Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 28 Apr 1905, p. 1

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i I -. INDPENDEN!' VpL XIII-No. 30. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday. April 28. 1905.-8 Pages. $1.60 a Year là, ie-I eral of thé UiH bstGrédes Floorine I. best for floors. Try it, W. Devoe & C'.. Lead, and Zinc Pa guaranteed strictly pure. "MURALO.For tintiuig wafls gi Best Resuits. - LOVELI'S DRIJG STOI Headquar&ers for School Sup'plies... .Libertyville. Ri toi 01 cili - ~ 'AT 20th CENTURY CASH Mewsis frein $10 te $5 Young MeWs Suit&. 17,.18, Y..,. for 57.50, MMimm'susAnl Yod Paàto $3.5a. MeuseHlis*= e cto S2À DoWs C@& No&y Orne for CuIL Vi M IN&rk ,Shoes fi SL25 te 54m00 Fuit line of Men's and -' ~ Boy's fancy Negligea Shirts. Work Shirte arid Overalis. E, WPARKHURST Schanck Block LbigilIlni LAKE COUNTYNAIONfAL BANK cWPITAL - S50.000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS, 10,000.00- à DEPOSITS - . 400,00000 ta keep only*a $mail account hre,pu maybe assured of courteo>as attention and the beat service that this bank has ta offer MDL REDMRCK FL MARTIN Offée 2nd Floor ICaiuer Bled.- Miliwaee Avenue, 1foras: 11 ta -12a. nri 1 tuo3 sud 7 to lihérto'viiié. Illinois DY, J. L, TAYLOR. oue:-? ta 10 a. ru- 2 ta 4 and 6 ta Réidence on hBroadiway, opposite Park. ____Libétyville, Ilinois. DR. A .NICÉOLS. * of Chicago * DENTAL OFFICE 5tTTLER DLOCROVER SMITH & A UABlCTOitE siouRs:-Wodnésdaye ot éach véét troru 8-00Oa. M. tu 6:00 P. M. Lihéntyvillé. Ilîlnos. DR. E. R SMITH. DENTIST. * OFVhE OVEa LAKC car'rvBANK. sonna-S ta 12 a. fi. and<l1Ita 5 P. ru. R>AI LY. Libértyvillé, Illinois. DR. C. R. GALLOWAY, orgIPIC»oveH LOI'ELL'S DUC81[0111C. nones-fraru 1ýta Baund 6 to 8p. m. Lihétville,Ilîlinois. PAUL3IAG GIJFF!. ATTORNEY AT LAýT. Libertyvillé, Ilîlinois. -DR. 0.. F, BLrrERFIELD. VETERNÂR! SURGEON. Ir4wutvlla. BMois, DR GOLDING Practine limited to EYr, EAR, NOSE AND> THROAT. [four,. 2 to-4 p. igu. OFFruaz: [Rom 804 STEWARIT IIit'lIINii, 92 State Street, Chcago. DR. -CÀA. DDSON, O~FFICEt OVEé NEATUB' FISNITVRE MTOIl. HOis8 ta lOa. m. 2 ta 4 p. m. ad 6 to 8 P. M. Libertyville 1Ilnois. The Fkst Nami IBERTY VI LIE JOHN L. TAYLOR, President BENJAMIN H. MILJLER, vice.Irepident C_ W. TAYLOR, Cashier. Wealthy foiko are usually made so ttîrougb habits of slaving and we are here to help them along. Due% a gene4sJ. »anking buioine.s. Depouitë a nd cour- g-VA '~Ouriéeo VWf whiî-h new lové. évéeing giving grounde for a bréacli of promise suit will ailow thét love ta fade. Tint there may hé somethiug iu thlp proposition nîay hé smen from thé féct tbat il thée1C. & M. létrie or thé "Front" litre a@i h i géuerally iruowu could hé tunued norîbet bfors going Vent ta, Waucouda thai section of the county vould rémain uuopeuéd tu iraffic ta thé east and étiihé tributary to thé systém whilàh t leede sud vbich ie satisfied vlth isa present service. t in coucédéd that thé Frôst peoplé wiii not stop et Rockefeller sud h OulV remains taolie meén vetber théy viii build ta Waucouda or thé uorth-west direct. Thé question.aais, vili Wau. couda remain truc ta héer old love or yl she turu ta thé smiliug lace of the qéwcomer and are thé promises of thé new, lu faith. or bjut a Veil ta conceai thé real desirés of thé older soyétém vhièh seéks ta hi-ail off tibérivai vho proposes tAi enter thé field. Bines théefiret of thé véét thé Chicago & Milwaukee Company bai lad sunr veycra at vork on thé propoied right- ol.wvay and it is-thonglit that vont vaIR hé @tartéd befons long on thé extension from Rockrefeller.' As soon- ai this le doué it vilI devélop whethéir thé Jaýste@t projéci ie a bluff iu thé intereste of thé steam roads or if iis a traight proposition. LAY TRACKS ON THE11 Nortbvestera Compay Fort- stalle Poasible Interruption of t Plans. UP TO COMMISSIONEIRS. Thé tiret of thé vécu thé Northvestern relroad vhicb le ta 1iu11Ja rond' fror is taté Bluff short hué to Milvaukree gat husy sud héforé éuyoue knév vhat it vas up ta, laid thréé tracksa crois thé Washington street road west of Wanirc. gan and follovéd thé tiret step up with énothr mest of tracts acrosi thé O'Plain roadt a short distance st of Gumnée. Thia step vas a surprise as no uuch opération vas éxpécted lu thé face of thé fact that no opposition tu thé construc- tion of thé roadinl considéred. What thé road yull gain by thie ruthod of siésiug thé F)uhlic ighvays ie nat irnovu but it le ihought thât it muai cover nme, téchuivl point ta t4é advautage of thé colupany. ,Whobe business i t i l e tatnl thélntereet of the public in thé mater seemé ta hé lu doubt sudnoone seerus ta hé mixions ta force the raUroad ta remové ibis ééérulng illégal, construction. Charmn W. E. hiler f* thé board of aupérvisors y&~' that it le not up ta hlm and ht is generali thon hi i t thé highvay commimsionérs are thé men toacst ln matter. One of the péculiar phases of thé case lé thé facithat ihéré la Dot suother f1< of construction vomr undér way fr0 thé Laire Bluff éut-off ta théetate fiué. Thé idea had ben forvardéd that the road féaring that thé county vould boRd up thé coucrn for thé ýconstruction ai sub.vaye ai al public crouigu basn.hy ibis bold méthod sought ta, sstablléh a grade and so maté expenéive litiçation néeesamy ta thé county héforp h can forcé théru ta huild sncb croisling.., Whatevér thé réason for thé auddéu movérueut laé h certainly not la thé interesi of thé public sud vhoevér reprente thé -people la théemattér shonld come ta tire foré sud ;s. that what 1 inrt la doue. la e uratu tht ijke cresela ~~UU lIMI IeIW Thirty liujured lu C. & M. Slrth Record of Geunty-Lake county's rnectsîc Accident. population *as during the tret three_ __ mouthe of-"hi year aligneted by 186 mites 0f1huuaMlàty that carne hleliéé DAMAGE SUITS FOLLOW. into the Wouid. '0f tiî..éé100 vere male and 86 voe uférnalem; 1 8 white 8hortly after six o'clock Saturday and 8 colored. uhgbt a south boutât car on the Chcago Shlpent f Treahrs-and Milwaukee electric road Rf t the l té ne of b . ý. & u t ac&t a sharp curvenerWlte .Famers otenysiertf adabout thirty pamsngers voeéinju red E. av tainoftw.ut-si crs IRthough it isthought that noué vili die. ioaded with Qas thrpeéhing machinés Thé car vas oaded to the limit with from the DRa"nsfactory pans5 tlrougb People Who boA attéaded the North- on té vy t Dala,. Txam Tuesday. Western base bafl games at Raii pr The siunt vsua-e ompaniéd by a snd the tact that there vere n fatalities Zart of demoustratarm in a private in a Wonder. coac who vill net ut, rte. machines Thé cause for the accident là thought and éxpiain their tout od in>te ofl UTI*to havé boom, due ta thé tact> that 'the val. brakes refuseéd to vork at a crîtical Died in the Essi-O4rant ~,e a former moment. The car was hébinddîne and Lake couuty bey, vas lrought froin thé motorman vswu@ug a Silthée ovr Dtroitall Day for burial on possible iu ordér to mairé up timé wZr. Mdonday lait. . Mr. Rome. ham for mévéral on néariug thé .mrve hée shut off the yéars bées colletor on a vestibule power and appiied thé brak. Not train runingiloto Dt roit an u @ as.auntil the, curvi vai reachéd did they mémrber of thé loyal rcanum. Hé sopeéato b ave auy effect on thé pamed away ln the prime of hi@ 111e momentum of thé car and thon it was from théeoffects of Itrigltsj diseamé too ate. Thé body of thé car was tarn with which, hé basnhi-in afflicted for froin thé truck@ansd fel] into thé ditch somretime. at thé side of the track. Uaed Splin-I>n riduy Officiais ofthé road vere ou the spot tat Dr.A. rght of Waukega li mu lanc~ ed u t c anth pidtheané iblef ymidnT for a i lnjured tathé bospital. Thé laot ta hée tu ot Lake lff, hnMig.v hoa ebrokén reacnéd trou> thé wrtck vere two Northî- ofhLae Bolu g oe inanuar uioenwestern studente who had béén staniding wh'. b ongiuha d-lauy.byUanu-n on thé réar platioru> of thé car. Thev trition and fatty circulation, bus thée mlie>abtécradjt patint as ale o wak a . bserews vére néoeseary to éxtrieate thém. pethe al ablof ta nvlk et oce vTihPiCouductar Reeves sud motormàn mth ad oftii.noel dtieié. This Prker who veré iu chargé of thé car rétd ofpla 1.ngsliseveyrrl are mot heid résponsible by thé companY.. used eseclalylthisvicuity asit le belléved thali thé accident vas Robbe ri t Ner *Chicago-tlométimé not due te their carélmmmn. between loslng timé Saturday uight ,Two damage suite for injurie receivéd sud Sumday mol'nins trite saloon of have aîready béén lliéd lu the Lake William Kééf at' North Chicago was county court, thé défendanto eling broken tutu- sud s..veral dollars In Domenic Totorsansd Clara A. HhRd. change and a quantity of cigare and Thé latter who in au eldérly vornan and liquors veré taté. Tite roiîhérs made recéived sévère injuriés asks for 425,000 > tiroir éntrance by Caîng out a paelwhite thé former ses for $10,000. lu thé hack door and turning thé kéy This ia thé tirst serions wI'éck ta oceur which vas lathé ock. tléid.s taking o thé C. & M. eiéctrlc vhich liai beén what mouoy vasinlutii. cash drawér particla&rly fortunaté lu avoidînig théy brote ps a slot* iarbine wblcb disastérs of thé 'kind> 'Thé opérating wasinluthe plansd oitainéd quité a depaftment exercise rigid care that '.um lu nicels. No arreete have ben accidents nay hé averted and officiais ruad bu th vor letiîughtta avégreatly déplore the unavroldable wréck. Wall Known Prisai Dies-Faiher M. A. Bruton, for yests prîelt tif thé Catholic church at Boens dipid Friday lait et the parochilrésidence at 311 Eaet Superior street, Cicago. w hore hé badl been officiatug for a 1I.hort timé. His déatb vas vuj uudden, hle closéét friends nht tnowlng of hiesieism. Fathem Bruton vas a man of excep- t louai brllisnysu d great capahilities sud chose a pastoral cumrnunty lu whicb ta apénd his life's latînrs hé- cause of hi@. lové for mLicty. Funeral vas fro b th iath rai, Chicago, with eol.u ih itimes, Mou- day mornipg at 11 o'clock. Farm Hous. Burned-ý-Early one. morD- ing laut véek thé home of Edward Monahan about threé miles north of Waucouda vas burned t2 thé grouud and nearly réénlted faially for Mr. Mouaha' tu-o émal childréu vho vere sleeping ou the uppértiloor oi thé houée. Mrn. Monalian vhn di.e-ovéréd théefdames iesuing from thé roof gave thé alarru ta ier husband who vwai milkiug lu thé harn sud ruaed ta thé nid of thé chilheritu llud thé upper romrne Oed wiîiî émoké. They veré harely gottén out whén thé structure liéga ta givé 'ay béfonéthéfilames and Iu a fév moments thé borné wam lu ashési. Loos about 1600,, partially covered by insu rance. Shooting Affair at Zion-Oné niglit last vweek one of Ziiî..Young men' wai shot lu theéueck aud serlously v-uudéd by suothér vhiiée péaring suckérs lu thé créék. t lé eald that thé men bad] had] troublé and white it , lé laiméid $bat, thé shaotiuig wvs.acidentaI it lé possIe that a charge ruay hé brought againet thé Young man vbo dld thé shootiug. Zion authoriies vere véry reticent about discueulng thé matier aud claîmed that It vas but thé outcomé of a practical Jolie vhich eudéd uuhappily. Réidente of thé city 'vho wéré wiiliug ta discuse thé @ubject howéver said 'that Gordon Péarcé who did thé sbootiuig, vas an exceedinigly unpopular fellow and had causedl much trouble héfore. Hé vas arrested and tlnpd $25 and comte for carryîug roucealed weapons. Pearcé insiste that it wai uoihiug more than an accident. that lie, attémpted ta shoot a encirer but'struck hie frléud. DOWJE RftLIRNS "TO ZION. Addremmed aie Pollovara $an- dey aftsr LoIg Abeasce.. DON'T WANT TEE GOATS. Ilooker's Varnishes Patton's Sun Proof, Japalac', Lead, OiIs and Bri Furnlture as kLibertyville HEATF tnd Unclertaklng Racine Buggies Thomu Ver»d lu Reilrosd MattemsSe la Laat Ele«ct suheme Only a Bluff. F. TO BLOCK THEC. & M. iints' A Chicago paper ttstaiGeorgé W. Bryson, of South Béud, Ind., bail ou April lot, accepted thé position of genéral manager of the Illinois a Win- cousin Electrlc IL. C (o. The road le ~ oetdtoastart ai thé Late Street ives léatd ailway terminus lu Harlemu sud rmn north along thé DesPlaines river ta Palatinsd thénce north ta Quentn'a Corners, Lake Zurich, Wau- couda, McHenry, Fox Lake, Williams Bay and lelavan Lake. When con- REetrueted this road will it a long félt R E wnt fo the housads ofrééort on pe 1,asi nthéel§rut etrie ralwey ta h1: mn betweén Chicagos 2,(0,(00 people aud thé greateet sumniér resort région in thé veut. Thé grading viii hé. II. conméncéd about May let at thé Barleni terni"ua. As wé go ta pres e léaru that tRié turvéyore have réachéd Quetin'te, alo tatbey are puttingi down thé gradé U J aaes ai théy go along, whicb léave Sjthe. routé lu réadineés fur thé gra.liug departmen t. The- aboyé iip)ping froru thé Wauconda Leader, a hicb papér denied u'ith édu- siderabré vigor thé statoément ihat Wau- couda waa firting with.radlroade, coines -1 STORE very opportunely et this time a»i inow appears that thé rauîroade may hé - flirting wltiî Wauconda sud uighhor. hood. lu looking lnto thé inattér ta iud out what le meant ty thé uewlhue 5, 19. 20 sud ta what extent is présent plans 1vili prove good théeISO,'ENuESDET Wai t11 $2.50 offéréd this suggestion by a vétéran raiiroad muan vho lied studiéd thé elination. Thé uéwluneis lepy a éli 0. thought out ..chenie to turu frivolous r 5r Wau,-ouda frout ber old lové ta a uév. 1 . With 1 li lying ýfrom evêry fagple e m wa o . and bird. whietling lu thé trees nearl1y - Ové thousaud people gathéréd trom thée séiltrains and thé scattéring houéesa or, ion on Eauter Sunday ta hear thé LIBERTY VILLE Apostle prec hie fOrat sermon alter ii _________________________ roturntfl-um thé e outb. Thé tabernacle white lillies and etter a soothing prelude trangers" and pnntinuing hé charged . A.K 81 by thé Zion orcetra thé white rohéd themn not ta judgra eyiu , iWhén thé choir of »@vert huudred voices marcbéd Lord niaki youâTeachérg cari-uIl oy eingng to théir seats béhiud thé puipit you jiidgkp hlm and don't senéd al your of thé First épontle. Following thée urn eéeéklgexcé,ptionsto my thet)logy'- 218 Wé.hbwrg thé Zion guardé. enteréd and took thjeir stations. Lait tof pli came John Woddiug.Waq Alexander DIlvi himacf, bronzéd by thée LiÀt Wédneedéy moruing at- thé lMt. , Pboné surus and vindé of thé Mexican plainé,, Mary's hr. tFiLaeoerý h bis patiarchal board éhowing thé effeécfs aycurha o Lieocrédté_w______ of bis bardebipe. wedding of Miss Méyme Walshi and Mr.m. - = Résplendént lu his Apostalie robée; lié Jay Grahami. Alter thé servies they, NEW8PAPE8 rained his, bauds ta Heéven and bowed returned ta Aire. Ed Rénehén'o toa'a MAGAZINES.J hirusolf ta prayer. Ater a soug lu which véddlng dinner and rétéppiion ta their- PERIODIOAL.S V thé vit congrégation joinéd hé épént a haIl hour veutiug hie wrath agaînet thé many friénda. Bath young péople ar!e CIGARS adii névipapers of the -day, holding théru vel kuovu lu Lake county and bigbly- TOBBSACO. hiable for thé grreatér part of thé world'é respécied. Théy vili taté a shortItarOR RS h crime. Durlng the, whalé of hie tirade edntrpadwlb tboet 1tk REq W againsi thé prose hé taliréd tothé Rét vdd- tpauil h'i4o,ét aide of thé bouse vhéire a party of n,é their many friéndé alter Juné lai at porters, aMong theni au INI)EPEN-iJeN.T Long Lalie. man,, vers séatéd. M acro lnu n after-talir hé gave a Rîlt nf hie Society Prlasing. immédiate intentions in the niattér of Thélue INEPEyvN bai ibis week added disohédiencé of vhich nîauy inimenihrota ies job depértrueut a full meries of thé en eaid, "-I vaut to hav-e a efp ring houée out lu thé type liue for society printiptg. cleaniug sud may thé Lord havenimey Weiare _prepared to print wéddiug imvi- upon hl Invho bas refused taohé ey. '1 ations lu thé latent and muet éppmovédl bevéc-éought toahhphérd. Hetmidé- stylé. VisItiug esqdo and bigb t-laa me a ohéphérd and i will hé a seiplérd sncieiy v<îrirbasan élégane and ri-lînese ovér eleeép. Thé goata muet leave thé whéu doué lu thé Tiffany Text thaîéi I a1l 110W Ip 1okI iii not hé a shbephérd over unapproachablé. Caland Poe samplea. e pln ad Original Manufactures' Sale. -F- Ladies' fluslin newa This este Saud , pi29tSaud jM mana a great sa'ing in priée ta thosi vwho buy, for the valIues and prieéson t he big sortment of garments dispiayed ha. neyer been equalled or attemptsd beforb in thiç cammunity. We have made great 9j pa.parations for this avant and in order that city customera maf flot get ail of the cholce things we give you this y adivancs notice. Corset CoveÉs Other Items at thie fol owîng prices- Drawers -Skirts and equlpped to . of repalrlrug Machines -sad menta. Quick riglit prices. Night Robeiq 25c 39C 49c 69..- Soc TOc oec loP LEADERS 0F 1,0W Ihave just received a car buggies [rom- the Racine Cari Ithink 1 am. sare in sa p. QU. Stock -ofBugies, Surries aîd.. is, the Iargest ,aed best -ever- SI Libertùeildle.' - a.- By buying In car-load lots, g Iowest freight- rate and %au goode myseif, puts me in ap only to. mpet competltion bt a. littie bptter. The. name, t grade goods. My bugg room aid Woodman h'all. (orne .. '" ' over.. Anvthinir frýa n t u .11 1 f r £Jrý . 1

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