Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 17 Feb 1905, p. 6

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VI" M tbipt ies «0adti." gh "pdtiithé avidos' bol. et, the sudto t» tI ltoua.anti loied , on "Plenty o tett *as." ti ed andti polte te the ]*mier lsoilng th the loft ab»ee -ý4Oilmb *0t ee~*4 t. oAnadti-atw the latider atterla lt thon tiey vat --or oér peiting ta ouis *'Me oIO7 tIlur oulti catch, no dout --bcbg a Man," 1 sngvered. à e-ongaMan, thsevrd's ful of folle. Thsa, Jaci, do thon lok mter ho,. andnii bo aider tbes.." ff. fung my.loi aient hlirtooli MY pistoleidvent ont et t-he door. Au àba di ao thc sua tank and a dm11 sati-. or ove ;hoc acor. "Joit»-I1cri, .for nov Iguei8e 'ber purpos. anti as fllo4lug ta hinder ber, habt aie bad cangt Molly's britlie ani vas aireadyy mmii. of bier. Got hc&!" the calisi setlr, andthao, '*j mie *botter lad itha -lin ec, Jack." loapti le m r bough'a a p lin th. val> soiha iaooent aa reastinig the bibiantigaloptn fortichirenda. «Wbat tlai y»ü et thil-for A hldlng plac?" amedi, vîic a laug. - ' 1But DoUa di 001 langb. atcati, ah. jaceti me vitih lasing eyra. checketi ler- i;Ut an savowri, -eoi un ce: "ýSur, yen have dloga me a rninyta- vers. Hov 1' have truateti You lu return ýIt vos. boit for yoe t. remember, andi fo;r aste frgtl. l"diak thon drew on, andi atill vo ast lier..heur after bour, silent. angry vsltLusgfor Joanles returu, Della at th. otragceatorte cottage, chin on band, scannlng lic heavens anti never once turiig towa me; I further Inslte, iti my arma rose>, raglng agfaînt Myssîf »a the waievrli. yt vIt-h a sick'aig iroai that jean venu nover corne bac. :Sg.oCame et laut. eadlng Molby by tic bruIde. Dela elipped awa aau h tet- terni luto théebat. "*Jaci," said Joan., "ait dowu a' lt me nu MY hsati 'on tir mne.. Oh. jaug mS rIeea Tober a' - Calsliok, au' over Brove là,* bgbie'ru- WUiiya' round Roughtor te lie noi'- Vlit ile' yes vWeu-; an' lio"nlis t-liabravent qna- mmet-Se»t avitont oh e blci boitoileas ble!-an' toto i)l w hilghmmubf1 ladithèse.;ad' ticre lieu' lic, every 4 t *a Mo sax- horne., a' cveru' mtbers so, ilI Jndg- Ii tat-my i hk eis UaIDY. WA, % ee»dd1"Deai: 04v -miom& 'Aye-au tie lest- twaan v' e hallet ,& _rn~, vwM ta iaplece lutli u snis.Oh, rare!Oer i% t»sveS gs elart-h-old mi heati-so, at-veau tii tâ l bfv e "«Bat- Jean, anrewse mon deai.samy Sf er aslsa, a 7«1" yog. w» lt att puaI. "Beaelu', 7-s.Wby. lad, vhat be four *» *»- is,104 bela. .9 or dovu. te mats tais coul dabcW a»" eUtowr aHast neyer axe te i-r me!" bcv Joe»ma'uame uolhurt?" ~ -a5q rIi5 lli euinkea 1 souglit-ber eyoa. ant, ~, &~susvplhs. esise-tthema. dev haci. fise*Odl se ie "uailad, bond d tiealy leu, end ~s, useti 15MtaImu vlihpr.I vet tee ner-an' li lZ tu ns Ia vsovrbis kans. letIcI O>'vi t hie moist-en' Jaei, I have but e Min- - setMt as i te ais o v. quesladbusl-there'a ne OmnUl i eeut ie. meboy jeekl" 11ls ut er sins vu' tiraviai- dovu-Mrifae ta «ber orne venre tiel vitopan. m. aler b de 1 i-or-tbo ' mi' Pint- bée. lm -PMt;l t1à b. v avi'cpah à» , baltafuti*ietiaroambr ovea 4ab bohndila &" d ti t oit, lcavlng lihe t tbo &,M 0,W e». Jack. tlghte-boli mu vs grte5- BiMm me-,oh, vIat braiedctîms Tlitlad, au' cmli vfme-'Churcli - *0 ow5VEtagI OmIt.ladi-Chusel iea-" ta 4»"'h.rva rue leéwm& th* lbondat 1I o"Il>g,.Tbore vas Ie haiov ae"ustressleintruses, llotting outthle-star cetaiet. 'Tavéas el, lealnt thisMant suCHAPTER XXIII mi- l'bei"aspxbgsgcain5t las, a la -h e* i, te liseliugt et Il I v ent dovu te lie um, ktP- rffdeami plian&. >DoUe, Siebarlai IU pses mona.rtr. *li b h d st" a c b Mr abueuhi,. poke 2wthle al ine: ~~~Sf ~ "rm 1h2 ene Fl~I teraili ho aaveU iai. 'btafo etela s lys u ofaet aer antiloave M seter as hena'." >~ ~ ~ t U. vBes " va.seriad cuill. Bat a t safv alber lI&Xî 1dot à grave mian trvet ut baît the w* ieatia aiMd heaieranti gorsespst-- ils. uy - I litabr eetty Mcpi ber is tow - «d the lopetote .grave; a liera1Ibuilsi *eS e hèem, avi4Isaa kuelt-ndipraye& ,andi zo m Kolelly ba'svaei, ling nov andthton ber 91 t "U Wlss s$0 M d«.,ue, va Inc*,.aai, « .We e-ieat vur lm aesslbor te th*cest. _ kre. M n M dvasilfaing bisae MMItoe «-eloal ta ne' .1 I iuicitho asti- dis, stheeila la men reinet tfr4« «Myber on Mouy. "Della, bave >'u fot-bing tae ayr iT w t ' For aa ilie s semette coualer; 9 *5 oregh& the Ilio, vt ber es àfixai ounlise MI M»ssa Mi4r"4e loto 'Mach, If 1 coubi speai; buta Us buaus ie-im boaasaa-'ts pehame lik 1tat I bare own ea e osas, Ibarila-beu a srl-ami sesitaeet usai te Il4 sa" Wy km e-. as, "Buit,dean Dala, vhon pour ageha me an w--i u~ "XI agea' vasbrlef; I min tisappoiat-- ai, relier. Joualovai yen batter thsa à beltai£or a 1m-,Ian reai, jeu clacar. Toc n vnU Jae-di d» inMollianti Wt-ber cmt-o e.. ti-ceai baud tMf- ce m liULtr ry e dl- 1s v"irmer.nut-hé "vehave boom e.mratisfor mau' a lug b«#-sout, icVu' li i I 1hfpe ais houeel. good tienis; t oti va, towavBai wies1to I lete taYs>& aharsi Or m0- W«. avis.,tue eatgralafol-eepangw ord. But yen ooli toem Ms' sma, 1net unsfu thet iIbrave e-Idasti ye usai ntipallia 05tena nt emal5itme. for as yen «io c a h « u s the sfot vin mev jourest Th.evisiged rt=omo tas this- vomua Ilons â dLBatl anIl cous 07- si7t p 1 < I sevu yen me>' é b.ioag. Nevwolre bava e s e o&mi me talai, for my heAi la taiet g M4 its ohat.u e s s s us r ve.about sa, Our a' is.wu5 Besow (hi reaseaet noblile-ad hlis 550 OluO *t at B 5r5sIPart 0etbli afhsi-nou wvuaspeut hoors e Came la ase tmel 0,cr, dues, siàit-etuthies. et GloYO. A"st Ul> insee mte me, " bah hie slm usitaSld ftue-seme ,O uer rery bout' varsai bout lb.» iie villea astuea retss.e0iat Da'bO"* ce-- --- cmu db*ou h e aulb ub m tegeteréerisa, at- = am;ai DiSe aarssd. as more h8lgSvue fa am>',éetbo 196 Mub, lctiing the lItis&,an t taeiothéietiss ai *%mmd,"am; asf011>' Oue A" 4n atideu- l e s nellee i-mst ve a U Ily $Wou& po an ls wu# Va. bal uta hla ksrcMeiand ew iv m hiaoia 0& ori mi mSi re thle main. pdiesuflen aI ma «AttwbIg *vr lb. ce b.diven totile ave bai 'am limi a pa-î s, Doah wé. lae a te in mait r sb mteboldo v t emt .wtie mes1* '.s, clwu- 4, or vaVir &or. vie.mi 1alemtas oie l mIliletvu e- 1, n m enti-lu twe th iteuti s b icop ni ceblt spongr-Ton icnt balapen te bave auW moue>' liaI il avorbini, do Trty-Not muchilt-scal bus> -Wn raiunteesLDteWf PmePres Tue Drietema'An a m p11"d lhe oDl W Mavuir vif -iilà ovletia"nt ibameb>' . Le.i> I ave. hqma" tO t Ie left' f-Dees don b> ib IN former populsoMmupn li hm sesoM softt gaal» PtWlle Orne hestreti ssee ielle: e toian det>' ném d ame ,Tise- on a aigit powioe et OU ' Mami ea Wpspudd t OmpuM stIb olb maullil .OhiguSIhgo ete T-bi ralstbau et Mlt Wli Aie âm&ýb betdte b. c iedbai lme -1é0dt îslerl. thc grating vas pusli'd hic)4 uantlhe u' tum'nd la thc eui. ,%top y#efla-ep ylu, goond felis! A sorry iiy-à day or'toss a' teaesu' alSieteti blowinge et the noe-vli.ia lis _falbopper Io a htusona' the amnre- cea goabout saccilg vbom tisa' any det vour the fanerai meala Y' are vclceme. gentlemen." 'Tvas thle vole of mu' onemeyeti frienti, aa h.o niliths bota; anti nov hostood, lu the gt-ee iti a prodlgioua black ach acroas his canai-y llvery, au long thRt th cetie of lb sopt the figtouea.. "i Matew Tlngcamb vîthinl" 1 lielpeti Doelto tadiamoul anti gave e00 two huonsato eastable boy t-at stoti ahufflîna nme gaces off. . 'Alaa! the old min lied tia isp s1gh. anti wth tiat began to houlée Broaa tic yard. We troep'd after, won dioriez. At the bouse door ho tiri "*Sire, lheo la cold roacteti ene, a' a hem, a' radilhea la chlet Cpr'ofusion- sboc the dayr' He aque'd a tresty tear from bha o- oye, sud b.d ua toa alarge. haro balle. bout round wth portraits; where waa s'table apreai viti plontu' of victunale, anti hu- hanioihalva anti fork> laid hotie plate of pevler, and ti Ithe table a man lu blaci, oating. Ho bai atralgat- hit anti B aallow face, anti look'i np as-ve enter'd, but, graulaig, luae moment foîl dc' again. "Biat, air," t-be li ervît-r exliortoi us*, "aasi tuat man may talie nothing out 0' thevworlir' iTo lho cotlnnoda OREAMS AS WARNINGS. Porlodicity 0oriEmpruusions as aunlit- pimataion et Premonitloum. Dr. Hermon Savoboda. ef Vienna, -a rocont-iy provIdot uc vithinorne very inut.eamt ~ aa-retoreuce te .-Amre'la explaiing many plienoroa whlcb up te the preeent bave been looketi upon ai tae von 0of myntarieuz agencles. This acletist believeS that imprecaous anti events are again bmought m t te fiebld of conacionamns att-r certain ipecifioti intervale, In thc casne of mon after lwentr-lbrectaY& anti lu ta. case, of aomen after tiven- ty-eght tinys. Tliouglit anti roooiiec tions, on thc otiier baud, bave a peri- odicity vblcb las apparently'ot ex- plainot Inl any way by exeminatiola or the cutomary.train of Mties.The. reproduction of, Impressions andi ne- olections lat no regular that Dr. Bave- boda bai trequently inccocded hIpre- dcting ta. appearunc of certain tii-ama et apefi.d Urnef.. Hie bimmoîf alwaysb ha tae.watt- knovu -lying tiream' twenty-thrce days aflor ho bas been akatln& nd mut la probable that continuai unseof eur arma anti legs I otier than I a nor- mal mannor. as lu dancing, siatlng, blcycllng, etc, viii, mter à perlÔdof e twenty-tiine or twent-y-elglit timys, pro- ducs' the. "flylng ireemY l'ilstom of ti-rn la iouhtiou thebevoult-ofethle 'no-allai muacular cse, .for ave pue- Ues a feeling net elorI' M aiPosition ef our muscles, but aise of the. clange aviaclitaee musclesUnaderro lhitho movernu Hovever, tac mont rernariable prt of Dr. Svoboda'n vot la lta hcering on premonttime andth le bey it- gvee te ta. explanetion of a large Umassoe tala plicuomena. Agatn aweévilIretort t-o ta. cases mentionci b>' tac auior. avbicli villIndiceabismeaun ieux'~ ]y anti brieS'. Dr.'«Savobotie*telset tae ces wot-a physician avis tresma that lic la calleti upon tueose. a dck childt. On Jan. 8 lhe pbysin matie a iit te thée cliiiunder dscussion. nantthe lieugita 0fMarch 27 and 28 lic bai is iream. Durig bis viei: ef jan. 3 ho 1ai recelve thelb.Impressions, avbci mter tae triple lapseof t be peMotof twt-vny-elit. das voi again present-à a hle raam. At the mme tlime .phyien lihadiei treain the methasa'of theic lii'1aa tii-sa vbicircpremee t le tomer ylst-of th, pbyuliamIn heaccmeOs e acpl>- aicanthe 4-con efttiug a premni. Saou lhat ha aveuli lie lth @asoc tle Clii. ac'lalI vISthcmoter tacs, va VA«*" e àlb svisabllil>' r0lf lim ,inub lb lysician-PuhllcOpinion. The nativre. et tacesOhMsaio«st. part erthle aWestern cost et Bouta AmeneR, bave rny Pecnu4lr eustoma. Tbe, Indien boy after is merriago ho- coret th.sgareof bis fahbm-i-lav anti mnt unmit- hiaIl thtfga 'te bi vii sut-il mananpaei bu' bis owu daugbtaa'emarrisbs, ven ho ncIa up bis o. bhome andi becomoes honle. fonhimater of bis Thle mon are ver>' Jealot et ita'avoe, andInhicase ot ver or otaer #iav* danger UNeilr Oraltop ile eMII vives at am el&d'.. YTici' islev ircania anti luanite b hle vorn et "0ii a tdicoer UPOn tell- ing hWa tréàm lh kieLTi.lhseisae are burneoliver. Th"y llew ne 'for eignert*d alosp ila of t hou-vil- GOSPEL OP' 01.1RAGB. oir »P. Orin A. J.sts. The nov viwof eiacla I.hiat- man la tievloplng ant i rpenlug for t-be kingdomx of rie-hlsousncss. But ta. Bible anti tact-o do net- support tala Ilisor>'. T-be Bible teachea from end ten suOtit man la a alner anti must .nepent Tii.tact. mshow that- taon- sandu ot men lu Cbllcgo are net ripen- log, but- rottuni-, anti thal vrong-ding la the ceuse. l'aie but one Illbntrtion-the, voit ot rum. Bfrtu' thouswanti iraimards dis hi our count-ry'ever>' u'ar. Blocs lie fret grave vas dtSing 2.00.00,00have pored lit roue-b taong iMW .Tla mens that- more thau 400 nations Hâis Oumeor evonteen ve" im116 te oe vo lnabbit bave beel damnai 1>' in There are 00.00 teaiisneMplejet hi lb. public achools oethle Uit-ld BItaIs, andt ts>'are pelîtabout p#le- 900,000yearly. Tierse » 1,2000 baiteeperi anti c»elotepMteaudthe-i peoplo pey ta theu svsi- $i000,M000<1 a yecr. But- olhraes e4a*0convert-cGluh bueuàtul papr liaI gees le lie.onds eftb liworI& vita messages l iblng gooi ecr, lessinge- ant ilviotmt &mU menkini. Seoil la ailih Iotul meq. Tl« au cn -b. evelt&.: ahee4 olsenet, pelllei a" WA40 u1 tjl nissibens et soctsty . l t le "Î. Of Chanlalnt-y. Itla *l nalmel lie cinreli e o 8 et flacloavit me4 bers 0ftsoclel>'anti roscethe=. NMI aTIO«Poser.Pb '.@Ylue, iarris J. earie'la* Sosont, I pi-a>'ot-t-in ai limaso tUaeu Mayesl presper anti ha lu hiaftlta even as ta>' seul proupere*ii.-"h * l'lie ttares vrrdstrike s'eu alg a-ay. rsenl isltsu.It t easV lto 'ýgoqse .imipor'tantset *0s fi-cl ve; litat of tahbui'te - more remoe.Borne have imagineti liaI religion empiasiioea tt »Jane and , Ignore.s hother lavo. Il la ru. ti-blïin4o filaitlieMosamnt o f Sas NowTutgmeat artera emindilng us that- religion sceka hota pronperty and liIta. Evdentjyi>'ta laaIe-idmate talng for lic Cirlstian t-o pra>' for promper- Stys 'ant ilinla i-hI for hlm ho lt-o t ansaer is own, prayera. Povent>'18 ne proof ef pietu.'Nothine- about- lid la or enu be povertu' atricken. HO gtvea us& a icb anti glorlois -rîI, protilnhiIls reseurces; Utn lite la ricli anti prospcroua. Nature la runulng oven, tain>' niotîne- lu splentior anti itealta. Ilie Creator bas given Mun IbIs gardenor gelot>' that ho migit- on-. jo>' it. Ila sicunulot b enter lut-o ilo posaession; lie la tieni aireadi avis tees net desl*o proapermt-y, vlmo no longer seeis inecen lnl ile, Il laqan ea>' malter fort-bhe man avho bas -matie.annil erounu fallure t-o tlb about t-be duapenmatlonm ef Providence aLndt he cogpaeutiona of tae futurs "'Prooperllu' la alvaya a sI t-othie man vlio lacis the pjucbt- e acure IL. let- man> wlio seem bo have falleti may bave succeeteti beat et ail. Pros- petit-y oten coma lu trange pack- ages; Il'Maa>'evon bc labeletiAtiver- ality. Nol al vWilsucceeti pccontlng to popular standards. Man>' aviI b. more foatunat-o; tac>' ailIvin -t-be richea of Infuence, trlentsiabp. familu', thoionlit-, kikowvei,- love, charactér. Ih la nutthie taluga we bave that make ils rch; l le the amount of Me wev are capable or cuJou'lng. The seul de- termines prodpcrit-y. Id la the ter- e-line- spirit of man, at-rrnag biu out- of ta. Ignoble tuaI, creating t-be te- sIre for more of lie taluga etf11f. anti then for mors- 0femte iofIl doler- mines values. Iltlias c a>' etofrc- vesang t-ing. setiat eue man gala more ont of e dollar boiok than an- otet-ongels ont- of a million dollar bond. il aione gves appet-ite anti epprecla-t tion, anti, vlthout tiese, thiogli lie. may b. ma>' possesion@,thier. u8 nO -prosperitu'. Wbat- la trus of prosporitle sfi-n as.o et h. ta appli>'the days are sono vben iknosspauedtonrsaint-- linos..No long«tle tel blodcotat-- da e eof rlilensnems.Wc are gaulas back te tae simplet. earlier Salninge. Itla snt offly rlgbt- le seeb huata; Il la aroni- net- te, The hall-- gard face no longer indietes the bobi isart; t- là bmely te evdenceslie op- posite. We are gettimag over the no- tien liat- (ccinlaglorillai bu' rumIne- thc tain temple hbean laeou us. Mon no longer count on Icine- becutîtul an- gelsln, 'hie skies. beeûùe, t-heu' have loobe té k. aîkine-sepulclire on o,.r at-rooba. 1h la anuIrnprfect boineaui liaI 110e" not have lieathi, Healta , tbat la plyiucal prosperit la saeduty. Anti bore. alco, tac coul le central. Tiec dean heurt, pure tboue-bis. cou- Irolleti eppetles, aipiri-ng liopei, tboe maie bealta. Evil lemper. must.von- r ae, en, u les. are seul proteates tbeltiart-unib . Ite andutI teatroy lici1Ih. Happiuns la bealt-h, anti hep- Pluhis la vholly of t-ho heart. Tic iont la but te ena of ail hies. t-bne- vitain, the force thac moves ail hhînge hi nife; If avthn thie man lotse up, lien bho Uta. up; If thie couldroope, lie tecays. Whal yen are yvltbln d- terminea vbat- ion arevithont; lie avbo le poor lu beartIn hisietuner lite. v*91 ho poor lu proaperll>' andi vesi i healhiino Mattee bey mmce oa- sussea. But ha wbe iihbisseuml baies lhe liel aont0f heaulu', et love, of jo>', vie reaciies ont- te bearon anti Goti, ail lisse thune-.aan hi* anti liela nlch and st-roue-indéei. Shbort ldeter. Love leape ovor tac grave. The falItul are neyer fua>. Ton enu onhu' seU loner once. Plobi dosnenlttu na Mau hile put-bi. No' mn»clise Ieven b>' laU The vo-ct oins are theenoleaave iou't do. A ureami rellion neyer iaturbe. ths tiovil. Tése oi U Dn eodavi h Tii. heart ioeu net have te le pal- ie. le b. At penc. Tic tii-tue oet religIon tdomecnet de. pend on Il* vagaile. Me emios tbamis oft hofuture vie ,alIt wvi ta te Fathea'. (lune ma'sypoeiuy doms not ex- cuse anolcr'a idolence Wiip thie bible bide. jemn Iothur il la lime tedijg tatbusl lltlebina, il la &)evyl easer le go abeci la slpeyplaem. an ltut e tsa Many are villine- te e-ira leis oti *".t omn if oui>' Sq oMubave c mata-s on ht- n irea a Mdtblii le haro bilh Itispis bâtl tbe*e'5 liem e nispng jYir brei lua a, e*906b. SIf thea ma*' vie tauke Sly Of my' bl * bmi.b usa la Oct tilt llh00 dation ofta* cwootb the a" êo .) .tuPodous tkoght h in emind et (loti wu thIe wedempi etoma. TU Jia whet makeo an Iqmasi Christ hies.- paralile. incus. tha~e tad of 14W no is'»~ ppiralilel. No tw*h tfsnaloua in aIl the hiatoty et buman5- ny anti-àu'wiilty ceea' 1urre& a**e mastorful uttesauea imag e te arei ldeul la yWW: 'tpta eecmii unto theus lil etaiircof'h etature eoflthe to tbe fose of Christ eaîmnt be pr feet ountil the. seul la bovu frcr abùe. 1 fiB". i.A. Xaftumaol1ab~w ahlpureciaae aswonts- et - &U ence, carelona s.and xtravegeace Tby corne item delg viiet v*0aant 'rather than vint Ire ought > from moving* nions ta.ý lion of léeal re- sistance rallier, tIen aiong the Use t' cOnscentions dut-y. lndlfference to Got'u caime cupec the. buman Boul, preoccpaucy vib etbs, but feu important maltera.- la- tepplng upon the inclineti plain of les, the dement on wbtchla i.bouli repi and il dutrous. 1The, final net in the. drame of bu. man wreckage la tobeho wept over- board hy the ontcoming -sa 0f doubt andi self-intinlgence andi eternal et lu tae, deptbu 0f bardnes otbeart andi reprobacy of mind. OAMBLING MANIA <JEnERaL. or Pissop Saaa P.llea. Thie gamblng manie a in ell.uisb unliirst '.ei~uiiedtrIbes. ave ,ar tohI, have their rude games of chenea. ln clytilzeti coantries it la wit-nees ln tae atreet gamina, playlng crsps anrreptitlonsty; ln fablonable cit- cIe., aviire ladies are playing for xnoney. or articles 0fr grenter or-ls value. il la stenon tae stock es- change andi board of trade, wvier. marginas are dealt In. It la very evi- dent ln football contees. It la noterious at bora. raclng, wbicb seenia to b. on.eut the greateot de- morallzing Inatitutions of tae country lu spite of the. glamor whic balis beau taroavu aroundti .1y vealtli andi ru. spectabillty. ___ iatln-Wbat saoli Ïdo to ho dnmned? Nothîngl The. only talng i the woriti that, requin.s no effort et ail la ruin.-Rey. Frank Crane, Uni- tartan, %Worceter, messa. Love andi Obe.-It tea. orsne sInce the. word obey lias been practi. cally lirnlnatei rrn tahenîarrifge service. With a vew of rellevlng the parties contiating marriage trou sSII furtaer temptation tehw1nsncer1tj' 1 would suggent that we alotrike ont ta. word love from the marriage mer- vice. Th erelafur more reaeon for tala tiien tue otber.-Eev. B. J. IMga Congregatlonallat, Exeter, X. H. -Courage of Women.-Women non- aIly exhîb t far moire patience andi courage ini'tbclr cufferinga tain moni; but their courage la geuerally passive and la eeldom strengtliened by, the cheera of an onlooking crowd. Il la ottenet exliubted la the more ecluieti opliere 0ftaheborne. 0f courage tIsa'. are rnany notable exceptions anti ae fid women dlaplayiug a *courage tans la active l in lonary, lu roi cesm. moral reform anti phlanthropic move. mente.-Rev. Robert Hlopkinas. Congre. &atlonalist. Cleveland. O.. KCnoing lIoa,-'nbe only vay et getting to lieeveu lB by bcbng veil poated. Wby are men not Chisltian&? Slmply becaua. they knov nDothng about it. Tbey take a few hypocritee andi backeildera anti back shep ad »tir taern imb a "pot-pourri" anti ex- dlaim, "Tiere'. yonr CbnlstaUIl" No' Ib lont &Dy morê t-ban a mixture et blackgnarda anti blackloea sud harp ers andt tre. lindreti per cent inter- ea-fIenda repretect the. bnsines vend. Don't you say a word Vtil l'on re poated . Serci th, Sernptum e veth. or tic,. thinge are ao-4t.v. Charles Heralit Congregationallart, Brooklyu N. Y.1 n nltà nov bton t*utean Totalcool: te otco- a 0vose fSault 17 the mmusaetf àAlits Pt er ad ae <MgwC V Iegree*h Wh=,",T u >Wd d thseti laenteti lq.0an ogllsmiIUWo s" ?cavseaêsch lU.ProVhihigt«r *11- AnuexblttOuof te»t l use la 21140 9fflaiteal. logitolaiot itleé f msaw Theiames' iW.VievoAIXalslte l ves Anu vitlo ain, slalp *th toV do *m m ô a a4 DnloMMS. ' gars ameati îble cfem»W&asi TâtcbDem0eu ho viv taislmtInien maioe. Io blli aers GquldenHaarho. Wse, A bt for eoenailst th* rWbt efM0 wa- dmouiter et Nev Yc«at ý UI et sfoverameat-Io tie isatrictet LsOQWM rumnolvanid4. anti MCDEMO t e "vas nrdea hillSnate. Jamsy. lTh* Repubicans Vie voteti À AigW«vaspasetiilasePenx$It-,5 Stigl, t ilere MAamsa and 09b]sa SmlaLesitture ýprvliiw ar tu tIYb 'FensvvanaDavgit- 0f Ne-w Totmoral of tae out' et Uîv«bmmotgh IiUraw eret Ne* Jersey, lI of COU- flrrsm. ý sectienI. sur f et penlvaniaMeffl Tl'aveBriSiai ver voelu vrItla 011 et. Masecianstta. HorIon a"ti lIcy voy or mecbaiaucuvn er WM« i, et Pennsylvania. Boutilck.anti Vros-FrnchfriaBes. Mont et lb11W O lam oetNoiv York. eecapeti The Démocratie menurs eferetisas The oei'ffs ot Midihee, EB~A a saietlte for t-be oend u&Bw1 ver committei te Kevgate for Illega bll vas tiafeateti bu'a vote of 151 tô anti corrnpt- coadmet-lia eleetIslI 18& live Démnocrate voug asainet lit Opoleon tieneuncem perorDMc The>' aere Gainsof TennasseeUver salnea a àrelel ant i canOti D.é ualsb ef Calfornie,,-Rier ant i Scuder mino as hàoin et New 'York, antiWynntiof01f io- Tic mont Important prTi An ttI'iiOIý the. Townsenti-Enecll ,11are: 'Int-si-tate comm»ee comMI"iclea0& agre on a settlement eftbliu tiso. largeti trom Ste to numsMborsam- putesa, povereti toclare ady ex"" ngpaumen- Tue CliamberoTf Commere et Lias. ter or frelght rates unreasonele or au- France. ativocalti f ree. Indellb au. m justly discrbrnlnatory. and tola na lmaI'g0tia anti reasonable rat-c, vihcibecoince o9, Prince fLeopof eNSaeoburg vas erative tblrty da s al er notice , W ithln tcleclsi severelga prin e e Gr e ,ebii ' l"court of tranapertation."FrneadRm Wbon thc rate aubtittnetins ajoint Sraernti u;s ola.i te rata and carriers failt b av" eon affpe- Si aIrcotvssloly a tloument-. commission May déclare l Pe!t bils borne lu BMlburgLa ef the original order., Deputations trouail parla of.0a'ca .Fine of*g,0 a day la lmoccto-IhBritain met- la Léoston te OMMOU day of violation of rulinga, Court et traievit- b ina, wvicesports ba"lui transportatIon to ho composetioftgins beau opone o th e wlie vl UntiSt -aIes Circuit Juigos French nalasonar-lie crut I. ga la evory suit broue-t lu h utid00e ~te enti Âf Àgie-.rrivei et tic i»@e tranaep«vultlon t-o enforce esters thée fini- of< od Sge .losu etr et -éripuILID abytreae ooniîaB skho à,*,àda rm fd SAileci miimrro INrs Bouti lia.' cof transportation andthle Fnce,- vit-b 1.0bones et osai% OOMMlssoa empovweroti te compel attend- tain charleston, S. C., anc. ef vitascsce A.ppeais tsar ho taken t- omBul-urefai vlie A@ Court vithin thirtu' dais tront lie daté" et cuti-y of tétieci-c oftthecourt et Disimiellctiozi iels legau te Ira& traimportatiou, ea ______________(eh ia iiSce'rei de line m CObIfiFoRO OUT. river la seothon Californie. Ilibeom voiusasb>'Vote et 11 te a 1es o nila e uh Asaas cnvei ege I.vai aSlUee s'.llI eSl>. Oertor,b>' a "ote of 121 te 1& 1 Wva tbenke sb1ol iorae n it le txpeww froein issoes et Regrouta-Cbanisville te l etrparit VuIeStahi. Sven o e a.linit LegIeatert aim Anl -agrog"s lemtingcoul t oMOLP dey ovanlng. Ticetit. ahici theipeplge voec ioinefl y ieo. Trinhus e= et lie Second Sénatorial District- eof autros 100 te M00pessenesa ven Chicago gare llm lmNovember vas:1 frein on. te four idas la sM» talinba aai hia vo4 te hie eoleagt@ee, <fiL anu ai the ao%andi lpm y ae0' ooti a" arycratt envisteti la lis .fhé Spaer qutof the hitisthe 1 Moral court- Ot 'Wiscousinfor eiat- pipets cpiavaet tie t-oee- Oiiell, lb. ams lîlooS.IteprSenetativetho ho doaiv- lio ttc ullc lv ev v. aio ethie riglita giro en hlm h tsoturs. tdb"rged b>' tas Suprffie Colrt et A bit-Ici O90t et over tfo u m s t é lie 'cstati.- fier etf is flouse yprethis ala mti A prise Oglil Wbich vwu te alai-k action. Comrtord foue-t kmls advs -M.placs.e n Iiera Isam Wns5 basSe 'dus 07017 loch 0ethlie'"Y seult misopnib>'tae New Tok police. bai hlm devu anti liaivotai toa usal hlm. Duriez t-buse iglil aIlthie oa'inary reies of parllamentery dtse vre for- ity Tes . g geton.Coinerford %hook his fBoIthle ,Thc lquin o M oua09 sapnuasfi faons et bis cuomie anti «undoti emu lvée. eneurredlti I le Seate bill S- liera, andi bis eneiles @book thtartfis etnthbuka& la hie face aud callei him a lier.Effort-s Thîn le ok ouad I li.) e suf - te temper lis punlitment bandmi0thé 'e00 cuI'(I. accuser et t-h Hums'smorale vero tuû- pervisors votai e henni>' of $400for tu%. evçn vhen ît- vas, proposai te do jvoOutUMrs the temperli- vwit a bu.«wmyanti sub-b Presien-t Uncohi retui-n te Waab- stit-ut. c meacure aImaitas merci-c as-x.ington. The Stata Dffartnieta»-- puleion. Sentiment- &galat hhaamena nounedt tat t-be poscee gelatioes *1 bis aieoclatea vas me ltt4r, andtlins Vortnss Mourut liai copie te nolhig. vas suçhlide imnti for Immetilate 'and fT e nhîbll at-ofie~ao cetidetlre rvenge. t-bal ho asea' baiu the ellgiteal chance et maklng hecv>m& 50 yto aalnpayael anilst 1. alhouge Ieîaked wavbibel lases antitictentiet i imelt vIli sema fhlty Von.Ag&. logic. Sentiment agaînat Ceniarfeu bas bjati Carpenlerof tWiscoennvaa limon abrong ovo, sine@ h. bas boa lla etnlhicoetfrt"'hd Sptingfld anti part-lcularly esineonho- beatl ibscn-s-frl.'ut gin hue cruaaiu sgalost lb. Genéral As. Stateasenchorsklp b>'tls elochioet semblir- si"an auction bluck wvlano. a-Auffl CaMmo. el pslvllegasare soldti te i hghesl The fouse o ert epreualivou possui corporation idiers." the civil rlgils bill. Tic prejectetiHeirnpla canai ssq- Mhort Porealsu. ' aitac entire attentinm et thei H o f The Baroness Burdett Cuoutta, nov ltepreMsutirce& over 90 raars olti, la ta excellent hell. A spécial engineering emitSe 9. Manuel Garcia., at One timo a notai pinti b> lhe Pi'eatiettl noeoml saingeliîvng la Londioni. Hola 100 od »Mltesteai eft te Fort »L Pb&., yearsod.- penufoth mrtattté JameseR. Bandait wvis arols 'My pcalfoIbIprvuatSl. Maryland," le stil ivln& is hom em. Is mortiet icMsislIriver, Ki Augusta,.(Ge. George ClInt-ou Paynse o Ne'wri, e. Afoc, J., leanen ereode booi eanvaussrsi- Tb* Iropile et 1Gu. rant puiehas lieugi 90 ycers lA ai b>'Vantienbit-ti Mgivqf" * te Mal. Autn ILCusiman, pri-IaI. sac-, avn zvn >'is w .meus, retery tg-Presideat- Fillmsore, livei erument. - -be oy- NevwOsiforti, Mass Manuel Biaiquca. lsnt- sirvîvor of (an. Tii-se mn aere ke blt y a isa aet Irrmount'ehthalon la thlesMezican ver, AnuboNIova.. 41M hm Mo la tisai nt Los Angeles. n l u W. B. Trasi, Bon' antuioan'wnd O -R«004Bosa, ibI**-' - man auleriyounarebors etahea. Hah, bas yw" sheot AMi veuietio 11e-W wj jual passi i P hhi M . 1(4v T ewok by TasIate r. a M Présin tcetsent ntttbrvas 4g. lis fi-st maa te iavilee alsambmo~ n adttaniaad th:a'b. sud iMW Mev Tout f4 Hart"ard antiYaesb. lashsaloeupeo. Ilient lifthbc'Universil' ty r idlai' 5tif I las iigt A*#« i.nri acssa,~l' e'S t rem ~p Mo., .làvlvin ssihaiet le09 thé rh Chitboge, lvlîaop tlic -i$' lest conres., vasborala 0ohm th a a mmcii uffsllg. ât vho votafotes1- la lu se 100ale situ allai et biixai s t -tU AdmiraI(0e-11S0, lu anoraa

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