e. éat it uedues-TiauvlStus ~iugil ho$ a idlng elo mue fWLIuinaltd *wm uri vi, esuit tal kua*nu !timm, popmiluvt Wuhov a mmid lmIemataottSbm gpb«y deploréd by lmeusr Io l Fnls-,evetalmaubee ci 91 gileadlgatlas lu osagrsi Wiu, viAeet l»deeU lelm ver sa edmie aturawm aioan as lb o - aI!URwytoberecanedele& *Iwi voumbuloc a t Nott m mutee cg tlb pkanurs09 laie 4W * Meadau noiginit it »ata A&tWlor i. EeUt4bte vw- , dthebust kIrm- ai tme Me yesW$ Yom tci iuacm ivbwtm a axcUnmlty lrMe acmhiala- e.- E b beuDI bl1»v- & Y-a mm Nd amfor ustesu eulemoi0 bu b lsueCbd. Tbe ND"ra cipt Wuâdaiy.. - 1 "ka. 0*. Reda>t Ie-WQMrd OW jmeofty "laB1talb êdliaUPdack à,tW--evà rwn m oflluetAms tavsmetp. faiioiei ti tl owu 01 vmu es' yuurs, ilb ad bame l 04 l*s vis, lbIOn pOotmiE 0 l«ad us mm tM- uhO oi psai Des- Mw l* vu Joa UuutaS e-- ~ W*Ne Mu G-Seupt. 09 t ~G~l Ouit bat lb k kpMM Sboàs XMmmuapile et e t 0bta mepilmu @lat'.nei *Jý deModa otd baurd Cs P*e10 btinaesuru at la itr 4e1,tamee a mweilag a ~* eal.1 unamltacifroma .0e. bulx hsue&0 u h.be-adapta 1iflosami. t ina tdlaglila ci utW beoi huahvtng urved beome O a la a&Wid lb ac. ltt« Mlme. mdnoa lia Mg flus~ptoiad uit prodaeuSa mbumed7teAL * auouhwlionay vwu ZIo ïo-md«08imebbeusO, "dilb - 4*« ble taIa im wqavas lulhet 0[, 814%>00, ip sy* pfflaal alllagdu. 407 d t wLeu lT»lin-e va.b tr uplucei la lb banda jmuius DavIs vasobapi by tt a m fflt &" ti t h Z om puy dreçm.Te ait$ SavataThaThe 1 tolier tees eta U,,ala nt Aitas wic 0* Wois.uiy eéelsg Duceuben #A lis Uvausm sMuletoui , andet Istisa di PiaL P. . Lur th i i w*em aoaof vu*md,vWlnu. r mpuleebllmertodlo, .Tue la VII îsumbW sibyam or- Mpfsli ofmimbers ai Tisa. mie, of àotlnusaol, vit, em,cm lbeNomth shome lmamered fbrhm-ltempne. b mm vokn l Lae Foret s q.p. Attisîlime@sieumu taveeaood MualcatClub. * bs lai ape îorough rosi mdi Wie onorai by ,t nrm embtaato tue sue. lau atzm ev wYoril la ue ai lb most fois "b teuavuofiti1 equtry. te la Q nown la Claeag rue, bdmi-e sfaate Scaiust Wmla, bave akW lb fZbfor smMuea e. Il ffelilve eemittesut <the1 Mcot, UboeM ta TraluItUg ebool ps> vIi i th gei. m"p, ta wRm mglbate »s ud duem ua60«aloa t Ch% xIm "m oli o um OW tlebrseut tb WU lg wheheie lbct e .la Wanku. Ç«mb«:Job*e W.beam L, Duer 10,1le". 80 waet foat a u bg u iuonMonta uir I e dmagvuu musFet- ln tinsElb UeCIIC4andOgm*W à4svortle- ca sue»»w"y pr WptMi lewt j zlü flpriunnlty luaminov- 1 '0bsre ta astude ta the'Mlalrofmen, w>lub, tches at ite e1>, 1usde oas 10 Ile eluritim in to bu held Deaemaber M) 190 ait Wsukugaa.The beatty1 m.ouualoaof U alontbuhlumesm le iquetetd lb lae COIII.IU belleveid by thie Auad*tVMU, ad tiu ili DOW ruejuoad Rive aid2se iurpeople bavue wen sctai la iaIt effort, ta pramnote lime EIebohplneboive bue aefr hameu metia «sd su etemnigbos>- »Itl tte muAit.lgule guete 0 osa Who à" pda bte uprevent. *W dail ata tYOUt Mbo lt he fe'r ta bu oedOta defray tbe e 01uso tacqratAai. BmmbtIti dmpp 0 pprt>nlty oadvutlmt bt wll biat iseveli itbtalos* ena tt ni- Obaimas ai xecutive cognuattue. Fie. Houas, oUurety. F.hdaj Aldeuna John Morrow of Waukmguand R. É. Arnoldi, Preuldent; mi 1he ville f orth Chicago utarted oer, Wauhlngtaa wiere -timy vu[ Wftb I. a. Mile, ueetIry 01 tie Naia Çc>mmttu, -Watt an the procldent sud otier ilgb o«Wdua aM.-teder tir>. su lcvItota toattend ltheoeebration. tu, l aM&OsmOed lat Ooverbreet ciarlue9. l)na, pruet uste tTruaa. wr FmA. Bueety, sud state 8seitoi 0. A. Campbmell will bu lai attuadmmceon Lacai amto 01eaWmakugsu aW@ ag - su.s Swlngg cdaslarge mam0[a ducie huile -aeca Ilh. ulreets ai hie luutaua mater faitheii nilet ai the. célelwatio, aua verltable bluie of a LWht fhomabave. U ~te tedSou. MtWin bu bd»e tIi. eetelm 'ao ac to atwt at teta iuttag the. H~ oss hea lblte v il be tusm.ion «a& night, and lies at op far thm ealug i; (te 2liL Tb@ I,»uueueWM i dujob e tuai..ontt uclian billeque. eleven sdl b iea arge s ali lapnma moleo leptodlu *m Otyoâr u a ise rmty-u ae Cua>etii muumeluta aivueliete sa éle. T u ai%&edt. 1-- AIRý11'DOM ý WM uc trbk du.con. Tou d u tcm i bd t advho FDe cet dm.oulfvi i ls Ot nLudr ed- yeooud cocuruadfat b.d t. uddsthe 109aM km el gis-iO 01Catts EwlI OU b. jud i ssit foui In Is best km Rt Win bulli op, the. veuken W w atUd body vieuuil oilw- b.d. fai- te owiuh.SI you mr rua de»aor «»«atI" r.,. It hb, em«dly duie bo wé Wu mY«pd4 mq* s51 le me Sa Sa teSahus eUs lhil~~ ~ S~WT & SPWNt i 49ftsiSaah~Sa1si -v....<..... iégewfto1U aumm e hlk J", ili tuFredwici lem lu mS Il r iet ai 10 a ut Wtet St r ..... .......... 10 a wt ta carrne 6n Typ vO..10i çoIf luaeaKouo* . 3 0Kellylot 1 ,P&a Pt. 1UbsrMdan subqa.T.. ........ Ette ce Catherine Bovin (&ced) te A C Front lot la 0 39use Sb Wankous 'wp1 ...... 600 00 Wm Garien & vi b huà àaci lot 17 Evanse uh of 61k_ "E" Highlanid Park wd 800-00 iiaie Dugan to IW Gluder lot 8 b1k 9 lWhland Park wd .......................1........1000 00 Jane Grnue ta A P zlpfel patlot 29o LikeFuret wd 45() 00 F P Cramdos & vi tu E J Yeoman lot 4 blk 14 Wsh- bars Spdsuu wd.............. 24 O F F Fi awf et ai t» W, a pope lots 20 sud.21 FPirk & Lachet'.nulhof Indien Point la Fox Lake.,. ............... 2000 G -J Brktio& -fU l A j Jacobnou, 4aem in ew cot ee 5 Esot Aulloch Twp wd -5000 ÂtonooFO taW J & mJ Delelul part ne m<ee 028 6mai11 Twp wd.:............. 4500 00 J B Broywn& wfta W J & 114 Batle10 aes la uW e e 23 GrntsiTvpW-d 600 00 W W K Nixon ta Jesule H Brovue loteu6 7 8 and 26 1>1k 4 Gailanti b Wmaa kega wd..... 25GO Migoter la cbasaceny ta lib" Hlcor!&W M W 5X eme a0 oi"tedTwp'ded ....200 G A E Ruuu& f tO JRB BOsUtt evr5m ne %kee9 'yewIaott Tiwp vd ............ 2m 00 A làWatasn&Wf to Cide Richarde lot 1 Ia"m add txb Autiah wd ........... .. 2000 W i )mupir tu à c Front strlpof1aimd liuougb uw kX ,w X m 4 Sble Twpwd .2911 60 Eleip a01Chisse lot a omaae eSb lauuam 27 64 29 Beutl Tvp vd ... .....s 100 loin moseq &vita Tboamm Miodsaybot1 iMooney'u cl Wd 100 aJ jMutphy ta F SNTomltae lote 45 sdg460 18 Bouth Waigaq... .... 1200GO ~iuêAudurecuà& v5ta- wd -. .... . ..14W00 An ae ahmasuet ai te W A 120 S asu l m X2m WaedsTwp qe .... ...... 10GO AthAur St p~te lot 1 bk 7 EUamooiàdRaa biu*dPark qc ............... ..... .... 100 BD Hobbe & wi ta J A Brown Sacal esm5<nv kXame 21 Md" tTwp.qe ........... . 1i00 E j ma"olè& wftuG S a as lot6bi4 CFYWrlgblea dd Ubureyvle Oued .. ........ . 180 001 a" E rMa. & hm. ta Mgost Uleue« "4 il0 front os CouteMSt164 It a of -FlrmasiISt Wa.kofup vd ... - ...... .... ... . ...... 23 00 joins Vming &. vi ta L. J slaim 10 aeniala a % me 17 Nevpon rTp gd ....... 6"00 TE Berry & Wl ta Stace Doutwuel 5 aueinemecMr um » sc lisWanegSaT'p wd 75000 Willam Sprmgu & vi la Bmm Clark lot 12 Laie, Format .-.. .. ....... ..... 100 2 m aripe~tlots ilmi lie jMd m 0lake Foeust....ubvele Lua.Ime o ~ 100 acuse-' ~.e Shunta, UeBL D.al.m luia~- Cp~nCsêoeUu~ Uhae'~vIIle a. - If Musela It wiii cue theml bta rackis>g copgh, aud hot and c:att4 -Matif - ivs--of imcipleet Coasuiptibu and ven lu, tholait e ,~cwiLways gve cocièfot Foley'aH-lone@Y and Tar gives qnick.rélif to Asthama sufferer, as it reiliovo thie difficult bretth- emnbrthe aame-1o" à Honey -md Tar-a>d reree substitutei that cost -yen th. mm@i as the genu iac. Do ot takè chances with, onme unksowm preparat1on. olîa Cot1n1 D Isknoit alIOsL. vl a - isaul M sait aUnitmuay te-mar vlhuli. whau I. ameHaul bu"s toubied viti celiuà .. olay & Co, Cieîcag. Dm , b &d GZ tlem".:-.Fouyl gowy #Md Tat cered meot.;Canemplai aflia rasa"to ve an vM u &bgadue- Perimu. ?hmU pyed t F«>jlu golid-a o good. 1 litaiMbOu = : 1 eleneIbeouiti" t utuout beaufit, untl 70'0 loseyai "Tut van recoara te ume ia efeel rlgbt teom lb. tart V-a1049gL 1. imp=vd O»d tam dv & u poiey'e a ansd Tut ts COesd loeocmvl hotma ugTu. Three ses2-, SOc, 5100. The 560 cent site costuma Ivo and cae-ait tintesa# panch Mstme mmil ige snd Ilie 51,00 bonis ai Mont drg tiboaéa-Oh. L I cOYSi>eAà~ IIL AB. Camineacin la iao the fint Mie Caaflcon in apeuding a ev day@ vitit ber sMutr et GraYélake. Oatt,e Dým.srS t; fChlumago td nier gsadin, t Comai' brotiiem. o. . Hpwwd' andi famalit ai Grant spent antday et C. L TbomnouIiL Recenl Waaegan ttetitom- e verM ani, Mm-m. c. . Thomseon antiMm. anti Tih. boantifultissenul. prolridet by Mie. Albemt Thoniai ul0m-Yl6ke, Due. 101h. for the bondit of the Fort Hlli cemeterY vueas euoeula e-y repet. rotyaix toai dinetsud vu vial ta tiank thous preqat toma liaI place, for limeir lberality.. PtocooM edinnen, 87.25. Alanourthaniosl r.Wlige Mi lIsloT one dollar, total 4.25 atidedt t oum-$êO lu lbe lrmay, whlch vili beu niaieamly in lie cpring lovards gmavrimg sand lAY- ts>g ont vaîke la the groundi. Soit meeting yl be vlth Mmcs. Wm. Thoscon, Ian.26,10 dnne., mnai., beotvou'» OMe bWvTnI you te n.ilgs3vPiefor Bys. S»jIualnîs.ap iadacia,. Uyin or troube. >Iwy ar» geelle yet thioniub.2,5..at LOIELL'01 LibertY- villes sai (e.ygLAKM PImàuyR. ev Mill*.. Thae EI alBy »w il ilivli n usil- ,Wal thIle esrîyiprlng. Ct your luge n". ..8. GLUc.e-ox Mr. and Mlrs. Walmmb eje-at Saturday andi sunday ut McHenmy. Waukag>w Pm-day. leaeTurne entertiiiiet lier mother IronAntioch tant week.. Xm in.Rcks, of Deertelti, vistteti Mmr. E. Bl. Shermaniat week., 4 Angiet flint& vistted at Waukogan» lat Snnday. Tnudà' in Cîiego. Mmes. Kinialî meund from Mt. 1,0111 Frtduy. Oeol. Strang vas> s Chcago vigitor Mfonda.. Guimle Townsmend andi wif..i>t id (0. strang andi lamily Tsday. Clen..t wbitmore whilpe. sning let Satumday evenitig ha t le- ,,,istf,îréue to rua Inthi a.ight.,l torehliand, hum-,, ie face baly Mro. F. Protine -Mllinery alâd Everythinug in Ladies. Wear. Borne pretty effecta for the ÇAJmLI eL WuWo,e' thw eti> 1Tbela"dhof Obèchurels 04 viel to tiank *&ilieu. vWho lu th basant a esQM. Tbe e"AfObbulè evesty4ve dlalim Wclitset w)em str w mrt ei leut the bc"ar.m Ml lb. cIgare up by 1L00. 1 ÀMi Mm bellet., that l pfaye, t» ad- YVqlteeYou u'IR Msud he bd lna noatbet Dem Laidtue sudDstld Wbiltewemea MiUlmaîmreeD . Smith le baume from HoIIy wresatm ay bufonud til . lire. Sikilma of Antkilochent W..due day hure. Mm. snd Mme Hawkine ut LÀàe VWie wone trading villaOunr acrebacte hema Wudamilay. Mr. Kyle oaiffluo hesimanager of the. Cnning factum-y pald maager Kelly. a vlWt Wedceedayý' Dm. Palmner sud Atty. Churhill vers la Wauiegasa on buelarme Wedneuday. JO&e.Petercourt was ln Chitaguo o bueine,.Fm-dsy. Mmr. Plonein viielat Chicago sud Joliet tlisiweek. Fred D)ialy, of Downeru Grave, ealiedi on rinendesnd relatives lhmreSatnmday. meure Sherumans anti lllgl..y were la Chicago Tusuday. Pari 3bompoon aslaaieen quit. uik vîti tonellithLe Franki Chinnansd Pauîl FaibrL-k, of Antloch, calleti on aid friende hbore Monday. Raipla Bmadway, of Chicago, vLiteti A. W. Bralway sud laasily lait vrak. Last Mouday eveutng Mr. Petem-court'e teain rani aws and' m-an lt th e eletrie lght polfleur tdm lumbher yard and broke about elglal Smt off thet pull and the, neci yoke tth Ie wagon. Dewevy IErmn wbo ba@ bren tuying with Mm. J.MIterma s lise rtoliv. with bits notier la Chicago. Om-na Maie viseld rtdenat Wuncondm Tueuday. Mm. and Mmr. E. B. Neîville wcIent Tuean- day la Chicago. Itaam Fiehpr, of Moitansa, aiieml h-.re aivus. Bue. a asSi pur esi~pet wash.i we~uhIeUBu5hg s mies- - - -- -I pou BUU?.-EI.bt-rafim tm'-u-- on NIl. wukr. avenue, wtt item- un. 0. t~. villa lU"t. 1.tfi.d n, poî SIE-Lt au- ara.bouc., wbli W#11 laum eam . V o n l fo e m a t lo n e W . L ma Iv- te F BR AL% U ItRET-A furma '.1e-.ae toaquIm e a . L4Buenîex. lak.aIr Oh %e. otagw ove n «aive ~at iha ffe. "d pu>RBUT-4 m-rom* fm Y n.vhq on Tai F u treat. U bert ville. n " . A .B u s . F~~ ~~~~o o~lAEi~t n arso pd. na !ure ao f . m lL ., u. Zl et. Foaol.1 valLfarus1% iisuWaest of I Plas. P. 0. waegx- m-p ublcno"tiilllisr*imbx ia cubatstae Peterb Lsgditcsaedwl niateeum b. cusaf gomi lot= iioasill tend the souioma ialdesiitathe eou"ut a fl â nrà. ta Mid4 O,îunl . os the . l Mbfi'a a anua ri "reoa lmVIes un& uhre aIl Prsne clama avnas I ei4Lite. ara :als =ad uuetm to mremunîtmhe Sake O sai ",t ifor adj d .a l Mat lue dminlst-X. aukeman. lI NOv. n. 1s". hopet lb *.*4 per, Nay »Mae, rPué f nop, o lpet ...4ei l'eouet oa, 2 pigfue........Il. .pipu cke. .....-..... Um w la' Il #, petra . ...... Golti ...........pi ..... 10 Bar. .a.ta.la . p........ 10 ' mI oISe.......... andPs.onderTe op» monstub M Ing Powder, per Dri. Prlce'e charue Uncolre<t JaffnTes, Fsucy Uolumag lb . ............ Flueut 8mS UOff4perb ......e- Mlextras Java CaSe, per lb.... .......- Nwotm Mucha &WdJ&eaCaafu,pt Arma & lamminer 8sd lda liIetg Bum gltote Pol"i, pr .. "manIla Olive.pe Pau lt iie..e. te ........ -.. L4wowot w .oPickles, pert tis....i. SwleanT "mon u......l.......... Moutard IMadlu, lare eau..,, l>ou ffl tlc8sardlnuu la u o t.... ...... ., 2.1bs eau sweet cor ............ .- 241)> eau ttrtag Deas........e, 2-lb cm >Limna Beas... ,........ 2.lb Mn Whte Wax Becis ......e . 2-lb cas Ried Kldaey Dean..... 8-lb easu Tom stoa.............. 3-lb caua Baked Bea...... 8-lb cas> Strawberry Buste.I... 3-lb eau> W. B. upk is.......... el-lb eau ladopustim*. Pluame., 2-Il, as> Sllod Ptuppm..... ... 2-lb eau flReCher....... .I..... 2-lb cau> Btakberrle.......... 2-lb tan BLly Joapue n............... 2-lb cmi Huoeatue...........,, 14IbcMn Amrtdlioupu ........ E. E. ELLSWOR'I Building The biiildin*g aeaso i 1 bers and we' are prelpared k), fîrnish yoîî with everything necessary lin this lilut. Let us figure with yon If you are going t) build. It wilIeortainly pay yon tb do iw. Feed Departmenl Our Foed J)epartwent lis complete lui overy detail, and your Inspeetion of our fine 18 deired. Our nev Feed Mill hI ruxing every day,aind viil end any and al hindi of fe'Yd EMMONS.MERCER LUMBER COi LibertyvIIIle filI. Dôn 't. Fo That we haVe a comPlete lino' Stve.Stedl Ranges, Cast Miord and SONt Coal IM Anything you want in the Stove!iIn mi corne in and talk It over. . 1 - 1 1 - .1 PEOPL,~S'COLUMNe! A~ asiar OSte luis uea deapi h. paiS te