rm sdorperm e , arry' LUNCH PuCEs.. 75. 50, 35, aud 25 oeufs gaturday, D«cember 3. "By Rgbt of Sword Co."1 MatJuteadNgt Sunday, December 4 May Ilosimer. ln "Famrtll' M The khwat Thomtre mmq m>at bh aegd wIh 6.bc.c& Imk Lfr Sm aUr12.. - Chas - ./ ýl; 1 A- 1% 1: jp uel, 'w

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