vatbon vsa wterasetfIde tht the Fothev An 4 intat et Peter. lu- l*at ï aswbit HA dabued te ha, sud th01 itir. Mec ldA r~ libt o feptitkUWjianiwt e 11. hie. te HIA iuraeul as-r, 0 àn,* d, t ua lnp peartaco ai. fl eairon. , rndeelasPaul f« = M i#* of e t .uth o? the. #Qw- o. ret-ledepeudout vupon thc imor! o oudre li4the ment trait- w if l l aerasete us tien *0 ahonlit bve se inlf.benrted b.- lu inmrscl*-eo iuach bllet as tri« thosai wag. W.l sheul thinia "Mr bliel Qed.ue. »se mch thît v 'tou«mgmul tà w r, 5l h -ope 10 11ev fia tiaugbls et- whieIa nnlfceats itamile s 0691lue. W as li o ravrais tbremnta us, et kel' rethiotan.s bu '&à> 4" utrol 0,cr tbe rrmer liait ov.rytblng l a Wtfebjeet bâles, oaiLOY, ugy x is wlk--erythlg xcelit te vii ~*ous rc ut aruingO t dom not fillew at aIl th..t Hl. an lu4~agr uaea, sd naiss d.voytbng.Tiiot'.are thîngiiwlînesit ~ 5 o sufuingor a soarbes vpeId set b. in.>comdsnce with i imna- ttr thdo, sud Ho cannet de these h~ ey for AU tiies.i bitag&. '1at le taea«Y there are thingi Ll .Pikbam' Vq Coad clinot do becan5e lDe le a go Gobecaus bis character i; unchange- Bos1~%Piuiuam:jpmises, whetjaot oxpread or Impited. U~~0UNO outoi.pluaois* ton l ulbes te daten right, and lie eau ado wha in ri te. Jl'aJ iIID I sied lfltoidU$ Verso 48-Jesti as anco% ab-'ut te = tn eUben oter impacn nWîytwe jeans of workl In me i.aîphydollreck. no o» seese e woWd ea~erbt L dS. 100 0" 6Cw".und bue UtqW c Y oVese4.4-A number lJit genietaeliI- MU . dae falldM Ucua. sud temple baiebeen made toexplinittis lot SbWtifUllSWiiflststement in the cucection in wlueh j-, oeeffhcire.bat ldoie .net %petit t,, Iaci' c ~ ae't h*5,tate to 5iîydrc ou-tion with the piag _411 o Ld t K P dkans *rta bittereus. The tructemes ning of it in bl ileruponL atonceaud eLt. uito leur framn the paronlil îotwige ln ____________ iattnoyl13:57. The roui ext there shiows; that Jans reerredta .hsudletlwat i Orne'. Uee.ioun i Alhp. Galilée, sud ospeciaily lu Nazareth,,le faa i angurlar tact."sys A. Rtoy couil ontexPpect taelie horaere<l a u4%r- M*lieashue. arcordlag te. theo Stphe. Tho ressorn wby lie co)ullio t ex- Loufa Globe.Demog.rat, "ltaI wlea anc pedt I in tetorly, stateid by MaItlîew. kfi 148 Mraucb as iliteea or twenty I(R«e MortI. 13114-58; Mark tl-6.î Udi. u hebur ilau anarsip oeebas! John evidentl>' lntrolures filie ntan l n u cr Ietion dopter es n mort .of gi- Mr «Iention eofaîaviig vbatever. Thc. ami content on our h.r's reeî,t <n le ir batols lu jour fuee as yen more (Galilée. The peopile fohi',wed lue, le UIM& ,but 10 OuI>' <rentea lte Imprea. I rowds t', aee Hia.. irueleandl ti, lo sièn tie ne I tutaditng ati lna 5healol. but very few eofOlîce, beeanîe «rdig breese. teadfaat disciple.. (Repld Matt. 1:0 nm r.are ne objecta ilylarg pont 24 sud John 0:20.) 7« Mas vien jeu are trttvellug oan the Verso40-Canra vos prli:il)s ire matiee of lise ecthi, 1 aanYU otato-tlles 1te teortb ef Nazareth. y.. 70 y. Lookng abend of yen, Veoe 4.-The nobility did fnot rien- e trreeoui>' distant oljeeta. no aUr assiste tlaprmlsoieain uny wîay dâ$gUt beeause cf jour bigapit or? -th Jellns. Bt hen a manriila lire *lmv binaIyen aupprocitthuntappar- dlatross sdI there I i) cewîy in wbieh entliy se slawl yjon do net écrit ter le cou b> lis owa effiorts oetancrelief MQVre et ail. I concîder iis oncet of i ii do mon>' Uîi-th lt otht.rwvi., g uso qupemontst eîtstoenlt a tri l "':Id net -bave tlîughteof d,,i,. threu*-tbeatir. end the Impression eof fith. and tnlth crne te bina,.lHe bar- desrely marlng or cf no. Iiivung lit ried te auet Jexas. rose journey nertif- ail 'W Se0iliuMM - OeOu ti th M s- yard hall evldently already begri bei-aild Piliened oenaut.,tltiIlla probably la Cepernau ansu rgoil IMintotebarrir 'm.ehi-sany af ttein puain their u tethe latter cit>' ta béai i. sec. 11006W le teo exreane litait and It *diau' Vomie 48-Jean.,' answen dos ne laà B~qee. Wlieilapnaipeelgruge scau Ver> synpthetlr. but it ie ail in la =eitdf or An alrsaip I10 vi»cause tho point e ofvie. b- vaS net t"I po'a> f*ver bretikdevus ef meons due te pie suffered bedil>' ilii, and sichened aud ebovding power." died, tbat vos te Jeans te nwful tra- gel>' ef lifte, but that people would net 'Bis Dyopepaîs Boîtter. believe. Therefore Hie toiked ta titis Battu--I ot s vire froe, Siggs h. nobiemanet belle? ei-en lu the midst of, *'ir oylupF bis dyapepsla vna manch bi sorrow and anxiety. He poiuted ont -te hlmdico béler vue the great thing, lté ting that signa (airnios) were in- CuatIs-VYUota ext <cran teasgay ho tended ta producre. but that cheul Cet lsisgrpbed te newa. Wbat 114 ba ha se dependent upen aigus. Jes Weaild OVI .bave mcen beloève cn Him hecause cf thte Sella-Uie sald tiere wus a fitren i miracles, but ulequite*a;ni e tnioclilea rWoin lutheo vbat l t.-~Cincinnati o? Elle toahings. we kcow iv lit tiiese Commercial Tribune. teachinga did se Impresapeoupleofititt -- -soins. wvitell orgeete cee Ihie, uit - A FELLOW FEELING, hostIle latent, conte awayy snying tbiat - -nocoeeovor epoke nasle epoke. Wklr Slu Fait L.ecteur Tovards the. Verse 49.-But the ncl.lerrun wattfiil lirenkard. l of of osrt he one tlieuglit. lut seconoat * A geftdesi-deiengls oet.the fpeut olire acd Jésusamunt a on ini. le htud i0W. À gondtiauler:a-e %Vatit DwaB nat ime te orgde about belief. uer did lsd, lt alvry pecuilr vay, le rodas Jean vish him t. Ho blleve(d thnt ho er senucwaliebrath jutîguient of the Jestwcoeld belni his son andiîhHo begged pour ibirvite conanut negdt bis caps Hlm te de se befcro 10 cons toc lato. ad Able la nov more charitable. Sit 'Verso 50-As n iloter case. viten " vawa g. thie peosders sltowetl tlienci-msve ail in »]»rM ryaare a' ra of aesstan sd confident ot>Hill e bop, Jeans F ba rsv*rLlut Ie bis mnoîpersiatertcy and fias trm ositus. f5»> tala. Int o 40 nt go te Cnperusuuu 119 _» PM 51 lia toIfunl 1 cou n et lmaacelstely. 1He required stili moi-e ox- Cedo*u,'but wU's the doter vblt omise of Il,.,uthepart o? t e (ather *tbuts lept 1 get s no rvous 1 coul,! ne requlred hlm ta believe without aée 91Tenttuayviere. lnkg, aud te ga orneé ithotlaccomplileb 4Ž I inut giveo .plshat a had aseto ut te do; tbat--îuy q of0ofce--tb main Tilnltat te brOut0Jeassback viti. dm. The'. a;ff àItýn eigbt gav-e me seme relief. maes tiirose te t'letîoccaision; lha ~~aml physicieno, anbu- batppel pieadicg end wot h orne. BWY yscun, .... Verso.51-53-4tsif -te sliow hat ho bêtriaelà ca ce tendbel irnelf, 1011 thora vas ne barrier te Hic power Jeas tir te41 pay no attention te their advîce. p. Intmed thia miracle ut n-Iaine OC 1SèJli4 ôach a chaai for melibait Wlsen the noblesuan lettruedit ow ~bis, 7,'i 45 ltAh* irant andl ettlng a -%ltiff a? sou bas béen henird lit ftle ery heur '4<' t-a>ieî 1 1 net reste a cup. vhen Jean@ bl anrol Iiim isn he ayen -lentesl lowrds tino drunk- vfa»grated. holie inot say it vas .n not porsa ticBatleau. mare celueidlence. ,He helièe d titat the me t tryPoutm, ealing vast donc by the power of JIrons, me te trye anno nosebellevel ia Jésus. And. cs lu dent! ont, gsing 'That- chier cassa,e s otiant a mail orcfstrolng pie tce om calte. la benrwllo i lthhie fautu>' witb itiu tol UR ton me-coffee and 1 tihe hoasehol utf tnith. # . Verse 54.-Thia mai menat eiliier thtt 4 Iwever, 1 bougbt a pack- tia mirarle waa the r e t .lliée l iter ni. mî,ru atinaugi 1 vas stur. thie tpning o? voter icto vine, or tlint ~Setdrik il I repael ~ ~ Jesis hal vorked anotier emiraîcle mince 0" ot 1k IL 1fýer reakftas. m rIStiwflfreinJérusanlem, wliiciî. hw- dbwgbd, andolait tdîitt aut ere],la net chrenicled. - et b eloe . bd 1tastel a Osurci sud Ciergy. cup af cefee! Prom Wales bas neter hoown.s«cii o relig- t~'e t3la (mare thon 2 jenSe) 1toua awaheuing as that vbici t utprescrit bid i-l~laadeagir fer tbe oid S-et. aa l ier.. kWt~ ~h mouenreturnuel; tle 'The Episcopai diocese a? Michtigan aiu ~ ~g~p0 1 Ibegan ta sBlceppreatten ojora lte distinction, et haviag in- Ia ibéirt Ume. Igaîzel 20 ito cérical vucancios. tu ïmilght. 'Dso Slrecesyiite-enl naeto swing ta au adntrsetfmag- nSve Imre r. tne foundaelothait st a -distnce Of Ibree. milea tramnthe abatsj abipa compas. sbowed a devin- tîon et a witele degree frein Ils tmue pd01U~,1~b. - ouac t-liteHumeroug sialpua, therefere, la obvious. AN OLO MAtIS TRIBUTIE. Toure et as erarbeCa f e Sluey Juatus. fruit dealer, of Men- 1er, 0h10, naja: "I van curoti b>'Doan'a Kidgney Pille a accovre, case of kil- oey troublte, ot eigbl or ten jeun' Standin.g. I suffered the' Most seI noere bat-kache and alter palana In thc region of lte hidneej. rîîce w ene egpeciahi>- accore vben atcoping te lift MMDEY JUSTL'O. nujtbl;îg. anild ottea i cal bhardij tralitea MY baeik. Ti ehtenug vas bcd ln lte daytlaee, bat jut on bol et îigitt, ad r vas alwys nlame blte taarning. i vwas beilueredtt ittrItournateetins and dropsIc-ai awelling.of the foct. The urinai-y passages vore puInfai, and te aecretlena vene dlcraioredn'ti se frnee ltaIat ten 1 bad te risc at aigitt.- I ftt tinel ail daj. flair a 1>-ex servee to roeleeaie,untitree boxes effet-ted a permanent cuîre." ,A TRIIAL FItEF.-Add"masFeater- Mllbra l'e..Ituffile, N. Y. Fer soie b>' ail deniers. l'rlce, 50 cIa. Noah Webstter, telicgraPber, wa, os ralgbt be-nuope.eti tier for good Englisis, andt oflen nproved bis vîfea maune oflte lagunge. on on. occnsion Webster Itapiened ta b. alone in te dlnieg main viti tliner sery pnettj iteeemuld, and, ho- ing susceptible te sut-b charme, îlot bis arias arounat ber andti klsed ber squarely 0on hie meti. Jua t et hlsMmuent Min. Webster ontee. the moer, gaPel steeti agitaat. anu, le a tbe o f ferrer, oxcilamed: ,wity; Çoab, I samasurpriged." Whereul4on Mr. webstet. coeily andi railyhjbot witi evcr evilence et dls- ,guet, tnrned opeon ber. "*HeW Mtltlntî uata 1 Icorrect yeou o e use 'cf simple werdo?" he remarhed. "You menati tadem, tnt jon are acttoificd. I, mada-Iamn tihe oe w it, e laurprisel." dt Malle. end tmg caaom1 I uffered frein tinogt Ith ~ Pain. 1 tid matai dactora s rtila got n0 eli. Mdaad W4gen UP hope wbeii a frend 1014 ame ta get Cutiliara. Af- ter bethleg.,vitk Catiern. Suap and applilng CIntlcu* Olutatent for tItree daya, i»y hail4fwikA 5asrieurlotir ever, and to r woléprie snd JO on caoke cf s su d s.b of ollntilleat made a coimplote cure iuone week. (Signed) H., B1. ll'rankhii.117 Washington BEL, Âffuthny, Pa." Mr. ]Kloseaouiy deur, Fin afraid thnt sealakip Îâsero ibnied 3ou- lira. ICIo.seiae-Tbat's enough, John; Mr. Klooeea*-Rnet we've got ta eca- onulice;Ton muaetuamale neescrifice. lirs. laeniku(dterminedy)-Yen. but tt o'«t be sasoalskin sackhrifce.- Philadelpbla Prese. The Miaonrl Pocldc iar yand Iros, Motintain Route i ii soil r(oun trip tick eua on the r«sdt l lrd Tu<-eday of eoci, month St rate o? eefartîl'lus r200 t, Points ln Arka.s. sLoui.ioa. M issootjri Kanas, Nebrahi, Texasanud etiier States. Tickets g.od 21 ilas ansd gooI ferstop-vea.The i. i ri 'aeideItoRai Way n r.Monutain Route resitli li portant peinte la the W"end c South West. vitthott huao. lFor faîrdier ia formation addres e lils Forn.nwortli,,1i, P. A., 11l AdaMa street. Chicago, 111. lira. Sagitt-lira. Browne bas been treatlng hiem huabacad rather cool fur aulnef inie. Mrs. Ankitt-Tes, se 1 have nh.erred. I Wonder what la theccue of it? Mra. Sayi*&-Ob, its nercI>- a hint that aelleexpeMtsasnev séalotju sascque Ibis winter. Pliles Catinsd as Boule by »ew Ahaorp. If yoin suffer framt IIffllidrg, ltchlcg. lMfVî1 or protruding rpile-. tend me ylt addreqa and 1 viii tel )OU how te Pitre youraelf lt home by the new abxorptiecn trestmenit;,asnd vii -ais ened nome af this home trealment froe for trial. wlth referoncos trouryonr om-c lorality if re- quested. Immedlate relief and permas cent cure assurisi. Sbd no money, but teil others cf tiisoffer. Write le-day ta la(. A Loulou mother offer..d teoBel her babyfra quartbeer. Thie fact came ut eit a aubeequent inquest io the ch1ild'a death. aOCUEA OLD EN ONE DAT 'lake taxjrsiBe1115> QInine Tatileta. Ail druoeelctretard ie meef il 10 allag cacre. ]k W. rovea Ik Wtetg ou eseh baox 25a A lcaklug Stage, trust hais been orgai- Our Special Proposition 1, 5 e b u & Be ver>' pliln ae vacannaI mak ne s aler jour ottier la placod illa 1h.thefsetasy. Wevwlil el= .malorlal ready, poir uit. eft., but vililt mili ve hear f yn ota be!oc é t ting on the fu inel i trlimlg or tuilh. top. Ton laya befome rau vaunt la siippai. wNb m b. beoesApti1.,@end 85.00 marc and wva vin lisht and slipyou a nico, nov jebJuat out o? lb. paint room. En ahi vay jeu vill gel oaismadnavbuggy vl a&U pab bardeued just smads and pocked i fov days befarsJ ahppel. YOU Vau iordes' ai Oumm e w osively çannotaCCopt ordws for over Mc$htie ther cloue or Thew9Çofjt ru vti oiya few mon dur. da b. lter, and bouc. lms -mauy of their .blgh.clam varkes,..We vaut ta keep our large foroebusy aI Ia**â.s sao imaeetht. sc.gobal affer. Remumnlter, we cmn oply bulld thc 1 = at ate~tua thon take up our hesvy aprlng varia. W. buld iand se inCt lmghciasvellea hUa anyother fictary in America seiflug diactt h uera How Do You Want it Built? fflyd Plona box orCornug tylel 22x54 luches or 24x54 tahe? tate vhlch. 10 viii b. 1h.e siegrade of body vse useen our 0.00 buggy. GC~, End aprfng <11k.ect) or Ercvser?1State vblch-lf - do net, we wilscnd enad sprlng. Gea«r vill bave a ti-= blgh-Sga a an d hlgbeat grade ailt.npered aprin go made. * WLais Dejouvsnlux42ueoe4Ox44inchesl Taf -u w.ll. h..rqnarm tentn. hcoy,; la rs It or 4 Bw-wbf*do yaqavaut ? t vl bave lesther -..» quartersan sd Weumode in .very vay, vlth heivy mubbcr side sud back curtalus. ab seteul ttate 1 viat yau vaut, W. vii Md. Bc kt".Meeter a lae, dark gee rNov York paai«sud dccarting la a&B doua. àne«bAuetraqually o? dali-groe Union body cloth or orwhtpco or Kestai leather. Stato whlcia yau wantIbuWç* ia the bigisat clami of moecaniga v. com owuxt pdeat andouIbok. ~ La*ierdab;licl. t1hainrbberaUse qsbms te. ed au ta irsafay. Tou ce l dupilu tlswiadm arité. la u 0 JsUSTEl9= itis aurIgE .utn loc. sud hoyvii god yon hoîr bit plant and aee ctaog toeterwih enou4h ael 2:000 rcjlyTrae 2,000 blenu ,nut eey 1,0 pedd Ontou, 100rare, buceslaibs vegetable seedsansd IfoALL ,05lVT lec 5'oITAOE providmn; yen iii roturu thia notice.,sud di yhM ouwl edteu2in peaoge thy ii dd te the.aer h - ekseet Mazeoma Feurth fetJuiy Iveot Cer-lie earliest on eartb-10 days earîjer the. CoryPeepo'Dity,PiraîofAUie. [C.N .UEl ttdudabtedly. "ta" rmarked thc typewritor beerder. vho reade Ihe actentlflc pager cf patent medMcne alomsa, i saIt to e 910 per oent vîtor." "'That,," ejoined tiie bacholor wltb the absent hair, "la pobebly vhy be glods It se much casier te go down h 'thon Up."1. The. lateet sud meet fescinatins mcth- cd af îeaching cbldrtn te, rend la te, put tbem aet work on. a typevriter. owasu 0 -i The Great Nonesufch Remedy pg% 7h. oid mon= U. tog S I. ~atralghi sure, bsf.;alag S T Im part of à ceptuaybatti.d lub d JACOBS' ahs.aa Ithe vorîd over. Pria;, aC. FA O and 50c. c ----------- - ------ 1 --------- -- - 00- Our. srantceez ,u*edW m"effet evermade. ?bee bNO 71CR k o 3 - O. IA» J? carey. ls very pub. unMdamis W. fura"sb vtb eveey lob a ONER VEAU GVAEAIMM teI.Wb"a ce avec to rapta.,. trmor o! g.or repr gos v tn mibro fromt d.<el inugterflai or corkmanabp$W> do a,bwoso uusutborlzedo. r bIlaWU&Aiso undetand tinttlu oddtloe to ti m oer ujob 1h50 yen p.Woite It tg sWb 3us tink I sncb a atrong and lUberal guarmte. I W. couWt '1afford tai ship a poor job, could vay We ICtowWhMat 's -iw . PAivt" Important tig to kno* t.luymaýebat liait vo made anuInveaunent of ovei $100.000Inua pil c.vbg nom of door #s, an. d eq 1 ed itia Ibm kl ni t lUM b provod carriantmsk1ng =aChin t h. worid. We buny ibe natstell orsaIres - wbeia, bodios, etc. W. bile eV psc «asmud ta ses.t it la up to th. grade. es bad h ocated noir us, no thtuaIwe ould b. IndimatOl ouected M the building of aur iwork, aad buow exactly wvLî vo are glybag out uuany vehicle custemera aIl ever the. world.. Point enou s a multltudeof defecta, and dom, do It vherc thoe t la bat for puâft anly. 1W. bave otherhUes to and bousc. ca pt -.gford. for the 1bi1. vs mairebn me sale. t10 ieahd ay aci aur custounera. As mmiveNdesfor tha aay OWver m eie êi s «W 0«< baus. W. mY tsa att.,r ""r " aeft msdof uthc = a pfactos t e w o? viat tas u e SM d. voul b.. urpra Ilf you bey wbai la inu isof 1h.élbuggius oferced by ~l h" eu iwo m.,*r h oi pIbale ovii iy lutly refuse te oftarlag ge. WC Yeus g x siurthe mme w ibout et e DolN vauýt, .'l auVehme .b If Ibe>' ve uha"oa»Ch o vS. ba may e. has Wàr