Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 30 Dec 1904, p. 1

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Libm'rtyvilte, Lakce Couitty.I Lo#eI'sDrug Stor Tq~LET ARTIÇLES PATENT MEDICINES SPAINTS AND OILS mdugoat Cosephîs S*tk of School BO"ksTablets8111 IMM Nseueo& î~-fL' DUGSTORE Hèadquarters for Our trade ln Over- ceats.lFeIt BootsGernIfln Sox and'warm footwear ha. been the best w'e have ever had up to *Christmas. Our stock 's, stili complet. in winter ..t.'Caps, Gloves and Mttens and ail kinds of. wlnter footwear. A Share of your patronage is àoiicited. Stok Ibtuvile, liols ý.cOU NTYNArTONAL BAN K* OAP1TAk - - S 5,000.00 $SMubLus ANO ! ROFITS 7.000-00 DEPOSIS - - 350,000.00 ,0 tiousond dollars vai brought lu ta us @mie tino ego. wbulî lied iMm about tii. boume for Yearm. t va. mnty. it had bae let vlth ne on a ertifiat, 0f DePOit, It would have à per ent. Have you an>' nonPy whlcb in growing muet>'? max L mAYfl %at,iiSp. m., &bd i 5.leidente'Plione26u ibertille, Illinola J. L . TYLOL. vas ruooi a TAYLOR,@. >100.a. ý2 to4 nd 6to n lqro"a>, oppoeite Park. betyvifle, mlIois. A& j. ICHOLSe of Chicago )I<TAL OFFICE mtvàt a« ana aAti' a $mifflof oachi veet roi 9 . . tb8:6 0p. m. NEE"ATLAW. lbuivlmInols. ils1 end 1 tu 5 P. im. 'lz IL GAIJ.V#Y. l* LO'rbt.'sDumie m Y*LeT AT ,LAW. First SNatio inaI Bank 3.L. TÂvLoat FRAiNKPROCoro ic-,Prw.. H. 0. GoANER Cahier Li6ertyviIIe, Illinois Accounts of ftrmn and Individuais are aoie Ited and wiii be re- celved upon the mot favorable terns con- sisitent wth conserva- tive banktng. Pu'octor Biok Libertyvlle - Illinois DR. VM P. ~HRIO Priaetlce 1ilrnted ta' EYE, EAR, NOSE AND TEROAT. ortitiot Room 804 8'raWoaRT lis-aLINt, 92tate Stret, Chicago. Wh.n you need apl t la'W a btn ta u' u bit ef. m"Lttie Llvei touapauy le »«k et reqqt a- Feerm rra FinVlad Naay tion for bo(>m r.Nr Voglm la Wankegmu. 261411111t.- 26 AUX RINEI) FOR YARDS& AND SHope.- 0overurunat ucW mývie men bad for The. great daillesr of large clU.,s never seyeraI daom bu*- q@WtY lnongating 0-IlOW agb: of a sensatlonal nature 00 ~ Vgiciloatiote, 01, tte'feerajaws1 creep bâatoeir -ralways neya or among -d «North tCbicago1 goaiW counnun. 'The reliabllty of .mlofl kesiier,'b«* rVt ti latter.part lnforuairn there given in h.yond of1aAtwevk no11011= iaknowun iroir i queatlon.snd coniequefly tie followlng prene. 7ç;lin. a,.t înany Of the1 terne statement, void of any' comnra t saloo>n mut yre ole us~oued to Chicago buem great weight. It oappeared t a aswar to ebayIW the 1 ulmultaneonail! in the Tribuaeo naetors. Ver7 le* la ithe.citiff mm. i. eCrd fferatit Frldoy lait. tNd ~ ~ Aa The Chicago, Mlwaukee & et. Paul the. vloa ne wye WiWIO. contemplates the est ablshment o.1 The lquor timre wove t flîed ail the extensive transfer yards a Lbrty WAi froul 025 tu 500 fehff l"rding to ville, thlrty miles northwest ofOhIc*goý. ,ArtouiDe of their olntte. The, vria- It la negotiating for the. purchase of tiofi a maJorltY vie guiltY oftvas the1 2,000 acres of land. The compaaiy tapplng of lmr kegi tu other titan the1 finds its yards in Chicîtgo do flot afford prerrerhbd vay. TIW governunt rule.,. proper faclities for the. infterchange a8m ver>'trflut ici muet be.obeyed. and handfing of ifs. imAiense fhrough ThO.>'provide thaï ~itranS t ta keg1 business. imuit Le imodele*, Urough renter of An offitial of the company yesterday the tainp vWb laeâ ~fdover the piug said definîte arrangements for the and ilat tii. stonip èt b left on the. estabishment of fransfer yards ef lu. Dealers bares ca( th!@ L.bestyvlle have mot bien concluded, reupéret allorrtnf t02 4mp ta drap off but thret:tthe making up of trains can be anid diappes. Ti*ned tii pro- don as welI et Libertyvillo asiin domnating vloatdýmïaltilingi thtier. Chicago snd et much, lis e xpens. vers more aviOnseii*" i ttliheavler lifprisent plans do flot miscarry the penailti attached. new yards will include the construction Not a fevwiwre k id wlo diluted of reair shopa. tsnements. and tiroir whlskey Mdt te* sehowed contlu- transfer sheds, andevery improvsnient tiel>' tiei. itWoU of eonsiderable threr wiii hlp f0 axpedto lthe makng quantities of vaUt.ý Theïre are the, Up of fast trains wiilbe provlded. fellovsa ia e hsirei$1. -The above i somneviit of a surpise, Folovlng tihe ru of Laike Shore mot iira irevelationa of thie compariy liquor dealers Wll1 bh.inattuted a bick o uthteireoent large laidnegotio- thoroug i napetlod ' saOWon. througli-1 tionts justteaat of Lîbertyrrîfle, aumt d ont tii.count>' aa«xioe ppnaltie wl!!1 bevomne generaJli>'known tire t Pal b. pald 1* hdamedq inledon. rond vaz bebind the, proposer] deis, but becane a yet but lttie if au>' land in 610* TBX Fi" W . 55 Cents. under eontriet and agents for the. The. Illinois t&x, rate for 1904 la 5 compan>' bave cearred tiielr açtliv>, cent on tie 0100 4ià«ation. The. rate ostensibiy becautre farinersanaked vbt vas id Sat t acodncdwt thé>'conl .e xliobitant prilon fWrlaw, b>' Ooveror' I4State Auditor rMany subscriptions te fthe INDEPENDENT expire wth the. close of 1904. W. solicit prompt renewais. ^gain are others one or more j ars In arrears, and thesoe shouid tb. paidNOWV. Note labis on your piper, whicla indîcates data f0, which your subscrlption is pald. If you ars wnguklladlyrmt immiia. Y W. are frank tu conféesa we nsed fthe funds, particularly as we are just completing the erection of a fine new home for our business. The aggregate of smali amounts due usý sconsiderablo. We need If you are one of the delinquents, kindly give th. maffor your attention. Out of town subacribers should remit by postofice or express Moray order. FRANK M. JUST, Edtor. their atîrage. An offiiaI 0f thie compant pureîtaged IN aesearly lu the dé&], but ve have learued 0f Do otter frrasn or even of contractq fÏ& lbnd. Hovever, ve havre abuolute fatinl the. reliahulif>' of the information ai publsbed b>' fhe paper. ment loned and doubtle., there'ilIte ,omnething doiug sooD, and whicl i vli moult lu the luvetmut of hundreda of thouoands of dollars lunrealetate and improvernente and the exployrnent of hundreds of men. AGREIt ONENW PRIMARY, LAW. Rtepublîcan ltate Committe Formulatern Systeai. PROTECTS THE CA4DIDATES Tîte ubcotuittee of the. republcnu state corniittee ha. egreed on a primar>' eleéton Iaw, vhlch vilI bc hubmitted -to thefull itate comuittee» for ratfication and vill te intraduced in fhe leglatute ehorti>' after that body couvenes. While thee ornrnttee declded flot to maire public af fuis timne an>' of the detalla of the bill, If cau h. ald on the authorit>' of ou. vb o uvithaft the mont radical oli ite provisions vili b that whlch stipulte that tue prlmance. of aillpartie@hal h. ield on tfiean do>. In thi thé. bill "oneven fartuer thon the part>' plattorin pledge, which s= p~denîonded tuaf fie .prlmariea ofPart>' hould lie leld on fie arne de> lu ven>' diftrict. Prmauother ,ource if va. erued thaf the expouenti of a'direct pnl. mary luneure falled itu have tbelr 'deas lneorporated tuathe bll. The bil agveed upop, It vais nid don soit destro>' fte ytenu of Party' convections but ifdoes provide fiat Ias candIdate1 wbo cure a mjorl the0 fa diffgates SMcCullough andI Stat, Trenanrer Buse. i Tiie total taxes, ta bc rained for fhe r tate purposea thua yean la 05,rlOO,OOQ .of whili 04,00,000 la for the general irevenue fuud and 81,000,000 for thé. sachool fnnd. The fax rate one >'ear Jg v9 wa. 52 cents ou the 8100 valua- fABANDON fox LANCIE ELIECTRIC. North Siore Companyi Fran- chise Muat ho Forfelted. EXPIRES JANUARY 1, 1905. Au>' immedînte prospects for fhe ex- tension of thie North Shore Electric Coin- pany'@ liuo trom the veat bordera@tif Wautegan tao rayalate and f hence ta Fox Laite have gone giimmerlng. If la qrecall th fe North Shore Eiectriec om- pan>' va. given a ten-year llghttng cou- 1tract wliith the city of Waukegan on. 1provisionu belng tbnt the. compai>' va eto build withîti a certain ti me thie electric mlin, frotin She.ridan Itoad th fe veet 1lîttîtta of tlie cit>', another bing thot the tlin. mtuet h. exteuded tu the lImIte of (Irayilake vitîtin a certain tUme. The tiret provipa, that ut building ta fipcify limite vas carrld ouf and fthe lino va. luilt. Thoen the ie Ie came viien fhe ne. 3maiuder ot tehe linosould have heeu ' ut ta Grayelake itut nothîng hie! boen Bdue and a six monthe' exteneion wa. raated for and given. iTva extensions have been grauted ianthe fie i- ne otfe lait expires the tiret ofthei nev year. The Wauitegan concil yUli dec]ave flthe elecfrie rond franchise fortelted ai -nofhlug viiotever looking te building of rthe line tao raysiate liai ban doue. If 1le not oet al Improbable fiat af mome jfuture tînt. the Chicago & Milwaukee 1Elecfric RIailroad Company mia>' tae .up iand carry ont tue prolant a. origlal> 1lntended b>' fhe proinomera, but forfi pronent tue inucii deired extetubiie e 1 f ponhbOOr. viiiforffeor. cf i* a MALT BEST., D. B. IEertlck laya CowsiOies Illtter Milk end Do Better onNat OPINION 18 GENERAL. The Chileagl ealtiiDepartment geta ftile support among Lake county farinera la Ifo contention thnt milk from dairle. wbee wef grainare led linferlor a"»Whie there là a unîiveéwa dpowttion ta compi>' wlth tiie demand b>' the Helth Depnrt4nnt tiiof ubîppere to tihe Chicago miarket ceage feding brewery or wet graina, yeftiie opinion In lust as universo that the. departuient ,eannat nhtantiate if. contention and tiiat it la uaf>' aotiier of the mIe. impooed upon ehlppers without good reabon and ta Improis the. pnblic that the. Deparf- ment lu vigilant luin ti lehaif. The, fllowingcommnication lain iplred -bu Iapector Rei' letter lu a recent isue.. L"brtyville,%ec,. 27. EWTON .DEPENVENT: Having read Mr. Gridle>",o very capable answer ta Inspetar Relus' communication denouncing the feediug of wet graine, as publieýL in l your valued palier, 1Iam n lcned ta eay a few wordeo, aed upon nmi experlence of a number 01 years. 1 haveabshpped, nUitotaChlicago ta the mine mon for thinteen yeane and the ponf Ma years have Dot bouillit one pound0f feed for my cowa other thon vef grains. My dealer says my dairy nover vas botter than *inca 1 fed vef grains. 1 do not wih the, public ta) thlnk 1 arn opipo.ed ta the inspection ai dainie. Ou tiie otîer baud 1 beartil>' fa'ror much action. Had if been doue long ago fliere voui te no dimpomsifion ta cnt ont malt a» a feed. Mfr. Reli maya one mon admitted ta hain hie lad 'led imalt when it a rotten and full of wormî." That hntthe monte ahould get alter. If tber. lnaa man who fbrough ignoranc, or negleot feeds uneliolemame tfood ond produme lied milk, it abould ho barred froithe. rnarket L Bcaune one mon stockeiç is corn aud lotn If motild, reeulting lu bitter milt, in no reanon 1 elionld bce tunblddeu ta foed my corn, that in lu good condition. Promn a insancil ifaudpolnt thi. dairyman eau iltaflord ta deast feding wet graina. lu a dair>' of twenty cove the sanme amount expended lu wet grain es other feedi, viii remîlt lu a 'gain of nulit sufllceut ta pa>' for the. food. If Mfr. Reia vwil! taite a iample rImm rny aair>' and itave it analyaid and prove ta nie and thé. publiec fit IJel Dot au goçdim frwi uitar> hpn ta Chicago 1 wl!1 te'conitent ta vot. draw mu> plea that wet grain inasuperloz tu an>' atter feed. 1). D. HBawci. Inuspector Reisea repli fa 1Mr. Grldley's communication ot lait veek and Mr. Herrick'@ alove crticlam, ila nioudy> swaited by datrymen. That it vil! iho tortlicoming ail mn>' mt aauerd, am the gentleman i thoroughl>' ilucere là isi contention auinlathe. Chicago Board of HeaIth. Tii. INDEPENDENT Invites a tiorougli discuusion of the. subjeet end aur columuis are open to ail vio intelligeutly treot ItL BOOST LAKrS TrAXtS. RStte Boird et Equalîsatlon Addae 0157,573. ON TOWN AN» CITY LOTS. Cou nt>' Clerk Ilcndee liai teen notlied b>' State Auditor Jamens8. McCullouili of the. deciion oftheii State Board of Equallsotion ta Incrime tii.eiumed valuation of ail tavu and clty lots ten per cent. and on fislisbail. the taxation yUl hereater &e made. Lande, and pereonai properfi asmsmeute renolu ti. saine vai leretofore. The. greaf number of subdivliins cantalulug Iota tint are practlcally woruli no mare thon ocre property bai periope lied ai mucli tu do li tiith tate Iioard's action aiuiias an>'other conition. That the. lot@ are In the. eves oif the Board aUl-the mare, le tiie diffi- cuIt>'. Tii.> deterutîne fhir action b>' the number, ratier titan value off Iots, and la Lakte confifthe ris;u of proaperiti hba luduced mou>' ub- diviion, vhlch whlle cautalnnlIot« galoNe, are of lîttIe value, aui-divlaloua go. A griot mony have been praflcally abandaned, tii.>'.enilng of Ilie worth unlese ie otoa aat lu raislug taxe@.. Chaîrmon Stephens of the. Eoard of Supervîaor bai beau ta Springfield to appear hefore the, Stote Board lu an effort te explain the situation end lnduce the memiiera ta liegulded acordlngly and nat ta raine the aisueno. Hie 0 0e0. Wu' Wm1H EAT Hl- Furnitur. and Lndertaklng ibertyvlI IIn Un 'ivermil Stoves Cati and exami ne mY lino of KEA STOVES, RANGES and S. O ACCESSORIES. <Jet My Figures Betore YOU »I Dealer Ini Hardware, *ovo :and Farm Implementes : LIBERTYVILLE --I 1 1 Boger -Brother IVANHOE. ILL. IThe store that* pays more for eg gs. A. K.LSTAMN LAWI E 213 Woshlngton Street Waukegan 'Pae2761 Hlghest mark-et price. pald.for1 ail kindaot RAW FUR$ Chas S temp.e LonsGOrove, Ilii. Me. 18 f. Abu. a Iiarty's LUNCtl COUNTERI LibertyvIlle, Ili., Wil Sunday EvenIng. je Jeanne Towl Tbe Mev Iot* Saepf ~ mea " isaqswpbS e.t a n Mtio orleon te 0f liii 1 PRRSoneZ5,35. , 7% 0 NEW YgAR'S M« Jan. 2 Mme At USi Pilou h 25,- 35i S5 ons. màMe t ste. '"ffleWù QW! i.. Friday. De<cember 30. 1904.-8 ,Pages. $1.60 a Yar I - 1 Mmmm=M- . si - ýj25. 1. ln oc

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