Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 9 Dec 1904, p. 5

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12-bourcougb curs ail Ckiey'a . ee. w Village Bulaidng. 0" lH arim, of Lewrence., At Ibe rlitnl-» nu.rg of the, villogr vUboty'.aabusard Moaalugniglilthb.'lire nnd! Mm FeehWlaelwrghî,of arvard, Jwatfr 5'oniltt.orNportuid tint it would T he best ln memats and .vaited thl# "ok with ber pareni, iMr. ,w alu OsI nigr ta rebuild the. prell., tat(le upplies of alil kinda M4 Mrs L Pýlbhard. nt CKYll. ttu ak. it do for Miàs e fClpotte, af Hob,,tpump slion e ty W]ai, dreoo)m_4 Wou find here. Prompt Cka<u is o esvsîn nîalo hâ he f6lbuilding lb. snidaud al cOkahoa, J1as h v intng berMur nOv sleils ofaibrick ereeted. The' servlce and a 4eternmIna- lier for boue Weduesday. imatter vaw dha'used at nome lýngth1 tiori to please comblned B.H.,Miller wileand Ioderd5mloftt' ijoarl >t1to n fir thei with qoQdg<00dm At rlght Wibple .C. Woduesday, w he mle eth rllg ounte Mm Mllt'enai uonLi dtiie~ onhMe. b egi uuurk un the pro-ý pric. Mekus Our store seetéry or ' ttmmittaep lm naval pfi w uu uji"ey heada"M 1 .Jud MNore:irepreléeat t tiiemetinti heQiuartrs for ca refui s M kLaaebs eege Md ioffered the tiusteell $100 for lb. oW joyed iy Ché Ïomng people lb. peut bilding, b. taû love it off. elot, and Week. The Slm lnilnxgond coudilinn, andiSis oer PWsU 6Opted. IMMargemvvd la dut aiternoone and Th b.uong wilhbe of b"c, one - evoulagg.etor.VaMd baM4pressad breàekfront. 1* ELL T RIG0 0 $ A hdolh.slabýor totwexacgt, -cWI N vibsv-sg*voaffl, one lnelodsh i Succ*Ssor tolrljge & Tayîrr ireeloryow« peupem imea. ei t b S "a a e U.1Ejt . p ______________________________Kaiser andS Be s.They wuil o lb.*" 'eseiCa ProgresaaIffftallig thte nev vater contract for lhe buiding-w . lbh t &els ariviofeoo frti.large lowe Ser p u~PtiTvntr tank. It le long overdue and ex <5 la etitaw iâta$500 or Sm00 ile tu.arrive almost daily. itlookeau over ooflt Of uOnsructiOn of lbe n.vT ets whîi thuhteaoeu ol o eraystructure. Te.euild the. old hall would S s worrglog to operate botore spring. oea osdrWmutanfrbil Tese daYS theres litLlEI eXCUse for n.,t Ware anxous1y waiing the arrivai Mno te <ë o pnp eet waete." oy. O ï-swew Owning a Watch or for carrying a poor one; "anov"ahoegiansbUt building aI once. taeeto wkoi0f laylng emeavers' slow, il ______ ust l le Place o g Vve osuch a varlOtY at go great a prieS- woldrmemllie omçjany vould utilise NW,* Urir Stock.. me oy . every momlntofte presentilnse veatiter &R. (ranmiit in aagent for C. W Variai h..î; that any ouie'iç idea ofoeconQmy can, b iu lbth orit long, as they muet Stewairt & Co.,l cg New, yorkc, Man la pro'*. b. tit:e nècesarly doif service l tube aftorded pared to taire .ifor al k" Of le « thua vinter. aind sirube forspeuig delivery. VOeirior 'v-rythiUg ln Ringis, Pina, 'Brooches and The ee aiel road company lbas about aiddese bit aet lbertyville. 10-"-i. , uîtî* .a:tv'rythart a first-claisd JOWelry Stûre completed contruction of N? roadbed b e t - r i n L i b e r t y v i l i p a n d o c e f l i e f a t e b u y i n g y o u r X n a s g f t . m a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ shrat!dI:;îitI hae. oth ualty aîd tilc tlwill lot taire long tu lay the steel ~leu'. oîgnicetita aI»MII Faom lb. Norton place tthe lb. Wcnuiniée P reo ouflndsXa I îfl l:Iîî'. rtcs.Cenral raksina eort tpetch not ret prusent. Adipphp7egiinng Bâard % tt top dressd but otherwise lbe roadbed 10.1.d la ready for the. rails. The. spur whleh lae -' tu colinSct lb.elecîrilse nand W19cansa IT7Bmft.P te .WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY C!ta le novr being grde.The librarj, commltteeof 4be Mehbo- The MdernWooden bve m d leî dsSunday scitool hbaarr&ni-ed au en- enMode ec odmeunbthe nae an frtainisenî tel be glven in lte Uniond enacl orddne lb. ar nov churcb the negtaOfl>eember l1e. Pro.M comi ug 10 ae nciaes. imar s .~ ceedo viii go lovards purehaso of new yea uner itenewrats o Inuracebooks for Ibo SundaY ochoo Sister,. A N T ~ [ J ~ ~ x 1 1 E ~entere w tllbe but eig b t esm eataB re . i lbraer.proez ......................t y.T ......mis te n I~51UL~ V I >~administration of HeaiSConsul Talbtot tis. o*»-ding ...........sUmEsuîel .w and lb. balance of lb. bead 06100311sBa-V0c11- 1heM0 Omi.r fov" éje* . S cosr' i>rp S ..- durve com ,enatiosn and lb. orile ý 1e ress M <o;ynr an d m ôs t o f-a li th e L ib e ty v !'o- I tin is.was ne er ln a m re fourlhing c aun. 4. Artose Poo =.~ * . . lion. Aucninlt ...... MmFlore Drsa. Reader .... Mmi Loura mattocim aas liunday evening et lb. Gurnee church à. Vgeca- .. ......... M- me. enMaris told of ber oxp.resuffl . ynt'aDwlmm' . fra * in China ai a nnssionairy. Unsa. M 1, ...le......aAtorac the. vidov of Beni Marsi, au ld lte Mr@. vmTuIP ik.n. mm in a Wol i'ounty boy wvio lot bisntouaa se r", M' i es__ __ _ ___________ertYVille seVerdyal oors0< adentt 10 q, bCo usn,. _______Nom, a semaànt .......ju Clina ne a miss1onary., -Tbems ho vsas Mr. ma AsbM. Tousîcoiec chu kav LA ..8. A * arrie-I anid lat sumuier et«rW tevlb ......... .... ..Mr. Fred Foiett __________________büs vife and tva sanalchidren for à A aa llesglsg ,On Saurday 0fîhhve-eekvewuubeveW* Tlithoe. v l i n bis ay10 i 0cu oinldlgf tin e e i bve.W ae jut a o t F 4 ~on dsla ur ntw lNeaofi ramed tstaer. BIs vife aniS abldren cameon colrme, ugavng u eat ate. ff2"id<.4IIglai U~*IgAtaAuiesceand ame aitbhne a ifema-dtihun to ve viii laiy uO5acIMeIg our u.v.msww m 4 Everett Mm irhusband's brotier. Bý su or o U X spatN1 Chta. Kaisars nev building islmot roadforooupiny;and bW expectàto 10 Mlbule m uao es.t i h lne Meoel e hans tore' lntbo. t>eDOWv1I il b. at E. ii. Parkhturst's store, sinarters lu another v6ok Or s0. lTe LIbertyvIlle, lb. firossconthird andS U W F~ Bfl Iea. tructtme narth 01aiarod's, aniSfourbis Satnrdays in Deceauber. 10 recelve wTvib losto b. ccc-upled 'âA a salOOn, la sssemsmot.duo the MlIburn Mutnlai II~ '~ W ~ iIain earisg coupletlo. h.e be 1180nsrance Company forlte bovnas 0f ..0 ai'?i nov building in loaînlng Up, ani a Lbertj,,IJle, fihielde and Vernon.J.E fo oedy I- odeathor ili ose B--L», agent and collotor. 8.8.p.11t ~il inclosed. W. uderaand li, no To 1fsréish Vou with everytliing # br buildings aire la go up lu lb. ihuction sale Ble 1h Fali hupring, tiaugi ntendlng theojb mj ta ai l and Winter weather , eretternthave flot devided iSofinlel>r, turne lont aucET Joslebillepaquler,' 4 and prefer thîir plan e u fot Mentioned boîter and a .apa isveeai l ______________ uii usaijuetyeî.addition vie publolOf lcharge a 'su 'sus., 4, noticeof sale and list tif propryl b OneIif-sn'dphoo 2.0. ne ddon anefr, vb.n bills are plinted, by us, bet cabinets $3.50plt for 08.50 Tj eipntvraco anlrar IbI net al veL-a. lath^yMWotite, paper l iasthécoffnî-4t 8 t1h-sIlurothue bot uedinua b advq"ls Nay'CO'vert VrdUroy iined aelsToitstIreo--X. 1....l Lined Duck ~forg4'the WM Six" diSatl r 8 R ~ w'I0 1 % Ai 01o Cardigan Jackets 4 nSaoi îeî-h~Oo wooi Km" co*tllegîtur meeting of the, W. C. 'T. Woi ese oasTueRdey atternoan atlte readin gbryvle A Fuil Line of .5w~aters * Everyone invited.Mabe ndG nte Lbry le - Tb. Laikeéide Cemetery Association Monumenis IvîIII wet wtth Mr@. É' McI>onald on + Frady aflernon to. .. Tb. toplc for Sunday morning et lb. Preebyterlan Churcbwyul b. "Tb. len oi CemleterY vort0of1vry tif GaUfile. andS The Man of Gjale." Dn)cription don Colutabian Lodge, No. la1, Mye*I ',wéf ar fJèÏlin>a ood 1.00SweaýdrWatt, irof lb. World viii boild its» an Wet re ellng goo *100 wea~,rnual elecison oaiaficen Tuesday eteung, »0 long as they luet............. 75C 4e ec. i8 MombrsPssebo on tand. CorreiPondence b0ilclted -T DockCoaa frin î.~ . + Snuday morning stthlb.mtlhdlsb cUCt fo p humcithle. pastora subJecý i viiib. D1M IONS FR , < union Overaillfo (< 4 "Femily Religio." la the ito ý eeln ,l2 Gen s "'Feuix, a Failqre." A cordial velcothee$ St. FALL "'"4 M' Gloves and Mitte frein,25o up. * is xlened SIX dosen a* -l ple Qnovt, si'm fh '~Gentiomait'. Fe Gloves let kids, lined The Whilte Box Atbletic Association WAUKEGAN 10-93~C1V»kiW lks8 .#s anld UnUledý, rindeer tnp buackakln. â nDouneo thait on l'rldoy evenlng, 194193____ kcMmnk«mP.N1 ..Dcember 28, vtll be give a grand m.nias- toz« yj P00 '~Mnfleece lned Uniderwear 3 bitS Up. queraiS. bail under ls auwpIcéo et lbt0.0 P. N. Comète,5 15 hSOh, lu gry Mmd blmek4,wM MeU'O *ooi Underwpar from 10n aind il 4& Liertyvîlle Tawn Bai. reuelG0 0 i 1 iTA& Y Asinddasoten ealrdntj'o. owt.

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