Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Nov 1904, p. 7

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,Iflflfl ss...Ume .'fflot *'5 -. ..*as PRAISE pRbm TI5 eX-am9ffl OP <'OIUGOr. knw rigthe Atiggle qlit : ftter t. 2'b, Peula meills i'sdUe Atpnofrsuceagratu Cubh.»y@: cani vounuendiioîî te«atlff ' SvT*z OFORUOi. rite of l'reun a at&ste zscu7mnvatpArnisN,I porin fronthem *tti aut Tb, P«,,, ) Meile.C'.. Colbubles, . tmablt recelvlnt liundrdoM ni '0! av ac h L N41 dell. IlI im« write aa j'Mr PmWU n#dWeoAuI yl a- T. fn"ai te lghest t tig 4 uett I. &WW . uc f ouw go ke.a m*ex odb..j u'gec>y 1 bave Mt ac' e.. Jorlo jaorer, ilb.ladoor ari- oasm o «» Il, tfer eom AMut rk. it e ditor. the t tteman.Vuz es,*%* .pu-allli gre. that péruna la w. A. Loe't Sreni4y "f, hie aie. op sit rigrn. roecoIgnlalngrill b. e ieS t 41-46. -E-Gov- iîteir omgreiclenemy, gaie tes, . jw ho bas not bad emcalea w Lhusistlc ii ur pxus a a ae for thia la, caut other alimenta hosto lth a cold. Il whowinihea perfet h.slb t.. ern t rmpl er cls irel> f re (ro ctarrh. Ce- h csh to pitly e cur era wei--iigltuniversel; ahuu.t statuts. s te uni! absolute safegnard Ts15tat.-bteryoera- L uol Liathe.begnnln t tce-_ i'ly inthe -Unted Stats.badold- pr, et= uiat encurecuida, keemi Peruna lu the, house. Urne It for ofta h t i vietima. congue, culida. la pippe sud ther climatie affections et teinter. and there &t oly curs carr*. bat grill be ne oths ailiments lu the houm. FM& Dv.' abh.mmaiaosd unch familles ehouiti provide thees- i *h b se ~ftrndy ji selves teth a cepy et Dr. Hartma'as trois a -li s frt ook, entltied. "Chreule Catarrb." AddremaDr. 8. B. artmu. Preident .Geeraor ut Oregon ie an of The Hartman aUnttarlum, Comum- fre t Peruna. Hoekengs it bte, Ohio. Ail eorrespoudence beld lu the houm. strtctiy couidetiaL. F~~ yý JR A613%, loa Sus- F"AR.1 I£tmtonWbat tîn' Oh er deç sun dat. vMiSuoiaiI-17>at sut a expectora- 14wr-WisI do jo' aUIlrman b>'dat'? KW O»c I e-sl-Wby, be eut a spitz. -- - Ac I SisultiBe. 3lvlttedgracions. Kera-in. vi>' u ?sye taraouf tic tenut? Tour ut- s0 e shot saa n e XNua---WeW t. tstua a h hulitla on, eku-.ialahrt-i 1mat. ut> loue. ~PIU, Dr. Spot C~hes dE la i ta NEXICAN Naew YorksidPhlladelptsi tot 6li vie s antly out oeuln- i.'iîtiy reehed tha bytir the Grnd Truol-w .higb Valley monte. sol14 thruigb vit Xiaarea lls. Diveriptve -Ilmm mueM -safu foweenc P- plies tinu wAdverWaug Departutaut, Grand Truck lBailwaY Ufstelu.13à Aldamas tr.,et. Chicago. 000. W. Vaux. A. (0. 1P. *T. AX Au Animal i ht Makes Bay. N'ery provuident creatnree are the L-lttle chief hares, or plcas of the West. Thece animais. whil e saabto e W e liteil te thc rnblts ou Üune ie and Io lb. rata andl mica on the other. niebe their homes ciicy on the. motta- tain siopea. lnt boita und litasuri-i ameig the rockx and bouldera. TbcY oire very industrlous Hittie teiiowo. and their clef preparation for a-Inter co-<ti §lata ln gatberlng piauLa. whiebh bey l'le m Il' bayaitackra" veryv much i a our own former@ do.-Womintî'a homoe Componion. OEDERZD OUT BT A POWEEFU we-OoKBIATIOZi, -- ]game Wommeia u«eeelu i<sa. -TImi, aling delegate la net the enly one, a-beoamedtbtho employs to give "p hi& job.- Soea lrrgulazity lu hi» - ieelth ta>'fonce ina front Lia aork iid renter hm intapable ef lmprovtng tkqb -ver>' flnésde pportusity lit théen-orIà A remet>' that n-iI nera lt l ovea nian> laiton diMcultlea et once anti utaea the patI totesuccess a suiteoonee. Macs Winaifred Ray, et No. 917 Water strut, Wichita, Kansas, bas paed eh appil>' tbngh au experieaoa a-ich linattaei s apoint. Mie aya: lais. --Iu -9011 bagua te suffer freon goi- Ssiderable disiubance eofuts hoclth. aResTire n-sa deraaigcuent et atemacb and f bon-ot, as n-ellas temaeatroubles. -My appetite bacante ver>' teeblt, Sins tays a ittneoA&sire ton food ai alsuit n-heu 1 didt'ake atay iaati tue groat diecemfort, pardoutlarly bunuiag seu- tiens. luIse md palitation oftheiahoat nt an" oten a ati ut ofbitîg utoerad, anad 1Ibecmee n ervous 1 coultt't leep. Oueihotor thougbi 1I bas e dises», anuther coasnmptionatehr a radical dinoner o eliiver. WlilIe 1Imn-n t P enfineti te my beti, 1 n-a seo aul ltaI I>1rami)>'thongit 1I tuât dl. . - - -Atter cnffaoniInatis aa>'for s year jithout fanding ail>'relief, 1 reaotta AS Dr, WII=mPinPlleIsfor, fse Peopie 4,-Z in a book adot boxnd bgnte atca~use tot. la a n-ock I aaibtter, In ~u~six rasavea -eeks la-asa-ell. My Uner seceamat te be etlmulated ah once andi ni> - otuplexlouclearud up. Tlaohunnngmcen t uto tle ltI uy toutucis MdiI could eut ucarly. ntc>evenythtng 1 a-nned. I bat ito moeu teula a bd lomnea n m no mone - ' uWthmyheant. Dywheoxysttm U991. xagnlstad aa4 Oie gai-e fehethe dS ati rn ai e eU t>' nu 1 fbave seeeri aatsgtk and *#on: Iw bI* donsis a eu se tat tohe ulay crud4àwI. o& r ttuis sort bua asboée lu p. ,'Wjàat Togo did te th Port Arthur #aqadcéosa-llJI hae peated iflthpe Uc rriral ofthte Batie fieat. T"ll. belleves beyctuti a douht. Lo- dona eneoùtages tua* ballet. Moreoiver. tle viesa le largely held i laAtterica luit lapait a--h preserve ber naval *01premacY. The reason that jupan leas favorite dome Dot lilelu thé nuuber andl aaperlority ot her.ahips, but lu te excellence of their maniupulation andi lu the greater effective-1 neesutflapane. gunîter'. ITue world et1 largehana sitail opinion ut the Itue- sluila eftuera. The Noth s"a li- cdeut brt Rusclitu unval prestige aimont ani eerioualy au tbe distat show ofthLIe Port Arthuer aquodrun againat Toqo and t Vladlvostok igt àtghht Knmiuura. SMoreorer, the Baitir et wiii arrive ln Acltie waters lu a foîied sud racked cunditon, cand. frontt ail w. kuow. at s time o e ca- ban it wa-h 1wimpossibîle te nakba Vladivostok for cleanig andti r- Paira. And yt.sysa acorrespondent ef tue Cileago Dal!y News,. Toblo la wrong te regard the destruction ofthte Bialtic Beet as certain au lta arrivai witltln trik- lut distance of the capable Japaueseaita- mai. Togo binseif hac been weakpnçd b>' Uhe bard service uf tht year. and hia loases. a-hile âamaîl lu ratio te the dam- age adutlnistereti, are et tii.saume time greter thon te werld bas heên given te understand. H. vwiiiIhave te face a pre- ponderanea et bettkechipe and as ea terce that has everythiîîg te a-lu and neoashre threateued or araules eut off If it ioe-a terce that ban the exemple etfitn pretie- cesseor bity siek te Profit and a ttiiztet incalculable valut for victery. Witbu.2!ogo on the contrar>', re'nte the lite ot hia nation. A tltousand imiln wiii ruah hâte Port Arthuor if hie lift the llociade. If lhe la whilped the Jtttt sues.e riy Ila cut off; bue.sîtores eoftth. island are left unirott.-ted uatd comt- mierce, the vtality of Jaîtanese ffinance. lt destroyed. Toge is the. pricardinta of Japont. Tokle beievea tlt thte destruction of the ][aile ic det viii put Itucia in a frtrmeetfmmd lu whicitshe will glatIr liten te roiloasaoutponce on terme nollfactory te lapait. The Jiji lhimpe. bigbîy relreentttire oetheI.Japone~. press, urgea Japaneme arma te Îuali the confliet wtb sncb tiiry thnt the tent>' wiii have te sue for "cnte. Tobie prays Iliat the continuation ot the battie ot te Shakie river vilteneit lunttie comt- plet. 'éattering etfiKuroîîatkiu'a terces. so that Rmusla va-ll ha torced te deip front lictilities. lapait vanta pence hait- 1>. hle nierrlfied asete anme unfulds. mile alter mile. The ntonter tint cht bana driven nd tpîmmeild will itet oas> n itpped, bt quiebi>'andal ithoti erre's or, noise. augmenteanurtî rturna te the figlt. .lspan pecceives tie unaubstun- tiality ot Etglnide sitlapot; tint It is of te pressastint othtictrenair huan. Engtia.btankers uake lier psy exorbitant interest for the mone>' alto borruva. Eiîgiand in nt rt-r lu hier dot- age; ele nfur Eîagiand scli. Japon fla figlting for pence, anud figt- iug ntagnillceîtir: but iî,r enleiny. nolésn rent hy civil war, wiii net be tue oe te ery "*eitigi !" Tiis la net Musela'. m'air. tekuownthat yeara vilii ruât Japan if bier troopq colant. Sithe resI- bles vividly that if ite lie down u teJuita non te ittegrit>' o ber demain vii' nt long survive Cilua'a. ROOSEVELT GAYS GUARO HOME. Kakes AdOr..lot s Waahlitntet.Catho- lie Chureis Auniveesqjy., Speakior t te 1101h aniveraary ef tiie feutding ef St. Parici's churchln l Washington Presitient Rtoosevelt mid: "Whie in Iis, country wa-e ueit a-re lava. bouestly anti tearleseiy executed. sud a-he a-e connut afferd te tolerat. nythlag but tht igbest standard la public service et the geverameut. yet lu the test analyalp the future ofthtii country muet depeutit'upen the qnaiity et the indiiduel homte. ofthie indiviual Minu«,orwomul i Saabhome. - e "Wa have growu te uccept t ca.sen axiomatic truti, et onirAmercan lite tÉtat thc man ia te ha treatet ionlhica vertu as s tian.,aibhout regard te bbe accidenta et his position; tuaI this la net a gov- eramuent deigned te taver the rich man a* aucb. or the peur ant cuci. but tint it la deigupdte hor ii-ever>' man. rieli or poor.- if ho i-t n doenet mati, vio acta tairl>' b>' ie fi-lows. *'ThteBfidfor charitatble. philanthiropie. religion wirk ia aite uni t bit awile a corner of it remalata iiitilled a-e do a trendfol wrong if a-t-fait te wpecome the. n-uni doncein that fit-Id îy every man. nu trtter wat iasiccreed. provideil oui>' h.e wurkt it -Lba kitty stnet ot bis <ut>' te loti cnd is dut>' te Ibi ài&gbhr' A wnter wvici tili try the sonil ot the innuocent brataudcr la blreaboîtet inMIuk- delà. Tarkeys arc se plentifîîl tîîisyear tîtat their prico viie h ilghen tthon ever hb- fore. Iunoking for a place te make lits anmt standti Lin. &t.oessel idàthe staudingý Gen. Nogi lia a falot llena sete vîtere lie viii et in Chisitasaninner if lie cure. te do se. Russasla going it for rofonm nuit cou stand a lot ut it vitlioot feeling aoy particuiltr stitteit. la tnking Port Arthuar the. fiiieiug toilettes uppear tii ho about an tiuuncut as te preliuiuiurii'. St. L uls uiaitt te roul. hie ftir a-hile te e aottet linuit-t. '1'at cîtuolit Ie ail tinteror itiec tIPiike. iu otiier vurda. '(ceie Ware la goiug ta munt bis oi reliabi. Pégasa andi conter backt te Kansca. Perhapa Port Arthuir bac bcd se luttch whte tue crue! l ga ff Port Arthur il, e'er Jspa ilu havteaa-lot ut .seeuti- 1,usd musca fora-bl 11IL1ahI hve-me20 1%0 i iih nIllinuois Rail-, ceud'n êrus ilI, and dayl rainp' te ut@ MEpoctlonClÇ, alitairepresent tbc blglw tet yp ralliread contrue- lion. Wha. 1en th. worid'à ,Fair. b. sure yont ticket la made geodi 'over tIis une, cuti -von a-hi enjey every -mi etfthe ahort tn!P. Your loca ticket agrent wili gladly make yonr ticket gondt this way If you -request IL @MOuesCotalom . DoYou thitik my âge la begnnng to tell on mâle" qneried i*% nEider- leigit. -'Yen, dea r." repled iNal% Peuchly. --but thon yen bave no cause for wor- ry. It domasut begtn teo tell the whela trnth."1 Ponta§ l aide OCaary Munie. A1 trlkiug novalty tu pîcture postal varda la about to be picced on the mar- tzet b>' a Frenchi syndicate. says Ua London Mail. 1 To an ordinai7 piktorlal card la af- irait a very thin transparent glatinà disi ou whlob lleuPreaad Ia gTramo- phone Musical tuerd. A kol, la' plercedt tbouh the.-eautpr orthtei.disk andthtiepoutear4 en au eplacet On an ordinary ttking uslîne and pinyed ln the usual way., The musical poteard open$ »P ab eutfrely new fleld for the craze. Phio- tographe ot great elugersansd composF- ens aii i e accempanlet by extracts ft'om tier worka. plturen ot national gaga by the antitema et the differeut coutried. andi no tu endiese variety. Oancitates for politica.i honora. inutend of aendiug mereiy ther photographeain constituent$. ,111 tan able te aCCOM- pany thent with tic phenogrphice rec- orda of su elaction e.ddregs. Avmai tr -c.A ~e dii yecue toWeiiey et lebb. "" Boa tef Unlike Eurepean mourebs, a-ho nusîally have a private clipau ad special place of - orabtp as a partofet tae '-tate ciurch.' tae Prealdent oet the. uniteul States selects bI& ennplace et worobip. lu Washington,. mucli as n-ould att> othar pereon Wuho wnt tbIer. te live. uand attenta Ita eerviecs iithout ostentation «t au>'sort. lhluce regutiar publie recopiionsat tfie White4 Houa. have beeu dsconinîue*. tht Preaident'm church la generaily oeorrui Witt sgbtaeers. Mrt. Reosevelt at- tend& Graee Meormad Churcb. ttc uta- odiice, compttetd scne be ha- came Prealdent, aeata about ire buta- dret pereons; belte tabc ovotailped Witte the Society' lu a chapel leas thon1 hait as commodilous. Prealdant$ Grant. Hayes andi McKinley tteuded Ilathudit iurcba; Genieral <larfleli., durIng bie long Congresaloital career. as Weti ns alter is tet'atlun le tht presilituiîy. was aIdentifiedth iitae "Dlseililec." or "*ChrLtaln." Télt precent churcb, oea utthe strungest lit the î'lty. le caliet the "Garfild Meute- ria." Preel1dent Artbur wasanu IlpWs cupailan. anti attentat St. John'@,. Juif accuosaLafayette Park. n-ich la but 4 ten- stepc fron thie W'bite Honse, lBeu- jamin Harrison, ns a lîromînent ires- byterinit., toîtîttibis religione homea et the Cburch ut the Cuvenant. The Fifty-eîglith Congres@ -a-Ilex- pire anli the exci-Iement ufthie insu- guratlon ceremouaies ut itoon ot Marcii 4. The short see-sion et an explrlng Coengri-an lanaunîallyfuîtetulcoof iai mtent. Thiînga more more raildly thaotlit tht longer session ut tihelace ceîntii ent. Yountg menîbers havt nov al hadqe witere exiietieuce. Tii. Houce etflRepresentatires pan9es lits apf'oîaclation bills nioeaspeedilY lu-a second star, aIce te question.sli dia leute- are tiaturailly "fought out" tht- firat timae tbey conte before Its mem- Lbers. Leglaiatiî-e measurea a-bîcb have modate progresa, but have not reucheti ensetmeitt vIlie taken uçi a-bacc tley were IeftLlesit sPrlig. Cout- nattees wbiçh bat been dîretet te make speclal Inquilîe -ii report oui tht oliening da ofut ha Session. Al buibwit-li tre net pasoed b>' Match -I trhli bclt at.duJmuet he Introduced ngain lit the next Contgres@. A treut>' loen net exîtîre ut ite end of it Cote- grena. ince IL la tor the WSnate alune te cunalder. tt mu lie tukannuI it ece It n-as lef t the yeur betore. segardiese ot n-hetbectere la a nea- Congreîs$ tutat ha ome lu, or merety anotiier seasion etai eut u ne. An Important opinionti, hhvîilset a precadont ut grent Interesttebuail Federai officiaIs a-ho are appintet by' the Presldetit. bac beau rentaet db> the <onijtrliler ut the treacur. 'rite deelaloneastabtisqhea u1ble btle et othltcni te tran- puy until thair suecessues quatif>'. The point asa raised by Mleuit Ociggblis. of Bonite -akoha. nWho Wa-us tict attontey for tht Nomte, Alaska,. district. Mc. Grigaby r eigutet nutt[ bis resignatioti, lu take effect Jlune -3o lat, n-us aceepteti. Hlz sueceir n-as apelitet. but he talleti te quai-, If ifsnbi l l 1. >r-.Gclgaliy. nho lictl h een oteupylng the district atter- nieye office betn-eeîlte Ulime et bis i-rsigttation antitht qualification ut hie tueceeisor, cntende-t ttbch.was en- ftiedtielutn-eity-iiine tlny' puy, aI- biough e srealgnatloiba hadeeu acs- tetiteti aîdhe a-ais connîtea-etiont of office. >Thtetoiifttoler dectilea tIntA 31r. Girgcliye -aim la proper. fitula "Idt ht itiumelatply up 11heti Inaugurcationt et Pceiieîît Roosevelt on a Mscu- 4 there n-l! lie a sliîke-up- thintwîil orerchadow flbnttniude lii Mr. McKinley n-boithbbc iepnblicans gaînet itou-or alter tht Clevelaîndtad. uuîairîtiotî. Ver>' tew ut thte oIt Mc- Kinkey appolutees are luelie retainoil lIn office. Mr. Roosevelt vanta binsonwît adîministriation te he one et bis uwn la-menai seleetIon. Titioffi-lai chut>- piug la,-to hbcItegun la the cabinuet. undi vIlextend. townnta cunaular pi>- mitions of. couparatrely uttnorlimpert- uncef. It viii Iuîcude bundretia of potutasters, Internat reveanue colle,!- turc, ecuctOms coileetors. coenînlcslueca ut Itmmaigtration,. consuls. tiploi totii aîgents. and ln tact officiai poisitions ,l, etet->' Irattelietfthe govorliueuît uer- Vlce. '- -_ 1 'The addittional coet ac comparoti a-lt orulliar>' carda te véry liglit. The disk. lîiugl)aeclly transparent. dîtes net lnany was> Ittete wltb te pic-, tome enieatit. Aa a novel advertialng mediumt.e nircarda att certain te bc peputar. .'WiIACKS" Andi Whai Tbir enun. Wiien 014 Mtiter Nature gires yen a "a-hait" ceneber 'titres a cea- son," se try andi amy "tbank you;" theat aet about fiîîding a-bat you have dette te demauti the rebuthe. sui trty and geL baet -JutUne, fer thatîs Ibe happ>' place atter ail. Curlotta boa-man>' bigitirorganîzeti peuple fait te appreclate anti bee thIe firat litti.. gentie "a-hacks' of the guet oit Dame, but go rtgiit &long wiIh the habit, n-batever t ma be.tat causcs hec tisapproral. Whlckey, Tobacce. Coffe. Tea or other unnaînral bI-at- ment oet he boity,. untul serions Iluuioc sets un or soeachronlc diseuse. Soute people serra te get on very -i a-uwitb tiioce thage ton a nwite, suit Mther Nature apparentiy canes but littia a-bat tht>' do..0 Penbap ie bas ne parbucular Plane fertMent anti thinka it litia use ta wanae ime ln their trainiung. There ara people, beaever. a-ho satin te ha seleetet b>' Nature te -te thînga." Tht olti Mother expeets theut te carry- eut saute dapartmeut et ber. grant a-ork. A portion efthbesa select- et netaofttanti agate seet te at$mu- lote andt ten doatian the tool (tht body) by nome one or more oet-tht. drugs-Whlstey, Tobaccu. Coffee. Tes. Morpinte,.etc. yen kuow, ail oethbiea tiron- downn the saute casà et aitalgîis it chemi- cal analyste. Tueye aitulate andt ien dare.The>'ttke freinMeutorV wom- su taepow-er Wbo debis, orber hest <ont. Atten tien. people have drugg.d for a Lima they geL a Iint gr mIlt "n-act" te reminti thaut that tiey have -oroc te de. a mission te perterna. sud holdl ha about h. business, but are itlng aiouag thtea-aycide anti become unfited ton the faute and fortune that watts for them If tbey but stick te tht course niteep the boty eeat et obstrue- tions se t eau curry eut th e beets ut tht mînti. Sictuess le a cail te "corne op iiigb- er." -These bluta comae luvrins forma. il mu>' ha stomaci trouble or bon-tir. heart. ese. kidutyt or general nervoua prostration. Yen mu>' tepenti upon Ita-bau a '1wbact" contes Its a waralag te, quit noe abuseanmtde the rlgbt and fanim tingn-tb t e d>'., Perbape lit la ceffaitd dlnklng that effanda. That la oea et the. gretent causes of buman disoctier among Amertcans. Non- tien If Motiier Nature ls goutte n-tb yeun sd eni> givealilght, lîttie '-n-hacka" Set final ho attruet atention. den't abuse ber ionidratien, or sIte n-luIiseen bit yen utrtier. sure. Anti yeu may aise bc aura ite nwhI bit yen ver?', ver>' bard If you insiuît on toloi-g thten-a>yeno bave been SeIng.- It seema bard n-ocktate ive. up a habit, anti ae tu-y ni oertn et plans te cbarge eut filIfeelings te soute other cause titatht ceai oe. Ceffea drinitera a-heu I11 a-lu attrib- ute the troubla te bcd food, malaria. ovrraork sud a-bat net. but tIte> keep ou befug sIct andi gradually getiing n-reauntil tbey ara maal>' teredtat quît entirel>'. tran the. "oui>' eue cup s day." Then tht>' bagin te get het- ter, sud unleac they have gent long eneugi te aettup nsea <ratorgatule dsease,,ta>' generally get entirol>' wat. tt in taoy te quit cuffeSt once sud for ail, b>' havlng n-aIl matie Postuin. a-lUi Its icb. deep, seai-broncouer a-bicii comas ta tht beautiful goldeu brewnnahan god creaut le atidet. anti taecrbsp enap et gooti. milti lava la tient If the PostUin hâb beau bollet long teugii te biug It eut. Ittpays te bc a-eu snd iappy for geodo lt Mtier Nature tben soudea us bar biesanga et nu>'ant i arIons klnda ntbd iips, ns te gain faut. anti fortune. ftrlp eR tbe handicap$. lean-. out tie ddectiguas habita, hecti Doter Na- tona% hMats, quît halng a' loser sudi becocie ac nmer. Sie n-Ml bul yen sur1 e ILpout ulot te thinge tbat bew y ou >beet. - -5Tiieê, aee nsd s, prefounti bave beau a falthful a-orkoe 4dqwiç tiché S. "we leus700 have bees 1.;tf t71 ise ticn»w *ien n1 piy $I-elave en a-pelé * i aké6hail le much a-oUi d erl -f.mai il hff pe w àý Y.70 as sucb?" _Marly _ .*Whie I appreciate your hîinesa an4 191» thé h6or yen do me la maklng the Offet. iii.reami. t tiipapor Mr. Oldiioy," replied thé tittie acure- 'let Iai dm s k isItet 0 eyed blonde, "betere sc.pting I1a-lsb te dm.' u tiaam sMy eue word. A your stenographer 1il i eajyutets ut bave allowed yon to dictate te me. but I ltiiIty5r5I bla if 1 become Four 'vite t1d&ealleter @se te. right <n .de ail the alîctinif MYstf.i ebU ! uu ani-" "Pardon me fotrliterriaptiaag yaUî. Mima Hammerton." saidthLe olti men, '%but1 bhinlt iLalI sbebei for yiii te continuaîe in your preaet pÔWction. 1iast ian extra dollar te >'eur saslery. a-icb a-li enabi, >oc. te drea- in lu ecreautsoda aur' hopes that m.7 a-slsmer bava raiseti."- Go.4 New-. lb. AIL Bradftord, Tiùte. Soy. -<pcs) .-sctentlflc reeearc howsevaKldney Troubl, te le the.ftter ef se mauy diseais tat »w% ofeta discever>' et a sure cure fornfil annet f511 te b. n-el- coilcé al oôve? the eountr. Anti ae- eerdlag tw Dr. J. .,Davis oft tue plae e ut iech s cura le found Inl Dotda Kldnty Pilla. Mr. Davis sers: "Dodule Kida.> PlIlla are ail that la clalmati thetu. Tbay bave doue me mt $Ma d ot tiAnanytw Ihave even Iaken. 1IhbatI dneyNTruble very bcd sud aftet' taktng c&ftuerib«a et Vodd'e K.dnel PIiIç X am completel>' cured. f canuot praise lIem tee Kiuat Complaint devélops loto Drigit'. Diease, Drýopmy. Diahbeae. Sheumatisut sud otlter paintul and fatal tilseasea. The safeguard la te curea$,eur ktdneys alth Doddus Kldney, Plits wlheu tht>' show-thse frai aymp- tom of diseuse. The Datte et.- utieriati bac closeti en eue et hlm tatates a roai tic publie bas usetifer more than 30D0 yeata. Mca. Henry' Ë. Sheldon ham given 2G.- 000 te thé propose& univeraity er bucls ln Brooklyn. Ise~ lawe 1l Mî40419w Mi»s .e'serUOt-.I UM taua,1mg11 trace my ancestera bock te tb e isa tien. Jask Dsshg-Tjit'pouethl 3I g trac, mine bacis y"sta eh7«M any roform wa-seemry, opaakla dues sot cuiS g.eag., au idlb"Itise u14Itdl la fea- cilidrea thata-eut la a eesttua.l aa. 18f M. Summerc. Box M . Nori vill mend ber hoe. treatiag motiier. lie s5 es m m=«. to-day If your clldrezit beute l aa.Don't blamne lb.e Ilte cncsare IL eutt help IL Undouebtediy Teste. "*Atter *Il." remaritedth b eo lat cbeap." '*Yont aili prebably thial t es'Uw* rejeinedtheii.philosopher. "ater y« hi mad ocrasioii ta con..ult à fi-clan bý 1 tand Pls's Cure fer CouaaUm boit medline fer croup>'eidueg Il' Cuihsn. 114- Hall strpets bMca.W. Va.. AprilMlIWI, 91L A man shouid a-eigb 261 ponas U eny foot et hMa helght. e- promiünentSoter a fui -and irregar rid.i b 1ub.u h ogi mi W tb &1 L tand moi. D ID tb.slu et 0fyour utll r bt1punahauct ahs; unthei rcl ,Ubl -ME otmm 1 am MWnO=-f.i noyar b. wgutiu f. out>'t~ for i your Vetabs rou l .tegne Lem P&~rh.webthî.a (lurernor Cumtmlis et Ioa,i. iuar- ilier ain ant et Miunuesoa, andt Gou- rner La Follette of Wisconîsin bave torffièul a trtiuviraîts te terce a r.- vision of fraiglit rates litbtte West, ta id fer that puucie e boI a conterent-t %%11h Preldetît itoosevelt. Govel'nor Cutnmîns lias guuîere a lange altolrt tif tinta. n-hiehilie prsenie totethe- l'reeltanlt ehon-ng thal lIte preaetî freigbit tari! liîtqultahle. Tht tri- iuivira urg, moe.eqotabit ratea for xithb comutuniies anti Inividuelis; talme that taetIttersate Commere C'omission hae gven muore ,Uuttuiu-i: in tils direction. 'rile lUtttet Statun mails earty lit a yc:r ,501J000,000 pleceà et muttér ui n c. - tf$15,00«0, o.andIt f tht rttral delîvrn>'service.a-hlcb uour serves ite-ertiiti t etDur people et ail ex pensaetf$22.000.000.ncnereeliiitîtt t poeteffit.. veuld iehasefitapportlng. Tihe upeatolicu a-as uei eetubulAbett' t maîke mtuet,,but even aitliout oui>' ce rctebeni ut vouit make mono>' îtcubably, if MIe cheap parcel pont n-cnt ittrotucedtitresaltIfcexiselit ther progreéaivec îoatuîta. Nhen te Pr.aident attents cihtrch b.e leaaloned te levatha builinlg ai tht lose ot tba service.. before tht reat et tht cungt'tgatloiotira I heir ltevra. The usheca cea tuai Utis cule la re- speted. !Conmlt.clug the, ceunIr>". unfoctunuieaexpa'Ience wlth assasuin*, it lana at>' simpia Preecilon. Ta-o sectet service mien area aine la attend- sue. Preetcu d uenSv4-elt lost In- vantabi>' -ca U te bis ,chnrch. n-hiedi la las tb&ls a mil. tramt thawhlte ', V- 1

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