Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 13 Jan 1905, p. 2

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unouavan retia ts'éu'ta. 11 ,- aon coto ta t eu vlt4rifstubbeqe, we ulseeI tiepottu hat iral on toaed. tt are r rmt itst. Titisla tru. pW f 4ti aeün miiiOanis, Th a ,'i rna" lgent, »a oelhonmbols mctten oe bTecr«7. Tiir ur.og r di#1 mermantie pursuts.- *'g e httue trou ou-et tht at in noie t am Uni ftl m suidhb» wu eurItawté t « tftrituuv f10 ov liste4 t.ORr ganutis ONPant Ua 1 s - or ue eatrsla ?lm anith"la Interffe ata l Ci e a tirir atour- thst thé poopla l h fIa mprova. !Lon, uni alali m o et teae-1 cterprts.asu fla sla the. Btte gavera' à@ liai. la ont- dcbit.Ithibas n corm,t ft- toyatont ois iree employ=u urdace ai tbi ut rasa, lu tha as fIat alulaut au thq Âot.eWCiv1 m. e, Mt mesagM sumd If on*a!o ptm uudr empi aranov.> M la ai. va-sofm tf mtouy. 'hb*tva ta fI. prestt .strollligtbcBrod setflrac ule vwg, C AMessu 0 f the itm avt i be POOL. h,ý a ut«ie., *0 & fS. mek,*. R th~rto et te casi mt b. sa& P~euruisie ta ategoofla pze susoiasr .r te t. isaui. yod awe n MMsrvlng ume ussait et Ibs Sliste. 1I emball he t alm a.t tat'"e capital ui w tdhcltu'e a yauns îýjq Y«* th mas nlua àmqber uuI~u r10.sut Bd Ivtwlubaàil hotiaraIs 1 lbr 0 aamtioui aleL duestlb. usure illns, Cern ta crmeTh# tuata g9r" ha ne newmlesbu thUic mulero .01111 Lubur.latEacie Tii. deartmeut aut fetory laupîectiuu.i, ie atstlui 1903, hbioeabreaicuci lu ts mccu mi11 t=-syIl la, omea f theicote timportant t aa lIll. l lOR210 us* employai te aduewis O.Z Ine >04 ver ImuMuelusvedtui are maie, aniithe oper- :toe z ulcd tae M ceties sud townu ent. li iC Couity. The. ratioof ailudren eloici habecu reducci te21 pet ccat. Tiiere acwre over 1,1W pruseutionu a&Bet Tii. chli labei' lurla proving effective, esu accutraousithe lucreaue lai tii.socie *tt*ca4Be cnChienago #loue. thé tuemae.lnii th"* . ethmuilg u ,00a e i usetiIereudue.tauther lurger pprlia- Attention l a clici ta thr e mbttîof acia i*ns ta thé. rertlon t thc lu- lava af ir a± Viirer vtet aI euu-m tueti~,Tauonfl Iruusnt 0ccpl4twoa Z-. a" « hiWc-u ore bt-ià et on- WilliIag t. max Ausudu ire uni An aanuMuug atrooL incident luppoud icum adtlitho lis se%! bauaV @Ie t 1t a a i àwtniow. 9% b» àit leiavlug if mire took, ta aIe thonipit. toIsa «tber blushandi sarmu nd i cntinuied ber r.mtij onversion, - . u'.ovo e- 'lou 80," mli at,Yonu'te lient et bal et anytblug 1I vat youn f0 50. i*vltblj, over car. uow 1 am tireuset; Yen qurti nolonger 1lovetune. ,WIVy, you bave not evoir klmedi me fàIýa veel, îi .0 !* "dama, 1 a eorrIbuttbaÎ la My *#A mWsortuç., nut My tapl id. tihir M- ata, tuimuii n on, ," Tb*. la4r 100104 at bimu sdgupsL -Kh bI" luthtea flue atM ofthte vrohi< mazL-Loadop spare,)4ômouts, C OIUIIUy-WIB*t M $0? ve if Laetman-SIe 4MM lthe ouudu' wseamy vomis e ., 'Mbitse,.le 4ýa't 0 V an0", for .I1 bol-. thé PM4 Isar iias M«iý Jn J- t et mael t f 31ute a-cao rests oacase. consaume theii bter a t ilasthe &ite of 15. houa tami Nov ü«oa. -Dwlng Ie 1 duiloet te tii ttahuci bIlhei60s1t- > Rte adlueeiOnt or reaimwogt t I e ety fCoirgreastasu mubone: otCiU tThe, goverumeurt'a cotton statluflease5 ureporci j'y the Airuîcnlturaf l>OPurtauoet sad eeas b ureau ioruuiediftie aubJeet Of ani Sitended db"imuou n isuouie1* Tlrursdray. Itepresentative Llvin<Ston Of Gougla ottaeîci the reltaiilitY eOftthe government's estimatee, and -charro tust tire kgaoeLnrea - thteifigures ai creat- eut e poule ln flia. cottouu mstet He càlled attention ta the dlasmtiuactlon wilch ho mariaiexistM luIn the duth 0ocr thea goveruiment rotoio sticu, and muid Cht thei plreg, a1 tret section was rissu te denuand tire abolition of the miatîstîcul bureau of the Agrienltudi DePurtuent. The. question Mame lupon a motion lii ur. Watlgworth. ehairmau of tihe commit- tee un agriculture, to a o n*te table the. resohution premouiteailby tMr, Lîriuggto ueerul weekc saia eeilling an thre SeC- retary uf Agriculture for Information r.- girdlng the inotibd*,fet oiiouing cctt. etufati. Tihe motion to l*Yoy01u hO ti.- bic pfrevalled. aiter Vesure. lurleuon (texÏti, Wasworth (N. Y.), LoVerins (D4M.>and iSi..s (Tou.>)lidOIgoro»IY iefendcd the. goveumeaut'u utimufes. Th*. joint stutchoai bill mgaln occuped thte major portion ai the attention Or the -Sonate, and tMr. bNeison combletcd ilu speech lai support Pt hi. Tii. omnibus edaIms bill vas roudi lu part but au effort vas miade ta, secure sction un IL. A bill was pesuci by thc Soate Fr1- day authorWang the issue ai Obualeta ornunce t tate iais dctlanul Inutitu. hion. The.readîns outhelicomnibus elaisu bill was compîctea. Mr. Bard Of Cali- 1fureta soae La Opposition ta tii. Joint reateiiooi bill obe i gOuni that the rpeuple ai Arizona andi Nov Mexico do > tot 4eslre union. ' Mr. Till-u alua OP- poocai union af the. ferrltuaie. saYlng it wouli subJect the lpeople of Arsrlz"ta doonuation en, Mexleauusu&d gess" àAdjou-M outil MOoMI. lui the BOuse .tire bih ta revIs. the Iav$ reltiug ta 1 etu V~ss8isvasu tomuittai.Tiiefor- tdtions uppro4irlwtiojil l vr as Pales aiter débats, inwIe irdiMtr. Littatter Of FNew yark expIiuictflicprot-lulous aofithe mreneur@ uni tr. Baker of Nev York erllei dIf, nttackling Presîdoat BM- r olt au -vantiez ta hou blsitf rp as the, counuterpaut ai WilbcluH., the liet var gai." Me. Adin af PeuiuulvsAi spoke la favor et bis bill for thre utali- lmhrment ai the. vbippiug peut lu the. Di- tricf or Columbia. Adjouraci until Moa- -tire -nouse a émay.isiadeptd- i tsi lionate resolutiori providilamaug ailie thuus.for tiie holding ofi tIiinaugural bail lnaItle pension building. On a vive voce vote the reeohtonm ai ot, but a rail.oei enahici, thoue favorable te tha Fpension building proposition taeunat.r thefr streugth and pes I. Speaker Can- nnand several Of the. Itepublicanleud- ers'reeordlr'dthemMvelneasbelnt appoUed ta the ides ai the. empinymit itIf. penusion buildinîg for the PurPOme 01 tih@ Inaugujral hall. After the. passage of the omnnibus rrhnirnâ bill and gting Jan. 28 for the. dolîvery uf aidrebma IinuemarY of Uic laie ienutor Hui,'tl Sénate(de ivotathe. day. ta ithe statehuai 1111. tr. Morgun apoke for tva boums agalami tIre Tiiheaion of the Roua. Tutedu vs givour oer aiment autirely te diacueslo of the bill rtuorti. hie Co*rustta encouty eutdfiosYÀ suie» lnu fIe ineasu"o coanuci ta, dete>op, as ,videuei ry the large mentbeohlp Prt- ent tIroughout Uic day. De--trefc op- poultion uuainly *as dL"IP*fedi by tira, iadoption af au amnninent offerei br Mr. Wtlllua miss.l) providlng tiret gavern- nuent deposts la, national bankis sabol h maie only ont uraapetttive &Iiai. Final actiou on tic bill vas Dot talon, Tie 1 Suate contlnueèdconaideraion af the jaint eatted bdll, the. chief aecýonpisi- mnt b.lag the aceeptanee of muai; of Itii. amendmmnts muggeoted b he i.Coin. mittee on I19an Affales.Speeches ver. made by Me*asm. Stespart and Nvlaniu, tii. formet ' vueutingaunameurmont tir tIre pruteetion af the interieor ithi. dila lu i-ndian Terriori, and the latter 1fuVOring limitation at thea aiea onisle ta ho soi ta individuel& . The bili for the reinursement -of AmeriCumoulera for lunses under thie meinrea la Béring Sas *10 as ooiered, but a *ttsvis net renclted. mu the Natiosai Captal Porto 111et, Io tahave i'sy etm f vl uStai mor à 1115 f It n oséla- for. Ila tire Pbuliluauel. A à boa beu ropoaus e aCoig*i tIvine Iuueamtae cumaerceoquui"abw i, = ooeta St.freilit rattea ouuouIat rte tsui îquding appot> t Sàtàcoi court, ScuaMtor rr trdclalU e IWth esaladesiofthePrm" et f00;. 000; ithe Vice Pnesii41< aud O*aw'oi~ tire lieu»s of uaratvoetu~ flys aemi-sie o t $olm. S0ù $4Ët ti 0 <lse4t et 0 iaeôs. la Iàib11 orovs alptW ** et'~ te otoïsel fwrth* dufduu Omm$a e. it lnuiies It ha iid A t tsi w" UKelht sarrison tiemasta ils W< t , ww4 * Wn 0&. Th*.Maisafuata or tbualies bé aue tt,ý nudo anus la Port Àrthur'at tbiIbéé ium et bboMa gtnni o f tto ilnomwqs AOOom de0 ieu sud 10,00 aat1s.luam gw, lun* cin, la 'ff5 il eludilag weadtor. munot 'ho st ~sud L-ot a lt or lot ap toe sei -t ; n flue a.,m it4lpdw before.theosurrendpr. ipitaoiay: riliasi nùine *"Only ou*quart.r Pltgais ati le-,yéën agorýai*fl alive." If hdwaus seakingg eouratoli, Met l bm I fuat muons fOut bhoorWgaaIjW lad 120,. uian«fAottO'Û 000me tan uuir lins, or ni.:. tIân colfttomsweta (toneral Noilbas avor e n , t fIalu. favits ïsluiftbs veten but du fiurela t.. < i.aR7 sed sud the là te be credible. iprad Hawver théa bare fsct as fteithe <>r fii(i*d -ubrof aumnora. iaers zuhtm 7 ieum gho if necebsay te atiquato at highy hotu <puWy 'flan vaine bau eer Ôe is m geut CaratoprR"ie acelvstent. WIetluer i eass»M ftle 28120 honni that las boon m tbuted ta Geuu-f110 f000O . eai gwmw fior bs pmdd ilM graae A.M wlua supplies or ummunition a"n10tOuiesfer .?whSt,t meousnaavaitablO atthfe end. a 111*11 uuer tii. dm u'taraud sll net-raet flue BNotUle ls pud Ilvestock lai The. fait of Port Arthiur lis fllowei taupply, sud fIe by a statement whlch lsnnoleiaJbut biowedasmua" dg 's Raid te be trutwortuy.tft tfis and lard amvi"e slute coef M*v a: adaosumr 'la te ratura te zBupsan .wrm. il tht be sethuequestbum msate u» sufor sandiait tethe sat. if EçiY l ne was Sent lata1ho bpethat: if a t toil% ehacbFort 41rthur haera its tiruhi.f.e der,th tii.lsins iMuet bave beau Soaalle quie lnformel au te fes reelsttng, cap* preeeut. CAnitie of tlhe emlss It nW behothat the original futenti n leea ouv ibo Was fIat du, Balue, 1tetahma 0, o 7ot-w traieq dui. Padft MOUOéNe et Of it Jobéemra. O wIt ai te Port AztIuw, butat if it for a fir ratai t bos eau.dcliaithat fhe dt la t sudtt., afif ne strong e6ou110 te bu depsufsi on v o rteuiu% eerfainfta sogt;et . botter 0f the J au»ualg deuasnd anese.Rsud fIat i:la .zpocfad Io Buttrweîxug ti. à te fIe Paei*c fIeentire avatiblea B teetmryutr là et n uavy. A 8fleteau ho sent S. f vol',uuor iordars- mnouthelsuco vhiçb Wii heoniimaffeiaslinos et ode stronger thon the ne counuaded lig snt!kiieia Admul ltojustvemiO. euruyimemsock In fhe ameutn:th f apaneus *na ýestrbec reit tiror vousie t bèiture aui. boa' t«cks ,0, r pire lI evory wsy. possIble fer cent Souler tbint obmuglo vbhieh avaltufloua ts t a date, an" tblise day. It harily con ho asuimei kiiovlefige thtlt the Russians. v11i Moite Do effort six moufls, buaa wresf frai» fhé,.7»paneee th, cou a reducod remofus of the seou. O long asi'f ey rets the blef.totcet It yl b. Impossible for ti thRuas ou vill laver the. no motter bow large the gormy niesflu put ln the dciii, ta force tlélr Bttoes orto ur versarie ouf of ManelunrtiL. eeor 2tegaW"t Tire situation on thie, Shakhe fli fI eve lI remains pr'actcaly. unche nged. In 1902 oui 32 fi reporta of a ROIankln mov-orent by enraorU JaLPaneso on thoir rIgît focué:qeo laim iifete beau confirmai. Now tth POItA.li1 cai y 0 et eg lui been dlspoeum of ost t Oe in ay lo ?<ogi'm votomaas yl ho eavouiable Service la norfhoruu Manclurla. It net taxe mucl fluaotf0traunort t mue t ile dottul if £Oeuert Wini afteunt au active wlute ena palga aguinet a aroni.y treugeh onebmy, who uuust bUve about M2 mon. and vho -abouliho bircao-reié stendily re-enforeemontsa siCoi 30t 35;l Moite gooai s daly rosses. oien 8300te 5AW h Thon are no Indications of pa sim5to "80;ihe, t IUmiun governat i h» cors, No. 2, 41c je uiouiucod tt fIt vili proeecute fhe W 8ta2J;re with lnreauaivgar. sud'that!t iflnotr. 8&50 taeU frmb troopu vit ho Sent t. $11.00. butr, chef 1Kouropatkln haerae.en o If e 28e; egos,, frcsi ruary. This la o prornsc e e 2ce ta lise. -hhiugveu opring beWogLtsd IDti-,.et $LD e fm 4we te taire the offensiveaund oe Sl 3l~ '.X fIe japane obyoutairaîfl or 06tweg.e -X&~ maneuvrin timon. pIWO tw;uioe p' Bavae *io~ Nta. TSetoe; l-2beal X Tire main begu et the fl Lbanen V Peu, luse, $if= lýrOy I t01< u Arnirile, Ps,, wvnas l*OWf"e stroeod W, IA Lues 0,O00) $91-18;e00M itoil ac I,0.aDo M M m. 2 i m8 ie4 * The pus ofai stàb«shi9as a i'5e t fMe; CWiprut stationmi 5 le egol boas Sppiu i#iefC. bya thé Nt Z)egartMa sund Iiqi* Weii le pnoboad. __ mfltu lire é name t 7 Pl 4 us a goro ivn eiii. t Sxoplgd te eoming mptriseai prameqt " il4 lirae la 1901.f voeel oui reol, ad us il, 'o. il 2; ta fI s' 54 fi .11 mi Il vil m Mil

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