7t to 1 Fsbu'baY 10htb heb an B." .l vet thrbmn 1h. iv ne umg aud adjourulus oný im da, ohms. arsly ta auxp 1» tausttatlcê, W"I ~prahbto h ito :M ajarulmg vitul" mesof Ibe allierfor nore dma wq.XO., tah b. ntatiuga va 8,alm rune and theo*y ~dosa vas téIrocava sud rdeu lai-sel Imu. eluppolulad> UV.! "" a ad . plrsd . DrLug M eoamikonmuor, vIllg ga, ver Smuped te attend t tml* da" ofoaclavook sud bw# ltbWpeidod of proerâo#nom ont s psoteains ofa lb. w aio5fl tremenu cf 0"oü f thon 140 wom «"polfteeIiof lb 140 f IIW iocu Mmd 96 of the cf odbçr . Çhose a b M i sBau, uoardbag te th"a aprlsnpelmtd aIlM.ditallon lbivé I .sieamovice ~w5Ooulonrtelceto d 1h. t aaB«WoyaI onrly ay OtuSt Utaxpye$8023.25 gr#O rdm *0ha" ve l.augural bnb ply ci havIb tirer owb wlthaul gett4j m rau ovsrby *MWOeil. And b'aglsd tao. O'lr n»t t invite Tom b-inie bible <de.g..Tom kLiu t"a botter phira1lo amn day . ai wiole legrephy, 1s, su80 ad mol-ta»uie àWwbtma wômd*eaenodi don'1 *MmIaOaua. wltjt whlakers. OUs apalerns ha.'brougt muât 4ots smt bocaume vhau h. va k; e r ho put It behima i l OWfueA lthe pao. old farm. laMOIQn e voesI that tjo cr Ï" .M " &hWd0aIhi V., .- - al i Wata aysn wu Th.4805 ia o.v 4000 r Mis.BlletIs $l ornenly lveal taho uud etaraufl olb.uIs.a w Augus IrsowufadI m" S&d.Roblilul,bo* ofa 1w u". r!Wvodbhusvasn "Ot uce; ve . Iéi - qi"l.Alleor tia emwmon, 1h. col 111for a short e4 On thofr returE tfry wviii Il elill the grom'. mothertnet. tah. âwem l. MB. uborch. Bon lmeFrldaq nlght rohhors en- lered lth "dare tkeps, b Toun-& Bhvary, on Waugton atreet, through s rsr oor sud IoulaI the cash reglter, e«monti ithout beving a tram hohluai. Th. maraudera loch th reglter sud yw- maved ita otheoroon hock ai th.store viaste thetflad lak"Pt, sud- Ibère they ausmhod Il, open. Proprietor Willam Tanign linatu tiat the amount taken vas about dotia or ton dollars. A snouucsd sons lima go, the Bu.- Unp plant noh an obo able i» manutsuturo ber as vson as "andlporter. About $2,000hm. heu expendad linbtisvay, sud the plant hb ua greaày Improveai lu onaquurs.TÎslulsrWlorthwhols vajprkpbas heen remodèled, sud lh. le@- boune hhu n ad orer ilu aahottling v'orba. 4Apublic 'opeulug af lies hme rvlug departmneal va. held Thr- day, and the compauy la now flllssg ardue for thoir produet. - ! A À hief otai the Globe dpdrtaiaut alors on Waehlgtou treel Maudey nlghl. A carloue fact i. th&tt1h. nthoai IV whlc h thihef or thievu smcroa su. 1.ecmot ho dimcoerisansd thi. Il la ta ads 10 the lufrence tisaIho MSns laest thsfront doar as su ordnary celoner asud in lu l aors outil hie chassa ame, whs. ho h.lped himnif to vinatvas et bond.: The hooty mcurel, as far as fer asn ho h larnsd trm à ,Mperl eattsuate, ïs 82 lu pennies let le the cash doar for change; probably mmne lothlug, and a gold vatch. Let wve eWdse.day evsnlug et ilre eloc& oeurrel ltse veddlug of Jmanu ýUubbadsai»tnofht is heny laeMin Olive ValIs, 0aiehlo, iuthteut0 Parlor of the ParlaIs oue.. About Iffty guente ver sent, a oumher ci, thon Ifran Chicago. Aller* th. cannons, whlch vas perforussaiby P1v. Thinaige, a reesption vu am ela lheb dllg'rocm sMI parlais. Thbie Mad groom ki et TM8 for a ahot tri> Tbofbo, smasai {laudetar ,jaaua igist, I le el knova ere s&d la quit. Re«. Whipple, af the Mtiscaiulâthl , à.wlnaugurateda unIque Plan ta rstlreelyoong msuo hinebeureh Aler > tvo.eBonday ulght l.a ca eu or am r*@nahonte. AD are volcans, YOUM 'or aid, wveh.tsr thdky cane 10 lh chunch erviee bolorehanaior flot e atu ais aue ne an effort, vinI ho e -9" ta attract thon thers. LasI Bo. Pday ulght vas tht fuit oue.' NexI r uleday nlglt vini h. htld a apcla mearlin.for Young mol! vitira ewcs hoatlerverd. Whther the@@ viliib. ic outinuod viii ho depeudeul, nos ayal the usieter, on vh.tbsr h. recelves 1h. nhi" support or uat, sud aceordlqg teenoosaont ho remsves bY th aeh.eML auhegml u'.s goad chante tu dn aeS sre acary, ane vi* aesapitel ke a amillicu dailsrandeniploying pîet iabout oue, hundsd, 'anmi ucrain oa.hecossus, ai ug ti»y mm-sAmmiencaCr C., of Uhiago. cceru la »n o atea in -lu the dky&r4d ilaîrt, aI Clalao, sud ithe dmat, Mdax Epae evabhro laut *iaolrlagov.rtIs.laeld vIi ha view alerlug smgoàltloua for alte. u nM" Amiu a a,~sipn-.- arc whiehsOassolctru Yraiibe iMs aotr kiadeof kW&kt a aansd le .f lbe not suhaausili carcom- à" ai lbkind inluexiste-n. Tb.y r boultro about .000 vrlngerliu ettlssg way ir a Cllail *M asnaeuomtasole m«or om ail obisa vhleh bar. bombotb.lug à mars or ika,. irmly b.Ilesvt'b lat ha vould aoo5 tons Iota poaosmiu1as ai s dom at, Jolp Herail-. fltcima loya rettsa bKNap tfalrt.vatc meba 1hob.bad Ib hIechaS eoa blno*5efrtsm mi oadam gly le bougbs t IlmWgem ddWvàuU b * rifi Heela Dw là e4llel oti wbrn b.le helsa-tfated miel amfer bis Wre*m, e'goo4. ma st gipt Hrui aditM» *et UwleI«aWto a U,hb* o bla stlm msea - u Robent Coudais O NOeiUU a»uuu .y avaUada WELL KNOWN TOUNOfMAN. Robert CouS eilkxowflalu Hlgh. woad, wan founl dad by- the porter of the miaou ovireby 0o .younu arnm'. lathor, endl whors hl endesaibar, vhs. the porter veut ta riehlm Saturai Mnorainelg.Conrea a. "nilslley-arà , mgo, never drauk btlnnll, and wazm mah reapected lu tie village. Coroner Taylor belai an isiquest over th. renualus, thougb 11111te lîglit vas throwaa uponi1h. tgldeal. Tht por-, ter t.etfld that wben h. usulta o.COD- rad'a roon ho relvel no anaw« 10 hie eJI%, sud, detecting thé odor aofecami gau, h. hecam alarmed .andi vent inta thm rvolo, vh.re ho faunai 4. lady. -A phyddi a . calsai and gave It as hi$ opiniou that ConreAihaît hua dea a It i preaumealthat dos.lng the niglit Conrad Sot up sud llghled the gae, sud when ho tunmmd il off, poalby. in a drovmy condition, unlutentaoualli egain partially oped tbo'vair., 1h.ecumo queut iesaeeauslnghài. dath., Thora vu.l Do evIdaucatéwarrant acy othar comion, hlu fau t bat copiai ho os- -ll. a s W u 1àhe b. ms.retired in goal h.a&1h, ud wanloud as deribed, la ù* .inolag by lisporter. N9 posi- blé motira for soleilseau h.el a.?ed-by k1he farnlyor Irleudo, andi tb.,a cîdetal btlreory in by theux accpted.. The 51h anue netiuý of th. MIUI hosba lI.rnue)tu" wivlIhol beld l in tI oute 1lc elehreh aI2 t 71915, et m . n r«" veth# t la rprt a 1.t glsud r aet ilis omas Ml nke ay 004M e pdta ahati taal uluO i"I ay cè e for. the nMoe« etlg. uiitàttha-i Slx four a F or èpeckm, vsbegr Chas0Z. Whltney, ainstaor 'A. -1q. TisMy r, a.ud B. J. à Md=hrM.Poa sd l1. ~h MWIîuru, ]IL, Deemhes26,,11>04 M".2-a AmelloWOUsieBllei. Tht IusumueJob ewm-P litit andasemoa a .evlrr, assai l addition wvs=PUbi ofras i cIegea nOotcf manmsd Utloiprapertw lu tihe T mInmsmaxvlelai more fano lia. suy atIer paper ilathe couny-ll $sbd thehforsI hast luadio aadvenUs. Oba1MW Tom e eilt4 1.141 et Ezvry >11 @IIcitsud pomoffllnor* sand &bout $$#w ib Other. 7--I w-ow-QWDho bha*the <&W belo beetiki& l *P"vored t16t- "lre I& OOr tw IvIiin 0lb. ilae. lhela WWd ho wlshad lbe nOneyi hie daikktem ftmlly aflDot b is Owe nus, how'eye, aud i fallurs la Set Il, nons gri d14tf$Mad lm. 0O0 .a~ Wbo l]&MW 01, hig lntouâm etc1 &*ln lac s uof a rl-Ad, suahlm a h. mrw Ime bio lviil su and lm lnIf 7 h@ ure.d.d< Knudmon broke 40ovu sud oed, muh 10 the surpris. ofhiW queslsr. neturales ta bis 1111e &hop -ho probabi! brooded over hie luablitY tu &Bord, fimaw ini e Mitane bisl daughlaer. ,-The knowledge ofaisi. shrt- aga wllh hi lodge. tended to a ltMRlY hil dempa»dency. Tben cme the tbouglht ai hie lasuraum ronsy. There vga 0800 vhich itlaly vithin ie paver taprovide. lt-was il111 or hl@ debta, snd ho deliherateiY et about hie preparationa for desth. ,Firet ho fibtedl ail bis, Iteum. ofdebta and lat expikt luntclam that hie daughter ahoild p»y themo ut oilusurs > e mous, she would mrev. Thon a ew end-arns llnatahlatéloved 'Oue and hes m*ad7 for ltbe, arl&. Nov YOD can hoar ,nsny a mani Who liW knovm snd rs.pected, the tan menative ehogmaker, du"clare h5bhai lhsy rilesa hie groat diotrme., thev would uilIg have advamcd vhatevor monSy h. désreai. But nov Il'. toO late. NiI Kandmon dobteam are ad for sud sljw hmadredi dollars. romain to maire âil obrden emaler for thi- whO lu i alfuticu.ver. firat. 7 Cofsly ilasnces Ovrd aw t-Acrd-- iug te Catynlek Bne n bebas beeen draWualready 080,800 luanti. cipelion ai 1he la lsy for tht,yer. Il~ oth.r volais thet thlrty thousali doll - afaihlbtotal tans'ofiabout1 $70,000 ta ho ollectea net ypar ha. airoaaiî biendravu aa"d a1 lime ta muet theireseof te ev oti. Pimra eOy i eau>-Tlwrç vers Chriema. dîna.. lu lbe counly Isti. 'Shorif-. Powell' gave tison a gr'Md apresaiandi evriono cifthe masmai "'itneeai liko hame" On. lemale primouer lea aaiag 1h number, Brtba Îchwarts. Hors* .vlt thlb prisonons wevre mrvea itilifor alluner: Ail the chicken the. venteal la elt, mîncopie, polala.., gravi, coite, fruit aMil vater. Ageal Selier ies-Thedth of s I Gorge Stlkneî, one af the vry aild relaients of Ietan tovualp ocursd eI is hans on the romi ledl w ut aofano station Mods, Il.rnau aI 4:80 o'cloek. DBuh t o aAs0paralioi, vllb vhlcli b uedMenË"idbiet afileai dfor e«)u» in.,He vas 47 iaamafugoasihsdlivd i tilulou toWu about forty , îean. )He la survlved by /a vif. but kemea no elmre. «u Esater un.I*a aieSeraTeKtl saugeonioiaellvly- et thetç r u>- day, o0wingttu ta l eomaipllitiôià. thon, ii le .e mithnsg dong Oane -a tIaIcmp by uet veek. 1. Po"le Steve Keunedyy sud KB.Thomiapoon, 7.~ Waukogan ppalsnt taékloldera lu asampauy,opitiphEleusd, àa1rriveai luOrent $Wdeiday 5and ver met ber. iay Arlthr tripe, Wh o ba Ftheon out ta lbe min». Idr. Poet*, w"os busîome la contraclor wsa bolilder, vilà, veCharge oai 1he, an- struclon of a large#hait honne.wvheh - ili i luometlb coumpretor plant am vela. thtbolaliugffie»ilnm. Wtsek an 1h.eno Bructurs il hegin )leu- ain sd ruheai 10 cospletion. Bols th. large hbllera. of 100 boie- pOser imacl, nov an Ifs. graumi, vilIhi -Plameainlueamiesion, Inaug tisgtaI tijoenter unds, vili ha' voikeaiou- na pilmîliv nis." tTherguaremnsl meÀng of 5 $0oU5mwoà and14uSD, id vibbrIme laJob Jiep. at lhl 2. 411 lPu n ar ssu$ n cm DrShllersimtXmaa vltb relatives ~MESttilePa, of Bci rliim là Or Canseul Xsasvlth hige parentes In himesgo, ,. . MWho Whoer, boak.keeer a&.t he Wiibur Luambe'è Co..spent Bumay vlith h.. palI.s urlnegtoîf MnJaunie, Dosan d Qeo. Keller, of. Ilacla., weemarrlod lutI vssk MÔIIIIO at pÀbeme. Mr. sud lira.,Flayd Wiihur, a Wauhe- ge, apotn das at F. 0. Wilbur's. MiaMaude Iurenterweled ia Mary IUook, 01cibéelamayods. Ed. Wigner and wvilsatteed.d -h vsddlug cf Kra. Waff.r'smiter, llsslrlc Wlthmansd Bert Pulpen, vh9 vers marrild e 1. a i f1he bride' parente nt Wsuksen at ftunay. W.uB..sRa Tasa as àCl.wlo Frank Winki., of Foadala, WiA., speut Xnaa vil&bihlmparente iiie. Jooul Devis, of RBlg RpllNt. Lhlgu, la villng hhl@ daughter, Mr@. chsas. Crittenden. George Ceveland Jr., ai port n'ili, cWe ionu frientis andraiplatives hon. Fr idai. Do't forget the New ear Hop et Round Lake net Frlday eveulng. Al preparatlonsare bolug madle for a Rod tins. BlarI the Nv Yaar rlght by subScrib- ing for the (>rylska1lsaspan )". The Clsrlmtian dosvure.d a buins. iiaetlng W-dnlay evening aad lecteal Pari -Laitue le home for e rek'. vacation. Min Dithorsa, ai lýihrtyrln, le Vfilt. lug her mothor h.re. Karlean, of Chlcago, Bonds,. MimeManeis aerdo returnieai ro Oettyaburg, Southi Dakota, 1h. vsstk. Tma itochemer tlot-hlgC., boi cana- moncel ia cratelesriug maut vîwnter Nii m iinie Drnry client Tuomday at Antiocli. lira -'(.1'. P.arron andl aaughter lanche ara vlaltiug lalenais lu Claleago. Sidneyt"catid e-iïtetal>ssd hlm rbs'tlasi George ai Soulberlaud, Iowa tht. vas-k. I. A. Fentou andl vils aif(lurne. apent Xmaci wlth thoîr dauffliter. Mrm. Chus. NMm. srellferad Mergule are pendiug a ew W.Oka vith frieudesud relut] ves lu Ohko. Howarad Hlgl.y acd Enaal.wasaaal ,aaqt Xnasa t homae. ThaaIltaaa'leata.r Ciothinw C)-.tbll markaal dovu tiae mon; baym and üclii drp.nuc avemroate rearardiense.ofimat. Jas Peister sud fauaîiiy of Lake Villa vers home on buumehait Tburad*y. Gertrude L mster 1 fI U9t1ývil@ la apeding lthoulIdga. th tr-nai lie.. $acle >iarlev, ai Autioei, la epadlng' asien alnym it Ialmra.Wldnan.1 tIr. Puleehâain e vlthy usrhant oi fltttiîaîrg, diodata hie home lesit veek. gaoa won wll khovra nt OrnysaikPandua P. A. Rolinsaon ,uterwleil hie i miter, Mis. Patent, ai Appleton, Vin., ie'antly. Mina Kirtaaluxa'r spent ha-r Xmas nt MouerlIL-. TOM Hanlin, of Chicugo, saint Oeevi.ral dais wltli Mr. aud Mm is.RIY. Mr. sud Mie. Pitrlck Slllivan @peut xma. at Wtertavus, Win. Joliui ouhaIta vasnlu Cirigo on buminem sWdedsy.e Mies Rep la entértalnng ber sister frog Le Zoric. Mai. Wmn. Winoh, 01 Zendat, Wln-, la vbillg Iriendi liera. fld4tWrigitt Veage Wle hns àt -Reud take, Jan .8, 1844.. Pied ab 2rylkels.2j,1904,agel 58U îear il mouise and 22 dais. 8h.e va. amtel ta Win, Wedgp, Nov>. 2m, 1854 84 Moliburu, 1ILi pbI nuo ion, W . dgp, of Wukfflia' ber inher and on. brother, ai onilsp ton heoStau ny attiérel&tive. -Peau wa.hed*ttleCongfkg h"M "mm wul sýutmm vmLh.wav t.* lbey botmsande Vetehs ta> gm e tt.. Il b e aaly ble aht p alnet Ugé. tt. éà osu bel &sort p.W. ew gb ié bas 1 muel eutsprlesgnsuam. «Wti ne TIaepol, ro, ae pssuben *he: "pla. . kuv thatveh.pre tvil Vies gre tiy hvdassai t*sa1 hsm b.flt t urlva. md#IWb boen t é-toI RIAL USTAT4 TRANSVERse. Foulhd iChoiel Lsite Coaty Titis £&'Trust Co. VAM7cy Abstrmcto ai Tille. 'Titin lesousimtM Tsa B Mamole Temple Bldg. Vaukogas, Ili. .., Lo0ins J. <OuaggE.llry. Fleut WA Contnu nMdl vi te Mary M% Boker It mano'ssb on Sheridan Roai north of is an wvd................. ...........0- 0CM aR0Evaum aud wvto Martia 21be LIMSmlt 3 IlBias saab aol 2-b cm partîIt 15 lleutle.y 0ula 51igb- 8lb sa WoodvWd ........ .. ...... '11>081lbes 8-lb m Chlceio Hardware Poutdry 8-lb cm Co. Lot hucreeaiofI a.Pitaîl - 2-lb cau 2-lb. $250,000.00 rertîlleate ...... Ib ej Jams McDonam ansd vl taa il Jb cm P Davldsanlte27 and 2m blk 2.ll 4 4 Highland Park w d........4101 00 24lb m J JPage aSMlwf te Alesuder i-lb àm nurrtin l uvillage 0l Rumsel 1-lb es ........c........................I9 Chas Pullenansd vi ta' Floare BIVIet L Cinn It onu iavev West Dm ofiJaukeoulit Wauhegm il ea :117 111 Beru&Mrd Raukina. andi vi to A John Jvaahsvle Il. 4 and N cli Btean'saob Vauketgn d...- f 500 90taliea jane DPavtan sd atera ta bers. EliaWb J Cloaver It m llk viit 10 origual Waukegau q r i 90plem Jea"loWagner sud therx o t mha las i aove q e..... .... me mow msumee mu Ana. = spT s b An cae"l uaain îe stars vil b. ma asomeil su ammenr. mP E. E. EI4&~ peter Wtia uta Wn 0'Nell Lfbert3 pan fi .313 lLaite Faorentacic.. 0 Es«teoaaIAnsi WilIiam@ (dei.d> tci Vua a>"Nilf i prt il 11*am ~P Lake Fornst da.d.......... .. » a70 00 BAatae ti W a0 larraiver uaid alber lrmilltia, Lola 1" Marrie it 1 i ak 7,Layonai& Buuîeaib iiiWasaki.gsala..dl 11143-1 Jî8Marrie ed wf & otiierotic l.eole W Marrie maille-m auit J I ItMaririeand wla v ta Letaahi W - Nurrie maie wv ....l.......... 1290 (NI W H marph.v th A C Front Il (iu vi.aat euaia-8tutam1latwa-ga 22dMti 11ana l asayaan Mt 5. WIIoi, Northi Chiugo fi< ..r............. » )00m F ob 1 r W H Sii ad]Wf ta NIlC nddil GlbertI Il 2Ssittmunta villa"e ~ SAU of Grayelake w ai............. 22 00EI W Jaohn Auntin a& wi ro Paiul - vl~i MaicOnfi It lnluvillagae ofREU- Libertyville w d..ai.............. 200 00 F faai Kmelka.r anal wf ta FI j Kennedy It ln village a0f FOB"AL~ Lihertyille vwi .............1200M 0 Of) ___ KeundyIl l0 village'a o; lierlyvillé wdv ..ai .......... 2fl0@9____ Maeng n it 1I dbit 1I Pow ell & 1 ýW k n i tewart. aeibWauk-agau v d 2i0t)0> Vk5saecm W NI NaCasino-y aad vf ta t'r.ai ti" t it bm lluiralav Itl McCas5ey'm tuiea r" 1~ils sîsb aifliai4 anal,5 llk il be procsard. Kirk & Powell'. aiddai uki'. hava every' raté ga il..ai. ...................$tfl00 9 rmtlsllgi' Rimer iBoudlat t amushuk Dole Mlro 1011%acsee ln aMe.12 Freinnt <5113,II twp wv4l.. ................... 7210 00 Iy expoic wo BsrtbMKîox et aita LII16 Kiuox,57.2.3 ace. luP% ma-Ile Z pl -931 Lîbertyville tiwp q e.. * La D Kuox et ai ti Corsi% Mamieb 57.2l1 acres unme% amc 88 Avaon vp qai c...........i100 Clars A Taoker to Iliatriette - Delta Il 5 Chinqupli ln su- ne *Wetntoe ltpqr.i0e Rt N Týookr gudvftaila4rriette MarinIPTohr ta Merriettaa AUX lre 1cwhluwu lu qC- ... 00' Rishua %euedY -ud i lta L ,5eefmdtpdeesai........ 167 - - L sg e- anêd wl iü- -m s - - lîlluofé 1 - - 1 rt« ýj' 1