Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Nov 1904, p. 5

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1*. qi~* ;Wi*M*i int«ioue y ou-the welght baoju lu7y. , Wbien wo »U Iyou a Poandl o1 tIt couwans 16 oupcop, sud Its al good. O ution to wbat *0. sou mr.ure atsfacton fer lu 'vhat you boy. W. would 1k to hbe syou iuit us about imaets. EU$ TR.,IGGS Successor to Triggs & Taylor Jeweiry, Watches, Clocks, S il verware, Statlonery RVlhleparing my opecialty, and have hînîl a lifî's #'xîîerience *!th leading city firme -as< at jraî.ticaI Watchmaker. ANDREW IIUSS Libertyvilie 17 .~ llinois * To furmih y-ou with evergthiog * th aril and Wonter weather *calls forin ang fine. ileavy'Covert Corduroy Llned Coats Fleece Ltned*Ouck Coats 4 * Ail Wooi Cardigan Jackets WooI Kersey Coats A FuitlLUne of Sweaters We are selling a gond $1.00 Sweate on loîîg a@ they lait.ý.............. 75C Duck Coato from S$1.00 up. Union vjverallai; rom 50o up. Men'a Gloves and Mitta fror 25e Up. Gentleman's Fine.(Ilovesl in kidii, ined and unlined, reindeeraup buckakini MODu s leece Uîne'd Underwear 8 bits up. Mets wool Underwear froxn $1.00 and up. Cai and sçes us-we can save you money. ide l.. ,mue.m lo* s s. M la ..... tq ....... .....1015 - -d 5 . .......... s:m. a Readers. -pÀeooM.CHICAGO, AwIv jLt New Dis>ot. Ltave Chleffsas, Arrive L*4utyvlhe.. N.ii .... ta m .......... 8:38a.m.z . ..t~S............ i:iOP.M. lu .... .Op . ............ eà P. m la i.... @ts p M.............7:2 P. M. , UKDAYS. No.1ut.... :eM*.............9:16 L M. * l . g51pru........... $:ite .Um le .... 4:«P. m............ 7:02p. U. la.. tO li3HO......... JOlis. . ........... tUm No u... . 6m. ......... rIisp16m.1 i 2-hour Cough Cure at 1aekley'm. A girl baby was boe to Mr. andi lrm. Pred Mordort lent week. NWlth turkeyn at 22 cento fper pound wet have flot gofi evrthing to lm- thankinlf for. Martin Melody who recntly sold lini large farcieat of Libertyville to) J. O)gden'Armo)ur lm sai t',iaemft loctlng l intisvillage. G. B. Sehanck returnepd the lirmt of the week from, a few days vis t* tote Pair et lit, Louis. W. E.K1vis in et st. Lojuis.the present week. Thle Catholit bLaer lat thé, To wn Hall 1H attraeting good crowdo this week. Thursday niglît eîncludes the achair and that wll Le the "bîig tighit." -. -W4 . atl,, Jr., left titis week for i New 'lorý where lie Wjill enter a teili. i tary acadenty for a three yearm course.a His mother ncconîpanied lîlu.1 E. Htcht with cLttrw.:teristie jcnergy ina araliglng to bave lînjît titis all a fine1 brick and woodi structure to repila4-e bis handsoeoib arn burned reeently. TI -e splendid weatiter of the hast week' or so thuughit onaonable in miii apà- preiated. Typical lictober <Mys etc Thanksgiving timene certaiaiy unusalJ. Andrew Walai-e, of Minnesta, vistedt Water Actien and tuerily thte fore part of the week. Mr. Wallace was on hin way1 front St. Louies. lie iet a brother-in-law1 of Mr. Aciten.@ lias mains are being laid on Milwau-1 kee aîýnue fron, opelad ro&&*northS. Ae rpemetative of thLe i.nnpany Informm un tisE patrons along Mlwaukee avenueF will Le ierved tis winter. leicume Is ;wtfe deierted him tw oyears agi> C. W. Furnees isHeki.g divorce. Wayne Co4lly repreents Mr. Furnm, and tihe cane iH to coule utp at this terni1 of court. - lont MIss the .opportunity ni gettinif a fine1e & is -phoio lree t leswick's, front Nov. 30t Dc 15. Bring in your 9icturtot ii Le frned. We cave the ticent liet' of iUoulditg i he i.counE>.t Sepervimore (Graham, niofmeat, and Miller ni LiLirtyvilie laces Lad great luek fighing at Long Lake the pont fewvi dais. TLey bave landed narl> tweuty 'tiMeeper-1 andriidetally ieht-at MW durks. % .. Saturday night nert Burtonliholmeps leturem lit Iavinià Park Theatre on "Round About Londlon.- special ser- vice on thLe eleetrii' ine for that evening to actocînodate patronts frotit Libierty. - vilie who nia>'wisL i oattend. Therp wam a snl liazit tthe Town Hall îaumed It>'an overteated lfurnane pipe Moîtîle>'afternbon a 1,1e ttoin charge of dtcorating theî hall forttrre Catholic bazear were et work. 1ht wes qulckly pt iot and littîs or ni) damage resulted. 0. P. Mejers who lan Leen etployed ln the Pullinen car shope fiLs lest three yearsleft Saturda>' witit afrihnd for thte southwestern part of <Oklahomea where he will @pend thSe winter. Enrotîte he will vist ftLe St. Lonts Fatr. Alden-Bidinger& Co. Lave condueted a pianole ciet A. H um' store thet prelieef week antd Lave dispnee of meverel ie- strumenta.- The>' are offerieg soule rare icduetents and if you lire thicking tof purrhîaelng an intstrumtent it wilhlibe tu your ittereefit tosee dt6m. Young ladies of the librar>' comittee of the Metitodist Suctley school served a1 Japmmes tee et the church Tltursday evening to more titan. a hund red ohftiteir friends. Iecorations, cosgtumes of wait- rems and the menu were aIl Japanese. lE was a unique and prettv aNfair. A Pd. Woolridgp ha, loceted at Dor- ester, Net,, whése e li h charge of a lumber business. His family intendm leaving for Nebreeika l inteuer future. Mr. Woolridge wae linfiLe Inieber busi- ness before coning tu iilertiuville. .Next on the iertyville Entertain- ment Coure> le (lbert A. Eldridge, ir pereonator. You cannot afford tu miss hearing Mr. Eldridge. Ile ha a Itumor of rare menit and Li it pereonations are ver>' lever. At teL Unione ciurcht Dlecember 2. Tickets on sale at Lo)vell's drug store. Don.t forget to hleur the Glazier 0Cr. len Jubilpe Singers Mt the Union chercht Wedneîday night, Nov. 80. Their songsý s aneg le slavery deyo will delight youi Ladies of the Presbyterian churcl are sponsere for the event. Plano>assît et concert furnilited Ly Alden, Bîdînger & Co.. Waukgan. 7-2-d 1The winter termniofRSheter (Wie.) àSedmy opens NoV.211. Acedenic, munie, tenawbrs'1 Ld, businesscourses. The 11 uinsasd.plmee"t ls under diretion of Mi. . W. Mssaewte,sa yoeumIdu Of , > %or, l5bw ma au uniW10[5m OBbOW sador.ssofcuer 1, en 8.-P r.ý BMRSTOIW ,Marbie and Granite Cemetery Work of Every Description x Correspondence bolilcted 1 6Genese St. WAUKEGAN X Deaer lnX Luanber of ail Kinds Deat gades of Cosi. Doom V"ndowm oigm. F«&d Grain.Sdo, SCve Ppe Drai, Tii..ALPHA PeR LAMND WL?1Ume, stSl~co.sut. Doisu ooeglni CoaaiCà cS Mled UberiwÏit.$ -ý. - Illinois' C.fL&ST. P. 11kW 1YAO t. la Oum t fay 21 -" YrOU CHICAGO. Arrivé at Old DePot. LesTe Cblîuao.Arrive Uboetyle. Pm,& . ............. 10:8 e . - 485~P............ 4..4. 9 l . ia. ..........7;»P. M. Éo. in ... as a.......l."a Wifi Lothit 1weîký,- and fthe miTe traik O Casso atio I hiltert>vile ampir. ieg fin grand circit iron rt#,-tions, ratieg ln the wet titis summer lnroses to assume formidable proportions. and it Ms not un- likoly fiLet aboulti n<tling ecisc corne oh iitri fis>(iet Western tint-uit next year willl begle le Jul>' icet-axfti hue lst iof Apirl, as bas esufithe - Lehretore. The Re adi ng n o thetii.W. CT. U. was ft>nlly openeti, Satutia>' nigitt. Fift>' persons ssenîjlled to pues a ptaant evening et gaittes andi conver- satione,clter which a short musical priu- grainh we rendeted ast ollotes: vocal solo, Md. McCrmiek;sqctg bhy.horus; solo, Miss Lune Oisevelmntl:dueL Miss Clarke andi Mcm. Sknner; stîhî, Mim Lydia Sinitit snng b>' athîtrus; ta-o luste. mental seletions, lire. lurand. h'ollow- ing the prrimngnalD v. Tr. fi. Quayle riade e few remanie. Tii. meiling moot iv well supplieti wlti totfontalîle ciaie andtiiîienty ni good rmailing mnatten. It will be open frota aow ont, frntm14) a. ni. te 10 p. w..Rvtryoxte ateiomie. X ANNOUM1EMENTS 'X Ail mpmtspns ofh 8xccl-sitir t(acî, RN. of A. are. retuested fin ett-td îext regu- Ian meetintg, Dec. 1, as cleetion nor ilcers takes Place then. Sunde>' evening-'Ngv. 2-1'Thte Prie oh tuir omas $0 Sîwertz Theatre, Weeikpga. Tbb lmean exceptlnnaliy gond drame ami thenoiese are well talken bye gond com»paU>'. <ood service over dis e1î%'Enicb>' MksW rreengemetî1t. Servicesiet t,*, Netodiet citurcitunet Sundayefai ulbours. 'ntor'siubjcm-t. in th evening wifl Le "A Purpose for lile." Titis assigion for vouug monc. llegicning Wdnsatay. Nov. 30(, we will give free Vitit ever> doten oh Outr let cabinet phoitS"Ont' lire Mile phiotr 10120) incites. ýTus olfer hulule until Dec. 15 <iti>. Iconte -t-arly. At lies. wckks.. Auction S"le Bilsi. Theii. lxEeNrjeb ihe-parfimenfi turne ont auttion sais, billestiui-kur, btter anti as 1-Lmap as elmeeiire, ant inl addition we publisit iree oh charge a ntie ofhmsesanti liât oh propenfi>'iluthé' palier, wlen bills are printetiLy uns. rlie> IN)tENtN eaches more fartîere tiean an>' tter paper lenfiLe county-ifi s therefore the et mediumt to atvertime ii" y6e. wo et-r&lté. , --1-1-t? Jas. Taylor, oh Kentilvihîs, lttd., waq serionsh>' diseaseti witit kitini.>'and blatter-trouble for 20 yeere. He teetei ever>' known remOt>' witout mucht Senefit, until Le useti Pineule. This new tiecover>' turet hlm anti M. Taylor advisentail pensons sufférieg front kitrie> or blatider troubt hi fn et ealiottle oh Pineulesetont-e. SoIt b>'WtLLHACKLEY, LIhertyVille Drug Store, atitat G(Jsv- LAKE PUAaMACY 1 F it -L)t anti ue- hbonne wlîlch wwll Witer terni114 wesksl eit Roeieter, wis., Acatiecy topen@ Nov. 181. Aea- deieicbusiness, anti mugic courses. of Engines, farm Impie- mente. Qulck ser7ice aud rtuzht pnvles. WM. LAYCOCK Libertyville, ill. DESIGNS FOR PA LL IWINTER A splendid assortment from which to select, ln the proper styles. Garments that give that natty, well - dressed ap- pearancet MRS. F. PR.OTINE LIBIERTYVlýLE,..ILL Idoma b. ib> W"Li. AM&eu, oat of théo G0reat, Ng knd 'l1ive th4 SUNNY Proaaoters gay Figurée et Whice, Aceraige in. id are Prohibitive. WILL LIKELY ABANDON. The, promoters or relretttativez or' thte litroenedeevîrimtg toperha.. fflmee200()aeres o nideeti coting@Pt tO Rondout are dlscnreed,naswhen tii.>' reporteti probàble icut tofiland tn e4 aeciuirt-d those back of tiie deal are bld ten Lave decldeti orthwith tetoabandut huther effort tie secure the land, - Tii.> ct>nsiîher the pries asked b>' fermers foi their landl as absoîntel>' prohibitive. As yet no une otIter ta n ltsttp prtlséý knows; for wbet purpose th landlIn desireti, and fuie>' willnot sey.' This week lEt was given ont the. C. M. & St. P. reilroati Comtpany wa* behind the project, itaving ln view the esteblishing of a mainmofih jshe- feeding station, though little credence la given thte ruenr Frorntwo to fives itndreti dollars au acre is Lite pries demenedib>'. farteers who htave been approgcbed and te prneipilswill not considen teé propos ion et tlottefigures, iten\e indication. are that it is ,ail off" et lenet for the. lE le titmougli Jothn A. Bradley a welf knwn reelilînt itf Rondont the options, Lave Leen sougitt. lîr. Bradley ls ver.. retieent as tii whint lie representa, ad has deîlared ltiree lf ldetes net know, thLe permette vho are ewentually toacquiWs thtetbig tract in eet ite la able toeceoss options et affigitre titey will Ponsitier. One Day Onlyé' Mise Emmerfi the expert opticien wil!i meke ber regular monthli>'vkiit toï Liitertyville Fride', Dec. 2. Site will bu et fiLe Newuwaeeotel ont' day oiily, giving rée. examinatlons of eves. No one urgpefi bu>'. M8id.- Idiburu Inasurane A meuautot 1 wilii e et E. W. Parkhurst's stoIei Libert.yvilie, thefrat, third and fourti. Saturdeys l ineenher. to reclve usasses. mente due thte Milîbure Mutuel lesurancé Company> for tite towns of Libertyville,' ShielIds andi Vernon. J. E. BALLAS», age-nt andi collecter. 8-11. Tare Notice. iarn paying $8-00> per ton for nli on delivereti et UrmYsiake. 1 asebu>' hides, lftre, rubbers, rage anti every nid thfng. Cash pai here . Ml. Fîvuu. Grayaiake; . ti> Chab*Ial'aCouch Rem.dY la Tîte ftîeot quelit>' of granulated lit- stîgar lm = usl the manufacture ni ChamIterlelW's Cougit Rexpedy, andtihei moots used Inlit lisprerkration <lve it a Savon itiler te mapl e yrup, mnekieg It quit. jle.aat te take. idr. W. L. htod. eriek, of Poohesvlîle. Md., lensptiaklng of ttis m4edJ ,mse>': "1hae, sed Chant- aman ig ý i t emed>' with ta>' ehul. dren for severai years and ean tmtbfully sgay it le te tet preparation of the kind I khnw o. Tihe ciildi-su like te) take it andt jE Le no injurions alter effect. For sale t»' 1'. B. LOVELIL. Mlachine Work. 1 arn now loeated in my new plant and thoroughly equipped to do ail kinds 'Pli ONE 20 Lb BERTY VILLE - nga Pair of Rabbers i Most people buy rubber footl with no thouaht of quatftv: ruao walt'mte But you May as'weII have ttiî buying powerof your-money, au part Of it. Seiz Royal Blue. RubberW r better-than-usual ln quaiity, am samhe*aà usual ln price.,Io enough bttr-than-usu.*Iot,êu bein persistent and. Initont al You're goIna to spend the mon"~ the best, for It. For a~ie at Uibertyville .- - That we have a comnplets Stoves, Steel1 liard.ond Anything you- want ln the Stove lins w Corne in and talk it over. pýendent 'Want ÀA4.* Toasted Corn Flakes Malta Vita Apetizo -'Ralston's Breakfast Food Pettijohn's Gream of Wheat - Grape Nuts Shredded Wheat Quaker Oats Banner Oats BUCK WHEAT FLOUR D of repairiBg; Machinies and 1 ileplu

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