là INFANT TO) Wo SMLF. 1 100, sl fmala bh ie atdesiner svoiiitas tiaIt ob"sae Y..*formecr, camt ~15.dl51sa~re htie pue ton- uaNinsesea te àa trienits "'ne Iâçbhr laproatrataut vIb t~ u» )m cIber liseun. Wisen onoftis e ovaruti>'tatisens lu- b" beecme gineral>' nev ýw ammi.starteaut ot &eBaiSd *0 noau.IN appeau: hat s-obile p.tsagsthefet e t " a on be tàmermorng 800,55>' a"dbils me telleset b> voltes. feoing wumlt, tise ferner pnfl é Ot 6au uAmaer th. e tanalsseot Ch. abmis.Tishse t wssdie- 6 Iistmad ofdRfvlag cethtisaer, et et 51554,ros- on u anenuos Wu.. O*rgmd onttise voisilo, = m ebemglmagnt Liadthets -'Iutic hl.borsis>'urgou t hou gsllop adltere stante aane L ,Aliorgb hh 1Lqt miegis lit-. *Isu oter tha snowy, Cte packs et Se ohasisulot. liVerimcuate I ad la aumbercs uail thse metse- ta tis re sc m ers e -uperol. senlag tStise lait hiad comoanal wm ma *su l>' ono s-ai u ha icis I methe*aliteo ilalset aut hie 4bttS, ailcisea the infant trom Wu' bramt udt aal 1e0vI t tuo s, Velves. Theisafhtul rase M»Ëut sn" starmer anal is héiri deattoilun safet>'. lwrqxNîS ARE ANOET. m5 easpeksr escaltes Mcur, ]WVeauCrtumpeeker lr, ad.. district, sWho viii ta- 5, a i villa tis auaveng eort he sfer a ppottieninent et us '= represenaion etfC"' > lisla bains delugedl -lish ld;stsre vnttea b>' prominent rai.2 Thi.thret Ji opeuh>' made tomwmkktlmte -Cngresenan wbertbat- ifbieproposeu5bi1la 1 ke les- tise Peuple o! tise 4dti "tai b>' a.Iraclilug sudperiecal. Srtharners neutilui*la theïn WW84 CmoS nettha Waters. Ot4 b> a duel-no t help s panai- Og agoaimWg salut ad- 'iéau ouugers, clandaEB. REs>- b vm am o! t -Boter, lens &te befrloiedeut lts I »Qa ePemr ndi. No* heje na- ý abItiu, legsa. Tisoipea Paru a uhiea l hlmeu- MIe10,0 i ie a.tstor. XM*r4see l ient.u Nutna *mVvas arresteu t m eokemme ad, Rhumnlif Dslhn mutl uie o! bis £nnt. Mt. twkber home.cul a &far i- àâ % W «efflu«Y-Ciat 'iAltbouch ho di eisau M nov s-b awuasdolng 1*4t »t4t hé=". >iestorm iussois, a "teoce!more tdam tbat tin la ntexpen- 1Tisa Légisaturs th etste , eallgthse og'll«ou a"NorthsDas bave etminse I - te Sy. m Cmlu n n k erlalukase rejeet- lieu s"pas tor couttution, but k 10 g*tu rant a nunlien ut F'* fer; eqnshty befone la,, Çotcartailimnt et bu- Z iOwrand me ibeut>'ton MmU Nat, a 14->'er-old negro, 4 mfl&»-Callbe rifle for s NOPMPgrtilDatmed luaa s100 nW amber o oter memme *ùsu hot sud Silleut -a1 e aitslCiy01Sar ets-m l mit he prend- wore lepsu ' rand a hdtn laNs Tr li> n etwo * 9K.0000 loameal I" ais lujiueyàiftS r veA id leat lmraiout o.bm t~ er eaut i MW"" is Chto.ien. of' bs tnrshop inglna mr e14 vii nomt Jetpm- auia an te roqA rt 0 tom z ta «Scwu m. ,d, insalatusa shopit. l bogerot la hiago., Mint *Mm Itbe «1epend- gales te Ma'Meiona tsnaeuah uIcR o! Swut. Osuoua re t tloCsIais bs é.lMms«W« h evxenul kgmIr," sjumIiftis, as ho luiiudth *énoe tmilag cotu, Tise >ur=7VW» « le th*& an som. Ahthe wp iami0e-- titoufor a usv trial, viqstu i eaN5 te tvsuty4vs 3miars la thse penlttCOy. Judo aWilison pa" alaatauge Ouà115 ethme nsas fleto: scar Itanfl uI lie imriunetfor tise irder etf10 allhon, a cogne, sud Wli Frnklin.,1) W Smdi, lls S mith, &E. L.Smith wSU àhboîit (lIi, nais«« y yeas lutise péàl tetu,>' fr mushb ten'. lu insl Henry' Liffta negra. Tisas twoisIhu vfe stua i htecap casn. iWbcisarqeu thIndigation e! ctissussud ecaussu tisa tWnMa4ion o!tise Lav anut Order ~tIMÉ1dJoh mithssud John McNulty, M#00Oes, vise vene conulateal o! morde. racisislits sentences, Sam Poser. vWho plégdd gMyte, twecharges etfviite- capplug. Sud vascoavictealoft isghvsy noliSer, vms sentence te toD lests on Che reiber>' change aud ie yearn o-sCh of tis vhtecapplng chisen a total ot Cirent>' Tsars w OcERz TO TRAVEL As KAIN. Moliser ethasu ,Pfflcais*Arreet -et Hier Uscis for Abduction. J. W. Lawrence, s middle-ged bacis- lu, là nuder arret on a charge eofmis- dnetlag is 17-year-old Disce, Loie Mi- Dard. snd eompeUling ber te iiagulas iser nex sud travel oven tise conntry witis hlml In a *'prar eschooner"' 'for uenlî ai 7mer. Lawrencs W«vasiatlngt ettise home O! bis iter, Mm. Mînard, aetC0in- aunfls, Kan., lent Mareand fu lalots viS ier prett>' daugisten. Whsou ho le,.l Coocordla ho took thse girl witisout thse kuovledge or ceusent etfiser motiser. SesteS Was lnsttuted ton tise mlsmling girl, but au triesof etsr vas fountu tuas etierde, vien aise vas tounut vitis lier anche. On îeaving Coucou-dia LAw- tane,. it la ciairgea, ceanplled bilsitecs ta dot maie attire. sud te suabrait te bey- ln4 ber irovo hair croppel clone. Tisun dhguiscal she accompaniadi n Inabils vaudenings over tise ceuntry', pRUcas5 s Yonag man. Tha couple trav'ledi n a vagun, picking op aucis vork as the>' cenld fina te do as tise>' uudeiiid ram Place e place. Lawrence wl ho taise-i bacis te Kansas for trial TROOPO BUSI IN PUILIPPINES. Ocn.,Wood Repenti Aramy, lu the Field Q»uOhmsUpiIuis. Gea. Wood, commaudiuig tise dcPsrt- ment et Mindammo, Puippiue division. lu bi sunuel report te tic War Dupant- ment sy that tise troepa e! tise dupart- ment bats Seau nlutise fietl a grat Por- tien of tise ear quellng armual uprisings aud preventing *lave tradeansd kindreal abuses. -en. Wood adita: "Thee citais- Ilisment of civil gotenument aud tie ex- tension over tise Morez e! certain lava aud regulations Sa» cansei nseaexcite' ment sud t tmon serions resitance. us- pecisl>' tise iaw prohiiing siaver>'. Ilu seiemscions active hastilit>' lias beau engeudereal .y oui? presence, epeclaly lu the Lake LaDaO reglea. viareasimont constant monderons attacha on wonking- menondutseldiers wune tic noie outil tise effiecis o! tic recet expediticus te tise Ternaesaide et tic lake. combineal vitis expeititiona te other sections o! tic La- use, vere fut b>' tise tores. ]RETUaNs *40,000p0FFUxmO B. R. McOneet>' Admii»lMsWu& Pnei- dent et Defmunet Nebraka Bank. 1 Henry' MeDonalal, csptsln o!flRaogera et Phoenix, Aria.. has recovereal tra Bernard B. McGreevy,' preideut et tise detenet Elisheru National Banks of 0'eU NIeci. enis paper to tic amont e! *4,000. McGnuevy ton tise fint dine admitea he bit lbien president oethtie inmUthttionimviug prethoush>' Inisteit li vas uni> boeokkeeper anal that If tisera vas a sisetage it wa@ tie tsult ot Cash- mys -1115,000 ot necoverca moue>' la ou deposit In an Arizona bisud fanl 2,000 in a Nebrsabooakunder au sosumedl Dmie. Town* Sufer fer Wten. Town» li the Turtue creek talley et Penylvauta have been ia dire distrais for lack ut vater. Pitcairnu. Stewrt Station, Trafferd City', Vlmerdiug, part of Bradalock ansumueraI other sunsler tavns vene hun anal dry tianougi tise isnesislg devu ofthtie Penneyivauia Wat- er Company's angine. vîteS liid beau veakeittal hiextra vers. Noves lu Restera Wa Gaine. Eligt iussian torpealu bouts haveas- capeit tram Port Artisur durnag a severe setormuamccrdiair to a Londou report trou Cisc! n. lit. Petersburg bhem hrong i io.Kuropatki asreport tisat thse Rlnsav ie retaken 208-Ntoter UM. Toito soya tise Japaneie have cap- teaut tvamore important Positioua user Port Artisan, - WUI P ouedLsiaer Colon>. It la prababla tist the State vilI e'- tabiîbi a laper coooy in 9hutasisniy, Mans. Tiesa Oate Board et Healtis bas scuneal u option on propeaty tisera. An attampi vamade te bu>' a fan ,in Pclhmm, bat vien il s-as hunos-bat it vai to e a sal for tie oer vss dsed . ___ Riallreeds1i.sght 1Ouprepasretl An unumualhY earlY mevemat o graiu bas caugt rilliroads unasares< aund Chi. cage ta delugaut viti bts-eau 11<00,00 ad 9,000.000 boghisofetceeas, rami>' ivaitu transportation ta tise seaisard aa intenlnediate distributing pointa. More la ou tise w' ns> d tise ergena>' la gVoit. MItons Are Vindicaied. Vludication tor &Il tise oficers aud mcin on tise Mamahusts la contalocal la tise report ufthde board appolulal b>' tise commandanit oettie League Islandt usvy yard te iniestigte tise receamaci dent on bosaliCht vesaul lu s-iieb tic' desti fsvet atanamen wssacaume b>' tise blosiug otofe a gasket. B." viLoaiet wssibngi. Tise Metropolitan Cînisiousa, lis hume o! tise Mot faslioable club lu Wsshinatton, vas rutacal b>' ire, caustag anetimatea-lios o! 000 te a10î0,00, parti>' cotereal b> insurauce. The fin wsmcoseil b>' a spark frein su eluctric wira. niiasi Oirngtbeua Vladivostok. Vire la un b catirof Oclu- bus, ohlo, 4usm 'p roerti tallaiet *1610,000 te h1é8M.lume s tutillu tbV.WIiho EUilug on Mlth b sIgnaisud apnual tu djeamr pqaprt>'. V114 s- mm M e, ius b>' s saphaiefi W*bu* "bâete1e. LOMssas ondihOi ýÏà z k, La0;WiSeler biesaI. *250)0; Deab iek, *tM 0" en itoci-Erause, Entier& Emuhamludi' 8100.00Ô; Osterui sa& Due&îIOOO't RraI NatiunetUuak,*hO;Charles »Ik haes,%o" de,, *50; Aunelui T- Cloik Company, 88»0. Amos IMIlOna, Company', *100; Mrpenas Dental OMMp ply Comupany, M8000; josepis lrsa. saloon. $iiOO;teasuts.et litholf bleel $1,000. Ahi se u-etlly inannea. Tbs ceeni of lire ws& deteativa electntc ws-lnugor à naturel gas explosion. PASSES TEÂRS IN DIJNSONC01. Word Cossesfrom, Y. C. Hcilywhiei aueroilu Coiba ilem10 Word -huemjust -heem71lt etlb>' rela- tives lut Po«t larda, N. Y. fiéesF. C. Hall>', saisachmitis,s-hum' tiy haut inounneal sueantfor neeni>' tourteau years. Mou>' vent to Colembia ha 1800 lu tise amploy oet u AucenicAndril insa- ufacturnag caauipy. Me isommue au agent ton the coucern autds-rots tisai. hatlng Jot compieteal a *2M,000 cou- tract, he voulut soon taritfonrSoins Hol>' vas arrestedas mia polilicat pria ener nd ut tros-a lato a dangeou. Wbcn Se vent to South Amenias Hol>' hail vite anal Ive sens lna scosy' home lu Ulster count>'. Tise vite, s11 mouning bif , died several years agle,aut bth sono vere killeal ha accidents, Hie fada- su, a Mexicasu an vetersu, aigu pauieut avay. Whea fiaally- relsaseit Molli vas in abject poverty anal brokea dovîi la iealtb, but secorea voris as q, biack- amid, and fbah>' procareal tonds te Payr lis va>' back. He bas, boweyur. nt yet suiteit. GIRL ACQUITTE» OF NUERDER. Oh. Wsà Aceseut ef Killina 9mb>' s-ts Benmiae. The ipectatans la tise court o! gerRIa susionp la New rknSciseeaad vseaitise jurn> raturneut a verdict'o! acquittilton Cira AdIeu, sceal 15 vise vas accuacal e! klling ber baby. Tise menieti utftise jary toek 'up a suabîcrîptton sud gave $1W ta the deteadant. visoin hey haut mast set trac, Miss Adler adacilteu tchat tise ehihlibaitl eal etbenzineRasphyxia- ton, bol asaerteal chat tise poison teil lto théeishild's meuti by accident vian tise mthen attemptait te commit siclide b>' drinking i. Miss Ader thouglt It vas easnbeli acia. Mer truands knocked tise boutle fian erlips aushsic as about tu drink. enOMis AND ROB GRANDIIOTKZR. ReîuurkabX* Act of HanlemaLads Who stated ont tu O fl1 3 ieo.', Waarhug cartrlalge Seta andu_ Sating tisir pockets filleal vida dîme noeas, two beys bave beau aurestitlunMHrlem,. N. Y., ou charges of tehorouli attacis, Inn hir grandmother, tuangliar ber lie uocooscieusnegs anal Iben nobbisniber o! jevelry 'aud moue>' amaunting te more tisa *$25. Thc beys venu Chales W. Upteai, 16 yeara olandsuitsiecousin. Frudunicis MçDermott, vise gave ie home as Oysteu Bsay. Acconahiug te tise police lthe lads calea upon thehu- grand- fther, InformadithtaI hasea st- cd devatovu ou Important hueiuesi, anal afttr ble depature peufuu-.ed chir des- peu-ate daca. FIEE DRIVES OUT GUESTS, stxty-flve Escape lu Nisght ciothez front »Ututb -otel* 'Forte tis eailada UnM, h ts-enty4sroS- years uSe olal St. lames Hotel, in Duluth, Mina., was damnaedb>' lire.- Sixty-ie guesta s-ena sleepug ln thce htel visen tise fine s-as diacetereal analtise firamaD aut poiessaved mian>' sho vouli t odr- vise have been creinalea. Tisera vare t7vo tistrical companies In Che bonse,. "Ties igi o! Cie Cross" and "Tise Curie o! Drink'" Ever> enaetftise'guesu ot ot on u e fineeascapea vith tise id of tise poiles andt firamnc, but none o! tien bal lime te dres. Tie lois vas about *25,000 ou building sud turnitura, anal stores under it voie aIse damageal. ssai Brokreu o igu Till Deati. Iu Louisville Ciarlu>' Goodin. S jeans ochi, fli o tise flonutf bis home uncon- scions. Haeuicd, ait a poit-inonteu ahoweda fa ractoreal skllh, tiongi chers his baun ne aigui et s serions Inuju>. Thse fracture vas cauei b>' a stoue tisnesu b>' tise beys brotisor, -hile playiag. Ngonu>' Rend>' fer Mg castel 1.u DutL14b. Tise pipes sare nignalud h. mena>' avallaishe ln NoV YenS fer tise onslruc- tien eftthtisImmense pover canal efthtie Grestbiortieru Paver Compsuy lu Du- luth. Bankersof lNew York, Bouton anal Philadelphvie> flamnco h. duel. Tise original bond Wuns protides &3,00,00. ceet Gas Or.-ens~wuyivm Tventy-seveu Prio.ns, t oetcheu vomen sud chilalton. vers overcome b>' ceai as lu a crasoudtetnemet boune ai 815 Monroe streci, lu tise toPeigu settle- ment of Phulaelpia. Tvelve et tissu wera- uaqa a iroienUdllln, but It ie hu- lieveal the>' villirecover.. Tisousada o! Chrlasemesioppaes vere hmpeileal b>'a ire lInbtheetahi ceuer ut Sioux City, Iova, visici te' itruisi twteity-five buildings, covaulug tvo isecis. acuslnga Ipront> haeoe WinttmAUto-ir-D>Battis, Japanue e termaut sud aspînre thtis lioigistmsasut ofenyangshiuon, near port Artisr.an. si in ail-day hattie. Russan prlmUets taenttht (ouerals Kouurteabe anal Irmau vers klleitandl Geacral FocS vndeal. Wlsis itue HIckrY Pneaervod. Woeatsaivehiclo manuacturera o! tise Unied States bavemsoeircis e goten- ment tu devise einsagtcheeakns tic ravages ut- apaches o! Inset tist tisraeeu eus lise oxtiiflenO! tise hickory tmber o! tise couatry. "d e gplos4. %ne fote -v«*e bcmcisý .4 ad »Met body et veloUlearsunu, der sptuagéaulsuLtn4nt (on- ctu B'alpelita- gMed in. Tisere a Sma tierce issd te fiad-flgistftonas fe mg-, ineate, vissthe WnacQvitsa' tsitSia essagi- 1>0 apq apturbe& die, -2 tub £"nqiiuu, 10r eiler ins. aid teur -machine gua, togethen vItis a oeuuldpu-able anaI t fanmuulon. one et tise Keekeinaforte takci1 -e te> bave, beasasnliislisUicebalis etof tiuner torte, Tiseotiser -ueîsin forts Mut bà Mokn .pl"eal hla lis va>', untilleneugis et thera MVi iseen taken se tisai Uic>'ean bla. ulaily occupied b>' thisJatmmueansd uied ton aggras- ive purpoasg ageIlcst tise remaaulng groupae orts. &Wbau tta lme cornes the. end e! Port Arthuer' resistanco viii A 1581b. etul>' lu Mght. Thesanme day--oday-tiss laps made gains ou h. other aid.etftisé tovu lu the direction et 2M Uliglr bill, but tise>- weil unable on tis utide te rmci tise main liseetoftorts. On Tiuodai-w-apa putbed -tbel- ad-- vsntage BlU turther b>' tnklng seme o! tise Russlmu veu-ks about Pigeon -Bay. Thé lapsuese aiso occupleit thein- selva inl a erles ef gallant terp)ede attaks upoji the battleshlp sevastopul, tise tant o! hu Ruselan fluet, The Se- tastepol eqoîppeit ltiaeht vilS Cie tor- * pede nets 0f 1e deetreyed sluter shahus, and man>' et tise lorpualoe diseiairgea et t venu stoppaibt>hu nets xu-tili a few test et the bull. Hotet-en, hu lapsanus mosquito fluet Iially suea- cesedeit la dlsabling tie grnuet shlp se as lu maka it unscaventh>. Tiare bc- ing ne dry docks eut et reacliofetIhe Japanese pais tiselievastopol canalet be tapaireit. Wheu Admirai Togo osatl(hei hm- Note.-The drumin n the tnregrouad ia instrument in flot uzed by the Japaneme. self by permenai inspection that the1 Rusian battieship Sevaspotoil iad beeni go severely daniageal thut It cauld benceforth be léft out of accouift ais a figbtlng power, be knew that the beavy1 work ofthte fluet *blch lielias coin-1 manded for teu naoutbs before Port1 Arthuor wii5 At ast diinlaed. The more powerful vessels of bis fleet bave Do0w been wlthdrawn, but the lighter tes- sels bave stili before them, the les k.i tel, but neverthieless very Important, duttes ot maintalnlng the bleukade of the eity so as te keep supplies frutti enterinif. snd se as to keep the Rue- sian, terpedo bouts anld destroyers wblch stili extut front maklng raids. The long and exacting Work of Togo lu the nelghbiirhood of Port Arthur han been flnally ended wlth complete succes. il durIng the balance of the WAr ho bes bis work lUp te Its pres- eut higis standard be wili go down te islstor se one of the greatest seacacp- tains thalt ever llved.à At the ontbreak ef hostilities lie wasi confrouted, ny a rue superior te hlm-1 self lu tonnage and weight ef guns. 0f the standard ightilig unltsý-bettle- aiuips--RI5la had eigit and Japan six. At the end of tan menthe' arduous work the Russian fleet la Wiped eut. The japs, however, have flot escap>ed ua@Scthed. At lesst bue Of their bat- tlesMsps, the Hateuse, bas heen de- stroyed by IL mine. Anotiier. theý Xnshiiu, vas aise injureal, but uîere1 pestitUstion i l Egand. The thretened'oeyerity et thse wint:er, tise.inoreaS of pouper~iff ad thse nom- bar o! thse unemPlOyëd comn te for- s ps'ebleni 'uhicli la ecpyiiig tise atten, tken ot tise autisonities làU04011o. Psu- penism ti e nreagling te mn alsriiugde- grs liesmetropelis. The figures for tise ee show th"t 75,185 persons Wer reeetving indoor, and 45»21 outdoer re- liW. Tiais Jluna an neof 9DOW15Oo thea ligures fer the.eorrespondlng week 1, th,.. great citiés of England tise1 uasnployed are more niumerons tissu e- berome la Bilrmingham tsin are 2.«»00 famsillis n-au' aimnt destitete ecadi tk icnlaGIiuiOw ' otlu&thtioarpora- tien ln order te eepeuple train starva- tien bas gusratssed tis e mPloymsut ef -maeont of work ait a minimum wage of1 $2.W 0weeisly.à Tise driliie et wenk la a nsw deeP Wel ai Inaction Mty au.areudies mil Ouits 'Of 044 tblnei. seentlytiie 60ilI nsneRZ!5la 1*tg!_it p ?9g0an~Us beau tbr I 7weat ..= : t wrimi yw "y.U #Ldluuga< ov4i. Tie. xpeé tise eusuy but th cailth e MocI ltek. uItstisd MI aa Vr4aahalu- moaxluuM ajuomniet isiankp onwiati- fKlee-Ls5 1-siPet ai 2.S000.0 bl# vith thse tainimum amouont orf hia mo ilidaylisomperuilaPoril. *ge %or imeif. ..e1..,e I, Tiie »uqlth nehp&pen eniiS bave TIoDutiilet CbprIaas Xbopperàb bttteiy eKttlalssff snc tactica. TIep 1Were lae d lu porC l leidoy Atghtby ns a Togo sbegldl bit.e amusa icil lire wlicb bruis.ot «ut i SIlO o'lueýk. "ud Mft sthituaEnsisnu Seat vwilsuisho vwhenthe lholidity'traite nluou£Cty bad thse chan".,* Aueg 10.But eI5lova. was ut titi heiglît. swvept througbl veiet abois ttat.Iogo vas, 10 lal tise ,ýiàettu thle reitil i striad lit flac, ai], zUadiibe cfled itis tiBlsu leesof fleeli bayers ani siglitoetrs. Ou Ang. 10 be'prebably veu dbave burned duvr two sellai blocil anud lest nmoinea!his own shipe tlti deoy- e> - uil d 1 , roîaemtr iags ot $2.tl(O.O(b. lac théi enemy>, sud hsaliseoleer sis That MnaumY Perlsons weie lot kiliied or tissu he now baal tise resait of fisc bat- l»umrcilal littie short or marvelous. .4_ tievu wiba heoncomlng Railtiledet Il wu saultleutitiiud nan lest bis lite WOnl be nt donbtfnl. iedeed, snd It b>' Jumping frontil ailltustory vindew. ruealways le >emeinbered tiat If and twenty-live buildings, lituinm tisa Baltie tint lasucefutise var tlaree batiks nltnaany ntthie leadiiîag endts at once, and iIn tavor 0fensIla, uins onses of thCiît>', vere de- Tise Ivo Japanese scout boat@ viais-I itoy= . paterid lugapereThnuday murning The' 'tire stnrteê laithese bagemeeilgolf reported ibat a Japanteae' iet two the P'elletier departinent-store troin a battieshîpo,, tva> frsf-class ùiuored -cause tîmit Ii- lot 71 re a.1r cruisers sud a desen other vessels viu mineal. The place was crowpawel ai ln tbe nelgbborbood. If tise Implica- wben the. llrst alari vais gîven liner tieni vas lnlended tisat tbis vms a liglit- 7waa a i rugi for exits wblis hreatenult lng force seeklng Admirai Rolesîven- te deveiop lxut a serions plsnde. The sky's- aquadron wv a n>taire At-for 'e<lerks 4v tue-stor- andl sev*ta me- granted tuat the Japanese scouts vere amng the ii shoppers -onfleinual heir a.mualng tiiemuelves b>' trylug te &tir'efforts ln protectliig lb. vomen sud up a panlle among tbe Russionuborns: hiaren> the test of inboul ere Iei marines viso are nov galloplng nt a et o! danget jiiet ast the haies ruai b- slow waik imound thIe coua of Arien. edt] te groual doter. The Russian and Japanese dleets are Meaaawlale a lîIrga. erowd Sud cgatis- setill about 5,000 miles apart. BDy neo rd riniu b'basous îas posslbllity coutld the Japanueop ale te filiiag thîe streets aunai îmaking effective rweautiî&Ruselann quadron that came -Oilc b' thietitreintýaiem eniuot laiteaosi- tbrough tihe Suez Canaml betorè it joins bic..11il the avallialle police were cati- tihe squadron lieder Admirai Itojest- ed ainubservice, but tIi.>' vure nul venoky's direct command, unlensa In- strong cîougli tacsuperetIa emergeucy dued tise torner Ruqadron'ver>' rashly aud lu niaul> lusitsi'5 force bailtle bà ventures eastvsrd.al by ttsel. More- liuaI to drive. liai- tk itheexcite-I spectai otan, tise Japaneme sre net apt te maire toril. Sa-cinil Pearmutaeciere Pîanfully suci a ilunder ns tbat o e spsnting crusibea ln tl ia, ientlutnoette attse. tiseir four renîaining battlesips. If rinusl>' iiijtiil. Wiihin lort int ie they go sonthwest to figitttujestven- tie Toy litnlliiig, lu in ichihte lel. sky wvuallait urely fIit ail four bat-ltiler store ilm loea.téd va@ enveiopa'al - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b _____ - a uies.ivaii.arrleal Iy si brisk viaad.llirfiteufed tu dastro>' theculntre ratailidistrict. Th ii. fniiemi seinualto b.ielaslng grouna liehla iai gliat aiaiist lbe blaze. which tlanairou nt aeuis.tient andI sent - ' a siaower ofat iziiag ton. hec over liur- iay tbuildlings. Igultiuig liîaauy Of!lieni. This rail)t-if rer. hiwaccr.Ibail i liai etimlsaatiuag ailvalitaga' ar it liiag biick the a-nawdaa. uiiakiiag Itrposible lu sIte--k Il lia;-iîî-î ivi h amone vigaîn. For tIre. beurs and l ailait. or iintil lthai gai iacyoiial raingie aithli e buildiîîgîa.thei MCe aaurai-il vt-ytliaai trelils liatil. Iaflertinia-iiarcsa-it te ail ionas ii iii ia adi als of .1a ha.- dred it îiii. Sai,-ril anaîaii daiii gave iisa.tainae li lai iug uIle aines entier contnaul it il 3m< neloi-k. Lisait fLesers Large. Tisa tenniiory 1îwaeim Jacksona, Pierce, Tiind anad Foarthia sriatâ, Iin vSlclî ver. many ofithte mnt Bui- stautial buildigs iiie e i>'. . vas bumneai ovier. The principal liuibdiliig andl iîilens ibousaes deatryed ire an follows: The To>' Buoliing. a sIx-aboryatne structure. liievlileh, besialeu the l'elle- Ier store. ivere 'ieel'Irgt Naional Btank anal uiaili>'offices: lie. Musqacliu- aetts Building, aatier six-sion> struc. ture. oeeupleil b> neveui large lares, tncluding tlie Gillett Hardware Cama-ý pany; the Pullulit Moatel, the Leadler 'IRotal. tie West ltCpl. et larga- iew Etbuse: jolinson -& Aronsoil, clotbuiiae- ait furnishînge; Ok-ti Brothers, la. dies' fiiniisiga: George Conway, whoicsaale totaca-o andi cîgans; Aiiura- EFOlCE PORT ARTHUR. con Express C.Omlîniiys offices, fillili eto course a Rousan tropiy, for that vith Chrlistatis gouids awaitiug alun- nient or d-lita-ny: tlae Commerciail - B tlock, oceiil lia>' hCli ity' National ties'IPRs suit on togetiier. since tlium Batik: J. J. l'rugb. queAsare; War- strength las dean>' lanuiioan. Sfid-Pratt- Howeil ComTpany,. violai- Thae epliOde 'ii a trigle ile. Tue sale grocera.: îaeaavay & Nash. foai- Jap:iuaese are nîlt iitielhabtitof voil- turc: 1)ow Citliug (oniptin>; Hanstea untuering te the. verld aelunrate fie- & Ilanioti, shues; The<dtre Becker louits oethlennibir. eai:n-ttr, alad Tailortig ('oiipiaiy, WaldulHardware? iccriiese eft tiair Slects. Comnpany ulattie Western Unioni Tel- egracpb Comany;> theii'Northwestrti Natiornal lBanik. tfeizer iretiers. WAR NEW volusale liquors; 3Magner & Weimh. ý W'« NEWS=ý1N R11EFp- saloon; Hîiguian & Sinner, wholesale bout»sudnasicues. ends alarge number etramailiestablishmfenlts. The Japsee uet Ini fronît of Port JPNA U UTMR Arthur yl go into dock for repairs. -NAsORCUTMF The docks anal a large section at Portagigmd asd UnIted BOtties Wsvoned lu Arthaur have been destroYud isy Jauiîaaaeaa Trade. shells. Accrding ta an article lu the Gerînan ThousAnda of aesatens fratasasainaExpert ltuview, qootul la tise consolear are crawding Lonoui trYheg tu reaaclaCiae reports, tic I'naterialà na'edud for siip- Unitedl Staite.a. building are beugli in Englaud. Even MauY ut tue Japanaav- troupe c-tU lie 1big aips but tor Japan in Germany 'mitidravn t roîint ot Arthaurana, suat >ersago wa-iT airderud te Armnstrong's ilu tu igit lIae Itussisan Aîayica ler Mnlaaeiî Eoglsu tan their arnaineot. Recently Gen. Stoessel Ias ruque»tua thsej Krupp analthie French i trnof Schnei- anese te, respect Rue-i Crotm aisa pl*4cr are praterreal. ceaie hoiabariing haiepitals lit port a"m The tact hat Erîgliand t hlie Unitedl thur. Ar- tites are favorua le ta a bybthe pur- Couflee atenpte tucapurenJp«chase o! materbil for the Yokohama wat- Coiaue ateiptd a.cimtuu aJap-er vorke. I nîaling for bidei ilwua aucnsebattery riuar MakLdemi. but but-ime prevîdeait t hte cocka corne frein lilg- elîtangîclD nbarbeai vire ainad er. re- landandî<lthe vater mutera tram England tiolseui. or tiseUnitedl States, -the miaeit ffirme The bliejat-ket helomging tothe la us. een belug apuclflual. alen croiser Aqkold, at Slaauglaai %,ho Locomotives for tise raîroada ln JapaD brutalis naurahireda s larnleis ctinamtaansd Korea arc boogit uxeluilivul> lu tise viaile dispirtiiig pîîar'ut for -tla hiçpu et Uniteut Statua, presunùail> bucause tue>' a jlnrikîslia, vrai sêat ou uiaaaaiau tma. As- are more unickly obtaluablu tisere. Tise kolal b>'theîu ionsiian consul. lie wiîî e fniîadsip for tise Unitedl States la ln- trical b>' court martial. cresalng. Prie 1it a" Nteer. Near Sumner, Miss., Smith AMurphy, oese!tisaé ichest plantera in tise Mis- sisippi'delta, vas kilical b> Jerry Robin- eau; aise a wesîtfiy planter. Tise mur- * der, it ih aaid. lhtthe rasait of an 014 fend.. Accordiur te the report et J. G. Cot- ciett. sacnetary of the bureau visicis PreleilentRooevet i ne saflelrmanagedat aIlconventions sud'congroseca MaorGerg B cCeiaî e Nvgi.. rlaielh. In t. oui ass-esi. psleslàlipruyaeLi tgrtli br.nueesharged-> grelitrecord maale 1541 îeRt i.- ltaued accamn4Mu tise atart, progresa betuq CLideal b>' the .eaaoeabloe .ah prevailel.- Deahlu bave been viii Che deussal lnclndlagboiS - and ste-pIes, reiuatlng luaà pletion et stocka. Tl*m ut tise people nsver1beeg ter ubevlng. Gift- vsae* Iouglit. Teasetîv t>' ais lebblng deptca nttea ment belag called' for, c$eecl - incs guode, aie', turnublng, gooeansd nuIonleam. important aipaleuts of geua5ntM nhantis. are iracticalhy lossi fOe Vanir ana leiqale homa eu tel ronsldenlation of ivatoeas Md i sunces praratoni to nuIt rear'* 1 palgu.- Intenior auttîces funiallIs' for aaiclpaing an excellent traite 4 10xtraortlauar>' eropa s syear Iha mas eiaioenl huprovemeat 5* bloines. OYtien cIlles villaîn tise C»i go district turc-anal similar ;g Maecanile coltitone mahu a t"l Lh eexîmulit am aiknhretarma asmuui iainhle sucppi>' o! tulils tor- b" p urpasaus Distribaution of hîcav>' materialff à grain everhaxes tliceavailable et»di rt rallroads. Tîis jconIction.ý havafg n-hile aaushng Ieinporary anno>'agi s slrîktng evialeuce oethde 1 i tinte etcomameree. Man>' roitnm1s bei-ai îlael toradaîlttelal leilIU" er aunaI ens. aiîîah he nec-w o = S tor railla. bridage inatrîIlsAd araIgl>iueiet4Lman auuictalllugIndex, tiiiuikeiilacatai t.>' ammoman tic 158 lxlia nîîîa iluaua-nts. coitlniisd wî loag Uî, (ifprit-es augrest thtat the il aliaersuoftrluoui amd icaamel are 'stabilé uug ai struîbâglafos tonel.C401 yei5 rinperatululs. Na'v demandes tonataAir iifinlatae ainatertala y* sent -oaus1dPalae .taiiîage tus W pa.rticla:rIî- torn ua!s. laates and vi The uji.uiuftaitmnugte tIW SM aI>' shiows tteua>' iaavanmea loetl cu eniug outputl. TShe luncise ti ilahitaiucfsaetlatactory vaolumce et î'nices anal theu' suîk's ru-ceOpta, NI. ixO tut-t. liane nare Ûiaiîadouble lb cf a yaar uixe. Boumrai et rade uealingsa are seoi bu' lnnivlit umvolume, the'~gelli hîoyhug of Ircicltifs * làic troIflg Vanlue-s iiov siglît adavaes la *110 cou-utanal e-ais. Ilecelpet g SrilW4 grgnaild lslObogheis, anmal 2St268 usiels u ea Raig. and en ineute renauiel 3.213.;4 lbuahu ligailust i2tL3 bushiii. lb. Mt*l Ing dîme te an extnuaonajLîuarmoe ot cou-i. Provisions ven*u. lusgooll' <juest tor doine«utIateoiismucption.ça grali,. hktelpt oet lIve Stock were I 1- 5usd, aluainat as uati>'sa a.PO agot. Falînres relponteal lu lhe ChiscagoIl tr-let aimblered '21, igaji 11112 ve anal 29 a i ur aigu. lli-.i'lstra-et's s-tekl$ië e, t-nniiitint uttihe u Hliay>'tr-mita and eal IbuoLq generalî3- hîsil the ca-uluer o e l wijolesila- buisuIa-.ganml aidataiam stocks nasid iluieti:ulg own, soeaUnîleaot lnausCnj'. tiic, seinoum aIfluencces nlatie for qluiet, but 4,- ual exception ha nota-ait l rena ai4' cblcb alispis>' aetlaltY hait anal adîl turtiier advauucelit on anda fimlabedprodiucte: Trnnps captacity lu senil- industrles. eaînligs (1cruau adire up 1teh thie icr, anal cxa-eeiiahi p ht-nous lit Ihîs tliîce. A preult sainllte> hil-:mia cdose ta, If neot 1~ m-cs of. rua-ol proponfiois labu binessa. PcIa-dît ,luepare a- Soulli aud thI Pumlitecose:.ai.. 1ertiens, uxetupt aaltefw Soat=en.1, Western polis aIs cle> uene>'ut In J rections. a gooal volunme tprlujl naesa atready 'booked.al.nai the tealuanon.etfconservatIve 83.(00 tu $6.00; legs. aicplg *4.00 tu $460; Kc-ap, falr toelt te 115.2,1)-; iclia-t, No. -C. $1.13 cou-n, No. 2. 4ec te 411; a, 25>e Ce 30c; îya.,-No,. 2, 72e t' thlioti.>',$K510 te $1120; pnsi$e *10.00;'huilIer, choices enemO.y- 27e; egi, tu-cala, 18e te 2e $4.00 lu $4.W.4);siiechi.*3.l l> viesi, Nia. 2, $1,12 'te *1.14; eoîrap 4ic te 43cý oataNo. 2.,2W e o No. :P, '.Oc te 12c. liors. *4.00 Ce- *4.111 C'ep $42Zi: visent. No. 2, $1a.te carma, No. 2 iuixe<I. 4lev, Io440c 2 mixait. 39-c oe133;,r>'e, 'No. ,1 82c. Detroi-C(attla, *3150 te t1ý *40Loo t *3.-00; sia-ep,'."ù , viseat. Nac 2. $1.111 teoI 1.,