- ~q ~ Druga LOVe D, rug Store TOILET A1rTILES PATgNT MEDICINES, PAUNTs, AMI> OILP A LoImm 4f"&e d "CmI ié. Sn ulTbami."Mmd 1OVEL'S DRIJO STOIWE. Headquartent~for Sahool Supplies... JbOrtyviIIe, II Amu B ot-,-Seasoti Is Herm We have in stock the Mishawaka Wales Goodyear. Brande, non. boter. . . . Rubbers For Men, Boys,, Ladies and - OurstockChlldren Our soc ,of *Mon'. and Boys' .Dress Shoes and Work Shoes is Complote. . . e Spring linos of Dreas Shirts, Work Shirts, Overalis and Jackets are ready for Your inspection. ras as aor ShnkBlock lihergvile, tjoof 1.Kc COUNTrYNATrioNAi BANK CAPITAL - S 0.000.00 SURiPLUS ANDPRqOFITS 61000.0o DEPOSTS - 300.000.00 The !armner Alwags Welcomne W. vaut tise banklng bulsioof the. lameurs, sud vaut themit make tbf. batik thir h.adquart.ra.()Ur experlqer e as taught un thstthelr buseslmi., nd we vant every prouperous tarmer la th iicoty. Or « ouE msra a Dàlr oua 1"oon-s to 10am. , 1to à p. M., end . e0 Sp. n. LIh.rtoVM.Ililinos DL J, L. TAYLOR. Ores uovua Tatoua aàTTEonI. »»»:,-7 te 10 a. m,02 to 4 and 6 to ssiece onBroaadvay, Opposit P*rk. Ubrtvlil, Illinois. DI. A. 1. NICHOLS, of hcg DENTAL OFFCE sWiaumiovuasuis à Da nvia' s" mua., Wdedaym f mach ve.k tou 5amM. ta 600 P. M. Libetyvile. Illinos. Dt a a I15T ossic u me LAME oeUN BIr o-to 12a, n. and1to 5 p. m. LlbertyvRMl, Illnois. mR a. R. GALLOAY. "OVE> tomeLs ana. e"ORB. »-m- o 8 endSami6 ta8&p. nm. LAuetyvillo, Illinois. ÎÂPUL MAC GUPPIN. ÀrTTOiNE AT LAW. LhbwSyvlIe, Dalnois. m VUE P.SCHOMDNG Practce Hited to d EYB, BAR, N089 AND) TEROAT. OrFlE: Bom 804 Svuwà*r iivLuzwo, 92 stat. Street Chicgo. D I àA.DODSON, 0F¶YUovEa UEATES uEIiTURE mSTaRg. Pnauz 26. ý Boum: 8to16 *.m. 2 tu 4 p. m. and a 108op. M. Ulitell.Ifinl LIBERI4YILLE JOHN L. TrAYLOR, Pre8ident BENJAMIN H.,MILLER,. Viree-President C. W. TAYLOR,. Habituai savere can ne ver be poor. LIb*rtyvilllo, Lake, C COUT C TWO MURIOER TRIALS. MWod"y noom circut court conv.ned ! Waak.gan.The. grand lm, wmva . evowou lua Md began be ork 0f Me tern. Wn. Vlckesy- vas MAde& Later la the. day the. petit jury vi »-oriluthougb rio cass-ver. met fi bearlng. Judge Doneély oued for hme lot TueuY day iWdednday tii. case «r- Tanner s alntAlderman Arnetc Wmnbgan for Mander. 'Accordingi: emmnel for defenze at ouce telegraplie Aid. Amet Who Jeain Calfarnia teilli hlm to hurry home. Tié,cmofaiJohn mines agalust th Chicanaoaani'Milwauke.elFeetrlc BRd ,road corne. neit.lie mue for #20.ffi for alleged permanent lin"urela bein, tiarowb f rom *car at iahew Bluff. Mason vu. Albrect la anotiier lm Portant caméecafle for tbis week an gravi ont aI alleged charges by d"as déàt that complainat, who ila a- tari Idkcarrier cas, 0f>thePnie el. offie., tempérai! vlth his mai]. .M&»arnose s.Dismnssed Tii. P-aalrle iew damage suit o Everatt Mms aàneant Charles Mibrecbl -asdlsrnle.d Wednes4&y. Aft«r ti jury liad bau- lmom0neled nand every> thlng va. r.ady ta procoe.d with tUN ovideee, the. lawyer for Maoan moYeu te bave th. esu dlsmiaed. Tht. action waa takon by the. court and it vas tbec @tated tiiat the. gttement bad been made durlng the. noon bout. Tii luat juror bad been oecured a& 12 o'clock folowlug a careful exarnînation 0f mn, laaing mno0f the Mron. It vMa t ou. o'clockthbat the. mo.-. lu diuuu Ws made. With tbie uu.xpect.d action, teha£ prommsd ta b. une of the. mont son. nationalam i iteresting case. of the. kind hoan the ti.local couâ le dropped. Maso. in Brural mailcarrier at Prairie Vi.v,sad h. brought action agamast Aibreclt on a cha ofdi.. famatilon of ciiaracter. 8is cm vas that Aibrechs- bad been board ta a tiat b. liai noyer obtalumi letiete wh&ui Moaon vasmuppommi, toaaecaried abi further. Mi ru Stof a valeagunaa w viit peelptated opemaDfflnga1eewhieh lie va. sappomed ta deliver. Xmnaot.in~ata Abrcht b"d out tihe vamtie to hlm. Tii. suit va. for fPii000 iaenag. Two Murder lrais Probable. 'l'h. grand jury hm. two mariercse ta dispose of, orne the mmocase aitiiwIo mm Who fouglt beore the. miltry Icad.my At -Higland Park, on. king the. otiier- vlth a eton., andtheii otiier th@. cas.f 0f sowaky who murdered Mike (Ondrlch lu a bravi andwvile the. -e we.intaxlcated, detaile of the. crime belog n blleh.d ilast .wsek's isune of thIÇI ICPZEEIT. Grand Jury Reports. Late Wedmed" yalwu onthe.grand jury r9turned ita report, vbich show.d tbat body tu, bave examinai tweuty. tht.. caes.and tii.y brought ln six teen loilctm.nts. lu th.lr report with regard ta the. jail tbey cormendei Sheriff Powell very hlgily for the. con- dition of the. jail and tii. çar. of th. prisonere. Tii.y wer dlsiued a.d bject to ali. Supervisors ln Session.ý Th. reguaar 'I b hmeeting of lie Board 0f Supervisor. canvensi Mondaju ami E. L. iMons, ai Antiocii, vas aeated as .upervieor fron iaS lovu Ia 1111 lie vmaucy causei by the. rMega. taon of Suator Tiffany. irt. Bimane vas appointed ta th. office by lb. Town Board of Audtars or th. tawnsip vici orme the appolutlng board i. eucii eu"o. Tie new supervisor lnaa popular young mm adind aelI kuovu tiirougbout the. county, beug proprietor of th. Simione Homese t Antiocli. The matterr of ereetion sud equlp. ment af a baspital building St lb. couly poor farma f. agatu under conoi.- eration Plans for auch a structure&. lu bande of the-supervisors, and tii, pre- Sontatigd et Ibis seslan of a bill of over six' hindrd dollars by the. Jane Mc. Maliter Hospîtmi, of Wankegsu, for car., ai "1cannty ecam" serveta lrpree up. au lb. supervisons tthe urgent n.eemîly oi a bospltal at theconnty farrn viere unfartune sick may b. caei for. Supervisobri Rasant Imputation. About the. corridors of ltie court bons. sud vierever vero gatiiered board menibere vaa board i if.mkeo f au article publbil lb.th Lake Foret paper receully, lmplvlng tbat gupervisor Anderson, of Shields bai .01 b.a. suffiolently ardent ln caring for lb.e interets of bis constituent@. The article copclde.: 1 itwil taire huit bons and pubitoi- break througbt the li felfme sad get viiat la aur dlue. The Board aud tii. eouaty offlcaai hv.beau dosulatei by a Waheyma plhtcalringlogeugi Me Anderson bas base. on the board of orqry oubw. ,» iugau hm mo«J hW*im&im 4»tê* la blébon ibols. frlday, March11958 pages. S1.50 a Vear 1In WA» i"l *4ver Rmani0. unemirW O49t Diméase. BIG WA» V OLLO WS. Xno" ba pap ffreatly pertubed be- came of aB htobuw0f UnaIpoz .pld.mc la the. trr4q à>flUtheistate lin, end Wnlbdins Anugooh, *Mcountîy. Northof *9tIigfpula an Irish setiea. meut and a lé«f *8' Mince on. af the. mmlu of thi e eberboq wto iad bemn wortlug aetCamp Lakô for a large le compaur iiasidto is home. He soon hecame à*l mg died. Accordlng ta custom a vake *as beld, over fty permona froni tise f1louint attendlug. ln a k fe~ aml #trik bHye vas etricken vitI Mie9 disens,-, tien hi, youug daughbr .nd uaily à brotàer living near hi,. Dr. Arnes iusotitut.d an inqultlng, learulng of the ak, eud gsttfn a aigle 4eserption 0f thi. Brot vlctm'o diseus, viiecupon-lip conclnded the i. a* bai ddi#eotlmapox. A priest vhci bai gttended the. yak, w.. in the . inu atflîeted. 'allier Joye af Anutioci wOnt to visit hlm b. fore il vs ko"t btlj.dieeffo vas. àà io3 1 =i;ý> l arantiïied-up. on retunusgtea hi.- borne in the. Village. sund.y h. conuB«nol0f course officiate t th inuai servleee, ealthouglîh. t.innot Tii.Kuosh r oa f eati lias takeus»topo tu 4 ehndal via livein le Kenooha oounty ier. St the. vako lu inorier liaItiiumay hl. înaruutined. STRWrE LN D ZON CITY. Dow le Sende. lits on Prom Afar WtbMemage. The. fect liaS Gladstone, son of John Aexander Doi. vas speeiig f rom Mexico taonu Cltynlianbte, bearlng à peclalmeages frootwo 'iropb.l" endM 1vbiei vas enppased vould beadireemi 1talie Wolovers a b vIole prouzioeaiMan lnteregting mmgnâ ag ~day. An Ixr. EmuENtT reporter vas. viti a nuniber of allier newape.men, disappoluted. forv tbougb young Dowie arrivadinlatume forb ani was puent, htoU kno partithlb poubI ervice., but in s secret meetingv from vhib istraugers sud nowspap.ti mms , ver. excluiei rosi a message fromi She generai over.,eer w"inWi w . stae vM tthle effet liaI Juige V. V. Barum ould bcethe biof the Lake Caunty civbhie h. sgtaiyo lu th.soutb, aithougb 'i athebpreseut lime Deacon Darne. i. vitbhlm. Tii.meesage a"s bore a lover. rebuke té overseer-in- charge gpeleber in cannection viti hie publieotteement tiati. b.hlevei in au IMperW l oni fgaverient. Alilfoi- lover, lu Zion were ankidta pray for lb. moen Whohave charge ai tie City affairesund vers ciariged ta l..p Ibeir courage sud not to>la.. hope because someu aI liao vialid b.d th. Conti- dence. afthe. head of the churci bai proven faise. Deacon Hamilton oflii cthe gede- partment vlio vas remoyed by order of overaser pelcier tuiiornly.refusesta feueabi lieplace, ÉsaYing liat h. vas ap. pointai ta his position bjy Mr. Dovie sud hbati Doi. alane cau duprive hlm of bis position. Wiie Day., t. bu.iy witii bis plans for a ueiw lion i. Mexico tiers . ife" and diseeu.lou aI tie very seat of bis.paver sud. It vas lu hopes ofaf sermiug the lii. vbicb appearn ta bave net in againsl hlm. b. senthils son pot.hante ta ZVan Ciy. IIOID E1LECTIfl Rockefeller Votes on Matter oJ Incorporation Te-Bay. CON TEST 18 CLOOE. Tiere la 1ense excitenlent ln Rockeier ta-day, sud Diamaond Lake juat as suxiaueIy avait. th. autcome 0f tb. eletion tu delermine if Rockefe"r sbali Incorporate and, incidentaily gobble up ite jiater vIllaige. Its ail over but the vatlng, as for veeke tii. question ha, beeit arguedinl lb. tva villagles ta the. exclusion of ail othurs. Dianioni Lake residents almont toaa Man oppos e .proposition, partîcular- ly a. tbey jbelleve their taxe. viii b. lu- or.ased vithout any benefis hlng de- rivai. Temperance people lu' RSokfeller liIU&*e mamre aalet tie move, ,.eeiu g aotlilnq of surncb importanoeluit as SI. pepeaing of Ibe salami @vil. -90*0vr,lî la ual bfyian a àon.- MW Mht »Me of pROekdloe ro djssfavoi dtig INACTIVE. Hous. St Randout Burns-Fire, origin. atiug in* a defective chtrnney cauoed ii. destruction of Daniel Cnvay's home in Ibondaut. unday. Tiie bous. iiurned ta, the grouni, tiiough mast of the. contente ver. maved. tMr. Convay carrted insurance in tb. Mlîburu Compauy, thougii ual snough ta caver lite las,. Speakiug aoflthe Or@ lhe Waukegau Gazettae aid: I'Convay's lans, ismitigatai iy the. lact iaI ouly 1,51 wveek b.eau ldhie largo laud hold- ings lu Roudaut lu the Plagier BStl Sud Tuti. comdany 01 Chicaglo Ir a round sum. Titie purchaae Includ.i the. site of bouge and valuable territary arouni dlie local ralroad depot." The poar ciii Gazett, is stildreamng of ltaI Flagler deal aud miileading tie publie as ta facts lu the matter. William Shaffer a brakeniati a Denni sou, Ohio, vas confluai ta hie bei lor eeral veeks vith inflaluiuator rllouratîsm. 111 usai rany renledlee,. b.ý ay&s. "Plnly 1met ta . cav', drug slae for a botlI.of Cbamrla.rie Pean l. §W ,_at vliCh tii..1 -veAs nl !urnitssre fosig IF Reloiri 1Fr Three expert imen, ~i~~5 Just Ieave *ord at Heati's, we vii eall for goode and return theus la order. We do Picture1 frarning of ail klide, eorret$ Riglit Pricea. Furnlture and Unaeirtaklr Libertyv ile _- - )f Not Bnylng Land Though ira Opton. Are Stflt Unexplird AGENTS CEASE OPEIRATION As notai lut week thi. Plagier lai k!"afl pars ta bave dwidladilui, n othianue. Speaklng of fellure of the. prornotere I purciies.thb.land under option ti Waukegfa GaîteU eaMidlent veek h alocation vas ta h. thanged hbmeum eviiat the. Flagier people terni the ni 0warratai attack of thé 9Contluuiug the plâpor eaid: Tii. ecene lu thie, aI ofthinlge =orPay in Chicago vb.u Mr. Plagie n ti.objoctionable article lu tb *INDEPENnENT t. Salid ta bave beggars " dieccri tàon. lu a rage the. promoter rbhâe d.clared tint their plant &al no àeven bave sight of lÀbertyvwille nor 01 thi 1ob oxions editor, wv i inlu t he. Ir otil i s&tane. de.ligned ta conetrucit hel mille on tii.bmow af the i.hll bat over look» the tavu. Th..y tyll nov builg up.a rival *tawèn of their own u aexcem Lubertyville. . Tii. objectionable article lu question r.l.rred tu the. facît tat wileFlagleril ~l usand ajree of tani neuf- lmn out. it lu trutii dDot own-an acre. FacIaoftthe matter la thielanideo came ont- m>uciiaa xpeeted il vould Methois of the. promaters wreoia those ai 'den of boneet purpo. Wq w,!, aux ' o)u te become cou.vlnced thé deul vaz morndhlng mare -.....a.eu taeti,. manipulation toacuning for oui 61pprebenion, but discoverea aught te meseon. Itloo0(kstaO UR as tiaugh Plan 0I the. promoters bai InlsarrWe and tbey bave abandoii.d the. whole proposition. The. G.a.felu Inea4llnes of tii.article mentloued dieuoéyn the. campauy "has t4ken up and paid for 1,000 aces," and vihaut thi e "et regard -for truîb assorte: That the. Flagier enterprise je ja geuine one in proven by the. fact thst aptione are boiug taken up as fait as Coe.ble, spot cash being pald for the. ad that vwa. forrn.rly tau only Un- der condition. lt t. suflicient for un ta relterate that Dat a dolla bas boen pald lu actua pur- clan» maney nor au acre af land acqulred. A lev options ar e yet to expire tblougi l i. lalàtogetier unllkely hli.y wll be "Itabnunp." Mr. Braàdleys&ad tir. Wilmot, agente for the. prornotens have aPPareutly èeamed negallatious witi" lan vere ad the.Plagier baoom is diîng a natural deatii. *COUN4TV Fail to Identify Two 0usd Men-Tvo nukuovu meu vere killai near the. stat. hune by. a Nartbveiitern train hast week and ab fur the autiorlîle. have, been unable ta identify them. Tbey were evidpnlly vorkingmn frous their irems. aaPpearance but bore no lot ter& ar carda by vicitheir name. could h. diecvered. Tii. mon ver. found by section bande and takeu la Konosia ou coninctar Engllsh'o train vhich vas stoppai for the. purpa.. Dr. Fahrn.y O.ad-Dr. Peter Pahrney vellhtvuiluthis county and thi. ba t ' .patent ildcine flrrn as Ib te Peter Fabrney & sons conipany died ou Sunday lest at bis hoame iu.Cbcago. Dr. Fairuey lieu for years been the uvuer of a large fa"r usa! Millburu viere h.e bas kept one af the, fluest berds of Mi blood cattie in the etate. He wva baru luQuincy, P&., and vuie yet a boy came vent ta Illinais afterward studying miedicine sud practicing. near Polo, from wbicii pince b.e veut ta Chicagoand enterai mb tiib. pateutmedicine buoiness wnici i For John W.'Maaur'a Pare Un-~. aijed Ou 1Paint C(oach ndgla- terior Vanlh, Floor Paint andi Floor.Varnlgh4 White Lead an~d Llnseed OU1. Masury la Patatew are guaraxtSed pure LInsod Oil, and eontalu no vater, benzine, al. kAil. and to, 'ear longer thau nay other paint, made. e Deejer ln Hard, :*: nd Farm lm LIBERTY VILLE- $1.45ise ........... 750. aise ............. 500. ase .............3. Boyer Bros., IVANSOX , TiieStoretbat Pays More for P40 £L STEAIN LAWYER 213 Waeilagtou4streeî Waukegan 'Phane 2761 achine Work. 1 arn now Ioeated in Mny Erew. plant 'and thoroughly equipped. to do ail kind of repairing Mac hines and pf Engines mene. - Qnick Berv'ice and rlght prices. 7-tf-d WM. LAYCOCK Libertyvili,, Ill. L.!!O-ýMx Oesurpas 1.k F. Si Csm.toey De Irrs .ANDREW sale. tu"aSt raas lsfaetlon guarfflm 330 ST. .11 Ci CZ a 1on