Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 13 Jan 1905, p. 1

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Pnu b âo . Vid EUena Ommrlug bfl'rlie *Ammqnpte »DY ciesm o i. ad t.ocb Ou r rde in Over- Soxand 114 arn fdotwrear hu. bean the, best we hav .ver had up to Cftilô*mas. Our stock Io stIII complit$ Is i nter Ca... Oovuiand Mttmns antd aitIkInds0f wlnter A Share of. your ~arnagO e àsolicited. Debt bit ms acqufrOd 7orincoime. ~irst J. LU'PATLO 0. . GÂsusul ~àflI ~ Cuiler &Cé»=to off tma and Indir.iduab an-- ollo Ited -and vii b. re- ce1v"d upoilt te moui favamablî tenus oçu- tiv« bamklng. iaioc o s= - cFn. Warren H. Wllmlot of Waukegm an D4h radley ofA tondout aru tablât &ýmnon ferm e * ,nity aM4 4606 Enortls of-LIheryvUbllo forthek baoi ralroad company. Thon ton.O efor a porlod of from60 to 90 dais. ( b. Galloway sud LawreqSa fera rtyeâville village, sud 8chelck fam lb.thesait also lb. Elfrlnt, Drive., ow Sapellmaau, Kelly suiUijfaer fAmamre etier aptiansd or nego- ,I imi .inpragreme. Theage6te arm uabI", sufflicent fa.b paenft@ tO atteul their good feth sud t*0 bg lesI wbh imnae entebllhment of. great swlteb yardé aud traneler @ho&, wltb large car repair chople t lbortyville, le secmlng chape. Chm" ge lid of Op*ratiOfs Tb@,SI. Paul tlrough it repreeta- tiv.. firet nugt'land usarer Roulait, but farneru are declarsd 10 have pisel aimait probilbtlve priaesouisliir bal- lage and houai a tract furtiier north wm somglbt and il la dedared bere cucce atteod their effort.. It éescis praliab!e the dealwhlch m,ueens u nch to Liber. tyvlle and adjacet lerrtorY wlll nov snrefy carrY. Whlle lhe agents atmpt to surrount' *0lir operations witb mcrecy, Il inaa veli knavu feat *0y bave meuret! eOie sud largaiued for otier options, whlle 'an, nuuuher of fariner rot halng hâd on or more confoience. rlative ta cade af thir tarine. A total Of 2m0 arminli vantôd hy tii. compsny sud of courue muet lie adjoinlug or conuseW. Doa'i Lus Atliai. Masitb Depsim asui osen ati le tIve m«e i fient. fadm Mud lu vii eltk.r U$,1 leimmeu. fLi sud Obeug on t*0»tsI0 bit 0f Ikt V illusi. MW quireumil ti For the. WU crete fourni into b. lm vibra lug bu ing 00 Nai, tho b burrie lu jlg hurr.y vont job in m-lU adu lation of lam Mion. b1 m. bees bml me me, lu t re Wpe& Înnwilb Irued equlpiMBi ~itimlding .ls* ktlocattoli"0 dand ready fao 4spartunonts.. l ý wlthpres. brick ildlg i. 80 le" 0me are ai jgfle. Windows ..eeption rooi, 3panele'I wa Mr the ouut e.Ailipartib aathat Bise? 0 obtain May h. admitted rcu ~salong ot #$o a fatr mtwo s51 eeesntial i». gdenxinqcn preparod, bulIt iderable depth, *Wain the b"ll '>.rrangsd and lu Snvenieut pr t. ver 4 OtS as hrokeu for >llutin& C. P. Fisher id the'to ennîpletlon time. lleDouuld ecm eomethe %-arpenter noev 3woa tt u the *.Woolrllge's Mir. IV ad bi@ effiient t. tsai» many COmpli- oail 7k the building. m &"dIbognuaiautolle Id ru lity deys. br. s yw contractai Topng in applylug ilag loaches vth point and liruih, *11 Mtl ont cf our vag sne ».not ta abave iellpl l I a papor .U.*.-:ft vambi *Qrauo dwkndil ý t mve udn 5 T a erh Readne f te Iuapcnr'v ho'avOum . sibat snome aof Mrmacinery fh1 followed the artilietaPPearing trou Mens Ïop uuî,IiBan inbi ato arae week ta vent, firet ilupector kels çl..bp e alalv tle àtaamets,*0uftpicefro I lmq oâft m ium ine. %is mait ho voete e dlappon relies*0frn altlu e 0 suued n uprintiug 0rncety, ho a wsdiepuont eela hbeaureaof the ubisty, sud vo wsut the, Urne to do it îepa a rnta01 us 1cfor tK 'ythLb.aoppartuulty comm naw for expwàaIn a«»ý ocdsuIns M& Iai tMmin ua doses Jeurs. W. brevery grains salsel -for dalry teinugec o u dee, orjs Dr. lleynald' uulment la uri &0b.idlgne<i UIreer or 1 tiiel«I itwai ual lu tihe Province of lb. W5k.tln wl b nFrd dsprtment toa arguSe *0nittuWrie tnitlin wl leonFid. rliaulel by thle fr.. -Tbey vt enI 1. 7 lie "ehown." W. have Oeveral communication. dalrymne, ail s"Diar lua i, ta0 ST S fondivng sud vich laMt n.s'ti mommta w liei.»addopal* PoWbihy flyouIme n su p r~a about pretpplng the provinâce ni ou deperhment YOU *ould gain the d4ued~ juent lun otonly loue time but in a mou CRPUItfllttu DiÇlS*t OOOO1 sconomical minner. RoiLOi 2 the .1 'ire question an rlovud Immseyo*r atsudpolnt. eanul not admit 0i argu. COLPRIS EI MO T ÂCRES. nment et Iis tage of praceedtqga Thé fqcs or uaI haitthle coucISmXORof iThe trler of the résidence of A. K. rememarc eoul leienluyour pomla suarm and siglt ammaof i dtaulhis sud msulf"es hould ho gitaes ho$' brtoruThoniai Bea l BIma" udJoel public liaI thoy maY c-oprte lu th. WW Bmtorne, af Deuvu, -dhieoWetbe suforcemont of the lew. "t tanauenarmau ntlt aIie A farce of inepectors large enough t. Ututileblllug contompl.atola a cul o nope vitlith etuatiou n msane W b.vy *M,@0 The tract of land given lu expengseta youn deparlinent amiA bo 0trmsa lieuat thi oe "cty limite ,unden ta the ta% payer sud sa nte t Uàm Bluffasd hli afrotae oau *t oislué of tho dairymen by yor Wt.. utp85 Ise, the b ut ahlisi.point spuctois menu a a urtaillujul A 01 m»Uir vabprpeudiculer r omt*0laké tea supply lu CblcaMa, coumquetiY blghbselgbét et ovor one. hundred faut .Cui- pricelto both lhe lester aud di con-' Il iule gieu ai $8,W0. simer. . ames0. cossns f elaola caïd ta. TPh pasitiou of dairymn 'lu lý ujauuuod villi lb. Stueruepeople - ac«alt e hpret le,,vert iltrome b*leth* project sud iu Ielntimated butter inareti both etsud Wes. lIaS ý A. C, Froot of the lale shm~ore lune la lu a hmllhy condition and Ité0milsd tua acertain e ut, sa Weiliai higlx. !ftUe peultve doind IR b W àOlbws ll, buovu Ciago o&Pi ts. bsqUeuce0cfgod pria.. lbéuieoo«1la tjaluotood blhe$t liabuilding of Illtulae exclein h 0e ritmseU. the structure in ta 1w ýpuàldvitE the With, exceptloca â! "WdUW!uà amr4b ta, utuet raplîty posib. sud tEst jl a"mci an hoeaid of thechose çkb s @4oaîmaI-eud. ItxulousseoswMIIes if b th t4' ver. tsovu (Il teqilgpartout and liaI .usrageIlatu ho .ren4 h o1sdepmaalmt bu * <l e.l as ite t.Ee s.have me tonli dlrniion (i.ls4b. ,. lee a Mait favomiospot tlîlkl ilMr lt ale tateinnala ai >tbwlb~w ood.d -sud ooolathe*0laite; *9 iu the II*ruunmct artrie 'th" dmgeaul. csu hmade very besutàfulasd flot lobei* rnl< w.0made wM p *otàuque. " or wlthouî *the owledgr of the lisat ci Mr.'Thon. B. Stennelà preeldeunloaithe *0 'depeilmeet. Onathe otbw Imadt Il Rl rSteain. MmduufaoulP ooa thhomain uotEig "d ai ta 50 and à pronust 'elub, heIh euhtsulstd te ~Wl t bd' pliI, ocident f 01 t séoVer(Iu% white Jeoi sppitltl s ààlo~ IoteWUStqgm le preenoA. the *0 omIsi bL1 aeuwo* tOPthe, oneCwpsyouft)dl !. - *mlfrvin tu.sbmm a. ittUug.ib i y 1m*oWOu h &=a n oftb tub . st n. m Lo éié L bo wmAySN.EETiD fltuda-J b. ootfl 111 la wime.mat u% goem«wralml ianiv.muly, wàbey am. tulcoil l.u t W.i io J.l waai s h.eetc siofflu, tJ.eà. ilwb. W7m.Ai Trmurer, Bob't traimg. Dbreto-4anthoru dwot-l0" , lms fàhertyvils; Contat isltrict, 0.Q9. UbtoceOrn.; N.rebern d"w.4ot l0mer Pollock, dilllburn. Thon an adjourmuet wam t" mmu the diannr, whlch mmually UMlhg la"d âe Iove10membema mal gueulacd imbe ommaIsation, wam paitakes cf. 4 ln proiions 7w. -i. W"a buhat lm ings. Ku«vily ladon table cutael no snd of tenip tlng ediblu, prepareil by tioasoan mter. 0 ecuiaary arm 8upe"rvciou. B. Stephensaeatel am Baving smmrd for sev«Wa teeM.preuemt 0cfthe. COMPsUVand being , tiomughly famillar - wlth UIn growth sud lb. ondtion. nde' Whlc it ha. attaldlspigmt .ubosta.é bliy nouhb~tetolce coml have bois madê, and Mr. Btephone happily fulfiled his duth.. Secrefiary Tblain gave an lntere.tingl history of the compauy front lb. lime ai organisation, March 5, 185M. whou Robiert Polloàl tras hou. Predent, W. S. Bufima, Smeitar!;Andrew Whlto, Trea.. Geoý. qtvang, ea. Webb aud NathanlalVoueé, trustes.. Fllty.uiue policles were led th. trot yeftr sud omat ofl i melps lor tbe year were884.» M4aaê ndimr $17.88. thre sgi 1911 polelea ln tomra. autlng ta ahmit *. millimo f hanmes. Duls * M yeurs of buils" tbeco psibq Attorusys IL J. and .Ir . BeyuiodW reepoudd lwhçn called upoa opdi Charwes Whiurnq. Thm w are ho teke hy somne older menm wh. recointed am altmetlugis.IUIsUO Thon weiu cal a .d mcsental esletlan. Itern.iulnu *0 ta long ta be remeenerel aaul*ersa.v. Bla Gangs orf Usa OOSuglte l ILD WRAVHR R )LÂYBD Largo gangs of mmn bave tii. ven hm nmuho he uelde ltu ortherf Iiaolu mad sothoni isconsin. In Ib labo reIfo bs haa ouny auin wmStv the lare" masa xetig aul.~i ta 1111mB thoi mamnmolb boume. ill eald wus*0t laui..Not.ilu 7ma@ the haveethen delaedountila late la the. winter and t*0re bas been samn apprehenalon let mild vesîhon continue1 tudefnilsly. The les nov belng cul la 12 luches and aver in hhlckneusaud of excellent qullty. It willDfl ul qire aven IvO or tirse ea Ihobig 0blhoumselIfhe, campanhS eau smaure phuty c f help, sud a. goal vogos areofferel Il llelbel houirdrof aimeu tan hbcearel lu Chicagoansd emeller surroaning citiez. Company suyé, a Laie.. On large mce compsuy lait veb aequired su cutir« laite, practlcally pur- choaua l H theldaraunulLake Cathein. 'h *ebe adpureasol embracos * sutrensbaundarla.ofitle lako sud cou- taina mevera hondrel acre..The pfin, cipiholding pomud in tla 0 Dia elter faru sd thie t lamade up of emal peau ov;d lmon*lyby gsommer meient. _Th .purelisse, prices vil approimat. 5,0, O.Tihe deasi aea ouhrase a igil of vA.y ta the laboe timWug the fatineolby Seuetor Tiffany. . Tb@ tract le sduelrably lactel for 1chlpplug but a lev mlle 11othvaet cf Augnh loni*0 evWlmol gravel spur et the Wisconsin Conai. *ltoaalnu Sh veriue Pite 0f, Agas sud àalr, con ho relieraI and curéI vllb Uectrie Bitter Thia la & purs, taole nwmodicnof mpecial heneit iïisnola, o4for Il ezorla.6 trio curative le*oiewou *0 diisi, drivig k -s *L -.10.»mm l l o mb ...i IVTABOL UaM& Ina Wi Ou *et el i g1a0U9 RAW FURS Long arove,liiI. wl .1 T Iiarry's LUNCH COUNJI Llbertyvllle, .111. miioe oft" 7m-W P. ScIHôIRdIft,' S* impie mla o PTE, £Ait, UdSE AND THUCAT. au~ Ieu 0 lve ? 1111f agL»IO, -1 1.1- - l.. -, ........... .1

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