»,ifer ait lu ia-$ ýâiveli la a It orftren- tisa f unreutled «sCi édpoî0.lkMtUanlie a thei shooit etfthe am mfflake, t4e bIBAs- VO, after vrilli m »U C»el mute hoadec, te 5n1 t ou m!I. ar tie lit an ier aOtroIm 13t Juil- tg qIVzE O oWN. >**aiv* bsse tiers liés Nir Ibe sot Irauth le Tiivsrioo, Oio, brobe the *tar alibIan ity Ï4 stm »ri auiis klted- Sbwiltlgm and min rela asies, iilc oters wliaiachi wter, j etthre La* stor lg IXarbt streel. al 14m.IlmComusi- le vat s wuqulckli I. UsaI lverpoel de- viM vusé appeelel te. hdi55ïfl5M a Weilu IR »4 appasrat- sae* AMstcc &Moo by ulline mssveiwitle la wv mllo Lira Use t»l, v Who an trou î i » la is lbu&I Sha-bla i hm aiont v te bsema valmer $%gal 17 rem gaet Jacob pat W" ta s ccedw h ansa y rSl bae t m.i Çol eeiitg. s Ia auset $23M00 am su tbo hgt tot erbl cigw .Tki la VOSe ouroe conali » tise iash ofIthlie e-Aldermatn ubot end gdwanlBare, a bure- dw ae tce 0bar bal- t*s, mat&.s. Bcwarned ut viat le alvauwono lsgac Mlle Um"n. aI voeu kIll anti uit- seedMma pobibli ta- The .@eCM of activty la lianciudra bas shiflalte Pmel veek rom nthUt igres ve tc sextea tstof Utàoagmé n isbth ie oppoles araSesfaoa sacb otites. JaPaaé movromhs ta t*bille attractelai- gup atteat itea. lye o a" z oused fier tbitIa a kIltgopcrattoe waa ba- l«a attmptl on a larmasose. À veUt ago aturday, hrlrs uo pathia set out a totosdeseclhielas "Ivo soutns divisions," viticb o-o> pe positions on hU uppaTita.riv- ot a" et a1pou levan mil«ecmut- ooot of Tlnkhelcblf. This latter plac- appearst e ba about lily -iles eoullr ouit of xMtht. Tte ;lapansse drove botof te» dIVisons baek le Tdnabtttl .la bat- cesa fouet telt. 2,1t a"d2U lTae lait dIapatchaS in<icate titat siame thsn aus o mportant emmièACTI bis beasafoueit il Tslnk"ttchu lleelt ofTiNo AT rssultlg ila amBuan rtrecJt front tat plae- Nia* bottlions anidIvalve RUSSIA HELO XT FAULT. guas are mealloned by tc RUssisti as itaving bin ngaged onte j]p- ZNortUsa C-urnisom Hls Allack1 sass sid. Wieubs tise dcetop manTrawtsts Not Justifled. mne ade U t pr -usoe 0f noer rTe comtIisbnrs tecgiseO nuaf- .met nIti u e I ltprent. or »1, ril tousy taât te fispIingIlieet commuit- char vbattra Uts'apansetaDre18I-tel no hotle &iii majoelty pf epl a 1 eB teir fmnes nare tc hecommissioners being of teopli ,- tmtins tu rut Ut bille .5.50fOUtsIon tt litera ver. Dol, neitier smong straltins ltuhe yhmviétaso Uetse isiug botasnqr la teir viinitlY, asiiOut Ulprior "0Ut bttido LAo- *'y torpédo boigta, liteoperlng o!fit,. yane. To iùtngnk an armfy of 3W,-bir Admirei Rojeatrvsnkl vas not Jis- 1000 msea preal ot on a lina savanty- de. la »5# 0U5 ios10- sUacslqinla tadisute balveen ps à thblase leoutfelsa mal force 'Ku$slKand Èngland dMrtcé i !7 vimtherfsruite of tse trteq oun pau tae Northt afishinlg botteiy tce b. et once gathered. Raille flest vas ianded dowu by, the Tb@e Japanees troope sttacllig ltseinterai'tttilcommission atrdy 'at Bomnd»left lank bave oeeuped Tala- lis cioslag tession la Parle. As if to kitcita ai vgorOuly allacXthe ~remove soms of tse tlng for iRusas, PMU 10 thUtmoualiasbel by Kure- t. deconu ten goas ion 10 say: pathia'. usa.Prom adviose front te "Inaany avent. Ute.ccommlssioners f ron t ilm idiflut le My b ecver. are Slad le recoguise uuanimtousiy tat tse loess bave bisa Admirai Meojcvensky parsonaliy diI Bot EmiDI aldJapanse itave SU be coild trou* ts oeommencemient a,-ed ing - a5ilig partie atainst t0uichecadl 10 prevet theUts a'wlers sacit otitae ara l cd oimunictlous, front beinz taeobject- pof fleeby te a" forboat a masures orsucceesn la Unean squadron." 1reports&. The Japaues raids are ra- Four members or the. coue-4hat 15 matrkable basanas tiey have tock t t -tAMYail but te Roseau represcu- 1te iria Esiroal nortiet o f tative--declare tint lucre wvue no 1Harbin., a" bancsaI lamaI 400 miles Japauese torpedo botItalunlte vlciitly 1treinth aitite river.,.of taeBritilshttrawiers In tseNort AJapaeftadvance t aortits- . en taeBailaIee passaI .awu corea la rsporlsd, viticit seffla ti trougb thon. waters. Titerefore, Lb. on so large a suils ta it p.rtenft tey coudoIde, AdmiraI iioetvenskyl s serons moveent againt Viadivos- action la ordeelng bis shipa te open e to. A @legs 0frlitaI cty, vitb taelireeupon te uaginary cuemy "vas iprospect of Ite early faiti, oul tur- nel jxsutfed." At te smrnaimetesa iisi trustln aluemnt totae czar meubara of tetribunal affrn taI 10 -a epeu- vuth ie port vas semU te admirai "itad reason to belleve ite lut bis itsad5( s&d aette nsameime il vas atteckeà." 'bey declare ltat awoUhd prove dlacooeerllng tu K*ropa- "bils actera vere not excessiv 1itlime ikla basasftsedemanda il vouilof ver. particulaely ttt<ieos cie- àmaupon hlm te, send relief. cumisttc5, and taI t e bil reason 19 Tliýte sinu&m5onltet la ýRasmi%, le oaSnMar lte, sitnion ChsTiilag. 0 ois Wa tu amailparla orte, nspira. lrhagénéral Impression amongthUt daia tIisla lb.vscaunot butaludnience vas taIte décition vas la *<iawyinleno ts hances et lte nature, of a comprouise, astse ifeas elodtlEpc- -NORTH OSA INQUISITORB EXAMINING A HULL FIBERM N. k ree ob, N. . mfn tar vitenIv t~DKuropatlkl'forceS. Biasoslliersareaudisjnty approvel teBriltith coulea- nov accnsomne te dafeal- ln evetl tloa tat no lorpedo boat»atblacked r *Mm Mach May. battie abeel tri respectable Admirai BoJeelvenskys sqslsdron, and 'ae* M.- %temon. ukirmiait, tltey bava been wvippel. taI tèefrst bis opening Ire vis nal éla.é et marine, sairseThe moral veakness o! expetel de, justifié& and ai Ute. ajorlty as dap -v i lié10 rora esfit muaet lieuis infuture figst, provel teRusiiau contention ltaIt lwom aieon. wville.te moral slrengtit et expecel Admirai fIleilvcnsky actaI accordlng vcor witi inspire tier opponents ta hil. belle! aetitough i staken. a"i »eoer Iamo.& 'rie Jlanes. are figitng a paIn!- and tal leretore lbis action diIInt ng Pa.' Dr. E. S. elle ver. Ever privael akea an lu- relledl upan ils nstttary vater or sen- suiiciebY sbaoing lereat ln Il and la Ievoutly determînedti imenîs of bumanlty. bad His body vas l - vin. 'Te lussiaus are figitin ,Wiltlhe Ut iooting vas net "Juali- hyb a patient Na causa vital mauy of tent feel ta be an anti- fiel." In te sens.tat tiere vere no3 or bts uIcde. paîritîîc ar, fer I tuair arral vin lorpeic liauts 10 shtoot ae. Il seemo [o-b U«r. tce ited cause ot aulocrie? vlIt b. 1tutat If A"lnala loJestvcnsky -Tý Mtiss Bmsae Ir, srengteaed. Itla inot, thierefore, prob. tad goal resen 10 Uinklite vas beinit Lagiter o! Marshith j: aile liaI lite expecte grant vlctory, aâtt*ckétl by sncb vissais bu2 muat bave ai abat ald kllteti ater wvnicithticCzar vilie bIvllttag bien aitnndatly juuiel lli telaréter 4ber syeetheart. toautake peace. vitI evor atateclalize. mettnlng et thc terni. Titus, wmite on fl i lEtituzg. go long as te lapanese retalu con-.Ia face te verdict laver$ Bituln. du Ouesa gasit Il le-,tro o ite ses teir .coninuel tri- ituseli counhave no e esn tfoc rom-1 i;ta en sbaye iteen umpi secrms assureti. And te Rit> Plaint rTe Monuder o! a nitordnae r vwouiéelu lu an sti- siana bave thns taerIreaded tae aI- oUtrer wvit laginedlib.env9 i-te booom.Iempt lu vin itack agtu tise contrai slips sud ignahletiiMa blleftol té'- e Nia. - -o!ft eters,. Ijtcjvenhtty'm flet iah fan atp l wse e10bave bien pnlnsseti szaael Ropison t iliiCkvtileecitke tenaclty ta lie cesponsîbie for te.mcaatcphe. [tus- gon bail, vas re-resteti ebeltecbng barbaruetfMadLagasar. 'Tbe %la gela ai! Ilgitly fer lhe tincota- e o! ýTeepaif sud exileti lalest reporta ara thit sice te Rui- ptaete t sef Ma Of ls navalu comt-- lani shipm ntcaontultia eminders. jeo»d b mI&lý YelIowae auti_ figit tae laps, te 40M Loch Oe-smbcsta of aps bave stared 10 Madagacar te AUl Aoeutb lob ae. Wte Locliet. fae.o!tah tbe Russiaus. Thc Japanese are Ada Grant, econunlof Etssex. fartel, luétin e a rlîficlane-botsitaturel saîiore aud traiineai salit- as a Lana éd n tilbais become, au .ent- IW thnt scence isa este-Co'rsB.'Te Rutstians are nelter naturelt tiusiaOstié! veg.letan- - LWt création O! att kuia j 1,1al Or fr Irinel sglhifi 'rite re- Mcs. Peiae %Wiil,éty. vie vas Helen suit r.th.li te elneaIlbatlle cin ardse-îHay. us iopes tiat bbche -elsite bas lièllta t jeiter 1i i luloti - rtitlflnimai malte a it. 'riteilest break lute building tendes beU lirector et Lick o- lu te petiteternis vicit .apaunlacicoutdl ienel th e ituliderse-Lague ogses ltaI anothier sate ,unOfflcalY Propoel, una bnîemnlly iras tt ai iturg receutllioccrred vitea te bas hein dilorered by asiel, but Japo n vantaI some ort of vage eottintt*i o!fte matmfgcture F MOfl Petiecof Lick assurance egelntsa Ruaalau policy of of steàun asndhbot valet a ppiance sisgneél 'm b$ illIlbu knova as raege. .apan ddii naauRoualte eai!é,em agreement O!fteButider' Me._._ ltaetat ltoaitIbg sllpbulig pyo- Lessue.' Ila bast, tle Nt.gramn, wvilaioutî put t.e Mikados PrenitlentiRaosevelt has unged Cou. M teluab, elte Negovernmel1taa smiilr expenie santi gos t0 emPblt he tvelue -et Oa uliSal, ilci., ugel competl te te-enattons, to play tea aàevemeaat fnalai coommandera, by ntbaisvlg moult <nu erecleél tor Admirai ti ý i %eIl«aS boga gaul-et "baggarpy uegitbcr.1' If î,ias'aldjOouéandi JohnBarry. éV ewwacre sud tce Rusalun fleet sisculd ieb.estiraly e tanE plyr.ldes nBi LhZ1 - Je 8"ml wis*vPedcut in tisvar, the iucevlb ile u-la OOSiItqt" iOti l thse aller, o! ~$ yIcml lsé.empire voul bave se much te0bgti te Grma i sa. wv1se rtosin Bai. 010-. esa*, is np lista blag ablete 10ovrtba 00 tos, Mad Va blllqe di. ne au.5 Japanass a vy titiJaan ceU.. e su w zwaribavo mlfl Blé~ - isée M&Mde--h. Imam@& 45,000,000 FIRE LOS& immesesTermiaesof Ilitiais centra ai New Orissifs ilstroYOd. Fire lnvolvlug millions Of dolisrd' l055 ln property and giving a serlout blow tote expert trade of New Or, jeanh, swept mearly a mile of the rivet front Snndiay nlght dest'OYifli titi freilbt terminaIs luor the Illinois CeW trai, knoovaua the Stuyvesatlt docks Nearly a dozen, squares et Mode"s vttarves and fretgbt shed.% tw0geaI» etevators, undreds of loadel ca fl great 4uatiitli& ef tr.iI4,t placillt 20,000 baies of coltonn d 12.000haï rets ot aligar, were destroYed, togetht er wlth - fiftyeimal i esinces. ilt ii net be deternined vitetiter titere hai been any lons of ti but a number of firemen and Imployes of te dochi were Injured-.'Actuleotimt- O5 f tit@ toiuez are impossible nOW, titougit th"~ may exceel ell,000,000. The lire. vas diseovered shorlYattel 7o7clock. 1t; ia% said t0 bave resulte< train a iteated, journal. rTe vitote phDn was equlpped with ggtitiiC vattO tanks and fiee.extlngnlsbing appafratiti bjut the blae, sinaît at thebegiunifli qulckly got-b.eyond. contrai, <--mul' cating throit<h the conveyors te lit lover olevstor andinmre of lte shed$ la liaif an houertthe tire covered tlv squares,,lte. lover etevator vas peac ticlly consumel sud the. fire vs sweeplng: iitt lereslatible furY botI up and dova lte river. As swon as1 becaute kuovultaItithezone of tbi tire vas te SînyveMt tdocks, ibarbe tage itastened tu the witarvei ani va sels mooral lter. w ire puhted out li te river. Atte sains Urne svitt] eitglnes drev itundreds of box car loaded viit fr.eigitteopoints aboya th apper, end cf teterminaIs.HD- desd.impe,,bow"ver, er.cnue" e>Duriag te fires beavy wlad bl« caiylag, brandsto great distances au deiving back te crowils of slgittte immense pleces of corrugated troi tornifroin thes@ies of te uPPer .1 vater. were carried titrough thc air a If titey vere featiters, ami dropplng1 svery dlreetion constantlY endangere te lves' cf fireuten and spectators. 'rTe ea<ber was briglit and wsri and problily W5.000 pèople vlaited th scene duriiig lte-progress of tiie fire. Amide troinlthe teemendons lois Ii volled ln ile destruction of propert te lire 14 n calait te Ne~w Orleal ln the tettit)rary ftbateinent Of lie 11 mueuse export business of the 1111110 Central. ptartleularlY bl te malterg grain siiipxnents. HOT*EPRING8 FIRE BWEPT. rilamuen Dealeci 250 Hanes and ca $2.000.000 Loas. Fie e ct tlie soutiterit psit of t Sprints. At-k., cadi Baluj'uay,. cousi loMSea vacoétsky estitnasietinIt ram$ ()00,000 lu $2.000,000 andtihie éleati :l lamaIttres pees0na. Several uthi mec cported aissminét., Therit re alareul aI 3-10 o'clot-k, amd ilyc boues burneti aber an area of c square mile. Block a! 1er- block oftrc donc«s. business bouses, hatla andi et buildings ire sirept airai, andth ie, lIce town vas punie mîrieken. Tite1 svrept ares. Intudes etéry htitîe Citapel stre-et. ail O! Markiet atreetfir central avenue went. Orange atreel Grand avelne, »d R aret o!fOak *tc Among lte builingtés ,le-clra>etare Grand CeniraI holel, lte Le-e hot tcoty btoel, Plateau botlt. <'oluté itolel. litecounty court hote. mil. F 31etitoilin c-hêtrei. lte .iewiitsYnagal andi froin200 la 2W0 resirlences - store%. 'rTeire itacte l n lte Grand Ceni botet. ils e-cuscoln a mysteri. A sli nortit iiiui ias btowing and before fiee leparîmneat coulti retaci the su lte Giamets presdti o adjoining buildii Thteficéémentianti police irorkéd véttiai but thte witsierpressure rave eut t o'clock. littket brigade% then wcre fo cd. citizenu. andi viaidars votuite- titeir cerices. Mani titéhglng bouses anti realatîr verinl the pati fthe!tîtlic-e 111t11sc o! occéipatitJunIpel tranom itl many barelyi eping mthéchir lires. $wAyNE NOT GUILTY. lTée Stle Acquits Fli4am ud Charace AgeaitiSlHlm. 'flbe Si-aIc, sittior 04 a.coud eof pcacitaientl for lIée triailtuf Cii Swayéie, 1 igtset judtge for thte nord hdistrict-f.o!-ildse ncqitîled liiu et oetl, the-releArticet e!01Impeacîtu breught bî lte Bouse- o!f eiremenlat on notée otfltheartkies' raiastherei a majorIli for connlctlati.althtigIl quie t tir-thirds ta onvuiiet. 'rTe cIc vote. vus an tic tantearticle, lte tettpt case et W. C. O'Neat, tit Benators votîng gulîiyanti forty-w not gultti.-vila ou tire articles thitîn Senaiers valait for convictié 'rTeovoling ftee icmost part, vs pirtlintis, tbough thocreavos netla8 M eqltD &Dlaay rtete.At tie coi 0,onofthe votai lite pressln01 th tt eod, a i "0 7te 01111S a 8 1 e 1 N IE C eaaiti]R e p o r t * &r a39 " 0 l a i et I 4 U p 8 1 cussi ese0.japeit-cai o w - Whe'topaidmuult te 01og ( l u: ' l. a "PA 4Àw 'jvi hi h m ," ta l b.th* ittg lutB e t ral am -an et IRsoeur ois thorUMnta 07 tot~r~vop. aas tia laad telaIodos~ Btut ti .Chtamberlintirvas isomtilai igjoint staLtehioott NI. lwtes A dipateittroli St Petersburg e016uY#u ti ii'l aiu.ê0IMsss1sIlts l~ tat ltaequestion et peff. hIe ligtou"O thé,litminit te laugingl.Vannouicel ltaI, mnae*sesufinaufsr« t'lie bea o meza#lY 4lscBUad.but lt.e CQ* -lu regard 1 lte eiaÏdits goftii. pris- jMr. Hlguins roepoalewl lu IonOtir- ie ait l pr15piash4oce, lteking liaI mil o017taât It vaq Sfàer1.hcalli., mo__Mt Max pa uce to.bas beau eelUPQn. "a w îit it iru." <.»Nls Tlier are as foltovi: wheeuipofl themoI> reluctttnthi .-inp.siiallvan it iiesta6 1. Horea ta b.e placed nneder JgLpanss leapied lte quéîerY. for th. day. A large part ofthé'. uu"Ualal. but It Irving ta explatu lte )@Re ta, <ô t he ousoe iwasdevclail te lt» 2. lo it A rh ,a s d , t eI LacîjiliE Pva' the phtnso kln lthe saylai obi t* illttq clvI 'ppr o riatimi bil. T he, ip p' asitu"la le h.coea-tu Jupaon. beetîne confuse& aan oinpleway toit lien et gsti. 000Ifor rentai of1tel, 1.Vladiévostok tu blisclared s nenîral bis hendaî-jsîtimariAdweect. New York couteu boit«t W4%, port vitit anuOpen, gloor, d'_________ ut. os 1077. stesuane. 4. nie Basteru Chitnseeitoad lie h. Cas [orlis, lgmele. and tee assue. ysa» ellît pada placel Imitai geutrel international Re Halo, lId., Peb. 2tt-S5tt>~tsioaaladjauraqcot. Mr,. laitprdsèlÇ m181as ir orti asHa a tl vIii crs Disbaee wlicure auj 51 sàfIllibes entetèene report ci, itou ta io est red es à i teg ai par of the t r o f çldney. llecasaaus usoM any sAit" p popiation i ll b w i s m .,~ t. b paera asan aleralpar ofUtcp1tyslaams "y, lathnDcdfs la dne dered, prînteut. Th'itlnles %edlht Chiasse, empie. Plués wéét cure ant terinof Ktdney 1talite Paîtaîna cnaui vramablI Th., dittieulty lies lu ssttling t& Disss. For MI-s. L. C. Bovene 0ft vers dîsareeMt a snd lte biH #Net ttçitoo* question ofI nlemunity, upon wiich IlttIspace bas provel lta Dodd'a Kl- fcreuce. Mr. Mennalif illinole IntrouUss la knovrm taIJapon instite,. but Il l e uy Pillsavîli cure Dlaitptese. àratrcil rats billand ne e le aafl, titougtigit tl i ulty. 1l, Dot tu- "I lid Ditete@a." lira. Boers ys, <lhe commutn ise' eepofflmlttles otiedi- sueal."My Icett ailbéeae tnu ose and part mou carrier». snd Mr. igohsaw et Seo The mccl trusîvortity opinionait etBt. ftiturame but. I passeti a steal;brasilea srscl;tîlan for prliiug 1I0A»kél-e ilcal cf valer viti sncb burnIng sense- dittlnat copies cf lte "Jéftcrgoe EIolwtr~ Potereburg la tiat la vlsv o! the.in- tiens 1 coul barlly bear 111. i lent A bill vas , IntetP. lmakithe b.boler e lcrnai slllialloitand lie enorutouadiffi- about 40 poinds Ilit velgit. 1iorus e iIarîees of staek it nationalbatiks cotir yularrnyason ithe var lte peacamany medîrines snd duclorel vitit vîti $25,M 0capital sîlgibie es a élise- terme ouiued viiilh. coucludad vt- tva local doetlors but mever got nti1e. la aa coutparativaly ashorttignte iftse better tt isartel ta use Dodd'n Kil- 1 tde'unlty question ean hae arrattial. neyPtIls. rthe-y cureci me 80 completts' Tie lits %ttSirday *sEatle ofr but l la quit.posilte lt 10Rassis ty ltaI llntîrec geais I bave alnoticese lte ftatltîod aid Pasaisa essal baforc ~ retriéof te til-aie. 1 amn n velt goverumentil. and then pacdl s v i iai tk Mit ler ba ltle b la- 4 e' w o ian 00W , uank s te D o dd'is K I dtiey vîith ie S w ny e t i a nt, lu v îh , l it s ea d- i."n ealci 15 Plls. eludîng arriiiiiente verp made ibMe.Z T'h. rauore tiat peace balveeti Rua- f)lî l l iney l'uts cure ail kldney T'r ston Pth e ée uefelIxe ad MaUNepr Li mand Japen le ucar arc accated bY salimetstsrain iokétu-het lt rlgiil"s le Artiionél fortehie jéetéscutton. The a te* presas f London t 5biaving strout Iingae. Cure your hlimtkaeite witi Benate tien wet [n ie ocaive scesto lobnieront probaibUty. Accordllng 10 lenti aud lyet i ii never bave lirigit!s te deliherate ou tic rase. and adepteti I oatlentsi reporte. the Emparor ocf fluase.Diatéetes er iUbeuittatl»s. a moutotu e-in voiag Mandai at 10 Anstta tas selbis ffots pie -ne Kit o ilotétku. o'clork. as étparnte voe l ta e titenup bas h nord bitis eforts i e- c. rtalpKIéé t nliC Or 3îîiA ua tlteé,,2 u inIn-liste.-Andti lhUtman United euâj ýpeorselilaec, tee RCO Th kIn ofnioluss IVégln he laiicondemiéing tihe rapi lulneasi îtm k, T ht er mes ns cuttned m ay be regarded dine and So ué lt P -ltl o-c en lie et- nav . A - larg o' n tuber o! privae -bglb, A as oralug an sxlram ety p ssib e balle ltint a1 a a w eigltt o f M 1 11 ,61 11putdé. nti i tiig 1305 p e ni n Iiit . ver. Passe" à for peasceas Ibay ara bell ta include éIe shitIs aof lte bivalve kIod,anitd té'-niée séindlrcivil lbill éretîpiel mgotet 4 more tan Japgan clalmned betore tseabattie la abouit the sairn -4tg tittor otir lte lime et Ile ii'énîe. atlion belug tlvk à ar commutn triait vter Luglse. rTe gI- en on a nuntîer ,f ine ameaduenis. ie R. gitl edct e ietretmoblugté lBIttaere passe.t anendtar lie etatuts, AFTER THE P.CKt& ow lu briacie 1te l tltargetb lt peoviilat a penialy for msklng fa,"c kilon t bay lieil il he erth»Inc olateuets la %eek!uég le eculer publie- ]rodeai AutherIus.l lUnixpelilthrie SîurIuge.i-.Illm aufd on te tons as ecdr~lé.mî.aIlé Biow . Bee Muabattant cf lte étalei rtus o! Ilte Oueeod..a« m t te ndtet d A ie moùtlta cf sient sud secret prp- ore-.î, and t l ge Ig'lnditlu ls have " sîes 4 0pfsa navigable w aers. t gation thi United States goberumeul ne Iongeýr tue poier t10agove about " tencl i hoslilties Tuesda y igainslt icthe ît ey iec ooit é i ge . ad utI ail abo uit T he Senale cnheideé l ie iap el- SmueI pac, e.by ervlug cipoenas lip liiemthlIe corals bIuiktlé II)utliKlitg ment triai (f ut ltir twnyne Mondai ti kedeo hc d tepartinentsauldotitremcuployas Tritltte:ém %hé ouletiiéet4 fontal ii a stiluéittlnz himé té!ailthlie citarges maIe .ofte vain rteomnvtte eil-illié' iole lun te -ral f orinaioi. agaiuiltéMlu. rtbe cuntru.rereport on to.appêar bators the fetleraI grtand Jury;,5liée amntappropriatioénill. wtiicté car- go tlcit viouavent in Ciicago on Marci t, litNcItolam. --rien lie provision reltiét ta tic retirl 0. M AÀ concrted atnck vas m aods by ît w "c.o. r en ts. arnty ottierés and aff cding lthe par ef '0 dep ty DU nlte d States m a st ea la Of- . (euê e tiéu lt-i l tit if sors 11,15 m o nt- G e ra iM iles, w uas agr -e t t.. The a als c» tata alter cilltia Chicago wvice jin,.ndman,éét; itlewr.flît? btu$ asesetl. IVIIît ienduenla lIa- Là braucit hons o of tthe packlng Ofie nta ar iru,- 41h. f4tili t>t )ii t ilaing the fcu t,. -ié-itiive f arm er a in - bh loatel, anti before igit 15'uilepras Jêé éI bm ét-rry to beaiethuit.artétameiént,! eit or titi-cottter and Il lid beaui eveil. sNntuirg vt1éî. Iéie? sc@ct imers to $1.4,050. )and directIi ào Thes offaing tuan slgnatt7.ed ticeitegin- Fred-lt-t nfratd It i. 1I Itai néitt- te écetary of te Nay ta malle Au r sied o! a dclstermaed Prosectttiult o! vn- uitritiéng witit uy rich oncle last Inquiri 5esté lt tfit oI.tf armer pnte s- tataet f uIse rcsscutîs inJmnctloit e nittt1tttand an urmner jl,été. pat. lé.tstue Bselley tastridulas packera tram certain acts Jce-iuitiel? 1)1,yeti loue te ticket? inîrodéteetiau soteétémetit ta thuin Ch hkhwooldie la violationtofte Biter- 'p' mipriuîtoii uilfoar creltirne an is11 man icit -tue- lTI an rieTIIi r f !Qk ntatdi iét IEan Territoey. and U ceatly wv*as en inel by te Unil u I I H L IL O Beatr lailttuité téjitt ir"lulion for a lie Stat--i Suprêec Court. 'rhs Injunction Il 'IS Il T U E L U ontiuil %itft séé - aietI pobitta m- restrained te paciiera troaincotupelins polygamtti*net i é,yglit',Un cotbmltloek. i. taoit *Mtetaholtop hdIng; tram italit- - @ inM nCor OintMonts After l-arit i w a a uinhter of District V, las supplie« la agents or localies; rtr oofsi inmnt !Columbia bilta. the Hau-e agreed te ad Ioverlng, fixing or raisins prices, anl WiliIROach RhOUttàt-NKOW tic coaference. repart un lte ami spPto- M tront divldiug lertory or enforcing oui- 1prislion bill, tich panestelSesure furaires as le credils antd carges. Mr. Stophorrson Was Cured. 'Te sltuéir>écivil btilt v aait r )14'It le hate fient belle! of the' fepartmeul Pol ihiiiie n cigln dOti"ltcunit-*.ada-ie a- of Justice at Washington ltaI suflicent epe-é,i mfaudm ctn "gtiettlliltcOiilif n Ie 88 evidence bas been oblaineél as a recuit Joit,orpaiutul musacles. peuple iViét WYîi)iriiéntetlilatestéifnle la wlic Mr. la o tic investigationi cotîducîtd act sien- i suffie ,aixitol withthelicnid of a caite oria iturt,,It o!f flé ored a runme ainea 'al mer hy agents a! OommissionerGarfield crrntcit tiiél cr7, Oit! st -ry-t'sIgixt jar, .uto hinci 1,ind fteA- o f th c D e p a r l tne t f C m m e rc e a n d L 1a - I a re C e-t ué t li t . k nrYit is t .l t - p u ti i t é u é Ittl i 4, t ité c e » se c ru bar te insure tic indicîieul, conviction thiiég tir titcîutatitt V' rii.étmanligte arenltiéeame- te and buprisoumeut t fsnamiter o! tic 'ru itltatélét te t-tre rh,-uîéüsxlist1r :-f ititt îîerruruvilim;teigiealt ld. paciiers. Icrétal appialiis IR a fmlééib l -a,tet! tttii-ie tro 1uini. ftréleiclusothet ln- fine lav provides i penalty o! eierat i léie. Tho seut oft l i-t lîue ila i' tl', a single -caîéîéiionî. Mr. Il.-menwiy. i*7 O t t exceed tgg 5000. m priso nien l lood,a mttl wN Ie thlIs uffer tr luéruIbi ug j airnatsi4 fli Aé e r tpriaiionst Comiti- t u eaccellur on. jear, or boat,for vi- iotiot ttgesethaittialiette.reurci. diénikl. ne1 ltlons of tic enti-Irust law. Punisi hit011eMAirloniuce r teasu-lktte s! eý rpre1tL-cuea ëilnybl a- nient for violation o!flte Graop lu- idyadangtss 18 jonction a-oui &be ealliediscretionu o!ati* aitmnrut xutise eit isitr-tlelY tité t -T:r itysit a ne igt- cf court under elempt peoceedigs. I Laieirlch tééteuiiiuuetjr -éc -t oe Ille i té-iai Aé-ceopri United States Disétrict Attorney Be- aI 01Vtu énttracmocatnétl0i1ivh r-ltu.-: fnate Iuidîps"éirelul- tisa ta undeetood la be lu poésesion o! fatli. The ouly sae course fîrrhamnttirLt-é,î-i::, Irateuiitîtteo ovitieniés supporting the charge ItI neto t iltr~'ettg-t the betepiosibIe lYi t it - 'ter a ti itiettnl pctiln a singls pscking Ofien askeptvithulu te reuui-tIY at ne i -f tiiutitý itth lipto a ettev ethe or 'Mr. Sejîeîurcperiec-t ait éLis te ut'i rliî uiialu tt-sipol iaw lariuis th. ettev stet truéutaîu thre irétviciCn vwas mamore. filmai develop ltatthe packers olelintte aud i uttreéuting afflictieu tgta ý i--t l,iel-. 'ilî'uiniuier la [periit h av n illlugly itroken lte injnc ion , ltilof îutru hs Ie c va .)fu ti îuuîiw u i rili-. la uséetitelr [lot for Iheir emploies number loto te titou- i - Aî (Is .yl-i geIayts:ntuitt ir - i îiti éaiué.o u, ng s sa adcomprise men o! ail degrees oat v.enrlît-iîlltic tlil5 t D'Y1- f setu i r . lt.l--arul o ut! ~aitmadée amn 15,- intelligtence. î!îêé:ldltr. T'ri ltiutwaere N'crse tli t w-t té, é.éî ,étuktnte Mormon lrs irevsel.uI a l d Iii t tsé-" 1étriodés <ati-lrt -tré t. Il r. leyilié- é tolinceil thttie'- t- géle',pt eutlériîrg. I trié-il î uti-r jitud deeite-I noin tuotéer Iti* poigeailS i in out t,é-tutilt andi oiitniiséetl, but titi-r jauîiroteétfer te admission et Okiabti- one failel te alicriattelitapliti."niaa nudIndien Tecetory asuaàBule. rest- A 0'Mien ho realixdthultilte con.îe inuq bit ba!dotéen hiiiuéwtre pasceél tteudel 1 tier lia8 e ticpèr aud ltae pain ouly a surface te- reint-éi tiéfeetst in te iawn gvT"aui1* ares D1 R IT"Iit1 irt esrd Dr.Williantté' Pitik Pil atpproupritlioin .tbias laudlbterorlig- ID fo1aePutercttté-tlé getiile nath Ie reatlittt itegun forcoin-, om mo iePolea ue-itce- -ateitéîtttdAtl Aarge nutabieret ta Gov. Hanly o! Indiana neyer aw mi o iOléfhéii ntiwiq .ué utIhe bils x'tu a îuitsse-th e Honse and e ee1 basille fa gâtoau la bis lite. -I wattgettingliésrtlie! trauinéappli-ntités. I iuet lebiltée vaprMepitaled bî lte lith Belor Foraker ibas pureisasd a brnom teél pt tîîu ittItént ry Ibill-, éttorizittitunan aieiient1lb mue la Cincnnati, paylitg $100.000 tierefor. tVten, Bifte itrl box was gsite I hi tistead lawinla permit ti.ealnry by ibs John K . Harvey, recently ce-electedl egnoent a ndtlit ains i er itéé oiéingse tlan rtin cf 644> lo ad u t a!k oares ité- irai Mayor o! Waltiam. Mais., vas item la - est reqélil udli ie vr utl aI nCiuîtéslBui aos u Iue. a otbut -seo e s écure-. Atîelte Seconéd botx bitté. ire v-"l t cencgrosiseti. 10 th il adati b e u u o i I p I-vas ettir -y tee . g iét o f ii !' ý p a ed wia i o eusp r v i llur t or eniSenator Cochrelt soaiie doubts If hi. world cars ta 1Z~go lu lte United States -friotciiasmivt. au1 have htaédno tra5ces an aii liaýruc-udul5 lu the v- rang Capt. Robert L. Heys.. neir coin- 'ho chanttge i n teaneut pruToet by anti 1isfflnniný: lte apponaiment -et lm Stemantin !caese ei on, is muoit tiiiatetéar2sélts titat Me. aduitIonidistrictIjutge ln lte Nortiiera ;el lanatofes lie WesteitettPoint0hivéla¶Na15 Distrit ofut!lliléui;cretinét a nov 1dis igs. atv fTxs Greoilwood Ntccét, Spiiigletti, Mass trtnI in Ilinois la be known aselte eass- itîr, Becretari cf War 'Tait ba a ibraller - md fontl th. truc e î-sfolte ' ia: radistrict abti proviffiig for lie ap- vit Wo la au edilor. rTe edilon la taîl, j drtioninéi îchineiit tf àiibue, pointint o! a judge for ltaI district. ora- jeanansd viny. D WilVIéitou' Pinhi hIt are -wtbout 'Tie getiectil ieficienci appropriation ill ,ring M uni Englis nesipapees. I cl dis <oubthIle lie-aIo!f teIi blooci eiiies. i î t akutt én . Me"mly md) te Loulou fipectaler. aseahiof Pii ie efttgt1ti tdhsitgneé uIchîirutan tn! Ire Vconiuiee, petitesgpar ranIs deill Roosevelt as aý"wig." rhnieuttiutit. rThey clu ot itertélydîalan tîcélar strec titiulte provision leava têtes Mayor McClellan a! New Yack bas!lteachte, boltteY éxPel tae sot feola by te cumniletu lacurIai thticabuosé et (tirs. bteanmakîng an exhtaustive examination -te ithurit. Theso -pilla are Reid 1>7 ailceenliait éeiciencites ln lte several le.- M. o!fliée vatns upply o! Boston. -doiti.parîment- Go.-lect Itroward cf FPoica is, of Saluer*. Hmet a ll uitier Cora. - ian tei National capitan. Huuntdsent. Hieamotier betenged BoSanaméed because 50 acres preésutéce a 'b riesr-lient hais sena thle Seate' hoa l 011 Nov Haglanti famili hbeaviiy, th4I ilt procedc buit a iaveIY the ttiunlliton o! George E. AZ~Oes5W, s of Maor Oa 0. O. Howard, U.ÊB. hoe. e, alz 'm nt Xtyeled intao!Illlinois te be concuf at Amoy. UIhbiý4 > retred. la teo, i ving Amernam.oId. .oti . , u,'118 -n'ro nsLigCiteng, lie cdwobscommanded 150,000 e aidir Mi. t220 hut her acre., Ion eau m- ister, itan recelveuls],a be i E~ im, bo titiés re-ud i ff. i eéti i irles Frederichi Vanderbilttdistiles soctey.- rotu iîis gaverueilt tstaLing tbet oiso itm sud. frequetti aibsets Ilmine i f<om 1jabtepence 1revails lu China ami b-,* ient - hosep if. l oetMîsoue@l viiien lithlere icga igu et anti-!oeeigit oCvtl l Iebsbuepris i~~e. ~ ~ ~ t.~ îécrl Inel0 - l 4 '- bu