Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 31 Mar 1905, p. 7

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1 MALr ouit ILLs ARiE CAIAÀRRIN. Ihsusands el People flate KldUoy Troubit and Dont Know It là Catarrh. Mfr. DavidIJ. JL 'tx.(haiii Clarînite. 1î . . Tl. '.. îî p l ta liîn 'U. A. It.. )J ilir.malt3. Oakli1mnd, Cal.. rt-: ".Ilamga *Oid a-ar ,'.ter'ù. I #etWted savera bladdhr sud - EoLM.I speut uadreds of îzan oesuteda bhast et b« acliher did me an,' lie etrril. 1 I -s an 1I d wtid ual t he sîlýltiti ta t, inîe time 01 cffi for tiuthtils it c.,ttt Honinls ti f aa tî.ai aekiti-J Ig aper. dnaaag tr rsublé. p law u îsir'trntt e-gfluaud, aad ail aancr ofexpa. *Wft u n WMMoewatkerpmodac.d Munai dthe kMny.ssud blâmde. aths lii. ei tareoule na. More nisd tctrr tkiay sud bineedare, bacs cured b,' Perma ta waleher medicines Sm.i dent cf l'ie Esuiman t4lltitaii. Co- Ounbîi hio. sud 1" lue bi-iti a .a-'t la "gis-e yt, the bentefit tif hi. iiIî adîiî'e grt-. Ail t crne-s..n,lot . Ieit i_-~ __________ I TeSecet of CGoOiCtwc Eves Lle best bouselreoperu cannot inake a good cup of coffée. vthout good inateriai. Dirty, adulterated andque.rly, blended toffée, sub as unscrupulotas dealera ahovel ever their dOun-teu aon't do. But tak, the pure, dean, natural flavored LION.COFFEE, t&e leadSet .1àD Package Siees- tb&offoo tlaat for over a quarter et a century boa been daiiy welcoxed in milions et homes-.aud yeu il mû.e a drink fit for a king in ths way: - 1W TO §MA« GOOD COFFEE. ru LIO-m..I'EM-t- lge)tfst resalu yenut,i.l.btcS Gutai srLIO.. . Mrtie.A..ib«dm bl t efa t e't ap a md m *a e t a POL- l'luml i it ta &lii.. -Jà al t.0ce m eaube s M rs . s lot. WXWW OILINO WATEE.A"difflwa-mieM" let Il bail IMRMaumu» émr. A a m se c i amu« «sa S ~m ilive, bela I. sP=oibTea M«nome a 5515e scmi ain. = ta"51 mhm ut e serce. 3ontlll tee ldong DOn't leSlt tafldSo rthan t" mInutfs befon. servlng. bum Untuse water 1ha1 has been heleit betere. ~a~ P 9~ O N SPIWA»0,, Teisulo, Obbo LÀ W." $330SIIIPS tL un. ia.î gesataslel .sole ru. S t4Psmiulse U wt.. rt u ua »Ua& .00 osur os ries. WL. Dolu 2.00o y buttu aer miss Eer, tr Usi f. Cpr e . h. bîtkiomn Arit Mlp iel.sî ysO eir s.1 reatti, i. eom .SV-.tare a DuglMM,32.s mmd3. «là NIIN PURlI.WATION. Cafticura 8o304 Olntuent niPlla Cloaus..tle SkIa u tiudMoed ofTrtur' ing HtinOM' - Coumplets, Treatmtui 'fl iigoizing itI-hitg al lI)utniltîg nft te skia, tliI ecz,-nut:: llî. triglit- ,U]-l iitlis n.lit îtrtii:t,' olts "f tain nanil c-nstitg of i- u% .a in -tciilpd betl lte fac'ial .isflgunciient. Rn l itale-qandui ng 'a rin: tht awv tîilsuiViring0of Iinfants, anîd tiaxicti o! Nir-unit-omitr"tPnmi .as lnrik cruîst. tetter anti suit rheum-àlI deiant s ---ittd>'or iait su)eriiiînau vin'tîttu 1a secessfutIlly Callme a-th 1)1m. Tit .*utIen'rB Naap.Olntnent andt Pilu ire sîuch standts lrai-en tiY tht testi- uloiîy et tt eevItIl0dwonid. Dirttttly opp«stît. - They say thut o)ppoites shmulti aed; Tue much aliki-, you'li czlu. And fa . lm'IOokiag for a girl * Possessaît of lots Of catît. -Lippincott's Magazine.1 0100 tIs-sud. 0100.f Tthe restera of thîs pale.-ili Ce plitase te a etn thalliter.laaI9ai t antrae dtiitsseT litIscience hmb Ceeuaile 1cuite Ioiail Il,. Murg~. nau itaI la tgCatarrt. hll's cattruit ("tre friternlt* .tllat-e helarka colleintal dis. etute. noiirffa. 5nsttlltlinai iaetnieant. Halt CatnIulCitre La lakanit uernally. acting dilrptly Ont teblondi andi utouts surface-. Qf the s.tta. tlîereby tdLtsro)yiag 1h.foulmlilea'()f te- d' easte.antdgît-unrite fpatient .trengtilt Ci-oldintg upth collî u tnsutd asslstlng naiuir ln l tîiui It wrk. The liramrilors bai- e <ouîtcli tatit ta I Ils cuirative powani tt l hey aller On,(ltuitIt-eljt Dollars for ase) casetaiI Ifail., le cure. Staüd f-10 1 atetittaitlia.t Attrit. F. -., CHENEY & CO., Toledo. 0. Sole by »riggLsbî, 7uc. Hans FeMuIeIv 'In' Are taet.p For carrYlos s IPg by ilsa tarsanaîd tail a Newacaste (Englanti> bateher lias leeîî fineti for cnîmet>, tanugltsena lI experi- -tUiceti butce enatstifled tirtIhat wsat the correct siaY ta carry a pig. MAoY OSheel Chlren Art Sîckty. îlOtS..- OeY's 5î&at Poisd te Ciiltres. sti dyMotetGray.s ansamIDChilre's listes. Nea- Tac, rit, 030111s 9 l i h outs. cure Co- ilsat, DPareUflosltedasts StIsacnit iTrublant. Tesîbin l"esandt t.e 0, 'b.-taoeib andti ¶>sury Wor." oIt .1i de torbmail. 25m"Mil tnsatle-Ftat& À te à LLI 0.OLsavan. Le-Imy, N. Y. Borne bousekleepere always make a ri politt fbaylug thefir @oap la large quan- tilles. as ebY sY It inprovea aith agt. 311216WI>)!I.5 500wm 15. r o, lu rlop th a s lt Orne es'Ago. Napoléoit dtclîtred the mannlage et bit lîrothen, Jerome, ta Elizabeth Psl lerson of Balitmone annulled. *An epldemicet typhplg feyer cause bundneds a! detuthsa srnng Frnch prît oners lia Engla nf. Itonapane assumed the tille et kmu ot Italy. Tht suddeîî nising et the waters oe tht River Elbet niadted aninety vil luges. 'T'tcutneh. thé grtat Indlai chief el tht Nortitaesi, had begua ta- shol bis jeuloutsy a!f tfilelfte menis prosý Admirai Ns4eýon hegitulits punsuit 61 tht French ild Iipuilsh fleels. Tht Cisalpine ni-publIc sias menge< Into lte kiligdom of Italy. TCe l-iîi'..lashlp st. xieliolas aa hblow-n op li luniil. 'rite Poulîatioun ot tht United Statet Getiertil tîntaile a-aselected Presal 1dent ot ('hile. A. violenttrinne caused grest gaulaget'alite and propeet)'lia Wash- Iglait County,(Ohioa. The Uaitid States gaN'ernment lied «Peuit but $S.000 aon Intenai mîmrave. atonts in tht Staie of Illinuois la 25 yeinrs. There te-re la Illinois tfotr trilles of Ixitilalns.the Menioianers, Kaskiaskfas, Pattawîitoiiiies and ('hîppea-as, nom. btriiig luanil]about 41000. Tite pros-lcep of ('ancepeiga declaned itatcItftret andd littependent ot Chule. l'tac h .îîd Rsitaqlts contrided frîyfoi, tlecrifle pits whicb the lat- ter tiatlest.ilthislied betîveen tht French advaîiie and Mlamelon. tte-(-ruititig stations ton eaiating mjen lit the PBritish army a-tnt discav- ered lan New York and Philadelphia. The l'rcsldeit sued a Proclamation declarng lit farce tht r eciprocity tneaty beta-et Iis country andi Great Bnîtails. A tire -arka manufueleny nt Ber- genî Point. N. J., txplotitd, killing sev- ta pensouis. A -1 xliaslafnt-akplace lu tht ýMIuio- Itan coll miltes In Vinginlu. 0f the r5 persans lantte mines ut thethtin 35 si-tntkilled. fstv Tors Ags. 'lait Coiî!ederate Cangress at Ricb. mond udjouned sIîte die. A bouvys- tem ci-ompanieti by fneshcts sa-ept over New- Yorkkand I'eiiiialvania. dalng gneat -damage. Newvs reacied thteîmonth that Sheri- dan on tht previona day unrived et IVitte Hotie ou James River. ThaI Jef! Davis baud nesigntd lu tht Inlereî 0t f Central Lee a-as repoted la te nantit and denled. Itnetîdent Lincaln lasued a procla- Énation orderng tht anneat andi punlsh. menît liy court martial of ail pensons stnpt*.yiiig armsanaîd ammunilbon ta the iostle îîndiaus. A breuchlinitîloecunned betsieen Eni- itron MaI.,xiiotiluan oetexleo andt the toman Catiiolie Church. A si-ek 'et punie la tht Nea- York nnkets had esulted ln déclines jX 23 points la gold, $4 a barrel lit perk, 50 cents a barrel la gour, andi 15 ta 18 cents la a-heat hlrty Test. Aga. Tbhe HawailîîîîIeaty a-as nutIfied hy ut United States Senate. Pont Jeryla, N. Y.. a-as lnqndated by thé bneakiag et an Ice gorge. WVilkes- ure. Pa.. and other Places a-et.. dooded. John Mitllel, the Irish champion, -base election ft tht Hanse ot Coin. tons au set oside, ditti. Miss Resait Turner, girl a-itness tainat Ilîtoone Tubao, toifi ber slory itht Tîlton-Iheecher triailaInBrook- Governan TuI-aet ofNea- York sent il nessage ta tht Législature dtlrng e State canais te be mlsanaged aad e tunds looteti by contractons. The mills ot flie Austin Powder Coin. any. neun Cleveland, 0.., bita-up, au- hilating three pensatta and fataîly ln- nring othens. Tibunclo Vasquez, aoted Calitornaa lgand, a-as executed at $an Fnar.eis- rOoty Touts Agis. A tierce engagemient teek place h. wet tlic British aîtd Arabe nder mtan Dîgma et Hasbeen., -The' Brltab under Getterai -Grahami ne nmbusheti by Osmnan Dlgnali; iea near Hasheen, a-be inter altackcd aukîn, the EngIlsh buse. General Grant a-as able til sleep oaly -ongh the use et oplate8 andutthe la- imintion in bis tîtroat became se- ýre. Bandea et settîtrs, rtndezvoustd ai aftyville Kan., made a stunt for the Inahoma homestead landis. Te pelilarent at Stockholmrn e. ted a measure 'piaclng duty on merîcan grain. iThe strIke on.te Wabsh aud Mie.- I --- - n 1. 1 --- VIELDS 9 5 PER utwued paper tha-t had bom nd dore PaTker or a VAWlet on. e.«aul, # % a V4e= Cuuay <10b10) Wame« OPPOrtunltv'ta go tu colilge lna achanceW Extikes pcin a iiteestigletertu plek berrnes. one boy see« an open- fruijx P. IL _Rynhard. ot Starbuck. lng Iolits anîbitlon ln a chance t cho This Statement1 btanîtôba, Canadae, gIîe an excellent 0D.wltotaerru erads de-t of the proAppenîr oft Ilse wh WlPt' ili.,lheri-sIeu no0chance at ail. Modest V/on litrt'goule troi tue VIited StateS tu retic itqlonttit aStfOcu Caixtla. lie vYs; "a lionIl iti-dtai thetîdi sof tîîuî. Male Physicit ~tbought, Aglist. t:î:,480)acres es(il-t'i . niliilil blldiays. whilh an off land. peuyIg $12.-)î for it. We ie thehd2.9-#3 luslie!, (of wheat and botten 1,21)0and .t' lîîîlels of ost$ E.,ft. a or Proliterlry. and borleg (ýroinM) î ~e litutlîart In the 'six Yeara cf 'the cauntrys of the wbeat Went Iiii ttre âIljt i1 t-. î9 nt.froin lIJ7 ta 1h03, and a-as not burve.t- I ex-pt for ha)'. average jtiI2es o<t!ibreai.tinfs uîthanî-ed The crop was worth a!i tlireslîlng tl0te (15 lieri* i2eit.. iiwts 23.1 lier cent, dtîlry $3,000. Jiesides 1:1o îc laylig idie an iti gîtrIci Irahiers 50.1 per (.ent and excep i a 111048 iiehw hici la iat t lothinii21.1. .ilteme were itrodts IneldedIlithi ex;ijiit-. oun b!l lte farineir and mstockman wlîo thenluefthae potîte. and t plrotiteil more tlan an.%other ciags of thtvalt e th pr lu an th ~ th, cum ul It y b tiiese adeaticea. creuse of Value of lad iivill pay me The inier tenieflted 42.1 per cent by mor8 than 25 per eit fui the insesi- that aditîne I the tiverage lirice of ment. Ta-o brothern lu titi sanie tieigli- nîtala. 'The only derrense Id the aven- torhood bougbt 1(9) ;1.ris eaeh six lige p)rîe. of coinîinadlîles ln Unît lie- yearx eg0, They bitu%(ii)Jt donc il sIn- rfod si-as lan allwîîy freighta, wlil-ch 01 gle thlns te 1h11 land tî l -t ta fonce lecre:îsed ttam .7ffl per ton-mile in il: l and break and cîltivaîe abutn ý197 ta .7633 ln 19W0. a ba)s of 4.4 per liat f tIL. Harveatt-îil ast year 28 cent. The report of the luteratate t' Commisuion shows that the d Imud*els a-heatper 0cre. Tihis vean 27 av-erage hicrease ln the pay of nallnoad M sY .i s- butihela per acre. Titi- can get any estiffloyes ln that perlod w«a-ustritle day $25 par acre. IThese are only a aber e 8.5 per cent. Au n minent physcan tg fea- of rany bhundreds of suc-h chances. fWomnen are sot truthfil; t] It look@ilîke boastliig, but truth la Not a Pair. Deal. te their phyeîclan' Thie )f Justifiable snd the woriouglitte Tencier-Whe was the firot inushould b. qualified4 -omn 1- know, It, espectslly the home-seeker. Joîîiîy' trotté, but not the a-hole1 1 no- t ui. fw umer tat Johimury-g»earge Washîington. Hie aae physicen. but thia le 1 knw ofquile afew arnirs tat as firet in a-ar, irsat pouece and qard tothose paltal and ti fi bave made forntunes blt friii 10.ta 201 fial- Gllortars pecuujar te theafrl v years, retiredo with tram $20),000 to Tffler (iniemuptng--No. no, John- There cS b. no more terr $1K .00 ny--Adim awas the first man. to a delicate, sensitive, teim Witlng epceprnzn anathen district Johnn3ll---. Weil, if you ar# goioz te thau te b.ebliged tu ansle if ln tht Canadan West, Sl. L. Short gaiys: ring lu foreigneo, 1I spose he a-as. questions a-hen thons ne "Dear Sir-I havé- to lnfonm yon skedve lb 1 J.a , l d that 1 have mat netîirned tram tit eNo quarter. Tllepcaly t6e cM (Jarret rIver country iii Saskatchewan. The evils whlch a-nays tollea- afler srleOd aorn. vitere t located -land or t very Ounest Indigestion, billommnos or constipation la It any wonder, then, t] black segetable louui. whilh1 arn will give îîo qutarter. Botter fight them SCntitne to i suer and ti *pnaud ot, sud a-lli more ln tht spplug. to a flilsh wlth Dr. Calda-elîsa (lux, tailtu1 cure familale disesses Fairmers are >*111 pion iiig there. A. atise Syrup Pepeîn. It Is'a a-capon essot etthopnpr Pt a lld diniste suad beauiîul country ta, agailtit tht.e dangerous diseases, Wr n behod. atU amfat nd unnng hlch a-lll gîte you qulck rlief and ThisListhe ressouwby thoi behod. CIlleare at ad munlngthousandaet of w eu are -J *outalde. ' Wood and water gond. Saw permanent cure. Sold by ail drugglats uigwt r&Anh nts weigbing 42 potinds tu bughel. a 50oc and 81.00.' Monley back If lit Zeycand do give vye. l'otataea large and OcIl nlpened, aIse tala. ____________ &0 that ah. real knowns a *wbcat thgtbroqgt Ilote 82 centil. Tlin More va sar the trsie; emms1 o f bh. couîntry exeeded or expectaîlans. A gînall baY elinibeà Ont 011 aibougli, tilac, th.physician aWho Saa- oets la etook. thilck-or on the Andtisali: Frum thia perch 1aogi qetoste *gratina than appears lni many Qf thet 1 eu *bar quite high, Iaou1quI on suftheJin u oc I lllustrationasment onit ln descripîtive And i lke a bird ligh-" rlyr ottauferfropant.a pampîhlets. 1 have bei-n in many NWest- Bu _th ______ith_________ agh m ir.Pnkharn, Lysu. Nam cri S tates, but the .)iii exceiti it0yî1 TG CUIRR A COLD 11N 0<IEDAT a-Iladutes.youtfre.e ofchar1 ever saa-." Taite Laxstive Jarouio Qitiineý Tableto AUl The tact that tbis great bc 'nie Canadien C;otcritiiterJt Agents dmragilts reclad tiie moceyif 1it fa. taru. la extended freely tu -orne L t W. ;rOvO.-8sienutare tg-an cacit box, lac Pinkharn, la apprecated, ' nt different potints rei,,rî iliat the ln- - sanda ni letters reoelved by quine for ltq-nlîirI, andl ralirnail Cupil'sPrelbenate. May scb grateful letters i raies. etc., te Westerni usoîtiaare the Death imar lovea shilling mark. Jowlag are eoaatantly ptmin grealest In the history ort heir a-ark. Bat Cîîpld'isalsila a ott ~ kU ~ e 1)ireeied et a differeût kind- A mark tîa'.% very Roft. S. me People Are IBitailtot Chances.--_ ____ It lu a dangerotis 'i ta tuwalt for r- ss..s. sieTtse.»I DuEseN I,1-1Ii)rtieilties untttJi il . Çt ii icrgy autnIl i ttthewa tir l0)1:ia nuI vrk Her lackerrtann. a porrag piek- ~ 4I! Invt ot is h ib . 1<t'tIIitÏýýJJ 1. in iiItarnven. inheritei $10.00 tram a I ltaîcsli,>,iig.lore t t a-.' ni*llev;bre .tnerica i oncle. Whentihlitrolley waa *lotig t-)hin. o liih tII~OWWle-v lid aven ta hlm lie iinapped dent. else fur Ih. I t la tIe i,- 't t Is-ner. the _________ niait a-li4a lert far -i rstiat sees A <Iî:AVANTIEID CUIREPFOR PILFS. thon]. tîcin ltid, ai.Ileediug or Protradlni Piles. Vatlrtu.tra.t na etantmoaeyi PAZIJoIN-t. bt l e<pl.i bei-ami' ut&Ia îîtlrttinl.t- lE"ii'ta.e-m you la 0te 14 - lialîd thit tltey catitiîit sei.. llaltccs 1)nt seui apyihing ta tIie laundry ati-wiercthî'~ vtîîfl l t.uatîtau :i1abeforo it la marled. irliilii .tli itat Oli'itiig iittt ) istas Cutre for Cousatauprion. ei me ttrcios-.a-ll I- tîlens N i itIntoltir- of u iiiitt(.Ius audj4eraistentuî c. ttiit!es b Inte lutaulbiîrrci îatd ouit- - in. IL.Harrison, -..7 IW. t21et street, i.-ay lilat-u. lBunya -utiffdoluîttr- Nete Ittri NlInti-b 23. 1901. tunnty ln lteilfcrtl jaltu) %%-ritethie A atatiticiaxi sara -tht France Ilia, '.sesc grentest itîlegary-in thte woril on lte. about 4.(M0 duels a yenr and ltaly 2.»0. rma*11 Meas Been UnJuas men, Evade Quosi s 1ttrea " -le lbsukyau îdéè 1.11the cine hmdonstf« truth, te s .bmyMq esly tu OV5tl. t o u b e a e m e g a e t Prible, ord ea g l i a u Ied a-emau glves bu" a*àtm g«u p linsl. wer certain Cttantifji 2e s t io n e a r e l - i . V n t c s s p yphysician. mnà o s yds o Pa- im&u . ~ auy Ula -at a-men ý te ISVr hat doctere Mms J. B. paunit ah e u tb y A v e u . , U . L o lsý M i n n a l o n ~ D a r M u i P u m s i . - adalce uiam de[ ouand"snd Ti av opme oMM Dowa corre- dcoslvs a nu. T o ber F e h s a ¶ 5 y tptou, a-tIl-uais, moe about, ovu1 h persaly bosilh aMi have tel trouble No clIsa.rnedWigmI at ena. te recel u uais duuq. w, and the Ba"lendorgeerns, te. 1. huan such a rec«d t >ôan, a-blcb female hua as ba Lyo ablrV table CoMpowusi the thon- lý"ptakhamv 1er1 rve tu a-rIte, hir tor Od a. theoi- ded thousands te h .What i atra Ç'ATORIA is a harmless substitute for CJastor 011, Pareorlo, Drops and ' Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains noither OpiumI Morphine nor other Narco' ic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms .and aUIys Feyerishncss. it cures Diarrhoea and Wind Coli. It relieves Teething Trouibles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach- and Bowels, giving healthy and- natural sleep. 'The childiyn's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. 1The Kind You Have Always IBought, and whioh.ha. been in use for over 30Oyears, has borne the signature of Chas, 11~, E'etcher, and has been made Under hie personal supervision since its infancy. AIJow no one to deceive you i thi Ail Cou.terfeits, Imitations and IIJust-as-good "are but Eýpe=irents that trifle with and endanger the health -of Infants and (Jhildren,-Expe.ience against Experlinent . .... Letter from Prom mnent Physkcians, addressed to Chas. Hl. Fletcher. Dr. F. Otralti Blattter.of BuffsioN y.,tnlygtToucturiasIon S Ieui fer ritlirenad 1 fiequetily tt-tcribe t, s&y&a7sob n'?a lte disu-h 15515." là. Outs A. Elsengrater e.tSI.P&bl, Min.asy: "I have useS Pour tastenta eptset lan I. d eiea-t attrsutan csrecmmee t al u s eertlt m i d = nt anrales, rsttdy f or ritilda-e."2 - Dr I-. J.:Pt'nalt, et St.Lotis. Mo.. srt raya"I b ad aut pr«ecribsiy-r Csorl laInMy sa itâPniu n d gtq Id c nme f er ndII t t Le an tarelînra ematotr chdra. Pltc o att. tjassdldtt I),. il A Ituc-hanan, ot Pitltidepitîs. Pa., »s:s ..IbarseuVend ju Cuterli. In slln!Aln~ atFvrntudle-oini relaits fraisIts ouse." Promates DigesWjolCieerfi- OpNorpwiuelotrmSneai. No.AUcoric. 'j à- Drn. j. E. blu. 09Citîaao. a-s"I td our Catrta tuaha a ot calle ln chiltiren asu iae touadiIltubu»bt mtlcn t l in s i.u'kL atuiant fainlly remedy. Il la tit. but Igte "or luisaIs asd ebildrms t bave ver. tuwand euIrScaast I' Dr. L. R. Rebîncon. of Kanusa City Mo., sory T 0onsour s ral, ibs att-lt. Io net Ia ils e.lits continueti ques'Drmolimter bouf H mol eoo ii*tt cnie eltespte te lultat. Il, sumocent rem e.mdattu? a-balt ma a -414ad2 Le,v t ta te motte.-,." De- Albert J. a-elon. of Cloelab& 0O.mye t «J have adoug ir, eCsIgla l Mny prarlîca fa.- the put slabbae mie ailL teetm umesuoas"-, Dr. EdwinaIr. Pa-dtee. et Na ew ok Cit. mpm t "1er maPMgaU I have Du. N. B.filial, et Ere NY., sa "I . te1 l abat are esIls aSa m.tileé.e. a-hn ui..ieren. coe wAa a-, «.Ian repub la tbsc. but: 1 bama the. formula ecimeu Castorls a ndstylai Ils s CEiNuliE CASTORIA A.-LWAYS ~4 Boarmth. sionsanureof f-ual j

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