Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 30 Dec 1904, p. 8

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i, rlel*éd wlfl à .lav bon cw dbaa lut Wii beglusto.IM*mI' ~a in teai,.VEl U sm la l'uWang wut à*sus. ,. hmgo pt a od Mms s.lmi BasMagot l~tss, E%~$v lOy. ~s~demseiatéUOo pody ~ el"il ot Wa ýiàXô « aj1ev dayf up Wa borne itou tbe bolldayvaee ai vuW 4aut 90r Tu& ài usjauiagbtE Igéalinasu tam s aiet cmui la ai to tth itwoo a mié a, mmi pm isK, et cbego, apont W 0,mm . LU T n aebrsaking imofeS.ltatr tieirIsher. :. Dani l Mât md W@is licCmont weu* Obisgo%isltoce aver Christmas. m , *: 'P. TbtnNUasa are sud Fey @peut hturdsvttbtheé tommer's siter,lice. ..Kr~of e«rrile W*. ai. ony ta reprt (e0. Krocbe on ot te a Lot. W@ hopehé viii h ave a Ilpiie.y rhy. Dr. Robb)s,,ofj Wan- oua htteuduaghlm. MUr.sMd- Me&Mat Lang, of Chiceg, qmaon Cbritma a st homeofrlice Lia"a. paet, Ur.'and Uli. J. Prodsnleka, of tuale . lir. J.ang re tumr simt the'*fity Manday and lie. Lama vili reunan thé vsk. 'OBéa lAxativeRoansd Tai- isan vmmt ad Cugh. Lig md r = darepsa c AM t acta aunithe boWaendaiffliai cold ont 01 Unbye. tom, off« Crop, Wbmonln. Goug, *sr& esoRPiuodanBdu~ogmsc 'Os#* *s butlorebuidron 11 b, " Hm*LzI abvleMdi1OAàxau.îxuAlUArr 'o OIUONDLAKE. rp ,At a MX clclmlouday evmain, * Oi. 19, PréduliA. Bâsr c tljol SMao&la"dilms.BéisaMande Klisar, el Chiega, datghtr oflie. sud.lice gara ultuwu«orf DisnuouiLsie, W" edàed n lq di iélgby Rév. W. 8. Jaroy of the Moadyoburch. bl nutqr of St.UsiAMOs. olng goople 0saswd bhg* trip to hi - ba* Jla rIL A., Irbamb. by P. B. Ott vnttb'ba Happy iev Ysesr Joe Rdiond aeut Xmas ai home. Misas O'Rouzk, of ebréakai. vla elUu lir. adMrs lc. Wm.. liKeougb and Margaret Lndlow. o'Chicao, vlitad over lins vtb lim. Jehla Carrol sud relatives. Margaret Cirolan in spending a wsek in Chcago. Mir, aud lina. Josepb Yore and famly rand Frank Gibbons apgnt Xmoa vith D. . Gibbons. î Un uday iight thérs wv@as aembre1 Party giron .tue reaidencof Mlr. and lima. Jes. gsyl apd a very pliant evenlmes a Peni. Elteen gansea were plagsd and Mli n Mmdlr.Gibbons vers the lueky oas sud von thé rsi prime. vbile WiDliamCarlan ad Mie "te, Yoma valked ont iii theconsola- tien Prises., Everyone reports that tbsy had a fiaseUie. Not a minute aboild hé Josi whén a .Ciid shows synaptorna of rouP. Chmberwa ngau euw4iy given-as koMM us thé cbuld *âcmmabosco, or 1 ivucater the. cronw cough auppeace, 1 ili grevent thé attack. sinver falla « Mdialeaasnt aid "atto taes. tr sailebyT .LOUL lhertyville. LAKS ZURICH. rHappy New Tsar to ail. ~ 7lMr. andi li&ces. é$chox spént X Max Fred 8chutt sud famîly vsited relatives' ai Dinde. over Xrna. Geargeakie ahad vite vent ta Paltine Christunas da. Fred ècbley and lady frand, 0f LHMible, vlatéd- vith Chas. Kiepper and t.anily Mver Chriatinez., Icull Frai sud fauily vent te M68 Jauis Boip vent tao tayalake -Tweaday te vida lber ciater, Bditb.,. Dita Imnn, of lpira, la ylslng frieuda bon etaiprésent.. DieWa Tonne, dija is hborne near 1d lai mduisy-noralng, 70ed jmOmysa.le vas hurlsai thé VaiiIed uome elet sturday. Augut Wèneseew»ohéd hieg eut vItàiaaxe aso u qp. goba bloÔd b P011i@00149 lu n »Ôlan amod, ta thé 1Waukesuabompiw tsliPrent. Re la rpor tu ta ho ltàg. Plat twII ma Sittar. Thiomevbo vlllpéon la u loalug thir urn agat»atteimtinuel r»commanda- lioniiiDr.K~...~Dlaovey for vases at Shridan tviotot' Ïu vies. théy viii 5d etf Orayai. v#ýa s cler la Mi.Aiotiiod, Mr. 44 somsdMIga V"ill iras 0'l ont iarOlSl . iSédgt4 eb wose, a S tli4ama had bee taken.. Ii stops' the cough and heais the Iungs and .pre- vents Serjous resuits from, a cold. Do'not take chanceso n a cold wearing away-or experâment with soute un- known preparation that costs you the saine as FoIey'm Honey and tar. Remcmber thenamceasid get hé genuine. ?beSahirvng ettr tamA. 3. plu> bauof aimnlle, lad.., toUeliaov ator.411rdfu tbrae mmoa i s svar.cmu. a drugglatpired asn smm meadwwin, aadd*abyallsuP- aid elgt domescuinie.' Thm ad»8s-2&0,MICp»O. sJ -ba muusi 1. LLÔVULL. Amm lflit.u Augnai Zueladfoif aiChlago #point Xam aaihome. John Welch and vils and Alhéert Welcb of Wmuffn apent Chrisatmmwluh b eir On -Tburedny let occrei théemaNP- rla" of AiImer lMurray ci tua plýand lilas Luey Wagner 01 Gêneva. Tb*'pupila a« thé iaviinla oo01are en- joing a veek'a vacation. father, iar. Wtters, o? l otlsud;slnoher brothér, James tram liautaha, Cauada Peter Nîmageain of Wsnconda speni Criairnau viti James Welch s arn iy. Mir. and lire. Autenburg spent a f.v days of lait veek ln Chiaga. A nunihér of the youiig people trale ber attsqded thé Chriaimma troe mi Wauconda Ssftday evenlng. onsumnption l i oa for ô im sood Mse Ad LamlseneaegU Lu"IÎMd *Water LÎP14 o! 'Welmg. kW4mda ti sk Dir. snd *Mir dleblr, -rcIuifl,a a lng5 epw"6a"Vau" iionwth fis a sedpb, cf St. Mary, AedsmY la 'enjoylng 'lier Chais vacMtion witb ber parents. À flamber tram fhers ntteded Obriamas t"ateea Long Grove Ra day and Bçnday eveninga. Hanab Wedner lmbashen, 111 vth~ bronchitis and litte Freddle Wednsr Io very 111 viti the aesaukneusa. Mra. anid ire Maron Knedler en tertaauedliMr. and lira. B. 0. Fritsch and eilidren, of HlgbvouO, Snnday. Mi. and lira. F. Mitchell entertalnsd lir. and Mmc. Dolienunélér, of Libertyville and eorge Bartàett, of Antiocli. over Priver rmeeting vas bel<l ai lira Lýockhéad's home thie veék Bcd will' hb héd atthe home of Mr. and lire. 8. E. linediér usai Wednesdiy. l'slle futohingo, or- oüvipw, in apedln< tbhrstmas Holiday. vlth hl&. gradpareàte, lMr. and lias. J. Bieborde snd fis unele, A. C. Richards and family. A very nie@ prognam n ad Christmnas ire. vas enjoyed aet -tePrairie Vew Bnnday echool lionday night. Thongh tbi weather was incirnîput a niee ero wd vas preain . AIl the vonng people -frorn lere at.. tended the Chrisimas exertW et aiHall Day BSatrday night They reported a cmowde bouée, splendid prograun and a gisseral Rond Urne. A concert, concerto, ensemble and ehainer mu*ie as given by tii. graduatesa01ai"la Emma E. Clark ai 2 p. n. Dec. 29 ila thé Fins Arts Building, Vichigan Boulevard. lia Clark bas a repatation lu Chmago au a Prafmsot of mnie of mors than ordînary abilîty snd a for soantUie a student sud teer Iii Berlin, Germauy. Amiltant on the pragman and ans of thé graduates vas gisa Olive P. Rt3ofitbaier Who b'as etindisdunuder Ums Clark for several jeieasud la Weil known as a teachier af aaual In tiislocality. Revolution Imminent. A surs fl iguaiapproacbing revoit aud pelous trouble in yaur systeinilm ner- ::nmem osleplWesansor sio li i st.Elsctrk' ittece 'selli 'qî4cky- it nmehr ihe tronhiesonie causes. I nevr e tlletto ns thé itommal,regulats OuKidys snd Bowels, stimulaus thé LtWade*Miy thé lood. Bu, down aqatesn isatpartlclarly and &Il thé jýuattaieun d oàvanlsb undgr lhm aosgbln~nd horongb effetivonea. la one 50c, and that in retarnesilM h don't gieperfetastis. factin. Cmarat'yhiP. B. lOVSBLL .ad O... w.. Ar Pa..n . a:avalai,. GAGES LAKE, BérivaI nîsetingo are be»îng hold at the. churcli iIs veel., lir. Jouaran, oi Waaüi<ran, wasea subdmy vistar boe. lira. Chas. Syder lsa loily recovsring troUI ber Yrsco&m MimaisMd AsmueiseMn ama homne tram Chicugôo hnthe Halldays Matk James la saJoying a week's vacation Iran, sehool dutisa. Robert Clark inveryalick ai thé home' of blé daughter, lice. Havtlaarn. Ada lianebster' la apending lag Christms vacation ai ber bomeas bes sverett Marsh snd flamie pent a fév, leswlth utlailvusiluEvaustan tii *05k. AUCTIOIKgA ide ls 3Mp. bM Libertyville.. Illinole .10780bqdeiO W NEWY'&,ý- SPECIAL It May be yoîx wouldIlke to give a tew N Presentai. We wiII OeIl you anythinug4rom et Stock of 1Toya, (ismeu and manytoth» Iffl al haif the-ustial price. We alao wisli-to thank ourcustanm r ath suai patronage extended un durlugihe puat jasi especially durlng tbe Holiday ueaua, sad wv golicit a continuation of th. saine ot t4 We wish yon-alia prooperous and a.Hap%y So F.D. BAT GRAY$L BUild-ilng. Vie building semauin hter&Wdv are prepared telu t urulsh u wlttiý overything nsemay tu t li l I Lotunu figure with you If you. a" golng to bulld. It viii eerWtl11 pay yoq: to do m80. Feed: Our Feed Departicet, in every detaitand; of our Ulis ldeh Feed M 111il ruinlug wili grind uny'aift il Mmns Lewis LIaiirnel nl lbolusdlei ai. berboeluCicg At we. 'r. aud ir. tryasâof he BW@ famu, ivand relatives tram Chicago Mr. andl Mra. Peter ilarweaon sud idren, of Deerfld, epotChriuasta D.jeis. a Psa Buscs ago N e mnads 1 T [m L Morlf~t lMes hrist wit ih* mn, Wlll ad "0a. guard a 1numberai vlth Dam iséontr ppgui -a 15w IlyronAlcoli md fimily <é tee. oS Chinl gudn ÇJ We vwilii amrpe free. iSmEnrTvvit.Lie .1 - 1 . 1 MM URATRI.AKE l'BABX&t'T, tIraystaxe. .1

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