Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 16 Dec 1904, p. 7

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10,D. Mme.Albi Nebvaude. laboru.Ma., Ibom &e.a gipffatW ItOMa * " &"a w» s*IU14 ifhg ea. d, 1eeo. o0 Me geme. et theuk lb t L MW Pmme amp WouAla i ient aof »ernei fearl, a ft 7-hom lifledl à»eo . >My 9 a wgep< et *am ete ~a~Sivote . jon bu I*%Z.' Ar Pièu."...'m41Aile <Nu.whleh mte ut oaeuie ons- Wb l 04Nogli«* Ew .IsY U hh e esl en MpWIelY _ le SYtuuls Cs<sse iw- Il When old age CoUs m un arrbsl dia mir thé same- liane 1 'rote 700 Bmmesc-ne saie. flj'temiec ceurrh ie nt c t etn. wllch a li<t unversel in041 pejaIe. OItwutj'âve yaarn' utu&gia. Ti xIiIa'tyPern.4 haq becuna. M alinot peu g iug go lndaseaeUsable In aid Ipeople.- Peruna ltheir saifeguard. Périanl the unir Ar4 Iaad ~ ~ reaaaeay yet devisai that enlrl cl thaa.e cases. Notllag but -Oftv oybteaalc reuledy ea cure tbftu. A rewvard a.f $10.M0 ba been deposit- àb0e aw viséMom eti lu tL.e Minet Exchange Bank. Co- ~*tk. lumbaas. Ohio, as a gurante. ltha. ha aelanary i10. fr. alsare îesaimonla sare aenuaaae: ilat vs 61ar.afn1. fe@laexper- hold in aur possessionlouahbenela lttea tertifylag to the. sane. Donn a ia ear.' sdvernli.04 e have soer eed P~VV~5SSp5*5 OO5il part or ln whloe, a single @arions ViIWIU I 55 Ogm of te.tamàonlL Every une ot pur testilaon- Aià$i M99-O.At in.Ld.lae re aminand lu lihe varda ufthé1 W& 4e, Deax. une vhuae Dame jeaappended. u eo UOVii. tioo " p Look laci aëS»I Ue baavon Luet Louis.Just look btck ove, the. day and ibae ýwieago& SaMOIen DOla RAl- viere yoiar«n7bai gone. Bee how fwugna ait andi day tiainé to anuci of it bus leaared awayftrou you tims Ciy- w rpruWsset la trieS.. Perbapo fou bave vaateti ~tffl Of ailroati 00trc6- t Infôt. of tretling.femingrmblaag. When 700o90goate b. Worlt'ault-flnding& or Inthlitlde frictions 0an0s8tour ticket ta Maies 900d Ibat hrve accompllibed notblng. but lO lias, an"iyou WUl unJOf even merely reupeti your neresmade you lb. short tnp. . Irritable, cripplati you, andi leftt ou ex- Jecacl ticket agent vIJI gIi4' hauated.- You maf bave drainei off eue ticket goodtis WRvajIf 7Fm more, nerve andi braîn force lu a bueut K. of passion thon you have expended lu o~ F5CS~5IUA. dolng yeu a mi onk. Perbapa fou p~ ore vryo41 peeclptoa <d i nerema. fb tat i £olng droagt id$. sald the tirugle .er- four lalce of buaines ie a mat ill OUW tuoiaj tvo boxe camin o tbrough a china shop, you pulleti ont r* M m o te leubandeiti Me a erey epigot -.4 turDed on every fe- pl.n. uit vais jt.èw cet of four mental anti phyekcal reset- *tvte leuw0 eecdtge Wortha voir, andi left dieu openutil ait the OF 087-1energf'Ton batistored up tiuring the 1 tok a ebance and Bave the. giWt bai ruas off. ook baci andi see as pareuorle. 1 bave mmi nohviether four gScMlng.tanlt-flntiing, <lue Crm thebinizdent andaui I rtlalng, aagglng, a nti iat 7oeIla lattepreteti tis meagee «. -"efing tise riit acVt t.pour euaploy- It laavWse provslon of the eabonsbelped yoa auxan ay orase- s tricit wbcoanpfluei anythlng. No, fou only Whiaeau io are 0 frequent- lont feur energ anti sel fcontnol, four q0pe wbk-b muny simple par-ntration 0t your cniployea.-Oriaon peidi esil or , rwam -Swett Martien In "Suem."l A - 1 D omn lmdoy*Jrs.P. ruozel, wveeof P. BruoeL, seilfv, wthhabtrmtb stock dealer. reitence 3111 Grand Wbi sIpi pepat, or thue Avenue, Evèrett, .Wab., Be.s:"For fit- i oe.4 leeratlon. Dis.teen fears 1 suffereti W lin or la tthe WouliScaalt, with-terrible pain-lu- Paalde, Tomeor Uivm . bmy back. -I tidtifo 1'M. d Cr --et knov va io t vas te thCoie.P i Cla < ma enjoy a nlgbt'm reat Trieuhig e t. ail dieuat rc.JCu *motheru or eurlaz dAugi.n am n h ai a Buéeo M Seme uoring feeling tireti ye dfinaeide t. eetlaue It andi unrefresiei. 1M boahu t 12 entsa w ve %t. ouffrlng sou«ete i. a *unr.Tell othat .uffers w~ as smeulf Inde- tlaai a.dffl s cribable. When _____ _ ~ . fliiéul the first boxý of Doa's Kidney $*,Umeqmmms ib b Pm s1Iftit lie ga = ýw bdtoo* stmr ei ', 1 eroMt voman. 1 t Pmîthâîlagoe*- Camimnuoalntl ibag , take1 Éve boe.. mât"?,iIvysfetvl efprouptlf, le- e-vsm 7llPi vite mY«ax oetez-Miliburo Co., Buffalo.N.Y 1 iffl? ~ eteci W , at Fo r maie bj'ailt diusgglts. ric. in h cmâte par box. ul p &.. ise ser joe ai i llnIleBotrà Mm g. iaapp-I'u Coing 10 stop trad- i' -ber, mad deal vîti Ligltwelgbt & ------- o., ltae ucv groeery lOhm acr efi Street. Ho lets Ide cfatourm gtemaaitl the uber ot beens lu a begt, a' givs, P a reward for the correct tauses. Mr. Quiecke~-Ur dear madam, If ix-wow 0 «W aSM la e UDcontinu top ."givé us Tour custeus. "b MMdflintouflet wellU let 7«oum set tie ammbe ef *eatIno be' tpatsut id a eel 09aiothasdols amnt W Ugb~lWelusebostle gel- I tincoanua frsla*ott money.-X e wu lM te au wsRsi ite ie é TJe Itumiailsilaîton at Pen r- Ujoatod ti 208-34Lt« flii, sllp after mhlP vas tistree .ht h 1Le once tutu. Italiledut b"as len rducedtu t a lot ehbà. Odeeledocumlats madie ~5lelia St Pitnbfrgf nict t Imot tron ,meomisted ot ~~ lv. crailer, ani Il!- iau «»e Ni. ÀoeMing t. epecllis- peteieies bmToklo antiShanghisa, giv- laS ube80Ial reporta, lia. crews of ail tle Mob"us er veenl aet Port Arthr r vue lubtis atiapparently no effort vu mati noe ti ahpe. The Jaa- àâm snext terneal Ibor attention tu ltetaeebout deetroyers andt wien thm oita hen destroyedth te gaine 5ors"Umteiagain a tamers an trasportsiJ.u th. arWu. Pas-$aag sBteaue report tbat tïe 1muet pover- lIW simip et.f1op'as eet have been iy- igo thb babor. eeetialif prevent- log af attempt1et fliglat on âe spart1 «et ise Rn nalices turing the. hum- baricest Witi àlb. 1t ont of the vny. It le evlient t1iat-tbe iaext move b>' Nogi vU b. te tum othedeaduy naval glana oui tho forte lover <lin 202-1etcr Hil. paving thie wCf for the ocupatlou of the clty. Mail#ativicea te Japen tieecrlblng the captue. of 206,Ueter Hill sta te liat tisa lapanese drenabe te titnaben vaine a the trenches vita keroafue aqiàUe sartcd Os tee dfple ct.o" geat natioala , m ip Induction of'à, Prcudlet lat. .Moe At thea lat 1 aguatien the raout fer- veut adrol-tte t"1 =a »cefreedor. anti eccatenapt for laipja of ruait vould hav tu oifcm i aht the foeigaatilomal 4ati a lest eume. tee geva.nce. Ia.>' voeeprovkId ti hpaui vitia @eson the. gran4 stand, but ao effort ras umide ile gethlim tirugi the mawd to obtain the plaeeeeueoedlg te tbf 1ev of prece- denc., lis giaut'*Utndi aisunopen platomnd sati t ho laitlauiston DI1=11 e OpOli4 annss cylone vltli a likt ila et bs foreigaaers bat an ubiaappy lime.Tlaey vorp ttir-ii<sa gorgeons cuniforme ;nd relved great donmage lth tueïr saparel. Bot lsto eati of thae playsal bi laatraalio bouglal on by thu l'he lote Lord Pauefute jaicsely r.- nmarketi tlaat eig sppearaac.. at tleia.nau- acuratloas cent hlm senirf t5O, part et' wilcl vent te, irece naeal fenllaemu anad lraîapings sud' the. remainder fer iuclors'ble The acata ofthlIaiPremWnt alan&ti Ic P'résiden ti-tOlmusl e fies a"t Buaprmîie ,Câmurt itklc e re selciereti rnd thl xuIse m anncb iaifaclion to thea liploinal. Laueedi1sl« freely statet liant If theueanuot be orql ot courte mis lreatmeaat Iemeten theyv miii for. tia part ýof lie pav"*eent aah will b. a part ofthte inaugraii., MAINE TO ÇE RAISED. Heui ot Ohiv, aver WIt..h Two Nations Went to W. la *te uF lateti. WNri tins.fruni EaaaaaîVint an at- acaipt nIl eihortly be MAde tu refloat li# batLlexiii- Ugine. vins.. aea.lracion. aronmft immrnuaelate daeilt'>)aeariy 110 flac. andi pr..iîilalealthé'j.;ial-oel "ana %vur. $oiaae inths au. liaé'Unitedi Sitates goverainient IîaforMead Culate att il hati reliilaaislied eny and ail clai ,maeme. a turions lire, vhcm vis faaiuetib>' a lu. -l'h.éaltimate fate ufthlie wmeck bau $irong Sale. neh. lpanee itvane *Ince ttlime bien a méter ocf morm von -very mlow. Tic>' ver. obligeai te I nterceted idlocusiou, sjaeally la maie rontie vlti baga of earta ît Ravina.'Anti not long asée JscepitL e maie a Wyckaff, ae nepreeentnt&çre of a Compaay mesa a auttien tecielon te mOlgaI rmncfti fr iepurpoffe, signetia coontact attaci Liol bronglat rîctor> tai lie Jaap- viti lthe repnialic of Cuba te raies fiLaod anne. NoLing Io ofliciail>'inoasairemove il frLme the rbor.H. pai *5,- te lis extent of the Japanes. caual- 000 for the pnîvilege, anti as a searaadee ties. uft tii.serlouanee cf iIintention. l'h. 'roeW l iii . iaonidtb? a valer-ligit circulât cafferdain, constroct- et of dOlble valis cf tituber (planie laid flat), oussctuy iot dtogretser, Lie vole reaeubling a hottoules tub on barre]. -ThisvllLhbe at laplacesandtensu=k aatla àgtmstratuu la reichet. The pleheti b> wdVmlis« IL on top vit a aien 00 in t déatl TeoSgurd agailla isôssihi. lesisag e Ibo imedami. thésarea l'h. Toronto, Canada, Traes andi La-abuti.be0fieoenat iih bar ilofflUias recoiinendeti thae - htilleat etli> anter wa. ucuieil e tgbilebiact of an Independent labor par- gecko. This atrule ace&suaI, largo lu' te b. mowas thLe 'Canadien Labo. centrifugai apompe vin h. pst in opéra- 1ea,0o.1 lion, vhîeh viii b. capable not oaaly et aana la ticeBibenatock district CI L uuateing the dam, hbut esitso cklng Gusmany receive frout 8 toi> cents an ont -lie saft uaiot trm elhin and. arunti boer. c&fplers trou 7 te 8 cent. an the veomi, -Linam xpoelng th» maUire ball bai a"t day liiorers trout 45 te 60 ta full vimv. conte a dey of Ivelve beurs. The nexit !tep wvii i.te rernove mach ime 'baroaner ofthe Baldin locomo- qia n aaremâina andi peraona sifect% au tive vorkinaPiladitelpiea oulti go te May ha toand, mfter wvici mli.gity pro"s a bottern uinaess onlok. "I andi viluable articles, mucit samimiu test," sal5 in officiai oft tComany'. tien, arms, ceain, oel, aetachable Me- "lont ve are où the venge of muci lW ebinerj', etc., vin b. laitest ot, It May lusista ctviti. A nuber o et ihg be, lt, liat eL Ibis laIs dq a e *. ralvay conapaulea have bidaeu ot for inav for a certainli viethen the.ezpWo tie sautrecon of locomotives. [t la *ion vici sent lie Main$ te tisebaLlon évtient that v. vili swon have tta laiofthLe barbon vas caused bu' a Spanim smueffethemenviso wsté,ilad off. mine frotrithe ouatieor by mosjlteraal àbot hâtif of thieforcé vau troppet, fou oxploslon. The, prellulnary vork lins <saow. Wethe asprospect for planty cf accomPlao&Iet. w iiili en h., patchotiandu to: ami botter Indusatril e ontioanaio Ileateten lUn ovn bottent; 10f is ondi- maçio" .lion iAitwarrant muci a aCourse. Tinl a sbortags of, libor la Okua- bousé; vages are goctiandCati si' eoMenf~Nowa Ilom eonli à"nIampleiment, as lhe litterl l'h. Président bas appolUMInI certi Depmnant la pruooeedlna vIti Impur- T. Morazo et El Rao, Okua, t. ee gi. teit inaproiements tu liat Lennltory. ter otsfLe boofce"at Woodwead, la Tbe Centrail'Tradem Caunel of Mobile. tuat tOlta,. AUs, hem adoptet a aovel Wseme te for.sThoasaPovell vas conviaeod et paulg à voeaem's aixliUhy- An .ntertslnmenl Valley, 1. T.. of tie murdun of Ruts.l tac ès.amNp trun e t eplaceéo au heChaat a.' onut fauiS lliinoer almt fIe evwassixllany la te bq oge Nebb, tvo frst. hod, -AdMinslei te ttias «toifaloua.t Tva hundred anti setentj'.bvo glas- 1*s a aa 0= léaos vil h. 80 cents; vonkers at tushe utlngton, W. Ta.. W o bfl.s v itslm its 0%vite veet- tunihier veois andti fi.Union Sga$.pîlu ieot 110peé1a. atat $10«erm -dcuda l atruci tfor a 10 per cent lacrea..e o ditl be Cduitti tis.wagon. »miaso.metvllhsfamdln sard ltImes, Nupreme Chancellor Siavely or ' thé th.ý«P« tsifs e re. ymzw et Mli.Kulgits et Pytias of tue WoriM bas w&% t fis9!ia%% mwu% w d Xêt toits tinieapprovedthLe proposition teoketai . gb SMd e quanrn tu mai 2un 4atu*la-teen foars theue a ipiit for aaais"t 4à s an "limea a f," the building tie onden. ite tu-oWM- duistouées *idtorpéedol'h, prie*e 0b. pald for the élevés big mlot £Wi A@«ZM Vb bdéc. il Trieste, eziaibil palaces bt dother propsrtu' of the betad cd. tbo Ue!iscls. ne klue it LORISm EXPWslloa ompeprbu'lite tb,08 I b.vuepl h.iPI;0 06. OCsicago Bonce Weoeidg Oshnc1 . A #à.wa.. e ,,voté of tba .I.. aumo 4 i PS¶K. ...Cent aw,Ae a ae,ëf -a hcUmg l of Nev 4ahmcet wSk a vIle aotl- vêt the fb"watur aland. ou#n ort1 <le von vus b. aing 0f mutings for <le ,nrpoe of etetrosniag tihe toentfe<le ae basins. li sse refa bave coveret I al lhe more Imnportant laies. They are ail In the north "»à « eCepIt vo, vici are leitibelov 6thesaiaov-anti glaclers et tihe Nev Zeimianti ps ln 1the souti lan<l. The. turveyormhave discovereti a remaiable, farit about Lies. two mojâtain laies. Tiof hadtief0 plce.thein soiiodlng vire te neaae hebottomIn oaci of, <bene laies. Tbcugis tiaey are net very large saseets. 0f vater, tiief prove ta b. aaauoag tiei 4eepeut laies ln the Lake Manapoiirt la about tvlce as large as IManiattia Island..11: la long 5.4 arrov andti ltremariablf tdeep «nplng la eue area embrcaag oesr- ly tbree. equar. mile, every bit cf 'lica tu over 1,400 test beneatmthe surface. -.. The greateft t.eptb fonnal as 4n. tfte- Tbe-htgigait.adepeat 519eu et tie mouintalus heumb lntis deepeet depeeao o f the laite bottoua. Laie Wakatlpu la 49 miles long anti about Aire limes as large au ManiaI- tan 7ýland. [is greatest dsph la 1.24 ft. n ici respect <le otiaer lal. beats, Il; but th. reanaricable thing about wiiatpu la that tev lais reaci mo, greet an average tiepti. The. entire vateér aM ,coverlng 112 square miles, la on an avenus.Tord teet aboie the boltoaniof tihe laie. Jaie, Bupenlor le lthe deepeat of our laiesn, but it. average depti la onij' foiur-seventas tint of Laie WaiatlPu. l'he Nev Zeelandi laie bas double lbe average 'depth osf Lakça Mîcign anti Ontarle. Liree limes that of Huron andi te-tirnea tut <of fEnie. Soue persans eraytinkmi eue laiea are se tdeep becauie tht>' are hemniet ln bf moa>ntalns, . Rut probahif noue ef tie.Alpine laies 0f Europe le go deep as thée tvo, freal-vater sheets. Posaibif the ond l nm >»&es cf va- ter urpaeng Lthrien bgrueteat tiepti are Lie Couplez,. vlh %400 test, Tan- ganlia. vltb -2,100 ftet a"4lBia., vîih4,5fi~eet. WOMEN EASY TO'WAKE. moteil meun ton" Guet4% ,Troubla ia goaiu men trous Thete 9numbea* "Lt la imaneaeurabîf harder te a-wak- en uen la Lie uorning than il la vous- en." a hotel proprietor informe me, mae aaiter in Lie St. Louis Globe- Demacrel. "A top or two et a va>u- an'% door lu the-monnint la sufficent. No maLter boy laSite bsMay bave Me tineti, no malter boy exhaustutilshe -aafhave beel, no mater hou falnt the 'Yes' Liat coutes froui the bet in Couver, te Lie kaoci, rouc enubaisi on it Liat wlthln a hait-bour or où fat vommn vin vali laitolie dhlog-iroomi, brlgat-eYetiami cheerful; but il aa "A MUoMus>louve a ccii for '7 ocloci la <le morang vltb Lihe Wan- *bng t b. in uit b.éamp iLtbtat bour. A t.ew minutes before 7 yen tietal a bof for Lie purpffe and telIbhlm net bt otop pountiing ntil the muan awakea Tise noou 1mer be on the top don, butyru enuber <le tbump, <lump. tlwnp on tie tior *ay <lovai la the office. Doe the man wvi i vll à talUf 'fea'andi scnambleout of bedl Net h.. Tise boy inocia eotl- ii knucles ire aone, ahi thon alttinIf a #p tnnvlenis ru tu room,' 'Yea, fes,'what lanlblazs e atht matter wltha you? De you <li Fiai ti..ti' ThLe boy retires, turneu in h reportît Lie offIce ami goes te came1 bis banal lu cold vater. «TirebourgeInter a svolieo'uyeti Individuel, vita vrlnkles ln hie bruir, valu up toe tosig. *1 Liongat 1, ieft a caliliber. for 7 o'cloci lin the umrlng. 'TYon tiid, andtihLe belbo voie f00 promptly at 7.1'T"Paît'.a littIe Loo'strong.' la Lie ansver. anti after you're angtaed 'elts hm for iaalf an bour yeu iaaven't coancuti hlm Lat 11e vas, actually avaienot asula. bati ortiereti. go Lt gos day atter dar. Tise vomez gel amp pnonptly ian e- aponse t. a caîl, wvilateeneolava- pably harnomaven bave anotiser amp," XMavlaS. ~Dee. 1.Be4,- Norting on the mlrialom tleb cerne of Mia. BénJ. WIlsoft a place. liuff.rlng fron aslnger Diaboos. ie vasteti ivay MIli roni imelgblng 001;h. the ierely .Ilpet tis eli etl10 P& Dodia Sidney Pille eesti ber. Speil. lun; of ber cur, lehebitmaya: "Mf vlfesinferuti eveytblig tram 'Sugir- Dishetes, Suenonas loitour Yeatsandutidoctoroti vfi two tioctore. but recelvtil no benefit. Nb. isîtino muci pain aIl over bser <t <lioe couit îaot rest day or nigb, l'h.etiactor malt tlaat siutcotlai pot live.. " 'Tien an itivertiiement led, me tu tmy Dotit's Sidney Pilla ant <e>' hlp- eti ber niglatfreintthe tinret it. bore et Lbuui cureti ber. Dotit'a Sidney PM&I vere e Goti-meot remedy te es ant i vs recomendti Leu te ail mufferiagi frou JXidfley Dlseae." Doii'a idney Pisl cure ail Kitinof Dîneuses, iacludlng Bntlt'eDisei. snt ail kidney acese-, loclutiog Rlieuu- Huri WEdkin-1mutslbave mome one te help en ti. aIonce.. Wiere la Binka? Where'e lcnilblur? .Wliore'a Leader? iloy-Taey ls ail dovuairs geltin' up1 alist offtolks iilled lant yesr by electrrc armeabcsh. vageai su mia>'explôslooc, *ac au *tectric ligit vires, OiIter (detapondetly)-Taey von't xet. timnougli for a6 -monill. 0000 T i MsRoeHnnessy, well know" a petssand elocutionist, of L-ezi Ky., e1Ishow she was curai of infamaton and ovaritis by the ù~ but L di. nosPIm k etolabemient@ a 4 te hpig lia I1 ilp *,4 tha e Awmjyti&m ions. IL amt i eiiili6 eto& il MseI q elbus &bout M yhculth wvhiub1.4booomo S vxitaW ho1 lmnerable ta he"out l I 1Ï*4 es< un> lq4 lut, hlu DaMMgralien £rom5sis0* sud £41.115 igsu ls-MieUlandi, Dm1V~ staiea oab.a& lXowa nemiml. l'u' M M u u eg Who bial. Nov. lmmUa VAfilmebu au lattvleva"ife prope iray to du- pc'e iethémaobig la wbkchatiseueple of North DIiota are coutag ven lotoa Weten aanda le te May tmerare" comlng ove, la drove&. &M»ng fIe :puop» ee. M14 olseeflste h. a«Y ,thouglt of thèee baiug a bouu Dyu st 40., [t la simpty a question.", atilu fIe major "of th"renet betug cnu' more liant ln Nortba Dakota manth e SUrrountiing Oties, anth<e people are bcklag b Canada te get goot irns. Natufity tL i umber <lat vii corne over yUill ncrease ati Lie fine, anti I1 May Mey the People yon are getttug ire the bafpeople ii the West . l'b< a yell meppilet i th mouef anti ire Wou acqualiti vitu the conditions under vWhlch <ey vii hava t. vomi." The aate of <le Canadien governaent arem. prepamote tulgve lie tnlleut. Information regcrtlng bomusteati anti other laves. utias ne Waae.d. l'r.p-1pi-ie, 7nul y.silo e m eno o b elp: me gît ter 1.11e Cite..Y Tiete'. ic wlgsthe er, candIII'manu- taeturu sLa advertleln' fer" Biighaafatarr-einty. Heries adollar, Yon cen esily geltute place* of nme union man. T1ramp-Thauke.But ti an't tLiai l'n afler. Im goin' rer loIn tb' slrihS. "Mti Pesna Ainuse Ma ,0.0 The Peruna Luciy Day AlUmanae lias becan a bitur, la over elght i millon bome*., [t cen b. obtaimad " frein Ildraigsts tmee lie'mure, 10 lnquireenlf. The 1905 Aboanse la:! <Ieiapabilslieti.andti b. auppif viii ams h. exianate. Donmm vu le 0£ Pet oue to-tif. "Do jyen belleru tise go a rl rounsr aI&*e t le opllMit -' "I o,"' rppleith. e sba <y lb &iW-4lr uva tt %W -ale il 2 1

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