sud elcru applu- l ffl an mati 2e, »di liaI t, le 0eou law nul beh le tIdmeso>- or the pop. audidtr b>' st pui ai honded a n orl the la, ie h aigaeo! aur1 mt eau citain tIgi, freel>'. but "col fi. pronmpti' &bdli r aspec fr tue lai ,sud antiblu lia ut- sioml i rceiVi ui couàdefftiloOis héa wrt0 sfrquinut .5 procdul t-for tha MI Intne, ha 71t¶rcaturs col- I it iiiea, 1la-0 te tale thle aphare t se "e. Mmice >'lt Au- tehigatenluslior te à cd10a fv of mie :' tie ilîpertmaul tiiajrotitrai Clleze. o I a th te roIcontent un», * gls.imcdrslig ISté arkmet iL .M nal.Par 6csiel. Tie gencral ou. ime diseres« b tic o >a valsaet the camn noed b>' tie tac- In~ Itie fim alomie. ilvhau- 9S1# proia ei enîlof crnm tva e alacrcs esquaite 80.o0011 f#1 p ti alu uofthlaI p rt of lie or thetiL Bta vitctilarmdcifor Ir oeai tUWlair and gfZIBU e t e te reult oftien. l teeuaIveeT> mAila Ouf tile are Mo4 la Rech . uietias for aaei, 0 M tLs -~~ titrongimout tusé qdcancemut ni, mutue aanlCoe- I eeaahcc n cemi- lmaet *eot butia n ilmein liat afaisfied' Ihift, J'ers te lnwInmllnos, ha- i'et I.,makrk t liaproper bactérie mi ao n and d isltributed I: freai>' =U Uil. w ut. tntcrop l suc- Et .il ia sioWb i t ad ýz sotbemIllinos re &Cd e Autantviicimpreiaftithe growii et sud les v mes n é 1>'taacer ta e5ct lilaIdît>'. Il uva tntAn a viole Utile il la vaim lAid wth potasatum, but tint oumy lime haittanl aids nesougi piespiorna jginun crapO, and liaI Our amiea fta M n &t h18point. Il ha, ab-wum lima sella ofSontuer I lln.alcon- but ene-inmt anongi piospiocue for pa leides; imeetitir cropa arec il- ~pMeporelle Dot b>' eanoun. nu staation ina dlaceered anMe thon. set acres o! svampy land vilci are cMaly rici la ntrogen and phesphor- but so deletet lu potaaaium se to 1but ose or tva cropo of Cuen. Witi apeditre f $.30tu$2 for potassium b Me dJriettwa bia heeuraineti sa 9%or seWs miels 10 fort>' humi- Md evan "s" bohemis par acr ec- jug ta lthe 5»»m0.The station la con- l;m a Asalisuve'ofthinButte. msat> uai>', sud lests of tien. diffrent Sam de da i.thé.station iabrtory. be uisasset fbitter rot delra>'ad over stllioabouutais of appen lu four roua' 0f lieémtesla tie jear 1900, a" se thé sation bhan nul ic Maccedcd termiuatng the iiase il buinaoumud A o larea> gnevenlln lun ravagles "An au 1li of tha rop.Theispvart «M nue sentilI lsdangarous disena ai'erncatai- linheasatuain aise a t hé ialaea.. of Cltîvalion Aid Inteacird truille. maie mAlk an butter ou one-third foad reauted W aht. .'Il ias beau -at misa tia malsem tem sain t our san meaih se thers la n glrea lima. l billeme oste iyla tue ei nt lie dais>' amrmrst= 4 gta Impfove W yet mlh mi boier & sa t ing -e ateset fetinsîu. lusexhi- me lu Chieigo ea"d t. Ltuaslis yea. elsi arcattention. i s tus colaea09 Agriculture M'ar hi Ient>' stadeuts. iii de.Jainito - 10wIl ias aM nts (et viWh ra"bme71nt ftdvateaciets. * derelopmet 0ftlie poduclag pover me taa hin"eyoadt laIlikel>' lu ha lai"% pivats atarprtse, la n malter pile pllcy. TViangrmtculltrltte là" ébsouumi a. te ont @tais vint Degrtuasl et!àAgrlututu la tb tue *d SatueAt-1$aiouli ha ronlaaily las axpLeilmaala ilshouhi kapl la vltu ihaceverlea made dth. vrom ta"a Ppi>Mten 1 r oui Di Obnc uom tou aad bhadisani- md b hlîlinua nd tracts humd ta atata IiiiLmemtlnnof Auch lu- allU wOldnul OaA>'tend tu pravout troce tosses. but would Iniprre lie Il et food prodectla and alto lucres« utit>'. it*ld ash naipraserve lia 0at f Our lauids lnaurlng prospri » eil gnération. pot> "omeud ta jour attentioni lie report » MILi CeMUmlisuuOf thil aUte. ,aurlmlng bief>'. 1mnan>Y:'TheiaFiai MM> et "imI8Stte hagan lu 'M. B>' temaIva eescted lu tus Sftata, -rIver nov fumisthe more fti te MA tau t>iyothea te U it ewt tShe à laexrception t tia riverle rgou" a »01 the th 11 l,00 ond. vrci 'rufi ot a a S f mllion dolar tg lie m aloa i ai river. Virongiut thé le. 6 epouding mcreneA inuppl>' m*e. .lime report shows plata la MgCir> seraUm lu lie ltato viere vals, are permanent. Il ai»o shows A Peintapled iti ffèib>' tie Mlsou Tia Commision desimas te a"Mail station At Urinna for tue rWi proimagtica et plie e 'iow perci "hc02 s ame ol Cdgnea1 U msudancau beartcalypo- Io la thé slrcamà oour Si. l itteaCommission ias ferd lu Rch uitled assitnts an ma>' ha ld a tluislallmmg 0! thélant. Tuae k vtri a nilt bal a-amuaddtlonal ne la camasftinon illuthlm oite at- acm eAirefU lalqutloAto tue e- i0, limah CSmlaleosSanaudexpress lie etIat e 1Leglaaure mai' haabllatu t pno aprucatiou asn ilA augment wefaluapliet0tlie Comiion and lu- ce théeyovu, t t thwimportant indwUat>. laU iJlirttation te lie Condition ne Oeautrvr emua An IFn U tle. tu Ibis rer «a rail tinssuCIby lime ltutia-W Sature et O-io n Utala gond ronds côuven- tien wma hmd et Coluimbus on ldcira1 15, r' a, hlcitcoûreatiou sdoiited rmsala oua la#&aer of a "Uotile aiS, mv lieu; pe"dng bulbe. tCuLaghsature. Massachusetts appromaitea annanlly *400,for *"tte sai. *Il hman ppi'a- pelad alreedy for, tic building uofrmade the afgregate snmuor 4.540Xou.. illsat Legleliture an roprtited fl,2W,000 t0 ha expended for Utate ilgluwiys duahig lima 1 New Jae y oppro rintes $2000,aRD- nualm>" tovard tic bufilug of good teadn Il hNa toitring the Poi as n t C ,n r ica pproprIttes $225.000 par an- nom as "utoe id." Ware lm sIt bas approprlnîrd $1,5.190 for tint purpoma. Arreul Lezlaslne lula IOM n et Amide for lie improvemuent et wagon ronda tic Indien War Clala,, ici amotnt te Mm80.- Tic lest Legmatura of Rhode Islaam! appropriated $luJUtX for lihe construction nud maintenanceeto! igiways under tie direction of tie l$tels Board of Public Vermout appropnlstes ianmmlir nbout Ï, 000 for n lite purpose. *Departmeuta fofllgbwàyz for tie gatier' lag of Informationiregardng. tie con- struction and maintenance of gond rends. aud lic devIsmg of p iano te effort n ha- etniug of tuem work. bave ieen ratai. mmI" lu Californie, Delawnre, Idaho. min , MnrylanmdMimnneota. Missssppi, Missaouri, Nebraska, New liampsire, North Caroline, Oregon aud Teunnesee. laIiiliolu, tic last LeqIiaîmre emnted al law fer lie apimjntument of a (lood iloada commision t10nvesligale lie 4questionm of good rends and delerumlnce i raet molli- ode b> whibCheliaburden of rond hild- log mal' ha equitlami>'datrlinled numoug ail tie people. snobi as b>' femierai, Stite aud conalî ait. Tint t ominulain vas dlrected tu report' [ta fOndîigat. CtiaAs- sembi>'. logetier vil n ill cnpioyiug lie monst advammred tiongit ou lie aubject of The report wmill be submmired te you, lu considedug lihe recounuemdatlon wvicl lie> maite. 1 draîre te dlremx your allen- lOn te. lhefessîbilt> of Ieo ne 0of con- vîcI Inter lu couniton miti tie aublect or odr«&'i A=iee are nedla Our tle pent- tentlrlnB.,«0 prisoners. Unmier lie pres- eut law la relion lu cmnylct isior, op-, rp'rltnitles for Cheir employnment are anmd ii he Iimited la vnrient waya. nu that but 2â per cent of their arnllamle Cimue wIil ha bcounmad ln lie performance of nil lie worn parmltted te tieuâ under tC law. il la a haficieul provision of Our law tint priauneri are sauteaced ta lober, te. cauno onmmaiment ihici ouitStute would permit csnit! bc qulte n saeree as liat of àenforeed Iienas.. Wurk 1&8s usessit>' for ahealli aud reformatiou. This la eicr>'- 1vicre rerogmilaed. but mt has beau dillicuit te provide for tien vonk of suci a char- scIer An wouid net Impose m pulsiment ouoi the inv-ahidIng cltitnembty resion et rlite unnalurai conitloio!Ofcompetlion twhlci ronviet laimar createa. Formerl>' ontur U lemedtChair labor te rmanufacturens, but lauleu il tabandonna that polIr>. Duriemg lieeoserttini Of tChat poiler. attempti vre sma e1teintribute l be e vii eerta of lhé emflhlojieilt of cou- 1 vlrt laho ar an vi de a range 0ftinau- 1tries an PossWe. Usez pamu %rose de- 1vict . t Wttw odnfoleU 0 le- sduatry, tu anotiar, caunbgmg otiau@L au- Dtest »nuit isatisfacbou amentVarioni s lnasses eoftmor cilnans. But 1 llnk Silam baroud d lapmte liat lia ampmayument ot 1 aniviet lnier, viere triait, la coanclln v ille public road vOmi, hacanard caut. j omproimmt hinlatis country' sMW la sa- rolilim l tacat la mini, i1sggesI an laqimlr>'lutthelima aiilt>' ut tmrnuihu 1enu'umYOet for outr envIda Il connectiez 1 ig ite suavement for tend ronde. lImier lie 1mw eamted W' the lest Geaeraj >," =ei>, camaiicI, re crmtted btha e e- tuoai atle «0a=frtrinmg or cinsima aleut ad eher teai matartal nt ChanIer. 10 ha givan f reeAtaICle peuiteutinrg l 1sucob ceutlaes miOurappl>' for lie ame. =predu Ciaptu public rond lali te ouaI>' n ilaaamneiban lien Iten or Iis r oticion b>' unr coniie ou Ocrnut ut 1 lue expeuse iurolved ln raiirosd tromapur.1 t ntion. 1 auggnl t tereforea, u inir> Sut b lisadvluability et lie âUtletaa uble ymaterini frac et ap ilmurta te10 hadnlgunatcd Dy lie local tautiorie. A etate Commlsalam wouid 0 e aile to0 pegotlite viti lie raoloi -tirougmout lia Ulate, te grotter adrauag tiena a emimmat> or coad district. Wimerezl -planibas ber» lried lime raliroada have canveyed mari materlal ractclt' aIetcent becine et tie direct adrantagfe te hem cf gond roade in equalwug tric ethrouim- oul lie yenr. r 1uquhr> nixe coutl -be mnade W' jeor cote- jttiles as te lia feanlbtUty ofraratdmilg atonme or ballastte lie raia>'s ln ecaet for îansPurtlîcflOf rond malerlal t.elie t ouette% or dlatricln. laformatlot bas beau furnmahed ne b>' exprus nli te natter orf- rond humuisu anrtlie eut liereof. 1 ie Cho eel limaI antable lon=atelcold habalAuIfieta rima utles In *1000pet mule la hie ceuat>' souid the maleriai W dalvwra tri 'thea Utle. FomiovID h1h.pliet luiabonda lu Pa 'altkteraotupffad orer a4seles of trou saveli1thouesmOU t suinasbeau adoptai eluwevca ltmie r- den upun roai feInte vlthI n itahis tuai diutricts,,tesale for auci purpuse,vomld. ha. rer>' Ugit. lmier surima astet. tlicIrosnt0ticth Stuto vquid net b veut. lihe convrt lea acharge open lie ltgate. lne nuit ha înpported vimetimer he worka or la Id)@. The aiditional cent te lie lilate fer mA- cliaf.trausortatin. etc.. vouli ha on- eall> mil. 1 tiereforo mugacal liat reconaider vbetier or net Ilvotld ha adrîsable for tlima tee 10unkderlke te utlillieh ar of ronvlls lu tlema mnir batllned. 0lu the a"eut Ciat jan determine lma s sniban application of convIct labor la net 1fenasble. I urge yoa. tirougi Our cent- «mitteeg. te galier information and devine tmne plan ovbici vilm meet vIi limathé provnl ot onr peuple and enahie our lit l 10 mate a beglunlug lu 1h1 gret work. P'actory inpeattual. llinois la lie grcutest maulifturlug AIRatInutie tnion. Our adv.uncement te Ibis position bie been noctrntmli at out Abuse& bava growna ap us Incideun.ts eun rapid developmeul. For thelr correction former Leglslatnre.iuve cnatdla"a tes- ulUtins tlime ooumlllle t vor a l «ur mines, our factorles, Our vemtaimops sVA >'urriidrep. A anlrLgisiature cuaetedi vOmila himoveAnslime "Cilid Ltber 141W,'urý altetoi Mar' ha calmi dta aon ln ta tehte enfomcemanl et tan Ia. buavoel tla haeial AtollmaI*ti. eutim imagrowti o! r iuctrn he mobilegsasnibconditinleut* an val nA t iallUr>. Unien our, prisant law. lire - 0.-ploye la soeur>'l*Uatcas Basanas tlma aim, Il ir gaYruimuoccupaion. It la net ,aàak 9tIilentf Reicond0idtouste ManI#tt thie ampmoy e nd iont vot nusba- La mluflug tioasume sari rfuaWl 1a Seesasllof estenceu. la ural4pis .voirwiti cilei'iila. he, Mu viiia grat .màn>'0 aretiais tuei- 0ils ansd him fanl ti> "rqattiaes oOmpesano li atîs.Tb* Utaetimr-ý hasads l mat occpalomis.I ssatla n1timlas di inn mal deen 1 visa ta, tsaa .- ihlart- ecaIt. ha antuesai ee i - lois ilhhouta t l bitiiii tl ataere;atJlng le uim anOamuioee, I oei lu.ahis lecenstir 0 rec'"d. or TiIal ~ t~mrmmlpon. ,lm-h. upos hait lceie ppeos tuai~lq ~ga te cre to tief n- tia haPr u ta 1mwCo oto d ti al ~~~tof~~~ fsk i amy-hoal plY. 0 eat paaI ta amdlat fr l t~~~~~~ ~~restepla lavoeterii a d Ciily eic lnttaét orIé ait n*oentg t candvii idaute fe AU aren AiL* tbevlaoerthe li ara Chm u71 aMomvau i'om I> tl Ta. lait .its Vi femysbmi aen tam go 1mngilaaCm enowe 0 t l at1 wtdepr*0 l1nact aOur lieuplle u oMaliaycone laCitytaIlag lanU IL Ce Wop u a dinte plan.ebpeolt mef fio ruai W*c foiinv flruammyoutatmiatett itrua mn In- wmm gi .l a $ wtfo oweauto n eard lonitog lia owr té, trlad lacenu the Dtemn. s. ilîsatomaon l ma Oresor t44 sians i nth rit aton. Tla o haprti la tha agaml lie miatur. .po70ut1 e ouniqnuiue a.butdOn t tahetronom Oiifflor pinionpull u fusttre g1, att limaios otpre -! bav omd a eouigàd ab>'ampl te prture- tin ftprp. » du uenO futrecommrKtAsi l ya la arlatha an. lhon lta b mva thar apistoeri uplti er lu Pwe 'y pe rbfora ton t'oraIl» t dieu 0f liceacob>'ea tie ren'of =tat, t le etaint tico til hhma e. ît parpafer Unhfitai onokpn. 1 ballerail tévui ata avb tu- t acte ITp g 'oea , actions orgflzetun m nppimIraetio l jrf ttit p apitealasteck -PRIA t e ltcmnu' *liaIoa rcnesappropria io enae., eteedtâ h Starouliai. «ap i ad ca lieat* ln cgu eUmmmicibcaili ne non tel la eie n t U .t aa. trfu ia Ilatnsuli ai e rcgardlng ami ce au dolarots W b é a uniproue a ollarof serrvi. Aa hSi bac uroea moe dîar-. 1comama B ita wl esale pppia Icoymoqel= ~lU1am able the 1matn the burwden 4' &*te.doiarl its-u> . d e'W à omllar tie tavie Ao . .evle am o rd- ice asud t# routiitl laerfomnmatro comtez.iiim e té -e upoca n e more andiM@tAi lji Tak. Clam rf 70i hte, 7JMw tut.,a thât asye Olt bc d ttocllfueunltea c Ami. Mryanci. lu Leoable'ustament- iyos M-galne th faIg yen iiifa vleran trlae sa la pot d a &W the peubavobauva les ate, en a. etede in at or con- fear; atisbe energy eaved tir tanYlnh ty esin&M ii brla u ara piOwe a laaîgr, ckicv, baforo- anti, at volave Btim le.dpo HAna* 11.tplie rey tlg TI o.haoure ukllidot i lha s are A» muany ple tr iftea draftMtifta l agaIre btcoe f uaice teIlhoirfen- tractai.gymen bir avea. DraBtta araud Im te untecis on wblcbtumte ui> fl-e bamet-h of petln -f Steth louthe et acde ndkeonn a Bcon- utaut tadth e unerffssstytrr.Sbe b. ling tso'nbint anaéInat he "MO ap anud tte ntInetitnmfor likete tipen, buint A prerent cu vatin quie at r ofsnitiit cif an90niergemi la Mfaty bAedople a darteOfpreaet teairtromptla>' aot calmir fou-i boUcte. 'senste rerlg ani 11ererrn tegnta, as ecistnîî ail ciabet ,andi bthe jscarrynghIbe lmmrdn et ter, Iwa thr snatiîboget adirli8te béOnuPtePe et te c aatcaa lie aral of thn e moen lnIng a-u ble ýt tan weriî.t oh-Ietdt Ra- happ, t it ime iinfel ou ai>' t qttet adGreat nBritlit an e rane Dye ur190dRuaisent on bre rPaoot taortromU,000 and, wl japanfor tbe vleg e br mand ezpeau e oetyant *I1o0Oue00. t'oîs bqlieil lsaingAfod orl heutnan emplen t eerImaOe bgitilag atrug ltta. bregnîn et fr tueatior less onl lit tinet lIai. thlgaxieg pt ,f"tie fleve e tho alne- ,rienoii clpe waid. ie ne net a US. Mae t tatiteeprasasil l br mîgte Dursiasentoondrussa alet on be li-f Oval e 1h. farRas wi thjaponforw-te- vbl e r cnfVessIOndtedte u, bout $btals o liere l u aenlesimlaie, etlnanial kewlOdga. Il wa l libis cimelan lunh a jali tun h lis nefli whmuIde open "Te liaitoteslcad klagaumlue P ueotewih wilî dipea villae bê"lseanîtheauxo Ruais senta poueaitus-lbaitUnt te.-f -Istte th for ast ui teeispôutkt.M& ver ou Mtrd boxé.la bu fuecerto a lia eat a" aW lU 111 W'popelar aiihealpioà. Tbaodora Iloiita, vii vu o a expert vIolleat, van bberaItua sanover. Gennadtl, oct. 11, 1O5 -la JUlUha patnta oe thlm ta dthelVoit- ad Stai. settllng là New YWWk City. Even aet athà>' agaitlie boho>' igré- steti ai uprasiloil asa a ollalet À ocr thregh tii. hoatw i viami -Ur. Tbçiàu sralurned te P<aw Tot, a THEODORE TroNIiI ha becaume eue o! Ohei rat violnas la con- cert and operatie performances <juting the engagements in AmerAca ut Jeun>' Lînti, Sentag, Grisi anal otier great opera The real be.-înning In Mr. Thomas', muirai career wais Ilrongi a serlca el chamber concerta aI New York daing the years iiterening betweau 18556and 1872. Simce 1861. v4en ho founuet i is Oral orchestra in New Yok, Tieetore Thon- ns.bis been n commamiing figure u tbb, muical voriti. la New York. lu CAu- cinnuti ant in Cimcago ha bas cendurtati great erchestraanti cultivalti pubUie tante. Me bas carrieti oti munie te av- en>' large rit>' n lie country'. He brougit lIme Wagnram sulelats te America n 118U anti inipireal Arercana wltb anunu- tierstanuling ot le mnaice!fthe future." Hie dacali.just as the gremt munie hall for wvicluho bi striven in Chicago vas completeti, shows Oie uncartaint>' o! bu- Min lite. is Dame yl eccupî a ilgi niceoin tb tiemnple of American art. - TrHOUSAIOSe AT Wl-iTE 1-01>E. New Toar'a Naception hi- Preaidaut a" m IR Rueet. It toek Preaitient Rouaiveit three boutm andt lenty-slx miutes Monda>' te grcet .718 porsons sî Oie New Tenta White Hunanrecepllon«%. Presldeut antid . eoaei precai- ed i hie Preaient'aaida sumi tolii 'y he li MaMiers eit dmesblue tê ii vives, vent bnmedilatelyte tliaitPlaces la tha bieneroem avue ti et aI1I a. ni. Aimnt hature lia>'hhai tali tiair places Oie diploumatie corps, beai- ami by bbe demi, Ceent Cassîni, th e- alan ambaaiansd Coumlesi onsiani w er. nditted. A large nonherar oSup> mati veto presonteti fer the Orst tic>*. harlag been appoîntet iasinonlat Nev Year'a reception, ant I al ef lb. sevin anibamsaetori van pceemted excePt Baron Opeck von Stenbmirg, lie Germn amimasmitor, vime bas Sone lu riait hii fister Ain xn>: Mliss Itooeveit ihapousal,-b. losptal Ites et the bina rouai "hablindltaeUns,4 greetini anti entertammlug lb. gilsatf vie the tilomate v elng caceiVai, tormbâ t Ato a donep forsteiecorps as they re-enteret lime bic, rotonb> an- otier door a51er bavlng beau prueutat Oie Preaicunt anti Mm. Rooasevelt., Wltb Mise Roosevelt wvan ber Ive éier broliers. Theodore Rocaeelt, J., anda Kerml Roosevelt, vite, vith thle tour Grolon 1tutients vimo ore Iheir gunstu. vere presentoti te ail lime foceigu- ers. Marquis lb.1aai s beI hltina Taie Dr. ltad Uv eretHale laune of the Trash lecturers aetYaie Ibis jour. 1 tuart Cultm bas sent a cenloati ut Iu. diau rallis trumu Zuni, N. M., te thé Brooklynistituts.. Alfred Bets offer te founti a Prote*. sorahip <of Colonial bistor>' at Oxerd ha been acceptiAl. Bou i Keulevska. a Polai counuo la a stutient et lie Iowa Orale Collage and le a huga acourne umgaousy. Tia son etf13ev. Abamoalofet lalisa eue efthle mont Important iStates et MOX- leu, bas entoroti Harvard an, a Studut. The ieatm et Dr. Thoemas M. Drovu, praiteut of Lebigi University, remerai une efthOe ablest oducalera th. Mddila States haro proimuceui - Dr. Aibracil Penck, prtm»rO. i>'b- alcai geograpby aI Oie Univerat>' etf Viennea stvoctea the conuinof eta uultrs map of lia globe. Tba Imperil Acatien>' efScieucai et Vienne bas voteti *4,000te Prot. huiies W,elaner, vho viii aImai>'tlhe IUhIt rla- daons etflb.e§or& li YellovstoeaPark. Alfred Bell, lia Seuth AtAcn Or.- out, promaises au &Mount o emnoer lm oducalloimal purPeMai hhIt thlrantaus taý rival lic sumo giveu ivmj y hîAimire, Carnegie. l'he liey. AlionemW. Knlgbt.thelia ue- il choeen b"eop ot Cuba, te veil lItai tor thîs Important PoHont van «berM lu Fiha lu 18W1. sud la a grainata of tii University'et tha Seth, at Bava- ueo, Tonne The 1v9imoundretitianAvorsary ofuthei denthietfobu Locke .vii b. couiSmm- ratai next Tueeda>' b>' théideparlnat uf pbufl~phy andi psycbelugy of Jouea Hopkins ulvecall>'.. Miss Anale Mitteutaedt. daugiter et a Pr«uan efcetrhal rcl a i OpInion la Ormaa>'."'- Dr. WUani*,, R4uadimtoi van Isou- guèig 4éoIî Ua.I--gp 110-"- 1> -.olden, Text-?hou art the Up -00; ~Tou aa heKin~ t lIt yoia wt pétura lu yourslt1 mmen. what voe ll w*brlin nm. gi up à Irest dwote tuul in. juttal about " ad dté-doHila ii ed a deal 0f hàllÏr fer rlgiiteoMMeii Sarh mm iro'hu h.left the vork they ver, dépenldnt *pou le traIl la omler te beonuwdslsofa 0 j Jus Johu àt ,,.àÉ aew tin*a Élutj tuay peffeivad thaï 106invA thé, guPet o01th* tiMas, lte OUeaMMia» Whele Country irbo won givig th P4 tb. sPtuit food tb.ë uemhd. Tii. iaved o tihetbalblî la luiS uiad il wek 'di tthèrj' .e à nuxious ta 11e ephlm io an ad liariS aIl tii# n«o ha"vagsdarstid, qtua ýith lthË laan gehol for hou""ea he mm 0 lioahlp vth a a ul? hlyman, ami teit tiie eed et aaah sObOlll. whem the break Ctw andmiithal thefr lime teacbertu fohlow $«M' ha lr mpovaul thaômsles "a lxuth.mfteka, rady te éiacshft m lu erder te jud out a Il thceai Gods a Wittand te ulin luelb . possible. And Jit wan bomasaet1 e2nmetncsa that they la due lIna il Jeansand tint Nome of the oni' Ored by 1Himu vil Hia spatal Sm Ship. We May., perhape. falnly Mi that aUitiheapoatlea, vith lime 110 exception of Mattbew, bat! beeni pin of John. Verses Wi, 40.-One 'of lth e disc pies te wiom John oelteu n Cbrist vas Andrv aOata- oteawovisprobebilob0itiia autha lIis (lmpai and 8a ia siermuan. Veros36.-Jem u an*lklug i). pr - bon ail som in.sltaica. loba axlb *mý "Beimlt' or Sac! Tho ie'%ha *14b* et- l3odr" He. dmu saiau.mmW b befor pethapç several timon. and, lia the o! Johnna merel>'a ioteletaiWo &* die this otimar Mon slgath flet09«t One. hati hadti Ame te 0làk Wa.AilI t» va>'l in i John poitaiaMtChrist meant le Ibese tilclpai bstUt PMiiâ« John vas 10 ha hemaetorlt lith 1Ma leader. Vecse i.-At ral ie>' MY'hava loici Min KtaI ndisia i vd, tiR god deal et queetilMlgami trshileU Viy enmai hava vmietaulMOpI,' viol their nov MKaster vouiila lbe am wbmt He wvuitirequ" of 90, L WOaII He Amdeoi recclve the& Ai ai Versae M-FilIy lame baW te ur round anti apeai to tim00te CWý* liern to express Iliir dseues.a MWW]L- seek ye" gave them au agaituUilvt» amT on vint errani ta.>' baiau. a lie>' mme te have beaunhardi>' gU4dyUlé te tieclata theuiselvai 11«fi. li. Viieratora lAe>' akd bet in eO But tint ma>' bave boaS tautzuSUilbl thair mnutite ma ins >«'0 w al"ti invlttieu le liva vîti la- At *1" avents lima>'matie At ieat 1151 *4? venu lac0se.numore .5 gLincanldiii s. tien. The>' camas 8a dqsirm anasM loves te nlaf y honnai.tfflusg. Versa 8.-Jean, extnsii*4 ula*I invtation. Th e wft. i vian e lUV", amnd 0 coutrs, thint lia>howd "Y stigra -t Him for a tins, a eet. -i Versa 4.-Itle i. avitia ii hIe. bai aise bona theffe -toua *dk pie et loba, *se iio bu.Ïili aut av flO su tam ava>' fres ils bi a na saana net tW hav* beau rot êv evér, vi e", oA ipowhtai 0«m and -Anrev and$t oaI ediat Ii foleainl.- B«, lue, bat0 " been prepafai W' -Joh*MW lli*u« f» Uisteml hopfltU>' ta thie aiud* luit leMsah la aIla4 eo. QblmaotliaI Chistl*10 42 a disciple. Th 1e marne Masan, the nanamer s vii the lgaze e i aiet or, pglatAmie.Il vonaa mq~ Relir.v Tha nav ua-m vasu tio te Petr te lulcate vint ,,«w *gl moie oft hlm. Haé a aWu" i s min, et tireiblée cimaractal nei t maty unseaia and tendttaosahao " Osai îo become for tie vork tliI197> uer. 'Verse 43-PhiUp a&nW hautaistd come ail te wval tromuBelis-aath bl Jobn'$ -teing. Th-seonie iiiPw1 thenurseia la va>' of g"« igloe4 »di tiller llt Varie4&-Bethaaianie * or!t& t h o I bond ftheS W- lse SVerse if-Vetal huer*a Ila. Chain! PilIApfinaIlionsi.go disiples ha olonfor .OCritýtopdaw. oaci Cila tan ha hý rins 3ual moredisciple lii Christ lb* vhoua vonitiho Cbristian heture ni>gou lieus baigoune b>.- Verse 44L13Mre va nemauQM*hin lte ima mdcsto tint biladenarim conllite10chrit.Thor' vae i timt coni ail dispoai. ..i la a ver>' simple val, aniip W an- naïof tesae Chist aI anti ng Him 1>' vhat ou. sawandamiisar, Versai47, 4&-lt 6001100dver' - tu NitAiahOl Oint loins riteha nmaI hlm befote shemli kivbu lAs 1er; 1me muci straoser t mut,' ip.h anecitue ilntu14»iaali laI lme mgexacll' vt ha hati beaudelag ehblUp caliai bia. Tint atlled tia quë. & tien of!thb. Melahiip of Jesesin lb Veraes 49-1.-Te peuple wbomoa rosi>' tu percevo spiritual ta"*a ver>' alilht hAt mal h. agi. ;To ith wlif -are miel mimd>' aveu lb. rlaAaer ft deii manlA e ioat utt aIf>'ing. The disciples van 10orepihe priai aop. prouft t l Jana van thé ChrIst. MNe" of l" iprou o Omilho saffelstte non, 'inéao liane be Doua vhiDig tou coivlaédbut -tor aU i hoe via 4s*k te kmev b>'experlaucea tnt lamo U cooli OU Ufe'î u8iuthoan vas ratu roni question. Wle-1 mn geins te gAV.;5 4easOW04 teane aevenAng Dext vaat. Huqbant-PFela" Aeuou>, I he - Ilubant-Tinu vil mnet b a s. sitaut anti Mark M iea ltO 4:7l- 219 CaUla-Do Yo« tbk Ib to ho a 'bApr4-,*-teu?