Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 14 Apr 1905, p. 7

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- .UNCLE SAM-"'A 1gb Standard Is Requlred o> Any Catarrh Remedy That lins, BcEenndorsed, by igo Mfany Trust worthy and Prominent I>eople 8.DUU 4 00 SHOU CAhOBE QEUA C,.IL . '- « le t àAo ehi.tI.M W.0 e, os-i,d go Lh là~a. ý« at-Ise WASo 4-0AbD.U e.s ast ilb OTI. , peyl halhotoOt. er.J.-IUir.hL.,.J 1W.L.DOUCLA«, UROOKTON.. MA$ FOR WOMEN, Kuch that Every Woen .Deirtt * Foud la CtcuraeCatlcura Worka Wo~s, Tue rauch stress caunot b. piaced on the great value or cutlcura 8onp. Olntment.and 111A lu tii. autIseptir cleauslng of the mucous surfaces and Of the blOod and lruiatilug buida., tbus, affordlng pure aweet and «e-- ~oneJlocal and constitutional treat- =t forr weake.nlng discharges, ulcer- a*DISu. lfilamuntltons, Itchinga. Irri- tlationa, relaxations. dlsplscernts, l'oins and rre-gulartJes pecullar to le- mnales. as well ane uc syînpatbetic affections as angemis. ebiorosis, hys- tarilt, ervousain an d debillty. Fb. Nm ia. Melelir llCtonaldered. Mober-Whats that amackng noise lu the par1r? atudious toy (Who goe to chol)- Tt* giser sud lier youtngman exclianging Rave used Pso. Cure torrCongump- tien ueariy cen yenrs. and fint uotbing te compare with it. Mnr. Morton, Berke- ley, Cal., sept. 2. 1901. LIidOI le ait& Daugher-The palier sayw that edihie imails; are advertiaud i Eugilsiî restau- rant.. OHl seakëe! Who'd ever a' thoughit thal edilîle Siîails acre fit it est. Xm .Wluelow. Soeini. e aulfose, 1 Oarimeu lu an elgbt-otsred barge se- qulred a apeed of 10-i luches lu a sec- and. AÂ1London inotor periodical fandsa mral iu the Se".gius ssiato.It mys that if the'grind dukie hlia cen ln a blgh-speed aute, te chances are the bomnl would have inlssed hlm. CASTORI1A 1PFr InUafa Mdi ChiIdrM. Tb kiu ..Halo Aluays Dhugt BEMarthe. jApIPt AND SNEW TER. 1 The duties of the presect Interstate Commaerce Commission are ta correct, ail dscrmnationa lu raliroad rates. If t fids that an unjnst rate le lu effect. thc cilroad la notlfled. If Il declnes ta change it, the Commission eau lring suit lu court, and If the court decides lu tavor of the Conmmîssionera' findlng. therailroad muet abey. or lt oflicera rnay lie lrougît up for contempt ot court sud smummarily desit a-lUi. Possible Expianatiton. Mma. orner-1 wouder wly poets repS otausunneeeeearLil? Borer-I wsan't a-are tint tuey Mrn. Ramer-Weil. tbere'a tuai poern lu a-hlch tue lne. "Ciserge, Chester, charge," octr.- Wliy la tue Wourd "charge" rçected? Romer--Qb, I gu.'ss tliat feliai. Chtester muai have been a plumber'ani t4ie poet asa turoa-iug bonqueta at lilm. Asir: TouraDaier a-fer Allen'. Fot Kasa À poatier. It cti tic (eeg. Curea Chu- bia lus. Corne, nunioos. Sanclien. Boe, ,Cal- ]Oe@.. Arilas, Swenagligg eet and Ingncwing Naiic. Allen'. Troctse màkes tna-oe tigît sboe eacy. At ail Druggtsî, and Sbse Store&, Z calts. Accept nia Ple nîaiied FRIEE. Atidresa Alen 8. Oim- mîct. Le Roy,'.N. Y. Led Ailthet O uest*. luI the days of King George 111. of Eugland the Persian amassadar ta bis court dernded. but a-as denled, prece- deue avec ail otuer forelgu represents- tUves. B e refused ta go ta court, cens- lng It te lie reporteil abroad tint he aasill. He met the Prince repent ai the bousesof the Lady Salisbury o! tue tîme. "I anm very sorry ta attend youil royal hiphnumbly not going to court," be sald. *"Noot, air, my sovereigu, lie tell nie I go dirs; your peuple siîy 1 mnust ga lest. Noa-, thie very bad toc me wbeu 1 ga backý ta Perala." Sua ay- 'tnp. lic made a sIgnificaut pass twatrd bis bead, expreslng decapitatlon. The -prince trled to nppentie lilm. "Biut, mst-, You stili angry a-ll4. me. You bave ta lnvlted me to your party tomorraa- niglt." The prince expiained thnt It wana any a ciidreî's psrty. but tlie - rrbasador might corne If lie chose. Hie dd choose, for liea-eut aud, being1 the ouiy ambamador tliere, led ail the' gueste, thus ecoclttg leavily for Peris. a-hicb umade bluu orntortabie abiout the nect agalu. THOUGHT 8Hg, WOULD DIE. Mes 9. W. Marque, ot Clorado Spring, Bogen a ser sthe. Woet-Dom'e Ktdssy Plu&sSarci Br. Mr&. Srah Marine, cf 428 St. Urain1 street, Colorado Spings. Colo., Presl-1 dent ofthUe (*Ieu Syrie Club, arites: .."I uuffared for tire. yem wi.thls vece bactacie, Tii. S dectors told me rMy Sidays wcerc afatel &"d pre.rhbed1 X elehm focr but 1 founn tt t a-a. ony w a-sicetftime ud Moncy te tom. them, sud isu 1, te sta 1 ilt aould inscet hee*Ing et wsaatcx4 theO Itaut mlsmlessay beïues 0f It ohO*Ui~ la prepartag for s vgorous campaga for recmssi4 a Chicago paper asasert. la encis cf the. Western States it main- tains iieadquaa'leÎi. Orders bave ieacleml ýber, te pu".héli aork cf pros- eiyting mas neyer befere. Lait year more than &OW Omi-, onarla. a-ere.em-' ployed la u is aork. sud thua yesî te total natmber samîgned i a-hInet lie legs tuu »00 #t of the. vecrîits are Younag mciia-le report to eIders, ýtna' groa-n .gray lutise, service of thse churci. Thieso mlsulenarles brlng ta the a-oct seul andi garnestness that *men many couverts lu the course of tise year. At Sait Lake City sud ta-o otiier points nachools are rnaitsined lua-hIcS the a-ork of persona] evaugellmstlon la taugiit. The br.jgbtest sud tlent talkois among the Yeunger Mormona are se- lected for this a-oct. Tbey are special- ly drllled lu the. tenets of tue faltii sud are made tiiorougIfly famiilar a-ltb tue Bille ând the application of Ita pas- mages te Mortnoutam. Betore uiiey are sent forth they reelve a thorougi test sud examînation. The Middle West Is accouuitedl a gooir mls.lonsry field. Every campalgu ls carefully pisuned frontiesdquarters. Mleu have prevlously been sent lus varions parts of à Siate te spy out profitable terrltory. If the Inrestiga- tio4s dîmelome s Roman Catbolic comn- munlty or one peopied ly Europeans w-th equaiiy leusclous Ideas about r.- ligion, Ilttie Urne la spent. The mont favored sections are those wiiere Nor- a-eglnns. Engilali. Germana, Sa-edes and emigrants tronm Rasterli - States predominate. It a-as early dlscovered tlsat tue ernigration te tbose sections wns largely tromn that clis of people a-lich fouud lit a ns t uamai lu tii. oider settIed sections te purclase land at prevmllng prlces;-tlic lorneseokers a-th samat menus, in other a-anis. When a section la Ta-rabiy reportedl upon, mlsalouanies aire sent tiiere. There la a perfect division of territory, se that no effort le wagated. The ris- sionarles generaliy travel liy ta-os. Bach le garbed ln black and carnies a lËlble ln bandtior (coat poctet. Tbey go up te a bouse, kuock. sud a-len tbey gain the atgtentton ufthtle occupants pracee'd to punl tb-r a-ork a-tb ail of tue pertiua-ity outhetcveteran bock agent. If tliey rec-îlve the aliglitest en- couragemellt tliey crne again aud agalu. Tuey are untier Instructions to pick. out tlirftîy. prosperous and Indus- tious ctizen'.ofuthgît udle C-s, anf a-lere possible these recelve snu-tp.te> tia i iidu-emeiits ta jou the coonies hi thie Nrtliwest. These mlssiouarleg -are caretul r state that Mormoti'.m lias esccletiÔ the doctrine ut puiygamy, and tliey net oîîiy do nt teacli It, but teacli agalust t. The yauuger Mormone, as a mat- ter ot tact, are oppased to polygnumy. It lias long been recognizeil as an unu atirai condition lu a clvillxed caun- ç,sud educatioti lIornaklng t mare .spugnant teta it younger ot lotis sexes. Mauy ofthtern retuae ta con-, teusue t !naua- ay. The church orfanization Io 5o cent.. pact tbat t is possible for It ta ael qulckiy, sud tue nmail and telagrapis *u'e- freeiy used ta transmnit edicts. '.fltin ta-o.daysafater President Smithi lias tormuisted one, t il lb.theand» of every Mormlon churcis officer aithlu a raius of 100 toiles. Discipline là rigarously rnintained, aud disobedi- enelias met a-tli ucli prompt pue, isîmeut that lt le rare noasays. It la aaaerted that thie Mortion ciurcb Is groa-lng mare rupidly thon any other un tlie aorld, anîd ail eredit Mm laid ta tlie tlioroîîgl orgaànization for evangehization. Itecruts are eom- log tram ail parts ofthtle globe, snd tbc generai pollcy of the churcli ta mass ita stcengtl inluUtahi sud adjaining States. lis ailil beiug tuoa-ed. anit or the vote lu Sait Lake City il cast hy Mormns. sud lu the rernain- der ofthtle State tht' clircb polas 80 per cent of the, total, In Idahio ueariya - uiird of the votera are Mormons, and tus fota iaagven the' leaders there immense plîtical poa-er, mince liy tlira-Iug It une way or the ther pa. hlitcal control is ixed. There la ne tanstical paitîcal feeling amoug Mor- mens sud titey readiiy obey the' arder of the e-urch. ahicli lias uîany erni- nient polltiv-inus on Its officiai roli. Woriti's Largeut Fioatinàg Dock. Tho largest fliotittut teei dry dock ln the' aonid, ahiclih ieint costricted st the dock depatîueîtt tf the Marylantd Steel Company', t Baltimore, ilàni. ienrly conpietc. Tt j' extiected that it i li e fliîîrted la May. Tht' dock ia for the Uied States governiniitt antI bas been plauued ta taise tht' iargest vessel in tht- Uniteil States navy. Tihe coîtraet requires Vintt utshahulit a l6,000-tiin lattlesitip. hut titis eapnity ailiib. ex- ceedleil.and its tmatximum lifting power ialii lie 20.00 tons. The floating dock cint.,îna 11,000 tons ut steel nand bas 2.000.000 rivets. It a-lu nequice 130 tous ef red iead nadti iîteed oil ta ptrnt IL lits conthis $1.250,000. ItltàIs500 eet long over al, 100 teet aide between tend- ers, 134 feet wide over ail snd 4-9fett higi on the idaea-alla rien afthe pou- tbons. iera-ors, t ChîldMi arriairei. A case wihc came befcre Judge Ho»s lzîta grave crisl là$ ht tor ut sanlab etIquette, 1*74 the rncu OhronIcle. Kluig Alfouso 111., wba Me daaribed bya Frenchi journal as 5very Imepulsive and aithtei. me Urne sporty,"- wimiies te milka a royal progroe stbrougli bis klngdom lu au atitomoliule. lHvrror of the prime tain- luter! Bnch a velicle, bc ays, la b lseâtb the dlgnity of a monteh ti-, wiiom the constitution bas lntrusted theise emptuous car of the. state." The etimptuous car muet not lie driven liy petroleum. IIormes are tili haruessed to tAie chariot of the sun. But Spanlab etIquette doesnot pre- -?Ult the monarcli trom travelIng by rallway. L.ady Currie tells a story of 4 y»unàgmnu ho jumped luto a crn-. patetone day u an Engîlali train sarted a conversation wlth an olel IodA'- wbe greetly aduxlred bis pleus- aut manners. Wben lie aas lliting elle asked bis nime and lie îa-ered, _______________ blltiiely, *'.lfonso." 'He a-as'Alfonso 0» Niedil I"m go-XII.. then a cadet nt Sandhurëst.The. O.. temhed Tus ~'~'anecdote wIll probalily be. read at The Jewlub «toeisli l, svral Urnes Madrid a-ltb pain anîd lncredullty. pnused iiy the Oc>uruions, -as tluowu out by the Renine et Lords. mamersute Conditions About 500 Indiana hbeld a cotînolo!01 f body and mind, always resuit tram war a thtei moutii cf tht' W bgi»h. a torpld lver, rvib lead.s te bile poi- Ernanuel IÀse foundtmI thet irât trad- sous blilg alisorbed into the liloo . ing post lu Nebraska, at i Bel-vue. jand poisouing ail the nerves sud ls New Hampshire P888I a lnlir divifi- sues. Thils dreadful rite, nmre ot the lug lb, toans Into sclio.l districts. symptoma of wblcli are hendache. bit- The United Statese govertinient wan ter tante, nausea, lack of appetite, yel- negotlating for 2,(«0()()Xl nres of lu- loi. complexion, constipation, etc.. cati dian land a-est of thie Vîîîh oppo- lie quickly cured liy taklug Dr. Cald- site Vincennes. well's (laxative) Syrup Pepaîn. It re- The Spanisi cnsul et Pllindeiphla Hieves the strain ou your liver. relaxes Intormed the . relants of thse Unitesd the tightened boa-pis, purifie& the States that the port of lit. Augu9tine, blood, streiigtliens the stomacli. sud Fia., a-as opeued for imîporation of maltes it as chen as a whistle. The provisions. resuit ls iperfect beath. sud freedorn itussian troops were oqg4embiiug et from pain Aud discomfort. Try It. Corfu and adjacent Islanîds. Sold by ail dniggisat etc0esud 81.00. - Moneyr bnck If it fails. >5<1v4lm * ' Ap. A Summer AuggeL Upriainge lu Belglum wpre daiiy oc- .lie-D]Lo my eyes deceive me! No, It currence@, the couintry bitg onithte la true. One year âgo, ou this very rock, verge of a revoluticu. . y.ou promloed te becoine my wife. The Leglature of Georgia_ annuUled She (s sutîlmer beie-Dld 17 Weili ail Ia-a made by Oheroke,- Indians. never mind; you shalltiave the privilege The Sate rond from Lake Mlictîgan ef Imagiit that 1 kePt the promise. te Nladigon, ou the Ohilo. w.s begun. *"May îr1 Tii peisi prsonut-~ewOrlaus "Yes. iudeed. Bit rigbt down berf.. a-aseretaiiet coa utThe. nurse a-ll be slong very soon. sud Eat ereetoe enta-as 200,tt0by yn,u.mai' hold -the baby tilI rny fuabaud clonc. Work a-as liegun liv the' aurveyorm D*UatgmCannet ne Cui'ed for the layhng et of the' cty of Chii- d= pâ tbe7cannot reactthe 7 oto ftlieres. Thte le aely one cage. ws ecure desineos. and ibat l4byemUnttu- Frace ddrnnd Is utiatu tuUmdlremedies. laet ehcause, by u la. Frane adremedUs ltIatu tefiaiedcondtin tushe muoous noael het i thse Dey of Algiers. dcxinandlng a pub- ttsebl" Trbe. Wblea tis tube la lnamisel Ilav arnltnh aouad eLt lprtect heur- lic reparation sud $16.fNotWOO luidemni- sgwe tlaetrlee ed.etsal ty for the expeusea of tea-ar. t esait.and uniones.ii aamm ea eaul laen out ai glus tubs reelered SteUA nonuma - condtion. besiu? ahi le destreyed lerever; aine caaea eut er ten are caused bbt Caarl, FutA'TOSLU.whihle nellng utasae htnlnSmedconedition lu Butler Unversity at irvington, lInd.. oiti v n des.. oilafo Mly wona epeued. case o e Deuaa(cacei b ctar) tal cia- Charlotte Broute, tue Engilali nvel- met lu cured by salaCa *iiCars, Boed fo lot, dlel. F. J. CHENET à00..Toêie, 0. Englmnd figned -a treoty of poace -Bold by Drlilsial. c a-lii Moharnmed of Ctshui, Indie. Raidl'a mui Pille are the lient Sir George Gore left St. Louis alUi 15r Ulief. forty umen tg explore the bead waters Nxo-My wlfe la tuoe suels of a cf the Poa-der River lu Montana., ortiiodox tu muit me. The lirone equestrian statue cf Gen- Iorer-Maltes yen pet up snd go te oral Jackson wase nteiled lu thse lace churcli Suuday mrnrings, eh? d'Armes. Nea- Orleans. Nxn-No; but judghng from, ber Four sous cf John Brown, abolition- regular raids ounrny po;cketbok i@ho lut, oettlsd ou the Pettas'aerle River, evidently lelieves ithtii ieory Uiat elght mie. trans Osa"iome. Ârk. uman la made of,"dugt." W,, eélection dey lu Kansasansd the poliea-ere lnvaded by 'emîgranWts -Thi e WMSiianpoo for thei. a, f rontm ouri, ho carried the Staba. Mauy shampoos are reeomnsended for tehair, a. egg, bicarbonate of noal;. ammonla, etc. W hile these may be good, Fore~r VO U&gi.tbeir lndiscrlmlnate une la injurions. The. only thing that con lie prescrhbed for- &Il Shieridan overtook Lee' a rmy ut le gondl, pure moep sud-pienty etfa-ater. Oelor'a Creek sud defested It after g Use Ivory aoap anti dissolve lit lu the. * d«y'm figbting. -water hateati of rubbing on lie balr. A nea- tringent tarif la w aeut into ELEÂNOR RILIPARKER. operatlon. lu Afier Tes,. Richmrondl aud Petersburg -were -Womeu are certalnly ciiengSull evacuated by the. ofederetes aud oc- creatures," said Utheaeary-loohhng cupled by Union forces. man. Peace rumra based ou Preident "NWýbate the explanattoriF' aaltd LuSnl's vIit te the. army at City the frlend 0f the fsrnlly. -Point were telegrnPbed over thc "Durtug aur lioneymoon." answered North.1 C the a-cary psrty, "iy fedcad Tih is lconsin Legllature Elrnoral- mbe could, not lve a day wtheut me." bled the Posteffice Departmeut te e& Well?" queried te farntly frieand. tablszireli-y distriutng stations in -Only lat a-et.," t-autunued the tsat State. other. '-ele tied te get me te Inure *Muuicipal élections beldl inmauy mIuY îe for $10,100 luber laver." cîties throflgbout the Northi shoa-ed great streugtis of the Union party. j Dispatchea trom Presideut Lincoln ait Cty Point aunouneed tisat the O S I S À 1E U XUiou arrny, aiter tisree d"y,'figit AIIN EE' ITX ID se.ded lu breaking thse Coufederate conter at Petersliurg aud fianking L.e NMEIYTRÂT CUMI. on the. lett. eT. easewaiWn-Juu Doole all cdTaled te Chelck DînA».. TIty Toua Age. Trtanet That Swe.oei. Thbe Illinois Legilature passed the AU aufferera tromta-eaknea or disor.A municipal incorporation ametr fiea the ,digestive organs wiflrendi Chbarles R. Ingersoll, Deramet, aas1 iively internât the story 0f tii ors. elected Goveruor of Connectiut plate reeavery of MUs. Nottle Darvoux The, monumlent te the. ]ate Rmperor front .m ica odyspepala ailcii a-a Maxinilan u TrestIAusriswasun.thought te hoi ncurable. MaellIa tTnet Âereaa u- *T~~>e oaling for aine years la net a Thirougii elgah praosbn-. very pleasant expérence" sald Mm der to ains cate erah ertaDarvoux, wlien askQd for one accouai llntou Ios, illug evei ad B ut hf er illucia,..IIFor two years1Iwaxs lingmoay persous al ndin.!rtically I*11sud oold mnt attend te rny Jurig mny prsosisouseliuld dutiem, and et oue lime I waa Archblshop Manning wscreeted anoa weak and misarable that 1 oauid noe cardinal, the ceremnoy takg place aven waak. My trouble ivas cliranlo dys.I betore mrny Englsh sud A&merkmcan sia.1 homeneextremely tlsua andi pllgrlmsetiRame. 1had a sallow-coplexlan. I b" lno ep- Tiie Pope lssued an eneyclIcal r__ petite sud oould nttaire any food a-lu. newlng thie excommunrcetlon ofthtie out sufferng greet ditrea." eld Catbolcs ot Swltzerlend. IlDid yenu have e physîclais?' EBenry Ward Beedlier began lUs tes.- 'Yen, I took medicine tramt a dazena timeny in bis oa-n défeuse lun the differeut doctars, but aitluaut gtting Brooklyn court a-hicb a-as baaring lie a.y bouefit wbataver."1 Tllton-Beeoiser case. lIai diti you pet on the. tr&ak of a cure?" Tuu.ty Toue Agi> Aboot about Dr. Wllla'PhnkPil a-a thoa- l ouMdAg&ay n. ay AND CONSIDER ME1 ALL-IMPORTANT FACT Tha1t lu addrca urMm ..Pinki s-aa re, o nddhtg your private l1s11a- a- at, -a avornazhs e -laecprlae -viiae maa's diseasacre 'tre 7:gy eas You ca atreeîyts onma a-bntI la revoing te relate your prtivatc Uanzble. to a man-besidea a mon daca Dot, nuder. stand-emply beesuse ho la a muan. many a-amen sitfaer ilusience sud drU ift ient fram bad le a-aise. tno-iug ful weli tisS tlucy onglil te have immediste amalatuoe. buta naturel- modety impeli the tc shilk lfrn exposîug tiiezà- - ulrestte questions and probsbiy exarninations of aveu thjolc tamilA' pbyslcian. It in uâneceeeaiy. Wtbaut mocy or prie. yon eau conuat a voiaà a-hase knosledgo tram actuel experleacé e raL Mm is.nkham'm Standing Invitatiosa Womeu sufferlng tram suy to rrn of terale we*- ce an iurited te prarnptiy communicate a-lIi hMms l'lntharn at Lynu, Mss. Al letter amreeler upened, reail and answered by weoren only. à woa-amen ufteely tait of ber privataiRinesa 10 a ea-mn; thus bas been establabcd thi era - cnfidence between Mrs. Plnlrhasrn d the a-orn oi Arnerten Imieihlias neyer been ba-olen. Out of the rasl volume of experleasce--a-liicli me' bia la draw re , tralulamare than pasible that as ha»gaiued tha very tnowtcdg lia I ii elp your cseo. 8h.asta noUs- lagîn ceturuexcept your go-wi1.aud ler adrlce ismsl eved thanssuda. Sur1iauy etoran, -ricli r p.orl vr y ooii I h . -0 annof ta:e vorntae thi~ern offer loasitance. -LdsE. uh FonoIe-ng vo publiis ivo lat- i~ tera frýnous a oaun v aeeep- ,MmQ avem . touS ibis Initation.'Note thie r. 1 tisa un ayà soumIt. p meats. I foead ySi pirei latter. *M wLIceavol "Deur MmaPlnkhssr>- to L dia £~lttU «IForeigbi yn 1 b ave sufforis .usa ta1 ke5s =l terile evory montl wltii my perlios. ThUiiitsMu a".-di ame scrutisuad I1anauhsrdy stand l 84e e X dor MYa ITitars evii afUha" = el aosab trublsA"a1muet go ubrushagisop- ointgp. Owesla eif I anmt te10 el 4li seaant te vuisais tel f rom . oIly iepip 1. tos n sIime a-ba" fodo. i Su ou a n uresming te huait rellee Xarm&&IinmlcAUhii sti E a-le.. eamy 'le- couiuwi @, ..,wo aaactawon *Yb Étlod ltteri. I do net bàeeI « Desar Mrs.- Pliam- -- --.', .ot A ter Maatng carofnlly your adules5 Oe Lyie-. P .àt dia B.i yda lai otioeus~, bainsLynx. Mmes,à 1wrb"s ave ommil la free Mai mi Whcn byuloou «C" eor sayming tobae u isbin. how de Yeu kw w* Son. quecoe sie. about .êR.. o ionli b. .ci f thse popie.a-ho bondil (p Opeàk eut Coulti»,Y arnof Mcim a 1ekbavepmuoM teo a Me leaeroet Au, U tom vi bm pai-. a FREE M8AlT LARDS ail OF WESTERN SANANA b':

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