Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 9 Dec 1904, p. 1

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the » UItO II -oiu ogu iheforof1, .caton et mik elffor copaglwcoMa, bronchitis, hbosse- nitianimeffitions ofthe throat and Iungs. IT VELLS DRUG STOR.E Headqua.rt*rs for Duck Coats SL5O to $2,00 Sw.lerasoc to S2.50 Nmotan& Buck Gloves andi Mittens Hand Umesi 51.25 and $150 Camf Faccd Mitis 50 ta SI-00 New Wtof Mena Winter CaP. oa g.efr Bloc PARKH URST WE C ouN NTIlOýNAL BAN K CAPITAIL - - 50000 $UtPlLUe AND PROFITS 7000 - DKOSIT - - 350,000.00D tafee Pu'Ictlu free la Soing to a dry, goods store or a gzocery store. We want you to feel Juet as free to core to us whn needlng the servces of a bank. UwciRH.MArffN 6e. 0. Esideise 'Phsone 263 Ib.stovll.. DMi, ý Fuo AYLO ' -1 tu 10 m. n. 2 ta 4 and 6 ta on Boadway, opposite Pari. D A.îllioi&OS 'of Ohiago IiENTAL OFFICE ,Weàde," iof mes wei irons '$I.06 um. ta 6.10p. n. efTTOMNT AT LAW . lubesty'ufle, hlinola. in, E aH.SMITIL ~412 a. n. andi ta 5 P. M. U, Lbetyville, Illinos. First National1 B8ank .L. TAYLos Vice-PMo. H.Q.o GÂmaa ca.liea '*Ubertyv-il, mlinois Accounts of firme nd r individuala are aolie ited. and'wil be re- ceived upOnI the "mosti favorable ,ternms con- slistent,.wth conserva- tive aiig Proctor Block LIbttyltI linols' Prw"tculinsdtdit, EVE, EAI, NOMU AND) TEBOAT. ()Pu M.Boms 8" BSTWAàv usLINsn, MdO0Ng PETITION TKJEWED DOWi A mib uwfm4Ont.aséWbahall" from chicau seteil ai Wm.ula, se,, af Eoei*hwakr, ao< building la. catel la théeiMort of tffl Ïvi eiùssîf lnalng theiserlfixtaes m Md otis sa appurteSancea ta a saloon. A pétton hua beau idrulatesi about thse village pr»ying tise Baud oi Supervisarata grant la tise "id Oit. a licena. tacou- duet a salon.but irom ne Whvio sW thse papet w. Imm t5itisAnet aven a hal dowsai uaturs. >1 Boceeller Peaple arm appendesitiserta. As yet the peak tion lia net hbecrculatesi ia otiser parto ai thée township ansi t vonld ap peuttie !dea of operat*isg its a liosa. ba been abazidesi. However prepara. tiona, for openlng the place continue,-aid tise coisclualoisJ ha tishle proprietar eltiser inteisda, ta rn a blind plg or soi only under a gomenment lhanée. At lenat tht.i tithe ery oi leadingdlti- mens aiflRockefeller, It la* now propoeed to rÀdl1 a mac. rrs'eting oi thse cîtîreno. heving an its purpomé a to thse surprviwso .,lould tliey iel hncllned ta grant a iliceuseta -Cliste or anyone el@eta open a iulloois in thse itie village. I t wonisi oertahnly seens htii. npro S isonis refisse ta grant a*saloon lcenhe iii lhsckek-ller Ion.eIoakes i nnhsa i b ohiown aL maiority oi thse people of that conlifluilhtv seasi 0one. Wlsile signatnrs olj rei#pisto ofni asonsi Lakeor, Uherty- villo serve to mate np thse ndsbesoary snumber, ik liqa travsty oi Initiethat p'srsors'. living in adjoining iximmunlthes soiinid it i. rlng upon asiester village ji mnimin. 'sssd it sas.. ithout saylng tlîat a gri-nt majority of people in are iitterly >ppo.ed ita tise oeu.1()il i i.îortore-lis duit villag~e. FARMERS' UNSTITUTE SOON. fsaMiona at Gsa'pmake andi Wam- kegan Wltb ,O00d ProgrUMna. INSTRUCTORS TIO SPEÂR. Thea anua Lake Couisly Farniere Instituts, undler state auspices, viii open ai Grayelake on thea Blet of Jannary, ta continue for four laya. -The meetings on tibe Id ald' 3aofFehiâul, rmpèrtey bai n tise <onni house in Waui- Tise afficera in charge ai this titutions vwork are Warren Hollansi, preaisisut; Etmal WiWhite qai Mlihurs, secretary; 0. B. Wht.more ai Guru... treasurer ansi H.»D. Hugliee ai Aitiacli, director for Tentis District. For théa heot original oratians on Farmisig or Home Maiing written by baya under sixteen, years of age tiser. are tour primos aof rom aise ho fout dollar.. For the. beet cornsgravis ly lada I tise saine ge ontaile oilirayelàketbare in a prise ai heu dollare ta 5livides For tise beet five loavea ai breasi baked by yonng ladies ai thea@mae otiare are, prime of a dollar for each lot Tba 1,0 asidremsesoaitb.e.1.1v irwllbu delivetesi by Prof. .Gugglu of W~ieffl an& hi Prof. Frank Hall, fonnserly. af tt icty but nov of Asirora. Miss MirnasnBeue., oy etoaspeai aon Dcmestie Science. Thome thise are -Iated for tva alîrasee eeci. Tise annuai round-up meeting tàksa place aht Joliet on Fehruary 21, 22, andi 281, 19ozi Amrn-Doolhttie Nuiptimis. Thnnaday eveùiingDecember lot, at Àigit. a'tloeietahei. Lme ai Mn. andi Mr. Doolîttle in Rockeleiler occurel tise' mavrlaea!l la lhenAuna lmusi to Loo B. Ansesoa Palmyra, Vinglala., The cr.many va. perfornual Sy 15v. DePeW ansi va. vitusselby thilrV bu- medllate relative. and Irleis. Aller tise jceremlAur ansi congratuslaios e sbride ansi groom led tise vay ta ttise dlg rm, vier. a bounthil' repaet vas The b ride andi groom vex*e isa ip 'ente 0 au asy .eautifuI and *gefulpra. ,ent. lu -taimony af tise bIg o er lu v wiei tbey are iselsi by tlir wtEWds. Salurday evening Misese ililamAyusm- ley ansi Anisa Cronkb4ltg:ys a linon isaver for th, bride aI tise hotu ofthe former. t About twenty yousg ptsopie voe present andi opent a moat sujoyable Mr. andsir. Anses vwii @pendi a shsort 'tins. vhltîng ralativeeiani trhenddiwhen ibey viiigo Ïta Palmy*ra4Virginie, vlare tii. viI maie Ihaîr iso"'seWltlitise, galbb eât vises of iany Laie couuty Ielnda. Mayiqba ppinesaansi proîpertv attendi lisai. - mouae nntlmemay ex"Insive. .cessloamlbr lIl, leWhh rie, ofs 1After lKavas r o P"u statu Novas Wheun Jd~» 4last weei la- ttsisted. tisaéot ut@ is lise1 tmbeaalemet cas ~t B. H. 8tsl»e0 Company, ta IMI& a .'of Particulars ' Attorney Coon for là. Blarpe tendew 1 ta tise tat Mace es.laWakisMr. Stripe1 un kept iromnsdrtuth ie Companiy.1 Aceordhnglv Asdetattates Attorney9 Millet vitis Attorney MDSi thi andi Mr.m »labgtfor tiesâe tat. de 46thoraugfi1 exasaisation af tise books isqquestion whIcls ver. .xpected ta show Up1 defalcatlonu andi erzr s ad. by r.à Strilse. Mr. Coou wae preset aud anevened qnestionw pot tu tise defenas, by tise state'. caunie, agarding figures, etc.Tise neniday Stal55Attorney Ha5n ai appere * beote Jud* Doniselly- and 1 nsaved tisaItise court lave al the, Case. against tMr. Stripe noleproesed and tisei court su arderesi and oailthree are lAina dianssSel and-Mr. Stiie la vindicatbid. tir. Stripa natnrally la elated tht i wa. demanstrated clsanly tu tiseatate1 his acaunta were abaolntely straigisi sud hie record a. aun alier af thse Company above repnoab. Will Aak for flecelver. Thsa eek tise serWif01 Stevensa connty Wahngton, viser. tise mine I.lacamted me.cned service on Athunr Iîtripe, tie residesst diretar and preoesuta appoint qreciliver and seenre an equitabie adjnstmnit of alaire ai tise Company wiii proeel. The estactioldera vho bave ail aloisg pinned their fait In i R.B., .Strilbesnow hope ta contraI the Comn xy aud 1lieve IL c" ib. operated and will bring ricis returUo. Now Kennedy Sues. FcolÏowinig the. disposition aI tu- cs iigni'.t -%Ir. Stripe. M. H. Kennedy, sec- nt-tary of tîle slinliiugilupanv branglit .UiL sgeifusitJ hu l ipencel ai %Waucousd for 425,000l. Only Utise iaipe Lia@ -seesx llied la connsectiau withs tihesuit is clrcit2.wurt and tise csase imta moeep net Match. ihtlanundertood thait ise , çhoee that wiUl be Umai listise leelara- Ûilasiandesr andi it-is alé that iL - wa mnade In Coisuectioa istb reersisce Spsencer in saisi ta have sil. regOdng M. Kennedy'. associations wîti tise ELECTEDI Annuel Meeting Wmdnemdmy. Only 59 Maniber. Present. J. a. moRtsE SeCRETrAfi. wedisesday ,biternoan va. 5.11 tise annual meeting andi election af officers of the Laits Couisty Agrlcultnral Society at Libertyvhlle. There vas not a large kattendais.., ity-nine of tis 100 usai- bers votlng. 0f course, nder thse Sw raies ouly tiss. aving petsi tiitllar omberubp tee durngtise lustPait *e0 .islted ta vote, snd,* sansany wba guis. evall.y taisau intereet in maueis pae-. talahng ta tise asociation onuglectiedsu PaU tieir mensbersil eseat tisat #mie, voe.tins lalsarred, a large attendasce vas isot tu be expected. A ticket wua lu the. fielsiheadesi by H. J. Catir for premident, ansi tiieve as ap- 1position ouly in tihe casedi treasurer, for viic office ChsarlesnSmith va. a con- di4e ta succee E.W. Parkunst. How- ever, lMt. 1arkuisrst was elotesi by a blarge malortt. Ollicers elactesi are: B. J. Caterý-Preeisieat» HBeriElvande--lot Vice Président. lien. . tiÏen-2d Vice Prealdeut. J. 5.Npres-decretaty.. B. W. Pai*burât-Trearer. 'Diretars-L. a. 'Hanby,R . C. W. Meyer, Serna" Bock, J. T. Main, Byron Cohby. ir.,Morse, tise nev ecretaryansi vis sisceeode 0. E. Chnrchsill, visa vas iot a candidate lot re.electiou. là a yonng mais of alhlitI'and viii maite a conspetent ansi energeitie officer. Tise.vsultIle lhaueelanat tise eet- Ing. -4l uotiig -Ii relative te tise pal. lcy 01 the officera cioweenbut i là apro, sumesi iron iat le inanci ail flayon bnproveniente, and vlD, its tise substantial balance iu tise trmuesry, erect a isew grand stand, acqiîramore 0lansi ansi afry ont the pollyofadvance- ment so long sigitatesi. Te the Publio. eWeknov af inogreaternervlcetisI tsi ,:wapet earnIer I lai y reders tisista » tis= sknow 0, a rsellY meri- ytaobus article ansi vser tise same ay yb. piocured. For ths easm"vW*niaustu have evas7 reader perusetise'follovlisg recasA latterta tise mambhtVite'srons - a geisOMI tometttet 0. tiw tw.o&.u of 8*..' 145410x CIIOSEN. Prýournuat aStOsf Waaut ne- Â&CTION Kxi FINAL. Wia. WaabngtonIs 1inlalearnasi tisa uMibiganumntaremail .uprmsetat-u en~ sesklngta have tihe naaTrall Jiger Manduy ega -4,~~aal Abc commssilon'» decislinsulufayot 01 North Ciicago. Tiie Michgaibeitar taléd pteldt Boosevlt tisat it vas lila beleftisai t tere vus 11W. warrant for a declilon Wseli gave tieSa tation site ta a place vhich disi nat have barbar .naugh to flaat a rawboat, .Ris talk wlth tise Presldent neu a long an.. *At 1h. conclusiais Senator Aiger gWtat iat the. gaad ai tisesrvlée demndesi a naval tation wvhs aonat. uralUanbor. "l amn nt certain," continnesi the sen- atar, "wiietiser or nattis imalter bas gane beyond tis, stage oi change, but Mo wlll do visat w. e fltaosnt.ra recOn- slderatian."l Tue 5.11.1 in Washingtons le tiat Miilaicmado dsibng, and tisat Pissient nkosvelt'a sanction Qi tiie Ondlng ofthtie commission la fial. WAUKýEOANI Somet 1 - t O Tise new steel steamer Tensaw S.ecntly launchesi at Whsthrop Harbor for tise goverpmnent asid dlatined for use ou tise lower leaioshppi bsebes unable to vater nuittihe lateness of th ise ueunos, andsin now lily! up for tihe vinten at Portage, thse vater ai Fox River ulirougis nic h wa. tuj be taken t4) tihe gMisse. sippl pros'ing toc uhallow. Captala H. L Roia bas retnnsel and ireporta lise hi Henry Vaudervere, a sailor, ccid.ntiy ".1 Intatihe laie vuie trying ta board tise fiais tng Bigle l ahitise barbait Mauday niglit ansi va. drovuaed. Hie body vasaisolt acavered Zstil Thursday aïfsernaon ansi tien isy bI.braIser vha vwu dragglng tise laie bottons vils a grappling booi. It in presufves Vandervere îusised his footing as b. 1usd ta leap lrom tise doci ta the tng vWh"i Im"ibrS"s. et ay- Tisa vaStisa.çn- cielis reacsesiby tise coroiser's jury. A verdict ai $1000 vas returass Inutise Tanner-Amet damage sut Thuvsdup' aIter the. jury husi deliberatesi abont ai haut. Thi. vas an action anet Aldprmau Amet for alanler. The. verdict vas a complet. surprise for everybody bal lb. feeling tIsaitise cae. vuld flau tirangs, tistise Thutu yard 'aldommia vouls b. beisi hy the jury a. havlng acte in liseisofficiai capaclty snd b. dlsci4rgesi. AÀssevtrail bas beau a.isl andi arguments vii b. bears i Is veb. Word ha. just reaclies lare saison- lisg the a atissthes ive ansi a hall rear aid adioptasi son af Chas.' N. Detr, aI tibs city, bia. beconi e ir- ta a, tird of an estata valu st about 00,600. The. lpbdab a u ceo a. result alli.desth »É tb. rtgn'at ed.otsbai tisea child vis..riglil Dam la TeeRare.Tise boy le tise don 01 Mm .Derrys step dangisterand vas bore ber stahtise Derrybanse. Tise boy his Mli.' ansi Mmrs Derry arebs.parente., Tueoday nsornlng tise body of Peter et. Peter, a vell inovu ciiaract.r abont tavis, vas fonsion tise baci stairs of Anisa Blehl'saloou ah the uorth endi et Genesse treet bridge, viseW hob lias appareutiy falen sisal. Tb@ réunit va. tise osulination aI yefsnof dIsia thon ansi cosst.tdrsnenisse HaoliaI een isanglng about Knblmeiy's saloon, util elaehnguopdme vb.n b.ovas put out h la tise tbeoryat tise police tisat ha wqanleslafmIeely mant andi ah faut tel ta gel lu tb. rear door ai Mss k hesplace, penisape ot aMWalslngbat àtins 1h vs. Caroner Taylor balla tponl motas, £ndhng theammn isd ied aio cevebnhi iensonsiage IndueSi by ex- wcesalve f s4lc.leic nkn. TS. a. thse fing ai tis, coroners jury. Reteotor e t. L Llm. Aahispreisa n t, Apm 10, 19M.-I tink -It 14only rigisi I1shoul tell a vhuwat a vonderini adeot Chmiser- s ileCongis. *emnedy bu sprodisces. Tii. dey beote *tev 1irea.sno dsih- truansd *Ita oold thahl1dn ot tii te, beutile ta tae MWy uulAs. b.lieut day, oaw ayVoie. va. alanosl cbai.d by 1b che eugi. Theis e me ylFreceivsi auï aorder fr0. yan for a boitle of vaur 1Caniffrenwesy. 'I1ah Once pracum aia ymple bottie' ansi toabSlotl isee lasse ailla suedhelm. Ta my Vrat ne. ': l ý lIecai I ai s dabkthp nIs.dinsoasp a.lio ia àtihr olSauesthesr . ve at e yérdauC nd kie curei wu d uite t- I& youlai vlhaut É.-1 odeltati best ptîoal ,f e! ta beoul iiao 'aut ,a elt. bselwku" myy&osws. The mot4wp.l2a- t approaching HIMI#u it at onwe Usef n ul =4baêuLifld There 19 nothlng eS,.qut. io AppropVW Our Holiday Uine muet b. meen ta <i appreciatedi. Corne ln and talk furniture. We cm UUL~. Universe -Cail and examine nm sTrovEs. RANc Get My FIgum e foré. LIB3ERTY VILLE - Washiffgtou D.C., oi.v -Cl Albsert Rom, one of tii. vetoran of tise is5?, wso bubeaisnlu ervic. 5ah"â 1868 bas besu. ordered ta tise om- muid of tise »val tralnln setation. wem. la Lake couly. 1Hnaviii av ltsmedlately fatr (Jblca, ansi Isar an, a civil engineer wil b Sunday 19 asigna ta tise van ai luangurtl sumpi s m klng prolimlnat7 plaseRO"W for layfisg ont he grounda, aulguligSA locations of tii. verious buildIng, dressgini aut & boat hNrlsar and dalng a&U oer pmhellmlar an Tii.actuel vork of buidingg vi)b. t" eaup seau a% tbisegamasidouatel bi t i U* I (hqota b. lutetes pop- Hib4rakeWra ad for RA FUR$ &u Chas Stmspel: b Long ovII ,. M.v. test 4. De. I8~s.u' Iiarry's- UJNCJ1I COUNTeýR1 Llbertyville, Ili. ; alce COUsn'w. *JM Ftrd*y, DPecetnl*r 0.,1904.-8 Pages. V-- 1 Il MM ýFM -WOO"

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