Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 21 Apr 1905, p. 5

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a~Mô.~ste btii>'as uia d Mil i gb t bu e i ch ggest1 t u=7 bave àaUlte mous>' -£ tobstea- trust bha. been orgunt OW 00 Plorodera girls are mnf Ws7 toekhoiers. tlhuiedbumanlty Is cuming tru 1$te th.e fniction tuat Geai. si MU - . &ladrstthe acase. - Wâi twv- «Sos ckle adue 11e*9 as if. hey ought Lininti *W thte Urn e co<ul-but I M't lbe verme ppendix basIlu h10111%tO o b.usftul, But Uie dîscea ue" O..looits for tais sîpenlîi1 ÎRf aLyonng man les a girl haro OMMvsy ianhurng tiec cuntoblp bei ci lid -4t didieuit to break her or bibt after marilge. Acccrdngte a àgirl ssylat lu PlaUlde]paila Seboo, "BOYs ysari evulytilng but uap." Saismunt h bai sons brotiers, else nue coulij bave beeu su fumîlian vili ber ai "Dr. Osier," remnrke Lie Cliari to chNeys uni Courer,'"bamaaged r hiiy hn tic lait tev isys." lDn. Ou mal not ho as Young and handaca aS be vas, but. ie kuows more th A Berlin pyiyalau aiays ua igrli der 10 shouui Imucîlce ialîy ou - 'Piano, Soi Liat no girl na-cm 16 aboi d6voe.mcore ilian tare ours s day saab pracUce. Paiers everywli »lase copy. - .lu the ta-eet» caf lit. Pelersi every tilaid persan vears crepe," âà& the Assocated Press corresponde, Àn albecane -0f thiîr ruler'. desi for more orts froacu land ounlaie och $Ide of thie world. To write th i lia ra fiona asi thut eraores elght eusîly be ma té COPY lu pencil on sort puper, a! piake more changes, and finally aft muny dissesd slicmatlons ta arrive a sntand flawlets aninusclp-tl vus tic palnstaking metbeal of tlîe la Ge. Lew Wallace. But 'Ben HIu vavartai the trouble. A wrîha'mtu mrie uf the nagaia ay."CjhilIirn already botM gn walk dry $hboi froni the maiulaud1 thes New Tomrkieerva tien t. Goal la sudasestaie Presentblid cf taie sgara river." There seems 10 ha i reason tu ionbit chat ibis country vl llb.thenot am distant future have il raieo! wiat vasac "e Legrauts ~sctSMcl lu tîme vori. Pa-gaay avuli u-eiai 10present th 'c sullei chance fur vumana igbi - rogreàs be roud on tie eartli.. I - - blAt country Uic-c are neveu vomen t olle Man. Coaaequently lthc men na Petteil und tak en taie greaitest are a1 sverrtilg it lat unumlassnt or isS, la ions- by taie vomen. Taie Street are leauci, slips loendtahUicoxi drvlf I y tterandni Uiy even go t, var us subgtitutea fer Uie men. It i 011117aU application ut theiaeIw o! auj -Ply und dejnanai analsomns Jazy me, vili probabiy tlaiik il an beneftent one The stomada lrcler lias. cessea t bu s serons paoblena tai lhc Surgect S He con Invade and explore ilb wlU lui punity.lHc tanuca-en, If circuestance demanal, relievc ticecaaaner o! it et atlrcly, ani ao arrange thc luose endi tînt tic fonetions of nutritionaasre sue cssfnlly niintined. To aie sure, 1h( patient can aisaer tiercutter derla- mucb pîcasUrs froin his meals; aie musi restrict hîisci! ito a rigli ilet, but f0i ail Utectier affaira o!rltlir e nsy tb asucumpeent as befure. Tlicrc are in, dur sevenal stOeachlussmnuvlo are lu uOccupationis varylng froni ierk ila expreaufisu. Experlaneat it avîu tomuoblsu, mu. Y te bouta ant i yng mnaclinfes vill floarlalInlusunie ian iebut glace an> I , vIntera làlable tlu*"tic up" an>' vealei, PerhsPS eai- aouli etaplay a part or Lie open ssen bu lnilanninug rouis over vhlela IL la Possible nIa-ny. ta trairel, We pride ourtelý'es, anti with reaisei, on dua- systeuls of tinaipatti6n. Tel an crdlnary blizzard stops traai@, vrucku alilpa, lenves travecrs Strand- si anywbere short of!te leîIaces ru - wie *he vb w ic i to go. Street caria becomle as po-cris nalie rest. On!y lncluses whlti, lîke N'.v ycrk aaa Bostn, are prorideai wlit saibway., * con Iccal Rues t communication lie Ç' kePt open. Tlie underground routes un lihs onu oues tint Ileven rail un. SUbvp.yo undea, the oeat nay appear More dentirille than feasible, but a tunnel across tac Engili Cliannel »«eUm 'a sealler uuda'rtaaklng than il veailihave heen tweaity years aga. sMd a bundred years be. projeets feri iig trains beneati the oceans mnay jPotha lauglici 10 scoru. Atiougla li la nov Impossible la do uwmy viti tb iicottasd danger attendlng i8voyages fla inter, anoney und 'g iw" tâ,",Viâ~ m t'. baism __a"d ias dlastrose oeatapon th vbo are f0rc.4ýll vg ithantaieà à Irf to*d* abusly fvl1ISlý nstend or li-a to a lodue lu -aspic vent ilderai la tact, tiýrie biemn 0 mucha bYa 9y cou ».mii ad apober about , ut *éaé acy Ut li. 19 to foi Mli llvu ai h bik6 Ianga thatà number ef me and vomeai are be< Izei. nlng to fesi surry for tliemiselves. Fg gthe lng nomry'for yourseif, It la w* wville aayung'can Invest more Étrne sympatlay vitialets proôt tainà tpid- otiier occupation a man co take1 gber- If a Mau drinkse cocktails before en meant hlgbballu betWFe.n mais, tua -tft uront strong cigars, est* too mi in t lasout lnte Open airnenotat à tiey ends bit day vlth a bottle ofvins A mldight SaiPpell, bmethlng dlsugn able la coming ta blai f ho yl o been keep It up long enoUgb. But ho I rery nt la i tseroulait of bis ovu Sb re-tonysand aase of alcobol and tabuc 'and otlier habitse ftih. sort ta clvilà her tien or te the awful #train of lif@ wîîî tVentietla csntaUy. Thie proof of th leu la adecrelasng ilath rate ai Americu ad Europe. À reuly doe omats race bochns te dis out-It de a not go on living longer und longer. out msY bo tan.s that tuer. are more S lave and grognen ln ret cures thon the not used toe-butstaereusei toabi bub- rest cures for tiira ta go to, hIlanra sonbly cluar that there are lirest lug saved nov that bad to be gi'l les- up heretofore. It la aisosaI th sp- there are mors Insane persans thoan t ser mnerly. Insane persas ued ta die )me a compratively short tuffe, und ec ian paratlvely few of theni vere everr atored to heslth uni usefaxlness. Mal more usci 1te dle hefore Insani Uo- showed tisit grilo are now pressav, the Stutistica of tlaat knd are gentral, ,i mlsledlng, Ince.they talle Only 0 rto aspect of the case Itt accouat I 'r wlao do net est and drinktoexce -ho make play a Part of tlrelr wv and vho stick ta lits lu the open vile îrg ever they get a chance, geed flot vor yf about stre@ss nd @train ln modern M.auj otiier lits. irTROPICAL TREU SLITTLE KNOWi Th&* 18 a liub-ttsgloed Field Lte, Bottaint iudy. le, Acordlng to an e«Pert ln the bures l0 f torstry lai the. Deprtmeayt or Agr er culture, chers la,,cornparatlvely sptai 'a lnc, Uttle knovu eoncerulng tropl<i ils trent, anditi, despite, the tact tia ai natumilobtsand botanins aare conatai 'r 17 explorlng the ragions fleur thae equi ter. laided, It la stuted, says th Plhladelpha Record, that there mut le 1* maaiy bundreds of varletes thi l57 huve been litle knovi anld that si Of unidentlfied by name.. i' This carions tact la due ta the excep il- tioal conditions of the tropical tor ne ents.lIntsmPerate zones foreste tr rlll fairly oplen uni, geaierailly speaking be include trees ot only a few varletteu It Tus tiiere are ouk forents, blck[oa fremis. etc., but rurely uny fores4 wlaere tiree or tour klaus of tree bce czlt In any number. )tg lni the trOPICE, Ou the other hai ln the case la exutly the' opposite. pao ta estu eomaposed of one vurlety of tren, re or casai of Only, tIree or four klnda f. are prictically uikaown. go many kY different sort& Of trees grow hlosely bu» togetiier that trcqaiently more tijan 10 en vurieties may bo counted vithnil ta short radius. Iloreover, a1l tiiese groti sa togethei laicgient confusion. Tiey p- tower ta sxtraordldary helghtu.escae n tree, It vould stem. trlvlng isti ent e. ta reacli the sunlight. GonaequeaitJ the truaiks are extremoly long und oa thin. beeaule esach tree ln reachlng ta a. get hlgher thanitIlsnelghbors, in order'escape UieivliJgait orthticprimevai es tropical forest. Leaves and branches n.are su confasd tlaiii n many fornt» 19 one cen tec neither sky nor sunlight c.for miles, the crowns of the tracs le lnterlaclflg andd tormlng a Uilck, le. ~.penetrable roof. STo add to tais confusion creat vinles ,r und creepers sud hundreis or varie eticn of regetable parasites overgrou > taie trunki.. .eI II l. suld chatfi tlu wcll-ulgbIa upos ai ible ta eut iown aaay oue trec for pur- .aposesfo eamunlalion, for the rengea chat the. feonet la so dense cht tiere le lnsnfllclet.t room for tiie ires tanfail. >. even after lts truik lias been cul. itarough. It wouli aie necesaary ta -clear a crent sPace, and ai t u ia practicable tran thee standpoituof the raturaillut or. botanIst.tierice the *worli ta atilI Iln comparative Ignornce Of taie woniems ofthei troplc forst SpîtgTylm. t It bias been sald chat ilenry Clay achlevci st&cceossuoeatly that lie quitc mlsunderet>u<ailltarand over- estlanated h.tmself. But lie waaa cager ta learai the best vuy ta do wbatever lie liai chdo. 11n "The Truc teairy tClay,thc author gives an Instance Of At fourteen Henry boCarne clerk ln s store In ilchmond, whltljer Uic fana- 117. biaremovci. hurles arc told of hl@i. llhagie@sa t do bis duty, ai- tiougai taie -ok-ais dîstasteful to hlm. Once lhe vas rePrOirci by thc store- keeper for wutlng too much twlnc. Thereatter he savei evsry geglh -ouIget ani fl e icplocs«togetlier. égalai I;vas exxlaflaied thut uslng taigl sort of tvine migitai ofesie -ie-.. theiS. frlgad baosflutterliggo£. An ta a. ta li o und me s cree A ebllsai trubl*e csthLe A"iaefl frein furtiier resu CoOssa"Xov I laj ame down t losi -Andi someho*, ywltla bt it tile crayî And tliut sWeet truile ln my sa% My tiiongait gas buek te distant ye And lingeas rîtaia déer on* thoa; Anti as 1 hein my clilI'aAmen, ýMy motiers talth cornes back te m Crouebsi t ber aide 1 seet. ha. Aci mothier holdo my bandes sgaLn )Ver ge-A 'YTHING ta. mater vîih 1" Jie 7" Aud Ruth surveyed Il - brotier keenly. .en «NI.,. -te ""What's Uic use 0f fibbig chM. ! o eh*s dumanici vitli sisicni>' fi-nki rat- "SOMetblng's gone vroflg, I tau bu that cleari enaugai. Any trouble veai the ofIe?"' 'or- "Wall," lmpatIentby, "vwhat la !la tien? Ton alwiie tell me thînga Om- tas eni,-su Yeu miglt itus elI gu ahE a-- Sud sare me Uic trouble of irugglnl auy from you.," Ity Jlm e taa'ed moodlly out o! the s le&. iOw anti a-uchsafsaj nu rcply. lb> "Ye'vc flot quanrelci vîtai Clani oue bave you?," &ea A uvift chante lnaiea- brother'a fi us,- tOld RthLi lai skie had ttebcion1 rkt traili. aud ahe folios-ci up her ai,. en- luge promptlr. nry "Pliat la Il, 1 knov. Nov, vl Or vas tac tuas about?" "Ticre vas no fustauni ne quarr mYsaupleut aInLer, Onu>'I tN "Go onI do" "*I mude a trlfllng errrvicuIïse ohPosci sais carci for me, t v as ai "Are you- crauy, ini I ne ai .u ilat Clarice cures ton you. Du't lur ur- tconaclusions." "i- I Ildn'L lump ut any conclusions, cai asure rau. I askci lier to mari-y i ât uni she fiati>' rafusci." ut- "But vhy? vhy'. vliy?"RuLi agi La- aI iouest bhvldernaenî. . "«I kua lac Sometumng of girls uni I am posîti, [st chat Ciarce. caves fon you."1 lat Ilaid sometirnea cuiertainci sut ne sai liesmyseif. but you ses Liai Y boLi made a slgbt mistake." ?p "Don't ha sn maiicnnug, lina. den or* tell me sl the sali. 1 am arfulîr no ire ayfor rau, but I canaci lilp feelli '9, LiaI Liere là a elutake sorneraie." '-. "-Nt mucla chance for IL," JIni Rut 'yefori sald gi+ma>' "Baie bailtty ni 't unuverabje argments agaliasi ma ' nage.Shie liSs mu, sic vas goii enougb ite auy, but abs dii net duré tt ta. trials uni triulatiens of domnesi r- l1 its i u n>'man. serrants vers a 'a uWYs Isuvlug on a momnents net[* e, snd generally* tMOI vien tas flaires vu ws il. Bbc bai seci u no uy me 'y uct l11w brates on Bachi occasions taie )o e sa. lui ucithecourage te tac. IL. a ta-lui ch laugai ber ont of,Uie mcci. toild ber to aak yon If I dli flot lichay r lke an aaigci lu ail crises of chat 5i et "Tou'really do," Ruth luterpous [Y vurmly. id uM nuddiais tianksa nd tien te tO sumei bis stcany viLi a duscourage "lb vwas al ne use, for Ciances Bal >* thut sicelai obuerved ibat mcn'saina , tares chang-'d afier marriage, uni tas st ome «wio liai becn modeba of courtesj "s ch their moiliers uni sisters ver. tai -embodimenta otfacfisînees undi nco.1 elieraienaus tovari their wires,"1 a "Wei, of aIl tiings!" *'Oli, tacre vus Iots more 0f il t o u nd itse vus lu dèdnu r anet.1 nerer sav ber ln sucda amoud, 1.Ibil -a gond business, but 1i vas aiet rici, an sudI ouui probubîr expect lier te rua tihebuan niresa lerselta ton, 01] about fIre dollars a voek-iuth,1 - sy,"I breaking off audienly vida a pa. t betie appeul lunhis vole, "nat ij - on suppose maie aier tabk gouII III iuven't Uic lcust Ides. l'va mot sen Clrce. for chi-se on tour isys, but I' contint sse se ml. cili kae ai- terei su radilcul ln anti a short Urne. V'n going te sec ber, ihougli, hature i amarn auour -Olier and finioutthtai truda."1 I I on't suppose Liai -there la iny- thing ch fini eut She secanci téi jtnoi ber ova i mni," Jîi returaici gloomîîy. "INov thitles lual vliut alie dm1 do. IL lu nouseiacfor us 10 argue, ,lim. but If I cun fiai a gruai of ccmtort for ycu I vii. Plie viele lailng la beyond my comPmelicnsiou." Wlicn Ruta Rutherford (an ullîtere., tire name vaieh the girl ictesteal) vas puttlng on ber vrâpi prcparatory te a belligemeut caîl on bcr trieni, abe hoaral larlcc's voicesln the hall belov. fiai vent dovi aurriedl>' b meet ber. "COome Itb the llbrary." ahe saai bastlby, kuoving pcrtectby veiliat J1. vus in Lie 'room lust bayoud. "INcv, I vaut yen toigîvc un accouaI af yeurself. What have rou besi do- lugte Mi?Hle Js ut about broken- hacrtei, for be bellevea aIl 'tie non. sensetdaut yeiiu'ere tling tchiîl rtriar., Whst iii you meun b>' lbt Clailes? Tsauknow cthat you chiais that Miala Slnd uni loabîs snd briu- I Ion't-" Cluie. flaahed Ihailg- nuntly, altaiough ier vole Irembleda lIttlo. "lie la mot brllant etaI 1li e in tUis'most stupli man chat uvsr "'Parbapu ycu vilI kinily sîpîsin, Ruth sali cldy. Eut lasClarice. tuaibornl> rufused, to do, analIt vas net until Ruth pet o0 lber igit>' sud descendeaisite tu- dur i0axing thst she drev the trutha eut of ber frisa& 1, "Ne--be OUmai.arguai Fsiegia endl RESULTUO O ýAUSTIN ,CORsiuls NEW lIAMPSHIRE'EXPRRIMENT. * j ~ g. Penced lu Twesty-ove Thoussnd Auras * 5 f 'Worthlisa Land sud Stoced It, s v p Wlth Moues,Oer, £lk, SBadlslo aud WId hoam-A Profitable lovent- or ment and Service te Humanity, ý%More thoun tweaiy years ugo wtlen sacs, Auatiai Corbin bought a township of wlld land ou taie hanka of the Connec- me- ticut River, rieur Newport, N. H., ani 0. feaiced It wih barbed vire and stock- ed It wlth viii -gains animais, ie iad Photograby-, like bl-clung jamped loto popular favor wîthai maing no ieu of dolng aiy public lavor. He <~rupldlty. 11Vsa faill3 las ut lesut onsa member ,wbo takes an înterest lu vus ridai. Havigtull central of taie pbotogwa. ~ Wben ireti ntroiUceg s caera wu& a luxuýry. but îw it la vret Reainag uystem of rallroada vitiin bc asci u evybod. Toobtaa ni coul mines sud Iron furnaces lni -- gédý.reu tu a photop'apher muet have a suit. utr eislvnu n snn a0i. dort- room ln i vlebta chdcvelop bis cage- money fauter than ie couldi haveat It -.-ties. cVtc au obtal!i s room ut bhume espo. toadavantage, lie taok It loto lis@ head1 Sdilly for tais purpolés, and to chose avho are that hie vould like ta have a hunting Sa liétaistedthe i.portable dsrk rooan shovn Park ail tLu humacîf; se ie bougit uni ~ bers viii ha of lnterest. Any.nne couli teaicci 25,000 acres of aiment wortli- malle o0a, au ths parts are few, vîtai no me- legs wldla nd uni etuckei Lbem wlth, chunîcai apparatus te vorry about, It ia reaîîy uienue und deer . nd clk and viii a trame cabinet, vali ciii be maie any sie boar sud buffaIn. Taie barbei viret a c hut voM hob monteivenlent, prqteriialy Dike feue vas teai teet hig ansd tiiere Wus8 widh ad blffât othend ofthetrams ire lett opeai and truc, Uic back few loiges ta hoid ails keepersansd-r aou, corOtdt lie ngleaso h. aide. The entire trame lu coverci But that claopped over sud aban- bier th ai usinI. ie aterlal, opeuluga halng ullowed In vaic a ofit s leeve doneti strip of wll tituber land han a ou etcb sidu tiarough hihthLi operator paseslii hiu. 7The slitng door been a mont wonderfu,îIlnvpstmcut. 'la flu itetltb a place o e aa-o! m hut operations 'vitihuUice cabinet cun.I lit'as grown up to foreat trees raidi P a hoobserved the ui wh ut ch adisision of actfinlc raye. Tais cabinet are yldling a big Incorne on taie i-e eau. cetle___ eàadplcdi n place desîred, Uic operator 'belng ale tu vestment trmnidoing nu more tlagii au ue tt soer uty t ail tnes what ie te dolng. viUi ano danger of any Ilgalt ta in out taie standing trees no chut e e enerig nd flUng isnegatives. TInaventor la Brady W.Stewart, of tlose whlcai remalu may grow rester. Pittaiur, p -.~-~ The wIld boara bave muîtIplled se coviti t gotes entit a nrs. ~rupldly thait inudreds of thicn are shot cvcry ycsr by Uic hunters. Taie manne ln owad a g t à enigtaifirt.Weil, ldi hreugh manY Parts of Europe. and elk are donig aicely and Incresa- teai Jiml-camc tion, andofcourse mly worklng bils way *long front village to aIngountil tai eairdea yul acon have Lo ,g t nerves ver. aIl on cige and taie vorld vUlage and gradually ails ae thlnned out ta gave food tor taieJ loked bIne snd I vus al unàtrung. mmnd materlul for the begutIful de.- auvivora.I ,I.înd su ICOUInIat ose. anythlng inluis scrlptlve volumes lic wau aflerward ta Best o! al, taie Corbin experimeut proper perspectve. Everythlug vas write about Spain, Itaaly aiui Gcrmany hapoc htbfaomyaemi ice, distortci uni ont of proporIon-oh, -volumes thant.owlaag taie vonier- Leaslirlve as fa ta as Auastbc made you understand boy I felt-" fui popuiarlty of ails luler chili atoese,tahrvesfrnt ulAgtM.,P ae "Perfectiy," ilaid titai, vlth symp'- are Dtnut w el know,î as they deser. uni no douait .1111 turtaier. Taie origi-a' ace tnel opeanln t a al lienr as composci ut about rn '"You calîsi hlm brIllllaait at nov, Of al Andersen'u works Ii ivr-tnyaimi.Tywreymulin but It sema ch mte chat even a fman rlg"-"hIn Svedcn" ls ai motbeau- craiauatei tram thear long borney ,ba -mgat have knovn better Uiau ta moike tiful utory ef travel. lia chia8 voluame by rail vaisu brougaitte Ncwport, di aproposalof marniage nt sucli a Urne, are tounid some ot Uic moat tlrrlaig,an for a fer yeura ithe rate ot Iu- rn Te[,- ï thougltitetone-f al the akeletons I life-ilke ' iceérlptions ofthie habit, of n creuse wauo t eucoomaglng. home six-a bai seen ln marriei Ilvea, uni o! every people und the caaracter cfa scountIy years ago taie heri tea &tost, ince.Tr wurulig I1 bai eiver recelvci troaiaychat bave appesredIin niodern urnes. wrama ime the fournissbas been r.- ,up ioe on ch. aubject and-wel---of IDISW06 came kils vunior atonles. con- markahle. -Two years ugo, rhen li.t a.courue 1 vould net listen." tnnUg tae fameux "Tinierbox" anti ladilncreusei the.-bevdtqabout one u ire Il shouli tblak nlot. mdeci." Ruth -Big Clans" uni $-Little Calfas.- In hinnirci. the sou ot Mr. Corblaa'g&ve bý i sai promptiy. I do flot wonier that 1847 hlivauicth guett of CharIes Dlck. twenty-flve of them Lu the Zoological gi you called bin astupi. I1liope tiat eus ut Gaisiul. uani six yeirs later bù Park ln New York clty, but taie os- tooti la all rlgbt iov, CIarJceý IL has iedIcaetieis PoetuDay Dresma" ta upertaint diiinut succeci as well au H, M!donc mlschief enouigl, I bhould say." lckens. *"Improvisatore" vaq taie ne- Il akiuli have daie, sud taie ner herd lh "The Ioth ha been pulîci sud I suit cf a touir tlirough Ituly. It la full ba donc no more thai lioli Ii ovai. 1 cid have liai a nlghrs sleep, thanku." ut sîqulsite dtiscrions o! Itallan lIfe Mcanwhlle tlas aniauIa ln CorBin go iv -"Thonlperliape you vouli net obJeet and aceuery. Pari, bave continue te Lu mutlplY Iv ta hearlng lias stcsy over-Jian." rais- Andersen vas tie monît ungalnlyfIg. umuzlngly. log bsr volel."f tlilnk tiat you uiuy ure o! i min Imaginable. Hie otten TIlls last summer there wre.160 eh comernel ovsali, birmacînhut lbe Iwastic ogllest bhalthy ani happy buffalces lnu lia.go we ,liaacamue. buient ta tic nommons, human hein# in Europe. Wlinî 1a park. uni If non. are kilisimmui-t sud Ruila, atter a murmurai "Bleus probably ch. hasnt known of ail bis time thacre nil i. 500 by 1906. Taie jo ta you, my ciallien," bai taie good tante falry *tories. -'The iJKI.v Duckllng," la buffalocu ream al 0acr tue proserre li o.ta leuv. chu renne bastiliy-Waverley really taie ilskrulsdeitm-y ut ailsown durn n ile mentits'ln tai juar. la ait agMagazine, lite. Long hafore bis fd'.atia, wailch oc,-taie coideat montias tlaey are. retsaed té ______________ carredInlai1875, ails aimimert it dereo-t. vithi au anInclosuare of abolit 1,000 Ltu t-POET OF0F CILDHOODS MOUR. col a statue lnailsm honor, sud the stute acres, snd ted on boy, viaicla lu- eut te in, Um oerlstima Saerson, »AAisi Au- gave hlm a mnagaiulleett unlerail. liion taie uvule laidis of the park. Taisi te ta- Ueth.f ollilerfl .alaesog.i,b7nL the monument to Andersen thnt viii are proriedti n llai tera, cf bru*., No endure us long us cîvîllziatlnn lens la but gre nlot house t U t or Uic vin- Pm 04 Tbe veol bas roceati observd thie love und affection <ot juvenils. ter. Taie cost oai rt*tr fseloig lu e ýr> laandrith aaiîlversury of the batbcd ln thc aitele Storins cf teas Andi vry sîlgat. As a living buftulo la a-te o o b ibelle HanCri tal neruofu, <' lauglitea- chrough wlilclî ail maclerai good condition la rortb $#00or mars, op Il-tho etchoe vniefultals e taî~-babylicci .sscsasnIt read is ls"Wôu- and as asinlgle boitiaoskiai lu valustiVo La- land vbch a-e su dear te. tli eutsi- der Tulcu unidals "Plceure Rock u 20 aelcea uti iaivi i us of châetuîauni ln every echoolbcaase Wtiout Pictures." eto$00;yte reeus enunhataordp*W as Oai lai Denniark, vlaere h. vas boan, as aco______eveues________Puou aL velI&Au la evcry part of te ili se IBReTAT8BITP E taie ulole expenae of keeplng op taie t I aori vaierelIittle boysLBandTUgirlsIRT.LA.E park. This eau aie doue front the bl iveli, the occasion vîile remember- Tt Vas Aiuog a Lot of Rhode Islad surplusý stock, uniaus muny animalI k Ir d , vidha mng anti muaie and gay, 1 Tows Ille i Indien Nasc. as the lani vîlI support muy lbu kepti k id happy thougaits. Msny Amerîcan geogrephîcal fomes, lia perpetuiy. 1 aPh Poor, Idesi. lna memory und lack- e*Peclully tiioseot nian orIgin, souni Out4de of taie muaiey raturez af che <dao e4 Ing in thc fullnessaofeb cllhood's odd laiEnglli cars, andaiare asatuni- PlanNIr. Corbin diii $greut service bilng block iadeei ta Englcig tlngues. fnr aumanuty iy povlng tiat, uaiea- »- A lutile Yankee boy ln Englani came average cure. buffalues may ie maie i liome ta bis moîlier taill>teertul wyj taLuilve out o! doors ln sny ot Lb. Nerw e Idwrath because blm teiclicr lunUcthe ~Englani lSates. Prom noun ouauy ahil i raphl scson hald cuipelled i hl LI naturalilt nlio n'.sies te stniy taies. gel a-Dn honiMassuachusietts. wvttbe Uc aceait nImua la i tliir uative isaus muy deof t ,on the-beconi syiiublc, aniv-oilaI nro 5witainut haivngte.cross Laicon- .] §y ýaccept. bis poite ç01MtIona, hiailg tnent. Mr. Corbin lias becu dead e le ho -vas Ïrylaii to plt a joke lapon lier for a number of ycars. Tlie tact taiat H- ie motier bai ta scnai s uitile note,.lie vas taie hesi o! a great rallrca i lek 1 eaulllg attention Lu Uic gazcuteer for snd taiecitler tact that tac rau the con0firution, betore taie tenclier couli creator o! a great uyatem otraotell- auî 0, ha bronglit tu change lier prcaliuaaaia- tiiese arc almoat. turgetten. But the .. tien. ~memory et Cori-b Park wIll endure thn I A elI-kuown stumy. flot new but s a monument te bis memory for aIl 1 truc, lu a t of tic ale* sud stoli Brit- tlm.-Buugor Newa. 1mai] i on, en the lookout everywhcre for tac a ~ ~ ~ . Ameria humeor, of vailelilie hai IITroue IIIS icari su mucla, 'wio te]ultoeconversa- - temj S tien Aliotiy atter is arrivai Inl' iais ln No Article ot Alli-o IHave More yen, a ountaY-y itli Il-e pleasant Atnierlcan Vagarlesutinasaheesa. an - jgentlemen, of vliom, utter a aime, lie Slioea. on their equlvaleut,. are of- tien. itnurcvine aycaea certalnty even more ancieait tian inge "Fmom Osikoula," ssii thL frsi. Taie glovea, for ihey vere a cccsty ef taie gAles CEaIITIAE .saInEasxx , Eugîliman arailici. locomotion, wvile Lie oallerua libt a a ve ldealq ai-e theie n and vomen of t- "rom Kafiazaoo," sai taie second. iuxnry. hometimea ihcy rere maie bien day vaio bave grôwai op vichoutsome Ple amile-broadened. o! skiai, sometîrnea of papyrus. as laiepr kucyleige et Aniemi-saau onierful "ProDm kowlicgan, ssii taie third. Egymt. Otten thaey vers gilici sun bonE * ai-y fancles. Hie rlaetei-t ortei Thc Englialiman Ilitgiei outi-giat. decked itll jevels, uni tlic mont ex- f aully, lis syntax peceptily hai 1,u"Oh, 1I15aY"lie protesteai, "hlow yota pert arialta of taie. day rsre empIjoyed msny vays, Andersen iever fails ta feliews do chaR! IteuiIy, walerc do to iccorule the !oot-ccavenlngs of Th go9 $ta-agit 1tic heurt cf tie lmag- Yeu catme frona? I'd like ta karev, wealaiy patrîclans, consola, emperors ponte lnatoun of a child. Hiie Judgment and~ don't Yen kaaow." uni their favorites, lu no article ef a fin *beautitul slmplclty not ouàly* In choir-e Olier, ba-ter, eqaialîa- truc and less attire have more vaga-tes been IL, of subjects but lu langaiag. reflect u-wcli knuwo lsa slittie anecdote et OIl- shown. Today a lady viio desirea ta a an errlngly Uic thougaits cf bubyhooti. bert Stuurt.thUIraienas paloter of the be consîderedInla the laciglat o!fua-ý fruli -Everyting Anderseni touches, whetlier hfflt porait Lo! Washington, wlio spent loit nearsa ,hocs iaoIntcd as muct as chia It aie An animale or Inaulmuste abjec. nucaUtimeii England. He w-u a possible, but laithti te of Queen nut q hecomes in the mini of theccialli ai Rhode Islandi-marié uni IL wus bis de- Mary the taste nus ail Lic otaier nay, pice once alive. The airomunai ticeatoll light ta obsérve tie bevîlderci lai- andit vas found necessary t0 Issue a aheil ure Ag mucla living creator«a as tUic redolty ut ails Engliali frleuds vaien, royal proclumation proailing chues As - cu. Taieroi; capet ia.*saaaormed un laclng asked vaicre lie vas born, aie itai tocs rider tItan six inceac. But tube lit te ilg o! lite, -andl lt until houg nouli ncply gllbly, uni quite trua- erhaps taie mont extmordinary de- in« Il tafter the glumour cftithe baby ircan fuly: '- velopment lai the rsy o!fufotgear untoe bas passi away do; those Inanimate «'In Narraganat, six miles framin ere taie "chopines" lntrodured 'bY laai" tinags tolke ticir proper und prosalc Pottavoone, ten miles trom Papa- taie ladies ef Ventec eLumoite thoum- bher ainor notaing g' albly burt twbuu If, uni ara' blést v*bU* Yoad ust bure your auvn Inccalss«$ -Boton Tusra The Deafitaisé1 lu taie danu ruaî laie science it la uo-- a hickory plug lait. th* tic Lestai taklîg Lhe î brldgcwo-k.Lite, eIder hain, vho Was nolei-14 sque fion et prefaidi'; tut. Taie rork bai i nbien 'ticelitige buo Wisai taistapng 0f1 L" lucresdin latrce bW, came torrld, uni 1Wbebp denîlat gare taie U9"l tient arose tramn the 0W satierei tais atuasp sien, terrible ,iorrent, As the judge passué s* remnurkei te a valU "Wasa't h bemifill? RU ieceary 44pant buRt- ào enjoy haisInduection I ?oundei thie aickory pli ers. Woaiderful couni &uage taie judge ba Nlews. Indien Suplosi Thi ndien halleveis .A constrictors lu lhe sttq Americuani aIse tbW American taila-lires ta - Ica. Hie coli s eb«eu satc-ucai-var-nuyer, -und .' iccas-oli-mer. Taie luian bellevu. li and preveaitive for râh phobie. lHe Iloo bofléaq any suake bite' on sel grouni rattîca to a5794 moud raiLler. Aià -latills knenite go mai trou -4 lie tnomn a nattler's bt secs uuceumb t. Ibo i snuit, or go mud fromaiU rabid des. - Taie lidian, vhea la bo taIly vounici, bellevée mieile muaineumresil 1 Wtter mediene butors ha Irve blimnsutant rulfa» abe te escape ta-oaathe~ le titks every mm ile ae finis bMm culla wà* MAt overl. Suburbsnitt'a"tlu q Oie upoI La e rt. New York. O080s fes ilet to ge. ,Nw rai. moment vbii. da-i the trainto itd batfeeling huIli' ogo, it la gettimg fer ogo. It ta55 as mç ke.p abrêai ni Ud vict lew York, Taie *aqI4, theaituh- tois beoe Le*t, Mortge tu , Aid eu.ben y ~f I. bYeukaIl , rndouait abolti - ni ' WiI, vlinat srt6f aymevlhu uDit h boot, preai otved,? vir. blade Nse %na heama 0fthe A* e te bolsbur r Ouaifrot et c ai chbat ut tbgt" ~Wi,'5 tsote

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