Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 31 Mar 1905, p. 2

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'9111l Maiea ta Oruier that sealoiglargeiy loto maIl,1 ]aIi»»d 1I bave antered juta beilpees as I not lonâ axe » the ifsrary hasineas," sai Wupoet ahtc anunai diniir oi et tevena Istitute aIt te1 r hWNew torb. 11 iitirp-i Mm et Pie lhbrari tand.'* hoe 1%« 1caulti look aheati anti1 Imaei for libmrireasiactem.i. plais th demanti la dow u ta à-day. 1 lthit a young mnu to a smail collets mresva en"tiSi Pieuate-large une.1 » u.aa"ihytaking iii.place1 a laewlstge et the. big cul-1 ce Ï bave gene Into th ii. uc mes basbefn a aresi boom. -pea fewayais1Ibave rec-ir-1 bia 100 applications foi-theie au seadig to sualli celexes.1 Motlpme. la ptamîsg.'" Dr.j Cà Sampircyspreitent e! iliuiliedMtti Mr. Cntnexte,1 th thte$290,000 bl ie lias2m "Y't thePinsltitute, vould 0 *wi-~te abici b. insel! wS00 hen the auailrai- - *100,00. Ândui* Ce-nagie1 i D. WIlliam H. Crawford. e ~iebcy Collge e aI d ÈbAt tcili ubsèrlbe 1=,MO00 ilt gi the qolleeif frieuds of Mis vOl rais. a like amount.1 jk&*î1àà c. t e m e S.Gi« or*e . Wfls t ires wd:«4 ti 5Yeats, dieti O&Î",Xi, bt-oh. dean andi Mt sh4 illi t ten hy glrinz kIA &Mceai eh. Tbe wvan a «tibaati was la au aayluan1 4e.alInot support tPiechul-1 Ale etateil Pit George AI-. Nit* maçry ien if ah% th *tobcildresm. Aiherton ga ensseary. OwzhsM. ft or tela, ' iyComnlladoptai s ,**gte municipal caer- Ilo:P x laWdirectedt t -iens,! 80,000for Pie li ta b, flad hei ts te atetIllaiwant ttletelreisasugt wetidthavpe pa ll. accotrda! lsd boom anpletiant povy er S-Onera Pi odinx-n 41fi.etrbua ab-e ~>p aeEeet Stf.oly «toaêsra eanse f lete- Wo onts ynarhne aines ~Z r pnsieti fl. sed pMmewe- tkl ears itbas lfo4nu wouUt ld ae pi.rit. Ti. t e îcot- ýLuiitias iietlofi vas obiti ntiaIt aI 5,00 tr takeChicao -fi gml w i. oodaort vas 10 mr or 1 q bu b. Oa r la a- o! tiheeenam a- ho c.peted n amena théeSw et la te aWUg btthm .,la thïi Ru-. tienaî lu China nt heli te mlia,,camai ai Usswua sud wb the a hetiwaslu on- anti luîporry coimndslu Chiea,. It r~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o la adeeînea oralogtio ho.Li bilcithean ti Kuromimave bfesti*l adwhen te. Cr opiatrs ln einu comant of thirt bRusalan ores. lu fadEt te tuoasiacomndui erll"Lai at in wllsd thatfra L titia! battI Lits. vich ai-ta u ijot ii.baye feat *Wh h been iniîctt poknRusin tm, theat îoufuuiser ofwlP adspledd cary. aud luaiton hevidétet n- tage of cbonsiag is owu-batlefield., he soustalet reverse after reverse-tii. lent et M&ukdeu with Ille sequel t Tie Pau. beint ane o thie greaitet defeats whlch Rumsinarmeinsever sastaîneil. Kuropat- kla was ciearly outgeue-raled hi' the 4 Rssbe commandera anti ail but suffereti the. lois or bLi ntire army, estimated t a about ~0,00 men. ThiiRissionu lses t lukdeu were terrible, the agregate beiug 156,000 men la kllet, wuaudeti sud prisanera. Tiie deati alone iumbereti 25000. Tii. lapsuocee, tue. siiffere.i heavili'. pa'bably 00,000 ta -40,000 men t tieti or wounded; but theywou hl itandti luicteti a de- lest upon the Itumalas frein wbicii thé latter eau searely hope te recever dur- lug tiie preseut canipaigu. Frein Mukden Karopatkin led baek hiei shattered army te Tic Pose, where it was oapposei l e would teerganize bis fore" anti again offer a front ta tiie enemi'. B t the JapaLnese,.by a wide turning-.mevemeut, tre.the Buaan- fi-om tiie.paue, forcing tii.latter te de- st-a mese qiltr aer nilarge depts o!fenod. It wuastSt Pilajuneture tin.t Karopatkia uns sapersedet. The arlyunuder Liuevitcii le stili a for- midable oue andtiwtii the fresi European arrivais muet nuinher W00,000 men This force. Il protérly led. sheeldltiebcapable a! delàlag. If nt postively ebeeking. the. lapants. stivance. Jut ta wiiat position tiie R"asiasie retiriug la net *kaawn. Rems l in ew moblizlug au army of 450.000 menu fer service iu Manehurla; Menîba niaut lapse before sncb a gen force tan reacb Pis eat, sud ianilu. mfany tiigs mar appe. Eyitisntly, 4owct'er. It la tiie intention o!fItu" asa .ceninue the war anî Pie dort under Rojestveuaky bas sailei fr6n Madagas- car Io, k le nid, tri' couciusloaa witb the japants. upon sea. TEN YtARS FOR MRS& CHADWICK Appeatu UecSimSs atine setemeeau a"co Cuatsperaity. Mm s.Casa.l. UCiiadicke onetet i o seyan catume of eosprscy te tefai Piesgoveranent Pirougb Illégual dénis wth the OberluYNational Bank. wu seuteneti iij Jutige Robert W. Taylor a! Clieladtet serve ten years lain.h eItaepenlteutlary aIt<Jelnib"s On fonr of tiie couis a pena!ty of twa years eaeii wua mposet. Uplitwo couats a sentence of eue year ,'acà was ivea anti on the seveth nua penalty was Imposeti. By goal bebavior Xrn. (lied- wlck can redure.Pie penalty ta eight tyrans, andi four mnths. lIer attorneys tout exceptioins ta lie penlty open saeh cott ieept the t. Thei. défense will contendthPe court eau- net Impose a separata sentence for Pcea teant; that Pie 1le ppliei )theL.gémi- oral charge instedtifeachI ncident ut a general charge.Thila will he cente«"t la the bigLer, courts wiU th t ecr points whîcb teaulteti luateconviction. If hy aay reinote peaiblity tewomna wiaa the appeai six otier îaditmeuîsamar iauging erer ber. Mns. Chadwick,.altier consuliez wtb ber attorneys a bal! but, waa taken ta tiie jaol. 8h.titi net seem te lie affet- ed grellj'by the. sentence Rluse NEW8PAPER8 FOR PEACE. Tatk of Intrigue là, Pa Me-Pusate Tiie St.Petersburg msa-e resupport- lui tiihe aipaigu $or ponce suam a ho- ghlung te prit qute opaesrth istorg of tiie intrigues la the fat Eait for th#e protection af private Itresta, tisvting spécial attention. te X. B4sora"lo' conneetion wtL Ithe Yaln timber caneen- sie. The publications inelude a serat ineuoranduna o! Oa. urepaîkin point- leu out ibat war woald le inévtable if Reuisanuluterouta wtt. , extenule tu a. Korês. TLe uecesity for Increeti-taxation tu -eet tLe expenaee!ftthe wer la te- egnîe andîth e minister cf Nicune bau subiélted projets tate ouard lo!ths empëire. iludngtaxes onu be. atctese etc.. ana a graduatedt tx an the. salarlic cf gurerumenut officielis Leinnlg wth 1 per cent au salaries of ovin $»0. wblcb altogether ilîl realize abi. t $11MA.. There ln aise a propostion for a genairai income toi, whiiebudoiubtudlyJwod prove tiie mont poplar foim efralxiug mücney. As it wold hast earleat on thue sbi-,» tu îny. liii! Elizabeth A. 17. *bite, s New York beauty expert. Las decuroredt bt Mileepiag on the face tends te reine. eL. John-raylanil was atUt-ul;by s trsin noair iu- <'enter. Mian., su kllet. ('ircu-i;itanýe point t«, mi-cir. as It la believi-ilie liai beon ri 'gget and irl Wc. John IL. Oudîrdonk. brother of An' drew (hderinnk, the c',autraetuu, diel et New Y.,rk iaiehumeînilo!hi. banthat. crue Sa, the trente«a cf is shattetut fortuat~ Htorace-4'. îtuîrr o! ti. lmtn&ladi.,t. -lau lylauna. MUCII WORIC SY CONGilESS Uscod Sbvo o * " umate Have ,Us e ifl eu sRecord. F. iEL Waksti, lochaI clak a! Pie Hous of Repaamatles., kas prePar- et a sioiang the 4a0t oit<f vorh don. b Pi. WItyr-.lgiiiConres ai emiparet i ati pr.vlaua Oounesae as lari hek as Pi. l'lfty-asecanti.Tho report siiows tuaI Pi. utnbeof aibis ant rsaolations Itooducai aggteffatsti 2007t. Tic aiiem ous-s.rwue repotteti on a total o! 4.M04 nssats. Wnlutilg Benats acta anti resalutiens The Hanse pausetige1010o! Its oaa bille sud révontlons larin huPiecand sesson anti 551 or Pie m 0 Seaan au.sti d &saal et aMdaibeau repertati freta"mmlttas.At Pis los. a! INC »esanIt 1.11 on Pie union cl-aratu- aseti os Ili billet Wblh Pilre-erlg- imatadtu latPe sonate, barlua pasalti247 af Pise8M bil ud miresaUtlsfoerasti te tiat caaa. Uponlthe Homa enera, te alieL Pimes vetreferrati 400bila tid r«- llatinonu alysixty-four rélmalasti naseteti U paa, pl abicb lily-Pires are o! hansme orlain. utelevmuo! Sonate. On Pie.0i- vue. calendar, ta aicb vas referreti a talai aif8,841bis anti resalitiani. 232 temalieti unacleti POn, Oaitbcitaen- ty-eigit ver. at Sonate oengIn. of Pie Heanebills sont ta Pihé Sen- t@ for concurree. nly' 122 faliedt t b. actation, vbile taentr-Oro Houses hua vire Indeinltoli postPued thePi B- a Th e oe rlarg*y pivats Pension ae- m o eeponeti uond emm eu efta edeati cf the. proposaiti loelalri Feor Pi.esm» e nase. i BrnIs roalisti twfety afitIs a-eu bille at. tue MHou camaîltlso ad favorshl! rq-te« tien. of ail Pie Homme blleseMt >e tO prs.- imt fer u Laappeavas ely 9fallile tocclvs lis gigmatare goni boomsa la*- The 0Svot aitbe SomsIla Pe Plfty- .1911 Cnises segeupilerolautbltii arUe.Maor3,54 la <h. au"ba« et l lstrqas;an csa so ofUet25 pçiauf,4or an tmereas of 1ot la I* meuletOffp- lie ata.Thesmimber et gPdvtus gel aboaui a ainm of, t0.- Fres.the' Vif- tyffsecemi <ôtPe #3li-gbtk Canaus the. ani«e- a- 19 amidasastns lu- traducedt noseti la .eu-ftocs10- m2 >te 2».74; Pie amnr ie-e!*paru ma" fs rnt 2,01te ,4.m-.tic publiec lava neeuitohm mSte' 574.- te a P-1 vatq lava fitemu $te 8401 a"i Pis mamiw e- Peggs.e e i.onaomeslana Record ire. 2,» te 4M&241l.TBe a- bel, et dm ofe!actuel eiseset othlb Ha» n thé icFlty-clghth Oangavert lm0 ai comperetwuahm8in lthis lifti setabi.417 la the Tlfty-Pihrd.290 la Pi, Fity-iortl. 242 la thé, ylfy-lithi- 197 la Pie *Tiftithands22lae P.Flfty-i sevendll. DIVORCE DENIMO COL. COOY., wyhiugjiaéPi-SisSi Vii.antiCea- Our" tts abevhuea. -Buffale Bm11 bas lesth$ suit for di- vs.0The District Cort tahindan, <3'e, deells aggimatCOi. Cadi, kelti- lag tt I. ai falled! te prove-aYi01 Ptisge a matiomsoumet asbis wh. ID- dàiotali , Pie ari gavea1b itrali- t UMii. 0047, Ill erdironolioesln« 1er junu.&-ont lareedetima uiiscision llg Cdi' auanoveeielgoti mohe- a".ti afa, vIsaalwaayatomk -D@ je bicsmeessudlami siv .look"tifor- ,wardte i.bisbomeeouuLag antimadiegPest prepuniusu-tu réemire h1smBbc enter- 151us bb aguenss ithertilality. e@ dut amotbispr0<ana language. Tii. Pot- eoa i iapet tiogea an accdentai Mie navct spot. tilrespecfUiY- a i m ta *19 ieum - iuis. neShalvaya aeoopàtw b in ta Pie tepet on lia tiopartatesud ativs Piere te aseive hi= os Mia retaras. In bar boueté abs a gariu alaIseof lin lu the hall; la ber boitaom aie busbis portrait dm*e by a fajucu palulci-, anti on ber table sIc bas blis ihtograpb, ahie ie dic tahe useti ve. souenIr onee atad ior etebe w» is icParti-ait. aUtila brle!. la Pie hai-ater anti eandt e! Ni-s. Cady sisdian ove- a oag petiOf aiber l, sreus for Pila wifely dtevotion Pis plaintifas e ben crci te bt, anti isp- ed luilgalcWOUeaber» DETAIL.U 0F JAPAMSE LCAN. 10e eFrk *" lamu bteTa. *e,000,000et the Lagema. The sai delallaor t< lb los..les, aste Mn dm la L-90a0 -om ahi the «e»cpiso! uor essaI dat. c sus TIlS à«aSma yt becs tisflo. but lit vol so ol tielatye& .Tb* elM lea S0OO00ê ahb latart-et aI4% Per Ti parl*e.o! lie.le 90 As té Pieur- Il' aiD hobise se-mt recipta o1! t ctcbOec mompaey e! lapas. amatina te M1, 000.0». asecoamtatbe intiget for the ssztmiIsaria. Tue .an Wahi hoa. susti lmuinconicy lu Nov TarI anud Lande., sacl or!mPiises.tahlng 7, 'laAeIgaIi. hauts are Kua, loe & CO.g.elwobca partiipatînt la th# mle."*the British, bau tCýue ' k4àkd.b Pth* ponpet lsut-a4ié gg asponilieué eat CWC IT4 SNGORS « (AC et. Peteonburg tilapatcbes ny tint the Czea-, alat-zeti y hile proapect o! litIgetilsautor vhlch nov secama ta cha- fronit lie Russian at-me. haa putup bis ha" ianti turueti an unHIlin a est t tho peace pattj'.,The nitalstera -anti allreoanrt -atroce-tes o!, tentatfive adi- rances to Japan, looklng tlaant 1h claina a! the van, are Jubilant. They beilevetey have triuunapbe4 amer lie grand dtines sud thir Pul'r a Xt decle-ret ount.e very igliest' a!,au- tiarity tilt au actuni more la about ta h. inuit.; if, lutiett. it 1laflot aI- ree-t is Rter ,va>'. la Pie coflîctina tunos lnning froin et.Petersburg lier. la lîttie upon aicite base su accursle e timagt. o! lb. siIn-ton but tuet eonnsela- pe «*ar nov obtalulng a mot-e favor- able beariug aunona ituglau ilgb 0aIS. STRSUT CAR& THE ISSUE. Tira candidates. for Major, ah. pro- pose te achiers municipal oancrship Of the steni railaly ayten hi' differcut meihode, Ara ivInCicago ans a! the mot pictursque campoigne lu ls isI- tory. .Ome la Jolin Maynard le-t-ihei itcpubhieaunonminse, andtihPisotiet la induge Siard P. LDonne, teehoico et tLe IlemeeraPi. 1. ýJlo lms l-à eefr>.u -a the ceali mulclpal oaneasilp"candi- de-le. Tii. Municipal Ovne4siilp Loague Lax tntiotaeu bu, ead many o.aifie ESa diallIs bave anneunceti their Intention ta rote for hlm.- - Duinne propose' to offer tLe traction ecmpanie a fair prie@ for their tangible propertie, anti a resoenahie compensa- tion for the freachises ahi b aeorut refuie e1o eilI, i.propeses ta; go et once lato tLe countsl.lIeaWw endeavai- tu 505W . BALAS.Jic sIL. V.)UMMWE RIVAL CÂNXDIDATES FOR MÂTOIR OP CHICAGO. calstian-aIsany previons Ume ines the *or openet le a nufent. The wat Par-tyl7tli m ainte-ias a tirenteniug front ant i laeetint tae idea -o! meeing a aettletient Ila. rîilnlus- That lbe, ullalry la seiloaly weigb- Ing Pi. paaalbllty, e! altlnga en bonor- e-bis anti ual toa patiy settiement. howverr.caunat ho doubted.i. f It couiti bave deOnle assurances liaI the penatie vhlch le-pan ahIlexactar uat tee lever. il probabiy voulti ho' el pence overttirea et once, Just vbat prices jepan vii deunu lagi wliaolly e- matter a! conjecture.- Tic Chicago Dlliy'Newa paya liaI un- tianbtedly lapan MII requie lia ces- sion o! Port Arhur aund the Llaotung peulasula, internatioall coutroi of the OlChin eatern. reaayand lie per- manent vitdravalofiRusila fron Maig*tiI. If Pisla la eir il requres Rusla.appe-retly llkoiy ta alrike n bergain. if itl a cash lptieunity or a demanti for lie coslan o!feny Rusalan'terrtltay, nade a! vhlch B i yet been occupied hi lapaenonforces, RUaalaMay coneaie ta continue lie we-r. I bas 51111 ta coositer lie posai- bllty liai Rojcvstvuyl'a fSeet me-y accounpllsh aamelhing anti I mai' b. lie-t negottiattis are nov tielayeti onu' t ag wq aat lthe resuit o! lie sppraach. lug ïMaial wbatieWit ho. Neautime Japan continues Ita prep- e-ations for f urther Oigting anti pays no. heeti ta gooslp a!peace. Tii. intet-- viewa of ia -diplomatie tepreaentatIrea indilcast, laJpeanmenas ta muIn upon s cash intiemuli'. If thnt la ta b. île altitude lie probability o! an eaniy pence votait anm ta depenti largeiy upon viielier lie vîclor IovIi- Ina to maite the. dose les. tlngree- able by sloalua the peyméut te bc matie nuer snome ther name. lu Ils preéent pilat Rusis migil ogre to psy a hautismea un aetelbiy ta te- imburse Jape-a1 for tIrsra lcIioental expeuses. AUl Aron"i tho 0z1. The Bryau Catas OÙ Company's plant lu Bryaai. Tolu, vas teatroyeti hi ame Lanise la 810,0, yu$(10,000 Iniurance.. . À Amiachins. la boitperfectet luea Bir- mingham, , Bugitati ahap that Io ta tutu ont frouai90,000 ta 100,000 ishmet vire nieien heur. Thriee iuurdertrssudnt tvatioeo eaare freed from Jci la Mîudfiseuville. Ky., li $omc one anlsld.Ciitng tou bats froua a test s'indoa. The plant o! th. Jvett Cty Textile Noreity Company aI Jeveit Cil'. Conti, vas totally dtoryod.tir'Se., Los. $80- 000. Insurance. 80,00. - At a meeting o! Pic eretit ors of lb. (leneral Netala Caupany etColoarado -SurInas, Coo, 44 aider vairaseti pro. viSa-fo P.-o-f the -dlildi I hivs«Ch franchise forfetteti as soon as kl expires, anti ta Laive the traction con- poulies outslet fi-on Pieestrtets. Tbea Le proposes te build riiral itylilna on the. principal streets. Ois acourse. lui e- fewy ettrs, vonid ave tiie existing companles wthout tiovutoan - cenie- tiens. Harian pnoposes to grant Pie. exlsting empanles a e- eyfranchist, nt tii. expira- tion o! aLieL tiiey are la oeil eut te Pie Ciii'. If tbeY refuse b. propossta huilti rival unes. The campalgu la just no-e lu fui swing. The Repuhlean nouines, -ilu a fast automobile, nuabes about t a ri- ons porti ons o! Pie aCi'. maklug four apeechies la tip eveuina. Thp Dcmoctratic lester ba been faredtu t place a substi- tuts on Pie benei antilte the stunip iu is a-en tefease, anti le alsinae speech e- ulgit. Patent Madisin. Toate aIl the coude& antichocolats mon- niactut-etin t Pilacaunarin alu e- r. Atit lii the blacting anti humag, the. avoring ead extracts e-nulte Pieigse..- Taits next a yeer's protinct o! liaI heet osigar lntiulsry, vl&i vas important enougb tp hLd op e- grunt treaty for tva yeas in the Cangres. of t.e United tOties.Tiiroa on ail-thé i.Pi te reineti lard, the Ces- tor oit. Pie perfunes anti emmelica, anti the khindba oot. Fiuaily put an top, ai tii. plielb. entite output o! lut anti mucilage. The total value o! hilaà,accu- mulation aill stilI b. leus than tint o!e- i'es-prodtofa! aat vo Cal! "paentu medicine." The Ceusus of 1900 placet îe vaine a! "paten. medîe" produicet lu tbla oua- tri annualui' et 8w,811,335. As the av- erage profitlel about ou-hurt. this mnuns tint tii. lump peiti orer Pie retail drugsait' couniere, takiug no écecount a! incteaseti coalumptlonl is Ihe ant faut i'sara, la something lite 880,00,000a year, about a dollan for erery man, van- an anti chi l lb.ecountry. Loatiop Ti-uPi saeî-s that "1nov, fer Pi.he- liae i, la cestitrie.. Englauti pou. gses, la BirBltiartiEliart, ai leat anc composer a! international. reput." 'tihasr oi RusdsudethPe Germon Kaier nIgLI escILi leep lu a tilierent hous et- y nIigt for, a manth anti net exiauit the. nuipher a! ispale-cea. Pt-Iace AdaIborI. tis Kale'o. sailor son sMOdlMa on- the Cruiset- Bçr- tha, nov lu tLe Indieanoecean.selaxla enterlailietiroyaly vierevet b. goca. . 2Y. Bac on, a diltingalabeti aero- Den, at ileti eceetly.*ana se colar or TrIniti collets, Dublilu. wvssrdalnei anti iitdia Curtei, anti late- tunneti te science. King Loopol, o! Becgluai. bo be-s neyer aeti- da fb .ami-ant dutIna the tirti-.ntue yaroi e i aga, thus tnepd Pie Promsias,-matie la ither on hWu m atonnisthle pOtedt orai. ne .,been las un i et t<aloeccnpaukm êsinue qnesiIolA. *Whéa ou have, w<>nkedcb, *hos deyon foolt <fed? :olbw lit el-the s»»6 rattont? thI(le 5RBwetS p wnt' téthe' dixié combeluSIOns.'Me it aer Wbhokuto ý'4gUr ail niglit couaplaina. 01 fatiguet. la Illa lebs. ?iie bicksamutb> la tlred, flot in bis arme sud si houldera, but !la bIaheit *The, young outilier, alter a umatch,, la aeeealiytlr l (l te bac'k ofr(ie xock. OvetiIf ho bas caridtino Iuai>- *The estaanuwhô la l in -feet train- lut alter prolongred tireti In hie calvea andi Insteps. nh" -facto Point to the concluaion that tu "Y ceUtinuMt eftort we siionit t'y tu, alter the habit of contraction. Tnat la ta mi, tihe body, lille thé mmmd, neetdis lÉange, * What the S.aMsareay. Toledo, Oblo. M1atch Pt.<pca. -HateY T. Lewis. the well known denUàt of f007 garit street. this clty, la telllng of bis reiuhnkabie cnre or Kidney Diseane by uslng Dotitis Kld- ney villa. *"I wax liai on rMy back and miuet say 1 hall i alost given np ail impie of tirer gettlng aniv help." gays Dr. Lewis. Miy klidtys hait troubîsat me for .7earii. The palls litnMy bsek were se. voe.andti ihai t t et op sereral limes nt night. 1 tried i dufereut tnedllnea - but kept on getting worsetilli 1 waa Dcitis lCldney Pilla andtInl about two weeks Iartoli to lifiprove. Now 1 am glati ta admit 1 amn cureti snd 1 canisot-pralse Dotitis Kidney Pilla to hlgbly." If yen tolie Dotit'. ICiney Pilla wlîen your-kidneys rsi show sign% of iîelng out o! order yon wlll nover bave Gravel or itheumatiana. 1êmulliar buis Difebreoa Hie (a former mulilor-ge yon are mar- ried. li? Yen toldiv e coite ilapon sa titne tlîat 3yu nover lutended to llng tu, any niai. She--Well, that remint s tili hled If-Rut your huuhand? She-Ob, le beinugi 30ume. Nos Quise Satlsfactory. HIlck-I unideratanti tht yon Lave Lad a teone Pet inw"your botise. Nlrg. Wirke a tfintSd It a gi-ot conveiiience. iVireka--Ye; but sli pulnet like it hl !as weii as iule tho;îglit she would. Y-oi see. wben slite La n.izg It slie lias t.; 11tèu lait (lie tiu>.-Sutaerville Joupr- liai. Amocher Malioc kauiblem. Wlien wurnan's suffrage iu# in Yogiîe, You rnay depeud ulon it. _TLe eniblent of the partyli lie A fameiiatiîîg bonnet. -Yonkers Sotamau. miss BLL HEC8VERS 1fL2BPUDEUM EOp UTEUTE aMedilst u BadstAisset Eghasested tiss la Vain Attemsp t. Rliers Uer-A The. reaery ofNias Gertrudo U Bul in of grettaerons intthe inedical worid. A very lid ough foflowed a seeri-s tnck of pnuonie. Itaseemed imposi. bis te, break It up or to restore ber streàigth, whlcii hat beau msdlly unirer- miied. In apite o! the bout efforts of thé docte., anud theae o! severaeladsvr- tiseti modes of treatment ber condijtioni daily grew amore serions. Sitefllnlly iicoîtinuuad ail medicine anti gave bier. soif up todexpair. - 14Wbat Wni yont condition ai tiis tinie?" aie wax ,n.ked.. *1 y stomalaih wa& so weak 1icopld net keep foodi down. 1 sufftreti froin cou- atouit nansea., My kicineys were iu ter- rible coudition. Ny feetaudtiukleswere swoôli u idly that il;paittel tue aveu tc, stanid Qu thein. 1I"Wusvery tallons My boautwaa lis laid shape se I couiti nul; go up andi dowu astaire or etiwd any exertion or "ePilu a nacarai position." *1It moinsi a wouder fliat yon should, lever bave ,recoverati.- IIow lii la h&ppeîî 1". "ynqmay well con l; a marrai, but Dr ifllamis'Pink Pilla wrough ii. Noane of =y frieudis tbought Ionta lire iuany nontha longier. Mr parents bal no hope. Jusl then a pamphlet utivar- tislfii; Dr. William' PInk Pilla for Pale Pople'wasthirawu lu ur door. It won a great eveut for me. Tiieîe pis saveti mg froiu the grave. Withiu a week from t" tinie I bagou ta taIt. thon, I felt bot. ter, ant inlatbee îuilis i was eutirely wel. IO5.iuct Pr"hieDr. Williams' Pink Pilla ton blghly andi 1 dearly hope tbat nny experienoe nîay bring gond toi seeailier sufforer.". Miss Bull. who watt no remnrkably corai, rWesn t Union Gi-ove, Illinois. Dr. Williamns' Piuk Pilla Set lmmedintely ou elle blondi, purfylug sud eurtchlng IL. la al. tieblltatiug dusasoes uhsob a long troubles, grlp. foreransd in ail cases lu wtilea the sysoton la thoronghly rut, town, thompilla perori woiders. Tliey are solti b ail drniWghst hrugh. ont tbe wSlM. ývalusbta.,booklet on diseasea of the bloond, vilile smnt fteé tau ay ou. wha applise for lit ta Dr. Wil. liau edcle ob.. Bebuo"l X, . Ir. THEC i' MOWNINQ Glag. Cil. G, --u à Co d hvemovd iat:iOly* tat ssp M-ig 000o! cOtr à" tut-bcd coanftenée lu the 4utloni. demande for raw material andl producta were satistoletoa<ly'l7 taineti. Distribution 01fM adv-ancedtictagrenier pp rtJni movemeut of. general grain, bide@ansd Iuber ex0odtiIn<"be the. previons week andi s yncar i rallrond carnîngu are seen te te 1argal on eomioaus tonnage. . Reporta ludicate excellent poOKItê 0f Wter ct-e ansd taris wVOnk aab- lns excellent progress. Marketng 01 corn, auto andi lire stock la Yet Witti- out dimiuaîtion, andte agrk4ctul luterenla reallzlug prolltably, naw ho- corneIliberal buyers'of uesarte1. lu.- plemeuts andi iatertaja for imprbe- muente. Pealiga luthie prImary mlin4 bave becu failiy active andi vitttul manch change lu vaines, but forsiga tiemanti for footistuffa continti u&- sot.. tetail trade steatiuiy gani wllht luthier weatber anti eaaanablc chandia. soidt reeiy, wblle Easiter lin were lI .good requést. Nanufacturlua branches have be" more fulli' enployeti sud ptodaictiou- là ocn esel ia. ieachedthPe Runit *of capacity. litc-ptts o! lumber ver. 34=M2,0 feet, agaltîst 30l.I'1,000 fetelst vemk sud 23738.000 tnt a yesr *90. L-ca consumptlon ushows a abarp lnereaag for bath building andtimannfscturlng pnrpoaea, andi henry stivance »1«c were madie of atone, brick anti eent. -itoeipta cf bides WcN 8.81887 pounds, againat 5,81»,014 pounda leat week anti 4,037.M 8Pouada a year ago. Deitilugi wete beuvy lu- volume anti pibellunehangeti. Jobblug (rade lu prlaelpaî staplea wons largely augineute& i. iterlpt mer- chante havIug errivet i n large Unn- bers, anud the bnylng o! aprlug wbrei reachred a haavy aggregate lu geneoni' dry gondsg, ciothlng. îLoeu andi cotton fairicaq. Hôarati r ode tiesluga were aofuiir exteut lu tha course grains anti pro- visilonâ.. Iecelpts e! tbe leatilug cerena ggregitted 6:401,876 busibels, againt ft472.f40 bushele'lait week and -4.lRJ - ,os busiliela a yeat ago. the sliip- w6utts crere 3.405.!61 bushels. s telle o! 25A4 per ceut. Receipis O! live etotU 2=24o2 besti. conapared i wtb 296.7 hesti a year ago. Bank clearîngi. $178,285.M9, exegil thoe o! the correspoanug vk leat year hi' 14.9 par cent. Thaetiemanti for rnney exhibita futther atrength). asu uewcomreclal lbans vere quotetinun- i. dier 4 tu à per cent. Panlures repaitedln the Chicago dIs-. tiet nutuereti 24. agalust 25 leat weet1aud 27 a year *go. Bradotreetoreport On Nw'I* lte general trade candi- tiona of the country »sy$> Money lias hLox-u-nt ia.umbet of datles, but collection$smliii las. Eaipoclally active lUes of tonde are dry gondis, shoes sud clothing& notably et the West. Lumber, hardware,, painte anti oh retlect the aPPtonch O! au ac- tive buildin.- season. sud bides Ami lether are activa anti fit-mer nt lesti- lns West anîd Eastern markets. Farun rnaeilfet3-aniuud ltnpenittideniars re- port Ile dettiantiactive In the North- creat. The reanrkei>le tenture la the cou- tinuatuce- o! the hoavi' lnqulrY for ail kinils o! iron andi steel, craide andtinS- lsIied. Llgbt on tlls nmitier lu fur- iîshei bi' reports that ralironti build- ing thîs yoar w-i.l b he eleat for years. The opiuilon la lncreaslug that lbe 'present Insistent dernath.up force pricea tigber antid ynileIn~ of safety. Business falluarea u in utc~ States for theo woek endeti MAtch i number 204,' agalinat 186 th. wcek bé- fore, 215 lu the like weak lu 1904y ,1M~ Ilu.113 183 in 1902, anti 189 lu 1901, la Canada, fallur-e» for the wéeet unis. ber 18, as agaînat 22 the prevlous wek anti 18 lu th. corresponding Weet ai' year ugo. chicago-Cattle. couanon ta prime. 34.00 tu (.2;.lus aiî)itig graade 3.4.00>tu $545; aleep, fair tui eboice. $3.00 tea6-0 wiieal, No. 2, $1.12 te $1.14; corn, No. 2, 44le tu 48c; enta, standard,' 211e ta SOc: rye. No. 1. 7k to 7&; liaer. tintothi', $8.50 te 813.50; prairie, $6.00 tu $10.5b; butter. ctoii'e croamei-ye 25e te 2se; egge, freali, 15e tae lU; pitaiou 20c tu 30ce. Ind[l 41îoil-Cutl. nhlppilig,«8.00 ta $500o; logiu, choico henni', 34.00 tea51 sheep, Çomînîu t;; prime. $2,50 teaSl0~ crlieat, No. 2. $1.11 te $1.12; crn, N white, 48e to 49c; oesisNo. 2wiI, 31c tu 3e. $400 t $.5.401; sheep. $4.00 tue#&OP wbeal. No. 2, 81.13 ta $1.14; corn, No. ' 45e ta 46ce; cutoi. o. 2,29e ta 30e; eI-M Nu. 2, 7Mc 10 72e. Cincinnati ---Cattle. 114.00 ta 85.50; 'Ou, 40t $7;ae,8.0t

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