Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 3 Feb 1905, p. 6

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> twwb &0 no n-arsa oresuire. <nuisu , 4. km à IWO Ivnasman-a, nvm -lesimt, lIae $1& *0 nor-sa imoobla tlulieroi&att endctéte i 411O ee4-" the d dee oea.hs, acrmietion 6li, laq.. temsdaistid.loallag, n-tIIa pnids nélt.froig theles. FIPen-ing bis 8;;e, I1un- a emQt OWO tW, soioselP Mo«eag entier -dotaeti apvas ýb M othaa seeon-o éMles, toathéIea"t.Oh. Mme l t N»ae.,a esaèt sift,- wtIhh at rays er Z=xnore aaWgt 1-Ualn ubar sails; butfoi offy ily's partpashafiou cont am1acent r né.tas turWIan iqnlrnglanée te hlmc. rusais te lis uluthla Il thelienld ont yoaden," n-u 4b lolia«is ua wne. "WlsI'a s loop tioiag e. i* ffl p petà it Iru*das lose la y he i.pointTitam etua"e éb a aa- n"am iltts essaOI on-ung fp point or tmno further tros l hsief ' r slte lt-se., lian-swa ehinlg asftliî esuneLl.'ame ta sup, lad. for lIe lotit ik" *,d sa1 of navý'le bre off abordiy. osir bal. latid,. 1n-aa fa'i4itbuager b, b afl Me, lie m. yet, lai ne stdmacb ta uat esICho soe le st.e t id. Bo tt-tua luIe a gaai" os ou ha a, n-e eroad fno «.='h~ Sl, cuandittien-n ste outor aIr, Le n-laI ,DIlY'sbwlaalsthéeMare standIng quiet- ip baude U um, ul eoppleg îleeshort T'h.eD0* wn-ers n-s non- foanti om- et 0@«% y t- sies.raï eut R athe ti. op of a -scnilI à@e èe-prucototl, ast antiethI Oe iis dge. Al g e.. laIont loeiing aondin-arti, I could oeau te" oberve diés loop ly Inrng my leati; b ilo *m <but Dlail Whn-o qattat avern alstme. le *AkO *4 hlitol lisera e b<er, a"ti oInan 4*9due te antidlis mtan- as ta luita spah n-est, I 1 aelcl'lmysei ont, and ispi Il véy p"msst to al ul;non, ý41« 'Ëàw whn Ehiy steot hp and eanteret off Ile r h ar<ltndt fuut- leadint sol lat-en-atch hlms. Ru *" n-se ensl apabout-etathlits. >-0 - ai lI*e9i y hlIdtente nasIio tar* pue., i-s1I ad let.Mglet hlnan-ian. ris- Slà# o(*ut- ilIon-ttook arout I wmte 4% enîlt-io n- a0" t a poi n-bahr, tue '- tte brhoc, net l«-m«Iniut t-axYU& lobelsme. and a thla moke euniIgop ln a itsl0a14, freum the veryfacee - ,W 1 bd«*hile-.lanamlagenso«neodin «»34e i e blas iuts a11 e »À iVte pre0adigta, 00 and wk- e O I apltabite# tees cran-lng - - ta'.st è nand pse.eutir -MWn- I- l ll $in ge-te li p u elati;iu hé.- - Thekst L "thmaare guser toimgs;' bé- te bMdll«d te een xw, i a d.5!la se lmm t mte» se. H.ll = dàointoi r amdid-I-vaatolimelag 0p5 us. i" à ita&tere-. pIAm 19" a a t, u mtomoe jonst on i thel a li wttIel te *01tvtl $ sMWi AIts top, as Ibat a MmTse, ter a mnutes pmmaW" àL-titýi lt yt a' O ilOet Jaaie, --IL ot a ai7 pape pared itula ft b"4 , M n-as blen-lng a et bc%4ýaro tk utu ail AUlieg ItfHolding mi bresth. 040 lest-oad i bs trlaOy. but eaie mue mti- %be lu *,ltos lafacil, for bis bookn-ai 10n-arti Id ùimai.~ uà. &Ut sble agaitthOe ;520'. Tlh. isu- a a - eal mes osulter rosa choWd tiqmaso-tuaI I1nwsvert- "ar a fit af eoqffllug. vlan UVbue tar Ellît laido. leaton uny aloq iermni 01= Leoklns lIat "WV Ison- a»Min hgt *Mg*o 'a mtnt eu t tue ses.ProtI-lose I&. Tn-a fie0 Campa lanter u"agont tram lIe aloo.asi I la ms borme- cOnctuOSl ntue inail; .anti» 1mon-I i L- dt M,augintehave au inkllug e!tn-bol n-asta- powa« oo B~ ut 1"08ln don-n agita et là* mia M;W il ibthte cituroo an Iu 1an- a bItaI boad WIM - et lair lltt. andtititan a pis if et It BavaJ prd cisela, aàt a pîmpetDosmu idi a t4% be- amur4acoathlIabridge t lt--"l ahlaus ta litm e gaa ftu* pon. 4eTIs nia Woodyvtlaia, Lake Bottier teauped. 4d tn, Aipriagotn1 fel to tok a lump OVar lite 04 ae atiame arsgl ai MW rkt, On top et lii. Tbi. aouaimin-s uSe,- no181_k.-l a tIn i et bs ..iouitiat, fttteoal ý-r PV% Mm the odo Ra h lIv. o «Fpuro i? fort, opohe na le oi. as .5* *h Mb tuaiMr -ena mabout bsvÎ up *fa 1t ptpa.sundu Oetb tuofw atruulnfiate t vs u lite bataOr 0< lieesipleS, 1 teusd hImm Jig#ai le-laI aImat t.Iiombis niai cbb Sa. Ifm 1beau ate ort'.bisàa a-at feelea'sa. esalova' ce" it'e, *6~ t1r*4 Un-as aor5nai e'.WIIbla aMiW -a tc. 4 011 -s umia lUVg n Ms it-et.Ilsme5 hie mt-a. On nli m;tarleg viS tw lmiq.q A agsntn 1a s dt»h bu t* a tme l e s e l a t i l g . , t,- w toPl*"ea MW ho pto»a t lIasbeau eueq. Ilbat Maylu. 1 adefoestattoio*e pd$Iy, tir bbSuwesof a n le aMpra, n-htch kt ni at -sz un mp«te "0e mte nor b Aile. port Artluur tel! OieCaI *0' ait-ltu lisapiietandti iloro la gaveè tuen»t le tderatanti phLaluuly O the fi nar n-tet go on unlil bath atrm, and D avy haitlwnnvictorias, bloc kt thin aDY *tuing have bappenket lt Inssia hem been lot-ut y Industriat :, anti pallhil conuvlsions. A stf111 n-wana la spreaating avor 'the empire. Thora t, a bld anti Insistent dtiesnd frorulae meanne 0# liberty anti fa: je a nationalamembl;. lThe evience. or it Oie unpaputarlly. ai the irnare vîii rhbl on evary aide. Thea eduicateti classes 4beg Ibaf l.cesue. lThereserviatu au thair n-ay ta Manclinria egSpe fran their guantis Whenorerpoomible. Tl bas bacaie a mrlous questîi ihan- far' Gon. Kourapallin eu c e m I anfOrýet i -tbont deouding Oie ltest- et-nupart af Oie emire oi negîllar *troopa i htn ay. a eed ed ta cope vitb possie dameahlccrises. Tenuka« tunani of reerreaauao .sent *hlm. but they cannai b. dajiondeti on. >,Thoma are abundant resana n-b; tle t-aiparty abouti change, front andi mee for a peace wh-h Iti bai bean as- aatitng n-as Impossible unlas it inat thei. abunlos <orJapon. Tha Otte- mont of Oie ltumian mamber of Oie North $eBs commission matie a monîlu agte Oiat Russla woult moon makea femPOMry pouce, tiurlUg n-bit-b he waulti builti a navy anti gel reati; for a lien- nat-may b. varitieti. If Il ver. nt fortheua umora ai- peace Oie fighting la Manchuria lest: vsek would edaim more attention. Gen, Kaurapatkllapusbeti for-anti a corps onids igt tank anti (in. Oyama. n-ho haa been ra-enforcei by lien. Nogi, taak Oie offenaive. Thora vas saatp flghting, for over a thon- unmiitusalan vounded Vn-ra sent la MukitIo. The Japaneso dlaIm a vie- tory andthle Busiana saytiey n-on. aucceasfn. l'h. utiten activiy mter n-els 0of comparative repose niay b. fie pamîntia af a sprag calnhuaîlgo- Il lter, la te le ose.: nie matn flghtlnt bas bea olite weqt endi of ft-aire-liaI le, on -th Butsan rigît andthOe japanes let- tbough sllrmlsb are reportenth nOe extreme eesatanti we are aise, apecifi- cally tld tit tIhOe artilltery flttug bas babeavieat Ia Oie centtt-.. If if n-are ualfor thie emperature. n-ib la i.elan- sera, It: eutt b. aei; fa blet laI 1tieeive battit. n-B MWn, -begnning, but hon- a hatte, n-liclh must llecesaaaanhtyl,f ainy dss'duat -, aobe.,fonght n-b.n lh ie gters are frgesag bands and feet, amn-habnthe voondeti viii aiment ertalaly due at axpaisure ho- :btara oin ab. auccorei, JI:lola bard to Ose.. Novrtietees. If the voather modera tle engagement may b. on. If Kourpatkin le tallng lb. affen mv. hi. declalan may b. due elthor ho bhis conviction liaI h lla Inbétter po- llown ta 0flgb the Japanase non- lbýn ho cohei opeh10etaIany tiame taer tuirng fle ue r. Or àl may b. due ta pressure trom Et Petersburg lnaitng tiatI ho ereate a diversion anti give the ligoesasa t - home aanetbing tle pon- eitai ave basities tionghts af raviilalon, IftuMay aven b. tbat Kou- repetthn steoaiIltaeessenttal tiat ha lit e "W ?aettvly engagui.b.- fer il hemiBthe nevn-0 of!théb hoo 22d of *nnuai,.ltestiaI tneya, par-, hapin a .aggartetoram, mai excita l aimenlta point of revoit. laaitn, Il la relioerlti fimT>.l'ia, bat blst s aIidonma battllshiltof »M.00hta., lh. lonnage is prabably n-rangly given. for the largest batisl- ahipa non- allet or building deo-net- rach 17.000tfoux. Il laaiestateat t a flftiaruy,haobuodte iecom- maund et Iieueseuit (loerai Kawa- mura,, las b.lng organis& The pnrpoqe of th ariy las ngt meuttiouet, but one Patuuialli litakaoaiVJad1Iotak Wlutber a serions Otage 0frfthâfor- trou mla cottnqplteti OMt01MLBfeint againatlit on a largo eiO 15 t li- problbe, n-tIlta vlan-te0brinlunewn cton n 101tataKouroah' apans. Nohtuti la e uioWn of lie nhere- abouts et fhe Rotan 1.01. Tt la 11-, done »oumeahealla uZeman ocean awaitlig r-entoreemesta nhtch mnel on DS. 31, luS, lite egrgte stock, ..m*r a2OJOP.O'onasOfut,3bl,- nunovsfl pal. emisomé?, lIeut one- duI et the teout la 1.14lIa " abuti, .e. ý,aPituIIi4eljPll200,UOL The wq*: or e l êe Unitoi u ti-u 'it ý0*0« Ume t si e ienatry. bbo ag nualioa*to«nlpofthé. emo.,1 Mdt n-w bv ayi but f W »Mizt, la su- Ver. Nen-rk. OhiW l'h. 1hmait pesf Chii t dfi a 05ronulh rB5 Istu* s ta i lde W ls .t~ etorla:l lItaItiithe'swWo »Mrbi t lasU(ifi celqt< ttiIifta i5W0"lolte e xpoua Oie tro ,t ught 0 The Tokio pràe. epnnee-ilïe opWi 1tuaI lent. Korfflathlut er ondae t a iovepienît ii dirt attention.traim t ti(oniatie ee04tdone idi nusaior plI asti t o m e- ajgIt bfore eq ti Mat- OYAMuA bha, heanlly re-enfat. T'h.e assJsnattonipt ta toms Oie lA anas. left kis restlteti la complèesfi are. The Ru*slans chose -haen-ou -vlattaiof thOe soason, depenting pe battuf, upon tàîterýfanlilarlty wlth a suail eOuttY ta, aId lb. a nthei-oparttlot l'tem an&tlllev,ý atitkclsou the lapanat permti tlittUne waeeIl la 4iowught. demokltattuinteprevent tha vitidràn- Of Mnteute ire-ntorca the fapanase loft. 1Ait Btisp o ftennoon andtiintoti nuIbt an trtiuleny duel waa kept up acroi the 'ltakba nivîr. Theren-as amue hean>' ride, Onlng from, positions n-be the lntreapneaiîlare close, MAY NO AN ARMY. Genersi BIagislePreparnug for Troub in muto loalnge. 'Aecordiagt t a Washilngton correspond ont. lbe genieat-astaiff oftha atrmy; pi-aptring foi- possible trouble in'Bani J)omlngo with wblcl t h nay flot;ha n-itb ln tia pan-ar of lhe nnvy ta cape, n-Il the Nany lioparuant la gettitig ready t, landi marines as (-tstont bouse guandu oi thetanotthoru coant of the island, (leu Cbaffee and i ia asoeintes are preparlaj for 'îte quît-k dîspateit of troops inlasa the insturgent% attaek the marines ot sthow- themoelva,, Ini aîficient 'number near the cittea ta btronîe a tiangerom fatctor la thé situation, Theare ,,,unbers of the general @tât n-ho beflee lhiut .nuletes. leurai gent iaader, anti the tLot-n ln the Des of Prasîdent fomaIes, will not sibînlf to aeelng eut alt a suturqe oi tevenui 1îPOn n-hIi be l a acrutomueito, nely n-tII ont a lon-, aven thougî thte blow bc almati At aw pan-arIlkethe Vtaitel States T'h. army huasJun îng tiiorougb an un. tienstsnding af the Santo Domnîlgo Im. broglio andi Its posaibilities for future troublé as lias thte avy. lu tact, a man lias Juat returnedto taWîlstiugtou and bas amven the army olDet-rg colupoalig tht atratagie hoard ail tia information, -in- eluttlng mapq, n-bit-h laoiecessary for planning, andi carrying ont a atuarp, and quit-k camnpuain ianto Domingo if buch a eaMpaigu bat-ore, aecasaary. OPINION I-ITS PACICERi& Supi-ame Court-t anda Don u feson The Stupreme Court of dia Unitedi Sintes bas decidedth îe t-se of the Unit- ei states va. Sn-lit & Co., kuovo as Ih* "bei-fa trust" case, tharglng consplracg amaug the a pakgislafBi prie., a; freel. moste, etc. T'h. opinuion n-as laniat dona y Justice 1f154»M anti memthle declalon etf th.,cost odoelen-. hitn-s lu hie Opinion Justice fiolmes discuas- ad t aIlengt ttha irious contentions of tha pockars and i dlpaaatiof ai li.dl- t-liuailY. RHaadmittadti lat soin.of the charges n-are less peelfie titan deslrsîta, buit maidti i nas nee.senly trua hecaue of the vent extent of the fileit ovatai. Rie -atitia that enougbhlad been ubon M0 prove eontinued offenses. andi an of- faune ai sncb a nature e" to justify the Proceedlug. The opinion continues* he Sm cin rntt agitant the pat-ker. una i hrWtan anîl-truat Ian- thedi Ion-ar courts, h n-as comcurreti in by ail te uneulers oi the court., Anieulea arails nyg a lstiaabout $12, 00.000 north of grain a yaar. No lana thaut 8,132 n-amen la Iow-a are employet Inlaagrieultursî put-nuits. - SThe net profit tram Oihe Basina goy- errnmeaun onoPohy lu the muta af upirii la«t year. axceedeti £40.000.. AInriosi the enlire comýmet-ct,! n-atb ai India, uilit h .uWiattaii oi 300,000,- 000, la nithlalaIn thebande of Leue lana 00,000 pers,lis.- Thee lulidina lt-ides of Zan Franclaco, n-bit-h Iluide iity unions anti 21,000 men, intanti ta et-tet a "temple," n-bit-h n-Il secommaditie alilthe unions andthte general oâcerm. iltainexPecetatt a about $100000. Ia 1110wen-e ~trp Siserhands hast enstomer, nitbitie sole exception of Gar- MaaY anti Greant litila ia g beblst anti fan bhind, itIther tounlnlas, evea France. ltaty and iAuaîtrla-tlngaryv.,on Its ownObordera. OfficIai nlatiatie-,,show lIaI Oe ie *45 undar drapa In Great Brîtalut aboirda iet-roase uf 25,»011acretoutasiear ounIeo figures ai 19W0. tlit t-iea nti', nbqgî belng 1.375.284, n-bit-b la te smaiIP at-sa aven recordait. Thea restriction that salman mur- Dot h. taken fron tbe n-tar. of souteatern Alasaka untiliaiter JuIt- 1 ofeascIi t-ar lias heen ramovati, anti ta vien-of aigi It ta expectati that île t-att-h wn-ilhbcho ry ,uchel langer thIltyanr than prevlouely. tt in nti tiat the mostcotît- leather la lte n-at-Id i kno taOie, frnle s- Planaéhether. The secret of tau,",g Ohit. issîor Is Inoira onhy ta a l milir àf tesunt le Germany, diauigb lte allit *o-m n- i:it-inlata]ed tose amat n- 1WNVrklng girls la'Baill avanrage anie haut-santia aI al nal day.o, a- vlc lh.4y gai about $2.80 a n-sel. Putt *0 la Dvle leabale to liave ber on- hit-nemigl the éthuers ahane It- ir oomsa .*ltJtfreiN 9swte -six other ïtnlL .Paus-et-ot'4lies hantili luon- -iat a ar nnq1 n rt-. breustbelg thei r- cpa5 The com atoage0<tof lpb n- le large proiportions, aftarliUlàê borIs af apples île. bati vIltr * a rmunit oti nv«stgatios dun thé 1h isa yssý t . if funl that tua, emillitla plieb. lte frait la trairn a bt s ale et Iaag Il setarnu a uLto M 1hhe -n~galiet-anRd au tevaik iw We ar e ig Gted it oetlor 00E~4 si ~ Se~m4e ~ew a '~hIaastywtlu1 tbe aw0v*Mab deu lW 11l the basia>tende Wq elhbiqit If t h f e ob a bm t Lan- worl4 Mawn Wk anfftentlzbent4l.If e1 utt5 owtatlo ol due, vo.1. lv., lrgeiy tuthe * tipe- lis licial, Iuury loing,oleting *lt th Oe ho onti*ê.qeMut 1*lraýt» ,» tue avîtitf teýt Me - Wîl dodons rtmt ui *î e bat i ~Sabthe det 0k.tbla-t. 4 ' wy Moal Meiftis j . .n4 ieu nW 1Oitae w,*khlgaof eutirotp <l o e. ry y aytbnglike seinus b osiit W a ei asta f ei. 'o a »Ur"hIWgaserions edort, or baudwiit- i 1 49= U oe-1bi11h lut eu5 the. yuL StiePoti e ii f-gt- wrth kilÎdus-wer b hil al e; lstaetto. andi sel-rlbteausneaa. It feels lare tb*t e-ha xfe - ain ise h 'h outraged Whiou caletiupon ta conttei- lov-es the aliep--that h. bates " *bd >a Plate the giet , realito-- e-tatb aisntandiwattea eneMou ýr JU4gment--Iîenvon aindi bell. Ih becoindes bis hi, * jn-L'h. cr olatbe xk peevilhandi qnerulpua wbeu ctled ta.a trueenntrà.nin a" à it oég4g 1 "pon ta belIei-e unything wblch tends aOf Cbrstlo.îty. 81044 If, mii *It ta MaIre lt wicamfoî-table.aniouii dtrviigt.y* de Thiiseasy golng. seif-decelving spirit reatson to beileve ln a 0"t et lova Of the times entera our chut-chas and w-hoin not a loti of wrath-fluat hlm a d- ta-day bolds grant numbers In its a <'<attof wratii bacau»hos e a a(90dti la SwaY. It baa* praticeti a superficiL ai oflove, titat ha coulti BotlInr'. buia c i to sentimental type or so-caltet Chrta- dren unlens ha bate t4 ti«Heil hiel 'tiauity whlcb malien people "gaady" worka .wlth quch perulateyan" Mai-V rtther tban goond. AnId the Woriila Inko ta desatro em Boul anti body. t .0 Ylng that Cbrstianlty la wealtuess. Cbriatlanity la strengtb. it la B te- Dot atrengtb. thit it la a religion for Ilion for women an ,Cbijrnu vomen anti chltiren. net- for strong lea none lb. lans. trong for lt. (li se Mon. plty the man ta whom t g~ he p Dr This weak andi MeîMV a. hrs-Pesata vomen ant d r e s.Bot 'n tianity aorn-hidi n-e appak srolt tajus- appeni; 904,. plty themturewhicb w' usayitl by anti bide Itseif behbldthe ecannat love thftt WhIcb vomn andi aeat; doctrine oftins love nf Goà. It chliran love. Our lord Josia Christ r-la a reanît of aur tendéney to one aitit't- was brave. andi giflaI.and i stro .-i ,h nea in aur vleffl of the trotti of Goti. cia.ethere azascomblhin l@ laife ýt Opr Puritan, foieathomerucaphat~ tie- atrength- af noble manhoot-he te the vrath ofGod bte ithebacurattan tentiornm.andi devrotiOn of true vom, af the love of Goci. 0f caurae buman anbootL. Smi the falth andi humllty or en nature revoîteti against suelb an urea- thaeIttI0e ebit. & aeabie doctrine. andi thera begau a Cbrulitnlis trenaMThe.o'h or -movemeut ta emphasize Goda Mercy Goti Ima great. atrong, eonauming pau. 7ean" loving kindnesa. Tmat movement ala- whieh bleesa 1110.chiltiren am W nbas zone on through the pasalng yenra taheb.Mmue tIme ippeals ta bravem Outil to-day In many quartera il ta be- Vomen andi atromrg mon. t Ing ainpbasizetiandi îressed ta tha i i- point o1 ob@cur'Ing and denylng the re- RABOR IN THU C R11IUM va r ality of asiandth Oe cansequont n-rath sr 5i. IV. QCprait. tI d o o.On.eaOfthe sadstitcftarts observable 8 lien ara laaklng only nt ona aide afin~ ouir lime la the. utter ludiffet-nce fth th. great truth ai Cbrltianlty. andi for- vtU'klanla geuerai fovard lIet getting the otiier groat aides. Ant in.bu- brch and tiIs aervice&. Iftla an un.-l msnature la woak. wiltui, easîîy lisitakable iga af their moral an Tl' »Ul-decole-its tendency te ta play aestbetic degeuieracy, thl apologitWsea tricha wiOi conscience anti persuade ta the contrat-y ntwithgtlnding. Tb@. i MIf ts ta bellove only, ht-bat il anta cburtb la praeafly the atuly insmtht- *te belleve. And n contempatîng aèîy lionn-ble U unqUIVOcally anti aa Pb1 e»s ide, freeti froun the restreints stands for mii tu a god an" trie ntiB «t Posible Min anti punishînent, tiare ftUflII l ti;1hla the «orty Intite- 1 eb.volveti a conception of the greattonvhlch aimeat thfle etabhim on tlove et GOA w vhh oase Itappear te Of tie kbigilOm Of 00d Ou s«rbMai" T ha 'Mr à a veak iktt115 ork la. onit fI Wole S8i ge vISaIlmoasuIoahyoterlcs at a god est hau n euilat the emurgies « Ml es v mrong expressaion ef riglteo»nigne- Il i-u n wfemilo fat nal a n.a- tion, andi abrieka outil&tafancloti boita! 'àUt t alla tDaattuesate fi e r lau n that, sin antidesti anti bell are axploti- for nhOm It cOfflido- th@ seat $eÊ- ha id theorles vhlch muet not b. mention- tlt elasa Iliat nostiatf. t somm gad amaong eniightened people. Incrodibie liat béiuga entioveti it bla- PX No Wander tOtIn th lb. jnlotifatellilgece anti matai vsues.atra manr "dy Cbrlatianlty appears to ho &a-y front Mschbsanstitution te girie et veakuéesWhatever n-e mn; May ut Ihoir lime anti support ta secret and the religIon of Our Puin -sfarefatiiers, iternai aacletlus, labo, uniong, clubs ta VO cauwsaYaithat Il »rotieed n-eak O- orana exelualvely. tel cehmzetetm arsaveBoy impresion thiaï --Lhave* liaquarrai vti b. ecrMe -at OhrMainty n-as, veakuesa. If Ik di antidmaternaI oMrData -eerti of WM PiodôUcecoltibat-lJi.unbentilng nni- hlcbt1beIOng, but i1aay thatt O il.-a- tt-efs. Il aisn pradocotian aIl pow erful ialistle services of toe.oodars, atoe conscience anti Invincible ciev0otia ta tiuey bave been once or fte attendes& principle andti 1,Tam par booCoI.Me er.- atinlg #" ohldMWO. ta luise vtb the varun anti aaftening in- Play as comparoti vl*,*tmpae.l ot0bé 1111o0,0s0 f tbe great love et (;ad anti a vie-avale, pragremeso- aIsI. I c yan bave a clarater w.blch for have no condemnation te viait upos fI. St abreogth stands Un .the. rock of age- labor union. a snc. but I1ddaibsotIatI a cbaracter n-tilt-bportrays Chrlstian- ls atm 0fr protectins litsmembesjanti V, atm Irue lght-a religian. not of sdnancing bis matenlal vlfare la. anth weakneas but af alrengtb. lmmeaaurably lnferlar-aim tutatt < The doctrineo f the ,love ai O i- te organisation nhb eMie sta50 a- n.-o dan ot bY &nY means Interfere n-lOi finence, Oie chanacter andi abiltiseofet the doctrine -af gIn*andthOe vrali of IlaMember tat he wlllh ble Iopro. &X (loti,-la facI. Oie ane.,empbauaslma andtatutand a-4vance binséîf, lafemnet-uali l deepens, anti streugtbens the other- s"d M UrtY. as WOaaamatatislp. Itak IM uith Oe reat, black, oiinouthn.- Ibeieté.e h lub--th m m M ii de Cloudi emphaslzoa by il$ .sfrng htoCSami gambling and tioé winfUt. ud Contrait Oie httgbtmeos. ami warmth. Igtti d'ilsloftI ot-bnt IIn- o' ivo andi beiuty or Oie s.mnec>'aO gtu.texpiIenée thaïtbthir feUeoalSip » eu t1 black, angry in n d n-led- Pfuten or 'more p roftas ftu te nées, ever looming up above the. bOul- that- Of the Averag e unrcii.Bo Mon of humanity andti treatentag. ta a duetroy aur bappns bore amii~. Short Noter Simoma. tiu tter. bY contrat emPiasixe antidee.- No Passion,.lia paver. net en ont- conception of the grest. love 1AOlu-McraeS by labor. MW. aadme-cyof (loti. For In thefact of Grp lbotelr tan gat l11 aIl Our vîletiedumanami rogdolng hoa 'on manyrend Cbgrliy vepethso ettds reaiY ta torglre andi pardon, landte an" ho wha la fat-ivea mast' loves i alI ol -e flusI e a muetreaizea ostncet l. trangli ,A a" at convie v lt in s0& k- Po*ar af God'agreat love. Ieuf ovnc ih«ey T'h. vo get tdoctrines af min andtioti0iL . Puftishinat anti love andi mercygo ; Citracler la simply tue pruduet et, Undanti amnIL Thos m e o wt rie aul Our ehicea. .. is~ amm proper4under$WiMdlg Of oas vltu- Tbé, glf iet iab n-l iDot do lie nwl am Out th'otbea'.AMithe tian.Of GOtilu oftb,»Mon of GotkWLj boaven etanis for the renll ant"à pan-- c . fheendeneiuaJ or O oano and tlmenea e uThe odeo ten dm n '- ise tb. cteaof (Mva4stands ter *0e 1alit et MWnaiwiledaoie ber. * MM ts811101 iabisiOza bl' bo am c15 ure ren-arti. IOheD ug W '.*lu iIL, at1 T Ouéby i lplaalW Ie long w»invIlIt 15*55Vlai5i lt »M - lteé Iesvlng «etbat hev*ir" boéeor t itt« uMisretien mw m s onsia 9" ~ bM lQàsYé ÀM P*-a f0 l sl mes iciehap 7 .--- - - 1 Z--------- l:u ta-mu fikâOiâ ti.e a. » Ê Il, 0»VOS eTuff Bu lIe 0» wl. lavi£or'& MW it 1l a oktou tui te kuow w of the Usunartanoa. At n- ms hi pie laJacob antilIhW sIi tha - Iliaitadve. Hebrewa. lut feth~ port t0f-the kma f Wer and la e e- maga 1ends. ather peupls fIesmesi'tl' tifereht lunds n-ena put la thait piste. Tisse, tagrethar n-lmbthe Isunlts. â« reinei andti ilie n-'ltnrt IIIla Uâm the nostit and ltae South, msdô 1h. lIsuarI- test People. Andst te laa trIbut.ta 110 atrugt aiflthe Habren- relioim 151 through the-.Irait changes la bot hal ils grouint. lh.. epeople of Galile en. re mor- timaoul lntheir religion tnthe b. Dmmni tREns and 'attanide theii tan#iai*rlkgli feeSta et Jenusalem. alhosgiàk uS=M have baea ottan re fhapn o r t1cm taagos-àfaur front boome R -o eo" by il was tlitlam, Leo Miade Sa maay jounneys from (llemte XWde. aisd n-Iy lii slittle wv* Ila esauana. andtitat, anît- lu pamslug, »Y ter ti, grenter part of fiaimaUrne sas #Peut In G(1,31. bul He '.581do"-uta ieruaalem ta tha fassIs. n-lanceon uBel occasion save thlenliaeHasau» te a w. aeturned. very soo, 10 (al. Note. Versa 15-l'h. istrict la wn-h titis woman line ei -mu e filleul vitii mnd memorlas. Obhaclia, about mlilnay:ha. n-oea Bamina sdd theprobable aliet Sychar, n-as the neligonsa capital oethIl n-sviýo-,f lamaia. Ih hat It.NIai oe Oie north ansud t treas 0t". South. . hemanstinjieate n-re ra«4 ti th people -mesmblt livaiile-W twean the carmes and blaagu 0ttue lait. Lthera Abraham lad huât 1bis Riastallr la the "Piamlaed LAnî" (Gea. 12;&,t.) re aie Jou, afier the conque.. eot op lis pilier of witnaas.(Na$ esqhua24=t-27. =) Il la »se ndes balt the lamartans n-ra eprond' etfIa place. Venu 0.i &-lere n-e have a remiulfe tlit Jesa n-s sahjeetta0 11e lt-ls *ytb *urs.l!sa fe Muai oit", bava ls 'sari, for fi a lie-as a itrupsous a«b& .0, tai tusevaSaIt of a Orielt eupel* LIAI? bu la lendit n-eetsg ad le.-'.M sur conseoas ci th.eli0" nlefte r te ba~-v ta thIofweea"a" ti atl, mm 0 et1h. reepsea " file llie. V4 hat iou «lI amulesatndw- proea. WY mue ale ter lapin-ale la ard l phios onk, Ast les"te rFm aI III irez wthile tIbcivn-et loto tUe cil le aiy food., l'h. iti n-cse ar, user at band, sant îe lime n-ai about usas. Versai 7-1.-Jeaus opeos tuae oav»Mea onM n-lith t. vsiaful aMat hi &ski" à kt hassi did notblifthe Ssuiîa"u vuI eoa*emiut A Jour n-lb 51 mid te-la feeling noiNtbave batop e etl iore atllaldasti efore ha eil' gsi tlanitan t e ep hlbin a un-sry. 0f ni.tuýA dmanitana rat re ennII.u, =5 Ndltrei.It n55Is lla*olie ËCWopeopl ttat 0' IV lgdmlIan. (Lake îOM-87.) Verse 10.-Jas latimtas fat Un un Dot -noir vblling ta recelintogeeti ec band@ aifaaluamaitan. but a&este vie largeli ta a Samaima. HoeaI tp h ame lim bt-ual.,salde. sil dleausi imanitans,ad arme ltha e wan Son.e et petmanal nod. Verse. Il. 12.-At B&pt bOt nieI la beui a*ui niliue ocionaneof etrs jusllas u Bds ut Jeepsde bAlt ta aleftad traom tuai ber au>si»0&êho capta fanrn-ala. (0" kWsaverte 15.) ilt ah. tiid not belle" lIaI t s èi tIce ber naar autel gI. Jacob'vs.wie tntiard 0of nealu e.;hah.i bueue." cecesiaul vne-emabolmi ssud ua eflê It b. as amast. The wn-esaa s u~ gttI; Ire n-sai 0o vidently saore. MM'. a* thal fRe meet-ahet94câ lia ad aiea, 111e maay oetiers, Me mfLWÏlq' enn paver. verses 1, 1L-foe. l t otMM ,thae sas Wn-astalkint ta an obtaus elieso 't, parlap. fliatgh î1soce tab alug titinga aalitrally, e* ro. 4plqtiy tuoi mme-lard hai Mmme hyatapîl au" thgows f. tita- trmlIonus tâaitn. chuarah m"ti 0e. Lieut I. Totouns.a lar0=eese,, u, preceivl1lel"dWlao7tm e Loi Ib, 0 aery a Of l~i 18l*a biueba.Ie r te sà.,. 1a1 tounéela 014 Tes-'tapol Mm ,Iw '012 10M léi2 lis". a-e

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