Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 10 Feb 1905, p. 1

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Friday. February, 10. 1905.-S pags 'Iro*n- I'on n d Co UL, Hoa schî 1*i 8"TublsMmd STORE -Just 'recolved. 30 doz. Upu. ýand Boys' Shirts, work & Nogllgoee. Price 75 and 8$1.00. Our Sprlng Stock of n'a Shoos, laon the ,and wIlIIbe ln stock tIn about two weeks. . New lot Suspendersand Ncektl.s. IA few Ôvercoats wiII b. sold at a:dlscount. k tock Umtve llob" -EcouNtilyAitiONALB*NK IÇ DaP0078 * 300,000.00 u$~Cbutmot The mouey you mlht, bave saved, Pp.d& abank àiant, smv. yaur money tv pUDuc M, M~ - ýrk JÂm~vlob Ulole 1. L TAYLOR,5 mouft-r.1o i m 2 to4 and 8t ,Peisoasom os roadway, opposte Park.. - DÇITAL OMPICE &MIL aà- a- OOp. am DLILS X ofrMvSAE em. ÈsI .m. and 1 hoU6P. M. mm.i o 1te "daLO 0YP. U TAISM MMGUPFI U-LbsrIVnlla.MiIs. ' but didn't. and bedome LIB~RTYVILLE JOHN L. TAYLOR, Presidexùt SENJýAMJN H. MILLER, 'VlceýPresidént 0. W. TAYLOR, aIer )oîa general balkiînl Dpoeltauo@ licited and cour- teofl tireatmeiit glyen. to 'ail. It *iIlpayopu to bank at theo Flnt làiaonai.. Di. VM. P. sCIIIVIN ,. Practbnio ntd to ICYE, IBA4I, lOBE AND- THROAT. onu.: Boom 804 5mw+nrll aminuç, Tu m, ?5S( m ff i avu*e sTATENP is [J les Isvuted Is0pGtions and Not One lias BeeuTuieuéo Up. .... -... There beina to -be grave doubt lu the , M" ofn many Lake couaty people as ta Mss rellabillty of the Plagier ITOU & Steel Company, the corporation vbicbh le Intetsd lu the bg land dea between LibartYvlllansd Boudait. About MW00 mcre of land le undu, option, cotracted forat from $125 tao0150 pur acre, and a total etlmated Mt $2,000 bas been peul lu oiptiona. Tiro or tht.. options1 expie! lat vesk sud o.Wuers of -the property vain properly served vith vrltlen notice tiat tbeland vould a. taken and t.secae abstracts, upon dlivery of vhicb the parchase money vould 'bc pald over. No more mouey vas paid over, however, at lime the land waa ccptad so far as ve eau deterinine bas not 'liss a date. 0f course the Comupany hecaue fiable for1 the agreed priceof lad tlisy accepted and vblch could ha téoilected (if itla le n aponsible.) The Iron Or., a local paper publiabed ai lohpemlng, IMichigan, lu ie region vhere the PlagIer Company owus mines and upon the vaieof vbieh le large)y baued the "ealWortb of the nev concern, Came out in ils,> issue of jsuuary 21 lu a scatebiug denuncialion of! ta. inathode of taie PlagIer People1 and of their prospectua vhlch deala lsrgely vltli the land esat ofi Lierlyviiie upou vhlcb thamammotbi mille are tu ha local d udthe valuablef minas, ta vhlcb ta. art inlquestiont retasenot .Worth 40 cents. The Jr.,,t or# layai: 1e '*The laler B"tiOompany," asi t ( woçd ha mrelttlag0adinaicodWU wIpurpe.' Imt.'i eapswça.w Il cheekbet thiage u vser -MW là sud to und lite people of ibis ecuntynle theebllma lu nervaperiormaucee. Asea who, for the sake of a lev dollars, vil Immsuscb a rpotasMthe on.e bi EnglauerIL il.Odfurnisbsd FIaglea shouid be adverssi ailoverthe coan-t try. Hou-ma diègrac te hie proieselon and Plgir, who muât have kuovao what the report would bc, le ininltely voues, becanse ha muft have inspired le. te bueigthe- haffl 'ô-ofthe compeaày., c lu ibie partiularlaid n dam S culd bava bée.ans eIotbth esso-Ibt IZ eocple vbo resdthie prospectus huseedi- ateil lad it aide kuovi h v uafa fryP tle of the slllest klnd. 'The danger wvai limai the outsiders mlght ha fooled. W. kaova ihere vers thase vbo vere at- P tractai y hy imsrepreseulaltion. of'a lages as va bai lettars a«king for iu- & IomalU on cuerulng tahe proparty. , J lb le sali PlagIer comas veil recasa- mandadi fnsallj-. W. know&onk't any- thingabout Ibis.. Wa bave read'liiepro$* lx peetus sud' that isn't the creation 01 su t bocpeatmin. 'AU hhougb!tepagesthls1 pamphet aesof the great romine tieouipany bas securai. The sIsal mille are based -upon the aon aupply ta e '-ai obtalnýd-from tha -oma. he preiai-, denat f thgeacmpaynystluslee thatt a betton:of -the shift Thare len't.aton, Ha saya libère ara thousaniaoftou lping about ta. mountha i ibele aba, when.the fat in theré e asbsiultefy non. He effl theore in a higb-gria Bessemer yiedlng 61 rjer ent inatalli on,' abse-sSSI.lin t teevbichau orecag and.oert&hdlythe îhult as a =aeas fj&lsehoo&L-Hemyslthe Mine baie pro- iutsd 400 000 tous of -ore, sued that lu sixtr dayxait 1"n hamaie teodu hase 12W Io 16S0 toiolor. aly Mr,. Pla«ier*mye ho bas purchse<the saine ont oide owa persona funda * d betrnai iloverteitW Mc MWp. Wehoe theaprim tohe pCIdin 00 * Pagier secl;aoli for*ibisprop- erty dut ofIiW p mmwunibut our bas nos yet mai the obligation ýV.are of theolulo abt 1 p' h"M- tig i ilioeasblockofbthéstockbdorseho mae bt paymenL Wt have an opin- ion% tlst ho kuova i h e n bah 'telle abàut tho richua 0fproperby. Otborvwlee tha paymenl' vouîd have, .bea maléle long &go. Wta _- .lake bail- u a ues enugh, butt v iii moi foot anyona If thramar Whhs > bave baun deeelved mb buying saareInlF.Pag- IWercneeru m h Iho pur rbas an excellent case and shoeid procaed agaiut Plagler.ol ocec on the grovnd o! frand. W. eau assure hlm there le plmuiy of evidaeate vwin lInsuy court, .ad vernivduethat no lime be 10.5t Indd. ::dPary seoney thal May have The Iloseanleu't vorbli forty cent@ ou le hovowlng 01f ioode, Lt sMay iaveop a min., but -lb hasà't oua today. lb is *oa tHa i h abovu aMW 09 thetraMisseribai by the Pllrcatlit It -vould hava bun tabou 0 taci Imm anyose of, taie tefyutprig ro mllg os paslso i Ibis tu,. h a natc-'b e0f waima le nov lualgit. Despila rMinore tlm$ uare alloat relativE b lb. plager e ca-*Uelî nien as John Bradley, vblae netng options ouhe tenditholebutae4o juchame sd others vho 'are kueval0ly maintain the acarage for vWh" 4a are contracting %Vil ail bha takan vW4ithe time conies. 1Wednesday ltaigî Mr. - Bradiley qaeslgned hie options tu tthe plagier- people sud la en interview a ule inter said In a reporter for the lxNI)îEPE<og£.T: "Paysnenté viii beglb 3051as soon as abstracts are exbaulnd by attoreys for the compauy sud found te, Le ail rlght. Thia le nov heing doue in th., case of the Galloway eetate and the Herin e 8ebrek tarse. 1'bmoney for thesefarina 1vill ha paldin-fonIn a f..w days if the absotrats are louni to b..ail riglit. I .pemsonUY know "ht the compauy bas 1 uaI bongbât 160, acres of limestone naar Waukeshatu ha uued in smelting sud thai 2,000,000 feet ofgaea d tiniLer bas 1heen pumebsld lu Wiatonoin sud Michigan for purpome of eansitruetion of he mslleehm lu the sPring. This tuber vili Le ou the *raund ut Itondont I>y Mas-nbh 1. 1 ame conrinc'ed that the Plagier conceru le in every way ail rigbt sud one ni the blgsst en terprisas tu Le locals inutha West ln lai.-yearm." AtlamrnyC N, Durand looked into the malter lu a proluslonial capa-ity aud he informa lbe EBilot h.. ha.,not the lest faill i i t-i4afW£4,t"koit ina fraîd, end thal options wu shaen onli' tu enable the pram tsoc"kîu kinte Flagler Company. ideclares thal nI over 41700, *id in optins on taie anss sd tbinke <aelmmm= a"lst pon A ulve" ioption. Ou thé othar baudthe lxnpxEY»ÇFXT cannot se that the faruiers are toi,., »nY"9te out by the deal. if lt faill throuch thay are abeed their option seoney and have iii ne), vay Leen burt 0f Coure if tley couli have gotten larger payments tic3 wQuld havegained mors by the transaeîijîn, but they will tome pretty near getting Nouiething for nothing a@ it is. The faet tiat offieem of he C. M. & St. P. Malro&d. conipîny ama stock holders end aoffiers in the Flagler Steel Coin-i psuy induces confidence. It does not main that ouci men as George E. Siuip- son of the Mt. lPani road vnuld lend hie InfnDencetu a [rand sut-h as tie M iehlgsu paper declares tii. PlgIer enterprise te. W.. Qn the ath.-r hand one muet noun rorget the e rna'Ore is rigîl on the grundgnd kuowe tithelacto in the. case. The IIEtIEThpstiat lu au- a.thet.week payinuntawilhhave been inade on the land option..d, vhicb is about lha only action the. Company nc ae tu e .- Ilote ~ i cof4n, utheseparts. TLTO COTRTf 9lgbt.,f-vaY Securi dby Elec- trie- fbad Along ParkAvenue aji Psud, For. APPRALS WITU.DiAWN Wecnasday lu the stafa auprema court thé cae appeuled froin tbe Lake couuty1 circuit court lu' wlich the Chicago & ilwaukee eielcrailroad vas not natsllad wvithi. erdicelu Inbeir con- lemuatlon. proteeing brought to aequits rigbl-of-way aiong tsar ni lote fronting ouni'ark-aveu, LiLert3villé, ware disinilesed. Alé othèlse casfm es esettled ont of Court aIeqibey bai been appealed sud Vidnseday's action vas aimply a formai onie by the voin pany necesear3' tu drop. the cases -In the settlieuns the couipany ie said to, have deult iberaily vwith property vunersthoughinlunoué nf the cases did they psy lie amoutt f the verdict eiloved lu the lover courts,'alîiough Dr. Oalloway remseed practllcaUy wbab the jury aliowed bim-. Xi la uuderstood that iu acqulring rb .f-Wwa veat froxu Liberlyvile. it vas not . necsary 10 renort tb the ,rtn, t.Conmpany Lelng able tu settle upone terme. tii.y cons4idered reasonabe In very case. iUZaon le the Plia Raiudy that' Iia be é-got and tsabu il lm*fon Il laItcblngor Protrcdbn Piles Tomporme. Dmmnt ,$cored Jane Victery la Court. SALOON JUEN PERSISBENT. Thora la a bitter local war on in the conmnunltiés 0i Eockeieller sud Dlmond Lake, eaueed prljMally by thé openlng of a @oin a ocailler, As ve notsd ln ta. IXDUPrNDECT anmoeveebe ago a mman aîned Clute froin Chicago bail oeiid a Nalcoo ther e sd vas seliing liquor vithout a license. Wben talk of proecutinig hlm was heard Cinte and bia friandestaarted a inovement to incorpor. ste the village. Tbat suflceut signera mlgtb hasoecred the village limite ver., plarmed san as 10 take lu Dlanond Lake, and then It vas the people of that coin- mqnity objected. Tblrty nains conalituted the rlgbt per.outage sud llnally- the saloon faction obtained thirty-oue. Tbey veut belone Judge Jones. but beloe procoedinge coulfi ba atarted the temperaece people lnduced font signera 10 addresa coin àiunlctinu to the Judge requentlng that their naines Le vithdravn froin the petitlon. Then s seoud petition ap- pearedand again thirty-one signets veré seored. As hefornthe tempersuce elemeut. Induced four men to wîthdraw thoir aignatures. Beaides there won anme irregularlty lu drawiug up îLe petition sud ogain Judge Joues tbrew the matter out of court. Wedueaday the Paloon mnen started out witb a third petîtion and a deter- mination to guard agàinst aIl irregular- itiesansd the posaibilitly of auy signera laler witbdrawlng. Nor bava the anti-saloon people-been idie lailthle lun tie. They presented to Judge Jones a communication praying tiiat ha refuse to allow tÇ,., natter of in- corporation tbeh voted upon, and rit- lng thoir tessons tberefor. To tuile petîllon vere appended the naines of thlrty Diamoud Lake properly owners sud twenty-tbree froin Rockefeller. Hava Bartendar Arreatad. Justice Bd. Payne swore out a war- tant for OrichClute'i bartender, cbarg- ing hum with mailing liquor without s licensa. The casa vaa trled befots jus tics VanDeusen-Woukegau, sufiobant evidence being iutrodiicad to bold Oirih ter the grand jury lu bouda of 4200.. rp .epc r gldgt. saloon bj<vesr, wblcb le ruinn ide open. As tQ the ultimate outrome the saloon faction feel eonfident wbite one o0f the oppohmng fraction said to an 1,siUEE. DENT Mark Wedaesday: "*Well Il it ever dos comi to vote, 1 fear we are beaten, ais lu the manner in wh.cb Uiey have arrne h oprto limito, they Wil e mjrt b willisupport thei WerI nalw.<an to Meenti thein lu Court. IABOUT T1f fCOUINTYI Dentiste to Organize-Thsre la on foot a movement tu organhe ail the den- tiaseof Lake County Into a snciety to known As the "Lake Oouinty Dental AssociatIon." Theobject of the organ- isation la llrstly f r scientifie purposes but it le expected to furtbe h condi- tions of the profession lu general, Lay Corner 8tone-0 n Tuesday, Feb. 7, at Lake Bluff the corner atone of the. new illpe bai wae laid wlth proper veremone. The structure whlch wili Le a twt-etory affair sud wlll have a meeting roo.n for the town board snd 9a town. hall, will Le erected, at a coati f46,500. To Build New 8ldings-It lm learued thatitbe Obicago Milwyankee and St. Paul rsllroad intends to bulld aide traëks et Warnentou, Wadswnrth and Russli this comiug auminer. Each of ,the tracks viiiL e about a mile In length andIt lalad tbat the compauy will acquire strips of land asdjolnlug theirmain lins forthe pros.The stop le neessitaed ;by tte res.1o business on the divIion. Kld.nApt Mit Childron-One evenlng lest week while Mro. Carolyn Davison of Highland Park vas in Waukegan for the purpo-eof ettlng an injnction restrsininO lber husband Major >~renzo Davîson, a retlred officer of the United$ltates amy fronidi@turb- Ing ber home or taklng ber chblîdren, lie appeared and kidnapped the entire fanilly, conalstlng, of-four cbildren rang- - in âge ifroneurto ourteen years. 0~cers wi tb the proper Papeawr at Q" esent oun saîch of hlm but lie bid made god bis eseape, and uno tracee Zuld be foniud of hlu. The 'VtJlsreof Highland Park le muth W.ougb ' p over the allait as ail the parties are khovu to thé neilbbor- hood, Mal. Davison bavlug beau fôim- erly attoned at Fort I$beïidan. Mrs. *Davison bas lied a -petitlon for divorce on the grounde- of desertion sud cruel tys#g that he bas not contrlbu td to ,tbesupport 0f the fainly for the last six yearsand that bie leaianhabituai diuker and g ambler. ï3he furtber stateb that ie bari repeat-. edly boîen ber and assalleci lier wlth foui languageabd had oftenibreatimed to kilI ber, on one ocasio golng so far an to bold s revolver to lier bead. Sbecç-mplalnsthat at anothar tinielhe làîqd &ut ler wit liber Inanat baby In a roc. wbere .ha kept thein as piera l»mot 24 bous. la ber suit«fOr divorce. she aaka tbe otirto couvel ber lusbadto sy br toardhe bwione 0 U4ffis e C M imgo momummm UNI Cali and examine ny STQVES, RAN4 ACCEI Get. MY Fur L1EiYViU..E lIless Sto ck f 01.45 aisp.....1 . c....M B oyer Brose 9 IVANiiOfl IL. 'The8torethat Pays More for F4p, L.4WYER Waukegau 'Phone 276 1 FUISWMIIEI#T iHighest market price@ paid for ail kinde of RAW FUR.S -SV- Chas' Stempel Lonu Grave, 111. muSMa. Taik is Cheap 1i4 na install a teleplione ut au expeuse to yon ail out 0f propor- tion to Lenetit and convenience. ilgeineas rtes,6%cpar day« and np Residenee rates 50c par daýy andup Contract1 roi line. s HARLiN Te iancet exI .Pimer35<., Carvhilaav perforsea i SUTE -7! Qmil floor space a«Q Ioi4 space to show ftàms být just keep gour q ý Store Whdow, and i When gea see it, Furniture and Utidi Lbertyville 11

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