Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 10 Feb 1905, p. 5

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.~RpaiIngWadies.. Hoer reWye v ctb ard.ul *Uotion it deserto'. . NoratsthW b <&Olcate or expensive oyo m b ave, pou ca ae 11t b.&ue1*red r cle-aied, wth iufl iauzmnèei' that the work will b. douas la thïe mont kiliful Mâtinesr poWsble. 20, VEARS >IiL?P1R1jENCE NOT-We -beet music. handie -the popular McKinley REW IIUSS L.Ibertyville - - Illinois, 71. Our entlre stck, of Mense and lBoy' winier gooda In' Overcoasand 'Duck Goats. ....... hicil Â~~~~ $! oa ............... .... $ 17 Nwdk sklal5t ...............14.00 j 0 14 Amtrmba. lmsklnto*bemd Overcoat 1 A$410 J nmll.l u* M . ........e......... . $2~O Bys'Flsesilud ueRÇose.........1.20 hik Our chance WooI. Shirt ...... àe' atWoIS i ...... ................ 0 1.40~~~~~~ lusueImuii................812 lo n! ieMm-e6sud BeYdW Wmkig Shirts, tibll wftk at ......................... .... ..........I5 fi é I f0PY, ies elw4eflbl Or. eail..Gall a fconfinedi fipum w devlopinlo apPmnoectie Two irell hsown Lilartyvifle ies bave tué# "Out lased fneolltorf = 01ial vling allmy, pool an Respflevlreac, foreman on one.of 1, Uebi' Jagu frin aoul f IOWn bu rm.lguedis position end moved luto 7iii. rumide ou Jonewherry aveupe. ,Wm, trlayck la quit. aerlousy 1il wutiakldustrouble Smd rheuuatiom -t bu ba hoe oceestuldiscontinus the mmufacture aenglunes aI him machine ilhop bis u"noes, thougli the a" in motcloemd. Tblrty 7«easvueriencelninsmking efflnaay in' Gum r's reputation. oely aI the BtuoeyB"x. »»UanagrFulon, of SchwartsTheatre, Waukeg;an, was l ov Touday. Ho- Informe sn us ha.arrauged for s lats eai ounlthe eléetrlcroMd Sunday ulgit, s o as to ensile Llhryville fpeople to mes liaI popular production .'Babe in Toyland." Mr». Muer, of Wauksgan, county organiser of Loyal Leglons, maet witia 64 e chdrmn of Lilartyvilie -Satuda ilmvrnooa lést sud a Loyal Legilonva organlsed. Thlrty-flve membeuu ame-ou tie ol. Meetings ar e laolaheld Frlday aiternoons i f our O'clock. Mothersamr ured.Io seudi ber cild re. It in permistmily rumoredi on theeétreta Ibat *. A. Duoem bavold hie@elo baissnes-. According 10 osslep be ii go to Fox Lake wbere be vilii onduci Ibm larglaminer' mreatutil recetly under nîsàagemmuî of Muerike Brus. Mr. limone Iumaft poeltiiely den at5 tiare lea my truth vbatever In Ihes rumars. gm adumi»ts latparties have bemo negotating villi a viev to purtbasing his business but ays notbing dodnite bam omm 01 il, sud doms not 1.1k as Ibouliho blievmd liere wvod. Bunday aiernoon a bouiie of bis parents vere beldIbmetuerai servies of Chuer, teu.ymrold son of El. B. Eger. Omoter'a desti foiiowed coupiieatfous ariciatt fro. a ,llgbt attack utf scarl lever bm ulered a ypar imgo. nm was s brigil> lovable child@ su helongsiknees vllh ils Inevitable reamit 4o appartl IlaMeniltu sympathisevilhi hm sud bis parente. Cilidren'. organisations, bis echoot mates snd friende of Ibmefamly atteuel Choiir ympaliy hy carryîng an unuwununiber ofbeautiful flowere 14> the remidenee. %i Johuton'A Bine Rb in ofand Bitter Siveet ctheae a ImBt'mo ville Enlertalnumn course vas lime ouiy one te la lavored viti a large allen- dance, and It proved one af lie bewt ou the course. Thrm sixemrs, (ertrude, Mande sud Làiban KirksmIIb, soloistu, sudý asmmeli Iorougb mastere of Ihe viola, vioflansd flot@, vili Mise Arlp Strope, reader sud Ceclie Bouchber, &o- companisa mmd eoist, compose Ibme .LAdW-sBarmgny Company sud il letaa comblination afoiding a diversified and rýeall imcoable mtetaiumeut Tii audience evidmtiy vas higbly plemeed, vlitb the artiste, mucoring repeatediy sund perastenty,util Ibm performere ver., vwel ulgi xhaueted. Mise Gertrud Xlrkamitb la' s parliculary plmasleg sololet sud ber readitioas captivatedlier bearers. On Ibm violin Mîms &Madcn have few squale, performing vîtà eues. andi grace and bem familiaritly sud rend. mriag o! mont difficuit passages vas marvelous. Ou Ibm whale tihe manage- ment cornsout somethîng over $88 la. hiud, butl Ibm course bas afforded Our people the - rigbt kiad and c" oe fmn lertaiummet sud ehouldbte analber yar latter patronîsed. The tiDsPF.DBT b llevee liaIunder Ibmespidonege af ope.o! lie churcli organisations, the Cmmet.iy Association or saine local order bteri remulte, flnancially, vopId restait, aud ProbablY suotier wseon Ibm buess men viii termiinate timir cannectmon la Ibme capaciîy o! managers. Gulber's faniaus Chicago candi de, sold onRy aI Ibm BnvtçyBREic Ev*s, I, Yugthk la CL E '3Ïù of Volt>, lat ivre! .parionod $buGeorge Bond bhume om DivI*oe #Ïo@ Mid about July 1 wili me"' o nuwaTitll lh hie family. 'd Mr = , *Wummlîî bhsrented the 1 rof 160 acr e e >C h is farnily wiil move Mm, 14W mea iurprise party âi v, tb* ' 5W soni George beiug the ýoqyW4" sDftig and gaines vers eeê'*ýd à, udhbeon servmd The , yo=mulidbW a deligimîful evening. Uni wUho 999mi year, as Asb Wedne. day leo Igomb li, later ta unouai. Pel niudýëff MAprl 1li, armd Gaod Fmi. dailln 4piff lt-.Easter Sùnday vhen au lie W"oel4&upame forth in iles and nMv B5t« bgIOti. coule, April 24. e , M. 0 Oi1 qicb ivîo emnt]Y eoid b i peesoeW ý prOperty ut auclion sud 4rested bd Ifanemet of tihe vililge >expece ttio oe tu Liie.rty mmi.' ln Ibm 1nesrfutumr. i1f la5 uunorpd hlansd bis brohe Jbp *IDl giage in the under- baklng ad tesSiture luîinerà here. liMts& . 81 Glmaon weut la achicago rImtiptai liU # ofthebmwcmlmfor trest- 9 mtofanehinmnt with wbichb eue bas 1u rt arehp.Thureday Ibe sqr. r gou.operaled. but utai îîm nigong ta, Dpissa ve have nollearmd wltb vhiat mounit. It le lmufed eue wil vitbmtand tIbm ordmim sd njy lwcter bealithli As t4 vimu'"ppr gops to prees >lueuy Ielcî i. in progrees in Woodmsu hall Ibm orgaîîizatiun of s xnlgbtsai Pythies odue. some thîrty or Ity.uvm charter meruberw bave jobued Ibm ore huim me one of the very bel soMialorgauitatione q) '9Ibmeday. Borne acdIbhead lodge t'iero are lare ln char»oea!hi nstitution. Ifyou1ae boihmred iillieadaches, nirvouemee,Oe., sud do fot know Ibm causecMni onIMies Enimerî at the New Castie Holi uetliOndaY the Illîliasd ame if Itl your cye. Sfile'yl examine the.nfre Msd leilinuf rankly wbetbmr or not youz medmd ase. Dlin ualtonber yaui have beadache. if it le your evres causlng lien,, mie l tell you. 19-j'1 (5olIector Parteous bhas received bis tai books aud la now Ilusily engsged malrlng ont remlpte. He ivili la ready te reeive taies ina few daye and ivili make bee.dqusrtmrs et the First National Bsuk using lis <ireto)res room as an MOie.T anUnt tmiyeAr ta la colietedIsWa lktee ocer $18.300 vhile lut. 7ma i Il vusin tle' neighhorlmood 018146.500. 1 The Jreerl5e se> of Jan. 21 bhm oub its front P"-a pi-ure o! a enspen. %don bridge acroms the Deplalues rive r. 'he bridge ln Ibm piclure la locsted on tbm faim of Wlhiam Caler nue audonue- hall males nortli o! Liberty ville aud con- sidmeabis geamue le ebovu lin itcoretrue- lion, it ilea foot bridge oiîly h je bug froua trees ounca-b sde o! the river by nîsans o! smai rabLes. The iduea îbas orWgiatmd by Frank Caler sud was Ibm outgerovîlio!f l ilficulties i crose- IDg Ibm strenuut lu finie of frealai. Jud rcived oranges, at Ibm B E iE. Attormma s urand and IlaeGuffin entertalned lime local viet lub ai, home o! Mrv. Durmnd Saturday uigbl. There vere preseut altol moine Cicago frieuds, among tirer two attorneys, wiom Mfr. MacQofin gravelv iulrodaced asm1ev. Dr. Thomais ad IPr. Gunsaulum. and il "100k." Even to servîuug ?iesrum- Duraud sud Ma,Guifin insisteit on domng l ail by thernelvm. Sucbh a lunch as Nacufin batl providmd. Sixty pounds of trsl turkey tand everything mse lu peroorion, aitd wasalmfiost offeudeit becaume home presenî did mat dispose of Il ail. If ever there vere generous honte Ibm attarmys ams Al deciare ItI tu bave beenthem uont enjoyable social gatheirdng of lie wiuter. ,Tbm suctioalng of gentlemen preseal va. but one of the to.a smillion edollars ah, Ibe lady bidding nat lw-ing avare wboip se vould gel, sud tbat'e vhy @oane of us venn o cbap. M Meuiiê oeae be mrb je rusi of saine: bis Agod Wlflism <rummitî <lied at Il .home Of bie ion Robert; Tuenday uigt ek aller a louglUnes. e. ceaed wau ot .) of die oldeet resideot n ti"section C i tbe covnty, bavlng resded lin and abasi .Llbertyville for over Ml7 ty ya. Si ýevlvrng are Robert Grusnmlt Mdsudnm sr E. H. Weil@, hoth 0f1lbertyvil vFuneral vwu bold at tbm bou@@ &t o'clock Thursday atternoen. No galoon Tler slogan. in The 9foflol'lng reolutilne won runaulmousiy adoptei by *- rislng vo teof the ofieilmenibors of the LIbertyvIl Methodmî church1faturday Feb. 4:-1 WaEEEAo, The chprebr of Jemuq GChri in Libertyvvile lae onfrouted witb eh saloons lu active operalon admoteol4 icontemplation. amud nW««48.~, We a. Notbodiste sud lmi chrietians, vlew vili approhension aisý aWarmi thesPread'o! th4l..linour aidi and bellevlng th ii nluenceOf thme elood d 0 lie mviI aud , 03117 î il and Ibal icontlnualky, tIhere lie It >fssolse4. bhi hes econd rrtfrl, "conterence of Ibe Methodist c urch oà "LIbertyville, for tbm confernce 7mai mnding October 1, 1905 liaI wm denirs ini Ibis mansièr tu publcly express oi disapprpvai of tIbmloulng uf saloous ln this town. RR.oled, that ve wili us ail bono. able means inlu i ýomewialcapaclty and la our prlvatm le and vill ever pray foi ethe suppression of Ibis mviiluInour aidai. Andbie t furtbmr Rie-ged. That tbmonsrmoletions-las ontmred In the miautes oaies uartmrly oou§fmenee, sud almo thal a con lbe furalmbed Ibm LÂmcsCiWry Itq>gpzezx ifor publication. Juilt vbat sigaillcance thm pacsrng of theseresolotions bas at Ibis Particolar limg e eknow flot. 'It vouid 'indicate thal so far au the offieli board. of tie Methodist chàrcl inl coliermed tiere la to liemno temnporlslng with Ibmesaoois quetion. With Ibem iil;e ot ta lae lb. advisability of :raisfing IbtheiBens lee Ibis sprlng but rallier absmolue prohibI-ý tion, if. tbm text of tbese resoistlons mns nything. 'Phat laing tIb m,5 Iberemsy laa no lcejlre ticket in Ibm' field next spring. Readiug Room LIbrery. Hmrmwith i lu peseted alisI of books availabie £1 Ibm reading room over Hleath's furuiture store. Anyoue in welcome nt thm rooussi'ad Ibere inl absoiutely no charge. Whmre bookeamr talien to homes a memmasip teof si pet year in levle. These bookse arS obtaiued Ibrougi Ibm Pederation Of Wommen's Clubs sud Ibm readlug publie wili find Ihe selectiosn a vmry good on,-: A Sou of Seilunla Aliem's Adventures ln Wonderland. tonald sd Dorth. BaseBunker. In Itmhelge aiofTerror. Makîng Ibm Mine. Taies froua Shakepear. The Cantaways. The Golden Window. The Junile Book. The Second Jungle Btook. The Laiuplighter. The Prince sud Ibm Pauper. The Young Lumbem man. The Violet Fàiry Book. The Siory orSefid -Two Bors ln tbm Bie Ridge. Wild Anis 1 Have Kaowu. B00KOM FR VOUSCIPEOPLE. l>ortmy South., Gabriel Conroy. JuaHaifax, Gentieman. Kia. lorna Donne. Ifebecca. Sbips That Paus in the Niglit. Theima.-4 The Blaied Trail. The Bow of Orangte Iiblion. The Firel Violia. The Little Minieler., The Yonili of WabingtAou. To Have and To Rold. 1100K POAi LIIL" (sordon Keitb. Jinrikisba Dayset Japsun. Liglits of Tvo Centur»e. Memoirsand Letter» o! Doily Mad imon. Peggy 'Nesl R...,u'eFoly. RUS"i. That Girl MIonlana.ý The Allai athelInn. The Crossing. The Ne.tte of1 t e ou re. The Pit. Tbm Prospector. Tbm ight of W&y.j The Virgfuala. lii Ma»y are eakiug adysti opportunIty to buly sessxat ,Prices, and in ail ixwt.anco. at .Less T Jothe Orocery- We have pliced op the tabfto "only ieu fouud by paying usà' be sold at*just Hfaf the Don't forget our"DRY ~ MENT. It Io brim Ml of EX' WeSave VOU "A Every article gumuteed atipoi give -yon jour rnlo'sw thh e' back We so deliver, ait sgoodu b M. 11. C~Iby 'PHONE 20 LIBERTY VILLE e0 OU ~ 4 pines o! Ul3ascW ad BlscW Mmios Toweliig, 251 per ent. laotble nsnaW lurîce. This toveling lale 6incem vid, flrmly sud ecoeiy w0tves blatte himg ile quality vou genmrOlull, boy for lor.; bur prie on tliii, lot (lie bienscin leMl higberlhaiî bm......u.e.... 'tyville - - That it would pay yoD to -Buy your Gandy at LDMIEDAL CH Hlghest Award at St. Louis Worid'a Fiar. iohhw s $CeIebrated ,Blue Rbbon, Qh $odonly by ué Uunther's CiWdies Pnrily' le Paramouft Prices Reonable Figs, Dates,; 'nesp ,7tna$ tourt.eolftàtroatmon± tobaQw*t GIVE US A CALI. ARP [. r 1

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