Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 17 Feb 1905, p. 3

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tArse rni Itiepty. eule t Vlhuis ianîd Iu- th.l- il tli-eugh titi cul- c W.86tole an i tue'are foi- su oppertuuits' lu bio. ~but ba bas diîîappeareil. bb amastat the" la totiug toi- tsettIe'.boue vas iti lor- ho eqd buaeti tUnion, For- nu ad Riminsrten.litIillinois, ot, leit. Tih atint-Union ae4 acli thce thers wlr, lose-I ceQwius te tiieabsenur. hiÇ . L. Sihe-man,. tlubatik a.kaov ast te Citizeet' 1Bank, lit ai-gcetf lette for su-eral de)-. u-ce.lvdWists nuti, tIiheloiug Sc a wmt i-rides'. Tiié tîllî>viug the , atk lelil te <lit-lu iti.doorg. t0u1111reaulteilin fftheti îloisure- ýba4dsappeerci. It la i'stiluiacu-d 11» l~ peopet fUnion vii., îid bast- 00;Nýrt4ismali mesue. Viti'r de- I'thes et Uthommes' tnl-utf Sttie dw , ar entaiog uvercs'. Titi- lsîu.butî,ldî- 4la hiou-Caged for ai it lm ws euh sud do t ciîni ueians for Clthe -i.ltcr.i- Oo d er.M IL..n.Lucam, wsui.lesphtiic teaiënirt Viditi. nut tiio a'-tu Iti taIn sd deeded bis tai-nu tîu hiju bounds. Mm, liu la in able it ep-aîs$f.llu bSoi idepsiiit ilu ticuli's blutut. Many «eir cases excite 5>-iitiy fui- the »001111131VO Mig Ts SUICIDE. *MU iloin lua-aRather Ctis pare the Lw. Tvel '. tt le cl-t bonit.iiu î-lho ave ,Ovnbr ppeured ln centratlllhitii-î are uos la lb.eents' lait u in îlîltottuies- br'avs'bond, vhîli- eatuil le îi.-îîuî.liii -itg isisa mblmelot .sahum iitNlýn lie. lî'uru- fil chat tIie ofi-,rs ud1il.-tiiuu i Wblier*bts tî andwre gubu.ît tii irr..t bis.On th ii g f ut a. '9 t-,-,- iii.k- .4 oen Feteresi iititi,itietf .Mis. BiCi îîîr 1111Leres. Tii. nuI), cheroi<suIpant ofitIti gerdel. l'he nomià envî- -vu-ruil uithi i-e.'lt,.ry-pri'ue rotlu-r wiiili- tii.->liiy la lied. T' rî-fi-Igit o e titi- wam u ste-elitaI >isa Tpeegurdu-itlois b,-'-n M Iever alîu-i. alile lier mnie ii-i-ltoit 4gliiete-ulte litre. A "posea va tirtuei subd two duys ul'eu'viuiul iptîureil lletîîc MeCire. e glent lua suuth and isimtr- sia. ttes- a de.perste iilit. tutu W. Matuiesvas arr'oted et ir-'enup. nuit *sbeuntht te Lei-i.s'and'fi lis'id.utiticih ~-tt t-ii. brdý r-,liir liediten ,lis-a ii et ISeelsud ' le hi-ai-il atise .ofincer, wuW50 ekntfor uni andîl.,niait Mongea bibeeuu sirealeu. SoouucI-lion b lar ieci onuhr ne-est lhutig I hlm- tUNsl luthe. bei-n. *IWTERIous TERri-OF nouSE, Ae. Ms.X« lseveas Coteses Ow.ed hi E M u. te, §»»«r.& Roerut Ccdi bas reors a l Ai frin 1'ewto n. (,. viiere h. vent te look altar sou. i-s-si relte vhieiî h. b. Wised hb. eecithere. Wheu lie sriied luNewton b. diacesered tiea dwelliug lad bem moveil tront a lot viiere IC fur- suris' toed. No o ton aw ve e i bohe le et tei-aent. Mi. Curdie han bêec recel-as a menthîs' rentaI for the bouse lor mon eus's'cR. ecentis'theli neme mousd sbrtuptîs'. H. made an investi- gallon, and dlacoveired ht oue on. liedt stelsuthc bous.,Tii. bulding bas -coin- :~ ytais lsppe-arel. snd n ne euengis-e ,-aus dcvte itewviereaboute. Mi.Curule Icoiba the properui duriu-, the booi des MAT STOP SUNDAT HUNTINO. gState 0cme Warden Seeks Law te Pro- laibitShoiotez. &Me Osme'Warded l Lots'irecels-- tu a giet nupber et communtications regardlug tiie praiticeetfSudas'lint- luge t lesid feaiers throughutut the Dite are being icon»iderakbl annoyesi bhicls' peepe vio tae.-tuer guns snd dcgs et into tue fielda Sundays. An et- tempt bas becu mad. te resurreet an eid lev that proilicauetties ou Sundas'. bt tii. Atterney' Generai bas ruxdereul at cpiluion hat there La ni> ttut. tht 'bsers suffidientis' on Che practice, Cc #top it Gem. vardens arc nov trying te have a ccv iav. peened hat will reguate tiie aublaun..Theys iebepte tepaie a taev dt bu*jll pi-oubi lie ahooting et rab- - bIts vitiont a licne euxB NEW FEDERAL. COURT. HorCera Ceoaliio Are Prontlsid Sup- part lui Speaker Cnnon. * An effort ln b.hug made by a number et di i oa'tbmnIllinois ceenlies Ce eecure dis estabiahuent et à nev federel court. lhe Sepenson Couty bnr bai taliet tie initiative and i viii ak te lot, tii. -*Mltkfflli court et i-recport. Tiiey blive beu suttecesul lu iterestiug Speaker Ceaineui aniobl;sagi-ceil o intre.ltîcc.a liii te Inease h. Federal Censt dia- tdgtieto tii-ce. andi it le beivecltitiiCIt * 0 viheom e vla. Theneir posteflle bildIus hi-P-reepert lias beuin, fitted up vilu esoaenO sters' expressis' for sncb a entandi an effort lat mnse Ce have tbsedUmlIeal baneb loettes hire. * týLzjE gr. LOUIS ?MURDRR. PrIsonftet icJoliet la Ideuitied - thse . sier et*ePlceusue., WU= hfllam l nea crecent sirival at thte 7 Plate _%r ~ htn in'luJoliet. Won Ideritifiesi l*JJsiàectl'eLjucbAnd tiio omen tront o' t. ani asa mas vho boid kfled a u ~ ~ ~~i Sel.dOle uft. Louis. Meyers le »w vgudi de 1 sntence toi- killini h t- àIgagoet Moist *Carroll. -lie la Raid te Mhtw kiullei. abetif lu Wlscpusin. De- t . - Lyueh vas tshot Aud 7oindd by .,«Uêa lt té tie us brotiier offirer vas, Mtà lu et. Louis. Tii-t ehootimr vas laau) Sta he, c tanneror Ti-emont. -vas atuels lusa Bg Pour, train ndkillc. Jteeb W. KeOgU4i.cofeta Cbhîvse grecifymsui2, lm desl t La Juta. 'clo. Mr. and Mes. J. É. Maier utf(O-ion obsetrred tueir goldo.n weddlng nuîiver- icesln e lnrieboein, a carpeuter. alaie t M. et l)euvrerst akilî'd us' a failng Ire..- The Chicege Athietie Anseemtionfl vi travel eon e spatial train tate I.ew or- ernie Mardi AGras Mareits4 Mie Kate Shlvely. ageil 16 s'ears. tools cai-bolle achîl vltb sîieldeiluiteuit taint- ses. Thmety niedîcal tteudauce sael- ber. It la report.d hat John L. WVhiman. Coc ouuty.jailer, e la ited for arîleî et the Joiet peulteptiars' bs' (v. De'- Lieea. 0 Ailelias-ga. .25 s'ears oid. <f Chi- cag. attempted suicide by moîrphine a tev dlaysafater thi. desth cf ir îneiaîîd by thiisune menus. 1 The tbrty-nlth annuel cîîîamlîuîiclt ofet tii rai-sd Ai-ms'oft huelcIîlîI l-- partaiuent et lhinol, basta-eunesit fir Meay 2%1,24 eîîd.25. Rock Iland sud Molune saloii-' nuud ah ieb chent] dunuer ctie ternus out i- Tif- fany bill. intiodece li tti- Leuiiri-.ré ment fui- Fort Shierdain. Mrs, Jacobine <rub,î, si-i74 'ei-s. vas foud burued te ceatli t i-k Shétlî tell arrosea a teve sud. bu-h oigun, vasunuable te belip lu-rai-If. The State exeeutlve ciîtniiiuit-c ut the Tonna len'a Chrstian Assotîiition us u deideel thnt the next State conve-ntionu vili biehd et Bluioqisîton. A reldeneu tue John Ilili ariu. qear Firburyt oce-upl.d hy Eliîiir Oui-l., iurnel. Tiie fsmiiy siiffî-î-ui lw ii- x- tretue rcld. TheIonhus ilm itsO JQe.iv. Bat, viho tiihd .foir~lu about tii-e yesrs agi.t whicli b-n-o lu Paxton, huamInce a,lii-)tlctc-ie-e aiC (anton, sud viilpinî f u ull. Tien stiikers anuud Tagîie anuun-Uîî uinghtm ntth Bkl-ilyIroieulac- tory se Paris ver, waulbed h l'y t iuri.- hiunch, Whoiinlaeuuîihyed et tiei-c-uttori. The. VWestern Tube ('<nipia ii-liseixiur ebagedelti stock and nîacliiiuiry i-f th- Scott rive Wel Polit (',Uîuîuîîîy f Cli- rage and viliimou-, ehe- planit t, Kwii- nee..e Lient. JohnîienMWeeny, nt h-ti-ti,,- iieadtiuarts'isntt tue encti-al -tiit ii iit Chicago, ponted su ni-der- trbidiîîg cigerette smoking lualde ii,, tatoil bonse.. Duanlng iu.eofthteibe-t ei-iiiumî- thon boapitala hn tue vor-Id. uàce-u-uitig tii " meteuent bylusir. Arnold C. liebui in a lecture (iu "Tiie Wsrfai-e Agailnst Tu- bercul,.sis.' John Jacolis, 351 yeurs oui. vas shot Ce desti bis héfiiend. J. C. Jeuu--. îucu Virginle. Ti. uen ver. huiiog. wviu the sun Jolies us-s a criyiug uuciedi.- chargeile-ideutuhis'. Pi-usidnt Bnitndege bas appoitleula nev advery board for te. 1>uninu in- stitutions coasltlag ut Edvsi-d B. But- le, Alfi-ed 1- BakerCGeor-ge F. Adlams, Elbrldge G. Ketit sud Lelie CterIi. Frank Doniât. 6'4 yeîei-aoil. f Cli- enge. Whe vas prenunneccildeuil fi-on in- juriez i-ecived by mippiug oui i-le pavec- tueut. gurprisei the pbyxicinîslu a drug store by gettlug up and vnlk;ng houne. At i>eatur Thomas 1D. Thomas, a lo- comotiv re rmen, vasiiot tii-e elmps by bia vite sud yl prulîably die. Nr". Thomas lm lu jeil. andegasys msiequari-leid vltb lier husbanel beeaune sycil out laCe t iglt. Fire lu tii, Nheman Brother' rhîthing tore lu Fr.eport eauila.delron f li.e eveen $10,000 sud $12.M. Tieilid- Ing. oie0ed hs' T. K. Best. vas dauiaged Ili00. F. A. tauibenhieiuer. barber; D. L. Brubaker. plambers' supplies, and Mm e.Hetti'- New-ton. a boni-uing hous. keepar. ver, aise sufes-rs by the bllaze. Miss Ada Koough. a schiol teihier. vas fotinu lyiug in the. subinrt- lier home ln Bath us' Cl-e, boys,.vIte wereu attracted by ber means. Her clth.-' ver. Crn sud #lie va* terrilîly brilecii as tIie renieît fan atari. Sîtu- wuu-u- nueved te bier homte, sud le vas moi-ietun an heur betor. site ea lue-i ou.eci- nests. Whi. Miss Keeugii ias returut- lng fiate ofcite o. ta îilysirisn s manu jnmped fi-onu an anues'and l s-cd ici-. Site mruggled desperattels'. but ie- t-unt ber sud finls' knecked ber uuconuiiius. Sh@ thinkq sah, r.cognized lie nsuailîut, bat, actius on the. adrice ou theli- 1v. Mr. Itruvuell et the NMethodigt riicht. vie ttiyiokishenmust b. iÏistakett i ic- fuses tc dirulge hie unim. Tii. utuini- ter aise refases te reveai he usue mmii vas eonfided te hMn ulesa more cvi.- deuce la secturetiL Thotugleseverels' lu- jured. ge, yl prubabîs' recover. Peter Koenig, ville in a ti-cuas ' c- alesi a sensation n tiie businiesssemtiitx et Xasieville bs' atteumptiuug co-kilI a nuum ber et prominent citisens. About haIt s score et perious came withiin range ef île revolver aliots and sente ouithte es- capes ver. notbinit short utfniai-i-lose. Tii, trouble oiiginaeed vithi a figitlue- tveen John Mitchell sud 'Koenig. mien the toi-mer erderesi Koenig freonthie Kuebloek building. Koenig retillateil by eotini nt Mitchehl. Theisaanmebulle t came vithin a fewlocies, oet ing Owen Burgess, manager cf itie Centrai Union Telephonç%. Tii. second balulet pastiee thi-ougli the partition luit. tht. mer- centile estbismeut utfltabbeneck & Relther, un which vere employes. cierks sud cstumer.. Koenig tiien guined eu' tanc. 'te the Commercial }totel. viiere hie *hot et the Bet. R.;fiai-iy Claxtosu, bis vite sud @inter, issn May' Ciexton.* cf Mtteân. the. atteeke beinig vithtut .h. qligtet provocation. Tii. escasp. ofet les. parsons, seemsaiamat leredi- hie. Koenig was aresteeed'bs' City Mer- alial Hilerrad. at vhoinlh. snappei4 dAe revolver, but tIi, cartridge teilesi te expide. Wbile coniued lunheéde' jil luileuot Assiset Nommil MMaud i- usine* of Chicage Are Queled. uuivXi,n of tIidetenultîs'attiieys te iuiittClii' lii-tents tige imaI t Tomas .. Nocuitut andl Juuuues E. t'unumiugm, vhsk %vieuii-i. ilioyes efthfle Irouiuoie tiienter. Chitigi,. ut the tinteof thCi disstî-r. Mieuî nucul sere orulurtnu l îi-Iuurgcîl. Tte i-urit li-lIdfinit Itheu-iitii-tieîtts aganse tboth inuctp .i-i- redetucIi-.Avuliliug ail IcI-- uui-uitii'i ttal ni'o i u<-ncî-ft-rngtiile uerg-e ii.theiiihictuuuî'ut, Jîuuge GtéI'eu uieisiîîîiwatt unef. lie hlu-d tit tii. lu- dictien'ut ns biuuglt siîsuld be qussiies out tes. tsin îiuts: 1. As il su-axtue lire i lust u thetii-suic-ftiion ot i ltiucater- pli trous. flî icueiudaiut-. î-tîl.ltlie hchi-Id. ctulesi-liai-rite lirsu-tly it II iugr.- sî,I.I III th tiir(te. .Mle îiud thutitn the clurgc Ciieyvu--e hè'll]ri-siible iiuly ftîr fI I unetii roidie euffIciu-nt fl.- îînîtu-î-ion<un. u iuhcut thtii'cha-ge tilulnuit ses' Cdoit Clu-y ivure remsibhle for tbe lir'. 2. Thini utietes aisiait Nue- utan îd Cuîîtiti in tls, andin th Ce opiniluuuont ftIie touttit ahoitildi lai-e lien drvil Î. ( t ti t in-tii- rases tselsi-ste-is. tTluî-i-u- m-me ulcr Itnîlr uleteeti luthe in- 'lî- toi-ît-. elue vuiuuildt conqli-e l hiu. li-ii-îitig CtChc tuétu pinîts ishiel lie ttiî-ut iîî sIi-c sweeuwMiit co mai-i-st gri-u uiug ili(ii- noutiu,î ulht utli l'EST MP.NACES DOXW1F.COMMUNITT Zlenite tufflels Refuses to Order Ex- rulhýoeedPensonstVaccluusled. IViituuure Chah fifts' s'nng people t o aiuiu i wîl-iiueî"case ut sntelh- lict a fi-si dci>'-igo and vitb tliiculs' satntutlii tlie -wt ielili sith aucliqiits' tes fîuruauî uruiter ilutsnuiutine a foios-ci- et I >iieiii. isiii ij ,g e in luvaccination, ri-i- ofi-itetu Buiieigtownshipulîîaremutcii ov- wiilihuin szit theii. i5ilieoutc-uirn tuni icyb. (rt j-llBe-nnett, te ltl-ycsi-old fui - iio)y livinîg i-ur tlii-SCete lins, i. iiul]%ii, Ctieiisetde ailns 11% een pîse- IcI iii quu ilutinu-. asmhus aIs e, ifenils'. lut tL i' uuei ii tu letur re -ebuuiilhs'en- zauicu-is-iituigig lifts'or mure chili-en su14 Iciu-r-si thii eiyehborne a tew (las'd lieti, it utlimiteuui e l h in.Ti, d hs-îg in i Ieu ti'itowisiîi. leutuider the. illi-ei-il ofuu u, eperviecir Wiihtite so fair as iI eiiliiiitu uuxluuiei poplacinC i-,u--tui.atlilsait i is' ype-ople ut the tuisuut ii-i-xc-itc os-ci-puossile d.u-eiop- WANT BIGa SUI FOR DAM. Steriing Cso Use $S0O,00 in lu fleklug Ii(oiciRiver. If Che provisioin luthe.river@and hai- hobu- 'ill tii-r $)50Wfor teCl.'omphetiou ofte eue u'ineiiucanaileis lloved by ('iututti-cthe ti moues' la te b. us.d fur the t-r(tioun of tii, conscret. dam usdi-ces Rock riverrnte Sterling. Tii. dent le 't0 b. îwî'îts'-tso teet igb. sud vilI back th. se c-ie itc-k iluci-to Dixon. s distance t tîîfuîrteî'îîumiles. Tii. dent! veter yull i-usr 0 ier5 csetf lad and ili ci-e- Isitie t:.e- haigemit halte mitiu the. State. The ie, ur desi mater, ln tii, pond le ici laise tocedtee-Itiie Henuepin canai. 'ru. îlunc l a te b.loated.en of thi. present structure scrnes the river. Arrangements bau-e becui perfected tei us. tiie dam ta e eelop vater power, and it lie estiiomesi hat lit wyul re-eabout 30.- 000 blui-e puowei, or 27,000 more than the pi-escent dam. NEW BOARD FOR MILITA. Supervisors' ixeîuluerts Are Appoint- ed to Vix OMSlesQualifications. 9 A nev testuri-elutue IllisNational - Guai-d vas inoorrtei the ether des' l Citeappointaiuent ofacentral super- tvisers' board et examinera. viio mhall have charte et fixing quaiications nec- es-lars' for pasaing exansinatleus tor corn- mîissions as offeera.The. composiýien ef the bhuard toihova: Major James fi. itansfeldi, Secsod iufautrs': Major Rob- ert R. Jackson. Eigbth lutfantryz Major C. Wilsoin. Firsi eau-airs; Major Chai-les Adalni, F-iret intantu's; Lient. Cec-il Page. Illinois Nau-al reserve; ('upt. Chai-les P. "musetutrs, Fiftt intantry; Capit. John H. Newman. Ai-tiller- hattalion; Capt. Tiien. rJ. Pondl, Seu-eîth infattrs'. ASKS SUIRVEY OF ILLI[NOIS. Western Sociciet fEisineers Waute Geciogtcal. DaCa Coiiated Tue Western Soceltyout Egineera lis tînîîuimonsly ndopted a resohuticu autuor- :iziuug ite bitai-i of di-eticon toi emoriai- ize the ILeglsature te iiave made a sur- ives' relatiug 10 the natnu'el r«eseeofe te State. hliiolm. it wmas pointe-I ont, le the second Anuierican Statc lu the ton- nag, uni value oetlits caiproducta, la iluird ln ranîl as te veine et maoutac- tusrd pi-dctt, le second as toi miuei-si piulc.ts geulerehisan atuhis resrhed Chia 1lhigh plaice ln apite oethCe tact fliat there h as bren ne -coumrie geologîcai sus-tes' mitîce 1557. Tii.suu'ves' antei by ithe engineera venld lucinde data ou chas', cemeuit, ceai, material available fer use lu tic "gond ruais" novement, waiti-r utomer sud ethr natural rei-eree UNCLE SAX IREB'UKES CITT, Building ef Bridge nt Sterling Witiuont Ceusent Ceuses Trouble. Te ite eu S' tterihng lias get IItotrou- Ile Chrotgli eh.e rection et a bridge tirer Rtock Rtiver. Tii. bridge la booiied upen ns anobstruction ce upi-igationcani ha- tIng bren bruit vithent the consent ou- aplîrcual of th. Wan Departmeut tbe gevernuneut viii net legahise it. Thie clts' ILnthiorities are uci coune rus-girdlng titeir future coureet action. Tii. case I% imtille t t et ofths Hîhledgle stue- cu ire.- constrectob by Reock Isladad 1Whileside estao. Owlsg te the tact 1- thant the rivoir et Steehlg-lan aivigabla le cnorm. extent vhle at Iffulladale ft la net. the diffienîts' le more mrions at Sterling. STEREOPTIoeN ELOWS UP. - Pasie CroaeIi in Animti ncslulpCint 1 oeuu-ch et Wa~est. 31An expbes4eta<ut tlereoptkicaru Cthe B aptiat clurvella at Waverly creteia Dr. Comerferd oii vas es-sie I' hiii 1 e ~bsesscin « t luoo fneh th*. lower homse =WduMayby a vote of John 5:1-15. Memery verges, , 0. 121 to I&. Tii. denseof banishmeut, Golden Tert-Aud a great multitude tqllowsd a seuslcogal dehate. lu wbich followed hum, because thsy aw is mira- ~ yougiegisst~uigh icaatly for. I- es-John 6:2. bis oagnclai lifs. N14eaased three &ours Th i lc Folk nt Bethesdu. of Clamer snd uaprluInthe chember by "Bethesda" menuis*'bouse ot mercyY smet utigaedbi éres bitee that nve The site la uncertain. but it waseprobe- rutitd bis '1644r and thrbery s u cor- blYsouili ot the Tenmple and net tae- rupionvas'lede" sd tet1 asst- fromt the pool of iloami. The siieep lng- ce a ~-"Mm ansd a buffer Tb@ gaâte ilmar su ad the. llokq as they wei-e general Attack cne tii. oittel a driven ini oier the dusty roades topped f.llowed up wt. Individueluai sallt .lu to bury tlieirnoses in the cool waters whlch Comdree4tbe the le lutothe sud to lake their thirst. At the source lactentoof bIsà@ldsue tlxt aui-a of thte trezziu there waa pool sud beaide seuteutte ncbc due. hat~~pre' -t a c<ver,-d clonniade. Tlhe prug vas limluery te bis dyltte .won denou"e au intermittent one. Even to-day et cer-' ed scthingly br *IIîmen h. bail attack- tain tiuies the waters bave a auddeu ed. Senater AudsSWe'a local option bill, outrush two or three times s day. Tbey with its referendam attachaient, psssed were heiievcd te bave curative power. tii.fleateby qoeof34 o 4 Thre Possibly tlhe mineris inl them were po- wee ne oppsin te the passage, but 'tbe tent t e lep certain diseuses, for the. au- bil woensuade the !bJet for vîgernus ieuta as well as tîhe moderne believed lu mpeeches br Benseuce MeKenzle sud medicinal baths. Tiie pool et Betheeda Berriy. SeueteY 1dieg bill 50tb0T in still patrouized by seekers atter helpt wnig an luCrEeos I%,tb-t*t on park prop.> from i rieuniatimm sud other Me. erty lu park disricts lu Chicago, te pro- In popular tliought lu New Testament vide funds ferrt extk~Ceion, was paie- times tbe curative power ofthtei waters ed. was evidently attributed te thei- agita- tien by au "sugel." Tbougb verse fu The Pendaryds bill. proviîliug that the. le nt trom Johnus peu. yet it de.btour t connu Ilqqçtoe 6~A, retain 2 per cent came_ from nome source which veffeete ' ut ail taxes clcedi te defrsy the. ex- the curreut belief about the epriug.t penses efte.boards et assessors sud re- "Angel" means *"meeseuger."1 It la otenc dv. v, ax passed by the H1oîse Thure-used in the lBie lu the. persoual senne,t ilny by a vote etf'19 te 52. wîthout tbe but not aiwayo. "Who maketh the. vinds emergency Clause. Oesiy by promielug te bis messengers (angeis)" in au instance have tbe measure ameuded iu the. Seuste ef poetic usage (Psalmn 104A4). 140 that any surplus mlght lie turued Ou the. porches were a '*multitude" ci over te tthe couuty board couud the. eup- elck people. Tbey had ail manuer et ail-a porters of tbe bill get the required me- meute. Oriental landseacn exhibit fat jorlty te PaeaIt. Speaker fihnrtleff es- more cases ut physical sufferlng than Our0 caped anotheF eutbswst et eloquence dur- favored land. lu s time viien hygieus ing the morini 960100,hY thel use otftthe sud therapeutica vere little undertood gavel. Mi-. Grayet Macon, who probe- or prseticed, s gathering Unk the plUsa- bly wjhl succeed Mr. Comerford as cha ir- honee et Iletheada was easily possible.r man-oft the DemOmvtIc stei-riugC commit- Even te-day whst througs mey be feund tee,. called np bis joint resolution Indore- et Lourdes, tii.ftamons grotte lu Frane. ing the. Presidélit lt hin poition on rail- wbere the Virgin in said te have tppear-T rosé] rates. whlcli the Seuste lter.d us- ed, viiose waters are visited by 300.0001 terially. He moi-ad thet the House non- pilgrimseaech yesr! The peuple et Bethes-i concur lu -the resOlutlon, asud asked te bie d# are but representativea et. countiesfet beard ou the siibjSCt The motion vas bumau beingg vbo suffer. Tbey are a4 put te s vivey vece vote sud delared car peture of the more gri-ev ons spiritual lUs ril., in epit.etflend denrande by severel wblch.afflict the chiidren»of meu. DemoeYats for a 11e6111cali. Unlesa tue Aueng the sufferers et the. pool etftthe Senate ans ke 1r a compromise, the re9o- augel vas s man whn bcd been sickt lution le dead. The. Sensie passed bille thirty-eigbt years. We do net know mt( eppropriating $25.000 for tate represen- viiet bis alliment was. We inter fi-eu8 tetion t the. I*fltg Sd Clark exposition the words ot Jeans, "$i n more," that1 lu pertland ced SIZO00 for returniehing lie baid brought it os bluselt. Net aIlt the. executive scnsin.Iekuese le puishument for oui- oius, but 1 >-,-semetimes slu sud sufferiug are ceuse Represetatitre Chuelu etf(Chicago lu- sud effect. "God Almlghty write a troduced lu the. Houme Fridsy merning legible baud," scid e visiter te tthe yard the Chbicago Bar Assocation bill previd- lu the. hospîtli vere men euffered for ing for elcht additlenal Superior Court their vices. But the infirm mman et Be- judges for Cook,.CeuntY. rhe measure theeda couid net ai-ail hisueit etftthe wss reterred te the. comuittft on Judi- cultve waters. Only tbe first persoeu ciel departuent snd practice viien Bp- i them, wheu tiiey et agltated, wes1 poiuted. Represeutative I'iermnofetwîî- becled. And hb.lbed ne frieuds te belp mette intreduced c "dead lbeat" billh hm down into tbemt. A sftrange, sight which prevides for the errest sud lm- was the. rush for the bnhbling waterv.t prieumut f Jdamntdebors pedin men bobbled aud rolied te reach them examination, agaInEt wbom affidavits are ItotsazietetanJas made that tbey are àbont te remove from Came. -And upen the. mont helpiem cof the the. state. dispose cf their property orsueie efxdbsey. conceai thenuseives se that pi-oceose cn- -,Anud the.Mau sWho$e&" net erved upon tieu. Despîte a great Ha ueeded te defius is own useds. deal et talâk thet thie Legisature viii ad- Dces it seem treuge te ssits ma If ho joui-n Msrch 24 It le clalmed by flouse would b. veli? 0f course b. vishes -te leaders thet edjouruMeUt canot lbe lid b. treng. And yet boy mcuy ot us are lefore April 15. A early adjourumeut weekeued and stcined by sin. sud w. de le generally deslred by Itepublican )end- net iay heold et thît grace et Ocd vbieh ers, but it lneWclieud appropriation billseaue make usti-e.. Perbcpe the. seul ofet cannt b. eousidef*Ubad Pàsd beforO tii. mas vas seddaed by hbis "Sio- April 15. Mereoer, it la probable au n pteucy, hhosd ead toeXspee: a" ateupt viii be made te pasa the. unici- hlb oIr tebelf, whll.hé «MIli cotinued pal court blli. tbe primary electien bill te helleve as a sucerai tact thet help sud a civil service bill coves-lng charitable vas te lie teuud. But thîs lethai-gy *a@ institutIons. The Seuste bas passed thie breken. bis hoe. enkindled by Jeans licai option blli of the, Illinois Anti-Sa-.ii-ds.- lbon Leagne aud probabiy yull pasnauati- Tbe strauger did net proffer te belp cigarette sud civil service bille. A deter- hlm'itO the Pool. With 9-ugngword. uiined effort wIll b, made te pea a "bard hie sald, "Take up thy b.d sud vaik. ronds" blli. -The. liard resds lobby la It was a sert ot mattresa upon vbich be tress. aud @oiesnembers etofltheLegis- vas lyiug. it couid b. ioued up sud-car- lature suspect hat a certain corporation ri-ed under the arrm. The ltra man wbich manufactures macbinery for th.» migbt have ressoued thst b. ongt te re- construction et bard ruade in backiug tbe celte heallng befere be made sncb cit . propagande. eupt. But h. looked np bite Jesus eyez, lielieved bis redemption possible~ sud obeyed. And as ho ettempted the The flouse met Tiîesday for the i-t impossible threugb talth a divine strengtb timé ince.lest Fri.lay. oly te adjouru thrilled hlm, And he arcs.. a moment lnter out et respect te the Christ Comes te make eacb lite--a îoeuery etftth. late Representative Sam- "wbolW" lite. By réeausof etmmaturlty. hie G. parka ofthte F'orty-fourth Dis- by reamon et sin, vs are fr-actions. At9 trict, viiose tanerai wasm eld tiiet daY. tbent w, are ouiy lu part wlhct We onght Lmuediately atter the readiug etftthe to be. W. are ene-ided lu oui- deveiop-1 joui-ual Itepreseutâtive Trautmsnu nmade ment. Liii. the man et the pool nme formal aneuonrênienut o the desilu ot in bas marird us and made us iucom- Mi-. Parka, aud htridtced ieolutione ut plete. Christ littethe traction up loto respect sud rondieece. The. i-tolutious an lteger. Only the religions lite le the were adopted uuaniiînoualy, sud as a fur- normai, complet. lite. To cave trou sin tuer mark ut respect adjourumeut -wass i a negative tlîing et boat. To round teken.. Oîîly s few Sentors answered te out chai-acter, te malte It full-orbed. this i-ohl eau sad nu business vas doue lu the leatth. real task efthle master. "Ye aree tîpper bouse, complets lu hlm" (COL 2:10). True. our completien te-day le euly germinal. po- BIis Iutredeeed-Il.naes. teutial. But on nmue near or fts-e By tBrewn ot Cok-Provlding tlist or-, moi-i-e It will b. cempletion in tact. diuaues paseed te provîde for tii. iery- "W. shall b. lîke hu, .fer we shahl sec lu 1t apca eSe ent for auy local hlmase lie l." impievlen sa asecutluCe t- Mrcy and the Scbbatch. put-t manner lu whieh assassiment. @hall It vas the Sabbath sud as the Jewe be spread.. ily Stubbleiel1-1?roridlng Clint tra- snv the. peunwlth hie bondie trader bis snî- bneftmielk u*'rganlsed net for arm they veze ecandalized. He vas ternalkinbtheflat ft et i.Ssbbetb. '"Thon ptaxatinp. ft h. b xep to hait rest." said Muses (Ex. 23:12).t taxa tti ilI-rvetng I "Bear nu burden on te.Sabbath. " id9 liv tubîlefeldPrevn Pol ~Jeremiah (17:21). But tiie verbaliste et diawing sud tii. seling of policy tickets, Jeaus' day do not seem te have a gil-1 By Tow'iimed-t'rovldlng for local op- mer eoftth. princîpie laid down by Paul, tien lu relationti t granting of. licenses "The. letter kileth. but the sprt lv- te drainabolis lu cities.' e ti lite" (2 Cor. 3e0. They r.gai-ded1 By Campbel-Am.tendint the act te es- their interpretatieus sud applications ut tablial sud niaixtaiu a syutera'etffire.ti, eîaw qulte ns maudatory as thé'law1 scluools. itselt. They toi-sot to be giad that au By Kunzr-Icariiig veid asiguments infirni men vas henid lu their Indigna- sud tianstfeisoft nages and salaries te tion over a bruken tradition. bp earu.d lilhe future sud makinîs ci-r - as neteven abue te tell them the tain acte la violationofetthis set milade- usue et his benetactor. He bsd accept- meaners. .d tue ift ut heaithi. but evideutly hiet 1By Auderaun-Providiuig for loal op- *as forrnmire concerned sstliiChe glftr tien. thon the giver. Hie "wist nt" who baild lly Dixon ut Cook--&1Mil for -iu set blesaed hlm. 0f multitudes the.saau. lu regard te the desceut ot,property. lacir et discernaient aud appreciatlon le Bi Berry-Amendiug auacet conceru- tru-e The vers' civilisation lun wilch ve lus corporations; by preveuting Ivotlng by Saelu its distinctive tentures lae t pi-exy et Il"vestock gatherlugsansd cor- 5ift ot Jeans. but there are many vhe paradoens fthat clasns. viat not" that thes oue ne mach te Bs' Berrîy-ti;rantitig womsu the rlgbt- lil.. Tiie terrible vitalîts etfsni le sp-7I ta voté for certain offices aud te Par- parent lu theIi imctIOn. "Si ne more col. D. J3. Dier et Auguste. Ga., tes prçeýuted b)» È&lhectlon cf Indisu re)les te dic Kanas City', Me.. public llbrry. There is'ue elev*ter lu John D. ROeck- ellee Nev Toi-k Cits'bouse. Bey. Dr. WllhIem m. PFicaWho b"e tuen --eecled Pi-emdeut oeth Luth- eran Ocucral Ss'ued ofthte Unted States, la fanion. as awvrenifrt ti-di Lother a ncuse. ie qi-raniasu ad- u1*dervli ea . hal Lnhern Vureh 1 4k Uqs 'ueawn la ia can«e. . 9ecauee ho la cholflan of the com- mitte. ou Interstâté, Commerce Cou- gremamen WIlIaM P. Hepburn viii h - a conspicuetis 8*,- ni-e lu Uthéflouse of Représentatives If thé rebate ques- tien la thréesud ont bu-n bas bseau pub- ilîs described by Democrate ce "the'- -"bigsien eofUthenma- Jorlty,"laud as "the 7,eus Tom ot the W. - 515.Republlean mia." Th otprofouai respect la pald te his ablllty by Repub- liccue aand Deuneciatsa cle, HO lu au X's eid man wbo dees net looki eld. wlth c elcc e-n d e ruddy cbeek a bt radier gray the" white. fie la b1tr bodied aud atrong et trame. fIe bas 4 homély wtt, much 11k. chat oet"Unclt Je. fie lea asledge-hammle- ofde.. debate, but hie talents do net stop titere. Hie la c giaurt lu COMMttee werk. ln parts' councIle, luncillthé fsb terranean, fields et action vhIch malte upUc -ehé rosi etofthe fHouse, as iM& tlnguihed trou tue obviens surface et débiats. Judge Thiomas J. Humes, formseMey- or et Seattle, who dropped decd receu Is'. vms a Mark Twaiu double, fise Wu »eMathiag ut c bumorist, tee. B. M. Fait bas been elected president of the. NewvHampshire Meelicai SIoeiety, receutîs' uiganized. Justice Oliver Wendel] Hommes, Whè, i-ccd the declalon ef the SuPreme 0Cour lu thie beef trust case, lic e ben a meuler et that. tribuinalsdnce Dec. 4, 1902. Pi-evIons- Is' le bad tueeu Chief Justice let the Supreme Judi- »chuette. Justice Helues le a son ot thc celebrated Pest Oliver Weudell Relues. lHe vas hemn lu Boston lu 1841, vds twi" fi-on Hai-vard lu 1861, and frein 410 Harvard Law Schoeelnl 18MS servlng ueauwhuie lu the. clvii ver, and bains =e Re ~ ail'@ Bluff, Atietaut end o~drIkbrs. Atter Uic var closeil Justice Relues cngaged lu, theémise- tic, et lev at Boston, cnd fer càtime vas éditer oethde Americcu Iaw B-e vlev aud aise professr lu the Bar- Co tard Lav Seheel. N The Bey. T. C. Edysi-de of Kingston. S Ps.. ls enumidereel nu eofthlb.greatest et Walsh poets. Hie le kuovsaua theïr cynenfardh. er peet Icurecte. Morat Halstead, vetersu edîta oef au- eflunati. bas assmm.diteviai CeLtrel et09 menthly Magaan. Minister Yemoletf. vb6la sali w bave extoi-ted frein the Czar aconti- tution aemevbat "simner .tte i.Mcu« M frout King John tuF Uic Engplsab turous ai Ru»n'mieme dume te peeses liii- a quaifici repos- nance te bureau- the tact thut b. la ~"Minuster ef Agri- culture clid 8111e Domaine. whlcb po- sition breught himlm Ite tech vidi exleting conditions, more espccially as they affecteel the peeaptry. He e c la an actuel prlvy couneilor, aud bas beeld oflie sace 1893.r ont ln Colorado they Cll remeuber Gov.-elect Dougls et Massacetta. Wlien e yong man h. couîducted c littIs cobbier eamp nt Go.lden. Chai-les Dickeens' full noms yas Chai-les John Hnffaàm Dlckeum. Grand Duke Serigus, oncle ofth Czar sud bond oethUic vif pert$ tu Rusais, le declauieel te have luduffl di, Czar te take the course vimicI rescilted lu theii.klt- lug or vouudiug et tiiousands et Rua- ~ - dlan venklug peo- pIe. H. le aisé e responahble for Tre- peif, for the vIoe- sale cri-est et wrlt- cri and others, acdmlo for the posting ofOtr bulletins lu MOe-Du w i lU cow, blaming Eeg- land er thr Uic-ots, vblcbhebi- bought a protest trou Buglsnd sud le sting th, Botoln torelgu office muel cuba- rassoient Thec Uberals coau hlmlRu»- ai,- FuSE < 1 om 07 !.,A T A an %_ Il.-,

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