tom *11111 .aiest. 14, lUlIe lsiimi aff sI.4 a" ies im an f h 1vmel isEmms a. Ilusbdr% resuhts. The lD"T bas a largr circula- ' .am ttoiweikly paper 1 iýuke county. d.lit thil reh the people." 4W&Ue beveen lRaud Goai.(ld, hanter cmi No0fe NaMaiiattacbed lievaid Ifnricamver>'. Hoa- mi lvsaeCreamen>. 272 TOLOAN-IJa goad rS, et i pirnt eu.BzN:. H. ]lfh'llIL . 24-6 un19 ar faim. Cantalul aaow land. 40 acre on emIss a. E. 1 tvllI 25-3. "*'COEAp,-Broo4 or w'arl % buo hs ad a borne ëêbi IlLuireouo. Fats l.-o aseau lot, 7 rooms, ll te. J- M26.8I 170 LOAN-On goad mi oent- PAUL MAC- 26-If kLE-Esel tlmotby' in stack B bip.Hugaian 114. d ti ads C. CCOPEI ~*Agood snllineny uilais Ia~ tram 0drou~ aemrhlce.miiw W. ILlyvOli. III m.~ ot, e. a bnns. 1wai lbk amctrstr t7 eMcona0»* or incyt in Vrlli , Bis for-Bams or 11 N o lIdeAr mon Bkust'e lvq Cs.te 1W - nfù n ataeeuetfie Mi ai FblMPhO*anualni& lof hie bd Mr., uiama16. lorasg a -- ate c Natout . m. iasmmi1, Panra y . eha M" U %e es th M etilla6.4,cfPia ovep « George t oou te Ère1I0 f t e tu Palaicago$~. Mn. ad;Mrs. lus Padvkes a med"J Unir et.a maL aa i mlMs un lltheatgives Mraltb MssW. V eu X B Combe ulandatbrv, lte irmenti E thilo amitu'> abPern cousi Frrs b erges.- nelord piat Runla f nd Bdte 'visk la ioflChao A snd i 1 .aton d Ms. DV. ait Wuegutb 6AThB Fomtbe ai moter vlelhel Pah wthm Ln. Thmso To tia 1aitiraoon April 27 for supper. Vistns cm 9vilcoani.W 1. The mon>' frends o Alfred Binwell mu 0 tver>' sad la leanaofai bs serons lMse.,toi 2 Re weDI 10 <Chcago Sunda>' morcng tbh hi lnibrted b> a epclaillt sud vaisea- à campasaled b>'Dr. Shaler ai Graslaki e su ad Ur.Dillon of Vol. - Th baskt social sud ichool enlirinin- t« met give býXi« Ulmel Bookaond ber wç a pupil etthe rt Hll e uicb Storda>' lu e vinlg, vas aa mmunese l vr>' rspet. Bauitsmal a piouranorbg ilma li - frt> rnte10four dollars sud a hall. N k Waler Whtvas auctioueer. ha "lWeddîng belle amr nglug." DoI - E4%.. Martin wus a Cuba visitar Sun- op ~dey.-P "Mrs. James Welcb attende! churc aI t -FrimantSuda>'. ail Min.mMs Daté> spet Saturda>' vilh c- frinsdinthicity,. t - Cas.& Dewi>'oaiWaukigaia bas old Le severs> panoesu inl" vcity reenuti>'. ,k Ulm. «raceRe>'oldson vha has bien 4. apeudlug lie vinter lanlthe cilaho m.. W. 'Paddock'and C Kabbe limas- - cted business aI Barrngton "Salura ~'John youug1slaillog apeet for Mr. il Minnua;bnis faim inWest runat. 11h. Myrtie Murray atlinded Ibe fna- n iral ober cousin ai Kema, is.last 'w eek. Misses Mary sud Lais Courtney'st - Sonda>' vili Ibeir sdstma, MasJh MisNoMmeDais>' sud upne of liheFIla -Creètsihool m pa nu g ta giva I- social lii th e ar Itur.. L D I at hr:bmé n ebéterwbo rk Aril t1 Ms.maidila. ;-7 liaecàr, Tuea'%. ri clsibu la gel hall>mlviJuba l. ha is ih, bin vîli lad Mnayialgbl ho sâ ort ota. or WI@ mu Cheiorc srvoevlilhihed a l u e 4 a r i ibu, an.lbuiling util be - Lui> Tebr ate vhmcte m stn tic lasI Ws b> ly e siwbc i fber lothbi ,th aes wPa oodck saitd oa> anaHi enfe bicadotteu r irhc andothcaon - Stuews nday for ayabn viei.vpf U or nisISns l' tu xmnr 'et Noniau iai, atrtl orat Laie aid branietolahuede. kobCuE. .MrtvWint bl otheityoae 'a' M. AGeioge 1.atnda of>'. " Ric. heaTotou, cf Chicagca eponSua Saturdby for w@bostaitR.ý OOVMrYYS IN JWm To CIaTe q)oe*ofaulWho hsard theuit AÀ a Tfla o ithe*lixu nunnuv alia. bar of thi Most luduentwsimin or the pic bmte JurMM rwm daéd i afuy priessed hlm to opsà lnix wOses ýVMb« r19, lu& Tb'fiepapu', wla.ic ai autioch Wb id dliias hW us .u- es Ioàns us by Mr. 8ILSEL(reemleulof ta" a8s a omrait an urp*le l.w>ws Fmhkw4g m ,tn ieaby auj of oui Wu om wldesprsad h.obWilnottoueo bsuwlhnu wbo amy Sil atoui ouke.I, la n .business. Wlth othershW do- lon.0fi. dveios uniuque, liiithetwo Shermain bore 1.4ïïbO mbob*ïgt a'oo f a g.l.vs&l.ex- onewboWeri aareted lin 1847 fortis embuuua âomtbpoit (Keaab) sMd mu r of Bilan 'rlsa lada wmp oby wYAY of Uttle port (Waube. 'who wusfouuad liai ne. g>. 'O e.d aiagins *lth ahi 'tavern in a condition. thai aug""monutlas an u bsomt tbd to mordu!, and suaed In M&us :b t» publia t b th tri p. 'ýGoa their acquItal. ns aMd ca'ul divers"ai aaure. ltereigauecdotoe l d o! Çlar .ag tbe aIvertlsmmte in ouiof ho Wus af a sensitive natureu. Hi wu obu T. lari, ttoruy at Lawaind uo one afteruoon djarlug hie ..4y laiton la Chancr>'." who Ofu 10 ai.csir to defend a case belo t uaStc .41001 a IWbuslaeu lntruutilabhmijlLvad àrbe ait FoâHll and an waslth mn laboth Lake and noMaNi aon-cash». at that tian hi met ont onl font s, Mal lii bringe to mlud thi .arly frin tiach ta the borne aofihe justice. ste of bis -emuii. ,1 WitI lhe Illinois statultes and sevirai ome tlie backlan the early '40's other legai warks wrappid la a whiti medf difaed ba--igrai1e lii ielat i"ude'his arin -iwuas rding lghborhood of Autiich a brawuy man aloag ubroukb the woads and meadow. rho worked wh the barvetiem tati for the main part were as nature brough the sommer. ;He wau a quiet madi them, when it accured ta hlm that ma ale-Am ou ilw froid wbenee ho ho had lait hi@ way. Spyîng a bouse ln mi or what w e bs iass.. The the diatanee lie approaclied it and rapped elt et that lIme wa@ a retreat for menuan the doar. il classe.s ad as a ronuo a ns@ bi4 The goad wut (N. ElIWha Andrews) ory wae'lnquinsd lino vr>'fuilly and no eappeà'd and without giving hinm au de pui for a time remained an a spaied opportunit>' ta speak, at once said 'Il aok. am no Sad ta ses a pailler camîug; 1 About ti. timi thire wua trouble Wi.bave henout of tbreaii for twa weeks." wesu igbbars j'nst aven lthelineInluClark lien brake in witbout ixplanation Wisconsin tram wbens Clarke wu@ work- mklug the way to'Squire Marbies'a, but g. Thiri wii ueed for lawysrs oubath tladyoaithe bouse belng ln dire wsut iie sud hoi ladvinisatly dropped the o! liread, iguared hi» question and con- emark tiat hi wau an attorney' sud tlnuid, "Have you a &;pool> of thrÏadl, id4 atudled undr Judgi Flaudreau. numanit>." At thus the r islug young hi fact liaI hie wa a lawyir wais son lawyen saw that it Wau necebsar>' ta aid about, a n cb thiffge"are&lu anilghten out the taugle and ranfesseni ,pu- cpipld ountry, sud one of tie tlaat ho was no pedler but ouI> a young ptinis carte, aMIengaged hlm tc& take Ju "0eyon fbis WaY ta try a.puft ait uncm. IFortHii. Golngaboutltwiththisanstues sd ITheijolie leaked out, mauch ta Clarke'» iai that.alterwaid claaacteildhie m- Ichagrin, and caused hlm cansiderable tiode at thi bar, hi won the cmasesd ni-1I sunoyance. àft* Bock lth. Of Ivanas, spla ie.@ Mms Emr> Adams bai bien ver>' slçk vitia puemoula. Mis jan.. Shiman islted la Chirago MW Ruthia aove>' speut the veik la aMlo lstlug friunds, orasMci i iLbertyvîlle, spnt Rivera!imtram o f tavu attiudedlisi tiachinsmtIngber.satfunda>'. MM .larence Waoley, of Gun-e, sPeut Satrds>' wti Mme.Baldwin. .Ma». ThpMnusWalsob attended Il e funal ai ber cousin lu Chieffo Satur Mr. allIlMrs. Wî. RBay and daushter Nmanan, at Lbrtyville, spont Sunda" hm. MIss ecsueWitmore. O aian-eville, sta few days vith bergraiid.iiither, Mm. E. J..Wbltmore ibis veek. Mr. 'sud Mis. petesllawere, af Lake VIla, weni lu tawn tradink witb aur ruerchaute Tuesda>'. E. B. Sherman lbas, a flune i New Home sewlng machline«vich he ln oeil- lng ont at the 10w Pre of $30. fiSee bis ad ou the front Pffl 01 ai ispaper. Misurs. Beni. sud Vin-ent Martiaa, RW~IY and Malanan and Misses Vera and Agnes Geai>' aud. Estella anud (raüe Ilullon, ai WaueQnda, toak dinuer et Babil (laîdinier. Several , 01 the Woodmen froia luiberl>'- ville attended thi Woadmau Ladge hure Satoîd8y nîgit. Dr. J. M. P'almîer vas taken hala the lode hie On tîat eveuiiug. T. A. Rpyuals bai îaCPtured i h@firet iih oi th esonnby gettiug tua blak bae aut ai aur Lake, aie welgbing 4%~ pounde. Mr. Reynolds saYs the lbiing sesson ban comnineed ive dayse ailir Ibis yeo.r. Hoe caght bis Pluet ib lait ypar on April 15. Varaish ls, Glaèss Libertyville. Ili. OEO. TitIGGS' OLD STAND. IL-f WAUKEE AVE. SOUTH OP HOWEL Taik Is Cheap let us Instail a telephous nt ai expeuse ta yoa ailonoufaipropor Moan ta hinefit andl convenluac. Eveayoae in puttiag tlscm lc, fliniueis rtes. 6%, peM day sud up hb.sido-awe ratfs ;«! per day asuap cm Gyn 2-lb sua M1 2-Ibean M. 2-lb osa ED 2-lb ma Ph 1-lhecm.Ca plut Bottil Walter Dm1 Walter Bal Contiact Department LoveiI's Drug Store t Libertyville, Ill. ________________________________w - I -% ~TA IL'O J? Spring $amples now igi, cali and make your sclection. LlUEflTYVIL~.E, ILN I IUN 0FTHS814W PATH And Winnsr of the Dlamond y1eda1 for Trotters.......... :Trottlng Race Record 2:u*l 'Sou of! Gran 2:18, dam Zileatie (dam alsoa!o Chrili Grattai 2:21%)., b> ZilemadI Golddusî; 4400; second dam Dolons, b>' (je. Knax 140. HeWuitea ail camera, lucluding lie hasteet nianens in Chicaga Ibis viaten. Sapenb Individuel, hlgh action front and ait. Onue o! lie best galted trottin nth. vorid, and already the mire of a grand lot oi colts. THoll-'5PN STOCK FARM JONN R. 'flOMPSON, Proprieter i flsw*uunlIe Illools agete eiiersMI ta _eun Bober Jaileon sud vile veut baek ------' haa"holae, eice. w rite ta the cil> Saturda>'. Ca. Pakign, 1k mmi jaumePollock lu recoverlng MAddest .. .MURRAY, Superiîntendint. w~'t~r * <under lie cmneoaiDr. Jamison. - di b>' Mns.. JohnFulton, of WaakeguMes Jul>' 1 aie Wseck. natenal Addle Pollock, yUl ~n>' illa brM6"ob ________________________ I. _L.;hleM. Polock lavate .bthmmo su ln .1>0 odbfl eda hot aot vatefor g éboaquine et* bock,-ou eleclnle car or Mr. Uberai ieard ta nladir ' N truck a-Lit>'i The tissues of tue throît ame _______________ nfiaméd aad irrî.tated;, you R-l. 8 Snmoue. U cough, and th= à 'U fflrini ~veeus.App>'LnÂIti.on-more co aiwYou take rLa lu 191WUsDtpb a ough mxure a iî esses the ________ md*"prll 18, 6 boises, 4 imaton-for awhile. You take iOi.i*_r, luanmber vagon, '. , IsTlmetoGetThese Mach IdesRe,%%adY ,,fl., 8-1We. bave the and it tares thece4Zi That', Ilpa, beloe an' bmiwhat is necehuary, t soothes the 282 raatln bcuei eueth.Pra rie C iuy and joosier o28-2an cures the cold becauue___ ~a wone on More idi es out the inflam-mation; _______ because it nowlisbes them -back e.n4 to their natuý rastrenith. T1111tIE ARE THSE aBl Tit Èi ~ow Ihuhou SmtSaEû.aiuunk SKIRTS SM IRTWAISTS MILLIN!RY M rs. F. Protine, Libertyville. REAL EsTrATE TRANSPEfrRa. Funniehed Iir Lake Count>' Titie & Trust Co. Abstracts af Tilie. Ti"Ie- (uaranteed Masoule Temple Bldg. Waukfgau, 111. Louas J. GUstu>Er, Sec>'. Larnzo aBiahop part Sw 3% sw X~ emst of Green lBay rimai me 8s iilds vp qe ..$* 2700 y F Bb & vi ta Maurice Me- Canpart Dv % sec 14 Gran twp vd. ............ 44)00 W W Edvwarde & vi ta, L J1 *Rimndean Bir It 58 Auh iu sec 21 Avoni tvp wul......... 1000 0 Kaspar Kuin & vi to Fred. *enlck Bou It 21 Bravus sub iluose la 'Venonu wp qce.......... *............ 100 00 A S Chandler & vf ta Mirbeal Scb'oeser 85.64 arme in se a Warrn twp d ......... 1038>0 ÀS 8Chandler &A ulta J W McClure 24.71 *cm ne usec anten tvp vd......... 1853 25 A 8 Chandler & ufto A S Faulkner 50 acres in sec 3 Warren tvp wvI.......... 543000 00) a Chandler & w! ta D N Faialkimr 40 arme In ssm3 and 4 Warren tvp)..... ... 2400(00 BHPMin& wl tMIi-le F EhiertitIl17 Celai Park lum sc34 eat Antiacb lp vd.................. ....~ 0Q 13S Siervood & vf t10 enny Patter 11 9 blki 1Sbervoole add ta Lake VIlla d .... 12504) Edmnuid Wells & viol ai ta A or Begis>' part secs26 and 85 sait Autloch tvp ... . .. . . . .. . . 000 04 KO Edvards & vi to W W Edwaids etaIl w neYÏsec 21 Avon tvpqc........... 00 NulsL Bnabv &bus. et aI la LJ B'eada .SiIl F4varAs u-la-ec21 Avon t"'wd ...........-10000 Paul Bite & y! et al ta AdoIp a'% ste-% e %8 esc 24 lergi>yvilIe tvp qc.. 10006 Wm Minee & vi ta G H Harris 20 anmes lu se % se 1 A von t'wpvd ............ 2000 400 B B Gnlgg & w t i allaE L «inn> 100 acres In wxse 82.1ewport tvp vrd ... 0000 w . ............. 0000 00 LUMBERI1.. -.~ALLKIla.. lmi .... ..... Caa . om... .......... .a.....s............ suitrib . .... ... Ps.......E msAk&............. Stalag....... ........ L ... 1...... . ..... kmdr............ maIous . me, per Ie ---. i,per lb....... mmd Soda% lb pkg 8-mP) peromb.. !!dr. ph (iood Grade@ Lt Pair Prices. DOORS, WINDOWS. MOULO. lule aeec.0,s INGS, BRICK, LIME. ALPHA Pebdml Oa 0 9- i BN.IDp PORTLAND CEMENT, SEWER R*u SnSov pol. PIPE. DRAIN TILE, ETC. 12 boxs OoodEsmr..,- M.I. SCIIANCIE. E. ELLSWOR ~ WALL -PAPE& ýW e w. sowlng thelUrgesti na mail complete stock of wall paper we have ever ehown., About 6M0 roll@, 75 different styles comprislng lu- grains, Taýpe@terles, (1111., Silvers, GlIimmers and metal color effecte. ____-Prkýes from ~oto~MkPer Please eaui and lt na show yon ur n>maples and gel suggestionsâ on room decoration. F. D. BATTEDK.iIA L GRAVSLAKIE, IL. Don't commret for *you seed ot until you get our priées andses our aeed. . . SE-SOf AIL KlNDS tertilizer, Poultug!oods* 1 1 11 1 6 ý. 1 L*Wlg