Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 30 Dec 1904, p. 5

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W witli rayîor Tii.. daya there's littie excn-e for not bvoin a, Wateh or forlcarrylng a poor onie. Ilve o u&o a varloty at go great a prie varlaLkn that any one'@ idea of economy Cati ~EverythIing in Ring., Pini;, Brooches aîîd uthfr ýJewelry that a fllnt-clama Jewelry Store "Id ak1 iai'.,,1 have Botb quallty and price fary challeuîge crltlciem. ~WTCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY RE>W .IiUSS ,tyvilte - - Illinoie kk For Mon, Woment ises, Boys, Clldren and Infants.. ar kader la Patetileaif'r-'Ail Amer $ 7 le.' "Wlkrtm"Patent Lo-athor. We M3fy Ws iais Top4iaS<Utf. A Vner for... $3,00fl 44-1.1 's <Uamiw --e.ato", Dot haten, 2 0 W. carry a ligeo of Aretlcs for al P'Foft Boots and Gorman MocIoe for Mont Boys.q tIwd Bllppers and Shosé for theWomen. .lA4fflnp for Mon an& Boys. f act, we-bave anythlng any of the b*tly oouId vizh for in Shoos. 7e,ý of Underwear Mi omplote la wool Poo ........75ce 'E US A CALL.. PHONC 38. k.' k k k Deoffl #mm Ne14w DegoL Lsa ibuglls Lis.......i..e. No.~~~~~ fl.~. lL ......... U. 161 ......... ... 9M 6.Olt * le.lise.............s.. I 2-hau te«bnghCm nat iHmceklpy'm. Happy-se. Year. Miss AljeDavn, ai Ganoa. tiis Malale spandlngir he jHoliday»a t thé Protina Now girls you'll bave ta Le qilik. Leap yper endm $aturday iglt i 12 --IPuemler ithesipper ta Le gRivPn Tharada.,. Jan. 12 atthîe Prfflîteriain ehurrI. from Oakandl, Calîf.. was vimiiing the Moore family ait we.ek. Lib1erty villewmosi prasperoasyeuriii1 ber hltary la the ane juntettblaang, and i we- lpliave 1905 will surpasa it. 4 bire. Sabinas(irfenwald, oi 8t. Louis, in sipeudiaz the Holiday» with bar brother and ixier. Max andiRimaa Kohner.1 Work on the new village pnmp bouse0 and lail bas een greatly delayed on emount oi colil weaihor. Thora le con- slderalîle manan work yait tuho done La- ellesn putiing an the rouf and the interbon tfiashd. Local marchants anjqyed a mp'lendid Holiday traie ibis year, owing largely tu tLe very fine stocks they put in. On, could glo as well sud ia many instances btter, ai theo battue torem titan in the ,.ty. C2risimnas enterte.iamaents 1,y thé Ifethodist sud Presbyterlan Snnday »ehoole atiractai crowded bouse, an ibelitile toUte beaineil'wiib loy, tu thed adi indulgent satisfaction oft mora sedate adulte. Winter shawed up in roi anet Holiday week, introducsd witb a( veritable blizzard Tuesiay night,. Foriunatoely a copioua ralned repleniahed I cîstenna bhofora Ite adveni, and ibm Vater famine lintus rleved. The Alpha Club, a local lterary orgauiation, gives is anu nsocial sud partv Thursday nighi at homeofa Johin IicCrrick. Thesearea lwaysr amassaions of delight for those favoreila ta attend sud ibis yoa's w.111 h o exception.0 Tam Itumeil, wbose lackemlth ebopt ai Lako Bluff buruod juai ater ho bad r ,assmajebangoftho bualîueepurcbamod,u leie 1 Wdnesday -far Chicago, and .111 protcaed infini thora ta New York, wbera lia will embank for Engianl. rani willt ho baek again. although haodecare@ ha la not certain ibat ho .111. Lihrtyville -patronsa pprocate ihe lut' auguration of service ibrough the Lake Bluff euh- way ai the elfftric ros.I. h l only meoeeary now ta ros e mplat. tonm htween- twa trucks tii iraneior ta north and aouth hounnicars an ibm main lins, doing away with the tramp ibm ugb mud and sînah as bleore. The lectnic light comPany bas an numerouîs occasions ai late maniained il» service ibm grelter portion oai dandy ilsya toacaeommodat thoseo inspatrons wbo need ht. Manager Wyunn ehoul, kno. ibm innovation le appraiated-lt's due him. Na. if ho .111 et our lîglt bille iu hall we'Ill acare him the hosi telow in the landd. The Mystie Workèesorganisation lias rented ai J. W. Butler ibm (iartere no, occupliedby the 1 Ogtmgs n second faàrofn*ailsiebuilding on' Milwaukee avenue. Oaa aihor *lailge in salilta coniemplate occupying ibemmue roumis jointly with the MysiiP Wonltara. Banc- totorealal local loilgeuothat iban the Mesons and affliated ordors have been t msul4 iC obmheModem Woodmen, but for nme reason these twa loilge desire ibir own quartera. it lea ilil lalmai thai the land desîreil aven Rondout way by the Ot. Paul com- psuy i -s for a sheep feediat station, but ibm goneral bellafinis hele rumora aro"m. pred for tue ffet tbm.v will have lan e. duclng land values. A .mhbep feding âsaton le catainly an'undeairable Insti- tution, the pmngent <union r an:thons. anda ut sheep la carraln Dt tending tg prove an inducemet ta locate wlthiu a radius ai several miles from ncbS a piace. Etowpver ihat le wbat t.erailroad com- pany maintaina tLe land le wanteé fofr. For nome eson ibm Oacego & Mil waukee electie rodsieas alei ta ake counnetions wib ithe. Wlconsln cmtrai it Rockefeller as annoupeed th"y woold. Wnuî_te roadbed was completeil tu tbm W. C. rlgbi.of.ay tihe leetrie-cam- juay tare dowu dia fe ne lcoslng saune sud prapaned tu grade up te the rail. moai compan's track. Thon came a gang ai setion men under aidera troum tboCen" an sd i4pladtelne. Thera Vas 8 a 81ni a f lffdeyss4 the eloctnle canueny &gain t100k Soya lt e ebut d14 nat commxence. wvaut.-laamother fa. days liaey replac e islaaande ,l* les ta.. hlit lr ap ia1con, wimm saie e Mto* a st Ue.lU V.dte...........UU * .,~e .ga. .... .... - am . w 11 . .........Cl'i.a li U...... llup. a...........I7:02>. -~ .......s~l% ........ 1:4OP. I. dm* M4. 55 .............?iTm P. m. Thora was lb.asiChrisimas famlly gathaug ai WmlmWblgam'». Roy Bille le movlng ia bis new hanse onCook avenue.. The lloyt place, form- aly occupled by him and purehased by the C. & I. eleetrle roaîl company, ba@ been solil ta William Lay'ock. and the latter gentleman le arrungi ng ta ramove thera as soon as possiile. W. C. Trlggo le movîuîg titis week Ilnta the new Kaiser block, the store vacated Ly hlmi havlng bea sold ta a Chicago Party, sud a saloon ie toi le ojueneil thora. aecording ta rumur. het -hugbi by many tLt 'ii. nman %lîo lought tha proparty, ostenely to îuaduct aiilumb- ing business. rapraentsv a large brawing concern, ibongh ai i-ou rse thimin smerely conjetura. A Chicago man gante ia town lbe Brsi ai the weak iD.,quest ofa imitable location toa t a saloon busjiness. Lib. ertyville now bas Uve salona. Twa muara eam-nes .111 hoapplicil for wiinin, ai the mot, afewmanths. Nawanothor lneocntemp'ated. h lib is influx abat inspiras talk ai the de,irability aifrMi. lng tho maloan licenze ta ai leasi 01,000 per year. 'fou hear Ih on alsaie@, and la the coming aprlng letion ih promise ta ho s ue. Onoor two ai îemalaon mca favor sncba mare, butnfot so in a najority of cases. »I X ANNOUJNEMENTS X Thora e n o a special meeting af tihe local lodg ofai Mtic Workers naît Tues- day nlghi. Maiters of importance ara ta ho conéidered. Leit tera ho a large sitendance. Jan. 1-43 le tise week oi prayar thraugh- ont ail evange" liis tendom. Plans aiutuing maie fÇ;r ie praper observance ln Lihortyville and annouacenienta wil ho maiei the churches an Suniay. "Heroista for the Nw 'fear" sud 'ilemember Jeune Crist" will ho ibm ser- mon taplcm atithole Iedist church an New 'feur'a Day. The church boîl will no. ring tblty minutes e ora the praaching services, instead oi ans hour. Regular meeting ai Court ai RaDar Baturday night. Eletion of offleru talies place aud maiter af ranting loilge roms ;for uceding year le ta o auÀteil upon. urgediot attend. C. J. - tL, Chanefla-r. The nmanagement ai Schwaute Thea- ira, Waukagaa, aBers the prttiesi ai al pastoral psys "York State Floka" on New' bar'@, Monday, Jan. 2, for a one ai the mntsibeatilful rural plays an the stage. Sunday Bighât im "Iris" a remarkable play, and Manager Fulton guanantees au schleuie and literany ireai ta ail ettendiag the performances. Ujaclainmed Lettere. Thé flot of nnelaimed lettgWBt lAbertyville LIL. poataUa for ihe week ndlng Des. te Wben osilins for thonseletton ai "adver. Brtaiil Mis Julia NButer W.. Usions BUIs mulIbrE&=Mar Front mu nis ille m si Mn.L Yost m Mn. I I Mrs. F., Protine LibertyvIlll*, 111. Millnery and Everythlng in Laie mia. Somepretty off oct. for th*ý Holidays.. - CALA4 nattrtud Yakdm a Big Thiug. MUND*4DS 0F PAIUILIBS. Jusi as tih. new year ilawnà LibontY. ville witb tihe romarkable prasperlty I0 [bus enjayeo the pontgoasuditb en l istora.-that tram a primiti * vllage of afo earsmmba!k .%lie le destina ta bommensa citg of sovenal ibousanil. The autablishâment by the Chleagô Milwaukse & St. Paul railnoad o amaib i raeor soeds and railroad yards jitseat oi the village, sud connected witb "Wbare ta ho large' nopi chope, entailing as it .111 i t lultisi expenditura oi a maillon of dallai, assures Uàbergyville's future. While 90 id grue teneinente ara ta be erecteil foi: worklngmsu n a ro cmmnnity of iseli farmod, It wiftIln na way prove a rjv5 town. WItb electnierond conneetlon*' and ail ite naturel advantages Liberty- vinee .111 attract ihe mechanica an& bottpr peid Ishorr. This .111 aven hoý su Ideal spot for homemersansd ta themrmîng induatial communlty wbat Wauhogan le ta North Chicago. Wit the location oi extens4ive raiiroad yards and repair shape .111 come oitoi liduAtrios and no moîre favorable ite' can ho fuand abo)ut Chicago, fnellîtiosl doumded lîy nanufacturing concern coniderail, titan the ti.rritory' adjacent ta the junction ai the Boit 1hue and St. Paun osils drectiy connectei as it wi11 ho Ia ibm spring with th,ý Wironsia Central on the wet. Tipre lai bound toý develape an extensive maszrnatnnlng community sud bora la mt ascertain to hoas city of homes. klundrads of familles wili locate bar. as a connequence. RosiPatiate, nu. at hIgh water mark ID the estimation of, conservatively lncined, .111 bring aveu btter returne ta invetoru and originigl owners. It wll flot be a boom, smily the ta bc szpoctsd outrome af natur., conditions. Thore nood bh o kmtsrsof sW roactian. Ounr doubting Thonasse have predictodl one evor mince aur Wes. porty bogan, and ias furthor away rlgbi now that at anytime in the90'a or 1900'o. Ail Indications* ara directly," opposite andl tbey abe indications aveeu te mont SAfineauanbut appreclate. Auhiei' Coby, Promteaiug Youa& The doath Tburaday atternoan of lut~ week, ôfai by, yonngesi son of Mr,~ sud)d m:llym oClby, ai the homoeu4 norgb af ibis viDlage mut a gloom o0s the holiday meaon among bi zsl acquailtances and fumerons relativesU libeotrillo. Hie deatb Vas the rmoult af paralysi and whwh was lndncod by a tumor on ibe brain. Ho had suftéed froini th alecti-o micgay, graduaUly grawlng woroe uncil latterly bis rlghi aide wa paralysed and ho wae unable ta leave biq boil. Ail thai lalng parantes ad skille physiclans could do ta restare is heaih wa i vain. Tender care coulil but, allo visite hie snffering and porbape prolaag a uitile while the tn. evitablo end. Aahloy-waa 'about nne .n o~ f age, amenihor of tihé 1908 graduaiing clama of Wankegan Hw1I sehool. lHe warkod for ambont time atter graduatlng for tbm law tlrm aof Orvis & Edwards in Waukegàa, and bis proépects Vora brlght until isicken wih ibm lknom whieh rasulied in hie death. Daubly suain l the untliely- demiso of a youag man capably fiteil for a usofu l le. Worda bqt foobly exprassathe klndly sympatby and dsep, orry ai ail who knowtbelainily. Thir burdencannaibo, abargd ais willing frind wauld llgbten ihoir portion. The funeral waz Monday, intermeni hoeing i Lakeside cemetery. Bluliders aue so"mi evry aîponnlve. Ocesalnally lit itieli le the pria. aof a mistako, but you'Ul neyer ho wrong If you taks Dr. Klngim Nsw-PiUl for Dys. popsia, Dizan"a, Roadcho, Liver or Bowei troubles. Tbey a&» gante yoi iharough. 25é. at lovLL's, Ubsrty- ville, and GnvLàsa PujAmtcy. Mfachinec Repaïr, Work. -INf- Good Measure beaped a runnhng oveu-that- express polîcy b oanutshel. Goodâ aure in quantitg, go od ua qqality and good meassre la prices po&sible-thes.tluree .accouat for the immense bè we do. B. olby Merci ,.PHONE as LIBERTY VILLE he reuadW of etu Goods et end b"lw We wish *ai ouA Hlappyp a", Prospen Vear Libortyville That we have a conwk" 1 1 arn nov located la rny jstoves tee nov plant and thoroughly eqtpped to."do ail klnd of 1repalrling of Englé machnes and ftan Impie- Ment@'. Qulck service and 1rght priceS. 7-tf.d WM. LAYCOCK R. W. rmnlt$ia agoat for.C. W. stewat & co. O N* York, and lepre p-.d t- k aierafor ad kinda aiofa Moard an Anythlng you w, Corne In and' "M DAIM.Vg AS Dopa"p ros Ol4 Depot. Arulys et Old Depot. lm"e oiiIB. Ll.Olifi ~eo1i. Arrive Llbet"vile tl.aa 6 .e......... la.... 14 . 9*tUa . ....... 0:68 bS. .....:0a ....... sue l.-L la ... ï:BL......u. - 5:4 P. les . ...... MISp-. ....... . î:àe lp.. la .... em . .......... 7bep . 111 u»Ilan. IiA. ....d 6e ......5 M . U. ta & M . se.lli...... tm . ... ....... a . 9 0 4 0 e o 1 . 1. -=ýj

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