Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 3 Feb 1905, p. 1

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y. February 3. 1906.-8 reDICINES HT .90 nives1 aBOUOHTe Il l o o ily oDm or twÔ grois s a.ldn.tiialp ai eàote on the. 8am mies <9 1maimuM'ai ' eprmmadrvu of promolars vho aueburilng tht large bn ut ot f Llbee'lrile, but iaoerdn hlka, Toais Mmd-- tu e, c ii. Flggswr, IrS & twfla &euN7they li. of lad meureti oxer viat peabul u»eisdemani end vhbii ýT R E founta luo ver ha> the. acrage »&de T ooR trol, Ie lu anticipation o W tr dau&Otie eoreauangproducta 01.the bigaledoomyamyvfflbeamm 1 andi fact meoti*tla,,- vitit sevrera mci Ocnoruaha.rle d wipraetlcaly a 'ieclaon lu remove lu the .owe industrWalconer e, iIndue. Just roelved, 30 doz. Rtn'aan! Boys'- Shirts, Výk& NougIIee. Price 76 ivid 0 1.00. n'. Shoes is on the '..uraiaw b nStock o lni &bout two.weeks. NewfltSuspendersan4t mecicties. UA few Overcoats wiliIb. sold it a discount. Lce k wPlus AND PS@flTS ,00 Write or Poa w. vill-t.!! you a whole lot of ways in which We )e h.lpful b you alouq the Une of our business. 4 t4 10a2110 84p. 4,te ii ot1 oday o"o* a M. t O . M04.iIl et*as r OUR" MMpppi.Pr. a. A. ndIcHo 5>,m. boin 1tu 8mgo6te- PAULTAC OFFIC A AbT!v Uis LI BERTYVI LLE JOHN L. TAYLOR, Preoldent BENJAXIN. H. MILLER;- Vice-Prealdent 0. W. TAYLOR, Cashier. Does a general baulking Deposits.aoliclted and cour- teoue lrettment given to ail. ht ,WI pay you to bank at tbl'Pt Nitiona. Iuitm »tXQA R JimLURAa,] mentsam-,oleaiWb"ch viiappeal tu home wdhag t t oae ubera Preedeut Plagir haasid tbid,in luget. tng go much ladin e offer ile. to con. cerne ualng products of his company. Juil vhb lii. partâeular eticm optioned va. .ought ratier lta. one acoenible biy vater au wvel asn rail in .zplahedln anotiier of Président lagiWe'. tatementoa, vheti h. iid: Tii. rate -of frIglal per ton groin our mine. in Michira b Wacbegan by boat in 82.15. By rail froua the. minMel Roudout tii. rate in juat halltitat ainount over the. C. IL & Ot. P. road and t aite..but teu houri froin time of loadmig until dliv.ry at out varehoum ina"d. The. eavlug bath in mouey anai tinte lmehua conliderable. Tiie coipuanrpropousato begiu buldl- ing opration. ut as moon nasrommln ont ù the b.grouad, andit le .estinat.d nemly a peur viiib. requfledfor tii. frtblslfhuaewhlchi àto be of 500 lune copacty par dia'-vil ho hi opemllo. Tb@i. mm*. ote W f t hcumiiIOn Per dur but ftleemoosi l viii ot b. unt> eaely la 1908 tih tii. fO il coty vil b. reociied. Prued.t >10<er mi a rtP-I am expected i Lâbetyvlle tii.latter part 0f "al veek.'Tbav coffl tloo10k 0,0 the aité vlth thefr englue.. am a"Mebits andi arrange prellminaim fW lir. plagier hbas. oenahrted faevpgL -<etmille -6f tht bi- cteitht on tu b. bulit ber. 'He amd bulider 01 tht Nationul Tube Worbmý, 0W tihelargest mmm faturerof loua> gotide lu the orld and leadiug faclur ln1 tii. tube traift. ReaiabullI aui managedti li. Ojamore TubeMille, Catasauqua Tub. mille,,2lyler Tube mille, United i Stt Tube Worba andi othm. lu tact 1fr. Flaê.or fa alto lm"h ebon$t andi conducted pug suSmUy about one. third of ail planta ln tii. United statue. DATES Directora Ileet unei Deelie te Reid Pair iSept. &St. 8. 1>1 THB ClIRCUIT.- At a meeting at tfrctari of tht Lobe Cotant! Agricuiburai Solt! beltiMli veeb. date. for tht Fair cf 1905 vers seleetd. Reallalng tht Jocefty of belng ithe. clicut th. oflicere electodti thtdata. mentlonoti obove se ttebot taaccoua- pliahi lappme. Tbin l oeetial a. moranbou erehorine eaualita>'. l seur.i If tie date, arm a n luallov 07oviners mndlng heir bore..diret froua on. Falr he amtier. No action vas taien aI Ibismeeting reltive la ocquirfng atiditianal tend or provldlng for lb. extWWave luaprovemouta af grounde ond buildinga vili inaboe oêted *Ouly a1eow oices wves'pfe setntmd lbvas deete btta Pot- pone go impotant action .uatll anohber tinte. Proitabl>' et lb. Doit meeting aoni.hing definîle viii transpire ilong titis une.. .Bertary lIoveeý takea up lie de- t" leconueceti--vI ieilaOffiMvilla et- timaaina.m uci éde""isoù the smore- ter>, aid Mr. NMr e bt Ig neph the rigb Iaplc. -A ibe ,proîlot 0 lte pudin la li "e4ie Dot inm a* 1b. ew. i. a a t yl mi emali npeme 18W OFPICBRS RBCTBD. MAe la woo liais ek. couvenlag at Graalwm T "eaymd continuulg lier. mmI IýWuds.Daynght, wvIiontb 1 .som" vert heM-laWaukegan twoi duaTitraisa "d Priday. Tier. va. a Tory fair attendance ah lie opeulbg «Mion at, GraylaIu Owing te orn. avoldaliedelayaiî va inapoisaf bis lubogi h. prograinutil m Il"w 1, thon Idvertie.d. Prmideni Warren Hofln m Md Itty. Obumul made abort mUdrem.. in openlng ti iatitale. Arn A. J. 'Glover a nui pret hie Place on 'te programik wat lto" bY Ms.W. L FrIsble, 0f ocbfor, Who *Pobs i &verY enlîgittenoti ad imprs.aalvemanna.. Upon sscoVemig ini the alternoon a -muaisamlatdon by Mfr. Brocbupp and vif. vmnjYed, mlter whtch vn bahd the -buaiea meeting aud elotitin ol offies, &a i0fWhornwere citoue bi cam atio. Thii .- Warren HoDlan, Waiakegan, Preetiut. O.0. W. Dadgle, Miliburu, Secretary. O. BWila~o'e.Ouruçe, Treamurer. Drreioi-Eeueh oore, Urayalake; Deviti WhWa,, Br., Miliburu; Bd Biemachari, Waukegmn. Deligato. totlConientou-Wamre 8olland,'ýeorge-Iffige, liaviti Wbiteý. 0. J. Keru, 0f Bocitiord, th-*a spoie ou 'Wotk of a Bois. Experîiment -Club.", Be i an atortaming speaker abd theii indiencenjoti lii. haAlL.' Two .'eoiutiont vere preeuted , for adoption by lii. institue. ant iere wag firit oeerecordeti tht esel@ono approval of - lie "Emectioan md equipning of a Doanesielu cience building as the tate Normal IhooL" 1h vas lte second one wili hiniti mont duscuselon. 1h va. i eilect that lie Laite Count>' Farinere' 4atute expege.i hmopposition ta buiu#. arwd roada at *taue expena.. »"ahtebotthe t oe &Ptugave lber by'eaiorig thie reeolution. $8h. eemoti ta bave van the approbation of 40r saien.. an lie resolullon vas paamedt 1110.IbodlspýmsofitosvWhofelt lb Wa *a..e rrtusenti mcii oat'eelution ta, Bprinqeldl n comiug traunthie frinera et -Laite caunt>'. Thty feel thiat had, hie en >uare tinte for debate.e tuanit voulti-have 1laten tuent. Lake O*latTfiarmers- are 115h ith.îr dsis for gooti ruade. (lov. Deneon me ltat If ta. bill nov beora the legialaturé itoconeea law liard roadi con b. built for 01,00 per nmle, of setone crub ata the. peniteutiary, or 660 lest ha if pdooaers are net utiliai lu. tht vank. If the. itate builds the roodi reeldeuta of the cille. yul hbave tlu h eur tht elpeume. It in bard ta undentand vhy farmerr iltould deaire tu go un recordj i4gainat ucit a îeasnnt. Havever, tht resolutlon vas adopted '. Prise, ver, then avartin l the breatic anlg coute'tt. Ruh, More, Grays-1 laite. ageti 12 rece-iveti, ocoringt 99 pointe out 100; escafit prise ta Auna1 Sansn, rayalake, ags 13, 96 poits; liuid t10 Helen Clark, Lfb.rbyuie, 461 pointa antiDora Thurivelilfourt i prise, 431 pointa. Tueida>' evening tht Grayalake archee.. Ira reuderetiselectionsand aftttiis preluâé 0,.J. Kevu talkei on "Consolida- lion of thte Country fichool." Sup't. (iagglu, of Waukegan toliovet vit aa taIt along educational linos anti Ms. W. L. Friable spoke on "Home Work Matie Attractive andi Easy."' Wodue.duty marulng Rup't. Gaffi agalu atidreme.d tintes gatiesti, hi. .lhtme "Plant Life."1 C. C. Hopktins of the UniverilI>'oaiIllinois. apoke for a tinte ou "8011 FVertilit>' anti Meotis ni Increaging Crôp Ylelds." 1 Tht afternoon session vas openeiby Mise Mono Qnayle, Wvi adat n ieyj au "'Home Making" a" i carndltoff the orâlurlcal prise. Tht cern test va. van b>' George White, ni Autocla. Thtn Prof. Hopkinefgoin 1spobe, hieii.hlg a contiW.' natioan of a former attirenis. He opeclîL>i .anpbamied lte necesity oi better rAre cofi the. eall. 1j- Ai the 1NDEPENDENCv go.. ta pres aseseicuaare lu pragresilu'Waukeffl ah tas- eourt bouse.. A full acounl of the. meetingsat ah ti e Uunmatl yul b. puiillebeti noxt veek. - We regrehthat Iack of aom .pacefor- bide our reproducixlg the varione oures.. at graYolake. Tii.>' voulti be hapwt a u aai arme».. Agrkwuturalise Who unifenlit teaattend n many oflte meetIng. 0f lietitute ei possible are makng a mietake. KWaxt" db ~Cel.OE NorthYPrem. >1gw'R«,wth e iecto" prte suaVETOns AT WORMx. eom<ioyrelie. liaI gret titinga arela pron s w it Ibo . tpealng np 0f &. «z. tensive fgeluvjdirct .8.1 or Lih.rtjr- Ville, end Ppom teolab. lnuaponltion fbresplit a sine 0f beneftin the. way ofrelgàt bualu. Prlday arfieçof incorporation wer. Ble iiti Cireoit Clerk Brockway for the. Ohicago and ti te-Lin Rallway Con,- penl3';Thi e radeflue tdmnortierul limita of th. roati ab a polat ou tii. Fred Caiterson tari latii. nort- tmnsa part of Newport lowuehlp,,or at lii. "lte lin, Several af the. mm.a onoevud lu the. deal -are ofies of tieu Norli.j vaterm railroatid Mtwiy maie Mo at.mpt ta oeal the lad tilat lie Cimgo mmd 8tate Lin.viii connt vîti tihe Narthveateru aite Bilf, or ratier West cf there on thet MinePla" wv he i ct-off enda.. A, ag of engimst e st wr s, Ve>'lng for the. right-of.wa1, havlng * etanlabd .eatiquartera ou. tih.Wilson J ÊtrEnhI.NevPort townsbip. ,There ase thirteen i tIi Party, vhich in even 110v buillyungageti. Plaine have nlreody beeu madie ta cou- neet the. extension by meana 0fl& sPur B, iti thte new factory diitrict to b. openeti up fuit eut't fLibertyville. The main lino vHiirua almout trafght uotth tram Lobe Bluff lu the. Wisconsiu etate ln and ftmhlir. eventuall>' b. con. tinued ou ta MU yankee. Tii.,. in no doubt but tiie acivlty of promnoter. r.preutingiduatrW linter- oit., anti via have meurodetiti.là"~ tract cd avallable fachay ites, belve LIbertYvilI. mmd Rondout hurrled Iii. pupartions oftifh. ortiave te l miteüd Iheir Lake. Bluff cet.431 sort WwprMd ud teeame its oeom lu Î ardy ou thea grmai8 )riiitu lait eweveqadiauloge sn developmnta lu the bbig demi materwal.. Stringent lava eiaectlng raliroatie ae- ennuit for Icorporation of a @emarais Company ta puraiteConstruction opera- tion. and vien complel tetra ove, the rai ta the Northwe.tern, ese asthie ,case wien the. Lake Bluff spair va. bunl lat >ear. eârs aco anIcorporation are James M. Whitman, W. A. Gartier, H. PL. MecCuough, Mr. Kirbinan, J. B. Red. field. Whitman le ahovu tn b.'preaideut, Gardner vlce-preeldeut, Retiield secs tory ant i kman traiprer. Mialale,. bt. After Speaker Tii.lier. N. J. Barbu..and thte ie,. V. B. Phillipia, Pature of the. Metbodiut mmd Baptiet cehurcbea, of Marengo, made E. 1). Shurtief, speaker af lhe house.of repreestatîve. anti a rsldent of tbat City', the subsct of a vigoroni at.lack Bunday morming ou accaunt af hie Counectiona viltii.heprooscution, of the violatori alliee lîquor lava af the dCtty, nsie letahietibr'the defendautsatmter. be h iron hmulalProm"a.of refualng ta oct. ,Marengo un -been a "no liceuse" taitn for the lagt, altbough four saloonne vere ranaang. Wheu tii. salnukeeper. were intilcted bv 'the grand jury in October telr attorueys ver., C. P. Borne. anti V.' . Lflmley of Woditock, but vhtu the Case. came up lu Decemb.r they voe ,continueti. s e filtavit. v.,. prementeti atinlg hhat Shhrtlefl as their attarney. ThteBY. Mr. Harkuesa referredtotahlm n the speaker of tii. laver boune. anti said: "Ye, the speaker of the. laver bouse anti of ailthelowerelemeuhof.Marengo."1 Tht lier. Mr. Philip. referredti hahlm as an 5nt7 cof gondti lhunifp. Tii. follovlng prateat, sIgnai bhl mmon> f tie busines-men va.circultetl "As citisena anti voea v.denouncei lb. methois uset Inludelojrlngthie trial oam Ine u ur tourta. Wheuna ansber ao ur légilatue viniallow hie nom. b h. entered an an attorney la tasse. peutiing, thereby a.curlng a olotinumnc of the. casea, difetln ustmice ant li iefu the. vay open for the couinuet anti flagranit violation ai lav, v0 thintitl hlgh tf me boulner caur praotet* ,' . Tii. cil>' la muci stirreti up over tho moatter,. not lu a polîticai va>', but thal apen violatas af-tt elav are deoendt lu tii.manner. Grave Tremble Poroeen. Il na but 11111e fgoC lhut. tll hhit Whou your oamaeh Mllvrare hÏdt' afeclti- grava trouble lesbleatl, ulesa y«o lj te pro'e m@dWluefar your ifaegmu ai. ohnA. Yo8ug, of Ç-1817 of lbe IlPm a i aoumoli, nUVhtortva waot wo*o appeau ' ti gesse Whe~ousec t UNIV STOIV Cali Îand exami[ne, my il STOVESO RANGES ACCESSOIE tMYF LI BERTY VI LLE Crumiet i Oytar ShtII ui do I su. peunds . 78c. ler Brew",g~ LAWYEE 218 Wuahlnto4filre Waukq»au 'Phom e9761 Highoet, marketprce paid for ail kinds of RAW FURS Chas Stempel ILong Grove. fil. Me. tOeteM". i Taik Us Cheap expeuse lu yen aui of propor. tiou ta benfitanionulc. Buisa urate., 6ec per day a.d np Be.lencoe SOcpe do>'miup. s. FrIda~ TE #tu Md C 1 t":".t - undav .This m le a monI ai lte (lo Prkm c. Thuri cominfi ~rÏlîu Fýwý 0 7ft .1-7

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