Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 24 Mar 1905, p. 3

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March Moetlng, 1905. Roord et lupervlsors t; fLtke ('on- ty lrnlM Blet itursulanttonasjouru. mouBI t fI)esmaaer 16t11, 11»k wauitla Vbhattrmm Stephens lu 1the chair.. and tuae folomiug namedn nexuneraslpros eut-, SIiDrvisorw Arderson, Adatos, Rover. lo', ldm'ardsm, (rabain, O1bs~RuathiglaHoreuiberger. a- a",. Nller, Meyer, Quentinî. Iobet' 14,l tme eSelena. 4îmosas, Wol- Absent: Suuervisorsa Elitaniulauud Wlhte-2. Minutes ef preedMag meetinug uere. * uponu motona et SuipervimAor >Illor. ap- proven t m't reaing. Sulapervlsuar 1111u(r preieuti'd the fol-_ lom'tug petitlou, whach ttas mendan sd referianl te, the (.'ommîtes' ou ie.caoe, -To hie Honorable itciirn cf MSuîpea'vl- ors of the 'ounil oat Lakae, Ill.- We, the underuîlguaecîlu-4gai votera cf 1the Townuship oet Uhaart. ilile. taîuty utf ake.hMatte of lllii,,ai4». sic reby lietition peun' honorable barto10grant a dram sbop lieaase lu J. larîlcît sant il.. tlbrpbt fur naîica ll)oia lie cola- dtis'lasion 1the enst aide ofait ta moud ake. lIguent by'A. ul.aMaerialue snt 2Z olliar. Reports t fpatiente frao làike ('auai- tnthlu1e Minlos ,Nortli'rua loajItul taor the Inainset Egn,.Il.. andlia thie Il- lînoré Asyhoni for thIiiaîiraualeI' hiua ai Peosi., w. mere ri'ad Ity 1the t"erk and orlement ilent. 'lie tullewlong alapiiathli onl M'aied sud reterrOnt ta dujacvitor Ilorenherrer for n'oaldratlon. htte uofIllnos. »l. k' ouait>'. as.: Tolhie Honorable('haîiraiiauuitl Bard of Superu'lsoru ut Lait. I ou iy. <i.utlîout-hiettilea-aahtw.l Iun- ais J. lSauloti, s reqidtlcut aofWes Deielài Towuoblp. lu salit a'ouuty, aund wlaose postoffice sataîrcxs lam Higb- m'osan, i lluols.rcsîae'tfuily u.uiasut unto yaur hoenorale board IUit le lm overthie age ot 21 years. ho-uJtI:ot the axe et 27 yesrs; tlaua lie hbsroll- ttuuonsîl>'resldenIlu uid LaukeC oun-a 1>' for more thoin threp, ceuse, titve year. anuilth1e State oetIliihîîs fuir nore thon ton t'on*eêuttlvcyearslin- nienlately ljamedug the thlng ofithlis 'Applicarion. 'l'bat e1% lethe aiwner ail uo prop- est>'. and thlae'yearly , InucO t ronuî alId Iarperty belng notblng. ant uint he- re- t'aIrves oller luî'ome triui ano oier source, thalrais total Int-oie ltisilait exceed th1e sum of ut tw uinsreal sud tfity dollars per ennu Unat llit net à charge of sny i-haritaileip ililn tien of the Mate or of any rcont>' et' ait>' f ereef. Your petitlouer furher representx th" lihe la bhins. by virtuie cf avhi.a tact.togetber wllb 1th@efarta above set forh, ttltkles hlmte relief lua ccoril- sue vih the prou'isioeîasoetai Act uit the Geners AssMbiy o e b.Staile ef Ilihnoils, entIaIent "Au Art for te Ie- Ilef cf1the SImnd." approved iMai>'11, 1le, an sd lu force Jul>' 1. 1903. Wlarefore. your ptlt.looer pras t8at your -honorabile board m-111 umke uch ordems Iluthe promises asumiih en- able hint le receivt-e 1benofit uoai's lu th1e above menlone art. lo-uvt: tIî sumlia" e oa unsred aud tty dotllars lier anunota. puaable auarterl>'. DENNIS J. (X) SCANI.ON. miark wtaefte iguattin'. M1ILES T. L.IY A. Il.. IENIEE. hiale et IllIuetm. Laire Colanl'. su.: Veni~uns J. th-anieua. leîuag dulul aî'arn aa-eomuig te aw, ouL.lis Oatli diliOits' and says thaI hi' bas hliar aualtihi sitote applhinoi la>' blamsibse-mlienI. aint kîîws lte 'otenta thîerof. andîa thait (lie statements therplu contaînet are (rue lu suttjia-e atd hinfaci-. IaENtII J. (Xi SCANLOX. mark Sîîiclel sunt savori 10bsfore nie thla 23<1 day et Fehmuar>', A. 1). 1906. L. A. HENDEE. AFFID>AVIT OF ~'O V<TuIZENS AH 4TO lEIMtiatiN<E. $tuiI ofutllinlois, Laîke ('iauuy. ..: Persenal>' appearet Iskore niceliis tai> lte tiudpnaigneul. wîvlue aiug diii> snomn aceorulug tola aw, uic iepaise ad gay', est-h for biiînmelf. thut the>' are -Iizenit et Inke <'ount'.an sud siletK thereot:liatt 1ey hlavte becti atuillit- et ailt Iteanis J. Scaiiiou. iv boite namcine iuboirlW-ltl e te tora-golug applcat-iai, for thue ternaioft... ypu-end uui... . y>-eaîîs. el"ui'i.luel>'. îad cf their out'aakiiovîedlge kaaaw thail the saIt applîcant lias beea-î esui et saint lAke ('ount>' for imorie fthun athre' yeaima mumneaitil>' lrKi'cealualigte fillug of tItis aîpplicaation., JAMES (401IAIEN. PETER DIA WSON. Stitutcrlben sant aîvcn îtIliefore me Ibis '14thday art Felinuiry. A. 1). 11)06. ('HARLECS GORD)ON. JustIe cf (tie 1'euse. Thle followlIig tietitiails ma'er reant aud referment teo oauîîtta'e on Enroue- oua Assemenets: To lb. Honiorable, te Board et Su- pervisors, for tIte Cetuat>' cf Lnkei and State cf uîîuuoîs. Thte unterqiguenlChrles Ray' Whl(- a.>',respetftuiily neprelenato neyour - onorable boedy', fhat lie la 111e ottuar 0Of lotson, (1), (ave 2) and three (3> Ianl'oieé1l & Hut'b-lna' Snhsuvlaltou ot Part et lots two (2), three 31 sud *day- en ui(11jl. andait oIl ots tour (4 sud tbea (10). blck tiîrhy-oae 31). original Tom'n ot Little WFort (uaom'City aot Waîikrfaa),-that'saici lots were as-1 MMO un #IWlQ*4 rtth.e w r1104: hiV' boe M Mt*»s vahuq as the ~ot w, 5, lavUliIatlon vlIIah.w, di 1am iI*a& Ut tiI.h lo oih o d Ot4>owi. lt eue (il, aviIc la la s lt Ispn* ietby aa mbon builing m'g msoaud u vaantprop- etya. uduu t h ie mialake 4sre frei ocathsugald siloon buliti. lut Ob My 'lot oeue (1) hythe Assessor. lttais sud puu'poma e aant lot. Your petltloer theferoe aika that thie exemve'tai b. rebatent pursuant to the ettitte. Ail or m'lh1pI.respectfully sub- 1mittent. CHBAS. PLAY WHITNEY. Honoruble Board aot Counzt>' upervîs- omaWaukegaua. Leke CeunI>', 111. jestlme-Your petlttoner. Tha WýOrkl g Woman'a Momae Ansaccilienr,' s <orpomlton ezlethng tnuaier ilad lu>' vîrtue et' tbe aut-mfeth(le hiate ait titi noi, lIau'luagiçltsprIneIpal cdl,, in <ChI- cage. (Cok Count', fMinuois. lu>' htaalt C. Bennett, Is agent, reiopettliy rep- reiets ibat If Iial charitale orgnhaizii- tIon, as tu1Il apiýemr b>' Ii% charter duir rea'urde I li Laake ('sut>'. linluaî It is the om'oem of lots 18, 119, 20 liliul 21,.IlibWek 3M. lu NorthiAdaditioniîta thie Villagre oet Lke Bluff,.li Imke <'atunt>, Illinois,.lapon wit-ihi it uiaat eperates ainsi alntalia i fre, t' ihil c11aré*lant for a nulier cf ycars last Ijtiat luitas eodui'tod i fau fr triai ar votaîge fer f1th e ietit. n'aIat adru-ara'- alicaifit uu'omen :a ladgIrls. aula ahat dnrlug -'he yesr 1t5 i7tî u i' (laent te ltaI ta te sali l)remiises liata- uoilbeptua uialfor auuy asiurlir>uipsi- ibatet cm Tetîr jAitîl hoer futii'lar represents tlut t'outrau'>- o ;L Ahaî 1..rticlIe 9. of the Constitution ifrllis latftY'. 11 r-aiipority>. uitovu ti-a' ;ai- messeit fth 1e geucrfflt lai n-s foar 'lie i-i-ar 1)..sud 1(huton :i11la lsalita' g$tla day (Yt Jiuli'. 115. ini foar oit ilir-ata'ned sale. youir pî'ltli'r hua« Iil the lac sfsessettaxtsa illîîîuiutî uc tuat ii suuuî c« 434.91> ulidýrprlai--i laîmir pelllîooîi' laeu'e'ly atip tilles l -iolu- canuble Ihourd. as drts'-ti'a bq -atiîî .!74). ('ittîter 120. 1. S.. ta, lus vi' î-î fuded leIl hiaheStaha' mm]uu 0111l11Y taixes abo' uve IiIlî miîuit li the- .t111i of $3.43 faimte IleSata- landualetIi'atilli of Ot14.-5<4 far imeliecouity toin ASSOC'IATION. (S-h 'y ItOItrt C. Ila'îiiai't. liaaAgilit. illaeetf 11111101. Coaik i ,iloutý. as.: Itoiert tc. lleuuael . Ili'ng tlrxtillt sut-ru ou math, istaifa'-s tllttll-ia irînt for theb, 'orkng W'iuiîiiw laîîu'A-s ioi tluitn lie li% r4aiatheia fori'gaa luîg P*assttiîu l>'bhlna sgii-l î il rhtî. thf liaims.a thpeehu atsluil ai n- ruue- oti a- liest oflis knowhenlge finîal le-lia-f. Il4>BEIT t'. BEXNF.'rTi 1-tarlfliltant itvoriuaî o ii.fari lai iIs 21h day of jsauaui'ry. A. i). hast'. glS-a iMATIIEW F-. tA FTRFI-. Na.u.tarv lu11iliia. Thé ý rfîlowiliag caoniuntlon u-ait ré-ad: Tu> thueBoard tfSupervîsataof thue C 'iuily cf [litkandual 4'it i r leut laeajrd ihat'nru mrier iis î-iiunn)iti-i lut Waukegin. Luike t'oiluly. Illiois. on t lae aalght cf l'abuiry-fUit' 5-2itJi la> a>ne Joli[)Susilatiski. Afler tlte -o ciai police fou-ce hbailiaarifuill- sean-cdei Watikegauis an V>-iiiiy. aind doue abùat m'ork the>' &otîlldlicIitago. il; iti' he lc -ilîrit. il tlaslugb t il- visaube te seuîil ont cardai th lblis ide- sirîIptionasu int aoffer cf reau'uîrt for lits îrreat aortfor hIformnation whaulîh ti-ulntleeant 'libis arma-i. nt us il re- suiît cftle sendhig out et 'theme crais. sud ofeta telepîioni nessalge troua l). A. tralî. ('filet cf 1Poli'e ou t unka'- tuIII. ta> the 'luit utfl'al li- uit Haut- iiaail. t llauîa. uonfirillii IIa' sMiita' uuîeuat ciat ha' ard. theît'uaiau ~s tur- i'egslteiaidt tiuueal ou-r ti thet'oaai lt- thoritlu's. Iittatfd t atthe tluie liait thei î'an ilsita-ra' sentlotltlat 1 ilulliat thiak iliiatthfla Iluru ait Suîaira'iaars itotild l utject 10t<-uhlai ai retuard ia<f $50. for tti' amra'l t of oaîrala-rem r t ut'hî ast the>' hiv'et aniudlîig efar et $1110 for tIsearrest cf îa liorse tlalef. 'Iteèrefere. the o ffla'ers litite lproa-eelcd 'airitht ia iderstsuilihg. tuad Bauiuay Jobuason. Ilet be f c Ptoiae uotll'est Hiîntînoîa.ti- lîn tuadtaîe 1eirreit. Is deonuaîslliag tIi, retard cf $.0>f ro:îî (',hietrii.aty oet1he localtpoîlace.1 Iberetore rea'oiiîmeaat tiltt the Bardî uit Supera-isors lia>'hl tai .. (trtlyfao- lIa'. Jaabuisaii or ta> Mm.. hoihusch dire'i', or to uriutluotîaar lersaii r suiali pair- plie ais;111e> ma>' sec fit. the launi aor $7À) as rtec eutamui for flu'mi--airrit o suit $0'iaiauskl. ltewsîettîilly sîubîuuit- tell. LESLIE P.. IIANNA. ttlc'ýýA.ttvl'îet-. glîilArvilsor >%Iiler moucal hlat lii ('Ierk lie irectaeito isauue ;it oaruler io thie <'etl> lra'aittrcr li i t-arof S4tate's Atturnéay tu ia far the ahnuni t et $74l laiîinu ) iP[t o a ittlr, taard for bte arrest: of iaiil So>tu .Motion arrieal. Snîilîteîadent Ap¶ila'y stll t.tcd tlîahe faîllom'Ing rt-port. îu'lii-i u-i ws rci'dand refpera'ed lai 'ozaaiiilleîu ('ailuity' larau Atiditting. Rteport cf 1V. A. Ahpta->'. XSperia- tendenîa t orIake('onulit>' 1aaîa' iai n. ,fraau Laist repoairt to tIte pruaseit m t' h.îc ayt-iîi-. Ii. lu l . I -. acua. Ami. liea. -11, lecIvu'al for turhi 'iw Iis.$18.i5i Iii-. 2:4. Ree Ite'uaoiaf . Atithifoar .Inn. 14. itReeeaalve et J. Austin tfoi CaIt-----------------------------..3.00 Jani. 21. Itiahelet ofJ. Ausiluîfoi- Iii., 28. lci'cîteal forer i'.asd ha-r... 11.0 Fe'b. 28. teelvcd oft..liiB a on taaiio- sîclgaa .....- .....- .......-z-....13.00 AXOI7NT PAID OUT. Dec. 4. Pâitt fer eleetuhi, lampe tramn Die. Il. Pald aId mau's tore te Chi- <5.......... j................10 es.'1.P4111 fuslit on utwn bal- 4aM ,2.PAUd P. 0. box ieau.........3 Jss. . lId bhibma's gare-ta iicksorntlle.................. 1.00 Der. 1l. Psld 0. peasce lforWsuteg lesitwo eadys .................. 8.00 Jemu. 11 -e Vsl .Iuyuamaferhiautila ]ice tli dal>......................00o ja& -27. Ps d expease. ta 311[wau- kes lloldters' iome ulîh oniaisol- dl" ............. F. I. .lsdassfn a(hnio with trosufeet ............ 10eb. I& Pald trelalîl an lu.rl- ie Pela. 21. Pald Min'# tace ta <'hicago gleit Mr.. foyer met I ere .........1.S0 te>. Pr.Pald rP. SaIm for-Ply. mouith Rock roflt'r-------------..1.00 ril 28. PahO S'.'ýr 1w, ramiters............ rael. 24. Isdadmlleatici uaaldieus' Haie.................. 1.07 M.,'ch 4. ('.10 A. u.t.a for.- ipal.- Ing e'I.iks and glassea......... .. Mari-h 4. laid for sîasu ..-----------00 Total aaaouaal paetot............$190.97 Total amotial recelu-edl............12.59 Arnouuanduen.- 'A. Appui-y....8.Sa i> SuaervsorJluitlaglîî inuuted lu slspeuid the riles, sud tlat îailIDIalî lai néerre toethe approprite comiilt- tees witbout rc-adiug. .Motien t'aniien. Orderet b>'lte cha-ir gliahltae fdo uoa atlîuurnfuir fcuaiîitteetverk untîl te- inoaîrow il. lu. :lt10 o'a.ii-k. SECO)ND D1AY. Watakegan, ]IL., Mar-l 7. 11)'. Botard nileI pursuant 10 adjiauru- meiunt, Cbitirîuaîa Stephezas lu it.h -Icair. Ntemnlucrs present: fSupervîs4orsAtuder- sain, Ailaînas. l11aar, ('lour. Edtu'ardq, (,nihiîn.(ilhba, tintigoiî. Ilorea'i- beirger. L.anuaay, 'Miller, Meyer, Qiuntin, ltoîîcrtauaui. Raiymond, lelhis. Si- umorts. all'-. Minheiara ueil tpruicaEk- airîîud. 'lll-2 i onte ft preï-a'tiig meei ng renid lan liaIp laiaiiuolon of Supervie4 ra - S-uîWiau-ior Quaentina saîtiiuiittedIlle fîilal îîag petlhloui, îhii<-lîia rcman iîd rî'ferr-sI lia('enriteeoua Ive-caaî: Tii thIti louîraitle l'oairdet Stujar- vitoirs ('cutil>'of Liake,.gîtait- oai theiiiuiIt-siwne voeril- of'rthe 'e. iàb, uîofaVrined. S'uuilituor af1ake. Stagte ùo. Il îiis. re- fiitl iyptîticu your honoraible bcaly lia greinl a sahlonlîcenisi' lu Eardi a Jhlnson go10 onditua aalooaiilit liatîf I >iy, Taut-ishipof Vertaoui, E 'aantv ait Lakeglialte nîf I lutîls. h'lgnii'tl t'li'a lmrlc1. Vary iadilW) oihen'.. giupa'ru-isor Gralin. Chairirhu ofuet i. <'ouanlttee onui 1>ensest so1apiiUdluihe folliawhuig re-port: bîi ait fIllinoais, Liake('outy. as.: Bard -ofattSupervîsor:. Nar(-h'Teri. Marei 7.. ).19. Mlr. (liairmli iau ad <î'tienieî cf tlîe- Boîard of Sopervianars. Yotîr a'oîiîglltee la) whounaalsre- farredthéI 'pétition ot J. Bartîît tun IL AllîrIgItfor s ltca-eose lai ke'p il lirlliiti.itl nu i)a'éenst sîde ou itDanaeuut Laike, Tiim'uasip oft ibertyville. would lia- Ipavt-, asubtathliefollcwlng re- port on thematier bs-fore Ibena: Wc havte examnrent saInt pétition aud dont hbîît Il lm itsgnetb>' a unajerit'ofeth11e li'gl totem otthe Township oet Llb- Prtytîlie. aind wo-uIt recommcîaed tîuat theî mrayer <if saint îetllfoîucrs b, cmli utenl. , ut.o whi-h Iis respea-tfuiy silaualht- aed. THOS. E. (GRAHAM,. t'halriaîauu. W. P. 1MILLER. Superviser Huntliugtoiu moi-ct that the report Ie acceptentantuth11e ('erk lie aireatesI ho Issue a lieuise aîp<th the îaYîneîUt of $500.140. -%lionicarrlenl. Oralerenî. ltait lte uard do nets-ad. Jouîm for -iimnittlee uu'rk untîl te, uiorroîr îîaemiiag atl10 o'clock. . RHID lAY. %ý"i'itkegai, 'Mjrch 8, 1W,0. Boarad '- lue t rsîaîut te adjtuin. mn-t, ut-lt ('btlmnaaaîa Stephepns la the i-laiir. -Meibena lîresa-lt: Superi-isors Anadersoni, Aildais, tiowuer. CIem', Ent- utais nia trahbain. tiIblas, Huiitlugtoi, Iloreai urger. iiRma'yç, Miller. M1eyei', Quetîuihn, IRobertson., Raiymond, Sle- liha-la. Sihiona, WocllIc>-1S. Meauiers aubsenit: Supervi8era Ek- Minutés aof. precedhng mnetlîîg rend sotdailsonnialion ut Superviser Hunt- huutoti ahproted. Claailru'an Sîceaies suhmltted the tnîlIom' it'ukegauui. I, Mîra'h 7, 11405. %It. C'Iahrîuaîu ant Nembers et tht' Bottad fut Speviors. Vitur couauîijtte-e appoiîlntd u repre- senut Laike' (sality ait the ehghteth anialauîacaonventionîet thIle Stale Assai- eiaitioofaiSuttparu-sorm, Couîity (com- uui'aa.aaîeu'sanal ("iunty ('Icrks of 1111- nii. itiulil leg leaîc tIo aubunîlthé fohîaaiug report: Tlhe(--invention m nid lthle Curclt Vt'inraomu ntth11e îourthiataie lIn1the cit> cf I tula'sIiirg, on Febrary 15. lie- Apiult he clii audtsubIr, wav thlbatt- <'n ouiiîvui'i' f telsycel trains, falli- 150 deli-gates madete ir wtvaul tire- cil>'andîa uere preseut avheîa the prsiaatsgauvel fell, -alihiig lta' con- vi'iilauute trder. NMtn>' tber delp- gltes arriteal ounielayent trains. 'Te urgaminzathcn taas effpecent by tlîe ailointucnl cf Delegaîtea McG(raw, ut Jersey ('otnty; LynhI. et Kauie; Wylle. of 1.11îrieille, Mltileny, of Bont, ahd Gearbîert. ofIci', ais ounaallee ourai-re déantiiulstu- hie nt the oîîeulug etfliai iitcrioaiasessuon adeaii'report ant rea-- taîiuit-aendedtIte'seîîtiîag ot altouit250 dtlegai -a. Ture cailuentlou taas vashedtute <aner pronîîîtly ut 10:31) o'a'hoak b>' treslalent M1. N. Aruustrong, et Ottaw'a, aiter taliab a I)emutitul iiia'otatla aaispr'o- aiotinccn b>' Dr. W. Hamialtoun Speuaîe, ofth P1elresbyîerlan Churcb. I'reuudent Armstrong then pregentent Hou. Jamnes Rebsjtock. chaîrman of 1the Knuox Counul'Boasrd, who exteantent a 1iesmty wmel-ome on Itelalf of th1e peui- pie sud 111e Boardi et Supervîmors of Knox ('ont>'. HeiealIn upart: The duties of Superviiera, Commlssloue anad Coulit> Clerks are mauy aud varIent; 701 o me lu lose ttuce mitb I tb. pool* antiare Id.etified wit thire ýltoruis."Ton îre eRdug~t e ousBwi*b oui snvaucîag eciîlîzaý ttoi. M81IV t«W fl>ttt'rs or public lu. tereat'jaise flbuaand yolur careful con. sideratloa. We belleve tiant euch Ous of us ais irfit lay the adylee aud ex. perilere tiits. ThereforP e irev glsd 10 meçt lier to-day îand to beai he' ow t ttmli*5'tthe btigaluî ssof your couatles. W. hope tbîît from the mnn- tuai Iiterebjenge of nietholts sied upin- ions there May Corne au militr*tol of cOuiaty governînea4t thraughout twe lite êof Ilinois. -He' gave gmre eoUnt7 hlatory tonclalug on thae ergaifb5#i0flOfthe COUîîtY. itS greai popqlation, iasessment aud wealthlà,it ralironds. factorles, foun- dries, and pulic buildingsta. Atter 1whlch Mayor Slîuiway wîis lnltrodueed by the president luea picais- sunt aud m'lty msnutr. )[Illeuddres m'as short but cbaraa'teriatlc; full of guod thifga and hot 'îlots dohed as te, bitharmiesand bhurous,baui-ledl nit hlimelf more ofteli than iat othersq. lie clted the Iuciliiît iveather andl reuuu'ked ]Us pleflsur. lit selîg the large assemblage, prîa'f unît Sipervisç- ors aud 0lerics are "laîj1ile of the rîglit klnd of isNUi," Ife w4a-haome l the dele- gates to tfi10 clit lu ealîhappy lusuper. Presideut Armstrong repoîiidd1tathe uddress of welcome il, the salue fra- termal spirit In whi(lcîtlîiy ter' îex- leladent. The afternone-on ivas given maluly ta dIsaslor ,fgood ronîds. C. ';. Hearu. of QuIn(îý. iîîîcula'»r cf thje Adams Couuty BioardI. îmade the adt- dresa of th1e attemn'î'aî >on the topia-. -iiood itoado." Mr. ileaarjiishowçeik a decep study snd knout "lti'of lasellet- jee-t sud beld bis bearers attentively. We wonid be pleasenltu lara-seut ta you bit reuaarks tu full if tilolan id saie avoUlntpermit, but l.isl e 10.qot. ave wou 1(1 recommend lIatient -.aî,îaîfîl every meinber ot thia boari îîîke-the lIme tai rend hîs remarka. whita Il 1e pullleed lu fullIn lIlc officil pro- e-aedlngs of the cîv-îiî. Atlte, .-bIc iff tilmto vry itile addresm the sulîject w85 tliiowiit 'Pa-u for idigcum- sloli. a number of the'lal'.nt' taklug hurt. Tbe genorai sentimencît of aIll was riit-tralie tathe estabtlishmnut of goont roada but oiAfeîîet of opinion avere eutertained us;ho fltheinethot of obtalaahug them. At 1the close of bthe 'a-sadgi a resolii lion wtt preseent to t1w, followln.g et- feet: 'iteiaolved, Ttxat w(- iî rgi' lte Sen- niors aund Repreeentatiîves a ligue their power to pasea a aw lu îillem' ,ouvlct labor lu the preparaaoî of liard ronda." On account of IIIne-us, Hon. W. R. Vareýy. of Rock Islaund. lialrmîînt of the Rock Ilaund Counly IBoard, avho m'as ta bave.dehiu'ered ait nddre<a ou "C;v- canulent.0f Couuty Mtoirds," as un- able tea11e premeut. At th1e eveulug sesionliHon. Edwîin K. Walker, member of -the Boîard of County Commiloners of Cook Coîîu- ty. gave au addreit'aioe te subJet. -The I)evelopment of ('ou nty Govern- mient anad the (Jrowtb of Charitable lustiltulloiàîs." Au regards county gov- truimest Mr. Walker tr*eed loal self- goverumieat, frdhu Its lnfancy lu Its preSut standing. bearlng uaalîly ou teecou4illoasalis tbey bave existent lu Illinois. lu trssatlug of cbarllalîle lu- L4tîlutons of Cook C'onuty. with wIehc lie le very falllîir.nme figures gît en .sy blmu m'e u îrprlsIug. nottllîly Me Pxpendlng cf $1,000O,000 annuailly lîy the couuty for clatrltie. HIA adîireaîs a-as very interestlng snd Instruc-tive. The morulngseisIon ofth 11 51haai sUiléd te order lîy 1the presldeal. wbe ffumedlately anniouue4 thée stanuding eammîttees. Vie presentatlon of reg- Dilations wtt next lu order., A nîtmlier were recelu-ed anud rend by tht- serre- ary, bclug refî'rred to the preper couli-, mittees uvlîluaî iisson. Delegitte Gehant preisentcdi a resolution reaiuel- Iîg th1e Lcglslatîîre to enact et law îlaîclîg t, he 1' teBoard of Eqajulza- tIon on etsîîlaîry nand provldlug for lien tate înka' Iheir report lOinlatel' luju Novelliber '17, cf each year. The esfohîion avais bîîked m'Itb argumenats for the relIef ftrou)iexpeilse and lît<'ou- venlenî<e occrasinlîed by th1e Inter re- turit of bocks. i)elegate Buravell, of Moultrle, hIro- dicen a aluallar resolutlon, wbllî'b pro>- vident fer the aidjoaîrnmeiat of the baoard no Inter than tiecember 1. In lits res- lutloîî hier, m'as no sabatrclause. however. . Itelegate NMatney. eofReond, lîîtro- iiceed a metisuire askîng for a revlsloiî f thee by-law'î teas ta Malte the 4au- nl Conventioî oultie at. a lierloîl tai- t cela Oî'tolus'r 104 sud 2-j. luatend of 'cliruiar.ais lit preSout. Delega tes Eliott of Knox ajnd Ault lpf IeKHlII lia reuimelîîdcd thîe change of nct- Ig dattes frouai 1ebruary to Oeciir. I)elegîîte lluyiltroduced a ra's- lultloit for théeprotection leg- îîîlte eunam-tuleut of thé Iîîîîo- cet thirt pirty Ini mortgages elo eeds: aise)fiarthe repeal or modlty- ag of tUic coiivla't labor lkw s0a liaiDt ta Interfere avitti frft labor or (aile.- nlerce. sud tia euîplny the couavla-t% lu reaîklng atone, for 111euse lu building ood maillesait aisolution talIte qix)d roisa îroblliî: aiso as regards the as- essuî'ent Of bIîllihîg ssociation stock. lielegate 14,îloîl. cf Knox, luttroilaii'ed Rll for trîiîiaîa<for i I e ulîtle a'of rualty loees iia2<11t1b41str Mr. Mmler wau followeq by br. Goïe. *'a. Saern uperWndeait ot the 1111- Disla opftal for Inellerable Insane et *Bartonville, wbo poke on the lîu *able inane aud ltsRelation te the P County Boards." lie dweit on how . the cases passent tbrougb the cour't to ethe Insane atiyluims aud theîî back to r the couuty almnhbouse,. theare belua r placent iu the bands or tihe toluty Btoardl. and wbo alone lîad It lut their power to tend them t t the lita te Hos- pliai1 for Incurables. He demeribeit the b uIldlings ai Bartouvllle tend asked that a elivi'utioIl be helil there ai saine 1 ime so rthat: re SupervLisramîglt set 4thé worklug of theiiinstitution. He tgave the' liltcvry of ilie lInstitutionî trotteIlis conceptIon b Io hepreseut tinie, there helug uow 1,4(x) îpatienîts lucre. Ait adîlre4s b1y Judge Tullîlîl. of ('i- eago. who for a nîmber of yeiirm. mat eln the Juveiffle Court luilitat cily. wa9s tfli enîre of the afternoon sesIon. ln Introduclîîg lis subjeot. the- iodai' statent that It iwua one that re4iguresI pulctand that lie knew of nio more efficîctît ineiboq]. of gettlug il lai- fore tIhe publie thpni by tellni of It in mucli a repremen'tati-c body ai; the cou- vdniitinwasarnowiedged 10 1w. (one of the greatewt problèe; swhlch la ion- fronting the publie t-dîîy. lie sald. 1.4 the lucreuse lit 4crImialkty, New jails aud new penltentflarlea. are eîîsraîîbly Iîelug hulit ln which -'to iiprlienu hie a-onvicts. and uew courts are volstairt- ly belag ceated for thelr trial1. u other grreat problem le; wlat shail Wî do4 WIvrli the crîlulnîis? Thée lai lor unions oblect to competition wlîh ('u- vlc-t .lwlr. ya't tlhe prIsoner eninot re- main idie. StilI another questioti l'or consilderitloie lm. dues repente(] punhh- ment sc-ontplish the' dc'îred result? Aie aildent feallire te the progrni %vas gît-en in ail address one te good roack prolalen by D. Wi. Siitlî. 4hair- Miletofr te statP Good Ioada 'Com- mission. He sali that goeod rondlm I one of Ithe leadJugg issue4 of1 the' day., It la OUId liea lii' Esterti 8tlp, wliere thiey bave gone tsaheod an doue good work.- flore ia le# coîîldereil a novelty ,and hag béen serlously entertaied for ouly twvo or ttiree y'eam Isitit. The lui- porltaue of It 15 11571vaffarent, lîowey- er. In gied rends orîgluates the coni- uxesce of themeoutry. Nlben the whéelis of tlie farners wagon stol) ailI huslîwia stops sud business men tare uaccîrding- lyvas much Inltemeted antI fit bhi'as the fariner. The second day'g prograent of tîhe conventIon was brougbt to a close itli one of the meat pleasant sessions of lite- gatlaerIng. At (I o'clock tlhe dele- gates and a large number of bausiess aud proteushoual men of theeclty euit down to a gumptuous banquet served lay the ladies of the Mfetbodlst Claurcla lu the c hurcli dinlng roolu. At 8:30 rte guesta comse and passed nt nth Ie main sadttpituunof 41)e <'burrh. where tlîey llstened teonee of the monst lu- str.u(tive lectures of the Convention. Théc speaker of the evenlxag mas H. H. Hart of the Illinois Chldreu'*s Home and AId Society. Jffr. Hart le une of lte best posted menInal the Otate 0o, the subject of elleld lire, and lu s lec- ture upon ýTbe (are of Couuty Chl- dre.n" gave the asseaialed, eouuty oM- <'tala ae brief outllîie of the modern metlson of provîdlng for thle unfortu- lnate ehlldreu who muat be taken lu charge by th1e counfty. The lecture %vas linttdby about one bundrent ster- eopticsu vlews of ebildreu's homes, juvenile courts. iasylunîs sund State »achools.. THU'-tA ONN, Presntdent Armmtreng t'allan th1e meet- Ing to order at DMi o'clock. Tu it-e port e oumlntlees wu rs rt tallant tom tud Chaîrutn Detd, et Mèrcer ('oun- t'. ufth11e Conmmittea on LocatIon, m'as recogulsed t y ue claer. For -biscoiii- lu itli e recommeuden t (at th1e resu- luallon provltllug for t11e change efth(le lf-.iuise as; temilie tht'aimotal meetinag fal In October Insteant et Feli- rmîry. liesîloptet. Furtber.thit lui, ucxt îuîeltnli1e heidnt at leatur on Uttouer t0-l. 50111 rpcconinicnalton uts-ra- o-iiurredIn u. Cuiiiravu i atuie>' e of oni CeunI>', fortile Ceurulttee ou Temtlsalin. es- oninieudet the adoption 'of fthe resoin- tion askluag for lagislatlen exemptIng a'cil' efileers anal couiît>boardsa tm ieng Incluaient thef.b polâcidIvisIons t-quirent nom' b>'ta ' te purchase f heir suapliles t rom Ithe ttte Boar'd utPris- ona Iiailns4trtv. Olhmotblof ut ut. et Ira-quels, lte maa-cîamcîaatin'a - ciarra-alIii. MNr. Nlatniey turîher reoiiaîaeiide<1 théi adoption of 1the resotioiu askhng *Iaghshititl for the pluelug ofthe tueale Boeard ouitEqtiallzateua ou salar>' aind mtIpaîlîatioua. thitt flic lurd shah mre. tturiutIiheasessuin euathe1wAutitor net tIter Ilain Ncu-eîîitepr 15 ut each year. lipoiu motiona of ChurchilIl, cf DoPage., tlia' reet-nimendtlou m'as concurrent ln. .Um. Milue>' urther eeninieuaed tuit thei' leusebils uouv penilg for thea lirotexition cf1the linuceut thîrd part>' lunuaa'lgages, asnm-il as thb 1I1 el'illnhiafor liae'assmessueht aorbuultinag aad tuai la sluak, hi' Iîalou'spyl. On uieo ttoua et tliutrtaln, of Adlanas. lte n-- aiîîaîîatl Ichas aere tolacurred lIn. i'iîîirîuaîî Wnhlksr. of (Cok (iotiul>. foar thae(ututet oh te t'aime of lte 1Iîisailie. ri'i'eîimeuddIali th11eLeislîi- tira- lau targeal le jaisma a iî' te st- fi-rt filuait thfiitale, tare fiai- ail itha-l- sa iii andîl provitsionfui' their (ar le iii inifflii!lailai aibatiithI ti haparhpriation. tha'a'uaaaai'nudutioii tuinaturrt-ilnl. ChliiîiuaauNelsonu. sf tue C1tiniaitu'i aai Ifattliaaindaidrges. ra'-iîuàiiaeaadeîl flint the i' oîeutlonagarct arecoi-îllai ti- voar ofathtéiNational uad Statela l 's- hilli for tua. btîllaiiig cf gioal reiutia: foîr thet- tlig utt nastiveu'resoumca's fer ilouatelu'a. for Saruchluag luquir>' lt rtia 'siuiji't for avahi ilieArtl appro- raiatiaîn lie a*ked ef t'le Laeglsiiitume. and t-ouiucndliîg (ho-ernior I>eiaeeu on lus Rttsd ou harialrrnds andl tourlai itaîr. -teuîîîcab.lusadtupteul. Ellictt. ut Knox Vo'enat>. fer Itie cuua- iii'l-ee. oui the Cure ofthie Pour, lI vîctu of thie tactt liait*- Iot it>' aIma- bonnes are overburdenen ti lIsatie. sud net being utile te taure for them, net-oùnmeuded an appéoprtaton b>' the Legilaiture of fuln&b hobultMme etntouaesa sîtoluvle 1 o lleve 'the enuPeaver UctlOM dlrec-tosmtlale-ry taro *for the Puu90oee 01 provtding trangpos'- t tlOn of PuPtlw.L RKoumeidatlon cou- * eurred lu. LClialrinau Ada-ms, cf Knox ('otuaty. 1 of tleai'omuxittteon ttaa, e. ne- 31pertont thalt te conrmllee mwlil bel](] *e'v eff ort lt esecure riireseiîtalen *front et-ery couuty et the icxt nicet- Iig. Afh'r wbtch tDemit Eugcîe L.. r .aveuport, of the q jtalte 1,11, versity. %ras hîtrodueed to speak 0on the sut,- >etof *"(c>npoltdloîn 4f litiarah Hahols"1e saIn that this sutlateoit lm only about ta-e yeazm okIt 1htIis Sta&te, aud réet'ted whnat bas beeîî <loue lia the obitalrilng of ilau tront otîier Stites. L He saInt thatx public seheels Jii liiîaol date Iaaitykneidmore titan ft't' si-arm and lilgh achools îlot umore tlîaîn aluar- te'r of a century. lie shoavent lowai- trietgechools avere estatblishledtitilIlev- ery chîld limit Opportunfty of secumiug a common eduelu ion. 'I'en cine the 111g b el an sd -the district tcioois <oiameuced to lese strenutl. TIae bel- ter teacbIers went te 1the bigger iaehiols tantdavere foilewed by the eider ant Ittrr upihi. Thus the 11g b cll ba groýmn at the expense ofth11eti- trkt 84ci. Farîners psy for thflacala tria't smhool by tuttî.l1n sud for thîe bigla iloo. vere tbey sentd ticir î'iallr/ný for lgher Mutation. lay toi- thoii. uakîng -1 doubhle tax ou (hein. Nuw -the situaîtion la; belug rIrenti, anîd the flarmers are Iooklng te ltee t'a tabhhshuaieu-t of etta'r , .liffls aar homte. T1als4euie éaîlie by cousuili- aating tae ihtrot salaeIm loto eue. Onelai' Bel'ifl tan 1e ereoled anad kept ni> ait icss cest tain a numlber cf msuil- î'r cnes. Leisa teachers do tht' uork. atnd thé reulta aill lite hetter bea tuse of larger chafssas sud more aupile. ttc- gartilg the qûestIon 0f transportation cf puilîs. lie saitl tet aviire t blis beeli trient h lusalwaarsbeen kept. lia î-oue-lu. 11, e ld tittIf tarmers uanlte4q~tasîoIlatetheir schools t %vis fair for no onae 10eaiy uay. anal maiid tIsat beare m'as ne powver to lient off thse novemeuat.- Newtonulatux. of Mendotla. (hen mloke oi tue "Care et Poor." H1esaIt lte subjeut m'as th1e greatest wltb whhchi the Conaty Boarda hadtol deail. -H1e Maid that m'th rarie exception thle aîaaîmhouses of -the Mtate avare lui wrtoklaed condition. TIstre mas futtle imiter lit (bena sud IçLtJe eform. l'eit pie shuîaued them sud telt '(hit they shoîîld net be usante tue couitortable for tenir that tbey avould b1e fil lent toc, rap- IdIy by las>' people. He saInt there avas a remedy fer 1111e and thIs a wa pîeutty of m'erk. Eeryoue ghoaîîd 1e mîade te de bis eshore aud l Inhs my provîde "me support for th1e ntitu- lieu. He wm'ont o s hom' hem'the aliit9ofle conbtu not only pauuaers. baut Insane sud slck, sud Mea usually auythlngbut a pleaut plate accord- lîagiy. Hie sdvooeed the keepîng of aIl elillden eut etf almshouse«. tsar- hîag corruption bestause et contact witlu paupersanud insae. and aiso aidro- cuitentsagreatlou of laes. lHe de- plorent the geuem.I routine and beggemt Ihat people iu generai gire more inter- ext m'hlch wavI ot as a stImulant. The eleition of nifiers tor'Ihe en- sung yeur m'as the last buom, ta- ken ui betere adjournment, sud. the followiug avere nament b> acclaniutlon: l'edent-E. C. l'armons, Les Coula- Vie Premden-E. Pert'> Robson. Knox Couutty. Secretary-A. t.. Heudee. Lai Reeordlug Secrehry-A: T. $mlt,- Gundy Cuuitv. Treasuirer-li. B. Hubbard, Rock Isaunt Count>'. FoilowIng Mr. Imus, Mr. Waîker premented -flnolulof etthAntukwmhich wmrespondan tut by M. 0. W,111"- mou). .Secretar>' Heudee madte a bld for the 19041 ouu-et,4laal e lu eld eat Waîll- kega iu, ifter whlch edjournat m' as takeli. Gh. B. STEPHENS8, burau. DENISON HUNTINGT<>N. DAVID ADAMS. A. 1. HENDBEI, (lecreaar. Sttpera'lsom Lame>' moyed thît 111e report, 1w aceptent aihît@prnd ntupon thie records. Motion enraient, Superluteudent Oaggin subualttent the tellhowiîg report ands tatement et areount, whlch m'as refeured (o thse Coumllltee un Education: Watnkega, Ili., Msrch 7, 1905. Siabeoet lîlinous, Lake CounI>', s.: Tii F. N. GaIggu, (oint>' Supenhltend- ont et Seoîts, Laike CeunI', Ili- nos, Dr. For services ant expenees fromt De- ceuaber 1, 1904, ho March 1, 1905), as Far'42 ulsys %pont la mabol vhsllaliaui ai $4 Jper dey---------------.... IIf00 Fui- 42 days' expeuises lit sahoal vil- lltonhat 1 8peu Os>'------------.42.00 Fou' 3 day.s@peuit la examnatioaa et $4 pcv day-------------------....12.00 Fort day salbnt liteachers' Insii- tutes at 84 per day............. 4.00 For 21 deay% #petit lat oilce wnrk 5t $4 pcv dey--------------------....11*0010 Foi- 2day.@peutn t iher oilrlal du- tl et $4Per day---------------..2.00 Total .........................$3W00 State etfIllois, Lake ('ent>'. s.: t, F. N. Gsggiu, do solemiul>' saear t11nt the eeveraI Items mnulineal lu thiaubere accounit are mast andî truie, tud thuit lb?>serv'ices cliargeut for Ibern bava been mnderait, and that (liere Is nom' due me thereon 1thesaua of tliree Ibundrel sud fitty dt<ils. P. N. (IAI*(iIX, Count>' Saperlîteudeut cf Sehieh, Taki ('ent>'. Subskeribent and sm'emn tai before mu(- fiais 81 S.dii>'of Msrcb. 11). A. L. HENDE. Ceunt>' Clerk. Lake Count>'. Superviser Grahiam, thalrmaiî of Cummttee ou License, subimittet the toloi'Ig repart:' Stale oftIlinois, Lake CenI>', as.: Iteard et' Supervisors, Mari-b Terun. . barch 8, A. D. 1905. Mr. Chairmnîî aud Geentan et the Roard ot Supervisera. Tour 'Çomaaîltee1tem'hom m'as e- terren t 1e petition otf idaard John. sen for as Uceas.ho keoun a nirembop Ott Hait Da7, lla the Township'q# ep non vali .egtsrte sau"t t* f;?,lyl mu .orte u -mb» b Supervisu o Lmqà. mîttee ou Erre00» mîtted th(efoo ttite et lllnlu5ý Mm. Chalamau sud 61W Board o0f SupEnSgo - oua commi±e *»l- terren tliIons of *ohI andi Charles Ray W1iIM et taxes ou sccouist od sessnaents, "irunbeg I« th1e folem'lng report on i tors (bem.u: We recommeand tbàt,- th1e petitienier. RobeitAC grantesi, aud tht thg airer b. iseatmt to idi ebuoge te varbega faut. properly being «emnti In the Matter 0o. b ave flunt 1a ktx madntsd lai m'as et value instesti 01 oaI'UU m'onId lherefora-UE Couuty Trametîter t'P Staite aud cosle' the year 1904, amU thal 1the several vamions ýtunts b. asýàd proportion of ta PIU Al etf whicb laI mtt. MILESý T. LA-MI A. ROBESIMS, , SupervIsor Maer"OIiý port be acceptesd «Mi Motion corrie&i Thte Hlgbm'ai Toavus of Ne"ýce senten th1e tolleWAIu To th1e Ceunty Or 111eTowuaof N ssid couuty,, Des. Plaiue&. river crossent by thé Wu Townu LIneoa&" d." oavua- of N^wi whlch saIntwor uO 'Warren iae bridge taI fha bride maofr a the oednaar bi'tgs. e« mowSmi* aid ani fr ç the. toufliy t cient t.hau mid brUg.- suipervlotm i prayar et tue Po and thb. cbeki* Ibre. hiipoeuls mlasionerset 14-: commllte.lveew as the six Cm» Ordered- tbat gu committee wOe lN at 10 o'clock, Qgenti4, Robe.- phetn, omo% etranti andi Wohb*j mlnîtut ra andi upea ugohab Uin approvet. The chiaIt apffl as, Grabasa'#44 Bridge Oomm4fflu mistouers ef Ne"~ Superviser @Sm th1e followig ro stata Of Ilailolt'N Mîr. Chaîrman a Board aet- Sul Your commtté" ferresi thbo b15 d superntendantof' leav e te subadt on he untteis We bave xmal ot th,- Coanty ichoots, sud Y4ne auit there, lndue % the saurn et tt 'Ighty-five ceot#ý1 n the pajyiàqeq> eotunty Tmrgqg oe Prmank . bu. and me ~ a -1kp stat. Auditor f. Alet w mittoti. nu t ti e n ýc tg ti a ti

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