Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 3 Feb 1905, p. 5

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. Il'1. er the, them .;RepirlntWatches.@. Rer. recettes the Mr"tn attention it desrve. N materhow delicate or & poIIv aiovmmet you iMayhave, y0I1 cm leste It to b. rep~tred pr cleae4, tth D.amu utatthé work *111- b. dOUe lu th@ Ëmo klllfal manner possible. 20 VERS' XPI3RIENCE, Nov-We haudie th. popular McKinley 8heetý Mutc- ANDRE-W JI1USS Libertyville - - Illinois k>1 IM bosSbeo~ ForMen W~ieIMisse, Boym, Oilidren and Infants.- Our leadr la Patent L.aler -Ail Amer. compsitinm ... -.. ..... ... M.'. 111b Top Box 'Ca ifver for ..$3O ~ Woien' 'Ra&cle -o"S o albeaten,$25 We carry -a Une of Arctics for ail. y. eit BOOMs and Qerman 8oeko for Mon an sudBoys. U Ie lipp9U atad -Showe for theWornen. Legglngs for Mon sud Boys. S'lu fact, we have auythlng any o! the. famiiy could <ish for lu Shoeo. bOur Lhw of Un derwea r la not cevplete iu WooI aWi FieoeiUned 'à ino o! (let.' lavmq lfu vo have joubr O.10 .Lii*d Undervoar. non sîsîb.. e GIVE, US, A L. 'i..k osai a4~n~1 iM~1àe.~4vCompany aKt thp nit25 mte Mt8! *4 <2f.jào"ebl b ueaMonday nlgt lRe Mortimor ûusq, vWhou dea t£b* f en band. bourct ., lu "W ft 4 l aotb.u' plaie, fyours. dm S e u l Unionebtumrh next earde$0,00 heureuse l .helocalMenda abiL The Ladi"sHarmouy aid4er o(i oUwe. Compaay. Ap'.lea xgation. 'Twtlll -Jailin moe amyrestnaurant lacet- 1e a rre les4. Nov don't mises lî tawa ifdt te thelty. h spésnts Valter fsýtq, Who il".eou the jas. nao tký I'pg.raom, wbieb cbauld BH a1quss mot cfiowa, 1sd one of hin Mithàt* O.i o Itipurouffle ams.bram %IUd5!, esused by ai * Tuid MIs 1117 Bsbaccom- aoedasal*îiriwing a bo iMlulsdr amd x». PM dBalrtow, af ate0 o izly t tbelarm. Wakqsla, ou a trip 1 lrida. Aler ',we au'. in smsspt of a ligI of the books ,Istbug *1w. lb. paly baves for Cuba. »cstktin the uIbrVy at the new u'ed- 'hepS toCl1 b.u - i lb.h vuo the I b.g rs»aM *lUpublls h le saunegezî wusk h a*Borde a:good varlety of the as.14 LRbmailMin . Klebtb rnfgbkl fm ing lgmatter. la marutage Wdusds unoraing i tih.22 baob.seraiieocondiug tu loeptlon Iie.iiii',aeome.They vîli liv. ou Thardq yMWClg about sounries. This ' ~ ~ ~ ~ -le Mllep t, begvee1r. jlah ldent litIlbat tuun so far., iI HR ema mau. labusiness. *iulu andwil][1dqont.1-rat- J, W. Spiaguale e f lb. verY eau-heu '111e ue&d s 100vof!the new lyuasEPB- selliers of thee cau1y, dlod at bIs borne unt biUldWg, wblcb s ta buhocupied la Prairie Vlov Tuesdai 'movuulng. Mfr. by tb4 local o rderol uî,huut enow gpvw a n v.a 1Il"4eover92yeavsof age. complteed ,aad ven 11wpalotera have Be owned et ou. til. a greter portion ânlulcbMl.r vovk will lte rewly for of -lthe laud ou whicb lhe vilflg iof oupancy. Prairie Viw la nov located. A religloni reformàatiarn umbaiaken The. M. B. Colby MMlntnIle Cmpay place in th1e vilflg of Prairie View. A bau bad ball a cashWer' office, aemwsbié great umber bave ent'-ed the ehnrch frorn bOtb Iti .1.m Dome, aid lu co nsd^are ippou-tifg il geuurouely. The uwclion vltb hlcb h na syitem aof cash ud lainabat up. (,ood for YOu], carriers oprangau vwives from bath Praiie iw. T. R. QUtAyLs. rooms. This eOu00ceUi aavJi Yup-to- MIet. W. W. Bulkley lias juil returned. dat., la ls euthad of conduling hbail- from Racine wble web as called by the nma, and lhe latenti nnovaion willlsae.slckness of Wber otber-in law Aaron l ime aid mouey for th1e proprietone. Shupe. Mfr. gibtpe died Jan. *18 aI the Remember, Beewlk dose ail indi aofg 8 6190Year. -Re wae aaI d oldleî peture framlng. Neabt work aid ri. and ait 0on thne a i'eident ofI ibercyvllfe. a. k. lî Gnbr.olritdedexleey Otis William F011011 aid Muasq Edua haniled by 1the Bu@y'lee Baoîel were mamied,5t1theborne oC! Mn. At thé ti mwe vaDgle.ted$ýo mention E." o- EverelI, DesMoues, lova, Ou JQ'u thebirtb ai a daughter ta 1k. sund Mue. 11. Mfr. FOllet ion Of B. W. loUaItt, Batterfield. Nov the litti; Miisa recents of Libertyville. asiradute ad Nort'lb-ibe oveigbl aid spuds us the folaow- voilera Law cOml, and Mie Howîl bing- "Caroline, daughtpr of Dr. and1 in a graduaseof tlb. cllege af libera atsunim. 0.F. Butterfleld. bau-n Décember of Xorliivestern Univerity'. Mr. aid 15, 1904, 'M aIbhorne at ruesideace of lier Mmr. FolletI are living la Evanolon. parents." 1vbere ho le engaged la business. AgnlmnfoiWuea vsi W bile dWset seof ai imueand candS dats to be iavolved lu next aprlng'ý village oeim o,he not become generul .1111 agitatIon la certaIn qatr !Iq 11g liense quetîonbacetatrted lb., banl rollln. A no lacoumidsfable number ofai lisfh adyont ,raielns lbe saloon lice io. t $120M a ysar. AÀornewhàt more conet Serative lment bqeee $1000 la abon« tbeetlill,amoent, white maloon mmu alii thone frls.dly btb tem oppos any' advaaee la tbe licene Tlaey wanf Ià 101 aI 4700 as at preouet. Trugtm rabbe, Kaleer and Trlgge are tb. Mrtuboaffi membere aid lb. terme of Pueidet Just and Gerk Keru, aIwo espir'.. Noue of fleeutgoîng officee dusre roelction, altboui Tyat. aiser le MbaoMnd asia p ossible7 candidate foir preedmul. andl may be ln tii. rnnlug for Ibat afflce. 1. 1 Attorney Wayne Colby ham ben ug- gested by tb., 1gb lImonse fction for the, preeideicy. For truste., vo bave heard na suggeetion, tbe discusIon beung more particularly conflned tu immt.Ian cmi- dldatee. It ln Impatant a fiv. board admini.. treIe aair e Dxtyear. ÀAseerer Im- proveunent u6 abeoluitelY eusmtial and extensive sldewalk improvemente mu4t continue. The preent board hmbasbt in"d a boeinnlng. Rapld devlopmea* of surrondlag lerritory and constat growth of the village requlre aggreseivq. Dom on the parn of the board iIfl b. village in tu keep in the fore of the pra- The water works sy8texa vilI' 1w com- pleted tufore the new board assumes ho dutie, but * mains muet b. laid and the eyffteua oxt.uded. Thle preeent board vili bave epent ail avaiblo fondis ad future improveunte muet ho by apeeladi aumesaaient, a Iodions procee. Mon QI gond buslneseaIility are re-, qulred to meet ornergeucos next year,> suptbeagtatonof!immeshould nol B. . Miller, Se ray Of te COmm itle. tow ns1blefw koekig ta mut s store "rigbt on sme pavticlar question. On Naval Affaire, vtelte l.-î»NEPzNDEWr u-om, bavnlu mna dtheopeniug ai a Noxt jear viii bueperbapis lhe muet jn- froun Washington: "Il bave boievr! du-y goode store. Anotlier party vante port aut peu-lad lauLbertyvllle'e hlstory, busy. Our caunmitteO bai utl flled a location for- a bowling alley. Thi, and in -the olcion Of the village affler. the naval approjiationbill and am coming bblck aud laet. sud ta w biseo wkeil id repoted 111011theBoumse e-it will 1w caidid 111.1inle Dt ruauui for on iuay lakeu up unelweek. Il provlde 51» tenture .cnepae.i uy uiex A<OND Dr appropriation of $100,070,079. Y10t make more han a mieager living. Te, Piebtfla Ladiée Aid wil metý w111 meo w ei nMa figres hla-.Itl Mortimner Casy, of chaulbourn, N. C., aI 1the bon t a 1rs..Druny Tbunsday velumw10nLb rtyvhlot W hav1iu'g ded ai bis home in that paeSâturdaY afternonPlb. 9. a fiue lime aid are &ail îl." J. 8.aiflait vei. 1fr. Causy 'l e lknovn Fite inli1d article compose lb, 0 idley vbo la mica on th@elcerica force in Libertyvillo, ba'ving Inored from bore Ladies H mopy Concrt Company t, of the naval commltee vu-itsethat b. anly.a f.. yeua go. b. M. Wocd, Mu-. appear at the limon burbMnday' Mu i if.HOam euloylng greatl bir 1,wCame alter, veut tii (ibsdbouru upon ngbt Plb. 6. This lanÎthe beelon th sta-i W" gtu.rocelpl ai infolstaionn oiMr. asy'i Ubertyville entertaiaunent 'course. stay 'la <h.b eT reaue vb f.e. ualbuougt ingi.admuision 25 eaIe fur the last The- nov rneatomni coDceT 01ai laLiberbyville 'fou-intermuntasmoane entertamt. »an'î MWn it. Hoît-onng: COunPanu>lpvospeiag ovon hàd idpttod tlwy would lie. Twana niurd al~e u beyond the expetation of tb. membemah rui aqea al gvnh of ltheOu-u. Tluey naufatur. ladw.e WalllO Wiliaim" who underwent au Acme Camp M. W. A le alvays looked bell, Mu. Yung .Inga duI~uu- n >ud alunaion ms uotvd il u olnt issue sud fou-ward 1 int"pleacune b! lovers af ta noue la tiheUnted SBitI. .Upt0d&ta vh" hproveil to ie bofano avail, le dancesaid preparatioaa a&e belug made thoy bave Ual baisa able te eca*cb Up wit.b pe<uliarly enougli improviuug. fie bas tble ysar foru-na event that, to une the order. lbey ame recolving fro 'the ot been iuformed of bis eotdiion sud the. exprsson of a commitbeemau, shal M arsbal Field Companuy <of Chicago,&" le pnder the imîîrousslou the urgeone 1woIthe 'boat ever'X Supper ila talie rlgbî mow are .tanfiug unotber ball.uyri uuoved sanie faueign subisîauce from hie@ueuved by ladies of îLe Royal Nelgbbore i ofSinger sewlug iachinse@. Mm. Halit *ton aid hat ho vileoou raturer. 'Nougb sad. Prise@ uare 101w awarded d.daei mu~ ficloy ro. mnt b.a. WBeeuft phyetans derfaure thon-a. lu previoui yeai-8 -Feb uary in lt11 igbt away if 11w orders that au-eping are nIobolWi<Of 1Mr., Wlliani's rugsiuiug date. Mark il davu and rerneuuuber Ibii up are tale1w Oed. Marebal Fffl i O misa"ban d su-e of the opiiiioîi bu eau 'j11theaIl of th. sasan. la l. l. veka be'mnufclurre avilite but a short lime, lie us n blisoful ihea operaig o ndeedaen 5,0b0e Itoan e 1fact, thinkm ho will gel A liteuary, and musical entcrtainment baslloe. 10 557 oîung'f mut ode vo5,(Mu -iagittaigneorance of m 1 Iil iebugivon under lbe anspicueof Ithe froun otb.alhouaee.1gaiuing u-sîidly. Perbape is peac ii.E ais i oityFb 4 of iai m liase mueli ta do witb it The second quarlerty conference fou- B. B. Eger and E. W. Parkhurst bavie ithe Libertyrille auud Diaunond Lake installcd in tb.ivree1,ectivp]-itof buei- it van oniv a littho urer s yesr ugo chuvteue yl 1weheld by. Dr. Cady, Fo.b. 4 Dem novw gaà lighl machines vbich ce-I Ibat the Laie Giiunly National Bank aI 2:3Ô1 p. m.. lu Libertyville .Methodst t&inly prodnce a beauliful aid povenful opened a saviuîgs deposit departmeut. chuneh. Preachlng by th1e patar bath light.. They are mauufactured hy the Accouding ta their finaujelal statement as un deigFb ) f acidecontIIgl ai Stve Cmpay, puilished lad wPek dopoit» in Ibal de. t nOnua niveigFb of aeiaaat i h10,and Soexel ayllgpatuuu nnui loe 21,I)!The loalW. C. T. l1:, vilI gi vu-ea p or Cncinat, Oho, nd xcel#Àwthig patnint anout t, oér $8,00.lion to the ladies and geuîlpmeiof intibèvayof allght puoducor latbecily. This lA s u-eîîiarkabie slîowiug .1ud 0111er merbauls are vatt-bing ih In- ipeake volunefu- theindatry sud Lio 2totlu uedyalriouIe.1 t.r.1 1w onlng o!lii nv mchieforalght Of otur eornuluniîy. Thèee- ru 14 »id if, after a mantb or tva. n poitmrpreen l. oe'"laio frs aymvodlyatteu demantted ta their Maa i _ eIoa in 10 aringe of enployeee, of the working lehî.nymele al Ibi la 'wbat tho vWUpeople lu ail walke of!flef. As long a.m____ b. a numben o! qlb.r. Iuataled. Itle thIis des mbas e28,000 laid amide, fina'> A Go" Iuventuuent. elat.d ether of the itou-es batlug Ibein @mail a teaflimufity, uo danger existea Ed. Hublbau-d ban the ugency for canlie llgbted a great deal botter thbut bl v eau keep tlue wolf fuo-othIe door th Ilinçi*-OCoordo OiIlao and tbey bave licou by @WtMt-il, aMd un!- la Lihenyvillu. cveu Iîoîugh "liard Coal Company, and sbonld dispose one vaWboihmeu th1e light v_11ahIbt mea o' ertlke ut. of a conaiderable number of ahares danhî this, a st kmIhai bal l heosl. QIOfpenny pii'tu-msare .1111 beiuig made at lreaboule. Prospecta Of the company coures 1h10 romaine t101wedemonatmated, Buswim. - 11 4 are more than brigbt andalu veat- a@t. lgta haveibes -ia -butlaev 5gTb. actul itest yl corie in tislebig mont ln ile @baron ie destined to brng a days. land deal wlîen tb. 'Options begin 10 Ibetten penentage Ihan mut any othor There in conelderable crlblclcm of!tlb. vilage board'b.caunof deI'luin elig1 111 toWer and tank and completon of! the vater vanke esyitem. Il in argned1 lb. Smny i lavented aid u buefil derlved bocauss lb. vau-kn are lcomplt. and that lb. seteral manîbs Itbat ba"e "elapssilce etau-blng aperaflan r more tai inificlen t 1 cmple. b vhole eyibem. This la a&U Imie, >aid lii. board ilau aicuh diaes.W d, oueu lb. 1tuatiloniam Iboso who ciltelse.Tbe Rffeascompaur, of AianOcOe, 11,bas rmcetiy completed tb. toWer Mid tank mii il is.veady for.àblpjuuot, but the cotôernu mataine It la aolaly. out af tho queUtd"or-atmpt oectiop, and aiieubling <of lb.epart. wblle 0014 vste r availo. 01courus bier. laua $hm Molu , up am i bilg lu Mt« 1 bffl ,ue ý0x- .effd teavbue Ihr = e ooaIl4b Na40e pladged are tuuned aven la 1the laid owuers. We bave nol leanndof aay monoeîiuingiug .bads tu date othen than Ihat gîveui for options, vbicb le an lusigulficant amauctin l comparisoul with 'the bundrediq of Iboneands of dollars it will, nequiru 10 psy for 1the laid uuder îantuaet M any iu Liberty- ville proes nol la bave any faiîb lu the deal, but if the land Ale bougbt, as4 vo fouI it wilI 1*, no one but a pesaluult cmn doubt thelie uentY of tbe promotere. We are al United iu hapiug the great thîngs proinised will matenlalise, Reàd our ad oun thie page, lusy lice. liI.salntiOo f Pstnerahlp. The undensigulue*ave by mutual eon- fut disoîved parluerebip. AMl outtand- js accouaIs are due and paybAlleýto'J. A Mculeàec. Ail bille mut .1w pald b! Feb. 15, J. A. MOcATEE. 18-1 .LT. Avx. 'lb. chicago Daily Reiev le lhe only i hg dlyetoi can gel !or-one dollar * o,750 for sx ïmontis, 50 cets for hr.monthQ.Ail, importent eya.. xsImginehoar, compne. market iol. ed tuO v1Da~R Ievlev, su ola BulIl 1 public. SpesMr. Hubbard for full particu- lave. 18-2. Machine Repair 'Work. 1@ I amn nowlocated in my niew. plant and thoroughly equipped to do 'alilkind of. repairhug co!Englues Machines and farm Iniple- ments. Quick ser7ice and in Many are taking advautage .opprt nlty to buy weaofflWe 'Pri t,*un UinsItanes At ...LI3SS TItAN In. the GroSery D#m We have plïaced'1 the tat lWrn8HU ni'be found by piaying nsa ISt. b. sold at mest tiaif the Regulaer.P Don't forget our DRY "OODS' MENT. It ia brlrn full of EXTRÂ-, We Sive You i Every article g=ua*teed a# repm give. yon ygiir-inou.y's Worth or bâok. W'also'deliver a&H goode ta> M. BS 'Coby IPHONC 129 LIBERTY VILLE Our gpàeial.for thlîle w eok a lew dowa of ëxtra large, beavy Turkla Towelo, whllb 22 by 4~Idemd lsv el~ clotlî, Loth ides ieuh, lait sl.le otlor,turkey med bouder. TbeY wonldb ê exWlilenî value et 20e., but they anre bîggfflt kind of a bargain for mSuebasiat artlule of eveuy-day u r I nu- .. tNext week we w!ÙI hà-ve pso"eg ini bleached and irnb1.kýhed US THJEODORE¶ Was the. Paramount IfflWs Presidential Eloction, hàil mnouut Issue In Lhbat$74I .PURE oÈ WEKBEE 't' Ir 7.-tf -d ht Pi".

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