Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 7 Apr 1905, p. 1

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-~. tyville, Lake Co >unty. eFriday. April 7. 1905.-S Pages. $1.50 a, Year -Ir Llrugs LoveI'sDrug store ERFUMES TOILET ARTItLES PATENT-MEDICINES PAINTS AND 011.8 At«L ud ComieSb* of.1Scbold BSs. Tablets oui d"Imn NseSulde& '.OVELP :I D UCG STORE AHeadquarteuw for School Supplie.. Ibertyville, II NoLOLol lolea ici - AT 20th-CENTUWV CASH STORE mees SuwIms e, % ss. S YoussMea Si" 1 7.18.,19. 20 Ys k. 57.50. MeIem . AilVol Put&S2,50 Mes HaImm sfouSc go $2.00, Dye~ Coogs5Nobv Oumesfor 2 5c Mea'e Shoos. Paenf Latie,. Do cetL Vwol" sVok Sices foo $L25 t. $40. Fuliline of Men's and Boy's fancy Negigee Shirts,; Work Shirts and Overails. c. ste.. UbertgvIIIé~ hinois LAKE Cou NTrY NATIONAL QANK' CAPITAiL - - 5 0.000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS DEPOSITS 75000 .sHow People Lose Their Mlonegaz Ny eoncealing it about their persan; by stowing it away in muge, ilg and jars; by sewing It op In akirts and tekke; 1by tticking lt under tbe couches and arpete; lu cuphoards and bhureau drawers. These are nmofrne ti ways b4 whieh people lbop their mnne, and momnetimes their Ili@@, -. Dl e P DE IL H.MARTIN 1 0"fftld Floor Houas: il tu 12ea. mi,1 to 3 and 7 to 8 P. lu. . Llbert.yvilie, Illinoli DR, J. L. TAYLOR, ouvicuoves Trainas &a TATWE'5. mouu.-7 to 10 a. n. 2 ta 4 and 6 ta 8 > m: pladenee on Broadway, opposite Park. Uhbertylîle, fIlinos. DR-.&A. J.NICHOLS. Of (uhlcago - DENTAL OFFICE BDLMSLcOVEH khiTil ADàylVISMTRZ mouss-Wednesdays of eacb we-k froni 8M0 a. n. ta 6:00 P. n. DL E HL SMITI DENTIST. cysica Ovau LAKE OOt'STY BANK. *oiii-4 to 12 a. in. and 1 to 5 P. ni. DAILT. Lbertyvllle, Illinois. DR. C. R. CALLOWAY, orrM ~OVER LOVELL'B DRUO S&MR£- sauu-train 1tu 3 and 6 ta 8 P. m Lbertyville, Illinois. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. LUbertyville, Illinoli. DE OFiP. UTTERPIELD yET"S INART SURGECON. m vu.P. ScHMOeIG Pratice limlted ta, EYE, BAP, NOSE AND TIIROAT. Hourp 2 to4 p. nm. OFFICK: PEnCan 8U S'EWART lit-ILItING, 92 State Street, Chicago. DM C. &.DODSON, (iF<EOVas HEATI' FUInýiTI liE TORE. ùiiHol: 8to 10 a. m. 2 to 4 p. ini. and I l o P. nM. Libertyvllle Illinois. Ils Fka-t issi IlBERTY VILLIE JOHN L. TAYLOR,- Prosident BENJAMIN H. MILLE R, Vice.Presidftt C. W. TAYLOR, Camhier. In Lîeasone (Of promperity provide for want. Doom a general banking business. Depodst.iolicited and cour* tsoustmsloent given to ail. Vew Iloums After ame.Dam'1 Lae.'. HorsDisapp«ese 411as la lie jail. H WILLoNO? ?ALK. Wedueeday momning lire. Dan'l Lee and daugitar Lyd4a of Ubertyvie, drove tu, Wauitegan viiore tb.ied ther bors.e eide of lb. court bouse square and iprceedlta lthe huai- "e. ditrict ta, do sornse trading. This vas about 1045. At noan tiey vs. turasil and vers aataunded tufAnd te falthful animal gon.. At te cour bouse tbe.y luquireil for Chas. Thayer, a f riend, thlnkiug. possibly hob adtaeien lihe horne.ta hle home. Cuulty CIemk Rende. taok Lb. matter n n ad and up- on sacertaining Mr. Thayer itn.w nolb- ing of tihe omne.b. notified Lb. police. By titis liane tMr. Tbayer hafi arrived on thseKecene and vith ex-gher!if Griffun eltartedt taard Gurnee lu quest of te borne.. Police ver. sent out in uther diretion, and lb. u.ercli won dat. At glsulitdiaigeo Corners (iriffnansd Thayer Met a farauer antid dpwrihed la hum tht. horme. He qui..kly repiedtal ho bail met a man driving UnI mati, anti the. borne sand rg anstere thte deecnlp titr fieny gave. A JutIle furtisr uiong tise rnd alieadlauo crt)gtôIthelit.caIe lin, they met anotiser fawranti 1<.aiso bhai met tse 1"ahad driver.>' M. Thayer hurried i hieborne.spd loua sate in a tara) yard aiseail the rlg tlsey ver. in tcamuis of. Tiié girls of the barres. ubal inn and lb. na sa tappeil ta ils il. Tbey msade tlns get in the rig anti toouit i baci tu aWauitegan fve ise . as iodg.'d lu laul. Tisere h. tell ta lb. fluor emen, lugly in e At, Irons whlt.h ho refuoed ta b. arouseilanti viicit vas lit-rly la ths. aan'.o *ets wrs fouantitwo ertifictes.of depuit ou diffrept Chicago banite, ou fufor oty and thse otb.r filfy dollars. Tii. police lnciéto Lise helieflb.heamouats repreeeul returus friouher anrseuccnesfui ventures titan tb. oune of W.dnenday. At lime af goin te proe Justice Van- Dusen, ai Waukegai, sMbeanag the ecse, Tisee la no doub t Wwili b. bond o«.rtuiaa~~ WAIJCQNDA R¶OADSO Propoulibone Froua ?vo lectilé Coinponi.sSosRaight.of.wsy. BHOFULD LAND ON£. Wauconda reid.nls have, msore than peopl.ein ,any- athernection of lhe couuly interented themeelves lu influenc. lng lb. route of lb. C. & M. eieclnic rail. road la ils course.vest groin Rocktefeller. Meetings of citizen@ et vhiclisvers pres- et officers of lhe rond have heen b.ld andthle malter dlecuie pro and con. Pasubility ai gtting a portion of lb. right-of-vs.y for the eomapny if iL vould come ta Waucouda insteail of goiug to lb. laie region hmbaeu ensldered and il le bieIed fgroini ve, ta ten tisausaid dollars cari b. r»ÀWe. Itlei undemtood tb. compessy wantea afIres rigbl-of-vay and 830,000 in cash. W bile tLb. propo- ition bas been nuder tcneiderelion ant- other compay, aI lhebiead cof wvilciare Chicago niet hmsccame frvard vith e proWot. viticli ha. for sanie tins. been quitly formuialing, ta build an eiectrie lin. ta ruaugramn a conneclion vilin tie. Lakte Street Elevateil, lbrough Edisat Park and 'Palatine and tienne ta Lakte Zurich and Weuconda, andi eventualiy ta Volo andl into lb. Laite regian. At a joint meeting trusteee tof the Waucuda and P'alatine village boards discueeilti bislatter proposition andi amany thoughl Weili 01It, even euggest. li; te money k bail been coutemplaleil tu, a bonne for Lb. C. & M. eIec- trie people b. pleilgedt l ten.v ine.. Tier. le mucb interest in Weuconda andl surrountiing villages jut nov la' consequence of the deale, and the people feel tiaI on. or lthe other of the coin- panies vibi buiid inta tiiet terrltamy, vhicb froins lb.fat il le nol plerced by any roai, as is Lb. case vitii Wauconda. vuid furnieh e very lberai patronage. About Sucon.s. Succees ln lte lelargely a inâttem tof good iealh. If you neyer have eny aches or 'pains, or if you neyer geL thal timeil feeling you vii l ob. Iutereetedl in reading Ibis item. But if you feel "ouI of sorte." "blue" and, aIt tues "ail petoreti out," we vieb loa thet our druggsl F. . LoVxs.u bas secUrec tise agency for lte sale of a tiedicin. thel bas neyer 'ceu kuovu ta ail ta r.- stars Lb. energy, vins, andi vigor > vilc belong ta sueceseful men andl vomen. It in known as Re.Go Touic Laxative Syrup a plesat lquld niedicin. andi oUn atisa ertiaiy cures Blluene Indlpsima. Bicit Headachean à ai duspses *ned dirscliy or uidlretl by ~ltio Ty I W o e.A- rATIIER * NTY + DETIECTIVE. Alabastinle IDM Bous Staal mis Nouey And ark-Gýeo)rge Bayer la Detective Party to V u atttssnmfhie . et liake B Crime. oü Ir W Mr.Bayr wbo a apasé!nt ovr0 aielâbvot:hieummum hbave a J30MBR FISU.ER'8 TROUBLES. pvlvate so aI Mebhomu.l'y the, laite. Vlen mk d9 7at b i V alisaCod Md %»t o fy u d d "a64 t e Church Struck % ihtnin -Oaie even. On. day lest w ek Hoaner Fiober, a . c flM Th0. e e ,dS S w*Ih A d '» us" n s k tI. hit ltrch teretired fermer, living in Wauvonda lI ATN.Tenwcl de. a Gurn. .d thoé Chrity <iv. 0 .hiec t oneni eigbt one-bundred bundredeudolle trtlt olf (danage wes dollar-bille, hanging in Murphy>. taloon mne o hs~ucsoyh et done. TbechlmW a to ri] a weYand et ttplace and 1 rintkn ti .ALAHIASTINE.Th l otSls me lis sr" tihe sla ie adtve wreeked. The -meintkgth llglitnlng e tied lii. l.îîiling leu,- Coat froni the book discovered thal thret, the-dates thet mout perm *eat ue ing ronsl.oppail ide fr<mni whlcit of Lb. bille were missinir. suspicion was .. mmlbeaut inlALADASTlN--tfIm Ji 8111 naherVitl-Jan. i'llreanaroused and finaliy il wee decldd that .. ny wafl covering lia is a tse PO&d Stil Aoter kd--Jiný. 'iareantii.7 ver. s@leu. tDe I>.Benthusenaîof aged fariner of 45 Jeenu je t'l" 1iîî.t re- Cryxtal Lakte vas thon cailed and te cent vîctini of thé emal i p»> plague whâiteefanWororsial wek, it-t-.n caus- cae turneduover toim. . ALABASTINE.loeg nat need wasbing off hefcr ing anucb dread emong ctihe. ecidnto Circumelantial evidence pointod il . neh coat 'ýan be applled-you imply mlx ALAli of tbe n.igthborbood oif Aîie A Fischer'e wo sooun.via er. lsenging TINE witlî eold waer and apply with a brusii.J mont rgJdquarantine it lting main- bu h éo attetm n h talned la hope. olotap,ig the- furtio.r a ti.saon ttilieanlli,î'mîrIttr,u)r painter e-an appiy lt--or any *vu eîîreeel of lit diseaS.. fatiser ln bup", of provlng Mie sonu nnu- en eppuiy It Ierself. Tax hurh Popoty.TI.'lie! >i...-Cent inniâted un puahing tise matter tu lbe »or et Wacaudai, t in - aimre<î, taxed ild and gave dis. dectective what aid he tihe Cthbofie parsonaacî ut tiiat place could. and tb. pril5tpaid tii, pair it <ut lentibunen afte, vorking on thse Case îaîaking 'properObjctlu)rie luthe. Board frafebdyM .,.tFichr ndanlsin of Revies.. 1owthe dharîh calflor al asmtFibrado en eeek ta recover the anîîiait anid Zar a ekedconcu.rnlasg the malter returned twu F urniture and Unclertaklng a Ioms au toa-iicorwe.fie ursue. ln of the. bille to hija. Flsecher askdiirLbe yvIe-- al1roalitj'they will l;,. %,t'>takeup Ii th rue vu btwUS ,y tiie matterwui Me1 i.îrdo<f Sulit.- snswer.ti by a waaî<maille froniî the wily visa'. vsenneithbe t> * subdn.r of vriaile. Died in Prime of LlUI.i>tm l>.ie.lav lent "' the. otler onte anti vlio uk ut ht-r houme i i lilin.r .eurr..d'tii. dieti. f.Mme. Williaîaî i 1alwo ihad lte îuon.y," usked thte fath<-m of lthe twtî____ ______ _________________ rt-etny rptnrnéd froui New Mexico suspected boys, lbit thie detective'wesa vierm.ileb ad gat itî'tîttf br duusb. déeliiltg healit. lfmat.liali!who vas Ortntl 1,theîliragMe.'. o hi dvt enrquetionisleNîlIlîsen vwoud it g n tif age. Heir deatîs o o due t formnatiton as t) the wîereal te tii. th t-onunîption. *Tht.p'tt ffret o! thé inyadiite ol i Wetlntedey et FairOFliel -.triti.-l,.tedi atn.yndnt ao n servi(". teiag froïnithe. hou-. .vulge tihe source frot awL ncelelait a > ,o'l'B trecovemail the tva billne tie h u ed Use 1ive Decqy-Pprijssthei.'no"t or. Angered b h bugtte h !inluueî,tulm ie a l oruîîui-thuat ie logttle For John W. Mastiry's Fnre. IngdAi y wa th flethd ued ectttie aterleng employed by bitai1 '.y . . Wbf iited ouid ul give b the informtaioît taI seed Oit Pijint, QCo a n d In- iniaf Itv, d ily aneiitud out ini tt.he bedlfounit out andi by the thoughî i terior Varnisb, Floor Paint and' lak it ltladnsinkers litesuceeedt.d in gettlng snime mnsî ix-lint hoot. tiat a ciuud stili reetd on iesons, the. Floor Varnlsh, White Luat and ing. It sald that evtmv titi>,tteat e futher veut tu Waukegau n oMnday floct of wld-ductn wtuid approaci and plaeed tft. matter ln the bîands uf Linseed 011. Masuryts Painte the bîrds underreptritint wouid siet up attrgoOvs&Ewreadwl r Irnedpr ise U squawkiaag LiaI wolild îali them tra Bsotef Ed nards a tuii - r urnee ueLned0 siproin utW ofente.pastminf uectua.ry, lu w»and contain no water, ben"ie, ai. I hnrns0 ie prsaa u.Malte lijantell whalî ho. iatavstise cSe. Modern Woodafien teeei-TheTam araei t a ISi peritm ûeha:l.adt, erlne ia ly camp i Norh Chicagto entertaincd A lnei pea.î~tsiebn ai n owa ogrta n repreentatiie of thienrons Camps eut Ib. wons Band Fisbm er "Wb.hovilI !other paint made. about tb. coustiton eenxday and fSud out wavis a ;u. H eis btet er dolegates to lb. etate Cftffliatt ISecalur lb. mon muet boisitlelding a frisand or lu,______ on Màay thudïweweebosn. Thisse ho_____ vîli upbold tii. bonor afithb, lol some aliter way ia interited len the sup. e.nimpa t tplaceare W. 0. Wilnîat pressiouof the malter. As the honoraci- ofWnef:W .Edward%, High« iesoneiaat stalntbie wliunitstop ber@ __ bond Parit; J. A.-Irevtow. libertyville end Ilf Benliiusen duos ual coine ta tins,___M sid1 J. M liéf, rayelaite. Those *bho Vers at te imaeeting report a viii charge uni viti iteleg a pertu15 ~ royal timnsd 18Y liat the T&as k cthlb.crin";, or aacceseTar aer . u fanDé er lnsiHBTdwaIýeU<. camp excelle as a bosl. lts even hhougbthat pwesbiy lihe nore a: nd Farm sImpe. Changeln Zion Paiicyt.Atisoug il terflins charge of blackmeliayb oe lmaeutsyet lben iurnillannounced and it is "lsohoughlhthet penaeapr IE T IL neverthelese It le generaliy'undpr>tnod of lte mney may have besued tohusiIL L in Zion Cty thal the polieyofteCyt.h viii b. chang.d ln lb. near futurl.themalter np.1' The o ti)n i n lutliisdirection viii lie The aged mnan vioitaa lonsg ben ar la bond the city antd eltb.r huilid ecty s5pecteti aermer hall or buv a building for thal Isupas onti oaiybo ,nf Dr. Iowie. 1It is stated that abnout vuw entirsly andi gave vay to tsars- #85 000 viii b. uned fout.pnle viiae ofhu rub.t This viii b. a mont radical sto-p and hie atlorneysL A vif meau a change lu the methodii of management ns lweys In 1h. eit!W everytbIng ha. h.en lu Do vie', name. P IP R N Deato Tom n Twain-SevemlPR AR G 213 Wahingto 'SlroptM w 4 < Pamer of tih. Northt Chicago are I(R NAVAL Waukegan departnsen tappt'ared hefore lb. village board a few days ega and demande'd S A ON'pihone 2761M tb. remaval of thi.r chiotf, W. D. IM.STATION. ford'via tht-v charged with uging abusive languicge and Intomperance. Plana, Ready for Rarrocks snd NEWSPAPERS Mr... 1. i. MnrCemcltry, The malter wau left ta 'a vote of lie DIdigo aro AAIE deparmnent ad eiimtuted l luton of the. Dr.gtng S Raror MAAZINE oîxteen memisers toting for retontion. lWuin. PERIODICALS .! ibrtvuie li The six dimgatimfiied firemen thon et CIGARS 'end j in- aon esigneti. Tht. vacaniie t by ROII T B[L SD[O th otuin npr<e s TOBnBACO PrIa IDNG. lBockt. CorrePo impair lbe department. Mill Rais. Waters of Laken--The town anthoritie. et (.ayslalte bave deided ta build a dam arros lte outiet of theu lake and wIIIlunike an attempt ta bold th. .at.r and th ns raine.tbe lake ta a igher leet than heretofore, Granys- ]aie wam ai onê lime an excellent re-t mort for fiehuernien who enjoyed wt<llt mtacked ising groundln but of late yeere tthe wat<.r ha@ been low and meny fleh dit.d a inysterions diseaff. If th. local men> .ueed In raiming the. level of the lait. il will have an exuelI- -Aent remuit, it is hoped and niay re- store th pace to ils former preiltagp.. A Daredevitlde '. of ten ends In a sud auident. Ta heal I acidentai injuripée, use Buckluln'a ArnicaL Salve. *,A deep wmound Ian my foot froin an accident," writes Theodore Scbuelé, of *oluniabue, 0. "eueed me grsat pain. Pltynicians wer. lëIe@su, but Bnclent Arnica Salve .1tiit'ly bealed Il."V Mantitles and hlone ume mk.nai.w. IL atF Boaastn lt SPRING MILLINERY -MODES- (tn Spriog t r Ifhave a line of nces new styles and trim* f rnings. Si'e me be* fore you buy .. ... > My fnew line of 1 Spring Shoes and, Dry Goode luisIn. t ,Mrs. _F. Protine, I - li ait. ORDERS for CUT FI.OWERS Ail the. ueceaery routine vomi s_____________________ completed andi pepers drava up ad in lise fitat fev days varlouit trotts or land thltIcoin.M a h n prise. tiseite osf theNoîrth Chicago naval training s<ii.oiviiul raneferrud frtsaîeai the presiait tîvers lu) the governnsent and gangs set tu o vîmitgmadiuxg aie.] W4ork. luýylfîg otît bockts and pioto. Ilefome the season nitre tlsei a tiosand muen vilii h. eiloyed on the.vomit andthte job 1 arn now located in my viii be rusiseiltlîniiîsgi vflithiegreatemit possible speed. . new plant and* thoroughly Tise barrecks wvii niaIlmseoctaapieltiin - lime su thel they cen b. ueed Iis fail eqiisppeu tx> do al hund. buît tiie plans are ail ready andthelb. onto - 0earn f Engineo vili lecontinuitetoutil i flimeat. The f1rpaiin gaverannînt i. nov maiting extensive MachitieB and farm Impie. prepamaliiin.tfoîr piacing reruitm et the place and ini planning fosr faciilies for menta. Quick mervice and Iuranag outt met ready for vîsmit(en lbe big @ea gainaI batile ebpe. iglît prices. 7-tf-d Etaavating antI dr.dging viii lie startuil am soon as possible faim thelhosito vhieh vilii b. dug friraibarber and titis VM. LA YCOCK viii te.' 'ituated iniiPetîillone's creek and fer enougli iniend to give lte Ig.g veafflîs Llbortyvilll*, MI. comepietoprotection. A deptit 0f aIleasI lveiily-tive feet vii lie npee and pa-ticaiiy tise wîoie lbasin viii bave 10 OUR OONTRACT CAlLU F0OR b. artitieiul. Ilr.aiwatems aand a s4igiai station vilbu plumet ai t te entrance ta the propisseti isrbor.20 0 O H - Soundiatgs sbov liat the vater la very AWE dt4-p a atiort distance out in tise lait, f roin tiie nouti of the creit andîties the tirtdginsg will i al hicloie. 10 tis,. ,bor. or ini tihebel of 1he channel. -ýB y r B o . iitli the tleetic and tb. Nons vt-sterat B ye ro . are nsakiiîgexte.tsevt, prepto meforIVANHOS.I. . enturixsg thI e grountisathle freight The Store liaI Pays Mor, for F e. vki as veil a.mlthe passetger bominem@ wiul but eotgbt by tite. airoati compauleo. The etoans mati v itee an approaci tu tb. station on the. norti vile the, PVgtm Nf t.verh i59 tIse*rlc roati, l le understaod, vii huulitiSufferttin fr1 liby thelb.vimuleii n ine tieve the-rayvine and econteet vititpolisons ce undigestoetfod,. CG. Grsy. tii brbr a vilAi b.g ouds sono u a i, Um. ok Dr. King$ Nov Wbub noe 0 lb.ofDiaihevsarnvedLite Pitbll "hh tise reeiul" b. wtU. as Z&ebir coming le expetted eon and th5 1 I as caret." AU i txeeh aSti Ilt ëeponted; that Capt laies bo viii bovel dWqrdese vavar gu lser tese. ives charg, ai Lh.stau=o vii be bers >mattre prope liS2e M,* vssaatW veeu d1sw nM nom hUA 'oe a BAS. Aary Oum~ I. I ... ANDRý sales ma& t ie WAI FA, . ý Haudled 1 27. Schanck Blockc c

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