Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 30 Dec 1904, p. 6

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Fou mut maly. -A t hoilovcbw 0& turni& >1he*Idot nvilbaaA. t is tmon&." sA«Ide; "a 8". -v II s o a. foocd amas V or tuo t Oemeniuv. t inteet, teirisate aftt." Inotei e change o iface. memdesaA 4 n musnt henrMyi'resmmo le- tise b»e-dova ton an lagnte," as ie ZIsas l tter 1kat I "I bocal Btfor a vblle Our Ict Ml. loga.n"calA1; MdA 94 feorch. vie hekiai me «crn Bctk face asi'o sov, i' r otherA- wus te hsvc met lme--ami, for iha t mt your tee. avan. 1 b a-Bhe smord Yon canni'-- ,I. lin, liemercful. sed ii bOra ""a Ï de te tBe foeor0fa bi;& ami Ba. 1the' vruup mi' ý"- -- is en eti her te vrrstla PQ altor. $ho vas se ton- 61 be b.std&m kon k. t I i si lotr ciept bath te la? ùc'. I. mu bous. W**' Dont.'Sb* vs. pans limb oh ream', wilte VI* W foui;re rtfl.#wto se w1w ma «asi'1e* 1k veal. s ii apper aohe tept ilene;. IWXe:o e "opud*I Po". t. ask1» Ir and munt ~-,fltUé,.Iput S, "ail tait « ffA baut b. dropp'd." ' 'laIe. If eve lu bef ciyou te -o an moher or berS'loved -W aIE kbov bey tbe anguls eiticnçiand I e blinI cim- là. Be olA. Indeel. ~iicsr~ imAa ftuer, brotii- S01 ematadie a~m te<a tO' màtic L ol Pe14t h o isIelA up *9 fom m uedamed s it.auAMdtle. -i th 14jaer tàe o r Bt lut 4etol aup aMA ataigrd te ouffl .I1veuntfaet -Iàzvi»b ems t o met ber face Bà bisé., 1t vcat eve "0c imetB. bltiest S hk a pas. viifigfht- venu have vpal h be se discompocure. as I la,' ber qea ver. ivint- 'r- h. e mIl proapeet absed lit tuai" ion'Sat.'umluisD- rv'ime Us goppi me a mi."AnAMev. Jgt, b. a mdltdne " go& Rt erma 1 lui reard"ei'au e d lie science vii the pre- Isagisubie; auj0, aev bn esas, va shoot lamAs on Our mot«e ie wot evre affet, 4 toi'w flA staniefou"A * o MtO iomos blau. eaetrime spriod Mr% e n alici' e iner- ~Atkp a"e.u" BIcu te ig A"r pa le h. glo et aie bolte.« St e a i 2dm *Mr ut, lisBcr I ý t '-a -'ume'.. a-..A13 m'I ent nuon mu*P1m wcdéee un'oit h hiado. wih à dip et cait la front and boudM 4 bulraa ndgccf papstandinguop bisa Iceaucaet a el gdare boiilA Bs, anA mitt i CcaUme.liât fruo 17 MW l aea, but vas the lsit ci a eedegna- Thé - lm aiedélman quivercdla thé à* u mbl osacd 1k.ollv. Tt made em DWIa'. uhto chee » se si' 1p amil Be# pin.. I élamrberdi and alos t",.tep te vbcn. t broue onfInlut.ep déclviti'.4anA Io! la a minute 1 o""a d.vw me'as %t . %into thc e rw pli Tberc vmai vbolc towu breisi b.' 1ev. And luithe trecta mmi wcre du*t- lIn. acofld b told lii' udr cboute anA th. rattlc and blase of musketri'. Nov the to-ira as Marlboro anAdithe atitais om .a body et royal troope sent trou. Oxford teonut thîe garnIson of tii. Parliament. vhleh ibcy id Ibis atm*Metitvlh tr*at euglîter, Anlvlag thc rxesoieut of the plate. andback on thc road te Bristol. Rad va guceud ibis muc* 111 mut bal becu spared us, but w. kiLeev ught oe t It. nobth.r MrisdAsor tfos ver. gttlusgthebe btter. Su va Ictermîned to pose ibe nat lu the voode. and on the, mornuvte give th. placee v IA.berth. Renttlng. iben, t te k lolovr, 1I i- «"c a plie of great stone sud spreadaiy eloat tleoon. for Dclli.. To slep vwu Impossible. aveu wth 1thevwl for Il. For the tumult MadAgtilmg vnt on Ma n uI 41.1 eut about au hon. betor. Asun, and once or tvlce vc yens trouliled te ksar the sounAcf peoplo rnnning oa the z4dge ebov e Bvclat tanA talted in low voes. tl davu. andgrev nié e&c perialy hungered thsu ave. WIB B.thili 0fordai'break ve satal, m.aaag te pet quIt et B.énslgbborioed bataoeacy i'ped u%. anA tietb e ou- pan. te the souti vithout mueiber ibok et 31aribeno. But befors au -hou, ied pas.A iii' va vcrecacptured lii'a ttofetrabean, Bristol, vberé 1 vas searccd and mi' ltter te tBe Magteabacfronm melii' CoL aa'Atepms v. tonmrau v to e &dtopseoe thé suct tour yacks iAnta mia Iutes; avuld1had dcrnct te tl For'a1 àpcaithiem lu e bittercolA eSU la the man laver of BrIotep. vibh a obair utd a palettofainav for aul My i u-ý ture. anA soBini te tai' mi'fest but the, licid .&M vaIr wbleh tieje. bruet ime lvic. a Amy. Wbat coeséred me mot vustBe elA that guavA. lueecotluuslli- tune vintar pe* oe s I lai'r nlgof DO"la <vom I boitet mm i mnce ou, eptursi. or gaalcg n the .patehor cffromy f ucavca tBat vmau ilmi v, ý Tvas Bhueg' h"be «94a Bris"lbell.elagis aAth Chrstmaes Ila thctovu bajov. Ci. U.s.a bal buentrlct.a i Mdi lvai.aoffér'A mmi' eruaqfr - traet.t;but vii.. ho esme mivie .et oue. 1 bal tr tel, M Bat «aehudtbut hmUam*. Clcarhi1Ives - t.ev a groat demibe»Mobâvt Mlonegat;~u mn» e <IIIle 13106 emA e t m n eh" lci i e v .A 'tues, 1 tept 4W04e nd ii. o de" limal w v ohlne I g et vit 16a4 befan Dci. OcIsc e0. f1rocti' morlbg. thés. vbe in bre as lA"li.<sr mttn *.à*t«. -t mii' c.ioaeidaar »W box boit me. " hi ýkLa of bei n ovetse lb.. ves*B gaa tilue -anA v te o e havi sor , - mo and e " d I ekhl v.. w.lo*i ab l thée aul 'Nov,ryaen not capet, me te b. 'Mai," ch a W; adA1I«cet ber inox- lus et me vit somehiai lie comiies- aIea la beri lluéeoi'.. vlèh med u»c té cri' ou sndqnlym 11I Blnk i'ou are vomïa moue, tu Unt a Paui et lovcre,.- 'Ok,a; boti voi irétIstbox Ui ATon r iat. Ticep?*MW vinu at vas inuSmtitàtem -sei --I Iaow mtf *0chenme; * *l l de tapa-I volA Io" My ' hé0**J1i Boatter $et Ibi' legs."pot la tlie51a ici' addeuli, setdw devu Be proi Twu 6AMbut I1scm' el té ba se la ber voie. lovever, blm hU& mwa teid me as I lantA un- AMimet mmenich. vu ene. hiba Be ire doer beobarbi., I1nuA tW ram mui brasttgst ii&a d&14i haTbi fr tua mesni- Be boe te huai aog et eau lit lu a wbile. %sllaPhuan=i?'wlob the bit i0aA%»m Te mi'amsonet rp# py «M is Bhat jlga on tbe, cloe ch ivs ama mmlu, c;an, emlsia B lot sgal.ig41 at 9. 4aqoasp tnite ais, mia a on 09 Pam Moseu' follel ila lt1h cai: "Der an !acm'- "Colonel issex, fuini me0- o p o! Mes lierrosatonl.a. biB lt me ai gang*; h6V I condis- under buC i% té vit, vîiti a i.veer t lbs» ""al a Misrsc luh, Wft =tivolli pu. Tate boe4 Miway lova ut. 1%q". Ele; cMi0h a* >9 4 dIéel ima n e a, Ohbnvtcsu ue,* »t W. But tkecaeof Beesif, of gcalluu. hé la p=rc' il Buho a alseietla bu.ame. Ceeuelm - . MI e? Ib sé l oe bo, "ba" >iMW'â biudo; fer vi...sé @e ibéatt5, op. A Cul lilve iFour « - cotreAs, - - - a do*iies o il hidit by lirie1., th*»9« ti â"lplee W hp m la jqs sl evaI' au».' i. unov ci. be i=que 1 brote bmBb mlpa mi Ioct. - CHIAPTUE TX Tke Mailena lusbte, eterd viiimi tsecond miel. R« M era vcwria vi ladl "Du.ens tatior ieuict tl" "liai eoi o-lai'. Luz me eur bodkln, MY 41e4r. fer 4 neBb ÏpuVdt eut and gare lt-te me. '¶ailk704. 5and110w g@od4>i*l hé7 abIiat bant mmiur."r Thne $iri. *bt out aobiup. mA lok'd the do« Mte. jea IsXat dcnlma *&ÎeIe. eligdoienul. or4 feued miA êOU«df O eur l onu ite b. h4AP& Butn sonl the wlien-wàaxgl Mor aùe bolo rou.d ma, "Gonze," 1 tbo«Uc 'l'Il a.. viiet tiat se ao oble &et éMW rate." and pwauma the.Sb e f »w pocket, mmm te a$tuo k.e bwlhvba vlth a yUL. 1 lidne, nasA for d$oe At Ibis gmet bifighta he . raosI; anA beaides, the hammtoinni onnuel Dayllghl vs. cllng au1S I ls ur tek snd, pulllng tbc-two placas et tk. bar &Aide, thrust mi' bond out at théc wlndov. DlrectIy unulr Mt. a"id&bout twenty tn f romnt thegr<iuud, 1 aav a banal proJectLntgeboot six tomt long. oea a sort of doorwayin luthe . vali- Under tbis bearn vas a lelderand a greet oeil of ropo rested hi' thc laddcr's foot. Nov up tu ibis m"ment 1Zlied but ornt Ides, of avoldlng lux fmtc,. and diat v.. to kWlmyself. 'Twsto tls end1hed borroed the bodkln of the maid. Att... yard 1 bail a notion otf linglng ujaci trom the. wlndow as tbm cae for me. But- nov. as I lookel dova on 1kat ou of rop.- lying diractli' beby, a pretter arheme struet me. 1 &et dovu on the floor of_ mi' el a"d pullal off m7' boots and stocklugs. 'Twas snob e pretti' plan 1kat 1 got loto a foyetofimpatience. Dravlug onf a .tochlng and pleklng ont the end of the yecn, 1 began to unravel the knlttlnq for dear lIte,'uni» 1t.euliole l*y,a e bp et âkreaA. on thi e or. I th« ea svd the ather lae oé axi; And t thi.eèad lied two linos. eaci pretty uctr tour bun. dred yirAu in lmoh. wbicb nov I Alvidel loto elgbt lUnes Fact-hede ard$ (Te b. enntll "I rma aay one%, bcmm the youu wvouauin the. greenuvllov rocker tu sem s.tcaooncalicru."It vu vii.. [vwa.s.&I vw.a terible chul. mmdi as tiiere vere aMx otiiee.m MYuothp~ Inad tww mete recon làitb am.Any- bowy 1I ldu't Accerve tu b.eocé' with titis time, for I1lied valkéd de. ill:mttew ' v.. 1t"lace cuNimie.w".e ver- " edont on te ii B o edr. 1 believ=» w»eepretmnu I a. Mary aor aigferlac ca&ai. ~Jgb"A becu rcg«ev t« foring t"e cme trick belon..1Iu a WtiP5 gw 1 It ts Unie. aIt ur i'dlgtdy, ind 1 vent up«teir g sudnade a lieu. Ad» efsur beet gvuSovna0-tglrs I muiedfor arn r«d. culvues 01k. lufquliea vut I vallump. &I .mI oeult - to set along vtth ber, "d "0 g oington»F roin boue 1 eda vism ther. Bisé mmdcno reawonebasc; -ah. e rcw i' al e bccd rd sd aace" t» cuit m-u beipcdme tic Up m7' Arom 1 de paetd. blaubtll3. Mry in on tite boleof Morn od trichA Of us teiaeIf 1 followd I~ir 'buIwalémcd la-" w~ er. aie te -s mec. mand rbienI telA tbUmcond- dkmti1 hed Sc orne tcai' bimus. 1 cuM't got Ilions viti MY' mother. tbq dia nt com n lati eWet sur- prlaelI Aidsot kuow mthor hed tel- ephoncl tbem' of mi probablc ai.. rival «rh« Aib i coulA utay with thiui alunisIf 1 vantedlte. but there va« omne uug ,it rmîember-1 muet cpcak Gorm uan aIltii*eii; ne Linali >vould b. ailotred.As 1I mev about tbf.. vilofetGurman. th crpect tlooked bicot; but on the, othéf baun. ch a w«,remermte boule. ¶b t miVly ad «oayg,, 0 tbat LD tubait *ep >WiBtt t e w -la lie Iéue et the ,nlkbt sUa- dénlyire»vop:ag viiiauavilît boue- àkkb*ae.1tumibla d t.cccd.tOil *elle t M ,Be Yom$a ownuci m- t " d u« ered m e cquiet anA Ict Iotlier p*coaý i. slpIf I 1 d't vaut to £~bat wu tB. lemat me. Evasihe 1 vw. wl*îeA.If i mu» e i vlip@& Iotit St or rla tlic i l-hen OST ov borne If lietvdu prmtt.eA me te lWO' 911 ici Meiap. 1voutl o bormea âw im md wnddPnIide. i t ti ce& abbM Mt.y lt gova, mu" lot M, sait ont -eut tru a cq&ilat am- 1. el bam bon"e élu. I slades Ip u .top - 3 mo* afler, 8 re'ast oal. le gIr"0i w~Iut.L -th,-d nom* &No *A0Ji,. J-<e PoaW. . îeC1 GoA' 8etteilà tiiesoltani' luamIllme. -Pomma 6& ~There are, *hriee forumet humait S-I deit. irot thh lfujIj, eeondcivil. 1kti4 religious. Tii elng ltc'Pr b hom lee la ifectionste seîf.deulal. eoaul.tluginuthe. Observance or thie '-: d"gacm relations tuat pertail te tbe taii. SThie feuamental principlo o! tihe stat. lfi ju.ticc between man and mai. Tiiq: famili" rugts an love and obedi- eeb. Plta. a0 vroucîg:btiginaine Itt the. .lilld or thse statue of Mýloqr- va at.&tilons uat the naine coulA inot b.e removed wvltiout destroilugthgue ciblA, go Jet everi' tatller aîd inother eu-va their owu love ani obedience ie the nature of theîr chilîdren. no, that no condttiol ln lite coau Psibli' crase tiim. Thîe goverunit of the faulli' la cxecuted by botm force and moral cuasion. The stite la executed byi moral force. and neot moral sualio. Tiie governmneîit oftihe dsurcb la exe* cuted by 'Morel suasion and î"ot force, no the germa of botté civil and religions govermnent are plaîmted iî thse famIl'. Tii. atte recognizes thé famîllY and enjoins lis obligations. Thse clsurcii rec- ognizsa hfanilly and atate. Tii. feuil' la On ieodest Institutton on cai'th. and la as divine as Chnlstlaniti' Ilied!. PlÉto,ln hils vagt coîmmunîsiti, Jus«esiaght of tile famîlly, but Arîstotle Maya it lc the haseor polîtîcal mocleti'. Tii, relation. of the. botiqebôld are tiie germa et the dîfferent forma of gov- ennuent National lyranni' grew out of. parntal tymanny. »0le s ttat thi eil Horîlered tam- gr7 la the home or patniottan, It la tih, mom of the national oak.-witb a thon- canA sumiers murinnrlng in lia leaves. Hlenca vé look more te thie etisienl cul- turc et our Amertcan homes as our na- tIonal defenaea ibm to our borders, Sgjgnded byi mounted and malledclad vannions, and fenceîl ith a tl>ousand parksfa gilileni'and mnnot war. Vir- SUl cmye thenation'. stabllitY les in nevcrcîice for fathers end ciîdren brougbt îp lu dlsoiiedl encceand dis- orden vii become habitual violators of tii lava 91 botb men and- goda. Ilece veakuce luinthe. parental governmnent produce veekuesand Alsorder ln botB chanci and atate. Cîcero mye the state resa on justice which It igarnM lnluthe home. go ail tenchera ef the youth are not oui' develepini th* intellect but are shaplng, flot cre- «WSni For conscience lntu th band Of education la juat vlxat the, rude block of marble-Sa under the. sirokes'oft the chuselnid Mallet etrtthe sculptor. for Go& Made thsemarble, but the. aulPtor givéeIt, tortu a"dexpression; GeA givte very mail conscience., BAuda- ibm croates nothlng, net even Intellect; it expend Sivlng force and preclalon. 2o ua tunnel the Alleglianlee. spentiié t I4vrence, analyse lIke Licbig. PiloopWe Vite Farada', cLUg li a Houer, parut liét. Apello.,ý cary, UrnellA. and bcar great audIence. upon tue mlgii titdea of 700r eloquenii. lIke »emsiothenoe, but If yon have not tli Moral developmeutd tien yen arc as souudlns brasa or a tlnkling Cymbal. Thé dlalect oet homo aboulA ho sucb tiiet I .voul not stintuithengoue 'ut au-taupe. If yen vould ho pur. la gpegeci. ffne inlumeunoregault in, bearlug, standing lu uocloty viii lot t mien. anA upward ci', thse».grâe. mut bécomo the voof and varp of Sur hbome lite. Quit. early la n gond cliaractor formel on the, bille of do- Mnetig.barmoni' and tellclty. 01ve m a 'chl frein 3 te 12 7eara of afe. a&M I wiitell you viiet lisecharactn Win le et 4& Th* motiier t ofI.. mdelivered l lu Ie th#bprlnOfe fl U irw vie Wu Ut jens iA. uê v la. cebeoélu anl phllocophi of et u gtlu.b the fringe. g «luttna"na lr.e oftii roYal outeoIisdont Ie1traltze thelm- ppivbadegA.iii'bis paoo, Ptouà, dovutroddet Hbrev motien hétera b. &OMM th tbre bold ef bis iwelfuii ManW et the meut polbonon. wccdc la ispmu cocleti' bavé gr-mOPuupot o et , Aauip andA aeghctéd eoMU aI home. Bouc u b a*> a14 th.t tic elpiccof t the pop ciop ira bclng ftit f" ituevine gIaft 0fetrUiblomlble PégIer.. ocicty bas. to uany propa a" a Umulaet te t* >eost"uaand tuatio *01 aMy uLn.But'undér thé S iig' u ircaldethcoap- IBII bc- î«rélI L. gIncethe 9,d.kOte boal.naM& laeasn ui inrtSa.tat o etgrmma7 iteelf. a yenscir to àeaman "thall avlie W" uth mmi'a Uité, Coula Ue& toe t ratb 0f tti, Iccic' la lb. ba% ome la bêtfflth0 curteta, WfcP -tise? eaore Sli.e me» »c apu li" wMewqbaluuter. ,"" , týtmumuiWsi f a lUlicri li s Ppal tgptli e videac 1qw au- tàioli on Siterntcne tue i. eia Cs ht la ofthBe<lafrailOcApbyeleal liW luti of theila uatlen msetàg t nigliti adbhlu4dl emaiiilg Iii eus x, la" tue g1017 et religion tbat It eau talée a Maanann ete;hlmmgu, ro- bus?, virile, berole. mmii'. lyMisuetci- eumataeutg te Contrat! uieivith- standing. eauBMISSiON OSor çaItDT. This chiA ls- set for the fa»l and nlsljig again cf tinni'tu laie; and for a aigu tlîat shahli e spokn pugainsi- St. Lutte 2:34. SThe religion of Jeans Christ t5uuce& talked about and mucl nlrnerth Its tallures are dn'elt upon otteuthm vîtia more- Itoreat tanolits succecece. Tisero are two vays etf coqalderlns lb-' Fi~rxt, mnklng au ideul of It eccring to our own Conception of viat ih aboulA be,-and reedlnp luto It tanclem thnt do flot Meous te It. - omc thtnk tint Clistaniti' aboulA Insane ucoe lu lite or baoppine or the readjuat- ment of conditions tiat iturb our ambitions. Suagi au Idean do,. net cor- respond lth Kf.tct. or, secnlli, we niy aient, ues It la set forth lu tIhe New .Testamoeut-n revelatiou et God fmomGoaA, anA net e revelation of Go.! made hi' m an. Acenllung te our wai' of conslAi'ing l it l ho lgo effect npon our lite. gc the agi! Sîmoon salA thatnme ehould teli e. weli ns others risc. We are net te expeci unIversel suc- ces. for tue gospel. Te beglu viti. ht appelsoni' te those vho are Cou- scious of permonal mn; to t-hoae vie Iaîuger for nîglteouinesa, te tuoe, ho seek reconcllatlon wltli Gel, ami the barmoni' of the humnn enA divine li ami Iaw, ami to thos, vbo voiald bae Ilgit on the isereaf er, belp turouli dill, and wvoome lntoIlite. To 01k- ers lu mai' hoe apreti pbilesophi', a ploasant peem, even n cuit, ami par- hapa a hoPe, but 4(-kia ee nd lfor thosie euh' bo teed uder necA of hlm. Tii, firat glft'et Christ la a cross. Tise anclent calendars ,xprecsed thile lu their arrangement etrtthe Christmas »Canon. Firat came Chisltmas day, wlth bell. inglnr. and avenu meufeé' tation et Joi'. ThéetUns bal cemet Thon the. next lai', as tieugl t u l&- ct, thie mission ofe ilng vas pre- sonted martyrdom, anA tue "y ier contecratlon, and the thiidey i flfcn las on account et otberaThe ordc n l sîgulicant. .Instead et RmeseI;tulaa averti. A bttin, vith naïf anA vroug. GvITing p nme things Bhat cause patn. perbape thé deetia te soit a tev of on. hop-. bavo ne strent t cecareer te be 7 nnythlng; leyer do ani' banu; uoyer do ani' p ood.GoaA veut. poaitivc virils,; Dot imer. nenqtin. Tue Memaovert;' deiàgn' ometXilg'vlI and ai elI for eonebhycle. #hignhhnopigtl -etés1 prise; tcachiug theYong: hmoi and hoper lu everyi'lg muid cveryvlicrc;1 diligene lu tic àaiciarpeet0 ère 1 dti' that levolveupol us; culttvatl 4 ou, ovn spIrituel lut.; tiesearte Be pod o venta at Christ laye uponusu. Bo sufférlng for otiiera. Perbaps metof thBe saenn n utic vorld1 comas trom people and ealditions ont- silo et ourslvea. W, havs te recog- ut"c tua tact. The siiffcrere amn t 'it alvai's te b. blame-not cevn inlu cases tBat seem se cdearand certain.t Ton do net 1mevthe reai hston' et any coul. Ail sufferers aelnl e iilped; and ail ln that causelit sbould. b. puaishcd. lé,' aiMu er- M -v'rons ou Our part, causasdoue oc cisc te sufer. AnA un aboulA rses.- ber Bat OeAha. laid ouno.aliehe bilg.c Iton' te @aiare Ir suf«msgs-hi'Be1 cernlAce ot our tdum efont thousis4 ma means te tiol allevlatlozm. ChrIst -vas a sufferer fer others; and becoue.- et ethers. -- i la the fallure te recoglse-ýthan fundementai pincîplenof etChisauelti' thit occasIons 0 an nh dlsaiapolnt- ment. W. bave expéctl souotig lifferent, Tet aiongt tete, uésliet the Wayi te hitpplne.t. anA te Ciel. Tic maen or vomen vbe et Ibis Cmewistia tg=e rnakAao effort te mInal- i él- ium. ail cumîtias, ail pnudgcc; visodom net go te vert te mate soebad sodi a balais; and vio vlS net «suife nçn- veenucea te <h..a cer ca lté, ha. missel heiii ietn l gsave te Chriet, ami vhIlc be vould lavoà*Ycvechl of eeti taire op. lto vonde bpée ple are dloappotetc la melIgloLi'lel-1 ut friing . lste*id te u, eec ,aud iandcnetdiratn, ui'bv fmllci byIta Indgaents te ucmmsun and clime. 10 ac hmt boi»et, a- A bisp aIot @seccM ieamaceStle Ton au AMt b. adou bbocal rou are-not alan& Xa -m- ober the b e tn vies le p.weit uith ualtee -No aaiuuet*Suein rlgt e et ion up fer ainwuroeg- a e qée liAM of atibm fta emos tt g*tm isuncereéolêt ~s.i~ca-.AIte euensvie Cen fÉMI7wi* fecvoiir*xfflg- toroug amu cires fand (bie phxocos fi. hetrLIl até beourtïuA (rOOU-e te ceaut auI lani-eheld £ place Ôdl finot page et tIi, utetrOel*,htaan priaIs Wlth ii Mss'att.rsnu iittiag b, bu Ai4a cali-June 4, yougvwaxs00 vsi' tae e teatnsilp yier., 'ba %alitaîlhlm, te mall vlth ber fer: rops. Tii. tIp evowedhi' wax pier ne l ATETbofl. - ta break bie relaions wîtb tbe girl. Il was et an heur la the morning.vben .the streets voré net crowde d. Tber, vras a pistel a it sud Tongtell torwsml, lead vita a bullet ln bis chest ft chat transplred lu the, glaas-luncloaed va- hk-le l.robably mail1 never ha kaova.- Fornme aisan aléolute salence un.' naioî. Tien a flod ot affeged loese turned up. Tlîelr Mlorte, boy- aven, coulA lot stand lnvestlgctl&, and ue aft., eanother ilh, vîtueme. ver. Mt solde soisensation eetera. heu in 01 a n. Martin Haleton, caes.for- canA. Hia oeilti' yaunqutldomcd Hie toi.! wbat le hadweemon utiit Jubc raornlng. lne sal ibe man and vouas, tlieir liands clasped and hlh face bigli thon a flash. a png f % moite and the report et a revolver, broke thse atilineasset tlhe moramlng. TIie dofoulant heraelf venrt te wvt- noms chair and told the vbole aténi'et ber acquiiantance vîuh Young tram dthe dai' che met bina up tu tbc fatal moment la the cab. lhie amIA ber coimp*i obt hlmmeîf. lHe held hoth ber vrlsta wvh ose biandland ae cie mtruggled te fret è!rsl teh ona arevolver'. report an" This lu briot la the star' cf e case that bas beun a ihree times aine Asa taIt An Nev Tank, Thon. van mani' sesatlonsi aide Ilnos te it. noue of vi*c vcrc bmourlai oui et tbe tri&l. - COMPLET£ OFFICIAI..CANVAMS Preeifént Re..cvlt eplr Plral- ti Ila ,547,5'79. 'ic eomiSelaI cane.of the populair vote la ateh Btes Au the. iat cletton. wblcb lha* nov heen cuoeluauA. Siasc Rooseevelt a plunslti'of 2.547.579 oves P'arker anda m mjorîîj- over al af 1,74- 7118 Tbc total voiee c183ff,400, AI- trlbutcd au flleva: Roevelt. Ilepuîlicen . 'n Parter 1Demacers...... 50800154 oWaon. Poalet............L144- Conrogan, SoclalAii-Labor.... 33,45 aolcomis. continental . - M3 Companed. v1h t ar vn ot, ea 19W, tii, figures sbow a deree.of 41,078, the total tbst yean bains 18,- BUILD 02.9*0 CARS IN 1904. vark efthé e &WOMl Amerl Plate for thée lent ut omina- Returns recelved tromi the car-hul- lîg plaîte of Amerlea chou ibat ln the pAxt year eppraximately U0,950cars bavé beau hult, lulng cars tornous cmi elerated rallroads, but exclusive et reat and othar electrie cam These figurué do uet Inella. esmhulit b hi' . alroade eat their ovnAbzope. During the yeAr 3,441 locmotlveà vere bulistathBe vmrt- ons planteý, aguIma0,152 leser. Thé aumie f« thm e arnent ""erlâciole. ni.y- i éstrieLokýCometînée.but do«. motlpeWide Ic ocilves lit bi' rlurcel The. serlan Cabinet bosn sipuel. The. Bpaulah cabinet liesreeaPLgu A» clameset fP*en*slene mn arlng frout e vul aiafor geuililni lu user. lgBdArdn*BanAenubuet eftheil mné reling a bigtond fer th* 1a"M Parlasulmounaare teo-rmsp a bares.t4 vlthb enev tba.tor bat.Wv" icl 0l i but se as te bave thé vle ume8-9 A vu>uAentaîlcave tua i pai'ival tBei la irmeat bas beasu dAlqocd ai Van'. couver Im900. Tb. rem esucIrf«er c OnuF ten Inure Be spirti"on f ehuici m" The-Oalwe.,Nusc of evguentatte'e pase.a bli ptouhabltlnpselllesPoc- 1 the à»b otDe*ti bythâ -nemeu *11 ha noqe. 1t bas-ms «ý ras meésclrlngP Bse0941k penyurtéPfteadeat-elt, suomalus. dm cé -----b l fle. Do roseal che orgc e or 0f pallci'. TbIs i Wn - lb épite et ail$*eo rab islom excite tl-im eht* tract ticevA., «f*a A«otàw tien loto alliée. Tbhle, e Mr. iiom.veît lies qt bc* hhoforl lu uhs vai'.tBe 00 promiss o.te b.unuelyi' Preperediols ou an «toostuo m aireadi'unden ivai. Tic annuel report efthBecsq orth tccurremnci ies, lu em a" amazius Illuetraion et j vialtis anA" aealsie Amwlcn unation, I of tic vend-the cepRtat.g puits anA circulation e l. -Itaul fluA tilfor thie dm lie Industri' and comotere>si eilmiél et neari' ,aé.JOIi.14 tula aggregate aIl thi e0 corunsd -bave am Utile Icnté Su000,000. Th U~nied - O Aménica &»»nbulias se * $1 OS1. lu otbcr vende, uai0-1 and %tripes. vblis leat,#pnf1 o4ue-urtethot the bOit i4 globe, a toe )mai es leglaumela itwti et Be il Ire, volng v.altb eof.*@ Uniacl1c, the mnalie bemelaii'te m aubud se e mare se tien mani', Intelligent and d bgli' et OU di Accrdasg te a ruot Illatele Uic rlcliciceu globe, am tic fariner thI cm claes oSw of ow. Ic eropm ai iaMXmOM aOs * tai 01 30m"m 00la ie 8115A00M0la 1901130e gy« smono totel <eundé0Op Cern, 96000A001 fot cm-, totou ,b4vbst frittanm Otlic la abatt the pri. e 1-Ëdý vaine e4t te crop tl Thenet tic are,4 o eomplote but nmnii bave lie.the Haee oi' 184 Decmoc!etii 1a utmbars. Tis lvctue a ajroulif im , Ablut Democratie malers tg* jo soullcrc tates, TirecebS lana, ooioeipî tl more an«1,00 *a- the ppa= ior ow«atb le exact # -lr oAtrtuer «a s we o ueibhb. t) thé nl. prarlllaig le tii. deulslauf sie bueaul. Tt la tIi. PoualsCo*=u Fine pas eouat oftil ceuni et t onacml migtsboll Ciril wafq 24&M; INl law, 1 ad. te tees viii I s lahIeBey.~ ti t t r t t t

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